Icon of St. Juliana. Martyr Juliana of Iliopolis

Emotional, talented, unstoppable Juliana is the joy and pride of her parents, who will not know peace, because the house will only be quiet when her daughter is sleeping. Of course, not only the name Juliana will play a role, but it will give the girl a strong character.

Although there is also ambiguity in the name: its owner is capable of unseemly acts, and her fate depends on her upbringing, personal aspirations and goals. And parents need to be attentive if they want to raise a worthy person.

The origin of the name Juliana can be seen in various sources, although it is considered Slavic. Nevertheless, it was originally masculine and meant belonging to a tribal tribe. A similar word is mentioned in the name of an ancient Roman family. In Ancient Greece, this was the name given to curly-haired children.

Juliana is an Orthodox name that also belonged to Saint Juliana of Olshansk. By the day of her death at the age of 16, this girl had accomplished many good deeds, for which she was elevated to the rank of saint. There is a legend that when her coffin was accidentally dug up many years after burial, the body remained fresh - without a single trace of decomposition. The relics of Olshanskaya, kept in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, are credited with miraculous healings that happen to pilgrims. Saint Juliana is still there, although the relics were partially damaged in a fire in 1718.

Meaning of the name

Juliana... the meaning of a name so unusual at first glance cannot be simple. That’s how it is: a bright nature who can devote her whole life to her calling if she understands what it is.

The girl was born to be successful and talented, so she often achieves heights in her chosen field. But the meaning of the child’s name Julian is not a translation or a story of its origin. This is a character bestowed by nature and parents.


What does the name Juliana mean for a girl? First of all, explosive character and restlessness. Parents will have to make a lot of effort to ensure that the child directs his energy towards development and not destruction. From childhood, the daughter will show stubbornness and emotionality. As a rule, one can notice her talent even at an early age, and she definitely has it. Therefore, if parents think that their girl is ordinary, they are mistaken and need to take a closer look.

The girl is prone to sudden mood swings, and she almost always behaves artistically: if she cries, then so that everyone can hear and pay attention, if she laughs, she laughs loudly and contagiously. In anger she is already scary as a child. But you usually don’t have to worry about the teenager Juliana - she is a balanced child who will no longer cause her parents any trouble, of course, if the parents took the trouble to raise their daughter at an earlier age.

Juliana's career is predicted to be successful if she copes with her quarrelsome character and selfishness. It is unlikely that you will be able to climb the career ladder in politics or commerce. Most likely, her activities will be related to creativity. A girl can become a good teacher.

Juliana, as the name suggests, is a naturally friendly and sociable person. If you instill in her certain moral values ​​in time, she will be able to find many friends who, as already mentioned, will be devoted to her. She is energetic and has a positive attitude. Usually does not remember insults.

In love and in the family, Juliana is quite predictable: she attracts a lot of attention and can cause passions and jealousy. She will never lead a monotonous lifestyle, so her partners should think about how to make their pastime varied in order to retain their chosen one. The girl will be a good housewife, but not at the expense of her favorite business.

Additional complexity in relationships is created by the ability to idealize people. It is difficult for Juliana to find a partner precisely because she imagines a hero who actually does not exist. By lowering her requirements a little, she still has a chance to become happy.

To win Juliana, a man must be independent, strong, and wealthy. Only then will she feel comfortable and confident next to him. But even if such a husband tries to force his wife to stay at home with the children, immersed in the household, she will never agree.

What does the name Juliana mean to her husband? Active lifestyle, constant readiness to act, sometimes even to the detriment of the family. Monotony can kill a marriage with Juliana, so it will not be easy for her husband. If everyday life drags on and the husband does not make any effort to make his wife’s life more interesting, she will blame him for all her troubles and bad mood. For the sake of the family’s happiness, it is important to remember that the owner of such a name requires creative fulfillment.

The birth of children will also not keep Juliana’s mother within the walls of the house: she will work and take them with her from early childhood, especially if the work does not require a strict schedule and presence in the office. If one is needed, the children of the owner of this name will quickly have a nanny.

But, of course, Juliana usually doesn’t choose a job where she has to sit in the office all the time - it’s boring and monotonous. She needs a business where she can show her activity, creativity, determination and enterprise.

Juliana's character

Juliana is a born leader. She attracts all people who do not even always understand why she is so attractive. But if suddenly the owner of this name behaves unseemly, she will immediately lose the devotion of her fans and just good acquaintances who doted on her. But she really can act ugly.

The characteristics of the name Juliana indicate that its owner will always be demanding of herself. Sometimes this quality prevents you from achieving what you want. Unfortunately, a girl usually transfers her high demands onto others. It is difficult for her to understand that people are imperfect. She is critical of the shortcomings of the people around her. Nevertheless, she easily forgives insults. And even if it seems that he remembers, he actually never takes revenge or tries to hurt the offender.

Juliana is quite proud and selfish. This prevents her from becoming happy and successful. When she can change her attitude towards people and the world in general, the girl will be able to change her life.

Emotional and easily excitable, lively, restless - there are many synonyms for this name. But at the same time, she is able to choose a worthy authority for herself and follow his advice.

What does the name Juliana mean for its owner? Activity without boundaries, constant determination to act and move forward. Competent, active, talented... she can be both demanding and quite soft. If necessary, Yuliana will help and support, let you cry and advise you to act.

