Cool hour Kuban cosmonauts. Class hour "Kuban cosmonauts"

Oh, Cosmonaut, how much there is in this word,

When the Earth is visible through the porthole,

And the ray of a star leads on the night road

Passing through space and time.

We congratulate you on this beautiful day.

Health, peace, joys, victories

And true cosmic happiness

For many, many, many long years!

A Courage Lesson “Cosmonauts of Kuban” was held for students of grade 7 “A” (class teacher Tatyana Grigorievna Malkova). The guys learned about three famous Kuban cosmonauts.

Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbat was born on December 3, 1934 in the village of the Ventsy-Zarya state farm in the Krasnodar Territory. In 1953 he graduated from the 8th Military Aviation School of initial training of pilots in Pavlograd, in 1956 – Bataysk VAUL named after. A.K. Serova. Upon graduation in 1968 from the Air Force Engineering Academy named after. N. E. Zhukovsky received the qualification “pilot-engineer-cosmonaut”. From 1960 to 1982 - in the cosmonaut corps of the Russian State Scientific Research Institute of the Air Force Cosmonaut Training Center. Made three space flights. The first - in 1969, as a research engineer on the Soyuz-7 spacecraft, together with A. Filipchenko and V. Volkov, under the group flight program of three spacecraft Soyuz-6, -7 and -8. Docking with the Soyuz-8 spacecraft was not completed. The second - in 1977, as the commander of the Soyuz-24 spacecraft and the Salyut-5 OS (OPS-103 Almaz), together with Yu. Glazkov. The third - in 1980, as the commander of the Soyuz-37 spacecraft under the program of the expedition to visit the Salyut-6 DOS, together with Pham Thuan. Total flight time – 30 days 12 hours 48 minutes. For space flights he was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded three Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star, the medal “For Distinction in the Protection of the State Border” and other orders and medals. He was also awarded the titles of Hero of Vietnam and Hero of Mongolia.

Viktor Vasilyevich is married and has two daughters.

Anatoly Nikolaevich Berezovoy - pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, colonel. Born on April 11, 1942 in the village of Enem, Takhtamukay district of the Republic of Adygea, Krasnodar Territory, in a working-class family. After graduating from high school, he worked as a turner at the Neftemash plant in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. In 1961 he entered the Kachin Higher Military Pilot School. After graduating from the school in 1965, he served as an instructor pilot. Since 1967 in the aviation units of the Odessa Military District. In 1970, he enlisted in the Soviet cosmonaut corps (1970 Air Force Group No. 5). Completed a full course of general space training and preparation for flights on Soyuz-type spacecraft and Salyut orbital stations. In 1977, without interruption from his main job, he graduated from the Yu. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy. I was preparing for flights at the Almaz military orbital station. In July and October 1976 and February 1977, he was a member of the support crews during the flights of the Soyuz-21, Soyuz-23 and Soyuz-24 spacecraft. On May 13, 1982, together with Valentin Vitalievich Lebedev, he began a flight into space as commander of the Soyuz T-5 spacecraft. He completed a 211-day flight aboard the Salyut-7 orbital station. While working on board the station, the crew accepted two visiting expeditions: the Soviet-French expedition consisting of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Dzhanibekov, Alexander Sergeevich Ivanchenkov and the French cosmonaut Jean-Loup Chrétien and the expedition of the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft consisting of Leonid Ivanovich Popov, Alexander Aleksandrovich Serebrov and Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya. He returned to Earth on December 10, 1982, together with Valentin Vitalievich Lebedev on board the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft. The duration of stay in space was 211 days 9 hours 4 minutes 32 seconds. Later he trained for space flights under the Intercosmos program. In April 1984, he was part of the backup Soviet-Indian crew. In August 1988, he was part of the backup Soviet-Afghan crew. Since 1992 - deputy commander of the cosmonaut corps at the Yu. A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. Hero of the Soviet Union (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 10, 1982). Awarded the Order of Lenin and medals. He was awarded the Order of Officers of the Legion of Honor (France), the highest award of India - the Order of Kirti Chakra, the Order of the Sun of Freedom (Afghanistan), the medal “For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Kuban”, 1st degree.

Gennady Ivanovich Padalka - pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation, honorary citizen of Krasnodar. Born on June 21, 1958 in Krasnodar. Graduated from the Yeisk Flight School named after. V. M. Komarov, majoring in command-tactical fighter-bomber aviation (1979). In 1979-1989 he served in a group of Soviet troops in Germany, and flew fighter jets in the Khabarovsk Territory. In 1989-1991 he took a general space training course at the Air Force Cosmonaut Training Center, receiving the qualification “test cosmonaut”, in 1992-1994 - at the International Center for Training Systems at the Faculty of Aerospace Ecology, was awarded the qualification “environmental engineer” and was issued an international certificate “Master of Environmental Science” monitoring". In 1996 - training under the Mir orbital complex program. 13.8.1998 - 28.2.1999 made a space flight as commander of the main expedition to the Mir orbital complex and the Soyuz-TM-28 transport ship. The astronauts dealt with a wide range of problems: geophysics, astrophysics, biology, ecology. He went into outer space twice, including into the depressurized Spektr module (more than 6 hours).

