What is an Einstein Rosen bridge. Wormholes in space

We are all used to the fact that the past cannot be returned, although sometimes we really want to. For more than a century, science fiction writers have been painting all sorts of incidents that arise due to the ability to travel through time and influence the course of history. Moreover, this topic turned out to be so burning that at the end of the last century, even physicists who were far from fairy tales seriously started looking for such solutions to the equations that describe our world, which would allow us to create time machines and overcome any space and time in the blink of an eye.

Fantasy novels describe entire transport networks connecting star systems and historical eras. I stepped into a booth stylized, say, as a telephone booth, and ended up somewhere in the Andromeda Nebula or on Earth, but visiting long-extinct tyrannosaurs. The characters of such works constantly use zero-transportation of the time machine, portals and similar convenient devices. However, fans of fantasy perceive such journeys without much trepidation you never know what can be imagined, referring the realization of the invented to an indefinite future or to the insights of an unknown genius. Much more surprising is the fact that time machines and tunnels in space are quite seriously discussed as hypothetically possible in articles on theoretical physics, on the pages of the most reputable scientific publications.

The answer lies in the fact that, according to Einstein's theory of gravity, the general theory of relativity (GR), the four-dimensional space-time in which we live is curved, and gravity, familiar to everyone, is a manifestation of such curvature.

Matter “bends”, warps the space around it, and the denser it is, the stronger the curvature. Numerous alternative theories of gravitation, the number of which goes to hundreds, differing from general relativity in details, retain the main thing - the idea of ​​space-time curvature. And if space is curved, then why not take, for example, the shape of a pipe, shortly connecting regions separated by hundreds of thousands of light years, or, say, epochs far from each other after all, we are talking not just about space, but about space- time? Do you remember the words of the Strugatskys (who, by the way, also resorted to zero-transportation): “I absolutely don’t see why the noble don shouldn’t…” well, let’s say, not fly to the XXXII century?

Wormholes or black holes?

Thoughts about such a strong curvature of our space-time arose immediately after the advent of general relativity already in 1916, the Austrian physicist L. Flamm discussed the possibility of the existence of spatial geometry in the form of a kind of hole connecting two worlds. In 1935, A. Einstein and the mathematician N. Rosen drew attention to the fact that the simplest solutions of the GR equations, which describe isolated, neutral or electrically charged sources of the gravitational field, have a spatial structure of a “bridge” connecting two universes almost smoothly two identical, almost flat, space-time.

Such spatial structures were later called "wormholes" (a rather loose translation of the English word "wormhole" "wormhole"). Einstein and Rosen even considered the possibility of using such "bridges" to describe elementary particles. Indeed, the particle in this case is a purely spatial formation, so there is no need to specifically model the source of mass or charge, and with the microscopic dimensions of a wormhole, an external, remote observer located in one of the spaces sees only a point source with a certain mass and charge. Electric lines of force enter the hole from one side and exit from the other, without beginning or ending anywhere. In the words of the American physicist J. Wheeler, it turns out "mass without mass, charge without charge." And in this case, it is not at all necessary to assume that the bridge connects two different universes it is no worse than the assumption that both “mouths” of the wormhole open into the same universe, but at different points and at different times something like hollow "handle" sewn to the familiar almost flat world. One mouth, into which the lines of force enter, can be seen as a negative charge (for example, an electron), the other, from which they exit, as a positive one (positron), the masses will be the same on both sides.

Despite the attractiveness of such a picture, it (for many reasons) did not take root in elementary particle physics. It is difficult to assign quantum properties to the "bridges" of Einstein Rosen, and without them there is nothing to do in the microcosm. For known values ​​of the masses and charges of particles (electrons or protons), the Einstein Rosen bridge does not form at all, instead, the “electrical” solution predicts the so-called “bare” singularity the point at which the curvature of space and the electric field become infinite. The concept of space-time, even if it is curved, loses its meaning at such points, since it is impossible to solve equations with infinite terms. The general relativity itself quite clearly states where exactly it stops working. Recall the words said above: “connecting in an almost smooth way”. This "almost" refers to the main flaw of the "bridges" of Einstein Rosen violation of smoothness in the narrowest part of the "bridge", at the neck. And this violation, it must be said, is very non-trivial: on such a neck, from the point of view of a distant observer, time stops

In modern terms, what Einstein and Rosen saw as the throat (that is, the narrowest point of the "bridge") is in fact nothing more than the event horizon of a black hole (neutral or charged). Moreover, from different sides of the “bridge”, particles or rays fall on different “sections” of the horizon, and between, relatively speaking, the right and left parts of the horizon, there is a special non-static area, without overcoming which it is impossible to go through the hole.