Juliana treats her personal space with trepidation, so any attempt on it will be perceived negatively. Without being aggressive, she still defends her right to privacy and personal development.

Name day


Turquoise, the color of aquamarine, which is what the name Julianna means, or rather its character: these are shades of perseverance, activity, and strength of mind.


Poppy and rose - two bright flowers are attributed to the character of the owner of the described name. What does the name Juliana mean in terms of plant selection? Poppy is an extraordinary flower, which is characterized as a symbol of talent and an active life position.

The intoxicating nature of the plant is also inherent in Juliana, because she attracts people to her like a magnet. But a girl does not always know how to use this gift, which is why she can make mistakes. The main thing is not to use your natural gift to manipulate people. As a result, you can get very badly burned.

What does the name Juliana mean? Rose is beautiful, passionate, attractive, romantic. But she is also a perfectionist, demanding of herself and others. This is exactly what this flower and the owner of the name Juliana are like. The girl tends to idealize those around her until she encounters their shortcomings. And then she will show her thorns.

Church name

In Orthodoxy, Julian's girls are baptized with the name Julian - that was the name of Princess Olshanskaya, who was elevated to sainthood.

Name in different languages

The name is originally attributed to the ancient Greek language: the translation of the name Juliana means “wavy, curly, fluffy.” But then only men wore it, but today the more familiar version of the name is more common - Julia. Therefore, they often claim that Juliana and Julia are one and the same.

In different languages, the name will sound similar: Juliana, Juliana, Yuliani, Juliana, Julienne, Yulianna (in Chinese), Yuriana (in Japanese).

Name options: full, affectionate and shortened

The abbreviated name Juliana is Yulia, Yulia, Ana, Liana. The girls are affectionately called Yulechka, Yulyushka, Yulianushka, Lanushka.

With a different spelling - Julianna will be called in abbreviation as she herself wants.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

The most consonant middle name options for this name: Alexandrovna, Andreevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Vyacheslavovna, Grigorievna, Denisovna, Dmitrievna, Leonidovna, Mikhailovna, Nikolaevna, Olegovna, Sergeevna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Fedorovna.

Name compatibility

Relationships with Alexander, Robert, Victor, Daniil will be successful.

Relationships with Gleb, Ostap, Boris, Valery will be harmonious, but unlikely to be serious and durable.

How to decline a name

The name is declined in the traditional way: Juliana, Juliana, Juliane, Juliana, Juliana.

Famous people named Juliana

Among famous people with this name there are many creative figures:

  • Juliana of Norwich (XIV–XV centuries) – mystical writer;
  • Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel - Queen of Denmark in 1752-1784;
  • Juliana Charlotte Frederica Grimm - aunt of the Grimm brothers;
  • Juliana Louise Emma Maria Wilhelmina of Orano-Nassau - Queen of the Netherlands at the beginning of the 20th century;
  • Yuliana Yakovlevna Yakhnina – literary critic;
  • Yuliana Nikolaevna Tolstova – Russian sociologist;
  • Juliana Klein - German composer;
  • Juliana Banze - German singer;
  • Yuliana Donskaya – Russian composer;
  • Juliana Pasha - Albanian singer;
  • Yuliana Fedak – Ukrainian tennis player;
  • Yulianna Karaulova is a Russian singer.

The meaning of the name Juliana for a girl is a strong character, love of movement and an active lifestyle. Of course, such a person rarely gets discouraged, always finds something to do, he is multifaceted and interesting in communication, which attracts a lot of people. But increased energy can tire people who are unable to maintain the same rhythm, so Juliana should be able to make compromises for the sake of family happiness and maintaining friendships.

The female Ulyana is quite widespread throughout Europe. It is found no less often (in the form of Ulyan) in Ukraine. You will learn about its meaning, history of origin, interpretation options, name day dates, the fates of famous historical figures who wore it, and much more from this article.

Origin and meaning of the name

There are various proven or unconfirmed versions of the origin and meaning

According to historians, the word “Ulyana” could have arisen as a form of the name Iuliania (the male version is Iulian), which, in turn, is associated with the Latin male name Julian (Ulyan). But Julian has a connection with the Roman family name Julius (Julius).

However, Ulyana is not directly derived from this Latin form, but rather is a related variant. Thus, historians have come to the conclusion that Ulyana is appeared “in the descendants of the Yulias”(“belonging to Julius”). As legend has it, this family was famous and respected, and it originates from the goddess Venus. Gaius Julius Caesar himself descends from this family. The female names Juliana (Yulianna) and Yulia (Yuliania) were invented precisely on the basis of male examples. Ulyana is the folk version of Yulia.

Another version of the formation is that Julius and Julian have a connection with the summer month of July, so Ulyana means “July”. Therefore, the name Ulyana is very suitable for, whose day fell in July.

And another popular version - the name means “curly”, “fluffy”.

Name forms

  • Full form The name is written and sounds like Ulyana (Juliana).
  • Derived forms: Julianka, Liana, Julia, Anya, Anyusha, Ulyanka, Ulya, Ulyakha, Ulyasha, Lyana, Yana.
  • Diminutive options: Yana, Lina and Liana.
  • Abbreviated (short)options: Ulyana, Ulyanka, Ulya, Ulyakha, Ulyasha, Lyana, Yana, Lina, Liana, Ulka, Ulechka, Una.
  • We also give the declension by case: Ulyana, Ulyana, Ulyana, Ulyana, Ulyana, Ulyana.
  • Church uniform: At baptism the girl is named Juliania.

