Чем отличается wages от salary. В чем разница? Получение денег: salary, wages, earnings, income, revenue и другие

Salary vs Wages

When someone asks your income, if you are in a private or government service, he is obviously referring to your salary. But when we talk about the income of blue collar workers or others who earn daily through their work, we invariably talk in terms of wages. Though wages are income, and salary is also nothing else but income of an individual, there are subtle differences between salary and wages that will be highlighted in this article.

There are people who use the terms salary and wages interchangeably without realizing that the difference between the two terms goes beyond monthly earnings. Wages are mostly associated with hourly compensation, and the employee gets money on the basis of number of hours put in by him multiplied by hourly rates. If there is an electrician in a company who puts in 50 hours of work and has a contract saying he would get an hourly rate of $20, he would get 50×20 = $1000 at the end of the month. The paycheck (paycheque) an employee gets is always based upon actual number of hours put in by the employee.

Salary is a concept that is always either in monthly or annual basis, though it may be paid weekly or fortnightly . When there is salary, you hear about yearly packages, bonuses, incentives and perks based upon performance. You have the CEO’s, directors, government employees and many others who earn their salaries, not wages. Salaried employees are not entitled to any additional income if they put in additional hours of work in a week or month as it is considered to be a part of their job. On the other hand, employees working on the basis of hourly wages get bonus once they put in the agreed number of hours (generally 40 hours) in a week. A salaried employee will not be getting a lower salary in a month if he has put in lesser number of hours as there is no criterion of deciding income on the basis of hours put in. Employee working on hourly wages gets 1.5 times or twice his hourly rates for all hours besides the minimum 40 hours that he is required to put in.

The term salary and wages is often confused by people and is used interchangeably. But the truth is that both these terms differ from each other and hold different meanings. Salary is a fixed amount paid or transferred to the employees at regular intervals for the ir performance and productivity, at the end of the month whereas wages are hourly or daily-based payment given to the labour for the amount of work finished in a day.

The main difference between salary and wages lies in the fact that salary is fixed, i.e. it is predetermined and agreed between the employer and employee, while wages are not fixed, as it varies depending on the performance of the labour. This article presents you the important differences between salary and wages in tabular form.

Content: Salary Vs Wages

Comparison Chart

Basis for Comparison Salary Wage
Meaning A fixed pay that an individual draws for the work done by him on an annual basis. A variable pay that an individual draws on the basis of hours spent in completing the certain amount of work.
Skills Skilled personnel Semi-skilled or unskilled
Type of cost Fixed Variable
Rate of payment Fixed rate Wage rate
Payment cycle Monthly Daily
Basis of paymentPerformance basis Hourly basis
Paid to whom Employees Labor
Nature of work Administrative-office work Manufacturing-process work
(Key resultant area)
Yes No
Extra pay for extra hours No Yes

Definition of Salary

The term salary is the agreed upon amount of money between the employer and the employee that is extended at regular intervals on the basis of an individual’s performance. Salary is generally a fixed amount of package calculated on an annual basis. When divided by a number of months the amount to be disbursed monthly is ascertained. The same is given to the employee on the basis of his productivity.

An employee is supposed to work for certain fixed hours daily but if Sometimes the work is not finished in time the employee has to devote his extra time without any additional pay. An employee is entitled to leaves, perks, and benefits, i.e. salary will be given if an employee has availed a leave and didn’t turn up for the work.

Salaried persons are generally said to be doing “white collar office jobs” which implies that an individual is well educated, skilled and is employed with some firm and holds a good position in the society.

Definition of Wages

Wage is termed as a compensation that is given on the basis of the amount of work done and the hours spent in doing that. Wages are variable and do vary with day to day functioning of an individual. Wages are given to labours who are engaged in manufacturing processes and get the compensation on a daily basis.

Labour is paid on the basis of hours and in order to increase the pay, extra hours have to be devoted to fetch more.An individual is paid for his presence, not for his absence i.e. in case a person do not come for the work he will not be paid for that day.

The waged person are said to be doing “blue collar labour job” which implies that an individual is engaged in the unskilled or semi-skilled job and is drawing wages on a daily basis.