For a distant observer, a spaceship approaching the horizon of a sufficiently large (compared to the ship) black hole seems to freeze forever, and signals from it reach less and less often. On the contrary, according to the ship's clock, the horizon is reached in a finite time. Having passed the horizon, the ship (a particle or a ray of light) soon inevitably rests on the singularity to where the curvature becomes infinite and where (still on the way) any extended body will inevitably be crushed and torn apart. This is the harsh reality of the internal structure of a black hole. The solutions of Schwarzschild and Reisner Nordström, describing spherically symmetric neutral and electrically charged black holes, were obtained in 19161917, however, physicists fully understood the complex geometry of these spaces only at the turn of the 1950 1960s. By the way, it was then that John Archibald Wheeler, known for his work in nuclear physics and the theory of gravity, proposed the terms "black hole" and "wormhole". As it turned out, there are indeed wormholes in the Schwarzschild and Reisner Nordström spaces. From the point of view of a distant observer, they are not completely visible, like black holes themselves, and are just as eternal. But for a traveler who dared to penetrate beyond the horizon, the hole collapses so quickly that neither a ship, nor a massive particle, nor even a ray of light will fly through it. In order, bypassing the singularity, to break through “to the light of God” to the other mouth of the hole, it is necessary to move faster than light. And physicists today believe that superluminal speeds of movement of matter and energy are impossible in principle.

Wormholes and time loops

So, the Schwarzschild black hole can be considered as an impenetrable wormhole. Reisner's black hole Nordström is more complex, but also impassable. However, it is not so difficult to come up with and describe traversable four-dimensional wormholes, choosing the desired type of metric (metric, or metric tensor, is a set of quantities that are used to calculate four-dimensional distances-intervals between event points, which fully characterizes the geometry of space-time, and gravitational field). Traversable wormholes are, in general, geometrically even simpler than black holes: there should not be any horizons leading to cataclysms with the passage of time. Time at different points can, of course, go at a different pace but it should not accelerate or stop infinitely.

I must say that various black holes and wormholes are very interesting micro-objects that arise by themselves, as quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field (at lengths of the order of 10-33 cm), where, according to existing estimates, the concept of classical, smooth space-time is no longer applicable. On such scales, there should be something similar to water or soap foam in a turbulent stream, constantly “breathing” due to the formation and collapse of small bubbles. Instead of calm empty space, we have mini-black holes and wormholes of the most bizarre and intertwining configurations appearing and disappearing at a frantic pace. Their sizes are unimaginably small they are as many times smaller than the atomic nucleus, how much this nucleus is smaller than the planet Earth. There is no rigorous description of the space-time foam yet, since a consistent quantum theory of gravity has not yet been created, but in general terms, the described picture follows from the basic principles of physical theory and is unlikely to change.

However, from the point of view of interstellar and intertemporal travel, wormholes of completely different sizes are needed: “I would like” a spaceship of reasonable size or at least a tank to pass through the neck without damage (without it, it will be uncomfortable among tyrannosaurs, right?). Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to obtain solutions to the equations of gravity in the form of traversable wormholes of macroscopic dimensions. And if we assume that such a hole has already appeared, and the rest of the space-time has remained almost flat, then consider that everything is there a hole can be a time machine, an intergalactic tunnel, and even an accelerator. Regardless of where and when one of the mouths of a wormhole is located, the second one can be anywhere in space and at any time in the past or in the future. In addition, the mouth can move at any speed (within the limits of light) with respect to the surrounding bodies this will not prevent the exit from the hole into the (practically) flat Minkowski space. It is known to be unusually symmetrical and looks the same at all its points, in all directions and in any inertial frames, no matter how fast they move.

But, on the other hand, assuming the existence of a time machine, we are immediately confronted with the whole "bouquet" of paradoxes like flew into the past and "killed grandfather with a shovel" before grandfather could become a father. Normal common sense suggests that this, most likely, simply cannot be. And if a physical theory claims to describe reality, it must contain a mechanism that prohibits the formation of such "time loops", or at least makes them extremely difficult to form.

GR, no doubt, claims to describe reality. Many solutions have been found in it that describe spaces with closed time loops, but as a rule, for one reason or another, they are recognized as either unrealistic or, let's say, "non-dangerous".

So, a very interesting solution to Einstein's equations was indicated by the Austrian mathematician K. Gödel: this is a homogeneous stationary universe rotating as a whole. It contains closed trajectories, traveling along which you can return not only to the starting point in space, but also to the starting point in time. However, the calculation shows that the minimum time length of such a loop is much longer than the lifetime of the Universe.

Traversable wormholes, considered as "bridges" between different universes, are temporary (as we said) to assume that both mouths open into the same universe, as loops appear immediately. What then, from the point of view of general relativity, prevents their formation, at least on macroscopic and cosmic scales?

The answer is simple: the structure of Einstein's equations. On their left side there are quantities that characterize the space-time geometry, and on the right - the so-called energy-momentum tensor, which contains information about the energy density of matter and various fields, about their pressure in different directions, about their distribution in space and about state of motion. One can "read" Einstein's equations from right to left, stating that they are used by matter to "tell" space how to curve. But you can also from left to right, then the interpretation will be different: geometry dictates the properties of matter, which could provide it, geometry, existence.

So, if we need the geometry of a wormhole, let's substitute it into Einstein's equations, analyze and find out what kind of matter is required. It turns out that it is very strange and unprecedented, it is called “exotic matter”. So, to create the simplest wormhole (spherically symmetric), it is necessary that the energy density and pressure in the radial direction add up to a negative value. Is it necessary to say that for ordinary types of matter (as well as for many known physical fields) both of these quantities are positive?..

Nature, as we see, has indeed put up a serious barrier to the emergence of wormholes. But this is how a person works, and scientists are no exception here: if the barrier exists, there will always be those who want to overcome it.

The work of theorists interested in wormholes can be conditionally divided into two complementary directions. The first, assuming in advance the existence of wormholes, considers the consequences that arise, the second tries to determine how and from what wormholes can be built, under what conditions they appear or can appear.