Students learned about the significant contribution of Kuban residents to the history of the development of domestic astronautics. The life and work of domestic scientists working in the field of rocket science are connected with Kuban. The names of N. G. Chernyshev (Soviet chemist, developer of rocket fuel, native of Kazanskaya), Yu. V. Kondratyuk (one of the pioneers of theoretical cosmonautics, who worked at the Krylov elevator) and G. Ya. Bakhchivandzhi (tester of the first aircraft with jet engine, a native of Brinkovskaya station) were recognized by the world community - craters on the far side of the Moon were named after them. By right, the sons of Kuban are cosmonauts V. Gorbatko, N. Berezova, V. Sevastyanov, G. Padalka and S. Treshchev. At the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after. A.K. Serov and the Yeisk Aviation School at one time trained many cosmonauts. 38 cosmonauts from the former USSR, modern Russia and abroad were trained at the Institute for Monitoring Land and Ecosystems, located in Krasnodar. The first group of USSR cosmonauts, including Yu. A. Gagarin, underwent pre-flight practice at Krasnodar airport.

MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY SCHOOL No. 9 Scenario of the Kuban studies lesson “Cosmonautics Day. Cosmonauts of Kuban". Prepared and conducted by primary school teacher N.A. Kozyreva. ST. STAROMINSKAYA. year 2012. Objectives: to form in students an idea of ​​the history of human exploration of air and outer space; develop horizons, speech. to cultivate pride in their fellow countrymen - Russian cosmonauts. Equipment: multimedia presentation of the lesson; exhibition of aircraft models and drawings on the topic of the lesson. Literature: diary of a Kuban schoolchild; encyclopedia of the series “I explore the world. Cosmos"EXMO, 2006 Internet sites; reading book for elementary school, AVANTA, 2009. SLIDE No. 1. Org moment. Announcing the topic and objectives of the lesson. SLIDE No. 2. Reading the myth "Daedalus and Icarus". Discussion. SLIDE No. 3. i ***Do you recognize this hero? What kind of object is depicted by the artist behind Dunno? Is this a coincidence? How did the hero travel to the moon? ***I read the text from the slide. -Who invented the hot air balloon? (French inventors brothers Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier) ​​- In which city did the first balloon launch take place? (in Paris) - In which country? (in France) - When? (June 5, 1783) SLIDE No. 4. ***-Look who flew to Dunno! Learned? -What aircraft did he use to arrive at our lesson? -How is it different from a hot air balloon? (there is a motor, a device controlled by a pilot) ****Carlson wants to talk about the flying machines that were invented after the hot air balloon. *** Reading from the slide. - What is the name of this device? (airship) ***AEROSTAT (from the Greek aer - air and statos - standing, motionless), an aircraft lighter than air. It has a shell filled with light gas (hydrogen, helium). There are tethered, free, controlled (airships) and balloons for flights into the stratosphere (stratostats). ***- What appeared in its design that was not present in the balloon? - Who is its inventor? (A. Giffard) -What country did A. Giffard live in? (in France) - When? (in 1852). SLIDE No. 5. ***Now look at the first plane. *** Get to know his unusual story. I'm reading from the slide. ***- In which country was the airplane invented? (in America) -Name the designers. (brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright) -When did the first plane fly? (December 17, 1903) - What interesting things did you remember about this flight? (flew 32 m, flight lasted 59 seconds) SLIDE No. 6. Name the aircraft invented by designers later. (***hang glider, HANG GLIDER SPORT (hang gliding), a type of aviation sport using hang gliders - ultra-light gliders, the take-off and landing of which is carried out using the glider's legs. So, there is no motor on a hang glider, which means only hang gliding can be called modern. And the hang glider itself When, in your opinion, was the ***helicopter, ***jet plane, ***ballistic missile designed? SLIDE No. 7. Look at this man. ***Read the story about him. -Who is shown in the photo? (S.P. Korolev) -Why are we talking about him in today’s lesson? ***Children's story about preparing for human space flight. So, the designers came up with aircraft that could overcome gravity and fly into outer space. Now scientists were preparing for human space flight. Tests began: it was decided to send living beings into orbit to understand how they would feel on spaceships. On November 3, 1957, a ship with a living creature on board, the dog Laika, was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (USSR). Sputnik 2 with Laika on board made 2,570 revolutions around the Earth and burned up in the atmosphere on April 4, 1958. On August 19, 1960, the Sputnik-5 spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (USSR). The dogs Belka and Strelka were on board the ship. On August 20, a descent vehicle with dogs made a soft landing on the territory of the USSR. For the first time in the world, living beings, having been in space, returned to Earth. On December 1, the dogs Mushka and Pchelka flew into space, but due to a malfunction, the descent vehicle did not accept the command to return and was lost in space heights and did not return to earth. On December 22, a new attempt was made to launch animals into space. At the launch site, the third stage of the launch vehicle failed, and the descent module made an emergency landing. Rats, insects, and plants died, but the dogs Zhemchuzhina and Zhulka remained alive. In March 1961, first the dog Chernushka, and then the dog