Jose Silva reality management. Read online book “The José Silva Method”

Jose Silva (August 11, 1914, Laredo, Texas, USA - February 7, 1999, Laredo) - American parapsychologist, founder of the Silva Method and the ESP system - non-traditional, from a scientific point of view, techniques designed to help people increase their IQ, develop psychic skills, and develop the ability to heal yourself and others.

José Silva, his older sister and younger brother were raised by their grandmother. Silva worked from a very young age, selling newspapers, shining shoes, and doing other low-paying jobs. He never attended school, but learned to read and write by watching his sister and brother do their homework. At the age of fifteen, Silva learned to repair radios and built a successful business from it. He invested more than one and a half million dollars in his research over 25 years.

During World War II, Silva joined the US Army Signal Corps. At the conscription medical examination, he was examined by an army psychiatrist. José was intrigued by the psychiatrist's questions, which inspired him to start studying psychology.

After finishing his service, he resumed his business repairing radios. Five years later, with the rise of television, his repair business began to flourish.

In 1966, the results of Silva's work were formalized into the Silva Method - a system for controlling thinking and managing emotions. After some time, a network of centers was organized around the world (according to some sources, in 20 countries in 37 languages), in which certified teachers taught those who wanted the Silva Method. The number of people who have attended the courses is in the millions.

Books (3)

Reader comments

Andrey/ 11/24/2018 For those who need meditations using the Silva method in Russian, there are the following materials:

Live to the rhythm
Healer within
Right choice
Creating New Beliefs
Conversation with the mind
Money Magnet
Clearing Money Blocks
Energy Source Drop
Manifestation of Desires using the Silva method
Relieving feelings of separation or loss
Perfect sleep
Healing of spirit and body
Chumakova Irina - 6 hour Custom Marathon using the Silva method

Video trainings:
Keys to a new life
The best techniques from the Silva method
Money magnet using the Silva method
Video course "Silva 360"

Contact - [email protected]

Lilu/ 08/31/2017 Guys, everything is laid out in books; those who don’t have time to read go to seminars! And to each according to his abilities. If you don’t have the strength to change your life on the physical plane, don’t expect a miracle!

Irina/ 02/29/2016 With the help of this book, 16 years ago I met a wonderful person - and we got married, but, unfortunately, some fairy tales come to an end, and now my husband is leaving for a young and beautiful woman to have a child with her. He adopted my daughter, adored me to bits until she grew up and wanted to start living her own life (we live in Italy and here children don’t grow up until they’re 30 years old, my daughter also found it unbearable to sit on the couch with her parents and go on vacation in about at this age. And my husband decided that the emptiness in the house did not suit him and responded to the call of a young seeker of other people's husbands at work, at that time she had a worse option, but she quickly reoriented herself to a better position. And now that he is in the process care, I remembered Silva’s method and out of desperation I want to try again. Join us, it helps!

Sergey/ 02/27/2016 Dear, whoever has the book “You are a healer”... please upload it here. Or tell me where to find it.
Everything to everyone! Thank you!

Vladimir/ 01/17/2016 I have been practicing this method for 4 years now. And I don’t regret it. Twice I attended Laura Silva’s own seminar, twice I listened to Father Justin (a Franciscan monk), once Ken Kosia. Everyone has their own approach, their own techniques, but everything is in within the framework of the Silva method. Everything is unique! Anyone who wants to change themselves, this is the best remedy for him, but he needs to practice!

Alexei/ 09/23/2015 Reply to Volond. He wrote that Jose Silva developed his method for children. It's right. Next, the comrade asked the question: where are his children now? Let me tell you: Laura Silva (Jose's daughter) is now teaching his method all over the world.

Guest/ 07/05/2015 In general, the entire method is a clear example of the development of an Active and Controlled ALPHA state. Excellent development of the scientific direction about the Rhythms of Brain Activity. Everything looks very Convincing and Intriguing.

Dmitry Q./ 05/13/2015 A good method of auto-training, at least. You shouldn’t expect miracles, all at once and now, but the method works quite well :) What’s the main thing in this matter? If a person suffers and does nothing, then only a miracle will help him. But if you start doing at least something to correct the situation, then counting down from 100 to 1, and even “Our Father”, even “Om mani padme hum” can be useful :)

Guest/ 11/30/2014 “Thought is material,” many agree, so this is the method. This works, this is serious, the air is now saturated with this, many listen, but not everyone hears. Silva, namely the book “Receiving help from the other side using the Silva method” is a technology for materializing thoughts.

Andrey/ 11/10/2014 I came across this author quite by accident. And I was not surprised by what was written there. Because he decided to change his life for the better. What was written by this author influenced my thoughts. It’s not that I became richer or anything like that, I just began to feel better and more confident. Now I’m at the beginning of my journey and then I’ll evaluate my results. Guys, change your life.

