Простые скороговорки на английском. Картотека на тему: Детские скороговорки на английском языке

A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies

I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.

Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "this butter"s bitter! But a bit
of better butter will but make my butter better" So she bought some better
butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better so "twas
better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter! - sent in by Nick (warwickschool)

Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit?

A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.

If you understand, say "understand".
If you don"t understand, say "don"t understand".
But if you understand and say "don"t understand".
How do I understand that you understand? Understand!

I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you.



I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won"t wish the wish you wish to wish.

if a sledering snail went down a slippery slide would a snail sleder or slide down the slide - By S.Walton

bubble bobble, bubble bobble, bubble bobble

These thousand tricky tongue twisters trip thrillingly off the tongue .

Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.

Lala Gope Gappungam Das. sent by Vishal Jain..(Mumbai)

You curse, I curse, we all curse, for asparagus!

Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya.

Sanjeev"s sixth sheep is sick sent by S.Raju ...(Cochin)

Double bubble gum, bubbles double.

Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better.

A sailor went to sea To see, what he could see. And all he could see Was sea, sea, sea.

A box of mixed biscuits, a mixed biscuit box.

Upper roller lower roller Upper roller lower roller. .... sent by Poonam Damani ..(Guwahati)

Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People

If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch? ...sent by Richard Walsh.


Which watch did which witch wear and which witch wore which watch? ..sent by Uncle Philly (USA)

Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.

I thought a thought.
But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought I thought I thought.
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn"t have thought so much.

Once a fellow met a fellow In a field of beans. Said a fellow to a fellow, "If a fellow asks a fellow, Can a fellow tell a fellow What a fellow means?"

How much wood could a wood chuck; chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood..........sent by Kiran Grewal - USA

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

Paresh P Patel plans to peel potatoes in Pune

An Ape hates grape cakes.

She sells sea shells on the sea shore she sells sea shells no more - By Sethna Hilla

I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. And on a slitted sheet I sit. I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. The sheet I slit, that sheet was it.

Any noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.


A skunk sat on a stump. The stump thought the skunk stunk. the skunk thought the stump stunk . What stunk the skunk or the stump?

The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn.

If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?

baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo......

My Bhaiya buys black Bananas by the bunch.

The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

Daddy draws doors.Daddy draws doors.Daddy draws doors.

Do tongue twisters twist your tongue? by Sneha. A (New Delhi)

Friendly Fleas and Fire Flies

If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. by Saachi Khatri (Mumbai)

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, FuzzyWuzzy wasn"t very fuzzy... was he???

How many cans can a canner can, if a canner can can cans?
A canner can can as many cans as a canner can, if a canner can can cans.

How much wood could a wood chopper chop, if a wood chopper could chop wood?

If a black bug bleeds black blood, what color blood does a blue bug bleed?

If Freaky Fred Found Fifty Feet of Fruit and Fed Forty Feet to his Friend Frank how many Feet of Fruit did Freaky Fred Find?

Penny"s pretty pink piggy bank

"When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctor"s the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the doctor in the doctor"s way"

A tutor who tooted the flute, tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"

One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they felt smart. Three smart fellows, they all felt smart.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Black bug"s blood.

Crisp crusts crackle and crunch.

It"s not the cough that carries you off, it"s the coffin they carry you off in!

Tie a knot, tie a knot.
Tie a tight, tight knot.
Tie a knot in the shape of a nought.

Freshly-fried fat flying fish

Rubber baby-buggy bumpers.

Jolly juggling jesters jauntily juggled jingling jacks.

Kindly kittens knitting mittens keep kazooing in the king"s kitchen.

Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit,

did Billy Button buy a buttered biscuit?

If Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit,

The sixth sick sheik"s sixth sheep"s sick.

A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk,
but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

Популярные английские скороговорки

What noise annoys an oyster most?
A noisy noise annoys an oyster most.

Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.

Blake"s black bike"s back brake bracket block broke.

Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

She slits the sheet she sits on.

A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of
Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed.

A twister of twists once twisted a twist.
and the twist that he twisted was a three twisted twist.
now in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist,
would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists.

Red lolly, yellow lolly.

I am a mother pheasant plucker,
I pluck mother pheasants.
I am the best mother pheasant plucker,
that ever plucked a mother pheasant!

Mrs Hunt had a country cut front
in the front of her country cut pettycoat.

Where Molly had had "had had", "had had" had had the teacher"s approval.

Miss Smith"s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish.

Great gray goats

Whenever the weather is cold.
Whenever the weather is hot.
We"ll whether the weather,
whatever the weather,
whether we like it or not.

