What type of speech is represented by the sentence. Styles and types of speech in Russian

Types of speech are varieties of language depending on what we want to convey in the text: tell, depict or prove something.

There are three types of speech: narrative, description, reasoning. As a rule, types of speech are rare in their pure form, usually they are combined.

So, for example, a narrative may include elements of description, or a description may include elements of reasoning.


To the texts of the narrative, you can ask the question what happened?

The purpose of narrative texts is to tell about an event, a fact of reality. Narrative texts reflect several episodes, events connected with each other.

Narrative texts are built according to the following scheme: exposition, plot, development of action, climax, denouement. One of the characteristics of storytelling is dynamism. The leading part of speech is a verb, which allows you to convey dynamics, as well as special words with the meaning of time (first, then, then, morning, evening, etc.).

The basis of the narrative is the unity of the types of the temporal plan, that is, the verbs must be in the same tense and be of the same type. Narrative is usually used in texts of artistic or colloquial styles.


For description tests, you can ask what (what) subject?

The purpose of description tests is to describe items. An image of an object or a description of a phenomenon is created by listing its features. The description object is static, there are no dynamics in the description.

The compositional scheme of the description text is the following: beginning, main part, ending. At the beginning, as a rule, the subject of the description is called, then the signs of the subject are listed, on the basis of which a complete image of the subject of the description is formed, at the end a conclusion is made - a general assessment of the subject.

Signs of an object are conveyed by adjectives, participles or verbs-predicates. Just like the narrative, the unity of the types of the temporal plan is important in the description. As a rule, simple sentences are used in the description, although often complex sentences are used.

The description is used in texts of any style.


To tests of reasoning, you can ask the question why? The purpose of description tests is the assertion or denial of any fact, phenomenon, concept, in addition, reasoning texts reveal cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena.

Reasoning texts are built according to the following scheme: thesis, arguments, conclusion. The thesis is the main idea that is proved in the text, the arguments are the evidence with which the thesis is proved, the conclusion is the result of reflection.

Reasoning texts can be divided into reasoning-proof (why?), reasoning-explanation (what is it?), reasoning-thinking (how to be?). In reasoning, any vocabulary is used; for reasoning, the unity of the species-temporal plan is not important. Reasoning is used in texts of any style.

Types of figurative and expressive means

Tropes (based on the lexical meaning of the word)

Epithet- a word that defines an object or phenomenon and emphasizes any of its properties, qualities, signs. Usually an epithet is called a colorful definition:
Your thoughtful nights transparent dusk (A. S. Pushkin).

Metaphor- a trope in which words and expressions are used in a figurative sense based on analogy, similarity, comparison:
And my tired soul is embraced by darkness and cold (M. Yu. Lermontov).

Comparison- a trope in which one phenomenon or concept is explained by comparing it with another. Comparative conjunctions are usually used in this case:
Anchar, like a formidable sentry, stands alone - in the whole universe (A. S. Pushkin).

Metonymy- Trope, based on the replacement of one word by another, adjacent in meaning. In metonymy, a phenomenon or object is denoted with the help of other words or concepts, while their connections and features are preserved:
The hiss of frothy glasses and the blue flame punch (A. S. Pushkin).

Synecdoche- one of the types of metonymy, which is based on the transfer of meaning from one object to another on the basis of the quantitative relationship between them:
And it was heard before dawn how the Frenchman rejoiced (meaning the entire French army) (M. Yu. Lermontov).

Hyperbola- a trope based on the excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object or phenomenon:
For a week I won’t say a word to anyone, I’m all sitting on a stone by the sea (A. Akhmatova).

Litotes- trope opposite of hyperbole, artistic understatement:
Your Spitz, lovely Spitz, is no more than a thimble (A. Griboyedov).

personification- trope, which is based on the transfer of the properties of animate objects to inanimate ones:
Silent sadness will be consoled, and joy will reflect friskyly (A. S. Pushkin).

Allegory- trope based on the replacement of an abstract concept or phenomenon with a specific image of an object or phenomenon of reality:
Medicine is a snake wrapped around a bowl, cunning is a fox, etc.

paraphrase- a trope in which the direct name of an object, person, phenomenon is replaced by a descriptive expression, which indicates the signs of an object, person, phenomenon not directly named:
The king of animals is the lion.