Volond/ 10/4/2014 There is one serious dark spot in all this. He developed the method for his children. But we haven’t heard anything about his children. Has at least one become a genius? Or did you succeed in business?

Stas/ 09/01/2014 I wonder what is better for relaxation, auto-training or the Silva method?

Dinara/ 06/04/2014 Answer for Sambo and everyone who wants to take a seminar on the Silva method in Kazakhstan: the seminar is conducted by the only certified instructor in Kazakhstan, Karimova Gulzhanat. You can write to her at [email protected]

Ilyas/ 05/11/2014 really very insightful and precise writing on all the books. Jose Silva I am them. Polzus works, but it really depends on your conviction and faith.

Jose SILVA, Philip MIELE

Mind control using the Silva method


To my wife Paula, my sister Josephine, my brother Juan and all my sons and daughters - Jose Silva Jr., Isabel Silva de Las Fuentes, Ricardo Silva, Margarita Silva Cantu, Tony Silva, Anna Maria Silva Martinez, Hilda Silva Gonzales, Laura Silva Lares , Delia Silva and Diana Silva.

…………………………Jose Silva

Marjorie Miele, Grace and Bill Owen.

…………………………Philip Miele


our friends, colleagues, disinterested critics and highly appreciate their wise and generous assistance, regretting that we are not able to mention them all here.

Here are just a few names:

Marcelino Alcala, Ruth Eley, Manuel Lujan Anton, Dr. Steven Applebaum, MD Robert Barnes, Johanna Blodgett, Larry Blyden, Dr. Fred J. Bremner, Marie Louise Bruecke, Vicki Carr, Dr. Philip Chancellor, Dr. Jeffrey Chang, Dr. Erwin Di Qian , Dr. George De Sau, Alfredo Duarte, MD Stanley Feller, Dord Fitz, Richard Floyd, Paul Fanzella, Fermin de la Garza, Ray Glau, Pat Golbitz, Alejandro Gonzales, Reynaldo Gonzales, Father Albert Gorayeb, Ronald Gorayeb, Paul Grivas , Sister in Christ Michelle Guerin, Blaz Gutierrez, Emilio Guzman, Dr. J. Wilfred Hahn, Timothy Harvey, James Hearn, Richard Herro, Larry Hildor, Celeste Holm, Joanna Howell, Margaret Huddleston, Adele Hull, Chris Jensen, Humberto Juarez, Carol Lawrence, Fred Levin, Kate Lombardi, Dorothy Longoria, Alice and Henry McKnight, Dick Mazza, M.D. Clancy D. McKenzie, Dr. James Motiff, Jose Mowbide, Jim Needham, Wingate Payne, Margherite Piazza, Eduardo Moniz Resende, Rosa Argentina Rivas, Jose Romero, MD Alberto Sanchez Vilchis, Gerald Sidey, Nelda Sheets, Alexis Smith, Loretta Sweet, Pat Tighe, Dr. Andre Weitzenhoffer, Dr. N.E. West, Jim Williams, Lance S. Wright M.D.

…………………………X. S. and F.M.


From this moment the most amazing adventure of your life begins. Every result you achieve will change your own view of yourself and the world into which you were born. With the manifestation of your new abilities will come a sense of responsibility to use them for the purpose of “improving humanity,” as the teachings of the mind control method say. Yes, you will not be able to use them differently than you were taught.

The chief architect of one of the Western cities closed the door to his office behind him, leaving the worried secretary alone. Blueprints for a planned shopping center had just been discovered missing, and a meeting with city leaders to make the final decision on construction was scheduled for a few days later that week. They lost their jobs for lesser offenses, but the chief architect behaved as if he was not at all touched by what would have sent another boss into a frenzy that would have made his secretary tremble like a leaf.

The chief architect sat down at the table. After a while, the eyes closed and the man froze, motionless. From the outside, one might think that he was gathering strength in the face of misfortune.

Ten minutes later, the chief architect opened his eyes, slowly stood up and walked out to the secretary.

“I think I’ve found them,” he said calmly. - Check the accounts for Thursday, when I was in Hartford. What restaurant did I have lunch at?

He called the restaurant. And the drawings ended up there.

The chief architect in question had taken Silva's Mind Control course to bring to life those abilities that are, for most of us, untapped brain resources. And one of the techniques he learned was the technique of retrieving fading memories, which an untrained brain would hardly have been able to cope with.

These awakened abilities are already doing amazing things for more than five hundred thousand men and women who have studied in the courses.