Zvezdochka, made one orbit around the Earth's orbit. Both dogs returned to Earth unharmed. Plants, rats and 9 dogs have already been in space. Everything was ready for man's flight into space. -Which living creature visited space before man? - How many dogs have been on space flights? Do you remember the names of these heroic animals? SLIDE No. 8. A student reads a poem. A. Meshcheryakov. He penetrated into space and glorified his age with his feat, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, Our simple Soviet man. On the “Vostok” - a winged ship, he carried the flag of the mother country... The world's very first cosmonaut People all over the Earth are delighted. Yuri Gagarin is the first cosmonaut. Read about this amazing profession. (children get acquainted with the article) Compared to other professions, the profession of an astronaut appeared relatively recently, 50 years ago. The first manned space flight took place on April 12, 1961 and lasted only a few minutes. In those years, many guys dreamed of becoming space explorers; they were attracted by the romance of this unusual profession. Nowadays, the profession of an astronaut still remains unique; over the past years, only a few people have mastered it, and each flight is a unique experiment. Becoming an astronaut is very, very difficult; for this you need to have not only strong health and willpower, but also be an unusually purposeful person. A modern cosmonaut is a very educated person, an erudite, he knows how to control a spacecraft, is well versed in the operation of on-board systems, conducts tests, research, and scientific experiments. The stay at the orbital station lasts for several months, and all this time the astronauts live and work in conditions of complete isolation and weightlessness, which adversely affects physical and mental health. And no matter how much they would like to suddenly be at home, hug their loved ones or just go for a walk, they will be able to do this only when the time comes to return to Earth. The work of an astronaut is very difficult and dangerous, but if someone, despite the difficulties, still strives to be on board a spacecraft, a long and very difficult journey lies ahead. Before you begin training as an astronaut, you need to obtain the profession of a pilot, engineer, physicist, or biologist. everything he needs to do or Then, he needs to undergo a special medical examination, and if his health is good, then the candidate for cosmonaut will have to study - he will undergo space training for two years. The best, most persistent, and most educated are selected for the flight. SLIDE No. 9. Now the Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Yu. A. Gagarin is the well-known Star City. There are classrooms and exercise equipment here. You see a hydro pool for training in hydro-zero gravity conditions. And this is a centrifuge. There is also a space communications hall. For astronaut training, astronauts come to a small planetarium, which is equipped with a spacecraft cabin. Inside this cabin you get the complete impression that you are in space and looking at the stars through the window. When simulating various movements of a spacecraft, the astronaut must be able to correctly orient the ship to the stars. SLIDES No. 10-12. It’s time to meet the Kuban cosmonauts. Meet me. ***Padalka Gennady Ivanovich was born in the capital of the Krasnodar region - the city of Krasnodar. Like many of his peers, he studied at school and dreamed of becoming an astronaut. At the age of 18, he entered the Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots in the city of Yeisk. When Gennady Ivanovich was 30 years old, he was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps. For 9 long years he prepared to fly into space. In 1998, he flew into space orbit for the first time. And six years later, in 2004, he was already in flight as a crew commander. Currently, our Padalka is also in space. Kuban people are proud of their fellow countryman. He was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Krasnodar”. *** Gorbatko Viktor Vasilievich. *** Gorbatko Viktor Vasilievich. BEREZOVOY Anatoly Nikolaevich was born on April 11, 1942 in the Kuban, in the village of Enem near the city of Krasnodar. Tolya's father and mother were workers. Therefore, after school, the guy entered the factory and worked as a turner. In 1961, Anatoly entered the Higher Military Aviation School. After graduation, Anatoly Nikolaevich served as an instructor at his native school, teaching cadets to fly airplanes. In 1970, Anatoly Nikolaevich was accepted into the cosmonaut corps. He became the 103rd cosmonaut in the world, having flown from May 13 to December 10, 1982 as the commander of the spacecraft with a record duration of stay in space - over 211 days. Berezov Anatoly Ivanovich - Hero of the Soviet Union. I hope some of you guys want to become an astronaut. Learn, strive, from the brave, honest, athletic - you will succeed. A student reads a poem. If you want to become an astronaut, you must know a lot, a lot! Any space route is open to those who love work. Only friendly starships can take with them on a flight. We will not take the boring, gloomy and angry into orbit! Quiz #1. 1. Mythological hero who first rose into the sky on wings. 2. In which city did the first balloon flight take place? (Paris) 3.What other aircraft was invented in France? (airship) 4. What interesting things do you remember about the flight of the first plane? (59 sec., 32 m) 5.Who invented the spaceship? 6.Name the first astronauts before humans. 7. Name the aircraft in order of appearance. i Asterisks indicate the need to click on the computer mouse to change the picture or frame in the presentation.