In the works of the first direction, for example, such a question is discussed.

Suppose we have a wormhole at our disposal, through which you can pass in a matter of seconds, and let its two funnel-shaped mouths "A" and "B" be located close to each other in space. Is it possible to turn such a hole into a time machine? The American physicist Kip Thorne and his collaborators showed how to do this: the idea is to leave one of the mouths, "A", in place, and the other, "B" (which should behave like an ordinary massive body), disperse to speed comparable to the speed of light, and then return back and brake near "A". Then, due to the SRT effect (deceleration of time on a moving body compared to a stationary one), less time will pass for the mouth “B” than for the mouth “A”. Moreover, the greater was the speed and duration of travel of the mouth "B", the greater will be the time difference between them. This is, in fact, the same “twin paradox” well known to scientists: a twin returning from a flight to the stars turns out to be younger than his homebody brother Let the time difference between the mouths be, for example, half a year. Then, sitting near the mouth of "A" in the middle of winter, we will see through the wormhole a vivid picture of the past summer and really in this summer and return, having gone through the hole through. Then we will again approach the funnel "A" (it, as we agreed, is somewhere nearby), once again dive into the hole and jump straight into last year's snow. And so many times. Moving in the opposite direction diving into funnel "B", we jump half a year into the future Thus, having performed a single manipulation with one of the mouths, we get a time machine that can be "used" constantly stable or that we are able to keep it “working”).

The works of the second direction are more numerous and, perhaps, even more interesting. This direction includes the search for specific models of wormholes and the study of their specific properties, which, in general, determine what can be done with these holes and how to use them.

Exomatter and dark energy

The exotic properties of matter, which the building material for wormholes must possess, as it turns out, can be realized due to the so-called polarization of the vacuum of quantum fields. This conclusion was recently reached by Russian physicists Arkady Popov and Sergey Sushkov from Kazan (together with David Hochberg from Spain) and Sergey Krasnikov from the Pulkovo Observatory. And in this case, vacuum is not a void at all, but a quantum state with the lowest energy a field without real particles. Pairs of "virtual" particles constantly appear in it, which again disappear earlier than they could be detected by devices, but leave their very real trace in the form of some energy-momentum tensor with unusual properties.

And although the quantum properties of matter manifest themselves mainly in the microcosm, the wormholes generated by them (under certain conditions) can reach very decent sizes. By the way, one of S. Krasnikov's articles has a "frightening" title "The Threat of Wormholes". The most interesting thing about this purely theoretical discussion is that the actual astronomical observations of recent years seem to be greatly undermining the positions of opponents of the very existence of wormholes.

Astrophysicists, studying the statistics of supernova explosions in galaxies billions of light years away from us, concluded that our Universe is not just expanding, but is expanding at an ever-increasing speed, that is, with acceleration. Moreover, over time, this acceleration even increases. This is quite confidently indicated by the latest observations made with the latest space telescopes. Well, now it's time to recall the connection between matter and geometry in general relativity: the nature of the expansion of the Universe is firmly connected with the equation of state of matter, in other words, with the relationship between its density and pressure. If matter is ordinary (with positive density and pressure), then the density itself decreases with time, and the expansion slows down.

If the pressure is negative and equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the energy density (then their sum = 0), then this density is constant in time and space - this is the so-called cosmological constant, which leads to expansion with constant acceleration.

But for the acceleration to grow with time, and this is not enough the sum of pressure and energy density must be negative. No one has ever observed such matter, but the behavior of the visible part of the Universe seems to signal its presence. Calculations show that this strange, invisible matter (called "dark energy") in the present era should be about 70%, and this proportion is constantly increasing (unlike ordinary matter, which loses density with increasing volume, dark energy behaves paradoxically the Universe is expanding, and its density is growing). But after all (and we have already talked about this), it is precisely such exotic matter that is the most suitable “building material” for the formation of wormholes.

One is drawn to fantasize: sooner or later, dark energy will be discovered, scientists and technologists will learn how to thicken it and build wormholes, and there not far from “dream come true” about time machines and about tunnels leading to the stars ... True, The estimate of the density of dark energy in the Universe, which ensures its accelerated expansion, is somewhat dampening: if dark energy is uniformly distributed, an absolutely negligible value is obtained - about 10-29 g/cm3. For an ordinary substance, this density corresponds to 10 hydrogen atoms per 1 m3. Even interstellar gas is several times denser. So if this path to the creation of a time machine can become real, then it will not be very, very soon.

Need a donut hole

Until now, we have been talking about tunnel-like wormholes with smooth necks. But GR also predicts another kind of wormholes, and in principle they do not require any distributed matter at all. There is a whole class of solutions to Einstein's equations, in which the four-dimensional space-time, flat far from the source of the field, exists, as it were, in two copies (or sheets), and common to both of them are only a certain thin ring (field source) and a disk, this ring limited. This ring has a truly magical property: you can “wander” around it for as long as you like, remaining in “your own” world, but once you pass through it, you will find yourself in a completely different world, although similar to “your own”. And in order to go back, you need to go through the ring again (and from any side, not necessarily from the one you just left).

The ring itself is singular the curvature of space-time on it turns to infinity, but all points inside it are quite normal, and the body moving there does not experience any catastrophic effects.