What exactly was the chief architect doing while he sat motionless for ten minutes? A post from another mind control graduate hints at this:

“Yesterday an amazing thing happened to me in Bermuda. There were two hours left before the flight on which I was supposed to take me back to New York took off, and I could not find my ticket anywhere. For a whole hour, three people searched the room where I lived. We looked under the carpets, behind the refrigerator - everywhere. I unpacked and repacked my suitcase three times, but I still couldn’t find the ticket. Finally I decided to find a quiet corner and concentrate. And as soon as I concentrated, I “saw” my airline ticket as clearly as if I was looking at it in reality. It was located (according to my “inner vision”) in the closet between the books and was barely noticeable. I rushed to the closet and found the ticket exactly where I had imagined it!”

For those who have not been trained in mind control, this will seem incredible, but when you reach the chapters written by Jose Silva, the founder of mind control, you will learn about even more amazing capabilities of your brain. And perhaps most amazing is the ease and speed with which you can learn.

Mr. Silva has spent most of his adult life researching what the human brain can be taught. The result was a course lasting from 40 to 48 hours, during which you can teach anyone to remember what seems completely forgotten, control pain, speed up the healing process, give the opportunity to get rid of bad habits, develop intuition so much that the sixth sense becomes a creative force, a means solving many problems of everyday life. At the same time, a cheerfulness of inner peace sets in, a calm optimism comes, based on the conviction that we are more able to manage our lives than we ever imagined.

Now, through the written word, for the first time, you have the opportunity to learn in practice what was previously taught only in courses.

Mr. Silva borrows freely from the wisdom of East and West, but the final product is American in its essence. The course of study, like its practitioner creator, is entirely hands-on. Everything he teaches is aimed at making your life happier and more effective here and now.

As you move from one exercise to another in the order of Mr. Silva's chapters, you will begin to build one achievement on top of another, thereby strengthening your confidence that you are ready for achievements that, if you are not familiar with with the mind control method seem incredible. Scientific evidence confirms that your brain is capable of miracles. Further proof is the success of more than half a million people whose lives have been transformed by mind control.

Imagine that with mental effort you can improve your visual acuity.

“When I took the Silva Mind Control course for the first time, I began to notice that my vision began to change - it improved. Before that, I wore glasses for ten years while studying.

Many scientists and parapsychologists claim that human consciousness and thinking is capable of much, the main thing is to constantly work on oneself, developing abilities. Jose Silva's method is considered unique, which helps to reveal a person's intellectual and psychological abilities.

What is the Silva method?

A famous American parapsychologist proposed an unconventional, from a scientific point of view, method. In short, it is based on a certain mindset aimed at controlling the work of intuition. Silva suggested several simple exercises that develop the “sixth sense”, which gives a person additional opportunities to improve and reach new heights in life. The Jose Silva method is aimed at finding harmony with oneself, thanks to the joint work of imagination, intuition and emotions.

Psychotraining using the Jose Silva method

If you study the technique proposed by a famous parapsychologist, you can cope with bad habits and stress, develop intuition, intelligence, and also improve memory and health. In addition, Jose Silva claims that anyone can write down their future life using easy-to-understand techniques. His method can be called dynamic meditation, which became the basis for personal development. Mind control using the Silva method involves working at different levels:

  1. Beta. At this level, a person is in the waking period, and he can use the five physical senses, the concept of space and time.
  2. Alpha. This state is typical for meditation and when using intuition.
  3. Theta. A person is at this level during deeper sleep, for example, during long meditation and when using various extrasensory techniques.
  4. Delta. This is a state of deep sleep and at this level a person is unconscious.

The Silva Method - developing intuition

A parapsychologist describes intuition as a persistent belief that arises unconsciously and is inexplicable. This is an innate ability designed to protect a person from various dangers. The development of intuition according to the Silva method involves performing certain exercises that help a person learn to hear and correctly decipher information received from the subconscious.

Silva Method – “Glass of Water”

The presented technique is aimed at activating intuition to solve any issue. With regular practice, a person can easily remember all his dreams, and clue situations will arise in life that will help him understand which direction is best to move. It is important not to lose sight of the little things in which the answer to the questions is hidden. Jose Silva's Glass of Water method involves several steps:

Silva Method - Three Finger Technique

A parapsychologist has proposed a simple method to protect against the stress that a person faces every day. If every day for 15 minutes. stay in the alpha level, you can get good protection. You can also use the “Three Finger” method according to the Silva method. It involves connecting the thumb, index and middle fingers together. This serves as a kind of trigger for the effective functioning of the mind. Thanks to the simple Silva method, a person keeps a cool head in stressful conditions. If you have time, use this diagram:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and reach the alpha level using any Silva method. For example, you can say the word “relaxation” with each exhalation until a state of relaxation is achieved.
  2. After this, fold your fingers. Mentally say the suggested text three times.