Irony- a technique of ridicule, containing an assessment of what is ridiculed. In irony there is always a double meaning, where the true is not directly stated, but implied:
Count Khvostov, a poet beloved by heaven, was already singing with immortal verses of the misfortune of the Neva banks (A. S. Pushkin).

Stylistic figures

They are based on a special syntactic construction of speech.

Rhetorical address- giving the author's intonation solemnity, pathos, irony, etc.:
Oh, you haughty descendants... (M. Yu. Lermontov).

Rhetorical question- such a construction of speech in which the statement is expressed in the form of a question. The rhetorical question does not require an answer, but only enhances the emotionality of the statement:
And over the fatherland of enlightened freedom will a beautiful dawn rise at last? (A. S. Pushkin)

Anaphora- repetition of parts relative to independent segments, otherwise anaphora is called monophony:
As if you curse the days without a light, as if the gloomy nights scare you (A. Apukhtin).

Epiphora- repetition at the end of a phrase, sentence, line, stanza.

Antithesis- a stylistic figure based on the opposition:
And day and hour, both in writing and orally, for the truth yes and no ... (M. Tsvetaeva).

Oxymoron- connection of logically incompatible concepts:
Living corpse, dead souls, etc.

gradation- grouping homogeneous members of a sentence in a certain order: according to the principle of increasing or weakening emotional and semantic significance:
I do not regret, do not call, do not cry. (S. Yesenin)

Default- intentional interruption of speech, based on the guess of the reader, who must mentally finish the phrase:
But listen: if I owe you ... I own a dagger, I was born near the Caucasus. (A. S. Pushkin)

Nominative topics (nominative representations)- a word in the nominative case or a phrase with the main word in the nominative case, which is at the beginning of a paragraph or text and in which the topic of further reasoning is stated (the name of the subject is given, which serves as the topic of further reasoning):
Letters. Who likes to write them?

Parceling- intentional splitting of one simple or complex sentence into several separate sentences in order to draw the reader's attention to the selected segment, to give it (the segment) additional meaning:
The same experience has to be repeated many times. And with great care.

Syntax parallelism- the same construction of two or more sentences, lines, stanzas, parts of the text:
The stars are shining in the blue sky
Waves crash in the blue sea.

(sentences are built according to the scheme: adverb of place with a definition, subject, predicate)
A cloud is moving across the sky, A barrel is floating on the sea. (A. S. Pushkin)
(sentences are built according to the scheme: subject, circumstance of place, predicate)

Inversion- violation of the generally accepted grammatical sequence of speech:
The sail of the lonely one turns white in the blue mist of the sea. (M. Yu. Lermontov)
(according to the rules of the Russian language: A lonely sail turns white in the blue fog of the sea.)

Means of communication of sentences in the text

Lexical means:

  • Lexical repetition- repetition of a word or the use of a single-root word. For scientific and official texts, the repetition of a word is the main means of communication. Quite often used in the description.
  • Synonymous replacement- replacing a word in one of the sentences with a synonym or a synonymous expression in another. It is usually used where colorfulness of speech, its figurativeness, expressiveness is needed - journalistic, artistic styles.
  • The two sentences may be related generic relations: genus as a broader concept, species as a narrower one.
    There are many trees in this forest. But first of all, you notice the trunks of your favorite birches.
  • Use of antonyms.
  • The use of words of one thematic group.
    There are many Karamazovs in Russian life, but still they do not direct the ship's course. Sailors are important, but even more important for the captain and the sailboat is the tiller and the star, on which the ideal is oriented.

There are three functional-semantic types of speech: description, narration and reasoning. Let's characterize them.

In the description, the theme is revealed in the process of characterizing objects, natural phenomena, persons, etc., which, as a rule, is formalized in the form of a list of their features.

Distinctive features of this type are the static and simultaneity of the enumerated phenomena. In a semantic sense, the main varieties of description are the following: landscape, description of the situation, description of the portrait and characterization.

For example:

The day was soft and misty.

The reddish sun hung low over long, snowfield-like stratus clouds. Frost-covered pink trees stood in the garden. The vague shadows on the snow were drenched in the same warm light.

It was unusually quiet. (A.N. Tolstoy)

The narration is characterized by the fact that its micro-theme is revealed in the process of development of actions, states, events, etc. This type is distinguished by dynamism, the sequence of what is reported. There are many verbs in the narrative, as well as words indicating a sequence of actions: once, first, then, then, after that, a little later, later, after a while, then, then, suddenly, unexpectedly, here and finally, etc. .