Important! The above variants of the name Ulyana (for example, Yana, Liana) should not be confused with the names given at birth.

Angel's Day, name day

According to the church calendar of the Orthodox Church, the days of the Angel (name day) of girls and women with the name Ulyana are celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor they were baptized, which is closest to the date of birth.

Remembrance days of saints with name Juliana: January 3 and 15; March 17; April 2; 16th of May; June 15; July 5 and 19; August 30 and 31; 6 September; November 14; December 17.

Memorial dates for saints with names Juliana according to the calendar of the Catholic Church: February 7, 16; 20th of March; may 13; June 19; October 11; August 12, 14, 17, 18; Nov. 1.

Name in different languages

The sound and spelling of this name in different languages ​​is somewhat different from each other:

  • in Ukrainian - Ulyana;
  • in Polish - Juliana;
  • in English it sounds like Juliana, Julianna;
  • in Spanish - Juliana;
  • in Portuguese - Juliana;
  • in Italian - Giuliana;
  • German version - Juliana, Juliane;
  • in Danish - Juliana;
  • in French - Juliana, Julienne;
  • Romanian version - Iuliana, Juliana;
  • in Hungarian - Julianna.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

Ulyana (Orthodox name - Juliania) Lazarevskaya (Muromskaya). She was born in 1530 into a revered noble family. She became known for her pious life and helping those in need. As a child, she avoided games, preferring prayer and needlework. At the age of 16, Juliania was married to the owner of the village of Lazarevo, Yuri Osoryin. The husband's family immediately fell in love with the daughter-in-law. She was modest and good-natured, surrounded her loved ones with attention and love. The housekeeping was run in a very exemplary manner. At night Juliana sewed, which she then gave to orphans and widows. During the Great Famine, she sold all her possessions to buy bread for the poor. She died in 1604. She was equated to sainthood.
Juliana (Queen of the Netherlands). Years of life: 1909-2004. Ruled from 1948 to 1980 Juliana had a strong character. She was an active and authoritative queen. Every year on April 30, the Netherlands celebrates Queen's Day, which is considered a public holiday and is the only annual public holiday on which it is not customary to work.

Did you know? During the Second World War, Monarch Juliana and her family hid in Ottawa. She was pregnant at the time. So that after birth the child can inheritthrone, the chamber in which the Queen gave birth was temporarily declared not to belong to the domains of Canada. Consequently, the baby was not born on the territory of a foreign state and could claimthroneon equal rights with other heirs of the titled mother. Since then, in gratitude for such an act, the royal dynasty of Holland sends several thousand tulip bulbs to Canada every year.

Ukrainian poetess and writer of German origin. Real name is Julia Schneider. Born in 1860 in Nikolaev (Austria-Hungary). The girl grew up as a polite and calm child and behaved like an adult. Ulyana suffered almost all childhood illnesses, so she did not play with other children. She read a lot, kept a diary, to which she trusted her pink dreams of a knight, drawings of a wedding dress, thoughts about death. Then she began to write poetry. Ivan Franko played a significant role in Kravchenko’s life and work. Having lived a long life, she died in 1947 in Poland.
(born in 1924 in the village of Pervomaika, Ukrainian SSR) - member of the headquarters of the secret anti-Hitler organization “Young Guard”. The organization operated in the city of Krasnodon (now Ukraine) during the Second World War. It is known about Gromova that she was an excellent student at school and repeatedly received certificates of merit. Having a strong, decisive and fighting character, Gromova, together with other activists, organized a patriotic group in her native village. In 1943, posthumously, she was awarded the title of Hero of the USSR.
- Hollywood actress, prize-winner and laureate of many film festivals. Born in 1960. At birth her name was Julie Ann Smith. The girl turned into Julianne Moore when it turned out that such a name was already available in the Actors Guild. In the indifferent metropolis, no one was waiting for her with open arms; she had to work a lot and hard. Among the best films with her participation are “Hannibal”, “I’m Not There”, “Chloe”. Julianne has been nominated for an Oscar four times. Having a delicate feminine appearance, the actress’s character cannot be called pliable and soft.
(born 1968) - Hollywood actress. She gained worldwide fame after starring in the series “The X-Files,” where she played FBI agent Dana Scully. The actress’s strong and resilient character was very useful to her in her childhood and later in life. Thanks to this disposition, as well as her talent, Anderson has earned her place among the stars of the first magnitude.

The main character traits of people with this name

When naming a girl Ulyana at birth or at baptism, it is worth first familiarizing yourself with the character traits inherent in this name.

Positive features. Ulyana is a complete person. Behind external calm and self-control hides a loving, soft and sympathetic nature. The girl is very simple and frank in communication, regardless of her place in society. Plus, she is forgiving and responsive. There is also a certain mystery about the girl, which is a significant part of her charm.

Important! Before naming the baby Ulyana, parents should be very careful about the characteristics of the name.