The Silva Method – “Find Your Soulmate”

There is a technique that single people can use to find their soulmate. To perform the Silva method exercise, you must follow the following instructions:

Development of psychic abilities using the Silva method

Intelligence management using the Silva method

There is a book of the same name that provides information and exercises for managing your own mind to better control your actions. It presents three simple techniques that everyone can do:

  1. Positive thinking. The challenge is that when negative thoughts arise, they should be replaced with positive ones.
  2. Concentration. Exercise the mind according to the Silva method involves the ability to focus on your own thoughts. To do this, you need 10-20 minutes every day. perform the contemplation exercise: concentrating attention on one object.
  3. Visualization. Every day imagine yourself as who you want to become or where you dream of being. Draw pictures in your imagination as realistically as possible. The Silva Method indicates that consciousness has a magnetic power to attract into life everything that a person desires.

Making wishes come true using the Silva method

The inventor of unique techniques claims that every person can get what they want simply by wishing it correctly. For this, you need to use the following methods:

  1. Love yourself. For visualizations and affirmations to work, you need to feel like a worthy person. Silva's Reality Exercise method is about learning and improving yourself.
  2. The power of thought. It is important to consolidate your desire in the subconscious, and it will look for favorable conditions to get what you want.
  3. Gratitude. This technique is underestimated by many, but in fact, the more grateful a person is for what he has, the more successful the circumstances around him are.

Game “Memory Hooks” - Silva Method

Many people complain of poor memory, but there is a simple exercise that can improve the situation and further develop your visualization abilities. The Silva method helps you get help from your subconscious by using a simple principle, and to better understand it, let's look at an example:

  1. You need to write down numbers from 1 to 10, and then, opposite each, indicate any word that comes to mind first.
  2. To combine numbers and words, it is necessary to create visual images in memory, so-called “memory clues.” For example, opposite the number 10 the word “orange” is written. The image for the number 10 can be hands with 10 fingers. As a result, when seeing the number 10, a person uses the following visual image: an orange is in hands with 10 fingers.
  3. Such associations are easily selected for any information that is difficult to remember.

Silva Method – “The Art of Trading”

Another book that helps you learn to use your thinking to achieve success in trading. The method proposed in it helps to study the psyche and direct the mind on the path to success. The art of trading according to the Silva method involves constant work on yourself. The parapsychologist offers instructions to help find a common language with consumers and cope with stressful situations, and he also describes basic and current marketing practices.

Jose Silva method - reprogram yourself for money

To improve your financial situation, you need to learn how to use the practice. The challenge is to change your own beliefs about money. The “Money Magnet” meditation is effective; the Silva method suggests performing it regularly.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Inhale, and as you exhale, relax your physical body. On the next exhalation, relaxation of the mind is achieved.
  2. Put away all extraneous thoughts, experiences and negativity. Pay attention to your clear mind.
  3. At the next stage, the Silva method involves presenting the faces of 10 people who smile and give positivity. This must be done alternately on the count of three.
  4. Transport yourself to a beautiful autumn forest, imagining yourself in it, feeling the warmth of the sun and the light wind. Imagine how there is a bill among the foliage. Take it in your hands and watch them turn golden. After this, all the money around begins to literally stick to your body, like a magnet. You can pronounce different money. At the end, repeat the phrase: “I am a money magnet” several times.

Healing the spirit and body using the Silva method

There are simple techniques on how you can replace the triggers in your mind that cause illness. To do this you need to use . Offers the Silva method for healing from various diseases. As an example, consider the healing of a cancer patient:

  1. It is necessary to imagine how a huge amount of energy charges fights bad cells through irradiation.
  2. You should visualize how cancer cells become weak and healthy ones crowd them out.
  3. It is important to imagine pictures of how internal organs cleanse the body of deadly cells.

The Silva Method and Christianity

Many people who practice the presented methodology believe that it is on the same wavelength as Christianity and other true teachings. At the same time, there are claims that the Silva method is a sect, since it is assumed that a person, being at the alpha level, approaches the Higher Intelligence, which does not mean God, therefore it is believed that this is a devilish manifestation and has nothing to do with the Christian faith .

Valentin Stern

Jose Silva method. Reprogram yourself for money


Did you know that your mind is a powerful creative force? What is this unique tool with which you can create in your life everything you need?

Most people are not aware of the unique capabilities of their minds and do not use them, or use them to an insignificant fraction of a percent. As a result, life is not going well, problems are not being solved, health and mental state are deteriorating, and against the backdrop of all this chaos we see a person confused and broken by life, asking one single question: “What can I do?”

This is what most people think, who still don’t know that they can actually do very, very much. That they have the power not only to get out of their deplorable situation in the shortest possible time, but also to improve the quality of their life to the level to which they themselves want.

What is needed for this? First of all, stop underestimating yourself and your true capabilities and discover the wealth that is inherent in each of us by nature, but which we have not yet begun to fully use.

To do this, you just need to find out how to use your brain correctly.

“But don’t we know that? – many people may ask. “We’ve been using it since birth!”