Methodological association of educators

Communication hour:

Subject: "Kuban cosmonauts".

Developed by:


first qualification category

Theme "Kuban cosmonauts"


Contribute to the activation of students’ cognitive activity; developing a sense of patriotism through acquaintance with the great achievements of the Kuban people, expanding the horizons of students; developing a sense of solidarity and healthy competition.

Equipment: drawings and illustrations on the topic, an exhibition of books about space, photographs of cosmonauts.

Progress of the event:

1.Organizing moment.

2.Opening remarks by the teacher:

Yuri Gagarin's flight into space on April 12, 1961 marked the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind - the era of human exploration of outer space. Gagarin's flight can rightfully be considered a feat of one person, but also of the entire Soviet people - designers, scientists, test pilots, workers of design bureaus who contributed to the formation and development of domestic space science and technology. Among them were our fellow countrymen - those who were born, raised or worked on the Kuban soil and glorified it with their exploits.

The significant contribution of Kuban residents to the history of the development of domestic cosmonautics is obvious today. Firstly, the life and work of domestic scientists who worked in the field of rocket science are connected with Kuban.

The names (Soviet chemist, rocket fuel developer, native of the village of Kazanskaya), (one of the pioneers of theoretical cosmonautics, who worked at the Krylov elevator) and (tester of the first aircraft with a jet engine, native of the village of Brinkovskaya) were recognized by the world community - craters were named after them on the far side of the Moon. Secondly, cosmonauts V. Gorbatko, N. Berezova, V. Sevastyanov, G. Padalka and S. Treshchev are rightfully the sons of Kuban. Thirdly, at the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after. A. Serov and the Yeisk Aviation School at one time trained many cosmonauts. Dozens of cosmonauts from the former USSR, modern Russia and abroad have been trained at the Institute for Monitoring Land and Ecosystems, located in Krasnodar. The first group of USSR cosmonauts, including I, underwent pre-flight practice at Krasnodar airport. In addition, enterprises in the Krasnodar Territory worked for the country’s developing space industry back in the Soviet era. Some of them, for example, Saturn, still produce solar panels used in modern astronautics.

2011 marks a significant date that will be celebrated in one way or another all over the world: exactly half a century ago, on April 12, the Vostok spacecraft with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on board launched for the first time in the world from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The one hundred and eight minutes he spent in low-Earth orbit inscribed in golden letters the name of the “First Russian” in the world history of astronautics.

3.Student performances:

Student 1.

Viktor Gorbatko was the first Kuban cosmonaut to fly into space, and one of the pupils of the legendary “First Detachment”: he trained with Gagarin, Titov, Nikolaev, Popovich. And what brought him into aviation was the dream that was common to all boys who survived the war - to defend the peaceful sky above their heads. But could a simple boy from the Kuban state farm “Ventsy-Zarya” in the Gulkevich district dream that one day he would go beyond the earth’s atmosphere?

In 1956, Gorbatko graduated from the Bataysk Military Aviation Pilot School. He was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps in 1960, but he made his first space flight only nine years later - October 12-17, 1969 - as a Soyuz-7 research engineer. By the way, then he took a handful of earth with him into orbit from his native village.

Gorbatko made his second space flight as commander of the Soyuz-24 spacecraft from February 7 to 25, 1977, the third - on July 23-31, 1980 as commander of the Soviet-Vietnamese crew with a visit to the Salyut-6 orbital station.

Student 2.

The future twice Hero of the Soviet was born in Krasnouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region, but his entire youth was spent in the Krasnodar Territory. In 1945, when the boy was ten years old, his family moved to Sochi. After graduating from local school No. 9 with a gold medal, Vitaly entered the Moscow Aviation Institute named after Ordzhonikidze. Here they quickly noticed a smart guy and offered him to combine his studies with work as a technician in the 9th department of OKB-1. This began his love affair with space. We will not talk about all the stages on the way to the first flight - there were many of them. Let's say the main thing: the flight took place on June 1, 1970. On the Soyuz-9 spacecraft, Sevastyanov served as a flight engineer. In addition, he participated in the world's first chess game, where one of the players was in orbit and the other on Earth. By the way, Sevastyanov was later elected chairman of the USSR Chess Federation, a position he held for 12 years, from 1977 to 1989.

Vitaly Sevastyanov made his second space flight from May 24 to July 26, 1975 on the Soyuz-18 spacecraft. In 1990, he was preparing for a new flight to the Mir orbital complex, but doctors, concerned about his health, did not give the “medical” go-ahead for this.