Negativequality: excessive softness, unnecessaryness, restlessness, laziness. She is often detached, uncollected, and lives in a world of dreams and fantasies that she has made up. The girl is interested in literally everything, but she devotes little time to studying. Therefore, she does not always study well. She can be violently indignant and react sharply to failures, but, fortunately, she quickly moves away without remembering what happened.

Name Astrology

Planets-patrons - Pluto and Venus.

Most suitable signs zodiac - Leo and Scorpio.

Happy colors- yellow, orange, red.

Stones-amulets - amber and labradorite. Amber symbolizes creativity, spirituality and inspiration. The stone awakens intuition, illuminates the mind and helps in achieving goals. The amulet helps the girl free herself from depression and blues. Labrador helps to reveal hidden abilities.

Totemic tree- maple. This is a tree of inner strength, it symbolizes restraint and modesty. A maple amulet will help a girl discover her best qualities and bring harmony and peace into her life.

Deified plant- Melissa. It personifies liberation and rebirth, improves the inner mood and gives the girl confidence. The healing qualities of the plant help relieve tension and normalize sleep.

Deified animals serves as a snail. This is a sign of infinity and tranquility. This mollusk moves slowly towards its goal, but at the same time achieves success where others rush. An amulet with the image of a snail brings success and prosperity.
Character. For a child, the name Ulyana means that a girl from early childhood will display the traits of a creative, inspired, temperamental personality. She is focused on creativity: she admires singing, dancing, drawing, going to the movies and theaters. Her fate is quite successful: she lives a bright and eventful life. This is a persistent and energetic nature, while it is not devoid of femininity, charm and mystery. A girl doesn’t think about starting a family for a long time until she realizes that this also matters in life. She lives in harmony with her husband.

Important!It is necessary to take into account in advance that Ulyana is not good at exact sciences. Mathematics, computer science, physics, and chemistry seem uninteresting to her. However, a girl can excel in humanities subjects. The future may also become goodartist,musician orart critic

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

  • U- combines an attraction to higher ideals and the ability to sympathize with cunning and cunning. In addition, he is a soft and compliant person, but due to his distrust, he often makes mistakes in his assessments.
  • L- pronounced aesthetic taste, creative talents, rich imagination. These people value inner beauty.
  • b- this sign in the name Ulyana means that the girl will grow up easy-going, peaceful, and gentle even towards ill-wishers. She is prone to work that requires calmness, attentiveness, and accuracy in detail.
  • I- in the value system of such people, self-respect plays the most important role. Although they need to be respected by those around them, self-esteem and maintaining self-esteem are much more important to them.
  • N- the letter represents an initially wary view of absolutely everything. The girl is picky about her choice of social circle. She is honest and hard working.
  • A- the letter symbolizes purposeful initiative. The craving for physical and metaphysical development makes a girl an active creator in the field that she chooses. Such people are leaders in all areas of life.

Ulyana's lucky number is a number 5 . This number is characterized by such qualities as insight, efficiency, accuracy, perseverance, diligence, accuracy, scrupulousness, and conscientiousness. In addition to the listed advantages, the girl is distinguished by high moral qualities. At the same time, she does not elevate herself above others and takes a healthy look at her privileges.

As you can see, the characteristics of the name Ulyana fully justify its meaning. If you liked the interpretation and sound of its forms, you can safely call the girl with this beautiful and noble name.

According to legend, Saint Juliana of Vyazemskaya was born in the last quarter of the 14th century. She came from a noble and pious family of boyars, the Gostomyslovs. Her father Maxim Danilovich was appointed governor in the city of Torzhok, which was subordinate to Veliky Novgorod. In 1391 he was killed for his adherence to the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily Dmitrievich. Juliania's mother, Maria Nikitichna, could not survive the untimely death of her husband, and died a few months later. Before her death, she called her husband's brother, Fyodor Danilovich, and instructed him to raise her four-year-old daughter Juliana. He became a father figure for the girl and raised her in the spirit of true Orthodox piety.

Having lost her parents, Juliana did not become despondent, but growing more and more, she relied on the will of God. Prayers to the All-Bountiful Lord in her uncle’s house and in the temple became her main consolation. Piety and fear of God became integral qualities of Juliana. The all-wise Lord, seeing her sincere faith, did not abandon her, giving her not only a pure and gentle soul, but also a beautiful and comely appearance. Upon reaching legal age, Juliania was married to Prince Simeon Mstislavovich of Vyazemsk. He was distinguished by meekness, fear of God and love of mankind. Holyly fulfilling the Commandments of the Lord, having accepted the Sacrament of Marriage, Simeon and Juliana immediately fell in love with each other. The life of their pious family proceeded peacefully and quietly, with mutual consent. They were like two pure white doves among the black and predatory crows.

The Russian land, which was then in vassal dependence on the Golden Horde, was not going through its best times. Civil wars, cruel morals, betrayal, envy and slander were widespread among the ruling princes. At the turn of the XIV-XV centuries, there was a constant threat to the western borders of our Fatherland from the Lithuanians.

In 1390, the son of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy (May 19/June 1), Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily Dmitrievich, who ruled from 1389 to 1425, married the daughter of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt - Sophia. This marriage contributed to the fact that the Smolensk principality, bordering between Moscow and Lithuania, was then experiencing the last years of its existence. During the entire period of his reign, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas wanted not only to conquer the Smolensk lands, but also to gain a strong foothold on them, which his son-in-law Prince Vasily Dmitrievich practically did not interfere with.