It is interesting that there are a great many such solutions and neutral, and with an electric charge, and with rotation, and without it. Such, in particular, is the famous solution of the New Zealander R. Kerr for a rotating black hole. It most realistically describes black holes of stellar and galactic scales (the existence of which most astrophysicists no longer doubt), since almost all celestial bodies experience rotation, and when compressed, the rotation only accelerates, especially when collapsing into a black hole.

So, it turns out that it is rotating black holes "direct" candidates for "time machines"? However, black holes that form in stellar systems are surrounded and filled with hot gas and harsh, deadly radiation. In addition to this purely practical objection, there is also a fundamental one related to the difficulties of getting out from under the event horizon to a new spatio-temporal “sheet”. But it is not worth dwelling on this in more detail, since, according to general relativity and many of its generalizations, wormholes with singular rings can exist without any horizons.

So there are at least two theoretical possibilities for the existence of wormholes connecting different worlds: burrows can be smooth and consist of exotic matter, or they can arise due to a singularity, while remaining traversable.

Space and strings

Thin singular rings resemble other unusual objects predicted by modern physics, cosmic strings, which were formed (according to some theories) in the early Universe when superdense matter cooled and its states changed. They do indeed resemble strings, only they are extraordinarily heavy—many billions of tons per centimeter of length, with a thickness of a fraction of a micron. And, as was shown by the American Richard Gott and the Frenchman Gerard Clement, several strings moving relative to each other at high speeds can be used to create structures containing time loops. That is, moving in a certain way in the gravitational field of these strings, you can return to the starting point before you flew out of it.

Astronomers have been looking for this kind of space objects for a long time, and today one “good” candidate already exists object CSL-1. These are two surprisingly similar galaxies, which in reality are probably one, only bifurcated due to the effect of gravitational lensing. Moreover, in this case, the gravitational lens is not spherical, but cylindrical, resembling a long thin heavy thread.

Will the fifth dimension help?

In the event that space-time contains more than four dimensions, the architecture of wormholes acquires new, previously unknown possibilities. Thus, in recent years, the concept of "brane world" has become popular. It assumes that all observable matter is located on some four-dimensional surface (denoted by the term "brane" a truncated word for "membrane"), and in the surrounding five or six-dimensional volume there is nothing but a gravitational field. The gravitational field on the brane itself (and this is the only one we observe) obeys the modified Einstein equations, and they have a contribution from the geometry of the surrounding volume. So, this contribution is capable of playing the role of exotic matter that generates wormholes. Burrows can be of any size and still not have their own gravity.

This, of course, does not exhaust the whole variety of "constructions" of wormholes, and the general conclusion is that, for all the unusual nature of their properties and for all the difficulties of a fundamental, including philosophical, nature, to which they can lead, their possible existence is worth treated with full seriousness and due attention. It cannot be ruled out, for example, that large holes exist in interstellar or intergalactic space, if only because of the concentration of the very dark energy that accelerates the expansion of the Universe. There is no unequivocal answer to the questions how they can look for an earthly observer and whether there is a way to detect them yet. Unlike black holes, wormholes may not even have any noticeable attraction field (repulsion is also possible), and therefore, one should not expect noticeable concentrations of stars or interstellar gas and dust in their vicinity. But assuming that they can “short” regions or epochs that are far from each other, passing the radiation of the stars through themselves, it is quite possible to expect that some distant galaxy will seem unusually close. Due to the expansion of the Universe, the farther away the galaxy, the greater the shift of the spectrum (toward the red side) its radiation comes to us. But when looking through a wormhole, there may not be any redshift. Or will be, but different. Some such objects can be observed simultaneously in two ways through the hole or in the "usual" way, "by the hole".

Thus, the sign of a cosmic wormhole can be as follows: the observation of two objects with very similar properties, but at different apparent distances and with different redshifts. If wormholes are nevertheless discovered (or built), the area of ​​philosophy that deals with the interpretation of science will face new and, I must say, very difficult tasks. And for all the seeming absurdity of time loops and the complexity of the problems associated with causality, this area of ​​\u200b\u200bscience, in all likelihood, sooner or later will figure it all out somehow. Just as in her time she "coped" with the conceptual problems of quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity

Kirill Bronnikov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

(English)Russian Einstein's equations, which, in turn, are understood as an integral part of the most extended version of the Schwarzschild metric, describing eternal a black hole that does not change and does not rotate. Wherein, " maximally expanded" refers to the fact that space-time should not have any " edges': for any possible trajectory of free fall of a particle (the next geodesic (English)Russian) in spacetime it should be possible to continue this path arbitrarily far into the future or past of the particle, except for cases when the trajectory hits a gravitational singularity, as if it were in the center of the interior of the black hole. To satisfy this requirement, it turns out that in addition to the inner region of the black hole, into which particles fall when they cross the event horizon from the outside, there must be a separate inner region of the white hole, which allows extrapolating the particle trajectories that an outside observer sees standing in the distance from the event horizon. And just as there are two separate inner regions of space-time, there are two separate outer regions, sometimes referred to as two different " universes”, the presence of a second Universe allows us to extrapolate some possible particle trajectories in two inner regions. This means that the interior of a black hole can contain a mixture of particles that have fallen into it from any universe (thus, an observer who sees light from one universe can see light from another universe), and particles from the interior of a white hole can escape to any universe. All four regions can be seen in the Kruskal-Szekeres space-time diagram.

