A person with an alternative opinion to the generally accepted one. Alternative opinion: why I don't like The Last of Us

Due to the fact that your wonderful resource provides a voice for the expression of any point of view (and responding to the request of dear teh-nomad), let me support the downtrodden liberal minority in your ranks. I will try to express as tactfully as possible (without resorting to the vocabulary typical in a liberal environment) the position of this sector of participants in political battles, although I do not like to speak on behalf of everyone. However, as it was rightly noted, it is now clearly visible that the resource is turning into a conservative platform, and I will have to come up with an alternative opinion to the general mood. If I am mistaken in anything, I earnestly ask worthy representatives of the liberal (!) public to point out my errors.

So, at present, our position basically looks like presenting endless claims to the authorities of the country, as well as to everyone who disagrees with us. This is not an end in itself - we firmly know what we want, but now it is not possible to achieve this without such a struggle.

For us, quality is most important. As a rule, we earn enough to afford quality consumption. However, the problem is that here and in modern conditions it is still impossible to achieve the appropriate level of quality. In our opinion, qualified in this matter, decent quality can only be offered to us in the countries of Europe, North America, as well as in Japan, South Korea and Australia and New Zealand. We intuitively feel that these countries have reached this sky-high (we hope that only for now) level thanks to their correct policies in economic and other areas. It is very difficult to explain: we don’t know for sure, but we are sure of it.

We believe that if Russia follows the same path, it will eventually be able to grow into these successful powers. In addition, we often hear how good advice comes from these countries so that the country’s path to prosperity can be as easy and quick as possible. We (or at least the vast majority of us) do not question any of them, since we believe that the locomotives of world progress act exclusively from good and selfless motives. Successful powers are simply by definition incapable of villainy - although we don’t know for sure, we are absolutely sure of this.

We see a great many like-minded people: by going to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram; reading "Snob", "Grani", "LiveJournal"; listening to "Echo of Moscow", watching "Rain" and even meeting them on "Lepra", "Habr" and "Computerra"! Of course, when we leave the virtual world, we usually meet people who are unfriendly to our point of view, and communication with whom is fraught with conflicts. But we prefer to conduct discussions in a virtual environment not because we are afraid to express our claims to the interlocutor’s face, but simply because we actively take advantage of technological progress. Moreover, it is obvious here that even despite the abundance of Russian-speaking friends from Europe, the USA, Canada and even Israel, there are much more of us than our opponents. That is why we think that we have a priority right over others to express our opinions. Of course, we did not calculate the number thoroughly, but we are 100% sure of this.

We remember what a terrible life we ​​led under the Soviet Union. Hopelessly gray everyday life, without the slightest hope for tomorrow. Many connoisseurs of quality consumption were persecuted by the authorities. Those who could not earn money for a luxury item and provided some services for it ended up in the KGB. Those who could afford a high level of quality of life were persecuted by an even more terrible service - the OBHSS. The memories of those times are very vague, but we have no doubt about it.

After the collapse of the USSR, people came to power in our country who, with the help of foreign friends, strictly followed the right course. Thanks to them, many people (including themselves, of course) have achieved personal success, and their well-being has increased greatly. These successful people were able to reach a level of consumption unattainable for Soviet people. Of course, there were many problems at that time. There were hunger rallies of former Soviet citizens who did not fit into the market. There were numerous terrible accidents in industry and transport, as well as massive blackouts of light, water and heating due to outdated Soviet equipment. There were armed clashes across the country due to the archaic Soviet system of governance. All these problems were gradually resolved and life quickly improved. We all remember how an abundance of high-quality foreign products appeared on store shelves. We remember how boring TV shows and poor films in cinemas were replaced by excellent shows and breathtaking videos. We also remember how we began to go on unforgettable tours abroad. And of course we remember how, from Soviet squalor, we switched to used (and for those lucky enough, completely new) computers. A new, joyful, successful future awaited us. We didn't know this for sure, but we were sure of it.

However, on the fateful night of 2000, the power in the country quietly changed, and gradually it deviated from the right course. A man came who eliminated competition in power and took control of the state under his personal control. Since then, people have increasingly started talking about corruption and theft in government structures, the arbitrariness of law enforcement officers, oppression of the free press, and the robbery of honest businesses. Obviously, all these phenomena were a consequence of changes in power, since no one had even mentioned anything like this before. We don’t remember exactly, but we don’t doubt it one bit.

Now, as it seems to us, our problem is that Russia does not listen attentively (and recently even openly hostilely perceives) good advice and gentle criticism from countries speaking on behalf of the world community. We resolutely reject all insinuations about the redistribution of world sales markets and other nonsense: successful people always know better how to act, and countries that do not follow their recommendations inevitably fail or fall into isolation. If the leadership does not listen to the voice of reason from abroad and continues to persist, the world community (or people who call themselves that) will decide to investigate the motives for such strange behavior and will inevitably come to the conclusion that the current leadership of the country for some reason ( whether corruption, dictatorship, suppression of dissent or other crimes against what is now called democracy) will be considered unworthy to govern the territory entrusted to him, and then he will be cruelly but fairly punished. We are scared to think about this, but we are sure of it.

We are afraid that then we will also suffer, since we will no longer be able to receive high-quality goods and services from developed countries just because we also belong to the punished part of the world. This means that we will have to transfer from personal cars to cramped public transport. This means that instead of tasty and healthy foreign food, you will have to choke on harmful and inedible domestic food. This means that instead of a high-quality foreign spectacle, you will have to get bored listening to something dreary and domestic. And it means a lot more of the same. We, of course, do not know all this for sure, but for some reason we are absolutely sure of it.

In our unanimous opinion, all responsibility for our current and future problems lies with one single person - the one who turned the country’s course in the wrong direction (not even from our point of view, but from very authoritative foreign sources). We believe that this person has done enough in his post and must be held accountable for what he has done. As soon as he leaves his post, all the problems, in our opinion, caused by him, will immediately disappear. The state, we believe, should be headed by another politician who can lead the state to success according to the recipes tested by our Western partners over decades. These may be smart and honest (as they claim) people removed from power in the 2000s, or new energetic fighters for a better quality life. With them, a new, joyful, successful future awaits us. We don't know for sure, but we are sure of it!

This text is an invitation to look at yoga together from an unusual, unfashionable point of view, and to see that it can be different. This is my personal story and the conclusions I drew from it.

What yoga is not

Today, yoga is often a wild mix of esotericism, when rituals and passes result in miracles, and fitness. The student does not ask the teacher: “Where are we going? What will they encounter on this path?”, the teacher does not talk about it, they do rituals and passes and receive magical unity with the Universe.

It is believed that the obligatory result of practice will be a healthy and slender body.

Yoga is neither magical passes nor fitness. This is a method, a technology described in the works of great practitioners. Their understanding is greatly complicated by the fact that many fundamental treatises on yoga are written in the language of images. You need to be able to read them, and in order to be able to do so, you need to study and seriously work hard, often teachers are not ready for this.

Where does yoga lead?

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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An unexpected video for me, however, like almost any video and information from Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev, whom I really discovered for myself this summer, although I knew about him back in the early 90s.

Why is life sometimes unfair to decent and kind people? How to properly care for others? Under what conditions is the road to hell paved with good intentions? How to behave so as not to die while helping others? How is it that evil people sometimes live better than good people? Why doesn't society support good people?

Many were in Moscow, at VDNKh, taking pictures at the famous “Friendship of Peoples” fountain. Let's remember what this composition looks like: a round pool, along the outer perimeter there are girls representing agriculture from each union republic. In the center rises a large bowl, surrounded by three main crops. Bottom row - sunflower, middle - wheat, top - hemp!

How so? Why did Comrade Stalin give such a significant place to “hashish weed” in such a sacred monument? Very simple. Because hemp has always been the number one agricultural crop in Rus'!