The last owner of the Smolensk lands, Prince Yuri (George) Svyatoslavovich, came from the family of Vladimir Monomakh, from the tribe of the Smolensk prince Rostislav Mstislavovich (grandson of Monomakh). A fearless and power-hungry man, he was distinguished by an extremely restless character, a cruel disposition, and he himself often got into quarrels with his neighbors. Prince Yuri received the Smolensk principality in 1386, after the death of his father Svyatoslav Ivanovich, who fell in battle with the Lithuanians. At the beginning of the 15th century, he ordered the execution of many Smolensk boyars and Prince Mikhail Romanovich Bryansky, thereby creating an opposition for himself from their embittered relatives and supporters. In 1404, the Lithuanian army besieged Smolensk for seven months, according to the Russian historian N.M. Karamzin: “without the slightest success.” But as soon as Prince Yuri went to Moscow with a request for military assistance, his Smolensk enemies secretly contacted Prince Vitovt and surrendered the city to him. The wife of Prince Yuri, the daughter of the Ryazan prince Oleg Ioannovich, was also captured. From Smolensk she was sent to Lithuania.

Holy Blessed Juliana of Vyazemskaya

At first, Prince Yuri with his son Theodore and brother Vladimir fled to Novgorod the Great, and stayed there for some time. After the fall of Smolensk, Lithuanian troops soon captured Vyazma. Prince Simeon Mstislavovich Vyazemsky and his faithful wife Juliania shared the bitterness of exile with Prince Yuri Smolensky.

In 1406, Prince Yuri asked for patronage and protection in Moscow. Grand Duke Vasily accepted Princes Yuri and Simeon into the service, giving them the city of Torzhok for food, dividing it into two halves. Previously, these princes were united by strong male friendship. They shared joy and sorrow in half. Prince Simeon always did not forget about his subordination to Yuri. He gave him preference everywhere and in everything, serving faithfully. And Princess Juliana expressed respect, affection and kindness to all the guests. In those years, she blossomed even more spiritually and physically, which captivated the hearts of everyone who visited their hospitable home.

The peaceful and happy life of Simeon and Juliana in Torzhok did not last long. One of the negative character traits of Prince Yuri - voluptuousness, exorbitant love for women, took extreme forms here. And if earlier, having his legal wife nearby, he still restrained himself, then in Torzhok, feasting and indulging in empty entertainment, he quickly lost all control. He was seduced by the beauty of Princess Juliana. Envy of Prince Simeon crept into his heart, turning into an irresistible desire to certainly take possession of someone else’s wife. Animal passion and vile carnal lust fired his imagination and clouded his mind. He forgot what our Lord Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount about adultery. “I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). I also forgot that the Old Testament reminded: “Do not covet her beauty in your heart. ...Can anyone walk on burning coals without having their feet burned? The same thing happens to the one who goes in to his neighbor’s wife; whoever touches it will not be left without guilt” (Proverbs 6, 25, 28-29). Confident of his impunity and permissiveness, Prince Yuri began to look for an opportunity to desecrate the honest marriage of the faithful Simeon and Juliana. He repeatedly came to their house with evil intentions, but the chaste princess skillfully avoided all his intrigues. Having broken the tenth commandment of God: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, (nor his field), nor his male servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, (nor any of his livestock), nor anything that is your neighbor’s” (Ex. 20:17), Prince Yuri soon moved from dirty thoughts and desires to unclean actions.

Completely blinded by prodigal passion, the unfortunate Prince Yuri decided to achieve his goal with insidious cunning. Having arranged a lavish feast in his house, he invited Prince Simeon and Princess Juliana. Incited by an evil spirit, Prince Yuri did not want to remember that it was drunkenness that most harmed chastity. “Don’t look at the wine, how it turns red, how it sparkles in the cup, how it flows smoothly; subsequently, like a snake, it will bite, and sting like an adder; Your eyes will look at other people’s wives, and your heart will speak debauchery” (Proverbs 23:31-33). Having drunk wine, and having lost all control over himself, Prince Yuri insidiously stabbed the unsuspecting Prince Simeon with a sword. Thus, having finally entered the path of lawlessness, violating the sixth commandment of God: “Thou shalt not kill” (Ex. 20:13). Then he ordered the servants to forcefully, “as if he had lordly power over her,” to bring the blessed Juliana to his bedroom. And here she, even under pain of death, knowing about the death of her husband, was not afraid of violence and threats, did not commit lawlessness, continuing to unshakably maintain her chastity. With prayers, exhortations and righteous anger, Princess Juliana tried to reason with the insane sensualist, wanting to divert him from a new crime. “Why, my lord, are you working in vain? Never let such a shameful thing happen! You know, my lord, I have a husband and how can I desecrate his honest bed! It’s better for me to die than agree to such a bad deed!” The words of Saint Juliana led the criminal soul of the sensualist into a state of obsession. In a frenzy, Prince Yuri came closer to her and, seeing her resistance, became furious and threw her down, trying to take possession of her. Princess Juliana, with courage unusual for a fragile woman, began to defend herself from the rapist. Grabbing a knife, she tried to stab Prince Yuri in the throat with it, hitting him in the hand. Taking advantage of his temporary confusion, Saint Juliana broke free and ran out into the courtyard screaming for help. Yuri became so mad that he ordered to catch up with the princess, cut off her arms and legs, kill her and throw her dead body into an ice hole in the Tvertsa River.