Write a review on the article "Einstein-Rosen Bridge"


  • Winter K.. Roskosmos television studio (November 12, 2011).
  • (English) . Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc. (September 15, 1997).
  • Visser M. General Interest Articles. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (October 3, 1996).
  • Ideas Based On What We'd Like To Achieve. NASA.gov.
  • Rodrigo E.(English) (2005).
  • Müller Th. Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme. Universität Stuttgart.

An excerpt characterizing the Einstein-Rosen Bridge

“You have everything on your tongue to attack, but you don’t see that we don’t know how to make complex maneuvers,” he said to Miloradovich, who was asking to come forward.
- They didn’t know how to take Murat alive in the morning and arrive on time at the place: now there’s nothing to do! he replied to another.
When Kutuzov was informed that in the rear of the French, where, according to the reports of the Cossacks, there had been no one before, there were now two battalions of Poles, he glanced back at Yermolov (he had not spoken to him since yesterday).
- Here they ask for an offensive, they offer various projects, but as soon as you get down to business, nothing is ready, and the warned enemy takes his measures.
Yermolov screwed up his eyes and smiled slightly when he heard these words. He realized that the storm had passed for him and that Kutuzov would confine himself to this hint.
“He’s amused at my expense,” Yermolov said quietly, pushing Raevsky, who was standing beside him, with his knee.
Shortly thereafter, Yermolov moved forward to Kutuzov and respectfully reported:
“Time has not been lost, Your Grace, the enemy has not left. If you order to attack? And then the guards will not see the smoke.
Kutuzov did not say anything, but when he was informed that Murat's troops were retreating, he ordered an offensive; but every hundred steps he stopped for three-quarters of an hour.
The whole battle consisted only in what the Cossacks of Orlov Denisov did; the rest of the troops only lost a few hundred people in vain.
As a result of this battle, Kutuzov received a diamond badge, Benigsen also received diamonds and a hundred thousand rubles, others, according to their ranks, also received a lot of pleasant things, and after this battle, new changes were made in the headquarters.
“This is how we always do it, everything is upside down!” - Russian officers and generals said after the Battle of Tarutino, - just like they say now, making it feel that someone stupid is doing it upside down, but we would not have done it that way. But people who say this either do not know the business they are talking about, or deliberately deceive themselves. Every battle - Tarutino, Borodino, Austerlitz - everything is not carried out in the way that its stewards intended. This is an essential condition.
An innumerable number of free forces (for nowhere is a man more free than in a battle where life and death are at stake) influence the direction of the battle, and this direction can never be known in advance and never coincide with the direction of any one force.
If many, simultaneously and diversely directed forces act on some body, then the direction of movement of this body cannot coincide with any of the forces; but there will always be an average, shortest direction, that which in mechanics is expressed by the diagonal of the parallelogram of forces.
If in the descriptions of historians, especially French ones, we find that their wars and battles are carried out according to a predetermined plan, then the only conclusion that we can draw from this is that these descriptions are not correct.
The Tarutino battle, obviously, did not achieve the goal that Tol had in mind: to bring the troops into action in order, according to the disposition, and the one that Count Orlov could have had; capture Murat, or the goal of instantly exterminating the entire corps, which Benigsen and other persons could have, or the goals of an officer who wanted to get into business and distinguish himself, or a Cossack who wanted to get more booty than he got, etc. But , if the goal was what really happened, and what was then a common desire for all Russian people (the expulsion of the French from Russia and the extermination of their army), then it will be completely clear that the Battle of Tarutino, precisely because of its incongruities, was the very , which was needed during that period of the campaign. It is difficult and impossible to think of any outcome of this battle more expedient than the one that it had. With the smallest exertion, with the greatest confusion and with the most insignificant loss, the greatest results in the entire campaign were obtained, the transition from retreat to attack was made, the weakness of the French was exposed, and that impetus was given, which was only expected by the Napoleonic army to start the flight.

Although Einstein believed that black holes are too small a phenomenon
the real and in nature cannot exist, later, such is the irony
fate, he showed that they are even more bizarre than anyone could
guess. Einstein explained the possibility of existence
space-time "portals" in the depths of black holes.
Physicists call these portals wormholes because, like
worm that bites into the ground, they create a shorter alternative
native path between two points. These portals are also called
sometimes portals or "gates" to other dimensions. No matter how they
name, someday they can become a means of travel between
different dimensions, but this is an extreme case.

The first to popularize the idea of ​​portals was Charles Dodgson,
who wrote under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. In "Alice in
Through the Looking-Glass" he presented the portal in the form of a mirror, which is connected
took the suburbs of Oxford and Wonderland. Because Dodgson was
mathematician and taught at Oxford, he was aware of these
multiply connected spaces. By definition, a multiply connected pro-
the space is such that the lasso in it cannot be contracted to the size of a point.
Usually, any loop can be pulled to a point without any difficulty. But
if we consider, for example, a donut wrapped around
lasso, we will see that the lasso will tighten this donut. When we
we begin to slowly tighten the loop, we will see that it cannot be compressed to
point sizes; at best, it can be contracted to a circle
compressed donut, that is, up to the circumference of the "hole".