Key Differences Between Salary and Wages

Following are the major differences between salary and wages:

  1. Salary is the fixed amount of compensation which is paid for the performance of an employee. Wage is the variable amount of compensation which is paid on the basis of hours spent in finishing a certain amount of work.
  2. Salary is given to the skilled persons who apply their proficiencies in respective fields and generate the revenues for the firm. Whereas wages are paid to the semi-skilled or unskilled worker such as carpenter, welder, electrician, etc. who work on hourly basis.
  3. In the case of salary, the cost incurred is fixed i.e. fixed amount is paid monthly. Whereas in wages, the cost is variable, because it can vary with the day to day performance of an individual.
  4. Salary once decided, in the beginning, remains fixed throughout. Whereas in wage system, there is a wage rate that keeps on changing and an individual is paid on the basis of prevailing wage rate.
  5. Salary is generally paid at fixed intervals i.e. monthly. Whereas wages are paid on a daily basis for the number of hours spent.
  6. Salary is paid on the basis of the performance of an individual. Whereas wages are paid on hourly basis i.e. the amount of work done in hours.
  7. Salary is paid to employees who possess the skills and efficiencies in completing the office work. Whereas wages are paid to the labours, who are engaged in manufacturing processes and do the work on an hourly basis.
  8. Salary is given to those who are engaged in administrative or office work job. Whereas wages are paid to those, who are engaged in manufacturing processes that require unskilled or semi-skilled workers.
  9. A salaried person usually has KRA i.e. key resultant area set for the month on the basis of which their performance is judged. Whereas the waged person does not have any KRA and is judged on the basis of hourly work done.
  10. Salaried persons are not paid additional compensation for any extra hours. Whereas wage holder does get an additional pay for the extra hours devoted by him.


It can be easily concluded from the above comparison that salary is a fixed amount of money paid at a regular intervals to an individual for the work done by him in given period of time whereas wage is a variable pay given to an individual for the number of hours spent by him in completing a certain amount of work.

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В сфере бизнеса все разговоры ведутся о деньгах, а точнее об их получении. Деньги можно получать разными способами. Сегодня мы рассмотрим слова, которые относятся к получению денег и которые очень легко спутать: salary, wages, earnings, income, revenue и другие. Читайте и запоминайте, чтобы не делать ошибок.

Salary ["sæl(ə)rɪ] - оклад, жалование, заработная плата, которая ежемесячно переводится на счет в банке согласно контракту. Этот тип заработной платы характерен для офисных работников. Salary не зависит от объема выполненной работы и количества отработанных часов:

He receives a modest salary so he wants to ask his boss for raising salary. - Он получает скромную зарплату и хочет поговорить с начальником по поводу повышения жалования.

You negotiate your salary with the boss. - Тебе следует обсудить твой оклад с начальником.

Wages [ˈweɪ·dʒəz] - заработная плата, которая выплачивается наемным работникам наличными еженедельно либо ежедневно. Такой тип зарплаты получают рабочие, которые занимаются физическим трудом, строители. Wages зависит от объема выполненной работы и количества отработанного времени:

Earnings ["ɜːnɪŋz] - заработок, фактически заработанные деньги за определенный период. Если вы работаете на двух работах, то сумма ваших зарплат - это ваш заработок. По отношению к предприятию или фирме earnings - прибыль, чистый доход от деятельности (выручка минус затраты):

Every month she counts her earnings. - Ежемесячно она подсчитывает свой зароботок.

I found one more part-time job so my earnings will rise. - Я нашла еще одну работу на полставки, поэтому мой заработок возрастет.

Income ["ɪŋkʌm] - доход, все деньги которые вы получаете. Income бывает двух видов: earned income и unearned income .

Earned income - заработанный или трудовой доход, ваша заработная плата, которую вы получаете за свою работу (salary и wages ). Unearned income (или passive income ) - непроизводственный доход. Это доходы от дивидендов, вложений, ценных бумаг:

Revenue ["rev(ə)njuː] - доход, выручка компании. По отношению к отдельным людям это слово не используется и подразумевает существенную сумму. Кроме того, revenue - это государственный доход, т.е налоговый доход, который государство получает после сбора налогов:

The revenue of our company has increased by 10% this year. - Выручка нашей компании увеличилась на 10 % в этом году.

The government is planning to raise revenue by introducing new taxes. - Правительство планирует увеличить доходы бюджета путем введения новых налогов.

Profits [ˈprɒfɪts] - прибыль, доход, нажива. Profit - разница между деньгами, затраченными на покупку либо производство чего-либо и выручкой после его продажи:

My business brings me profit. - Мой бизнес приносит мне некоторый доход.