Really? Then look at your life and answer the question: is this really what you dreamed of? Have you achieved everything you wanted? Do you live the way that seems most right to you, and do you get pleasure and satisfaction from everything you do?

If your answer is no, it means only one thing: you are not using your brain correctly. After all, it is with its help that you create for yourself not at all like that, what you need! Because, whether we like it or not, we create our life, our destiny, and ourselves. Yes, yes, it is not circumstances or other people who do this. We do this ourselves with the help of our mind.

And if the result is not what you would like to achieve, then this is not at all because the mind is bad. The mind itself is beautiful. But we are trained to use only a tiny fraction of its capabilities. Namely, those possibilities of analytical and logical thinking that the left hemisphere of the brain provides us with. While the capabilities of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity, creation, imagination and intuition, remain practically unclaimed.

The world-famous method of Jose Silva made a real revolution in the minds, and then in the lives of a huge number of people. He demonstrated simple techniques that allow you to open access to endless possibilities right hemisphere human brain.

No matter how strange it may seem at first glance, logical thinking does not so much help us in our lives as it confuses us and leads us astray. There is a completely scientific explanation for this: using the logic of the left hemisphere of the brain, we can process only a small part of the information that comes to us from the outside world. Because of this, the left hemisphere simply does not notice the whole sea of ​​ideas and the ocean of possibilities that literally surround us from all sides. In addition, the left hemisphere has only analytical, but not creative capabilities, which means, in principle, it is not capable of creating anything.

But as soon as we establish contact with the right hemisphere, thoughts become clearer, creative possibilities awaken, and the incomprehensible becomes understandable, and the impossible becomes possible. And we enter a wonderful creative state, which allows us to achieve good luck, success, prosperity and, ultimately, happiness.

Who is Jose Silva? He can truly be called a unique person, a legend. Born into a poor Mexican family and having received, in fact, no education, he devoted his life to self-education in the field of psychology and other sciences about human capabilities, as well as the development and practical application of a simple and harmonious system of mind control. By learning to control our mind and changing ourselves, we change our lives and the world around us! This idea inspired millions of people, and most importantly, helped them transform their reality, moving away from a meager, wretched, joyless life full of dangers and troubles and coming to a world of light, joy, success, abundance, and happiness.

Jose Silva conducted his first seminars in the 60s of the last century, and since then his method has confidently gained its place in the world. For more than half a century, it has been practiced in many successful corporations; it has been mastered by many now successful and famous people - artists, politicians, scientists, athletes, business representatives. And the main thing is that, having lived a long, fruitful life, Jose Silva left us all his invaluable legacy: the system of self-education he developed, following which each person can independently, without attending special seminars and schools, acquire unique opportunities for transformation of yourself and your life.

This book will help you master the Jose Silva method in the shortest possible time and in the most comfortable environment for you. All the main provisions of his system and the best exercises are given in an accessible, but at the same time capacious form. This is a kind of cheat sheet that will allow you to use the method again and again, get the maximum benefit from it, without spending time and money on purchasing and reading all of Jose Silva's books. In essence, this book will become your personal seminar at home - a convenient, practical aid for transforming your life.

The book will help you:

Reprogram your life, get rid of unwanted behavior patterns,

Learn to achieve all your goals,

Correct the mistakes of the past, create the most favorable present and future for yourself,

Gain self-confidence

Improve health,

Establish harmonious relationships with others,

Make the right decisions always and everywhere,

Achieve success in work, study, business,

Improve your personal life,

Develop and make the best use of your intuition.

The ten steps offered to you in the book are the stepping stones to your success. Go through them sequentially, slowly; if necessary, returning to what you have covered again and again - and the result will not be long in coming: very soon you will enter a new phase of your life, again and again discovering the colossal creative and transformative capabilities of your mind.

For those who want to become more familiar with the José Silva method, the following literature is recommended:

Jose Silva, Robert Stone. Receiving help from the “other side” using the Silva method. – Mn.: Potpourri, 2005.

Jose Silva, Philip Miele. Mind control. – Mn.: Potpourri, 2003.

Jose Silva, Bert Goldman. Intelligence management using the Silva method. – Mn.: Potpourri, 2000.

Step 1. Controlling brain rhythms is the key to the dormant resources of our intelligence

Our brain is a very powerful weapon, too powerful to be left unattended.

Jose Silva, Philip Miele. Mind Control

The brain of any person has enormous capabilities that few people know how to use.

Do you know that by nature you are talented, have remarkable creative abilities and enormous intellect, with the help of which you can achieve goals that now seem unattainable to you, always make the best decisions, act with maximum efficiency in any situation?