I would like to propose the topic of gluten-free nutrition as one of the most important components of proper nutrition in general and a factor that dramatically prolongs active life in particular.The bottom line comes down to this.

Four types of cereals: wheat, rye, barley and oats contain varying amounts of a component such as gluten or gluten. “It is a mixture consisting of amino acids, glycopeptides, acidic peptides, dialyzable and non-dialyzable peptides and enzymes with different properties that are determined by both the main protein chain and the attached side chains of non-protein conjugates, and therefore different in physical and physicochemical properties. Perhaps that is why it is not surprising that his identification has not yet been carried out” / see. monograph ed. Lessof, translation into Russian, publishing house "Medicine" Moscow, 1986 "Clinical reactions to food" /.

This monograph contains a lot of interesting things, and upon thoughtful reading, even unexpected things for anyone interested not only in nutrition tactics, but also in strategy!

I learned that allergies are also a consequence of hypoxia during childbirth, caused by the so-called “obstetrics”. Did you know about this?

Excerpt from a scientific article by Alexander Vadimovich Lavrentyev, (allergist - immunologist, pulmonologist, pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences). "...factors affecting the supply of oxygen to fetal tissues are also reflected in the timing of maturation and the characteristics of the formation of the child’s immune response after birth, which, of course, matters. So in mothers of children with allergic pathology compared to the control group (healthy children) Late toxicosis, threats of miscarriage in the second or third trimester were more common, and the number of women who suffered from acute respiratory viral infections in the second half of pregnancy was also noticeably higher. Also in this group there was a fairly high frequency of premature birth, as well as hypoxia during childbirth.

I came across an unusual article on the dental website stom33.ru. Its unusualness is that, along with a set of articles and notes in the usual vein about brushing teeth, caries, problems with bite, odor, etc., it presents a point of view that is different from the traditional view. Firstly, it mentions a raw food diet as one of the facts of strong teeth of ancient people (proof of archaeological scientists), and secondly, the idea is clearly conveyed that dental health is only a reflection of the health of internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, pancreas) and that it is pointless to try to keep teeth healthy by regularly healing if the functional systems are not in order. By the way, the idea that everything in the body is interconnected and one organ cannot be sick, but you need to look at everything holistically, comes from ancient healers, and is also fully supported by naturopathy. By the way, if one of the dentists had told me about this relationship at the time when I was actively filling my teeth and asking every doctor about the reasons for their destruction already at the age of 20, I would have thought about it, but, alas... And, thirdly, the relationship between rickets, caries and bone problems in general is shown. Plus some more revelations about the inadequacy of regular cleansing to achieve oral health, as well as about the self-healing of teeth and what kind of calcium teeth actually need.The continuation, announced at the end of the post a few days ago, was unexpected. I found the original source and it surprised me:

Modern research suggests that an adult needs only 23-25 ​​g of protein per day. To replenish the used reserve, you need 700 g of protein per month (!). However, the typical modern person consumes huge amounts of protein without even realizing it! For example, for breakfast the average person eats scrambled eggs (porridge with milk, sandwiches with butter and cheese), for lunch - something meat or fish, and in between - milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt, and often in the evening there is also something on the menu - it's high in protein. As a result, a person’s protein consumption turns out to be several times more than required, forcing the body to waste precious Life energy, which could be used for cleansing (i.e. self-medication). Excess protein most often leads to digestive problems, because the body is not able to digest such an amount; As a result, rotted remains interfere with the functioning of the intestines, put a heavy load on the kidneys, strain the pancreas, force the liver to work with triple load, contribute to the emergence of many inflammatory diseases, including chronic diseases, as well as the development of metabolic diseases (diabetes, obesity).

However, proteins (proteins), according to many modern researchers, are not a primarily important component of food. All its components are equally necessary and important: vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, fatty acids, enzymes, fiber, water, etc.

(Translation of materials from the site http://www. notmilk. com/52reasons. txt )

Below is insignificant partscientifically based materials on the dangers of dairy foods, collected and systematized on the website http://www. notmilk. com.Visit it if you still think that dairy products give you health.


"Indeed, a variety of diseases are associated with cow's milk and dairy products, including: poor digestion, low hemoglobin, diabetes in children, heart disease, atherosclerosis, arthritis, kidney stones, mood swings, depression, irritability, allergies..." Townsend Medical Letter, May 1995

" Formula infants are allergic to cow's milk proteins. Approximately 50-70% of infants experience rashes or other signs of skin disease, 50-60% experience signs of gastritis, and 20-30% have respiratory problems. Recommended therapy is avoidance cow's milk." Pediatric-Allergy-Immunology, August 1994, 5 (5 Suppl.)


"Human insulin-like growth factor hormone (IGF-I) and blood IGF-I are identical. Both contain 70 amino acids in an identical sequence." Magazine "SCIENCE", edition 249. August 24, 1990.

“The IGF-I hormone increases the risk of changes in the genetic apparatus of an RNA cell and its degeneration into cancer by 10 times. The IGF-I hormone appears to be a critical component of cell proliferation (their degeneration into cancer cells).X.S. Li, Exp-Cell-Res,March 1994, 211 (1)


"Mucobacterium paratuberculosis is able to survive pasteurization of milk" Journal of Applied Environmental Microbiology: 64(3), March 1998.

"RNA genes from mucobacterium paratuberculosis (bacteria not killed by pasteurization) were found in 100% of patients with Crohn's disease" D. Mishina, Proceedings US National Academy of Science:93: September 1996


“The slogan of the National Dairy Committee - “Milk gives health” - does not correspond to the truth. Scientific America, October 1992

"These new studies, and more than 20 previously conducted and well-documented ones, lead researchers to believe there is a very strong link between milk and diabetes in children." Journal of Diabetes Treatment; 1994, 17 (12)


"Milk allergies are common among children... They are a leading cause of chronic ear infections. This 'plague' affects about 40% of all children under 6 years of age." Julian Whitaker, M.D., "Health and Healing," October 1998, Volume 8, Number 10

"Cow's milk has become a point of contention among doctors and nutritionists. There was a time when milk was considered a highly desirable food product, but research has forced us to rethink this recommendation... the dairy diet contributes to an increase in the number of diseases, including chronic ear diseases..." Benjamin Spock, M.D., "Child Welfare," 7th Edition

that man is the only mammal (meaning his biological body with its metabolic biochemical processes similar to those of other higher mammals) that consumes milk throughout its life, and not only during the period when the mother is breastfeeding her infant, as is the case, without exception , in all mammal species in nature? Also, humans are the only species in nature that uses the milk of other animal species for their nutrition! Isn't this weird and normal? This is a fact - there is an important reason to think about changing your life for the better.

Isn’t this fact already sufficient to understand that by going against nature, which is always unnatural, we deprive ourselves and our children (forced through force, and then out of habit or addiction, to consume milk or dairy products) of health, dooming on the natural consequences of such actions - illness? Or is nature more stupid than us, and our self-esteem is higher than the truth (the laws of nature) and honest and objective scientific knowledge, and simply common sense?

I believe that you would be curious to know what diseases are a direct consequence of consuming animal milk and dairy “products”, what are their causes and biological processes that lead to certain diseases? Let's look at some of them, as well as characteristic prejudices about the benefits (safety), or even the supposed need for consumption of dairy products, especially by children. For those who want to see and analyze statistics, receive strictly scientific comments and exact figures, be sure to watch the lecture of the respected professor Walter Weiss. For this person, conscience and truth are higher than the fear of reprisals from globalizers, and a “profitable” lie for selling one’s conscience and honor is unthinkable. There are still such people.

Milk consumption is artificial and is a vicious and deadly industry.