According to the handwritten Life of the Holy Princess Juliana, kept in the cathedral church of the city of Torzhok, Prince Yuri, by deception and cunning, lured Princess Juliana into one of the rooms of his palace. After attacking her and screaming for help, Prince Simeon came running. Prince Yuri, mad with rage, rushed at him and killed him; and Princess Juliana himself “chowed into pieces” and ordered to be thrown into the river. Having suffered from Yuri, the chaste Juliania and her husband, the blessed Simeon, washed their wedding crowns with immaculate blood, and peacefully went to the Lord to receive the crown of martyrdom there. Instead of a short and temporary earthly life, they received eternal life and the kingdom of heaven. Their death followed on December 21, 1406.

According to legend, the body of the holy noble prince of Vyazemsky Simeon Mstislavovich was transferred with honors to Vyazma, had a funeral service and was solemnly buried in the fortress, on Cathedral Hill, in the St. Nicholas (later Trinity) Church. His property, by common agreement of the children of Simeon and Juliana and with the consent of the Grand Dukes of Moscow Vasily Dmitrievich and Vitovt of Lithuania, was transferred to the Vyazemsky Cathedral. Since then, prayerful commemoration of Prince Simeon and his wife has been constantly performed there. Holy Prince Simeon is revered locally in Vyazma and Torzhok. His images are found in icons and paintings in the churches of Torzhok, Tver and Vyazma. It is included in the Cathedral of Smolensk Saints. The Vyazemsky Cathedral was rebuilt several times, the city itself was attacked by the enemy, and the relics of Saint Prince Simeon are considered lost.

After the brutal murder, despised and blamed by everyone, Prince Yuri fled to the Horde. In his Epistle to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul reminded: “...Know this, that no fornicator, or unclean person, or covetous person, who is an idolater, has inheritance in the kingdom of Christ God” (Eph. 5:5). Unable to find peace for himself in the wild steppes, tormented by pangs of conscience, he withdrew to other lands and wandered, afraid to even say his name. Soon Prince Yuri returned to Rus' and began to look for a deserted place to settle in, repent and mourn his terrible sins. He remembered the words of King David from the Psalter: “...I revealed my sin to You and did not hide my iniquity; I said: “I will confess my crimes to the Lord”; and You have taken away from me the guilt of my sin” (Ps. 31:5). He found a modest monastic refuge in the domain of his father-in-law, Prince Oleg of Ryazan. In the Nikolaev Venev Monastery, located near the Sturgeon River (34 versts from Tula), he was received by Abbot Peter. Having confessed and repented, Prince Yuri remembered his “many troubles and misfortunes, and worldly rebellions, and spiritual passions.” For “...he who hides his crimes will not prosper; but whoever confesses and leaves them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). After staying in the monastery for several days, he became seriously ill and died on September 14, 1408.

Martyr Juliana Vyazemskaya. Fragment of the Novotorzh Wonderworkers icon. 1797

The Lord discovered the remains of the holy blessed princess Juliana in the spring of that year. According to legend, her whole and incorrupt body, floating against the current, was discovered by one sick (relaxed) peasant walking to the city of Torzhok along the banks of the Tvertsa River. Having seen the miraculous phenomenon, he was amazed, frightened and was about to leave when he heard a voice coming from the lifeless body: “Servant of God, do not be afraid. Go to the cathedral church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and tell the archpriest and others to take my sinful body from here and bury it on the right side of this church.” At the same time, the peasant felt completely healthy. With joy, he fulfilled the wonderful command of blessed Juliana. Immediately, having received the news of the discovery of the body of the honest princess, many people, led by the cathedral archpriest, went to the indicated place. Not far from the shore, they found her remains and, with appropriate triumph, transferred them to the cathedral, where Saint Juliana found her rest in a stone tomb. At the same time, many patients received healing from their serious illnesses.

In 1598, the protodeacon of the cathedral church of Torzhok, John, without any blessing, wanted to secretly examine the relics of Saint Juliana, which were kept under wraps. For forty days he prayed to God and fasted. When Father John began to dig up the princess’s burial, he was overcome with horror. At the same time, fire burst out of the coffin, severely scorching the daring archdeacon, and a voice was heard: “Do not work in vain, father, for you should not see my body until it is the will of God.” The punished protodeacon lay motionless for half a day, until the sexton who entered the church saw him and called the people together. John with tears told everyone about what had happened to him. For more than two months, the protodeacon lay in bed, unable to get up. He sincerely repented, and only by praying at the tomb of Saint Juliana, where his relatives brought him, did he receive healing.