The human brain has enormous power that most people do not use. The fact is that these abilities are not obvious. They are, one might say, in a dormant state. And they won’t wake up on their own - to wake them up, we need our active and conscious intervention. Yes, not only the brain controls our life activity - but we ourselves can control our brain! Whoever has mastered this science has received the key to success in creativity, professional activity, relationships with people, to improved health, the ability to control oneself and solve almost all of one’s problems.

In fact, controlling your brain activity is the key to a completely new quality of life, it is a giant leap in your development that opens up incredible prospects. New opportunities, new abilities, new achievements - all this awaits you ahead, and believe me, nothing is impossible, if you really want it.

To awaken your talents, you need to awaken the right hemisphere of your brain!

Managing your own brain is a completely natural process, planned for a person by nature itself. But the development of civilization followed a path that did not provide for any conscious control of oneself and the processes of one’s own nervous activity. Therefore, for most people, the brain works as it should. Namely, the use of the brain is limited to the activity of only the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logic, analysis and is alien to creativity, imagination, and creative mental activity.

There are people whose brains can spontaneously switch to a different mode of operation when the right hemisphere, responsible for creativity, imagination, creation and intuition, comes into play. Such people usually make artists, performers, musicians and representatives of other creative professions. But in science, in technology, and in other types of activity, serious achievements are simply impossible without the involvement of the right hemisphere! The left brain makes us, at best, good performers. And only the right hemisphere makes it possible to be an active creator of your life. But for this it is not at all necessary to have artistic talents. Every person is capable of awakening the right hemisphere. And as a result, develop any talents you want.

So, to become the creator of your life, need to activate the right hemisphere. And to do this, you need to know how the difference between the activity of the left hemisphere and the activity of the right hemisphere manifests itself.

Jose Silva, who spent his entire life studying not only psychology, but also electronics, was very well versed in everything related to electromagnetic waves. And above all, he was interested in electromagnetic waves emitted by the human brain.

Yes, the human brain is naturally electromagnetic. The electromagnetic waves it emits, or brain waves, like any waves, have such an important characteristic as rhythm. It is this rhythm that determines what state we are in.

“All processes and phenomena occurring on our planet have their own hidden rhythm. The rhythm of light is manifested in its wave structure. The same can be said about sound. Each color of the spectrum also has its own rhythm. Even your heart beats at a certain rhythm. Over the past few decades, scientists have discovered that brain activity also produces waves that can be measured. These waves are closely related to whether you are asleep or awake, in a relaxed or, conversely, tense state. These waves also depend on whether you are healthy or sick. The rhythms of the brain reflect all the desires, anxieties, stresses and worries that you experience. In short, brain rhythms are a product of the state you are in. Wouldn’t it be great if these rhythms could be controlled?”

Jose Silva, Bert Goldman. Intelligence management using the Silva method

Any wave by its nature has a certain oscillation frequency. Oscillations are an integral attribute of a wave. And if you, sitting on the seashore, set out to count how many times a wave hits the shore per unit time, then in this way you will determine the frequency of oscillations of the sea surf.

The same is true with electromagnetic vibrations emitted by the brain. They produce a certain number of repeating cycles (a kind of ebb and flow) per second. The number of such cycles per second is the rhythm of brain activity. And this rhythm is not always the same. For most people, it can range from one cycle every two seconds to forty cycles per second. Depending on the frequency of oscillations of waves of brain activity, four main categories of these rhythms characteristic of the human brain are distinguished: alpha rhythm, beta rhythm, theta rhythm And delta rhythm.

Beta rhythm: normal waking state

Most people have a beta brain wave pattern during normal waking hours. Its frequency is from 15 to 40 cycles per second.

In this state, the left hemisphere of the brain is predominantly active.

When the frequency of brain waves does not exceed 20 cycles per second, you feel calm and comfortable. You are focused and attentive, you can think clearly and clearly, perceive information, make decisions and act.

However, if the brain begins to emit electromagnetic waves at a frequency exceeding 20 cycles per second, you find yourself in a state of anxiety, worry, and stress. Thoughts begin to jump around in your head chaotically, it is difficult for you to concentrate on one thing, your heart is pounding and your breathing is quickening. And if the activity of beta waves increases even more and their rhythm approaches forty cycles per second, your intelligence “goes off scale” and is completely out of your control: you are not able to think at all, and you even have difficulty sitting still. In essence, this is a state of extreme excitement or panic. And in this state, no more or less effective activity is possible at all. In this case, the brain works under enormous overload.

The higher the frequency of beta waves, the less effective our mind is and the more harm is caused to our health: after all, a state of stress, and even more so panic, has a destructive effect on almost all systems of the body.

Theta rhythm: falling asleep

As you fall asleep and drift off, your brain activity slows down to a rate of 4 to 8 cycles per second. In this state, consciousness ceases to be active, but the subconscious awakens. Everything that remains unconscious to you in the waking state can break through in dreams. Some people achieve theta rhythm in a state of deep meditation.