All the information below is for normal, sensible people. So, let's begin:

  1. CALCIUM in milk. Species nutrition. Liver. Who is a person in the food chain of the biosphere?
Milk actually contains a lot of calcium, and calcium, as everyone knows, is necessary for growth and proper formation of the skeleton in children, and it is also necessary for metabolic processes in adults. Right?

Of course it is true, there is no doubt. Then, according to this logic, which is what doctors tell us in unison, we need to drink a lot of cow’s (goat’s...) milk, and also eat cottage cheese and cheese in order to get the calcium we need so much for our body, right? Then why do cows, which give so much milk containing a large amount of calcium in their composition, in order to get it themselves, do not drink milk, sucking it from other cows, or bears, or moose. Well, don’t be surprised by this formulation of the question, because we humans manage and are not horrified to drink the milk of another species of animal. So I pose a question that, sometimes after living for 70 years, a person has never thought about, but which has an unambiguous and simple answer. Yes, we also drink milk that is foreign to us all our lives. We learned to drink. We believe that this is natural. Not a single species, not a single individual of mammals on our planet does this. And adult animals and even teenagers, in the natural world, never consume milk (even of their own species, not to mention the milk of other species) for food. So, adult cows do not drink milk. But nevertheless, cows, like any other animal, do not lack calcium, and their bones are strong and full of milk. Maybe there is another way to get the calcium the body needs so much? Of course there is, everything is in nature and everything is very simple and logical. Cows, goats and other animals that humans have tamed and began to strain their milk, intended by nature for feeding their young, for food, consume only grass for food and drink only water, and this is enough for them to synthesize this same milk inside your body, feed your cubs with milk, and even “pour” ten times more to a person. A wild buffalo produces only 4-6 liters of milk per day, and this is enough for her calf to grow and develop properly. Cows produce a much larger (sometimes 10-20 times) amount of milk only because for hundreds (or thousands, if you want to believe so) of years, people have artificially stimulated the formation of excess milk by manipulating the udder and cycles and carried out appropriate selection. And where does calcium come from in milk, as well as other microelements, because cows eat grass, but do not eat dairy products themselves. After all, the answer is obvious. Calcium enters the cow's body with the very green grass that they eat, enters in huge quantities, is absorbed and passes into milk in water-dissolved form. Moreover, no matter how many liters of milk a cow gives per day, the calcium content in it will be the same, provided that fresh green grass is eaten, since green plants contain tens of times more calcium than will later be in the milk of this cow and in the structure her body. For example, in sesame seeds or barley sprouts, there is 10 or more times more calcium than in cow's milk of the same mass. And for us people, isn’t it enough to consume vegetables and greens in food in order to get any necessary amount of calcium and so that women have a lot of their milk? Yes, more than enough. Can we get calcium from cows' milk? No, he can't. Why? More on this below. Please use common sense, and not the desire to justify the consumption of milk at any cost and say nonsense like -

“Well, then there are cows, they are herbivores, and then there is a person. People are omnivores, or even smarter, predators!” Or, “a person is not an animal, they say, there are different laws, etc.” Or remember the Indian Vedas, you don’t need to say anything about goodness (this will be the second part of my article) and please don’t say stupid things you heard from doctors, like “ On the contrary, milk is indispensable for older people. Especially for women: due to a decrease in hormonal levels(very clear and comprehensive formulation) Calcium gradually begins to be washed out of the body and bones weaken. Hence the threat of osteoporosis and severe fractures. Traditional medicine recommends chewing chalk in such cases.(idiots - the calcium there is inorganic) , that is, calcium in its pure form; meanwhile, in milk it is contained in a bound form and, therefore, is absorbed much better", or give "irrefutable" arguments and state the ultimate truth like “Discussions about the dangers of milk, firstly, are unscientific(this is because some Vasya wrote that it was supposedly anti-scientific, like, he himself is a fool, of course, without evidence, and signed it - Academician Pupkin.) , secondly, are ahistorical. After all, we all grew up with it.” How do you like it? Well, it’s just heartbreaking and arch scientifically - an ironclad argument - they grew up on milk. And some, then, grew up on vodka - after all, some drink all their lives and “nothing.” Nothing good. We survived - we survived. But just how they grew up and what kind of illness then... are all sick - or is this the norm of life now? Leave all this for now, put what you have learned and what you want aside.

I ask you to reason and think. So, I’m stating a fact - all biological metabolic processes (nutrition and cell division, DNA and RNA replication, the functioning of the immune system, accumulation of toxins, protein biosynthesis..) in cows, in humans, and in all other higher animals proceed similarly, according to some laws of nature (I’m not talking now about the peculiarities of the digestive system of cows and people, there is a difference that is determined by their goals and objectives - their type of nutrition, etc.), but, speaking about the milk of humans and other mammals, there is a fundamental difference in its chemical composition, caused by a different biology, the program of our species and the difference in the ontogenesis of a child and a calf, as well as in the information matrix (wave genetics deals with the study of such issues). But this difference is of fundamental and exceptional importance, because It was not for nothing that nature gave each species the opportunity to feed its young with its own, and only its own, milk. For example, there is less protein in human breast milk than in any other milk of other mammals, because Unlike the cubs of any animals, the child does not need to grow so quickly physically, does not need to stand on his feet on the day of his birth (children do not need and do not experience rapid muscle growth), etc., but the child needs a lot of non-oxidized fats for brain growth and development. Yes, and the proteins are different between us and cows. Moreover, goats and cows are different. The biochemistry of milk in humans and other animals is completely different. I am not talking now about the genetic program and information that should be transmitted through milk only from one’s mother to her child (generic information with its own characteristics) and the consequences of consuming foreign milk in this aspect. This is a separate but very deep topic. Here we consider mainly pure biology and biochemistry. What happens to the human body, which, due to its ignorance and thoughtless copying of the bad examples of its loved ones, believing that this is how it should be, begins to introduce into the diet or continues to consume the milk of another type of animal, I will write below.

Let's get back to calcium. After all, many sincerely believe that calcium drunk with cow's milk will be absorbed and benefit them.

Many fruits, and especially the green parts of plants, contain more calcium than the milk of cows, goats, etc. But unlike the calcium contained in animal milk, a child (no longer an infant - who should receive all nutrients only with full-fledged milk his mother, and then switches to specific complementary foods and then to specific nutrition) will actually receive the calcium he needs from plant foods for his development. But what if a child consumes animal milk and does not receive calcium? No, of course not, which is why modern people have so many problems with the musculoskeletal system and other body systems (especially since the 50s of the last century) - from scoliosis and arthritis to type 1 diabetes, cellulite, fibroids... I want to emphasize that calcium is washed out from the body not at all for years, its deficiency is due to the constant consumption of certain foods, such as sugar, milk and dairy products, flour and cereal products. These products contain a lot of calcium, but it is inorganic (because calcium is inorganic, dead and not available for absorption and use in cellular biochemistry; it is formed when any product containing calcium is cooked above plus 65 degrees, transforming from organic) and is not compatible with the human body. Such calcium does not dissolve, but accumulates in the form of calcareous plaques that clog blood vessels (especially together with oxidized cholesterol and toxins of decaying proteins, interesting and stable compounds are formed), and the treatment of many diseases is precisely associated with the removal of inorganic calcium from the body. And some people chew chalk. But the point is not only the impossibility of assimilation and use of inorganic calcium for the needs of the body, because many drink fresh (live) milk, and not just pasteurized (dead) milk. It would seem - well, organic calcium, found in a natural water-dissolved form, in whole milk, is useful and will definitely be absorbed by the human body and will benefit it, right? It seems so. But no, not like that!

By the way, to keep your hair and nails strong, you need to eat enough silicon. Green peppers contain a lot of silicon - drink fresh juice from green peppers, or mixed with carrots. Up to 500 ml per day.

Yes, unpasteurized, whole milk contains organic calcium, but that’s not the only problem, there’s another problem. And this is why you will always be calcium deficient if you consume animal milk.