USSR pilot-cosmonaut Vitaly Sevastyanov died after a long illness on April 5, 2010 at the age of 74. He was buried at the Ostankino cemetery in Moscow.

Student 3.

Anatoly Berezovoy, a native of the village of Enem in the Adygei Autonomous District of the Krasnodar Territory of the RSFSR, made his only flight on May 13, 1982, together with pilot-cosmonaut Valentin Lebedev, leading the crew of the Soyuz T-5 spacecraft. He ended up in space thanks to Yuri Gagarin. In an interview with our correspondent in 2008, Anatoly Nikolaevich said: “In April 1961, I worked as a turner at the Neftemash plant in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. On the twelfth I received a minor injury to my arm, I was operated on and left in the hospital until I completely recovered from the anesthesia. And then Levitan announced on the radio that Yuri Gagarin was the first in the world to fly into space. I immediately forgot about the anesthesia, began to rejoice along with everyone, and decided to myself that I would repeat his feat. In August 1961 he entered the Kachin Military Aviation School, and in May 1970 he joined the cosmonaut corps. This was the fifth recruitment since Yuri Gagarin.”

The space journey of Berezovoy and Lebedev to the Salyut-7 orbital station was listed in the international Guinness Book of Records as the longest at that time in the history of mankind - 211 days 9 hours 4 minutes 32 seconds.

Student 4.

The 89th cosmonaut of Russia and the 384th cosmonaut of the world, Hero was born in Krasnodar on June 21, 1958. In 1975 he graduated from local school No. 57, and in October 1979 he graduated from the Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School named after. In April 1989, he was enrolled as a candidate test cosmonaut in the cosmonaut corps of the RGNII TsPK.

Gennady Padalka made his first flight on the Soyuz TM-28 on August 13, 1998, and returned to Earth on February 28, 1999. The second flight took place from April 19 to October 24, 2004, the third - from March 26 to October 11, 2009. In all three cases he was the ship's commander.

On his third flight into orbit, Gennady Padalka became the first commander of an ISS crew of six people (previously they flew in a maximum of three) and the first commander to lead two crews in a row (ISS-19 and ISS-20).

Student 5.

The fifth cosmonaut was born on August 18, 1958 in the village of Krasny Kustar, Volynsky district, Lipetsk region. Six years later, his family moved to the village of Kholmsky, Abinsky district, Krasnodar Territory, where Sergei lived until he was 17 years old.

In 1976, he entered the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), from which he successfully graduated in 1982, receiving the specialty of an engineer-teacher of electrical power disciplines. Since 1984, he has been a foreman in power equipment at the Experimental Mechanical Engineering Plant (ZEM), which was part of NPO Energia. When the NPO announced recruitment for cosmonauts, I decided to sign up. Treshchev was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps in 1992.

Sergei Treshchev made his first and only flight in June 2002 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TM spacecraft. On November 30, 2006, by order of the head of Roscosmos, pilot-cosmonaut Hero of the Russian Federation Sergei Treshchev was relieved of his position as a 3rd class test cosmonaut at his own request. Having left the cosmonaut corps, he remained to work at RSC Energia in the 291st flight service department of the corporation

The return of Treshchev's crew to Earth was scheduled for October, but the cosmonauts returned only on December 7, 2002. The reason for this was a malfunction in the Shuttle, which they intended to send for the crew, discovered at the last moment. Then the flight home was hampered by bad weather on Earth.

4. Lesson summary:

- What people’s lives and works have we met today?

I want to end our lesson with the lines of a poem:

Gagarin said “let’s go”,

The rocket flew into space.

This was a risky guy!

Since then the era began.

The era of wanderings and discoveries,

Progress of peace and labor,

Hopes, desires and events,

Now all this is forever.

Kuban cosmonaut is our fellow countryman

Dedicated to the USSR pilot-cosmonaut Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko

More than once you flew into the sky,

But the warmth of home

And I didn’t forget my native land.

The significant contribution of Kuban residents to the history of the development of domestic cosmonautics is obvious today. Historically, Kuban is closely connected with the origin and development of Soviet and Russian cosmonautics. The origins of the space age lie in the activities of our fellow countrymen - those who were born, grew up and worked in Kuban.

April 12, 2016 marked the 55th anniversary of the first human flight into space. It was on April 12, 1961 that the joyful news spread throughout the world: “Man in space!” With bated breath, people all over the planet watched the flight of the first cosmonaut, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. The country and the whole world honored the space pioneer. Gagarin's flight has the right to be called a feat not only of one person, but also of a large number of scientists, design engineers, and test pilots who contributed to the development of domestic cosmonautics. Among them were our fellow countrymen - those who were born and raised on the Kuban soil and glorified it with their exploits.

The world's first cosmonaut, Yu. A. Gagarin, passed the baton to the Kuban pilot-cosmonauts, Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia: V. V. Gorbatko, V. I. Sevastyanov, A. N. Berezovoy, G. I. Padalka, S. E. Treschev.