Mathematicians enjoyed the fact that they were able to discover
live object that was completely useless when describing

space. But in 1935, Einstein and his student Nathan Rosen
introduced the theory of portals to the physical world. They try-
were willing to use the solution to the black hole problem as a model for
elementary particles. Einstein himself never liked
a theory going back to Newton's time that the gravity of a particle
tends to infinity as it approaches. Einstein considered
thought that this singularity must be eradicated, because in it
there is no point.

Einstein and Rosen had an original idea to present
electron (which was usually thought of as a tiny dot with no
structure) like a black hole. Thus, it was possible to use
use the general theory of relativity to explain the mysteries of quantum
new world in the unified field theory. They started with a decision
for a standard black hole, which looks like a big vase with
long neck. Then they cut off the "neck" and connected
it with one more particular solution of the equations for a black hole,
that is, with a vase that has been turned upside down. According to
Einstein, this bizarre but balanced configuration
would be free from the singularity in the origin of the black hole
and could act like an electron.

Unfortunately, Einstein's idea of ​​representing the electron
black hole has failed. But today cosmologists suggest
that the Einstein-Rosen bridge can serve as a "gateway" between two
universes. We can move freely through the universe until
until we accidentally fall into a black hole, where we are immediately
drag through the portal and we will appear on the other side (after passing
through the white hole).

For Einstein, any solution to his equations, if it starts
came from a physically probable reference point, should have corresponded
carry around with a physically probable object. But he didn't bother
about who will fall into a black hole and fall into a parallel universe
lazy. The tidal forces would increase infinitely in the center, and
the vibrational field would immediately tear apart the atoms of any
an object that had the misfortune to fall into a black hole. (Bridge
Einstein-Rosen really opens in a split second, but
it closes so fast that no object can
pass it at such a speed as to reach the other side.)

Einstein's opinion, although the existence of portals is possible, life
no creature can ever pass through any of them and
talk about your experiences during this trip.

Einstein-Rosen Bridge. At the center of a black hole is a "neck" that connects to the space-time of another universe or another point in our universe. While traveling through a stationary black hole would be fatal, spinning black holes have an annular singularity that would allow passage through the ring and the Einstein-Rosen bridge, although this is still under conjecture.

Instinct tells us that our world is three-dimensional. Based on this idea, scientific hypotheses have been built for centuries. According to the eminent physicist Michio Kaku, this is the same prejudice as the belief of the ancient Egyptians that the Earth was flat. The book is devoted to the theory of hyperspace. The idea of ​​multidimensionality of space caused skepticism, was ridiculed, but is now recognized by many authoritative scientists. The significance of this theory lies in the fact that it is able to combine all known physical phenomena into a simple structure and lead scientists to the so-called theory of everything. However, there is almost no serious and accessible literature for non-specialists. Michio Kaku fills this gap, explaining from a scientific point of view the origin of the Earth, the existence of parallel universes, time travel, and many other seemingly fantastic phenomena.

However, Kerr found that a massive rotating star does not shrink into a point. Instead, the rotating star is flattened until it eventually turns into a ring with remarkable properties. If you launch a probe into a black hole from the side, it will hit this ring and be completely destroyed. The curvature of space-time remains infinite if you approach the ring from the side. So to speak, the center is still surrounded by the "ring of death". But if you launch a space probe into the ring from above or below, it will have to deal with a large but finite curvature; in other words, the gravitational force will not be infinite.

This highly unexpected conclusion from Kerr's solution means that any space probe launched into a spinning black hole along its axis of rotation could, in principle, survive the huge but finite impact of gravitational fields at the center and make it all the way to the mirror universe, avoiding death under the influence of infinite curvature. The Einstein–Rosen Bridge acts as a tunnel connecting two regions of spacetime; this is the "wormhole", or "molehole". Thus, the Kerr black hole is a gateway to another universe.

Now let's imagine that our rocket ended up on the Einstein-Rosen bridge. As she approaches the spinning black hole, she sees a ring-shaped spinning star. At first, it seems that a rocket descending towards the black hole from the north pole is in for a catastrophic collision. But as we approach the ring, the light from the mirror universe reaches our sensors. Since all electromagnetic radiation, including from radars, orbits the black hole, signals appear on the screens of our radars that repeatedly pass around the black hole. An effect is created that resembles a mirrored “laughter room”, where we are misled by numerous reflections from all sides. The light ricochets off many mirrors, giving the illusion that the room is full of our replicas.

The same effect is observed when passing through a black hole according to Kerr. Because the same beam of light orbits the black hole many times, the radar in our rocket picks up images orbiting the black hole, creating the illusion of objects that aren't really there.

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Don't let the title scare you. Neither the general nor the special theory of relativity (GR and SRT, respectively) of Albert Einstein I am not going to present here. What in science is called the Einstein-Rosen Bridge is much more commonly referred to in the literature as a "wormhole" (eng. - .wormhole), "wormhole" or even "molehill". Hypothetically, this means a passage through space-time, which is like a "tunnel" or "portal" in space between its two regions. No observations, even indirect, have confirmed the existence of such "passages" in outer space. But mathematical calculations based on general relativity make their existence theoretically possible. True, such calculations for the existence of a solution with a stable "wormhole" require the observance of a number of specific conditions. For example, the introduction of exotic matter with a negative energy density. The foundation for the possible presence of "wormholes" was laid by Albert Einstein and his graduate student Nathan Rosen, mathematically exploring the conditions for the formation of so-called black holes. Therefore, the "wormhole" or "wormhole" itself received in science the official euphonious name of the Einstein-Rosen bridge.