For example: In one swamp, on a hummock under a willow, wild ducklings hatched.

Shortly thereafter, their mother led them to the lake along a cow trail. I noticed them from afar, hid behind a tree, and the ducklings came up to my very feet.

I took three of them for my upbringing, the remaining sixteen went on down the cow path.

(According to M.M. Prishvin)

The narrative type is opposed to the descriptive type. The main difference is presented in the antonymy of their main characteristics: dynamics (in the first case) - statics (in the second). Both of these types are characterized, as a rule, by the chains of aspectual-temporal forms of verb-predicates inherent in each of them.

Reasoning is based logically on inference and is a development of the topic, consisting of three parts: a) thesis (what needs to be proved or explained), b) proof (explanations, argumentation) and c) conclusion (conclusion, generalization, etc.). d.). But it should be noted that in the named type, the presence of all three parts is not always observed: in each specific case, some of them may be absent (or be implicitly expressed) (this corresponds in logic to a complete or incomplete, i.e. abbreviated, inference ). The purpose of reasoning is to explain or prove something. In reasoning, words are often used that indicate the course of development of thought and causal relationships: why, because, since, because, firstly, secondly, thirdly, therefore, that's why.

For example:

Our fatherland, our motherland - Mother Russia.

We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; and mother, because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, taught us her language; like a mother, she protects and protects us from all enemies.

There are many good states and lands in the world, and besides Russia, but a person has one mother -

he has one homeland. (K.D. Ushinsky)

The three types of speech (text) listed above differ from each other and intonation characteristic of each of them. The most pronounced is the intonation of enumeration in the description.

But one should pay attention to the fact that in its pure form, description, narration and reasoning are not always found. Very common are texts in which a combination of these types is observed. For example, in fiction there are often texts in which there are both elements of description and elements of narration. In addition, reasoning can include both elements of description and elements of narrative. This makes the text expressive.

With some degree of conventionality, you can focus on the following schemes of texts of these types:

Note. In a reasoning text, sometimes the introduction and the thesis can coincide. In addition, in the text of this type, the output may be absent in some cases.

The easiest way to determine the type of text (used already in elementary school) is to use a question and the “photographing” technique.

Styles and functional semantic types of speech.

Speech styles

Art style:

Journalistic style:

business style used to accurately convey business information. main function scientific style speech is an accurate presentation of scientific information. Application area conversational style- communication in an informal setting.

The scientific style of speech is a style that has a number of features: preliminary consideration of the statement, strict selection of language means, monologue character. Characterized by logic, consistency and clarity.

Although there are five styles of speech in Russian: scientific, official business, colloquial, artistic and journalistic, only two styles are represented in the Unified State Examination: artistic and journalistic.

Why aren't there others? The text, in addition to task A29, includes such as B8 (definition of figurative and expressive means) and C1 (writing an essay-reasoning).

Think about how you can talk about the merits of a conversational style or write an essay based on the text of a scientific or official business style?!

Therefore, the site settled on the question of how to distinguish between the text of artistic and journalistic styles (pictures above).

Types of speech

description narration reasoning
is a verbal representation of someone or something this is the story of the events is a verbal statement, clarification and confirmation of any thought
Remember how you describe a photograph or painting. Remember how you retell the movie or the plot of the book. Remember how you build a speech when you are trying to convince someone of your point of view.

Parsing the task.

What type(s) of speech(s) is/are represented in sentences 1-5?

1) description

2) storytelling and reasoning

3) narration and description

4) narration

(1) As a child, I hated matinees, because my father came to our kindergarten. (2) He sat on a chair near the Christmas tree, chirped on his accordion for a long time, trying to find the right melody, and our teacher strictly told him: “Valery Petrovich, higher!” (3) All the guys looked at my father and choked with laughter. (4) He was small, plump, began to go bald early, and although he never drank, for some reason his nose always had a beet red color, like that of a clown. (5) Children, when they wanted to say about someone that he was funny and ugly, said this: “He looks like Ksyushka’s dad!”

We reason like this. From the first to the third sentences, the events are presented in chronological order. So we have a story. And in sentences 4-5, a portrait of the father is presented, that is, this description.

Types of speech speech development lesson 5th grade

The main types of speech - narrative, description, reasoning. in the narrative usually refers to actions and events (what happened first, then, then ... and finally). In description objects, people, nature, etc. are depicted. In reasoning causes of phenomena and events, their interrelation are stated.