In April 1815, they began dismantling the old Transfiguration Cathedral in Torzhok, built back in 1364 on the site of the more ancient Spassky Church. At the same time, part of the stone tomb was opened, in which the remains of the holy princess rested. Day and night, people flocked to the burial place of the blessed Juliana. Many of the sincere believers, touching her coffin, or taking part of the earth from the temple, received healing from their illnesses. At this time, the construction of the walls of the new cathedral continued. In connection with the glorification of Saint Juliana, on June 2, 1819, under the cathedral church, on the right side, a chapel was built and consecrated in her honor. In 1906, it was turned into a separate chapel dedicated to the Holy Princess Juliana. According to the testimony of Archbishop of Tver and Kashinsky Dimitri (Sambikin; 1839-1908), in 1820, for the chapel (right) altar dedicated to Saints Juliana of Nicomedia and Juliana of Vyazemsk and Novotorzh, in the Transfiguration Summer City Cathedral, an antimension was issued by Archbishop Philaret (Drozdov; 1782-1867; saint; memory November 19/December 2). In 1822, the construction of a new cathedral, built according to the design of the architect K.I. Rossi, completed, and then it was consecrated. In the name of the holy Princess Juliana, a chapel was also built in the church in honor of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky in Tver.

“Having lived piously in the law and done good deeds, adorned like a strong adamant, you appeared as the chaste, holy, blessed princess Juliana; Having despised the perishable glory and goodness of the body, you defeated the evil enemy and accepted martyrdom for the sake of chastity. For this reason, having been crowned with an incorruptible and eternal crown from Christ God, now from the faces of the martyr you rejoice and great miracles flow to us who come to your tomb, abundantly. With the same cry: pray to Christ God for all of us, who honor your sufferings with faith and love,” is sung in the troparion of Saint Juliana.

During the anti-religious campaign that unfolded throughout Russia, on February 5, 1919, the tomb with the relics of Holy Princess Juliana was opened. Government officials called this looting and desecration of an ancient shrine a “public examination” and “liquidation of the cult of dead bodies.” According to some reports, after this incident, the relics of Saint Juliana rested in the Church of the Archangel Michael in the city of Torzhok even before 1930. Other sources claim that immediately after the autopsy, the Bolsheviks threw the relics of Saint Juliana into the Tvertsa River. Currently, the location of the relics of the blessed princess Juliana is unknown.

The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy faithful Prince Simeon and Princess Juliania of Vyazemsky on December 21/January 3 (Old Art.), the day of their martyrdom. And also: on the Sunday before July 28/August 10 - Cathedral of Saints of the Land of Smolensk, Sunday after June 29/August 11 - Cathedral of Saints of the Land of Tver, second Sunday after Pentecost - Cathedral of All Saints in the Russian Land who have shone and blessed Juliana, Princess Vyazemskaya - 2 / June 15.

The martyrdom of Saints Simeon and Juliana is reflected in many Russian chronicles. There are known handwritten legends about them: “The Tale of the Blessed Princess Juliania, the wife of the Blessed Prince Simeon Mstislavovich Vyazemsky” and “The Tale of the Murder of the Holy Prince Simeon Mstislavovich Vyazemsky and his Chaste Princess Juliania, and of Prince Yuri of Smolensk”, on the basis of which the Life was compiled Juliana. A separate chapter is devoted to this event in the Degree Book. In the first half of the 19th century, a service to the holy blessed princess Juliana was compiled, which was subsequently placed in the Menaion for December. The Akathist to her was compiled in 1883 by Andrei Fedorovich Kovalevsky.

After Kyiv annexed to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia, the city was ruled by a noble family of princes Olshansky (Golshansky). In the middle of the 16th century, one of them, Prince Grigory (George) Dubrovitsky-Olshansky, lost his daughter Juliana. Her father was a benefactor of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and therefore the princess’s body was buried near the Great Lavra Church.

At the beginning of the 17th century in Kiev, under Archimandrite Elisha Pletenetsky (1599-1624), a coffin with the incorruptible body of a girl was found during digging on the territory of the Lavra, whose name was inscribed on a silver tablet: “Iuliania, Princess Olshanskaya, daughter of Prince Gregory of Olshansky, reposed as a virgin in the 16th year of her birth."

Elisha Pletenetsky (1554-1624), archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, opponent of the Orthodox-Catholic union, organizer of book printing and education in Ukraine. In the world he was a priest, tonsured at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, and served as archimandrite from 1595. Leshchinsky Monastery in Pinsk, and after his death archim. Nikephoros was elected archimandrite of the Lavra (September 1599).

Died 29 Oct. 1624 by schemamonk under the name Euthymia and buried on February 17. 1625. Zechariah Kopystensky reminded him in his funeral homily that he returned and approved the stauropegy to the Lavra, started a printing house and in the church volost of Radomysl founded a paper mill especially for it, printed books and textbooks on theology, assembled a learned Brotherhood, from which he chose worthy preachers and renewed There is a common rule in the Lavra.

When the coffin was opened, a rich dress trimmed with gold and a lot of jewelry were found preserved. In connection with the miracles, the veneration of St. was established at the tomb. Juliana (Iuliani).

In 1617, a certain man came to the monastery - no one knew who he was. As it turned out later, it was a heretic, a follower of Arius, named Vasily.

“Pretending to be a believer and taking on the appearance of reverence, he came to the monastery, as if with the goal of visiting holy places and venerating the miraculous relics of the holy Pechersk saints. He boldly entered the great Pechersk Church. Hiding his cunning, he turned to Deacon Liverius, then ecclesiarch, with a request to open the shrine of the blessed Princess Juliana to him. The hypocritical stranger expressed a desire to venerate those relics. His request was fulfilled; he began to bow hypocritically. But the ecclesiarch left for a while. The disgusting flatterer then decided to carry out his plans. Having approached the honorable relics of Saint Juliana and, as if kissing them diligently, he managed to remove the precious ring from the finger of the holy princess’s right hand. Having committed the theft and rejoicing at the acquisition, the thief began to leave the church. As soon as he stepped outside the church door, he suddenly became furious; he fell on a stone and began to scream like a raging ox, and painfully rushed in all directions. In such torment, the blasphemer soon gave up the ghost... Wanting to find out the reason for this event, the abbot ordered a careful examination of the deceased to see if there were any stolen church items with him. They examined him and found a ring in his bosom.”