And when in a waking state you are visited by some vague premonitions, sensations that are difficult to express in words, or you feel that you should understand or remember something, but do not know what exactly, all this is the result of the work of theta waves, which were active when your consciousness was in a sleepy state.

In this state, the right hemisphere of the brain is active, and the left is at rest. At the same time, the brain rests and recovers. However, in this state the intellect is not capable of any effective work. Our subconscious can tell us a lot about ourselves - but without the participation of the left hemisphere, our consciousness is not able to perceive this information.

Delta rhythm: deep sleep and unconsciousness

The frequency of delta waves is extremely low, ranging from one cycle every two seconds to four cycles per second. This rhythm is characteristic of a person in a state of deep sleep or unconscious.

Theta waves are necessary for the body to restore itself and recover from serious illnesses. In this case, a person is in contact with the deepest layers of the subconscious - those that never come to the surface and do not become the property of the conscious intellect. Some researchers believe that in this state, for example, telepathic communication with people you have never met is possible. And if you subsequently meet these people in reality, you may have a vague feeling that you know them, but you will never know the reasons for these feelings.

Our behavior in the waking state can sometimes be determined by the contact with the subconscious that took place at the delta level. But we cannot control this contact, much less manage it.

Alpha Rhythm: Unleashing Creativity

The frequency of alpha waves ranges from 8 to 15 cycles per second - this is lower than in the normal waking state, but higher than in the sleep state. A frequency of 8–10 cycles per second corresponds to complete relaxation, peace, bordering on a half-asleep state. But when the brain emits waves with a frequency of 10–15 cycles per second, we are not sleeping at all, we are awake, and our consciousness is active. Moreover, in this state we think even more clearly, clearly and productively than usual. This happens due to the fact that the alpha rhythm creates a state of peace and comfort, in which nothing interferes with concentration and clear work of thought.

In addition, the alpha rhythm calms the chaotic confusion of thoughts in the head. Unnecessary “noise” disappears, all sorts of worries, anxieties, stress go away - the brain is freed from everything that interferes with the thought process. Thanks to this calming of the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain, additional energy is released for the activity of the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere continues to work actively - but ceases to dominate, and instead enters into an equal partnership with the right hemisphere.

The right hemisphere, which is finally freed from the pressure of the left hemisphere, can now express its capabilities. It gives you access to the power of your imagination. You can create mental images. And thus you have at your disposal the most powerful tool for transforming your life. After all, everything that we want to create in our lives - be it some material things or health, success, well-being, the qualities of character we need, personality traits, relationships with other people - must first be laid down in the form of a “project”, a desire or intentions. But truly effective “projects” are created not even by thought, but by mental images. It is with the help of the alpha rhythm that we can reprogram both our lives and ourselves as we see fit - for example, get rid of bad habits, poverty and illnesses and become a strong, healthy, successful person. After all, we plan and program our lives in one way or another and do this with the help of our brain - although we do not always realize it. So why not start doing this consciously, and not as we have to, but as we need?

The alpha rhythm also has this useful property: it gives you access to the power of your intuition. In this state, you gain access to information stored in your subconscious. You can receive answers to questions that concern you from the subconscious. After all, the subconscious knows much more than the conscious mind - simply because it captures several orders of magnitude more information than is available to the conscious mind. Guided by intuition, you will stop making those mistakes that erroneous logic pushes you to every now and then.

And another important property of the alpha rhythm is that it has healing properties for the whole body. It is no coincidence that in a state of illness the brain sometimes automatically adjusts to the alpha rhythm. This is how the body tries to heal itself. And this is possible thanks to a calm, relaxed state, when tension and anxiety go away, the bustle of thoughts recedes, and, as a result, self-healing mechanisms begin to work in the body, gradually returning to us the lost harmony.

Some people fear that by tuning into the alpha rhythm, they will find themselves in some kind of inhibited state, when everything around them will be perceived as if through a foggy haze. But this is not true at all. On the contrary, in a state characterized by the alpha rhythm, everything around you is perceived much more clearly and distinctly, your reaction becomes faster and more adequate, and your thought processes flow more actively and, most importantly, more efficiently, because such usual interference as tension, anxiety and state of mind disappear. stress.

Thus, the alpha rhythm is the most favorable, healthy, creative state of the brain. Moreover, this is a state of genius! All great discoveries, insights, the most successful ideas in science, business, art, politics were found precisely in the state of alpha rhythm. This is the state of the most correct decisions and the most effective actions.

All great geniuses knew how to enter this state spontaneously. But genius lies dormant in every person! To awaken it, you just need to learn to enter this state consciously, of your own free will, without leaving it to chance.

And it’s not at all difficult to do - it will take you very little time to learn.