Having overcome the gravitational forces of the planet, the man escaped into space. For now he is exploring near-Earth space, but it is quite possible that in the near future powerful spaceships will carry him to new distant worlds. And yet our beautiful planet will forever remain a cradle for humans. After all, her attraction is irresistible. It will always be the strongest. We, as the song says, will never be able to forget the “green grass near the house,” our native fields, the chirping of birds, people dear to us, our Fatherland.

It is interesting that 45 years ago in the Krasnodar region the public movement “Kuban and Cosmonautics” arose, which is headed by the Kuban Cosmonautics Federation.

Following Gagarin, German Titov, the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and other heroic pilots were in orbit. Alexey Leonov stepped overboard the spaceship. Glorious victories! Many of them had an understudy, V.V. Gorbatko, our fellow countryman, and finally his day has come. He went into space in October 1969, "the last of the Mohicans." It was a massive flight of Soviet spacecraft. At that time, Soyuz-6, Soyuz-7, Soyuz-8 were in low-Earth orbit; Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko was part of the Soyuz-7 crew as a research engineer. Remembering this day, he says: “I went into orbit three times, but the first flight is like the first love... every next flight is something new, unknown.”

Cosmonautics is a courageous business. And it’s not for nothing that the chest of every test pilot who has been in space is decorated with the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. And the ability to overcome fear is fearlessness. All space flights contain some degree of risk. And, as you know, there have been tragic incidents both with us and with the Americans. But in space, you probably just don’t think about the risk.

Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko often comes to our village of Ventsy, to his small homeland, not forgetting the place where he was born. He comes to meet his fellow countrymen. The generous Kuban land welcomes him as if he were his own. The Museum of Military and Labor Glory is located in the bright and spacious hall of the village's Palace of Culture. A special place here is occupied by the section devoted to astronautics. With a feeling of pride for his pilot-cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko, the director of the museum, Nadezhda Vladimirovna Litvinenko, tells the technical school students about the feat. The museum contains many photographs taken during the years of space exploration and during the days of V.V. Gorbatko’s stay in his homeland. There are many newspaper clippings and brochures, among them a special issue of Izvestia, which tells about the international flight of V.V. Gorbatko together with Pham Thuan on the Soyuz-37 spacecraft. On the first page of the newspaper, V.V. Gorbatko left an autograph for his fellow countrymen: “To my dear fellow countrymen, with gratitude that I was born here, and you inspired me to take three flights into space. A native of Ventsy-Zarya, V.V. Gorbatko. 10/17/1980.” A separate stand in the cosmonautics section is given to Yuri Gagarin. There are many photographs of V.V. Gorbatko with him and other star brothers.You experience an exciting feeling when you see the personal belongings of the cosmonaut and, especially those with which V.V. Gorbatko visited orbit.

Next to the Palace of Culture in the park there is a bronze bust of the cosmonaut, and not far from it there is a birch tree planted after V.V. Gorbatko’s first flight. As a symbol of human courage, evidence of love and gratitude to our outstanding compatriot.The lush chokeberry, which Viktor Vasilyevich planted here later, also took root well. These trees grow and reach towards the sky where the distant routes of our fellow countryman lie. Victor Vasilievich Gorbatko- honorary citizen of the city of Gulkevichi and the village of Ventsy.Our fellow countrymen: journalist V. Yasinsky and composer V. Selyukov wrote “Song about the Cosmonaut”, which they dedicated to Viktor Vasilyevich.

Annually,at the stadium in the village of Ventsy, Gulkevichi district,On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, regional, regional and all-Russian cross-country races are traditionally held for the prize of V.V. Gorbatko. Athletes from many territories and regions of the Russian Federation come to us, in the village of Ventsy, to the colorfully decorated stadium, and Victor Vasilyevich himself presents the prize to the winners.Students from secondary specialized educational institutions from ten districts of the Krasnodar Territory take part in the cross-country race. The athletes are greeted by USSR cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko, deputy head of the Cosmonaut Training Center of the Russian Federation in Moscow Valentina Krukhmaleva, and president of the regional athletics federation of the Krasnodar Territory Petr Bezyazychny.

After the cross-country race, Viktor Vasilyevich meets with students of the technical school and school in the village of Ventsy, young people, a round table conversation is held, where young people have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss problems and get an autograph. According to the cosmonaut, he is very proud that his small land remembers and appreciates his achievements.

Cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko took part in the ceremony of laying the first stone of the Cosmos exhibition pavilion in the city of Gulkevichi.The ceremony was also attended by Deputy Head of the Cosmonaut Training Center Valentina Krukhmaleva, also a fellow Gulkevich resident.

The event was attended by about 100 people. Among them were schoolchildren studying at the Ventsy-Zarya Agricultural College, the public, and representatives of the district administration. Gorbatko and Krukhmaleva also laid a capsule with a message to future generations, which will be kept in the museum.

