How to translate your thoughts into reality and fulfill your intention. How to turn dreams into reality? How to turn desire into reality

In order to fulfill our desires and translate our thoughts into reality, we often resort to a variety of methods, which sometimes mutually exclude each other and distance us from obtaining the desired result. In this article, we will consider some patterns, the knowledge of which will allow us to more effectively implement our intentions and achieve our goals.

Everything in this world begins with a thought, which gradually develops into a desire, then into an intention, and only after that can it be embodied in objective reality. As we will see later, simply wanting and dreaming is often not enough to get what you want.

Basic models for the implementation of intention

In order for the intention to be carried out quickly, it must be extremely specific and clear. It is better to write it down so that you can return to it and analyze it. If thoughts arise that are opposite to the intention, you do not need to try to get rid of them by force (fight them, suppress them), because in this case you will feed them with your energy even more, instead of concentrating on what you want. Just let them pass through your consciousness, and let them go, returning your attention to the achievement of the goal. It matters a lot whether you believe that your intention will come true; since unbelief creates an intention opposite to the main aspiration. When in doubt, often remind yourself that human possibilities have no limits.

A correctly formulated intention implies the presence of an image of an ideal result, the possibilities of its implementation are not limited by any ideas and beliefs.

The energy of intention and the embodiment of the desired

Our entire world consists of energy, directing which a person receives certain results. And here it should be understood that there is a huge difference between ordinary desire and intention. If your intention is passive, that is, in fact, it is a desire, it, accordingly, does not carry sufficient creative energy in itself, therefore it cannot be realized. The energy of intention usually arises from a very strong desire to translate what was conceived into reality, and this energy leads to the implementation of this intention.

If the intention is clearly formulated, we take action to implement it and maintain its high energy potential. In this case, the translation of intention into reality occurs quite easily and quickly - much faster than when we ourselves do not really know what we want. Of course, you should understand that it is not always possible to get what you want right away, because in addition to your desires, there are also the desires of the other seven billion people, as well as an incredible number of circumstances that must change before your goal is achieved. But this is not a reason to lose heart or believe that what you want is unrealistic. You need to be patient and continue to focus on the goal, as far as possible trying not to get hung up on obstacles.

Having made the decision to move towards the intended goal, we already give impetus to the implementation of the intention, and it will definitely happen, sometimes even if no further actions are taken. The main thing is to keep the intention, and everything will happen by itself: favorable combinations of circumstances, random coincidences, unexpected opportunities. In some way, the view of reality changes - you will look at everything through the prism of your intention and notice those moments that you did not pay attention to before.

Main stages of implementation

The embodiment of our thoughts or intentions occurs through the actions taken, a positive perception of what is happening and the use of opportunities that open up. Positive thinking plays an important role here.

The first stage of incarnation is called "alpha reflection". It manifests itself 1-2 days after setting the intention: events occur, “coincidences”, new information comes. This means that the Universe understood and accepted your intention, and its implementation has already begun.

The second stage is characterized by some lull. It seems that nothing is happening, no results of the actions taken are visible. At this stage, the main thing is not to abandon your intention and not allow thoughts that are opposite to it. It is very important to be able to maintain the energy of thought at the proper height and maintain high motivation. In this way, we will help our intention to come true faster.

The third stage is called "beta reflection". There are many opportunities to implement the plan and many fresh ideas. It is extremely favorable to act in such conditions and the result will not be long in coming.
The implementation of the intention is based on the main law of subjective reality: “you get everything you think about”, because everything in this world is just a projection of our thoughts.

For a deeper understanding of this difficult topic, also read other materials on the Esoteric website.

Dreams are part of a woman's DNA. Dreaming, soaring in the clouds for us is a natural state. And we firmly believe that if you really want something, it will definitely happen. But sometimes dreams need our help. We have collected five simple tips on how to reconsider your outlook on life and learn how to turn dreams into reality.

Do not confuse mistakes and shortcomings

A mistake is a one-time problem that can either be fixed or learned from it for the future. A flaw is a character trait that cannot be quickly corrected, and learning from the analysis of one's shortcomings is the lot of the elite with powerful self-reflection skills. For example, you forgot to wish your friend a happy birthday. What is it? An unexpected oversight, or a typical situation for you? In the first case, we are dealing with a bug, a program crash, and you can conclude how to avoid this in the future. In the second case, we are faced with a flaw called "forgetfulness", and this is already a problem that needs to be worked on until all friends have been lost.

Don't Forget About Your Personality

In the pursuit of universal love, one's own sense of significance is lost. We are accustomed to act "like everyone else" simply because this, according to popular belief, will be able to make the right impression. Do you prefer to spend your evenings at home with a cup of tea and a book, but instead go to a noisy party because you can? You choose uncomfortable clothes for the sake of having the desired effect and you think that this will help you succeed. You are wrong, totally wrong. Why should you wear minis and heels when you're more comfortable in sneakers and jeans? Or why follow the trends and dress in almost masculine clothes just to look like androgynous models when your figure looks better in sexy dresses? Moreover, often imperceptibly we lose our own "I" not only due to things that we do not like / do not fit / cannot afford, but also because of our own environment. To please some conditional man of "dream", we are ready to neglect our own principles, beliefs, interests. Remember, your relationship (friendship, family or love) should not force you to go against yourself. Try to remember this, and then your life will become a little closer in terms of parameters to the ideal one from dreams..