The fact is that in the milk of cows, in addition to calcium, there is also a milk protein - casein, it is a strong oxidizing agent (since in the human body, even in infants, there are no enzymes that disassemble this protein from cow's milk), like any animal Protein, for the human body, is an antigen, and in general an excess of nitrogenous compounds, which are poisons, oxidize the pH environment of the stomach. And casein strongly acidifies the stomach environment. As a result, in order to bring homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment) into balance (in the human body all environments are alkaline and only in people who eat animal corpses and dairy “products”, the pH of the stomach has increased acidity, which is not characteristic of our species), in this case acid-base balance, the body is forced to neutralize excess acid in the stomach with a large amount of alkali, in this case taken, first of all, from the milk itself. Those. calcium. And nature always follows the simplest and most logical path - it’s easier to take it from the product itself. Moreover, this amount of calcium contained in the milk drunk is not enough to completely neutralize the increased acidity, because casein (more on this below) is a “long-lasting” protein, cannot be easily digested and absorbed, and then calcium is taken from other foods eaten (and it’s good if they are present in the diet - living green plant food), or calcium is taken from the body itself, destroying its bone tissue, which happens in 95% of the population. Often, such mothers who feed their infants with their milk have their teeth, skeleton, nails, hair destroyed - only because they, having succumbed to the recommendations and even demands of doctors who do not understand biochemistry and natural logic, drink and eat milk, cottage cheese, etc. etc., during this period (pregnancy and breastfeeding) they consume dairy and meat products that are not characteristic of the human diet, which is what they say, incl. and these facts. In order for calcium to be absorbed almost 100 percent, it is necessary that the product that contains calcium also contains magnesium. The milk of cows and goats contains very little magnesium, no more than is needed to absorb 25 percent of the calcium drunk in the milk. Also, the calcium itself in milk is not enough to neutralize the oxidation of gastric juice from the strong oxidizing effect of the milk protein casein. You need 3-4 times more. Now, if casein were broken down into amino acids, if we humans synthesized the enzyme renin in our stomachs, then we would be able to obtain calcium from milk, however, then we would have to synthesize calf renin, and when we drank goat milk, then goat milk. But this does not and cannot exist in nature, because... Even in calves, from a certain age, renin in their stomachs ceases to be synthesized and then they stop sucking their mother’s milk, since they can no longer fully absorb it, and then the calves switch to a specific diet - they begin to eat grass. And the man (even though he has a stake on his head) continues to lap up the milk of cows, from a mug, of course, from the udder, not romantically, it must be “cultural.” Of course, there is not enough calcium, and first of all, the unfortunate mother. After all, all the necessary nutrients and building substances are transferred to the child (fetus), through the placenta, even to the detriment of the mother’s body, as nature provides for the preservation of the species (everything the fetus needs at any cost). This is the truth - this is nature, these are its laws. And what do doctors advise if there is a lack of calcium: eat sprouted grains of oats or barley, cabbage or green salad, dill, drink turnip leaf juice? And a person will receive calcium from green plant foods in excess, and from a small volume. No, they advise drinking even more milk and eating more cottage cheese. And the joints are already crunching, the kidneys are suffering (I won’t go into detail about the kidneys in this article). What about the liver?

Liver , is the largest gland, it is it that must carry out the synthesis of many proteins that are so necessary for our body, for example, hemoglobin, glycogen, various enzymes, must neutralize toxic substances that enter it with the blood from the gastrointestinal tract (and from there this comes !), it is involved in lymph formation, thus playing a huge role in metabolism. It would be necessary to tell more about the liver so that it would be clear how those people who thoughtlessly eat the meat and milk of animals mock their liver and what such mockery always and inevitably leads to. A question of safety margin and time. And why are they doing this? For the sake of benefit, as they think, i.e. essential amino acids. So you will understand that this is nonsense. For the sake of supposedly taste, stop eating and soon you will feel a natural and natural disgust, even from the smell of fried and boiled corpses. Listen carefully. The liver is the most important organ for protein synthesis. It produces all the blood albumin, the bulk of coagulation factors, protein complexes (glycoproteins, lipoproteins), etc. The most intense breakdown of proteins also occurs in the liver. It is involved in the metabolism of amino acids, the synthesis of glutamine and creatine; almost exclusively in P. the formation of urea occurs. P. plays a significant role in lipid metabolism. Basically, triglycerides, phospholipids and bile acids are synthesized in it, a significant part of endogenous cholesterol is formed here, triglycerides are oxidized and acetone bodies are formed; The bile secreted by P. is important for the breakdown and absorption of fats in the intestines. P. actively participates in the interstitial metabolism of carbohydrates: the formation of sugar, the oxidation of glucose, and the synthesis and breakdown of glycogen occur in it. P. is one of the most important glycogen depots in the body. P.'s participation in pigment metabolism is the formation of bilirubin, its capture from the blood, conjugation and excretion into bile. P. participates in the metabolism of biologically active substances - hormones, biogenic amines, vitamins. P.'s excretory function ensures the release of more than 40 compounds from the body with bile, both synthesized by P. itself and captured by it from the blood. Unlike the kidneys, it also excretes substances with high molecular weight and insoluble in water. Substances excreted by P. in bile include bile acids, cholesterol, phospholipids, bilirubin, many proteins, copper, etc. P.’s barrier function is to protect the body from the damaging effects of foreign agents (mainly proteins) and metabolic products, maintaining homeostasis. The barrier function is carried out due to the protective and neutralizing effect of the liver. P.'s neutralizing effect ensures the chemical transformation of toxic products, both coming from the outside and those formed during interstitial metabolism. As a result of metabolic transformations in P. (oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, conjugation with glucuronic acid or other compounds), the toxicity of these products decreases and (or) their water solubility increases, which makes it possible to isolate them from the body.

Do you understand what this means and why I couldn’t help but dwell on liver functions? After all, by eating foreign proteins - antigens with animal corpses and dairy “products”, we bombard the liver with undigested protein poisons and toxins, which it must somehow partially neutralize and transmit through the blood to the kidneys, lymph... This also means that our body is capable of synthesizes itself, if there is no excessive load on our endocrine glands. The body is completely self-sufficient. We do not need proteins from outside - from food in general, with the exception of the transition period to specific nutrition in complex patients.. From amino acids that are synthesized in the large intestine from plant fiber by a certain group of symbiotic bacteria, through the blood, the liver synthesizes our body the required amount of various proteins . This is where proteins come from. Those. from greens, vegetables and fruits. You don't even need nuts. By the way, for two years I specifically did not eat any proteins, neither from nuts nor from grains, only protein-free plant foods. Not only did he not die, but on the contrary, he acquired a lot of useful things. And the proteins were synthesized! But this example, for truth, understanding the laws of nature, has no significance, like thousands of other examples, because The truth does not need proof, but the lie does! But everything was turned upside down for us. Let them prove the harmlessness, not to mention the benefits, of consuming animal proteins - they can’t do that, not on any point. They can only at the level of emotions and references to their ancestors, they say, they always ate, they can shake their fat with anger and regalia. And you are still looking for how many proteins are in this or that product. It doesn't matter how much. There are tribes in the Amazon who never eat protein at all, but they give birth at 100 - 120 years old and feed their children, as expected, with their milk. They consume only 5-6 types of foods, of which one is Sweet Potatoes (sweet potatoes are carbohydrates), which makes up 96 percent of their total food. And at the exit from the digestive system, they have 10 times more proteins than at the entrance. These studies were conducted by an American doctor. Yes, you understand that these people eat specific food, they are vegetarians - raw foodists. Here you have the squirrels, here you have the science with sick and pot-bellied doctors and academicians with triple chins, foaming at the mouth in defense of their glass of milk and piece of meat and imposing it on others. Later I will post a program on the Blog (from one talk show) with such smart people - oh, how interesting it will be. Switch to live food, the intestines and liver will be cleansed, the lymph and skin will be cleansed, acne, folds and fat will disappear. Strength and energy appear. You will be healthy and happy. And this is natural.