Types of speech can be distinguished by questions: the question is posed to the story what happened ? to description - which ? to the discussion why ?

Read the text. Clouds, clouds - curly sides, Curly clouds, whole, holey, Lungs, air, obedient to the wind. (S. Mikhalkov)

What kind ?

Type of speech - description.

Read the text. Clouds, clouds. fluffy, white, Tell me clouds What are you made of ? Maybe you clouds Made from milk ? Maybe from chalk ? Maybe from cotton ? Maybe white From paper crumpled ?

Why ?

Type of speech - reasoning.

Read the text. A large fluffy cloud floated across the sky. Floated proudly, leisurely. And met with another cloud. - Hey you, get out of the way! shouted the first cloud. - It's you get out! - got angry second. - Oh, you are! Well, wait! - And the first cloud pushed the second to the side.- You're still fighting! - the second cloud became furious and blackened with anger. It turned out not a cloud, but a cloud. The first one also darkened, turned into a cloud. The giants collided with their foreheads, so much so that sparks rained down. The people below lifted their heads and said, “That's lightning! Oh yeah thunder! There will be a storm now." And it’s true: after the sparks, the angry fat men poured tears from their eyes.

What happened ?

The type of speech is narrative.

What happened ?

Several drawings;


Which ?

One drawing;


Why ?

No drawing;


Text 2

(1) There lived in our house a huge fat cat - Ivanovich. (2) We all loved him for his kind disposition. (3) As soon as he sees us in the morning, he immediately runs up, starts purring, rubbing against his legs. (4) It even seemed to us that in its character and mind the cat was more like a dog. (5) He ran after us like a dog: we went to the garden - and he followed, mom went to the store - and he followed her. (6) And we return in the evening from the river - Ivanych is already sitting on a bench near the house, as if he is waiting for us. (7) We lived in the old house for several years, then moved to another. (8) When moving, we were very afraid that Ivanovich would not get along in a new apartment and would run away to his old place. (9) But our fears turned out to be completely in vain. (10) Once in an unfamiliar room, Ivanovich began to examine everything, sniff, until he finally got to his mother's bed. (11) Here he felt that everything was in order, jumped onto the bed and lay down. (12) At lunchtime, the cat immediately rushed to the table and sat down, as usual, next to his mother. (13) On the same day, he examined the new courtyard, sat on a bench in front of the house, but did not leave for the old apartment. (14) So, it’s not always true when they say that a dog is faithful to people, and a cat is faithful to the house: it turned out quite the opposite with Ivanych.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

1. Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

3. Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 10-13 of the text. Write down the answer.

4. In sentences 9-11, find a word with the meaning "feeling of anxiety, anxiety." Write out this word.

5. In sentences 4-6, find an antonym for the word "morning" and write it out.

Every child learning Russian knows the difference between a text and a simple set of sentences.

Text features

The text is sentences interconnected. They are connected by meaning, integrity. Only the text can have a certain structure, in which all sentences serve one common thought. Distinguish between oral and written text. A single sentence cannot be considered a coherent text. There must be at least two of them. The idea and theme make up the meaning of all the sentences put together. Each text has its own compositional structure, which includes the traditional three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The main idea, the theme of the text, the problems are revealed in the first part. The main part contains the development of events.

To move on to the question of types of text, it is first worth saying a few words about styles of speech. There are two of them: colloquial and book. The second has several subspecies:

  • scientific,
  • journalistic,
  • official business
  • art.

Text types

There are three main types of texts:

  • storytelling,
  • description,
  • reasoning.

« Narration”is a story about events connected sequentially in time. A distinctive feature of the narrative is manifested in the structure: the plot of events, their development and denouement. The story is told in third person and first person. Verbs are used in the perfect form of the past tense.

Type " description"has a consistent description and image of objects, events, people. There is an enumeration of properties and characteristics that belong to the described character. The description may contain sentences with homogeneous definitions, additions and circumstances. Metaphors, comparisons, epithets and other means of language expressiveness are used. The main task of this type of text is to create an idea about the described subject.

Text type " reasoning"contains the study and study of individual subjects, their connection with each other is revealed. In reasoning there is a certain scheme and a logically well-built structure. The introduction contains the main idea, an assumption is made or a thesis is formulated. Vivid evidence and arguments are given as confirmation or refutation. Conclusions are contained at the end of the text.

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