How to reach the alpha level correctly

The process of entering a state characterized by the alpha rhythm, or reaching the alpha level, is what Jose Silva calls meditation. However, he puts a slightly different meaning into this word than is usually accepted. In meditative practices characteristic of traditional Eastern culture, meditation is an end in itself and represents a relaxed state of peace and thoughtlessness. Meditation, as Jose Silva understands it, is an active process that is not an end in itself, but is a means to improve one’s life and solve all kinds of problems.

Meditation itself can already solve many of your problems - you will become calmer, you will sleep better, your health will begin to improve. But Jose Silva offers much more - using various visualization techniques in a state of meditation, creating mental images, to reprogram your life. We will arrive at this through the following steps. In the meantime, you need to lay the foundation for grandiose changes in your life - learn to meditate, or reach the alpha level. In this way, you will take the most important step towards learning how to use your brain much more widely and open its creative capabilities to your benefit.

There are four main ways to train to reach the alpha level. You can choose any of the below. These techniques are not yet suitable for serious deep work at the alpha level; this will require more thorough training, which will be discussed in detail in the practical part of this chapter. And you need to start with a light alpha level, which is what these four techniques will help you with.

1. Sit in a comfortable position, but make sure your back is straight. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Gradually calm your breathing so that it becomes slow, even and deep. Then begin to say to yourself: “Three, three, three,” while simultaneously imagining this number. After taking three inhalations and exhalations and simultaneously repeating the number “three,” take the next three inhalations and exhalations, mentally repeating: “Two, two, two” and at the same time imagining this number. Then do the same thing, repeating the number “one” and imagining it in your mind. After this you will be at the alpha level.

2. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight, close your eyes, calm your breathing so that it becomes even, slow and deep. As you exhale, say the word “Relaxation” very slowly and calmly. Do this until you feel completely relaxed.

3. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight, close your eyes, calm your breathing and begin to slowly count to yourself from ten to one. At the same time, imagine what each of the numbers you call looks like. You will feel yourself relaxing more and more with each number and eventually find yourself at the alpha level.

4. In the morning, after waking up, or in the evening, before going to bed, lying in bed, close your eyes and, under closed eyelids, look up at an angle of about 20 degrees. Start slowly, at intervals of about two seconds, counting down from one hundred to one. By fully focusing on counting, you will enter the alpha state.

You can stay in the alpha level for as long as you want. There are no restrictions here, since this condition can never harm you in any way, but on the contrary, it will only benefit you. If you want to return to your normal state of wakefulness, then you just need to say to yourself: “Now I will count to five, on the count of “three” I will return to the beta level and I will feel very good.” After this, mentally count to five and open your eyes.

“One of the beauties of meditating in the alpha state is that you cannot carry any bad feelings or anger with you. If such feelings invade your state, you will fly out of meditation like a cork from a bottle. Over time, such feelings will remain outside of your state for longer and longer, until one day they disappear altogether. This will mean that those types of brain activity that lead to diseases of the body are neutralized.”

Jose Silva, Philip Miele. Mind Control


Exercise 1. Learning to reach the alpha level

Choose a day on which you will begin to learn how to reach the alpha level. Keep in mind that from now on your workouts should become daily. It won't take you much time; you can practice for 5-10 minutes one to three times a day.

If you suffer from insomnia, it is better to practice reaching the alpha level in the evening, before going to bed. In other cases, it is advisable to exercise when you are alert and full of energy - best in the morning and in the first half of the day.

Choose one of the four ways to train to reach the alpha level listed above. Or you can use all of them one by one, but not in a row, but with a break of 2-3 hours - so you choose the method that you like best and works best for you. Practice any of the methods for a week. Don't expect any unusual sensations to immediately appear. The fact is that the alpha rhythm is a natural state of a person, and more than once in your life you have found yourself in this state spontaneously and unconsciously. That is, you have already experienced this more than once - therefore, perhaps, there will be nothing new and unexpected for you in this state. However, you will notice that this state is pleasant for you. And as you train, it will be easier and faster for you to reach the alpha level.

The goal of the training exercises is to achieve a result where you will be at the alpha level almost instantly and by your own desire. Try to make both the entrance to the alpha level and the exit from it automatic. Now the main thing for you is to master this particular sequence of entry and exit. A week of training may be enough for this - but if you feel that this is not enough for you, extend the training for another week.

Exercise 2. Mastering the Deeper Alpha Level

After you have mastered the previous exercise and learned to reach the alpha level within one or two weeks, you can move on to deeper “immersions.” The training exercises gave us a mild alpha level, but the serious work of reprogramming our lives will require more thorough training.

To learn how to enter that deep alpha level that you need in your work, you will need a month of daily training.

Note: During this time, you can read the entire book to the end, but do not begin mastering the practical part of step 2 and subsequent ones until you have completely mastered the tasks in step 1.

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