Sunshine city, sunshine city, sunshine city, ...

The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!

There"s a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch.
How many yaks could a yak pack pack if a yak pack could pack yaks?

Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.

One smart man, he felt smart.
Two smart men, they both felt smart.
Three smart men, they all felt smart.

If you stick a stock of liquor in your locker
it is slick to stick a lock upon your stock
or some joker who is slicker
is going to trick you of your liquor
if you fail to lock your liquor with a lock.

Clowns grow glowing crowns.

Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager
imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?

Sister Suzie sewing shirts for soldiers
Such skill as sewing shirts
Our shy young sister Suzie shows
Some soldiers send epistles
Say they"d rather sleep in thistles
Than the saucy, soft short shirts for soldiers Sister Suzie sews.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where"s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Richard"s wretched ratchet wrench.

Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter"s bitter.
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better.
So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter,
put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better.
So "twas better Betty Botter bought some better butter.

A box of biscuits,
a box of mixed biscuits,
and a biscuit mixer.

When a doctor doctors a doctor,
does the doctor doing the doctoring
doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or
does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor?

If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

The soldier"s shoulder surely hurts!

She sees seas slapping shores.

Mr. See owned a saw and Mr Soar owned a seesaw.
Now See"s saw sawed Soar"s seesaw before Soar saw See.

Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas.

There was a little witch which switched from Chichester to Ipswich.

She brews a proper cup of coffee in a copper coffee pot.

She is a thistle sifter.
She has a seive of unsifted thistles
and a seive of sifted thistles and the seive of unsifted thistles
she sifts into the seive of sifted thistles because she is a thistle sifter.

Betty bought some butter,
but the butter Betty bought was bitter,
so Betty bought some better butter,
and the better butter Betty bought
was better than the bitter butter Betty bought before!

I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, and on that slitted sheet I sit.

Don"t spring on the inner-spring this spring or there will be an offspring next spring.

King Thistle stuck a thousand thistles in the thistle of his thumb.
A thousand thistles King Thistle stuck in the thistle of his thumb.
If King Thistle stuck a thousand thistles in the thistle of his thumb,
How many thistles did King Thistle stick in the thistle of his thumb?

Five fat friars frying flat fish.

Betty bought some bitter butter
and it made her batter bitter,
so Betty bought some better butter
to make her bitter batter better.

A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump thunk,
but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

I"m not the fig plucker,
nor the fig pluckers" son,
but I"ll pluck figs
Till the fig plucker comes.

The sixth sheik"s sixth sheep "s sick.

One black beetle bled only black blood, the other black beetle bled blue.

The big black bug"s blood ran blue.

Ray Rag ran across a rough road.
Across a rough road Ray Rag ran.
Where is the rough road Ray Rag ran across?

A Tudor who tooted the flute
tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
Said the two to the tutor,
"Is it harder to toot or
to tutor two tooters to toot?"

A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
if a wooodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck could chuck as much wood
as a woodchuck would chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought
I thought I thought.
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,
I wouldn"t have thought so much.

She sells sea shells on the seashore.
The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.

Plain bun, plum bun, bun without plum.

Six stick shifts stuck shut.

The king would sing, about a ring that would go ding.

People pledging plenty of pennies.

To begin to toboggan first, buy a toboggan.
But do not buy too big a toboggan!
Too big a toboggan is too big a toboggan to buy to begin to toboggan.

Switch watch, wrist watch.

Английский язык может покориться каждому! Чтобы выучить язык, существует несколько методик. Каждый ученик выбирает для себя ту, которая ему наиболее подходит. Но… существуют практики, которые одинаково хороши для всех начинающих покорять вершины английского языка. Скороговорки на английском для детей – это отличный способы выучить тонкости написания и произношения английских слов как для маленьких ребят, так и для взрослых. Помните: не нужно пренебрегать любой возможностью улучшить свои знания иностранного языка. И скороговорки – отличный тому способ.

Чем хороши скороговорки? Они смешные, увлекательные и интересные в изучении. Чтобы донести ребенку истину, не нужно долго уговаривать его учиться. Достаточно рассказать смешную скороговорку, чтобы заинтересовать его, и малыш сам захочет знать, а что будет дальше. Чем смешнее и увлекательнее игра – тем легче и результативнее изучение. Скороговорки доказывают, что учиться можно весело!