Well, be that as it may, in scientific, and even more so in near-scientific and fantastic literature, this topic turned out to be very fertile and is discussed quite widely. There are plenty of hypotheses. It is believed that "wormholes" can connect two different areas in a single space, the so-called "intraworld" (eng. - intra-universe), and “interworld” (English – inter-universe) connecting different universes. There are even finer gradations concerning quantum mechanics, but this is not our question at all.

Even if we accept all of the above as true, then all the same, the legitimacy of constructing two-dimensional models in the space of the Universe seems to me personally very doubtful. Even if we allow the possibility of space curvature, then certainly not in a two-dimensional version. All forces in the universe act only in volume. However, the simulation assumes that the space can be curved as shown in the figure. Then two distant sites are opposite each other and can be connected over the shortest distance through a "wormhole" - a tunnel between them. A beam of light (or a traveler) can fly through a tunnel (light green path) or go around a long path (red beam). It was here that errors appeared (except for the indicated two-dimensionality).

On fig. Figure 4.5 shows a two-dimensional model of an "intraworld wormhole". The top figure is borrowed from http://mezhzvezdny.blogspot.ru/2008_12_01_archive.html.

Rice. 4.5. Two-dimensional model of the "intraworld wormhole"

The top drawing is widely replicated, but it (and its modifications on other sites) has fundamental errors, so I will dwell on them in sufficient detail. The corrected drawing is located below the original.

For clarity, in my edited figure, the part of the green beam visible to the observer is shown as a solid line, and the invisible part, passing through the "wormhole" and in the lower part of the figure, is made with a dotted line. What has entered the funnel at the entrance must, in one form or another, emerge from the funnel at the exit. And if we mentally expand the bent plane, we will see that the entrance and exit to the "wormhole" should be on the same side. Otherwise, the green beam will enter it from the outside of the plane, and exit from the inside. I used the expression “in one form or another” because no hypothesis answers the question of what happens inside the “wormhole” (what is “exotic matter with negative energy density”) and how it will affect the object moving through it .

The red beam, passing from the outside along the long path of the curved plane, must remain on the same side where it started. Therefore, it is not visible on the lower inner surface (hence the dotted line).

I will give another type of drawings that is widely replicated, showing changes in the curvature of space near massive objects. Just like another example of widespread absurdity. Also the so-called modeling:


Here we see the Earth (Fig. 4.6), under which something very strange bends. It is explained, as a rule, that this is how the gravitational field behaves. But this cannot be, because it can never be! Why deflection from below, and not around? Where in space is up and down? And the satellite flies! Does the field act on it at the bottom, but not at the top? Even about black holes they write that they are so massive that the space around them bends and closes under their weight. What, gravity acts in one particular direction??? The gravity of isolated objects acts the same in all directions, and their gravitational field must be spherical!

Rice. 4.6. "Curvature" of space around massive objects

Below I will provide a pic. 4.7, which most often appears first on the Internet to a request for an "Einstein-Rosen bridge". Its replication is huge, and in different "arrangements", but I chose the "inter-world" version of the "bridge". Here it is shown that the object of "our Universe", judging by the image - the Earth, falls into the "wormhole", passes through it, and then appears in the "other universe" ... it is not clear what ( http://do.gendocs.ru/docs/index-9333.html?page=5) . I brought this drawing, having a certain idea for the future. I still need it, but there already the “arrangement” and interpretation will be mine.

Rice. 4.7. Einstein–Rosen Bridge

And, finally, before you is the third version of the model of hypothetical "inter-world wormholes", directly related to the also hypothetical Multiverse (Fig. 4.8):

Rice. 4.8. Hypothetical multiverse with wormholes


Here, I think, in the light of everything that has been said about the Multiverse, comments are not required.

I hope the esteemed Reader has already caught something familiar in the description of the "Einstein-Rosen bridge", "wormholes" and "wormholes". That's right, we have already approached the question of the Principle of a one-sheeted hyperboloid of rotation and its greatest role in the Universe, where it has a much more important function than being a tunnel, a portal, or some kind of "wormhole". But all the so-called "bridges", "wormholes", "wormholes" have nothing to do with the world of three spatial dimensions. Therefore, they have not been discovered so far, and therefore it is really impossible to depict them. They are not subject to either our geometry or our time. Their world is a Subtle world of high vibrations, in which His Majesty TIME rules.

It is in this light that our further conversation will go on about the Earth, the Solar System, stars, galaxies and about the Universe in general, where the Universal Principle of a one-sheeted hyperboloid of rotation works tirelessly. But first…

Something "beyond"

Did you like "wormholes"? I assure you that all this is not true, nonsense, nonsense. And not because they don't exist. And because everything happens completely wrong, principle completely different! All "wormholes" work only through... multidimensional TIME in the worlds of subtle vibrations. "No wormholes" in 3D space! No, it can't be! Therefore, they are not found, because they do not know where and how to look, or how they really look. Everything that I have shown in the drawings depicting the scientific idea of ​​"wormholes" is absolutely, I emphasize - ab-so-lute-but, does not correspond to reality. This is just a pathetic attempt to explain what happens in TIME-SPACE (and without accepting such a concept!) through SPACE-TIME! No planes, no volumes (length - width - height), no funnels, geometrically drawn channels, even if they were called "portals", - there have no place to be. They just don't exist! There are portals, but there are no "wormholes" and "bridges". And portals are not in space! You can't take a picture or even draw them! Multidimensional TIME is not a three-dimensional space! There everything always happens HERE, NOW and in ETERNITY! The official science has not the slightest idea either about the multidimensional TIME or about the worlds of subtle vibrations. Moreover, he does not even want to hear! Conservatism in science is the strongest brake on thought.