In 2014, Secondary School No. 13 in Ventsy received a new name - “named after V. Gorbatko”, in honor of our famous fellow countryman, cosmonaut, twice hero of the Soviet Union V. Gorbatko. At the ceremony, members of the exemplary vocal ensemble "Gorlitsa" greeted the cosmonaut with bread and salt and performed songs by Kuban composers.

Every village, hamlet, village has its own heroes, whom one can and should be proud of. And our pride is the twice hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko, a person whom boys and girls want to be like!

Olga Davydenko
Intellectual quiz game “Contribution of Kuban residents to domestic astronautics”

Intellectual quiz game


Target: identification of students' acquired knowledge in the field aerospace education taking into account the regional component.


Propaganda and popularization contribution of Kuban residents to the development of astronautics and rocket and space technology;

Expanding the horizons of students in the field aerospace knowledge;

Raising the younger generation on the basis of the best traditions and examples of achievements domestic cosmonautics, on the examples and exploits of our glorious fellow countrymen;

Formation and development of imagination, intellectual and creative qualities of students.

Technologies used: health-saving, gaming, using ICT

Equipment: posters, multimedia equipment, magazines « Kuban and cosmonautics» , portraits Kuban scientists and cosmonauts, tokens.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational stage (5 minutes)

Tasks: emotionally prepare students for the topic of the lesson. Identify the goal and define its tasks.

/Music sounds/

Teacher: Hello guys. Today we will have a lesson not in the traditional form, but in the form of a game - a quiz. « Contribution of Kuban residents to domestic astronautics» . It is noteworthy that our a game- the quiz takes place at the aviation museum and astronautics.

The guys come out with the installation:

“The museum is 34 years old!

Every year he gets younger in soul,

Museum - about science, about space knowledge,

About our Earth, and about the entire universe!

ABOUT astronauts who comes to us,

About working people whose exploits are known!

They know about V.V. Gorbatko and V.I. Sevastyanov!

They are proud of them in our native land,

Treschev S. E., and Padalka G. I., Berezov A. N.

And in space called Baikonur - cosmodrome.

And veterans come to our museum.

They find a response in children's hearts.

And let new milestones pass,

We all wish the museum success!

Let them remember and know about the museum,

Let our museum prosper in business!”

Teacher: Space - courage, dream, fantasy, romance, pride and patriotism. We create models with you spaceships, draw space and you will know the joy of making a rocket or rover. You are explorers, discoverers of the world, so let the world open up before you space through our virtual tours. During the quiz you will learn about the sky, about the stars, about people who have dedicated themselves space.

2. Main stage (time 40 minutes)

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about the activities of scientists and cosmonauts in the field of domestic cosmonautics, open the mind.

Teacher: Today we will remember which of our Kuban residents made a worthy contribution to the development of astronautics and rocket and space technology. And we will go with you on an exciting space flight. Put on spacesuits.

Guys: There are spacesuits to wear (the guys move their hands from top to bottom)

Teacher: Turn on the motors.

Guys: There are motors turned on (turn right hand)

Teacher: Make a purge.

Guys: There is a purge to do (raise the right leg and lower it)

Teacher: Turn on the ignition.

Guys: Yes turn on the ignition (raise left leg and lower)

Teacher: Rocket to launch. Let's start the countdown. (Music sounds)

Teacher: Start! (Music sounds)

The presentation begins « Kuban and cosmonautics» .

Teacher: And so, we begin our quiz. For each correct answer you are given a token. No tokens will be deducted for incorrect answers. At the end of the quiz we will sum up the results and reward the smartest ones.

Quiz (Application)

1. In 2011, the social movement celebrated its 40th anniversary « Kuban and cosmonautics» . Who stood at its origins? Who was the scientific supervisor?

Answer: The idea behind the movement, as well as its name « Kuban and cosmonautics» belongs to the famous scientist academician of the ANSSSR V.P. Glushko. Since 1971, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences T. I. Agapova became his inspirer and scientific supervisor. (photo)

2. Craters on the Moon are named after scientists and astronauts, three of them are called "Moon Brothers". Name them.

Answer: Crater named after N.G. Chernyshev, the creator of rocket fuel. Crater named after G. Ya. Bakhchivandzhi - test pilot of BI-1, the world's first aircraft with a liquid jet engine. Crater named after Yu. V. Kondratyuk - theoretical physicist (photo)

3. When was it created on Kuban Krasnodar regional public organization "Federation astronautics of Kuban» ?

Answer: June 2, 2005 was created "Federation astronautics of Kuban» , who became the heir and continuer of the movement « Kuban and cosmonautics» . It was headed by its president, academician E. M. Trakhov (photo)

4. Name cosmonauts of Kuban.

Answer: Gorbatko V.V. - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Sevastyanov V.I. - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Berezovoy A.N. - Hero of the Soviet Union, Padalka G.I. and Treshchev S.E. - Heroes of the Russian Federation (photo)

5. Who from cosmonauts of Kuban flew to several times space?

Answer: Gorbatko V.V. (3 times, Sevastyanov V.I. (2 times, Padalka G.I. (5 times) (photo)

6. Who from cosmonauts of Kuban made the longest in history astronautics flight?

Answer: May 12, 1982 at space flew A. N. Berezova, he spent 211 days in space at the orbital research complex "Salyut-7" - "Union". In history astronautics at that time it was the 1st longest flight (photo)

7. What unique experiments were carried out by our fellow countryman, Hero of Russia G.I. Padalka at the orbital station "World" and the ISS?