Скороговорки на английском языке – это не только возможность лучше изучить сам язык, но и способ ‘’подтянуть’’ произношение проблемных звуков. Большинство примеров разработаны так, чтобы один звук повторялся чаще всего. Это означает, что систематично повторяя урок, вы, сами того не замечая, подкорректируете произношение звуков, ранее бывших для вас проблемой, и начнете без труда выговаривать еще несколько дней назад ‘’хромающие’’ звуки.

Английские скороговорки для улучшения произношения межзубного звука th:

1. Whether the weather is warm, whether the weather is hot, we have to put up with the weather, whether we like it or not.
(То ли погода теплая, то ли жаркая погода, то приходится мириться с погодой, хотим мы этого или нет.)

2. Three free throws. (Три штрафных броска.)

3. Red leather, yellow leather. (Красная кожа, желтая кожа.)

Особенность всех скороговорок, разработанных для улучшения произношения определенного звука, — обилие в словах одного и тоге же звука, как раз проблематичного. Несколько раз в день произнося скороговорку, а потом еще несколько раз, а через несколько дней – еще пару раз, для фиксации результат, — и ваше произношение чистое, грамотное и приятное на звук.

Еще несколько скороговорок:

Свистящий звук S

1. I can think of six thin things, but I can think of six thick things too. (Я могу думать о шести тонких вещах, и я могу думать о шести толстых вещах).

2. She sells seashells by the seashore. (Она продает ракушки на берегу моря. )

3. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. (Я кричу, ты кричишь, мы все кричим на мороженое.)

Еще скороговорки:

Звук sh – не путаем с th!

Звук f – с нами его выучить проще простого!

Английские скороговорки с переводом на j

Yankee yachtsmen’s yachts yaw for one yard,

Yakut yachtsmen’s yachts yaw for two yards.

If Yankee yachtsmen’s yachts didn’t yaw for one yard,

Could Yakut yachtsmen’s yachts yaw for two yards?

Яхты американских яхтсменов отклоняются от курса на один ярд,

Яхты якутских яхтсменов отклоняются от курса на два ярда.

Если бы яхты американских яхтсменов не отклонялись от курса на один ярд,

Отклонялись бы яхты якутских яхтсменов на два ярда от курса?

US students are younger than UK junkers,

UK junkers are cuter than US students.

If US students weren’t younger than UK junkers,

Could UK junkers be cuter than US students?

Американские студенты моложе британских юнкеров,

Британские юнкеры находчивее американских студентов.

Если бы американские студенты не были моложе британских юнкеров,

Были бы британские юнкеры находчивее американских студентов?

10 аудио скороговорок на английском для детей

Послушай скороговорки и потренируйтесь произносить их так быстро, как сможете.

1. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose. (Большой черный жук укусил большого черного пса за его большой черный нос.)

2. The blue bluebird blinks. (Синяя птица моргает.)

3. Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. (Дай папе чашку хорошего кофе в медной кофейной чашке.)

4. Fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh. (Свежая жареная рыба, рыба свежая жареная, жареная рыба свежая, рыба жареная свежая.)

5. Eleven elves licked eleven little liquorice lollipops. (Одиннадцать эльфов лизнули одиннадцать маленьких лакричных леденцов.)

6. Kitty caught the kitten in the kitchen. (Китти поймала котенка на кухне.)

7. Red lorry, yellow lorry. (Красный грузовик, желтый грузовик.)

8. The big bug bit the little beetle, but the little beetle bit the big bug back. (Большой жук укусил маленького жука, а маленький жук укусил большого жука обратно.)

9. Toy phone, toy phone, toy phone. (Детский телефон, детский телефон, детский телефон,)

10. Zebras zig and zebras zag. (Зебры зиг, зебры заг.)

Подводим итоги

Английские скороговорки для детей лучший способ выучить проблемные звуки и укоренить их в своей памяти. Большинство скороговорок легкие, состоят из одного-двух предложений. Есть потруднее, которые состоят из четырех и больше строк. Сначала беритесь за те, которые полегче, и постепенно покоряйте задания посложнее. Есть скороговорки на погоду, еду, учебу, дела по дому, образ жизни и пр.

Выбирайте тему, которая вам нравится, и вперед к новым знаниям! И что еще важно – скороговорки следует выговаривать с произношением, которое является правильным. Если замечаете, что язык путается, берите перерыв, а потом – снова в бой. Произношение должно быть исключительно правильным, ведь основная цель скороговорок – научить детей выговарить звуки корректно. Английский язык богат похожими звуками – s, th; w,v и пр. Поэтому скороговорки – проверенный способ научиться выговаривать похожие звуки так, как нужно. После прохождения курса вам не будет стыдно разговаривать с иностранцами. Успехов!

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