I got distracted from Calcium, but I’m sure it was not in vain. Let's move on again to calcium in cow's milk.

And if pasteurized milk is consumed after boiling, then organic calcium turns into an inorganic form and this structure of calcium cannot be absorbed at all, just like any mineral in an inorganic form. Remember, when cleaning or cooking foods, organic water-soluble and absorbable calcium is converted into a substance insoluble in water - inorganic calcium, which cannot be absorbed by the human body or any higher animal in general, it accumulates in the body and leads to many diseases (from arthritis to stones and sand in the kidneys, liver and varicose veins). Remember what happens to minerals when water is boiled in a kettle (if the water is not distilled) - they precipitate - i.e. become insoluble - inorganic - slag. Do you think that if you cook and fry food, boil milk and whatever, then your body will feel like magic, not like a teapot? It will be the same as in a teapot. The minerals will become dead - slag.

And only plants, in the process of photosynthesis, will again be able to build and accumulate organic living minerals from inorganic minerals entering through the root system along with water, as well as synthesize primary organic biomass (complex fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids..) , which all animals will feed on, i.e. consumers (In ecology - consumers of primary organic matter of different orders in a single food chain and network of the Earth's biosphere - the largest ecosystem on our planet).

One of the motivating moments that I began to nurse Kolya from the first months, using mainly reusable diapers, was the understanding of how huge a number of disposable diapers are left after each baby. Everything would be fine, but each such diaper completely decomposes within 500 (!) years. At the same time, I was haunted by the thought that I, like any woman, was also not far behind with my pads and, if possible, it would be great to have an environmentally friendly alternative in this matter, but I had never seen anything on this topic before. And then it was found the other day.

“Almost every woman on the planet is now forced to use hygiene products that take several hundred years to decompose and are still not very convenient, and, apparently, very toxic. Did you know that there is a convenient and environmentally friendly alternative: from those whoever tried it, few would not call this alternative ideal.

The main reason why every girl does not know about this product is that selling this product is extremely unprofitable: one munkap, otherwise a menstrual cup, will last for 10-15-20 years... A munkap is a small flexible cap made of surgical grade silicone with " leg", which instantly acquires body temperature, is completely imperceptible and prevents contact of secretions with air - due to which:

1) protects against leakage much more reliably than a tampon
2) since there is no contact of the secretions with oxygen, they have no odor.

Your own feeling during critical days becomes very pure and light; most of those who try it change their overall attitude towards these days: they become, if not a holiday, then at least a quiet joy. The negativity from memories of the need to always keep special tools at hand and the general feeling of using them can probably only be understood in comparison with what the majority do not yet know and have never known...

“Nowadays they talk a lot about the unfavorable environmental situation and believe that it is precisely this that is to blame for the fact that people have become sick more often and more severely. At the same time, no one pays attention to endoecology. What it is? And this is the most important factor on which it depends whether a person is sick or healthy, this is the state of the internal environment of our body. It is determined by what kind of life we ​​lead, what we eat, what water we drink, how we breathe, and so on. It follows that a person himself, without the help of doctors, can shape his endoecological state, and therefore manage his health.

Ecology as a science about the surrounding world is a more capacious concept that includes everything that is commonly called the Universe. Everything in it should be in harmony. The reason for the discord with the world around us lies within us, so recovery at all levels must begin with ourselves...

...the level of slagging in the body, determined by the condition of the liver, in children under 5 years of age should be within 2-3%, in children from 5 to 12 years old - within 5-6%, in adults - within 8-12%. When examining patients, it is discovered that the average level of slagging in children is 25-30%, and in adults it reaches 45-60%. This means that if fluid that has passed through the connective tissues is delivered to the liver, it is cleared by the liver by only 40-55% in adults and 70-75% in children. Thus, our cells have to live and work in unbearable conditions. They are literally suffocating from toxic products. And until a person restores and cleanses his internal, endoecological environment, he cannot be completely cured of any disease. That's why the cornerstone of my wellness system is internal cleansing of the body.

The following signs indicate that the body is polluted:

- disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea, foul-smelling stool, dysbacteriosis, gallstones, kidney stones);

- metabolic disorders (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis);

- various skin and allergic manifestations (all kinds of rashes, eczema, psoriasis, lichen, papillomas, warts, furunculosis, urticaria);

- increased fatigue;

- memory impairment, etc.

I repeat once again: if you do not improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver as the main detoxification organ, and if you do not cleanse the connective tissue structures, you cannot cure a person.

...In order not to bring slagging in your body to the maximum level, you must first of all pay serious attention to nutrition. Many people do not believe that only by switching to proper (meaning separate) nutrition can one get rid of diseases that are beyond the power of the strongest chemotherapy drugs..."

“As they walked and talked along the way, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared, and separated them both, and Elijah went up into heaven in a whirlwind...” 2 Kings 2:11.

Andrei Lvovich came out of the tent, stretched sweetly and, not having time to cover his eyes with his hand, received a hefty portion of sand right in his face. The wind did not stop for the second hour, making it difficult to clear and extract fossil animal bones. This is a very meticulous matter that requires concentration. And here... Ten meters per second - and full pockets of silicon rock mixed with thorns.

What productivity is there! Therefore, it was decided to stop the excavations and rest. Dinosaurs aren't going anywhere. They have waited for millions of years and will endure a little longer...

Six days of travel by rail shook my soul. But the smoky carriages, packed to capacity with a motley crowd, turned out to be a boon relative to the sweltering heat and the caravan of camels that carried them to their destination for three days. If then Andrei Lvovich had been told that this trip would change his scientific worldview, he would not have believed it. In his dogmatic mind as a paleontologist professor, there would hardly be room for the crazy postulate that the objective statement “science has proven” is just a subjective delusion based generally on the illusory nature of the perceived picture.

But let's go back to the beginning of our story and see where this railroad takes us.

... The day before yesterday they were incredibly lucky. Truly, the Gobi Desert is a treasure trove for scientific research. If in 1961, through the efforts of Mongolian and Chinese comrades, a very small number of limbs and skulls of ancient reptiles of scientific interest were discovered, then from the beginning of sixty-two, luck itself came into hand and the finds became more valuable.

Over the past three weeks, they have excavated, cleaned and packaged the complete Probactrosaurus skeleton. And the day before yesterday, Peter and Marina stumbled upon the bone frame of a giant ankylosaur. The finds are tens or even hundreds of millions of years old.

Andrei Lvovich winced from the incessant sand attack, and while visibility allowed, he decided to walk towards the excavations, fenced around the perimeter with a fabric mesh. The “Raketa” wristwatch, donated by comrade Efremov from the Paleontological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, showed eight hours forty-five minutes in the evening. It's soon night. It gets dark quickly in the Gobi. Another half hour and you won’t be able to find your way without a flashlight.

Our feet were stuck up to our ankles in the sand, and from the tents we could hear laughter, loud conversation and guitar playing. People used nature's chaos to rest and recuperate. Working in forty-degree heat is, you know, a civic feat.

Andrei Lvovich took out a pack of Herzegovina Flores, Comrade Stalin’s favorite cigarettes, lit a match, hid the fire in his palm and lit a cigarette. At the moment, due to the illness of their leader Chudinov, he, acting as a senior, personally supervised the progress of the work. As a prominent figure in his field, the professor understood the significance of their find for scientific research. The amazingly preserved bones of prehistoric animals will serve the benefit of Soviet science!