We sold our car at a profit. - Мы выгодно продали старую машину.

Fee - вознаграждение, гонорар, плата за услуги юриста, доктора, массажиста и других специалистов:

Dentist charges a reasonable fee for his quality of work. - Этот стоматолог запрашивает умеренную плату за свои качественные услуги.

She couldn’t pay lawyer’s fee. - Она не могла оплатить услуги адвоката.

Fringe benefits - льготы, дополнительные преимущества, привилегии, такие как служебный автомобиль, питание, медицинская страховка. В этом значении часто употребляют слово perks - сокращенно от perquisites [ˈpɜːkwɪzɪts]:

The salary isn’t high but there are some fringe benefits company car and free meals. - Оклад не очень большой, но есть некоторые дополнительные преимущества, такие как служебный автомобиль и питание.

Do the perks include private health insurance? - Льготы включают медицинскую страховку?

Remuneration - вознаграждение за выполненную работу, оплата, компенсация. Может выражаться не только в виде денег, но и других благ:

Don’t expect high remuneration for the work done anyhow. - Не ожидайте высокого вознаграждения, если работа выполнена кое-как.

I was pleased with the remuneration they paid me for my work. - Я был доволен вознаграждением, которое они мне выплатили за мою работу.

Pay - оплата, выплата, плата, уплата, жалованье, заработная плата:

When will you draw your pay? - Когда ты получишь свою оплату?

He worked late hours and got his overtime pay. - Он работал допоздна и получил плату за сверхурочную работу.

Emoluments [ɪˈmɒljʊmənts] - заработок, вознаграждение, жалованье, заработная плата. Формальный эквивалент salary, fee:

The managers our company get adequate emoluments. - Менеджеры в нашей компании получают адекватное жалование за свою работу.

Your emoluments include your salary and certain benefits provided by the company. - Ваше вознаграждение включает вашу ежемесячную зарплату и определенные льготы, которые обеспечивает компания.

Stipend ["staɪpend] - жалованье, выплачиваемое церковнослужителям, учителям, государственным чиновникам:

School teachers live on a modest stipend. - Школьные учителя живут на скромное жалование.

Do the public official get their stipend on time? - Государственные чиновники получают свое жалование вовремя?

Pension ["pen(t)ʃ(ə)n] - пенсия, пособие:

After the accident, he receives a disability pension. - После аварии он получает пенсию по инвалидности.

When people retire, they are granted a pension. - Когда люди уходят на пенсию, они получают пенсионное пособие.

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Salary and wages are used interchangeably as both refer to the remuneration. Although on a keener look into both this term tells that they are quite different to each other. The salary is the fixed amount that is given after a per pay period, it can either be on monthly basis or the yearly basis. The salary is the pre-fixed amount that depends upon the productivity and performance of an individual. With seeing the rise in the productivity level, the incentives are also paid in the salary, whereas the wages are the payment done on a daily basis on the basis of hours. In wages a certain amount for per hour is pre-fixed, and at the end of the day the wage earner is handed the payment, which depends on the number of hours given for that specific work.

Comparison Chart

Salary Wages
Definition The salary is the pre-fixed amount that depends upon the productivity and performance of an individual. The wages are the payment done on a daily basis on the basis of hours.
Paid Holidays For the salaried person there are other perks and privileges and paid holidays. For the wage earner such concept is missing.
Skill & Education The salaried person is skilled and educated people. Therefore they are designated on the white collar jobs. The wage earner is unskilled or semiskilled there he/she is put to the labor tasks Blue Collar Job.
Incentives & Overtime For the salaried person, the incentives are given for the better work. In wage earner the extra payment for extra time is given which is quite a more than the normal pricing for an hour.

What is Salary?

Salary is the pre-fixed amount that is given to the employees after the pay period. The pay period can be selected with the consent of both the office and employees will as it is seen that many of the workers prefer to have the amount paid on every 30 th of the month as they have to pay their utility bills. On the other hand, many of the employees prefer to have the salary on an annual basis. The payment made on this basis mostly depends on the work provided to the organization. In most of the countries, the salary has the whole 12-month plan’ although equally distributed in the 12 months and at the end of the every month it is handed to the employee. There are many perks and privileges of working on the salary basis as there are paid holidays the extra-time than the committed time is also being paid. The salaried jobs are associated with the skilled and highly education as the employee hired through this process is generally for the white collar jobs. It should be kept mentioned that white collar jobs here refer to the job in the office or the administrative setting

What is Wages?

