What does the asterisk in Viber mean in the photo in contacts? Star symbol - types and meanings What does an asterisk mean in correspondence.

Each application has its own chips, symbols, and not everyone knows why they are needed. For example, what does an asterisk in Viber mean in a photo in contacts - today we will tell you why it is needed.

First star: Favorites option

To begin with, let's say that an asterisk in contacts in Viber can be found only on phones in older versions of Android OS.

  • You need to open any profile with information about a person in the application, click on the star;
  • And now we can answer the question, what does the asterisk mean in Viber -
    with its help, you can add a contact to your favorites for easy communication. That is, when you open the "Contacts" tab, the selected friend will be on top.

For computer

  • Open a friend's profile and click on the data that is at the top.
  • Next, you'll see your profile photo, media files, and
    there will be a star on the right:
  • When you hover over it, the inscription "Add to favorites" appears, click:

And now this account will always be on the top left above all chats:

What is it for? If you communicate a lot with different people on Viber, but there are certain personalities that you would like to highlight and not search for numerous chats at the bottom, this is the feature for you.

Did you quarrel? Don't want to chat anymore? Removing a person from your favorites is easy! Repeat the steps in reverse order. When you click on the star again - the person will be in the general list.

And what does an asterisk mean in Viber on Public accounts? The same. You can also “select” them in the general stream.

Second Asterisk - Public Accounts

Let's dig a little history! When Public Cnats appeared on the old versions of Viber, there was such an asterisk nearby on all devices. This icon simply drew attention to the new Viber feature and showed something else. Indeed, this is history!

Over time, it turned into a circle:

And when you click on the appropriate section, it disappeared and did not appear again later)

It seems that all the stars indicated) Write in the comments, if not all)

apostrophe (’ " ) parentheses (, (), { }, ⟨ ⟩ ) colon (: ) comma (, ) dash (‒ , –, -, ― ) ellipsis (…, ..., . . . ) Exclamation point (! ) dot (. ) hyphen () hyphen-minus (- ) question mark (? ) quotes („ “, « », “ ”, ‘ ’, ‹ › ) semicolon (; ) Word separators space () ( ) ( )

Star or asterisk(gr. ἀστέρισκος ) - a typographic sign in the form of a small, usually five- or six-pointed asterisk ( * ) , located in the line or raised above the line.

It was introduced in the 2nd century BC. e. in the texts of the Library of Alexandria by the ancient philologist Aristophanes of Byzantium to indicate ambiguities.

Traditional use

  • The superscript asterisk is a classic sign of a footnote or note (in the old days it was sometimes even referred to as punctuation marks and was called a “remarkable sign”). The second, third, etc. notes are indicated in the domestic typographic tradition by two, three, etc., asterisks in a row. (If the number of footnotes exceeds 3, then it is recommended to use numbers on the top line instead of asterisks).
  • Three asterisks located on a separate line in a row (or a triangle) are used as a separator of text segments or replace the heading (especially often used instead of a title for untitled poems); sometimes put at the end of the text.
    • In some fonts, three asterisks in a triangle exist as a separate pre-prepared sign - asterism (⁂).
  • Asterisks can be replaced (in whole or in part) by an unnamed name (for example, in the dedication of poems: “K ***”, “P. A. O ***”) or an unprintable word.
  • In linguistics, an asterisk is put:
    • before the restored, hypothetical word form, not recorded in the written monuments: praslav. *gord (city), *kaina (price), *vertmen (time);
    • at the beginning of grammatically incorrect examples, to mark this grammatical irregularity, for example: *Who asked him?
  • Asterisks (from one to five) indicate the quality of certain types of goods and services (mainly cognacs and hotels): the more stars, the higher the quality.

In mathematics

  • The asterisk denotes the two-place convolution operator.
  • The prefix asterisk denotes the one-place linear Hodge operator .
  • A superscript asterisk often denotes all kinds of dual and conjugate objects.
  • The superscript asterisk in the notation of regular sets means the iteration operation: A^* = \lbrace\lambda\rbrace \cup A \cup (A\cdot A) \cup (A\cdot A\cdot A) \cup\dots; across \lambda here the empty word is indicated, and the dot is the concatenation operation.

In programming, informatics and computing

  • In most programming languages, the asterisk is used as the multiplication sign.
  • In /C++ languages ​​and their descendants, an asterisk before the name of a pointer variable (or before a pointer expression) is used to refer to the variable that the pointer refers to. When declaring variables, an asterisk before the name means that the variable is a pointer (more: pointer (data type)).
  • In command templates of various operating systems, and indeed in various applications of the command line interface, the asterisk is one of the wildcard characters (eng. wild card characters) and replaces an arbitrary (or with some restrictions) sequence of characters; most often this is used to find and select the desired files: for example, the DOS command
dir ZZ*.TXT will list all TXT files that start with ZZ . Therefore, "asterisk" cannot be used in a filename.
  • In computer notation of regular expressions, an asterisk denotes a repetition from 0 to an infinite number of times.