The professor took another drag and out of the corner of his eye he saw that a man was sitting about ten meters from the last tent and, without noticing him, was looking dreamily into the darkening sky. A distinctive feature of the southern latitudes: the sun has not yet set below the horizon, and the moon has already gone out for a night walk. The man was not a member of the expedition, but he clearly had no relation to his Mongolian colleagues, judging by his pronounced European appearance.

The paleontologist adjusted his glasses and, squinting his eyes, once again peered into the stranger’s face. But without recognizing him as an employee of the “Russian Eagle Expeditionary Force,” as he liked to call their detachment, he moved straight towards him. The scientist came in from the back, like a real tracker. And he walked as quietly as possible in order to get as close as possible unnoticed. The wind and the sound of shifting sand muffled his steps. However, before reaching the man about five meters, the paleontologist stopped. The reason was simple: the plan for a surprise appearance had failed.

The stranger, perceiving the movement behind him, turned around and smiled welcomingly.

“Good evening,” he said in Russian without an accent.

His tanned face indicated that this was not the first time the sun had paid special attention to him. And the shabby cotton suit and backpack, which fit well on his athletic body, clearly marked him as a traveler.

“Good,” the scientist automatically answered and peered into the features of the tanned face.
The nose is straight, the lips are plump, the eyes are blue and languid.

The stranger smiled even wider. He stood up springily, straightened his broad shoulders and extended his hand to Andrei Lvovich.

“My name is Ilya,” he clearly introduced himself in army style, which made a positive impression on the professor, who also served, and therefore respected people with bearing.

Andrei Lvovich,” the paleontologist said and shook the outstretched hand, “excuse me, but...

Yes, yes, I didn’t mean to scare you, sorry. I'm a traveler. Our group of five, including a guide, explores the local flora and fauna. As well as the culture and mentality of the Mongolian people in desert conditions. The hike is sanctioned by the Ministry of Culture together with the Institute of Peoples' Friendship. We have been living here for six days, and recently we learned that you are standing a few kilometers from us and conducting excavations. So I came to meet you, to explore, so to speak.

Ilya had a pleasant appearance, and his smooth speech was conducive to trust. Andrei Lvovich offered him a cigarette, which his new acquaintance politely refused.

Thank you, I don’t smoke, I quit,” he said with a boyish smile. - I advise you too. Lung cancer is no joke.
- You're right. The habit, it should be noted, is disgusting. But in this deserted place, where there is only desert and thorns, you don’t know what will lead you to the grave faster: cigarettes, the heat of the sun or the smell of beasts of burden. I still don’t understand what the Mongolian brothers rub it with. However, let’s sit down, there is no truth at our feet,” said the scientist and plopped down on the sand. Ilya sat down next to him.

Continuing to inhale tobacco smoke, Andrei Lvovich noticed that his new acquaintance was constantly fingering black beads with his fingers.
- What do you have? - asked the paleontologist.
- This? Beads. It helps a lot when you quit smoking. Your hands are constantly busy, and the process of healing the body is less painful.
- What are you talking about, I didn’t even know. I'll try it the next time I quit.
- Remember Mark Twain? - and Ilya quoted: “There is nothing easier than quitting smoking - I myself have done this dozens of times.”
“You know,” Andrei Lvovich supported him. - I like his other catchphrase: “I made it a rule to never smoke more than one cigarette at a time.”

They both laughed.

The professor, confirming the dogmatic nature of the stated postulate, lit a new cigarette and took a deep drag.

Ilya spoke first:

May I ask what you are looking for here?
- No secrets. At the bottom of this pit is perhaps the oldest and best preserved skeleton of a prehistoric animal that frolicked millions of years ago.
- Really?
- Yes my friend. This is the find of the century, - and a ring cloud of tobacco smoke broke free.

Ilya looked at him thoughtfully and continued:
- Tell me, Andrey Lvovich, what do you want to get from your finds? More precisely, what benefit will this discovery bring to you personally and to humanity as a whole?
“Excuse me,” the scientist smiled at the short-sightedness of his interlocutor. - I told you. This is the only well-preserved skeleton of an ankylosaur of its kind. Look for yourself. This is a miracle.

The sun, which had not yet set below the horizon, focused a spot of light on the indicated object. Ilya tilted his head, looked and smiled.
- The miracle, dear Andrei Lvovich, unfortunately, is on a different plane. And these,” Ilya pointed his finger down, “are just bones.”
- No, my dear. You did not understand. These are not “just bones”, but the remains of a prehistoric animal. “A perfectly preserved skeleton, hundreds of millions of years old,” the professor repeated nervously.
- Hundreds of millions? Are you sure? - Ilya asked more seriously, but with some mischievous sparkle in his eyes.
- I could be wrong in dozens. But overall, I think it’s definitely a hundred million.

Ilya spread his arms, then clapped his hands and looked into the darkening sky.
- What time is it now? - he suddenly asked unexpectedly.

The scientist looked at the dial of his famous watch and reported: “Exactly nine o’clock in the evening. What?”
“Nine in the evening,” Ilya said thoughtfully. - Andrey Lvovich, would you like me to try to prove within a short period of time that these bones are no more than... six thousand years old?
- With this? - the scientist pointed to the pit.
“Precisely this,” Ilya answered and smiled again.

Andrei Lvovich looked at his interlocutor, trying to understand whether he was joking or not.

My friend! Yes, any student, looking at this,” and the scientist again pointed to the bones, “will say that they are millions of years old.
- Schoolboy - perhaps. But you are a scientist.
- And what follows from this? - the “learned man” clarified, not understanding where his interlocutor was going. - Are you saying that millions of years ago dinosaurs did not exist?
- A little wrong, professor. I agree with you and with the entire scientific world that dinosaurs existed and that they were enormous in size, as you describe them. The fact is obvious - the bones are in the grave. I just want to try to refute the theory that they became extinct millions, as you say, of years ago. That's all. I bet.
- Six thousand years?! Well, this is funny. No, you can't argue with science.
- You are wrong to think so. That’s exactly what I’m willing to argue with science,” Ilya now spoke quite seriously, and not a trace remained of his boyish, white-toothed smile.
- If you are ready to represent science in our dispute here and now, I am ready to begin. And I’ll even agree, if I lose my bet, to give you my rosary, which I see you really liked. Well, if I can convince you, you will fulfill one of my little wishes. How's it going, professor? Is it coming?
- What wish? - Andrei Lvovich clarified, getting excited.
- Well, let’s say I ask you to publish our conversation in a report to your management. Perhaps people of science will be interested in reading that there is an alternative opinion on some specific issues.
- Well, this is even interesting! I am sure that you will not be able to convince me because this is complete absurdity. But I really liked your rosary. Come on! We bet! I'd love to hear your, um, theory.

A clap of palms loud as a gunshot and a firm handshake meant that the bet was made.

Ilya started first:
- Theory? No, dear Andrey Lvovich. Scientific theory is your thing. You scientists build theories. And I just know. But let's move forward.
“Come on,” the paleontologist answered enthusiastically, accepting the game and mentally anticipating how victoriously he would “tear apart” this upstart tourist. Ilya continued:
- You've probably heard about radiocarbon dating - a method for determining the age of fossils.
- Well, of course, it is he who confirms the correctness of my words.
- Unfortunately, no, comrade scientist.
- Why? - The professor raised his right eyebrow. This happened to him automatically when he heard obvious nonsense and was ready to oppose.
- But because the half-life of radioactive carbon is just over five thousand seven hundred years. It is for this period that you can predict the age of fossil bones, and the rest is all, sorry, extrapolation and induction.
“Interesting,” said Andrei Lvovich, “let me know where you got such extensive knowledge on this issue?”
- It doesn’t matter, let’s say, I studied it in the distant past. So do we continue? - Ilya looked at the paleontologist with a cunning look.
- Well, please.
- So here it is. According to extrapolation, you draw a conclusion from observations of one part of a phenomenon and transfer it to another part that cannot be studied. You measure where it is available, and you assume that where it is not available, everything is exactly that way. Unfortunately no.