Nothing comes without effort

Nothing in life happens by itself. Well, except that you can argue about love. And in order to end up with a harmonious relationship, and not a heartbreaking romance, for a period of one month, you will first have to work on yourself, put your thoughts in order, decide on the vector of movement and, in the end, love yourself before doing it with some other man, as the oriental wisdom says, "Before you fall in love, learn to walk in the snow without leaving marks." Simply put, try to find out from yourself: are you ready, in fact, for your dream? And most importantly, do you have a couple more "dreams" in reserve, in case the main one comes true faster than you planned. As for the fulfillment of desires (which must first be transformed into a specific goal), then you have two options: achieve what you want or choose another goal. Of course, the first option is preferable, but sometimes switching from unrealizable to real can also be useful.

Listen to yourself

You have intuition, that's absolutely right. In fact, everyone has it, the only question is how well it is developed. So, even if for years your inner voice did not show any signs of life, and yesterday suddenly began to dissuade you from a date at two in the morning in a disadvantaged area of ​​the city, we advise you to listen better. However, jokes are jokes, and the sixth sense is indeed sometimes able to save us from rash decisions. Even if you belong to the category of those lucky ones who do not believe in extrasensory perception, you should still trust yourself. The main thing is not to become paranoid, afraid to stick your nose out of the house. In most cases, everything ends well, and even a date in the alley can lead to a wedding.

Have sex or love

Here, of course, no one has the right to advise anyone - everyone does what they want (the main thing is that this does not fall under the articles of the criminal code), the only thing is that it would be nice to clearly separate concepts, and this applies not only to bed. You will be surprised, but not everyone understands the difference between sex and love, between fleeting infatuation and a serious feeling that can live for many years. The substitution of concepts provokes tragedies, depressions and oceans of tears. If you are for an open relationship, remember that you are not alone for them, but also your partner, whom you, by the way, once chose for this very reason. That is, in other words, if you planned to flutter like a butterfly through the fields and meadows for half your life, with your hair effectively developing behind your back, as if in a shampoo advertisement, you don’t have to expect that your chosen one at this time will dejectedly trail along and offer you a hand and heart to blue. He is also a man and also wants to flutter. Assess the situation soberly, and do not be afraid of your desires. In the end, if you want both of them (in the sense of both love and novels, or better, novels first. And then love to the grave), then why not? It’s not for nothing that someone came up with a joke that, while waiting for your true happiness, you can get married from time to time so that you don’t get bored.

Have you ever had a dream? What did you do to make it a reality? Someone thinks that a dream is something invisible and intangible, something that adds an additional incentive to a person, and if the dream comes true, then life loses its meaning. Of course, such a belief is highly controversial. Just dreaming while lying on the couch is a useless exercise. How to turn a dream into reality? We invite you to start right now!

Step 1. Necessity

Step 2: Believe in yourself
Believe in yourself and your strengths. Any desire can become a reality, if you believe and hope. Of course, faith alone will not do, but if you are not confident in your abilities, then you will never set yourself a lofty goal. Someone dreams of self-realization in a certain professional field, someone wants to fly into space. In any case, self-confidence is the key to success.

Step 3: Give yourself time
Determine the time period for which you must fulfill your dream. Think rationally, don't fantasize that in a month you will learn 10 languages ​​or earn a million. Roughly imagine how much time you need in order to achieve a particular goal. To do this, you can paint a rough plan. For example, you dream of becoming a famous musician. To do this, you need to master the skills in this area, practice a lot, prove yourself and much more. It will take several years to study and practice, then - according to circumstances. Try to meet the given deadline.

Step 4. Slow down...
Every day, when you wake up, think about what you can do today for the sake of your dream. Daily work on yourself, moving along the path in small steps is the way to the fulfillment of your desire. Thinking and dreaming is half the battle, it is important to show some kind of activity.

Step 5: Resilience
Ignore skeptical remarks and scathing comments. It is clear that not everyone will be able to share and understand your views. For some people, your dream may seem like a childish fantasy or a fairy tale. Therefore, do not take the misunderstandings of others to heart. But it’s worth listening to adequate critics: perhaps one of them will be able to give you good advice.

Step 6. Awareness of the main
The most important thing is to learn to enjoy the process of turning dreams into reality. If this business gives you discomfort, you are not satisfied with your activities, then it will not bring you happiness. Learn to enjoy every moment, because the path to fulfilling a dream is the road to happiness.

Everyone thinks about the future, dreams, but few believe that thoughts can be translated into reality. But, if you want something very much, then the thought from your desire will be filled with energy and can be realized in the present.

Surely you have repeatedly noticed that exactly what you think about, one way or another, is reflected in your life. For example, if your thoughts are negative, then they can drive you into depression, ruin your mood. If this continues for a long time, then health problems may arise, failures will haunt you, since with your negative thinking you yourself will attract all this into your life.

On the contrary, positive thoughts work. When you smile and are in a calm state of mind, your problems go aside. This is a kind of ritual for the fulfillment of desire.

Your thoughts have a big impact on how your life turns out. However, many tend to dream about what will happen in the future. If you have a specific desire, then with the help of your thoughts you can influence whether it will come true or not.

First you need to decide on your dream, it should be something real and achievable, you don’t need to fantasize too much and dream about something global. When you have decided, try to mentally imagine that your desire has already come true.

It is important to concentrate, and for this it is better to retire so that no one and nothing distracts you. You must think in detail how your dream will come true. Determine a specific time when it will be implemented, but these must be realistic dates.

Let in your thoughts your desire be as close as possible to reality. However, do not forget that on the way to the goal you will meet other people who also have their own interests, so it is important that the achievement of your dream does not contradict other people's.

Think about what you really sincerely want as often as possible, set aside some regular time to think about your dream. After all, the more you think about it, the faster it will become a reality. You also need a strong desire, you must really want it, only then your thoughts will be filled with energy, which will help you to fulfill your plan as soon as possible.

Do not stop dreaming and striving for your goal, because the main thing is that you want it and that means it must come true.

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