Wage is the payment given to the employee on a daily basis in accordance with the number of hours he/she has worked. With regards to the hourly payment method, the wage seems to be a little highly paid with terms to the salary based jobs. But at the same time it has the biggest con that it doesn’t offer any other perks and privileges and no paid holiday is also present in this type of remuneration. Most primarily the wage earner is designated on the ‘blue color jobs’ means the employees or workers in this are up with the manual labor tasks. Other than that, some of the highly paid freelancing jobs are also paid daily wages in accordance with the number of hours they consumed.

Salary vs. Wages

  • The salary is the pre-fixed amount that depends upon the productivity and performance of an individual. With seeing the rise in the productivity level, the incentives are also paid in the salary, whereas the wages are the payment done on a daily basis on the basis of hours.
  • For the salaried person there are other perks and privileges and paid holidays, whereas for the wage earner such concept is missing.
  • The salaried person is skilled and educated people. Therefore they are designated on the white collar jobs, whereas the wage earner is unskilled or semiskilled there he/she is put to the labor tasks Blue Collar Job.
  • For the salaried person, the incentives are given for the better work while in wage earner the extra payment for extra time is given which is quite a more than the normal pricing for an hour.

Особенности употребления лексики (wage, salary, stipend, fee, royalties)

Существительные wage, salary, stipend, fee, royalty в общем смысле означают вознаграждение, плату за какую-либо работу или деятельность. Однако они не могут быть взаимозаменяемыми. Каждое из них употребляется в отношении определённой категории работников.

Большинство наёмных работников получают зарплату - wages или salaries . Wage и salary не только отличаются по форме оплаты, но и по времени выдачи денег. Так, wage выплачивается рабочим, клеркам, продавцам и т.д. в конце недели чаще всего наличными. Чаще всего слово wage употребляется во множественном числе, хотя по существу, имеется в виду единственное число:

Alec"s wages are $200 a week.
Зарплата Алика составляет 200 долларов в неделю.

Matilda is a shop assistant; she earns good wages.
Матильда - продавщица, у неё хорошая зарплата.

Salary (зарплата) выдаётся в конце месяца служащим, имеющим университетское образование. Они получают чек на определённую сумму или деньги переводятся на счёт в банке. На добавочном листе к чеку указывается сумма выплаты и все необходимые вычеты, например налоги. Таким образом, служащий, получающий зарплату (salary ) должен иметь счёт в банке, в то время как рабочему или мелкому служащему, получающему зарплату (wages ) банковский счёт иметь не обязательно:

Mrs. Marshall is a teacher; her salary is not very high.
Миссис Маршалл - учительница, у неё не очень высокая зарплата.

Существительное stipend , хотя и похоже на русское слово "стипендия", таковой не является. В Америке stipend это плата за временную работу, проводимую во время стажировки на предприятии, в больнице и т.д. В Англии это официальный доход священнослужителей, жалованье государственных служащих, регулярно выплачиваемое пособие:

George is a magistrate and he gets his stipend for the work.
Джордж - член городского магистрата, он получает зарплату за свою работу.

Fee - плата частным лицам (врачам, юристам, архитекторам) за оказанные услуги. Fee также взимается частными школами, колледжами и университетами в качестве платы за обучение:

Jane couldn"t afford to pay the solicitor"s fee.
Джейн не имела возможности заплатить адвокату.

In England public school fees are now so high that only a small minority of parents can afford to send their children there.
Плата за обучение в частных средних школах в Англии так высока, что лишь незначительная часть родителей может позволить себе послать туда своих детей.

Royalty (royalties ) употребляется как исчисляемое существительное в значении "гонорар", который выплачивается автору книги или музыканту издателем за каждую копию произведения. Чаще употребляется это существительное во множественном числе. Royalty также употребляется в значении "плата изобретателю" за использование его патентованного изобретения:

The publisher offered him a royalty of 10% of the price of the book on all copies sold.
Издатель предложил ему гонорар в размере 10% от цены каждой проданной книги.

Martin received $2500 in royalties for his invention.
Мартин получил 2500 долларов за своё изобретение.

Для проверки полученных знаний по употреблению существительных wage, salary, stipend, fee, royalties предлагаем Вам пройти тест на нашем сайте.

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