A little time passed, and Peter Mogila became Metropolitan of Kyiv and Archimandrite of Pechersk. He said that “the holy, God-pleasing princess Juliana appeared to him in a miraculous vision, denouncing him for the neglect of her holy relics and for his lack of faith in them” (after the discovery of the relics, they were left without worthy decoration, they were not given honor). “Then the shepherd immediately commanded the skilled and pious virgins of the monastic order to prepare worthy attire and splendid utensils for the holy relics, it is written down. By his order, a new shrine was also made, into which the holy relics were placed in an orderly manner; they were solemnly transferred to another place. Having donned holy robes and convened the entire consecrated cathedral, Peter Mogila performed festive prayer and singing, with thanksgiving to God and the Mother of God and the venerable fathers of Pechersk for the revelation of the holy relics of the holy virgin.”

At that time, an inscription was made on the saint’s tomb: “By the will of the Creator of heaven and earth, Juliana, the helper and great intercessor in Heaven, lives throughout the summer. Here the bones are a medicine against all suffering... You decorate the heavenly villages with yourself, Juliana, like a beautiful flower.”

One day the holy virgin Juliana appeared to the abbot of the Kyiv St. Michael's Monastery and told him: “I am Juliania, whose relics lie in the Pechersk Church. You consider my relics to be nothing. For this reason, the Lord is sending you a sign so that you understand that the Lord God has counted me among the holy virgins who pleased Him.” Since then, the veneration of Saint Juliana has increased even more.

In 1718, the relics of the saint burned in a fire in the church. The remains of the relics were placed in a new reliquary and placed in the Near Caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, where they are still kept. The holy righteous virgin Juliana became the second of the holy women who were honored to be buried in the Near Lavra caves. In 1889, at the request of Archbishop Modest of Volyn, part of the holy relics was transferred to the Cathedral of Zhitomir. There is a particle of relics in the church in Golshany (Oshmyany district, Grodno region, Belarus), the family nest of the princes Golshansky (Olshansky).

It is believed that the saint is the first helper to women in healing illnesses of the soul. She stands for them, together with other saints, before the Most Pure Mother of the Lord and, together with Her, before the Throne of the Holy Trinity. She is also the intercessor of innocent virgins. On the icons, Saint Juliana is depicted in the Cathedral of the Holy Fathers of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. The saint's memorial days are July 6 and September 28.

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Vadim Prevratsky

Name Ulyana is the Russian colloquial form of the ancient name Iuliania (Yuliania), in turn, derived from the Roman name Julianus, which translated means “happiness.”

The patron saint of this wonderful name is the righteous Juliana, born into a pious noble family. Her parents died early - Iulania was only six years old, and she began to live with her mother's sister. From childhood she strove for a pious life: she loved work, prayer and fasting. The owner of the village of Lazarevskoye (not far from Murom), Georgy Osoryin, really liked the pious maiden, and he decided to take her as his wife. However, household chores failed to interrupt the spiritual feat of the righteous woman (she was only 16 years old at the time). The new relatives really liked Iulania for her friendliness and meekness. Soon she began to completely manage the house.

Throughout her long life, righteous Juliana prayed tirelessly and did good deeds. After her death, miraculous signs began to occur in the house.

Modern Ulyana is distinguished by genuine sincerity and sociability. Already in childhood, the traits of an enthusiastic nature begin to appear. She is delighted with cinema, circus, puppet theater, loves to dance, sing, and draw. Endowed with a lively mind, she does well in all subjects at school, except mathematics, which she cannot do well.

Ulyana is hardworking, fair and very delicate, she completely lacks any penetration abilities. However, she decided on her calling back in her school years and calmly moves through life, achieving professional heights. Dreams of becoming an artist, art critic, musician. She has a well-developed imagination and imagination.

Ulyana is charming and gentle, but she does not know how to distinguish between loving glances directed at her, and is sincerely surprised when someone starts talking about her beauty. Possessing an integral and creative nature, she is easy to communicate with, but somewhat aloof and mysterious, which is what actually attracts men.

Ulyana's family relationships are going well, she is sympathetic and kind, values ​​optimism and a sense of humor. Only betrayal can force Ulyana to break off all relations with her husband. Moreover, she will only blame herself for what happened, believing that she did something wrong.

January 3- Martyr, Virgin Juliana of Nicomedia.
January 15– Juliania Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya.
March 17, August 30- Martyr Juliana of Ptolemais.
April 2- Martyr Juliana of Amisia (Pontus).
June 15, January 3- martyr, Princess Juliania Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya.
5'th of July- Martyr Juliana.
July 19, October 11- princess, maiden, recluse Juliania Olshanskaya, Pecherskaya.
November 14- Martyr Juliana of Rossony.
December 17- Martyr Juliana of Iliopolis.

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