Andrei Lvovich chuckled, but did not interrupt.
“So,” the traveler stated, “this method is not always applicable.” Your colleagues have been observing and studying nature for several hundred years. But at the same time they are trying to make forecasts for a billion by extrapolation. Then, according to the established tradition, induction with its form of logical inference from the particular to the general is added to extrapolation. But they do not understand that, taken together, these methods provide confidence only under certain conditions. Millions of factors independent of each other influence the final result.
“Give me an example, my dear,” the professor demanded ironically.

Ilya looked at the rosary he was fingering and continued:
- An example? Please. You came out of the tent in the morning to drink water and saw that under the tap of the tank there was a bucket, drop by drop, filled with life-giving moisture, which overflowed. And then it dawned on you. Knowing the volume of the bucket, the volume of the water drop and the speed of the fall, you can calculate how long it takes for the bucket to become full. Five minutes of mathematics - and the answer is ready. Fifteen hours thirty-two minutes. This is an extrapolation. But! You didn't take into account one of a million factors. Ten minutes ago, not fifteen hours, Masha approached the tap. And while everyone was sleeping, I filled a bucket - in one minute. Then she closed the tap, but not tightly, and drops began to drip, creating the appearance that it was just filling up. In fact, ninety-nine percent of the bucket was filled with water in sixty seconds because there was so much pressure. And the remaining one percent is what you saw and came to a conclusion through induction.

Ilya clapped his hands and laughed loudly.

How do you like the example? Yes, all paleontology is built from effect to cause.
- Well, you bent, dear. Listen to me, all science is a myth.
- No. I just want to show you that scientific knowledge is not limitless and absolute. In fact, science is a factory for producing slogans. “Scientists have proven”, “scientists have said”, “scientists have deduced”. And the result is a bare theory and system of knowledge for describing a set of phenomena.
- Let me, let me. But what about the proven facts?
- Axiomatics. The usual axiomatics. Truth without evidence. No foundation. No basis. An axiom in itself is a relative thing. After all, if we take it as an axiom that these bones are a million years old, then the Universe must be at least ten billion years old.
- Do you doubt this too? - Andrei Lvovich’s eyebrow didn’t just go up, it “fluttered” like a bird’s wing. Up down.
- You are not? - Ilya lowered his eyes and shook his head thoughtfully. - It's a pity.
“Well, this is too much,” the professor burst out.
“Not at all,” the unusual tourist looked Andrei Lvovich straight in the eye.
He, in turn, looked at his interlocutor with surprise.
- But what about the big bang theory? - said the scientist. - Does she also make you sarcasm?
- That's right, theory again. According to the scientific model, the universe is more than ten billion years old. But I want to assure you that she is not even ten thousand.
- Absurd.
- Alas, dear professor. What is all the confidence of scientists based on? You explore what is available to you, then test it experimentally and extend it to the past, which is not available to you. Everything is built on axioms.
- So you want to say that the age of the universe is ten thousand years? The basis of the statement is the changed physical laws of the past?
“Not only laws,” Ilya shook the sand from his knees. - Everything was different. You don't take into account that the pace of time was different before.
- Wait, my friend. You have not answered a clearly asked question. The universe is ten thousand years old?
- If we are talking about a material three-dimensional abode, then a little less than six.
- Nonsense! Sorry, but I can’t express it any other way,” the professor took off his glasses, nervously wiped them and put them back in place.
- Don’t rush to draw conclusions, Andrey Lvovich. Conclusions are only true when the assumptions are true. Time and space, since we smoothly moved from dinosaurs to the Universe, are not fully understood. And believe me, there will be no significant changes in this century. Time is relatively objective. For example, during phenomena close to the speed of light, it generally behaves differently. The flow of three hundred thousand kilometers per second changes it.
“Wait a minute,” Andrei Lvovich interrupted him, “you said that “there will be no changes in this century.” How should we understand you?

Ilya smiled.
- Andrey Lvovich! Let's not lose the thread of the conversation; we'll discuss minor aspects later. Let's continue. The pace of time is unknown to all of us. Are you sure that earlier, say, six thousand years ago, these rates were the same as now? No. No one observed the birth process. So, dear professor, I want to reveal to you, as a scientist, one terrible secret. Our Universe is five thousand seven hundred sixty-five years old. And the statement about billions is only a belief, but not a proven scientific fact. I am sure that in the whole world you will not find a notary who has in his safe the metric of our material abode as evidence.
Ilya smiled, but Andrei Lvovich was not laughing. He, a world-famous scientist, sits opposite the “layman boy” and listens to his ravings.
“Listen, Ilya,” the paleontologist turned to him, trying to be calm. - Do you really think that all science is built on assumptions and axioms?
- Absolutely right, dear guru, it’s nice to communicate with an intelligent person.
- Yeah. But excuse me, but what about the singularity point? Or was she not there either?
- It depends on what you understand by singularity point. If the beginning of the countdown is the “big bang” that created matter, then no. And if the process of “creation” begins, then yes.
- I don’t understand what creation? - asked the scientist, adjusting his glasses on his nose a second time.

Ilya looked at him with clear blue eyes and asked a completely unexpected question.
- Andrey Lvovich, tell me, do you believe in God?
“Oh, that’s it,” the paleontologist answered in a serious tone. - I keep wondering where you are going with this. No, my dear. A scientist, an intelligent Soviet person, a professor cannot and should not believe in any God. These are all relics of the past.
- It’s clear, opium for the people. Tell me, Andrei Lvovich, which God do you not believe in?
- Like what God? - the scientist did not understand.
- You said that you don’t believe in God. Describe which God you don’t believe in.
- Weird question. Well, this one. In the image and likeness. How is it... Grandfather with a beard. He blinded Adam, then Eve. The Earth was created by the Sun. Yes, fairy tales are what you really are. We have already launched a satellite into space, and you are preaching about God.

Ilya smiled.
- You know, Andrei Lvovich, I don’t believe in such a flawed God as you just described. I'm talking about the Great Universal Mind, which, being outside of time, outside of space and generally in a different objective state, created this incredibly beautiful world. Just turn on your abstract imagination and imagine that before entering our three-dimensional dimension, the material citadel had a completely different structure. And its development took place according to completely different laws, at different speeds.
Ilya swallowed the saliva that had come up.
- Imagine. Everything that surrounds you is not there. And you are an outside observer, stand and watch. And suddenly, out of nowhere, as if from a magician’s hat, our Earth appears. Only it rotates around its axis not as it does now, but at a speed close to the speed of light, and all processes on it and outside its limits move in the same way. A little time passes and things begin to slow down. But during that period when the laws of another world dominated the Universe, the Earth went through a cycle lasting a billion years. Can we prove or disprove this? No. Then neither you nor anyone else was in the world. Science, as the genius of material progress, builds models of Existence and develops materiality in general. But scientific knowledge is not limitless and not absolute. Science explains questions of creation intuitively, by guesses, mostly by predictions, using the power of one or another individual. In reality, everything is much more complicated. Believe me, dear Andrei Lvovich, very little time will pass, and science will look at things completely differently.

Ilya stretched, threw his hands behind his head and dreamily looked at the night star.
“Firstly,” the tourist interrupted the prolonged silence, “she, science, will understand that the three genes that separate man from ape are not a process of evolution.” This is a process of involution, where a person has lost, and not a monkey has gained. Secondly, answering the question about the Universe, science will ask what it actually knows about it. If only three percent of the surrounding matter is understandable to her, then what is ninety-seven? Or maybe Who? How can we try to assert something in this situation and proportions of “I know - I don’t know”? At least it's not modest. Well, and thirdly, and this is the most important thing. It is science that will prove that God exists. Of course, this will not be the God you pictured for yourself in the communist worldview. This will be the God of creation. God, who created our world and maintains it every moment. God, who created the laws of nature and the processes of Existence. This is the kind of God science will reveal to you.