And in our world there are some unexplained by science, precisely because of this, it usually defames (or hushed up), manifestations. And there is no getting away from it. Everything mysterious attracts and fascinates the inquisitive, it seems to many a miracle. But... there are no miracles in the world, there is only the level of our ignorance.

There are many such manifestations. We will talk only about three of them: 1 - clairvoyance, 2 and 3 - disappearance, instant transfer through space (not levitation!), including with a return. Points 2 and 3 have the same physical nature, but differ in manifestations. I should note that such things are usually characteristic of unusual people who have increased sensitivity and, as a rule, powerful energy and a high level of vibration.

Since all my reasoning rests on multidimensional TIME, I want to warn you in advance so as not to cause unnecessary confusion: our time, the usual (the first dimension of time) I will write with a lowercase letter, and multidimensional with capital letters.


Everything is quite simple here. After what we have already considered, the phenomenon of clairvoyance should be clear. But it can be available only to people with paranormal abilities, the so-called psychics, but not to each of them - only to those who can tune in to a specific lifestream through the Thin Plan. For some clairvoyants, this happens spontaneously, others need a certain mood, and others need tools, such as mirrors, crystal balls, water vessels, crystals, etc.

The spiral of the lifestream of a particular individual (the first dimension of time familiar to us) from the time ó th space of TIME-ETERNITY, i.e. from the second dimension of time is visible immediately and entirely and seems flat. Take a look at fig. 4.9. The three-dimensional world in which the events of interest to us take place looks like a projection onto a plane (imagine a cube that you look at from above).

Rice. 4.9. Observation of the three-dimensional spatial world from the world of Time-Eternity

From the observation point marked with an asterisk, within the viewing cone, the base of which is limited by a spiral, everything is visible: both the past, and a specific moment of the present, and the future, and any of the successive incarnations (they are not indicated on the depicted spiral so as not to clutter up the picture). In this case, the term “lifestream” does not mean the living from birth to death of a specific Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, but the entire set of embodied and disembodied states of this Essence. You just need to be able to tune in to a certain moment. But this is what each clairvoyant does in his own way.

Let's see how the seers, the most famous to the general public - Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Vanga achieved this. Each of them had their own way.


His talents were largely determined by heredity and appropriate training and upbringing. Both on the side of his mother and on the side of his father, his family had hereditary doctors with outstanding abilities, which to a large extent determined his main profession. Nostradamus' father belonged to the ancient Jewish family of Issachar. His genealogy was from Issachar, the fifth son of Jacob from Leah. The descendants of this kind were attributed a special prophetic gift. He received his early education in the family. The ancestors of Nostradamus inherited the art of healing and a penchant for Kabbalism.

We will not dwell on the professional medical activity of Nostradamus, but let's talk about a special prophetic gift. Firstly, unlike Edgar Cayce and, moreover, from Vanga, he was an excellently educated person for his time (XVI century). Secondly, he was an esotericist, an occultist, and, as they would now say, a very advanced occultist. Thirdly, he knew astronomy and astrology well, he could perform complex calculations. Fourthly, he possessed occult tools and knew how to work with them. Well, and fifthly, apparently, hereditary prophetic gift also played a role.

Of the magical tools of Nostradamus, the most widely known are the crystal ball and the famous mirror. With their help, he opened the temporary ó th channel into TIME-SPACE, having set a specific task for itself, and received information. This was often followed by its verification with the help of astrological calculations and encryption. Many quatrains have not been deciphered to this day. Why was such a tricky encryption needed? Remember the bonfires of the Inquisition that burned all over Europe at that terrible time.

For some reason it seems to me that he was the only one of all known and unknown prophets who knew where and how he draws information (Ancient civilizations do not count!).

Edgar Cayce

He was called the "sleeping prophet". Casey dictated all his revelations while in a state of trance, and did not remember anything after coming out of it. At first, in this way, he diagnosed patients and gave instructions, prescriptions for medicines, even sometimes those that were not yet in pharmacies. Then the range of questions began to expand. He could tell about previous incarnations of the client, about ancient civilizations, etc.

What led him to the opening of the corresponding channel to the world of multidimensional TIME was the question itself or the name and surname of the patient.

One can say with absolute certainty that he never set himself the task of studying and understanding the nature of his phenomenon.


Her name is well known to everyone. A blind, poorly educated woman from a remote Bulgarian town has become, one might say, a modern symbol of clairvoyance. Most of her predictions came true.

In order to tune her perception to a specific person, she usually asked him to put a piece of sugar under his pillow the night before the meeting. Why? Sugar in this case, having a crystalline structure, fixed the vibrations of a given person and played the role of a tool for opening the desired channel into the Thin Plan. Sometimes this was not required. She lacked mental focus.

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