Some programming languages ​​use combinations of asterisks with each other and with other characters:

  • ** - exponentiation sign in Fortran and Python;
  • /* and */ - signs of the beginning and end of a comment in /C++ and their descendants;
  • (* and *) - signs of the beginning and end of a comment in Pascal and its descendants;
  • *= - the sign of the operation "change the value of a variable by multiplying it by another" in /C++ and their descendants (the notation a *= b is used instead of a = a*b);
  • \* - a combination sometimes used to denote an asterisk by itself (used when the asterisk has a special meaning by default, but in the situation under consideration it is not needed).
  • For privacy reasons, each character is displayed as an asterisk when entering a password.
  • In Microsoft Word, you can type a text fragment of the form *fragment*. With autocorrect enabled, your snippet will become bold.

Wikipedia and MediaWiki in general

  • For making bulleted lists.
  • When categorizing to place an article at the top of the list. Recently replaced by a space .

In Unicode

Among the Unicode characters (version 5.2), 29 contain the word asterisk in the name - of which 2 characters are combining (an asterisk above and below the main character), 1 is a service character (tag asterisk).

In the Internet

On the Internet, a mat is often censored with an asterisk, for example "yeah fuck you" etc..

Often, in IRC, and other chats, an asterisk means a word correction.

I'm editing a Wikipedia article

Also, given the predominance of direct speech in online correspondence, actions (described in the first or third person) in them are also highlighted with asterisks on both sides.

Hello! *waves hands* How are you?

see also

Write a review on the article "Asterisk (typography)"


  • Bibliology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1982.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

At one point, did you notice that a new, mysterious star-shaped icon appeared on the notification panel of your smartphone or tablet, and after a while it also suddenly disappeared?

Don't be scared: you're just dealing with the new notification system that appeared in the Google Android operating system, version 5.0 Lollipop, and the asterisk is an indicator of one of its operating modes.

As you may already know, in this version of the Google operating system, if it is installed on your smartphone or tablet, you can set three modes of the notification system: “Do Not Disturb”, when no notifications and signals will disturb you, including even a signal alarm clock; "Important", where you can only receive important notifications, and "All" mode, which will show all notifications, as happened in earlier versions of Android.

You can enable one of these modes on the system volume and notifications control panel, which is called by a short press on the volume up / down key on your tablet or smartphone:

Here you can not only select the mode you are interested in, but also set the duration of its action: indefinitely or - until the next mode change or for a certain period of time, the duration of which can be done using the on-screen buttons (+) or (-):

So, if you turn on the "Important" mode, an indicator of this will appear on the notification panel in the form of that same mysterious asterisk. In Do Not Disturb mode, the star will change to a crossed out circle icon.

What are Important Messages and how do I change them? Go to the main settings menu of your device, section "Sounds and notifications", item "Alert modes":

As you can see in the screenshot above, here you can select the events that will be related to important alerts, including events and reminders, messages, incoming calls and messages from certain contacts, as well as set the schedule for the "Important alerts only" mode by day of the week and even certain hours these days.

The star belongs to the ancient symbols of mankind, adopted by the heraldry of different peoples, and belongs to the astral signs. Her image is perceived as eternity and aspiration. In heraldry and emblematics, the symbol "star" differs in the number of angles and color. Their combination gives different national nuances of meanings.

Eight-pointed star - symbol meaning

What does the eight pointed star mean? In various teachings, the octogram symbolizes the symbol of the harmony of spirit and matter. The image of an eight-pointed star is considered as two squares, which are superimposed at an angle on each other, has been associated since ancient times as balance, solidity and refers to the symbol of proportionality. The octagon is also seen as two crosses, combined in the center, which are the basis of the universe. The symbol "star" with eight rays is a common order sign in many Christian states.

The symbol of the number of rays is the endless circular motions of energy in space -. Eastern philosophy explains the merging of two crosses as the law of karma, which represents the seven incarnations of the human soul, and the eighth ray is getting into paradise. An octogram in the form of a "star" symbol with eight rays has a different meaning:

  • on the zone;
  • in Orthodoxy;
  • among the Slavs;
  • in Islam.

Five-pointed star - symbol meaning

Since ancient times, wearing a figure with five rays has protected the owner and was considered a talisman of well-being. The fusion of the elements of Earth and Air, Fire and Water, united with the Spirit. What does the five pointed star mean? The pentagram is a symbol of life. Its protective properties determine the relationship with the beginning and the end. The pentagram can be drawn on a sheet of paper without taking your hand off. This process is characterized as a continuous cycle in which the beginning merges with the end and can be repeated. The pentagram is located with the tip up, the symbol inverted is used by witches.