The paleontologist was surprised to notice that the wind had suddenly died down.
“Well, the time has come to say goodbye, my dear professor,” Ilya stood up and threw his backpack over his shoulder. - I see that I was not able to convince you and, to be honest, that was not my goal. In order now, at this time, in this place, to make you believe what I said, it would take at least a miracle, but a miracle is a one-time phenomenon. The creation of our world is a miracle. Only science is trying to level it out as an anachronism and attribute it to the “big bang” theory. Bang, bang - and from inanimate matter a reasonable person emerged. Yes, my good learned friend. The creation of the world lies outside the theories of scientific aspects. It is not researched. And to understand and accept, you just need to step out of the framework of standard thinking.

Ilya approached the paleontologist and, hugging him brotherly, firmly shook his hand.
- Goodbye, buddy. We will never see you again in this world. But know: there are other places where I will be glad to receive you and continue our conversation. Only by then will you be ready for it.

Andrei Lvovich stood under the gray Mongolian sky.

Fingering the rosary that remained after the handshake, he looked after his recent interlocutor, still expecting a miracle.

What if something happens. Suddenly he will disappear, dissolve in the air, ascend the heavenly staircase straight to the abode of the one about whom he so selflessly talked. Then perhaps the professor will believe this crazy story.

But the fabulous phenomenon did not happen, and the report telling that there was an alternative opinion never saw the light of day.

Miracle?! Indeed, a miracle is a one-time phenomenon.

If at that very moment Andrei Lvovich looked at his wristwatch, he was surprised to discover that the hands, smoothly sliding across the dial, showed exactly nine o’clock in the evening, just like thirty minutes ago.

I am a long-time opponent of Vanyuta, dating back to the days of the old Komon. Our opinions very often do not coincide and therefore we often argue to the point of cursing. But I never troll him, I just express my point of view, different from his. Now I’ll just tell you what I disagree with Ivan after reading his article about trends.

So, I'll start in order)))

Ivan's opinion:“Very often I encounter on forums an inadequate understanding of what a trend is. Most often they write something like this - you see (in hindsight) how the tops are getting higher and the retracements are getting higher - they say, this is a trend. The wind blows because the trees sway."

My opinion: The first definition of the trend was given by Charles Dow, 150 years ago. With an upward trend, each subsequent peak is higher than the previous one and each subsequent decline is also higher than the previous one. With a downward trend, the situation is the opposite: each subsequent peak is lower than the previous one and each subsequent decline is lower than the previous one. In a flat (sideways) market, each subsequent peak (and decline) is approximately at the same level as the previous ones. And this definition still works and no one has yet refuted it. Therefore, what is the inadequate understanding here? I don't understand)))

Ivan's opinion: Many experienced trend followers will disagree with me - but they also do not understand what a trend is.

In my opinion, an upward trend is, first of all, an independent movement, that is, a movement that has its own causality.

My opinion: Why think for others? Who understands or doesn’t understand what? Personally, I think that no one will even argue with this, that a trend is an independent movement that has its own causality. Without causality, even a pimple on the ass does not appear. And even Wikipedia will confirm that a trend is a tendency, a movement. So there is nothing unusual in this statement, but at the same time, it is not a definition of a trend.

Ivan's opinion: The rebound is only caused by the past decline and can easily be completed, unlike the trend.

That is why the rebound of our market to the second peak at 2300 on the Moscow Exchange index is not a trend. This means all the woeful advice that the first buyout will be on the trend, and that you shouldn’t short against the trend - all this advice is in the firebox.

My opinion: First, let's return to the original sources, namely, to the quotes of the same Charles Dow. Dow also identified three categories of trends: primary, secondary and minor. He considered the most important to be the primary trend, which lasts more than a year. The secondary trend is corrective in relation to the main one and usually lasts from a month to three. Such pullbacks account for approximately one to two-thirds of the distance prices traveled during the major trend. Minor or short-term trends last no more than a month and represent short-term fluctuations within an intermediate trend.

Ivan calls the rebound to the second peak at 2300 non-trend. And what, exactly, is it non-trend??? According to the Dow Theory, these are just small short-term fluctuations within an intermediate trend. And if you look at the monthly MICEX chart, everything again fits perfectly into the Dow theory.

From 2011 to 2014 there was a sideways movement, and since 2014 there has been an upward movement that lasts more than a year (primary trend), during which there were corrections, the last of which was from 2293 to 1774, and now the trend is continuing with an update of the previous high. Please note that local minima were not updated even once during this period of time! So think for yourself: is it worth throwing into the fire the advice not to short against the trend? Here’s my personal opinion – it’s not worth it.

Ivan's opinion: There is no upward trend in our index. In separate papers - yes. Not in the index. There is no upward trend in oil.

My opinion: Well, according to the index, I showed you the trend in the previous picture. And here is the oil chart:


Prices have been rising for several years now, starting in 2016 (primary trend). There were corrections over several months (secondary trend). So again, everything fits into the Dow theory of trends. And if someone in oil and in the index did not see a trend, then this is his problem. Like in the famous movie:

Do you see the gopher?

So, there is a beginning of a trend, an end and its middle.

Van, no one argues with this! But the fact is that in the same American “hustle” there is the beginning of a trend, but there is still no end!!! And when will you and Vasya understand this? The market has no idea about your wishes, about the fact that you are dreaming of a correction in order to close unprofitable shorts at least to zero. The market continues to grow and rewrite new historical highs. When will this trend end? Only God knows. But certainly not for you))) Although if the correction begins in the near future, then you will be in the forefront, shouting louder than anyone that you warned us.

So, my opinion is that the midpoint should be calculated exactly when the trend actually ends. And this will be clearly visible. Until this moment, any wishes and dreams have absolutely no value.

Ivan's opinion: 1. A correction is needed to kill this year’s growth, and almost immediately - at the end of January - in February.

My opinion: I am “FOR” with both hands a healthy correction in the roar. But killing the growth of this year, starting from 2110, and even immediately, is already from the realm of fantasy, just another wishlist-dreams that we have been reading for several months.

Ivan's opinion: 2. There will be an April-May correction towards 2470-2500, this is -15% of the current highs.

My opinion: To be honest, I have never encountered a “correction” towards historical highs))) Well, if only a “correction”? In general, there is probably no experienced trader who does not know the saying “Sell In May And Go Away”, so every season everyone tries to trade the ups before May in order to sell on the highs there. Therefore, again, there is logic in Vanya’s phrase, but there is no value. The same goes for the third statement. Nobody knows what will happen in the fall, so anything is possible. So, with the prefix “perhaps”, you can say whatever you want. Something will come true.

Ivan's opinion: And do you know how a trader differs from would-be investors, including pro-investment traders? He sees where the highway will be laid. And they will continue to collect pieces of growth at half the depot until they are washed away into the depths of the universal method basin.

My opinion: To be honest, I still don’t understand which category belongs to Vasya, who is shorting the “hoarse”, and Vanya, who is shorting Tatka and Sber? Didn't they see this highway? After all, they were even told many times, guys, there’s no need to shorten this! Don't!!! It's not time yet! Wait!

Well, the conclusions from all this...

Ivan: I recorded a two-hour webinar about trends, how and when a trend begins and ends, what to look for, what to take into account.

Buy it when you're ready

My opinion: I’m probably not yet mature enough to pay money for all sorts of nonsense that has no value. The Internet is full of really useful information, starting with the basics laid down 150 years ago, and which still work today! Just re-read the works of Charles Dow and you will understand that the price takes into account EVERYTHING!!! A trend continues until it gives clear signals that it has changed.

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