Мод на вывернутые колеса в гта 5.

Долгожданный мод, при помощи которого можно делать разную ширину колес, высоту, положение, развал и многое другое.

Как правило, на один и тот же автомобиль производитель предусматривает несколько различных типоразмеров шин с дисками разных диаметров. Замысел понятен: диски большего диаметра обычно дороже, смотрятся эффектнее, а вкупе с использованием шин более низкого профиля могут в некоторой степени улучшить управляемость автомобиля. Именно поэтому такие колеса чаще всего предлагаются либо в виде опции, либо в наиболее дорогих комплектациях автомобиля. Однако при выборе колес в автомагазинах продавцы-консультанты прибегают к различным уловкам, лишь бы сбыть залежавшиеся колеса. «Подумаешь, колеса шире стандартных, зато устойчивость будет - о-го-го! Размер вылета не совпадает? Так плюс-минус сантиметр роли не играют!» Попробуем разобраться, чем чревата «игра» с типоразмером шины и диска.

В любом случае при изменении профиля колеса в большую сторону (а диаметра диска - в меньшую) вы достигаете определенных благ: мелкие и острые неровности в этом случае будут проходиться комфортнее, а вероятность пробоя боковины шины будет сведена к минимуму. Именно поэтому применение откровенно низкопрофильных шин во многих районах нашей страны выглядит не особо оправданным. Как показывает практика, основная причина установки низкопрофильных шин вкупе с дисками большего диаметра - стремление сделать внешность автомобиля более привлекательной. В таком случае, безусловно, уменьшается риск подлома боковины шины при резких маневрах, а управляться на виражах автомобиль начинает немного четче.

Особенности мода

  • присутствует анимация;
  • полная поддержка игровых функций;
  • багов не замечено.


  • Вам нужен установленный .
  • Вам нужен установленный плагин .
  • Скопируйте и поместите в папку «scripts» содержимое папки VStancer.

My second script mod fixes the turn back of the vehicles wheels.
Now you can park your car like NPCs.
You can choose between exit the vehicle with Engine On or Off.
You can choose between 2 versions in the .INI File , one with the EngineOn vehicle exit
and the other one without this feature.

It was hard to find the function that make it possible so please respect that:)


Make sure that you install the newest Framework,ScriptHookV and ScriptHookVDotNet version

If all that doesnt work, just install Visual C++ Redist !

Changelog 2.4.0:
-Add a custom Key interval to change the time how fast the custom Key react.
-Add a Key Property in the INI File to change the Key of the VehicleEngineOn Feature.
-Add VehicleEngineOn Feature property in the INI File to enable/disable the VehicleEngineOn Feature.
-Add a INI File for custom Mod settings
-Removed 2 versions Feature in the Download file

Changelog 2.3.1:
-Add Compatibility with .NET ScriptHook 2.0

Changelog 2.3:
-Make the Mod compatible with the LSPDFR Mod
-Change the EngineOn Key to U
-Include 2 versions with EngineOn Feature and without EngineOn Feature
-Fix that the Engine turn off for a second on EngineOn vehicle Exit

Changelog 2.0:
-Fixes Water Bug
-Fixes Bike Bug
-Fixes LS Customs Bug
-Make it power save
-Filter Vehicle Types
-Make the Engine running feature easier
-Controller Support

How to use?
Get in a Vehicle and turn the Wheels like you want
and get out of the Vehicle with the Vehicle Exit/Enter Key.
Press the "U " (Default ) Key to get out of the car with Engine running and Wheels turned.

If you dont want to use the VehicleEngineOn Feature, just set it to 0 in the INI File.

How to Install?
1.Download and Install ScriptHookV and ScriptHookVDotNet. https://github.com/crosire/scripthookvdotnet/releases
2.Copy/Extract the scripts folder of the Download inside your GTA 5 Directory.
3.Done:) Easy

Now if you like, you can support Me by donate a little bit to my PayPal account (Watch at my GTA 5-mods or GTAInside account)

ToDo List:
-Use the holding vehicle Exit key to let the Engine running
-Add a option that let the player leave the vehicle without closing the door

Known Bugs:
-Bikes falls over
Nothing more, just tell me if there is a other Bug:)

This Mod does not work on Water
With EngineOn Feature, you can exit the vehicle with Engine running
Without EngineOn Feature, you can not exit the vehicle with Engine running, only shutdown!
You can Enable/Disable the EngineOn Feature in the INI File

I hope you like it:)
Give me feedback please to make the mod better! Or make a Video of it to Support My work
Thank you







My second script mod fixes the turn back of the vehicles wheels.
Now you can park your car like NPCs.
You can choose between exit the vehicle with Engine On or Off.
You can choose between 2 versions in the .INI File , one with the EngineOn vehicle exit
and the other one without this feature.

It was hard to find the function that make it possible so please respect that:)


Make sure that you install the newest Framework,ScriptHookV and ScriptHookVDotNet version

If all that doesnt work, just install Visual C++ Redist !

Changelog 2.4.0:
-Add a custom Key interval to change the time how fast the custom Key react.
-Add a Key Property in the INI File to change the Key of the VehicleEngineOn Feature.
-Add VehicleEngineOn Feature property in the INI File to enable/disable the VehicleEngineOn Feature.
-Add a INI File for custom Mod settings
-Removed 2 versions Feature in the Download file

Changelog 2.3.1:
-Add Compatibility with .NET ScriptHook 2.0

Changelog 2.3:
-Make the Mod compatible with the LSPDFR Mod
-Change the EngineOn Key to U
-Include 2 versions with EngineOn Feature and without EngineOn Feature
-Fix that the Engine turn off for a second on EngineOn vehicle Exit

Changelog 2.0:
-Fixes Water Bug
-Fixes Bike Bug
-Fixes LS Customs Bug
-Make it power save
-Filter Vehicle Types
-Make the Engine running feature easier
-Controller Support

How to use?
Get in a Vehicle and turn the Wheels like you want
and get out of the Vehicle with the Vehicle Exit/Enter Key.
Press the "U " (Default ) Key to get out of the car with Engine running and Wheels turned.

If you dont want to use the VehicleEngineOn Feature, just set it to 0 in the INI File.

How to Install?
1.Download and Install ScriptHookV and ScriptHookVDotNet. https://github.com/crosire/scripthookvdotnet/releases
2.Copy/Extract the scripts folder of the Download inside your GTA 5 Directory.
3.Done:) Easy

Now if you like, you can support Me by donate a little bit to my PayPal account (Watch at my GTA 5-mods or GTAInside account)

ToDo List:
-Use the holding vehicle Exit key to let the Engine running
-Add a option that let the player leave the vehicle without closing the door

Known Bugs:
-Bikes falls over
Nothing more, just tell me if there is a other Bug:)

This Mod does not work on Water
With EngineOn Feature, you can exit the vehicle with Engine running
Without EngineOn Feature, you can not exit the vehicle with Engine running, only shutdown!
You can Enable/Disable the EngineOn Feature in the INI File

I hope you like it:)
Give me feedback please to make the mod better! Or make a Video of it to Support My work
Thank you







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