Symbol "four-pointed star"

The star, which has four rays, refers to the symbols of guiding (light in the darkness of the night). It is used by a number of organizations that determine the right path. What does the four-pointed star mean? The form associated with the cross is mainly adopted in Christianity. It is used on orders of departmental service. The four-pointed star is a symbol of good luck in career growth. It serves as the emblem of combat sports and club badges. The four-beam principle is preserved for all teams. Emblems differ in the angle of rotation, size and color.

Star of David - symbol meaning

Two triangles with equal sides, superimposed one on the other, look like a six-beam shape. This ancient image is present in the culture of different countries and has many names: Solomon's seal, hexagram, Magendovid. According to one version, its name is associated with King David, who used the star for his talisman. The letter "D" had the image of a triangle, and there are two of them in the king's name.

The symbol "star of David" is placed on ancient religious and magical books. For Christians, the hexagram served as a decoration for the temple. The image of the symbol was present on amulets and amulets. The hexagram has not always been recognized by Jewish culture. The star of David became the symbol of Israel in the early 18th century, when it was used by the Zionists. There is no single interpretation of the sign. This is a very ancient symbol, the history of which is confused. From various sources, he was assigned magical, cult and mythical properties.

Star of Solomon - symbol meaning

One of the ancient and powerful symbols in magic is the star of Solomon. It is suitable for rites of protection and influence. round disk, what does the star symbolize, has magical powers. Engraving is applied to pendants and rings worn by sorcerers. Mostly they are made of silver, less often - of gold. The pentacle is used in the rituals of witches and white magicians, therefore it was called the "Solomon Star".

It can represent God or a person. Five points of the star is the number of wounds that were inflicted on Christ at the crucifixion. The points of the human body are the head and arms and legs outstretched in different directions. The pentacle is embroidered on clothes by magicians and drawn around and inside the magic circle when performing rituals and ceremonies. Amulets depicting the Star of Solomon protect magicians from evil spirits. They act as a talisman and allow communication and command over demons.

Inverted Star Symbol

Not every person knows the meaning of symbols that may catch the eye. What does an inverted star mean? This is the pentagram of Satan. A very powerful symbol that has existed for many centuries. It was used in ancient Rome and Egypt. The pentagram of the black devil was depicted in different ways. She could look like a goat's head, where the beard is the corner of the star below, and the top two are the horns of the animal.

This sign symbolizes the superiority of material values ​​and black magic over spiritual power and elements. A star that has the correct location can overcome black power; it was used in magical rites and rituals. The symbol of black devils is often used in horror films and mystical books. In the modern world, the symbol of an inverted star refers to the occult sciences.

Slavic symbol - the star of Rus'

Knowledge of ancient talismans has survived to this day. One of the strong amulets of the Slavs is the star of Rus'. He was well known in ancient times. The amulet has another name, which means the star of Svarog (square). By creating this amulet, the ancient Slavs glorified the memory of their ancestors, restoring the connection between the other worlds and the current generation. The ancient Slavs had three of them: Rule, Reveal and Navi. It meant the world of gods, people and the dead.

They must be perceived as a unity in order to maintain the balance of prolonging life on Earth. This connection runs through the past generation, present and future. The symbol "star of Rus'" flaunted on the decoration of princes Vladimir and Svyatoslav. The amulet is an eight-pointed star, which consists of interlaced squares and pointed ovals. They are a symbol of the fertility of the earth, justice and honor.

Star of England - symbol meaning

What does the star of England mean? Amulet of the ancient Slavs. It represents a star with nine rays, consisting of three triangles with equal sides, is the main symbol of the Inglin. The amulet unites the Body, Soul and Spirit of a person and connects it with three worlds: Rule - Gods, Reveal - people, Navi - the underground world of ancestors. A circle in which there are three elemental triangles: Air around Fire, Water and Earth. The amulet has a strong energy and helps to maintain contact with the ancestors, receiving their wisdom and vitality. The runes that decorate the star help to strengthen its effect.

Erzgamma star - symbol meaning

In a difficult situation, a person turns to higher powers, praying for help. It is believed that the symbol of the Erzgamma star is the main talisman. It helps to keep in touch with the Universe. What is an Erzgamma star and what does it look like? It unites the human soul and cosmic forces. The amulet is a star with twelve rays. They are formed by four triangles with equal sides, which create harmony in the soul and body. In the center of the amulet there is a cross, which symbolizes the resurrection of Christ after his death, and 12 rays are the apostles.

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