Answer: At the station "World" G. I. Padalka grew wheat (instead of 100 grains there are as many as 508). He brought quails to Earth, hatched in space. And I grew vegetables on the ISS (photo)

8. Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after. A. K. Serova (KVVAUL) gave a ticket to space many Russian and foreign astronauts. List cosmonaut graduates of KVVAUL.

Answer: Domestic - B. M. Komarov, V. V. Gorbatko, E. V. Khrunov, G. S. Shonin. Foreign – Bertalan Farkas (Hungary, Pham Tuan (Vietnam, Abdul Ahad Momand (Afghanistan) (photo)

9. How connected Baikonur cosmodromes, Plesetsk and Kapustin Yar with Kuban?

Answer: Veterans Baikonur cosmodromes, Plesetsk and Kapustin Yar live on Kuban and actively promote achievements Domestic cosmonautics.

10. Who from Kuban cosmonauts were awarded the title?

Answer: in 1969 V.V. Gorbatko was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Krasnodar" with certificate No. 1. In 1998, G.I. Padalka was also awarded this title.

11. How is the first one connected? astronaut of planet Yu. A. Gagarin with Kuban?

Answer: In 1960, together with Bykovsky V.F., Nelyubov G.G., Nikolaev A.G., Popovich P.R., Titov G.S., he completed his internship at the Krasnodar airport. On September 27, 2001, a memorial plaque with a bas-relief of Yu. A. Gagarin was unveiled there in the year of his 40th anniversary space age, created by Krasnodar sculptor V. A. Zhdanov. It was installed on the house where the first one lived in 1960 planet astronaut. On April 11, 2011, on Gagarin Street (from April 2, 1968, Sovkhoznaya Street was renamed into Yu. A. Gagarin Street) a memorial plaque was installed on the Civil Registry Office building. Every year on Kuban city ​​and regional Gagarin readings are held. In Sochi, where Yu. A. was vacationing with his family, the Friendship tree grows; it was he who made the first grafting of citrus fruits.

12. The names of our fellow researchers space streets of Krasnodar are named. List the streets and when the renaming occurred.

Answer: On June 6, 1996, by decision of the City Duma, in the year of the 90th anniversary of the creator of rocket fuel, a native of the village of Kazanskaya, the name of N. G. Chernyshev was given. By the decision of the City Duma, one of the new streets of the city of Krasnodar, from May 18, 1995, began to bear the name of test pilot G. Ya. Bakhchivandzhi (photo)

13. How the memory was perpetuated Kuban space explorers and aviation in their home villages?

Answer: In the village of Krylovskaya, a memorial complex was created to the theoretical physicist E.V. Kondratyuk; in 1925-1926, he worked here at the Krylovsky elevator and created his main works. In the village of Kazanskaya there is a memorial complex to the creator of rocket fuel N. G. Chernyshev. In the village of Brinkovskaya - test pilot G. Ya. Bakhchivandzhi, who made the first flight on the first Soviet jet aircraft

14. Which Krasnodar schools did you study at? Kuban space explorers?

Answer: N. G. Chernyshev in labor school No. 7 (now gymnasium No. 36, G. I. Padalka in secondary school No. 7, 57 in the village of Pashkovsky, Krasnodar.

15. Which of the outstanding researchers words belong to space: « Cosmonautics today it is the cutting edge of not only scientific and technological progress, but also politics and international relations. This is why we highly value and globally support the work being done in the region”?

Answer: Academician V. P. Glushko.

16. When was the aviation museum opened and astronautics Gymnasium No. 72 named after V.P. Glushko? Answer: October 27, 1977 to the 20th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite.

17. Name Kuban poets, composers who reflected in their work space theme.

Answer: poets - K. A. Oboishchikov, V. A. Bakaldin, V. A. Dombrovsky, G. S. Gots, A. G. Bogdanovich, V. M. Lukashenko, V. G. Saakova. Composers: A. G. Popov, V. D. Ponomarev, V. S. Levashov.

18. Where, since 1957, in the city of Krasnodar, observations of artificial Earth satellites have been carried out through telescopes?

Answer: In Krasnodar station, located on the roof Kubansky State University. It has become one of the best visual-optical stations for observing artificial Earth satellites in the country.

19. Which enterprises of the city of Krasnodar worked and are working for astronautics?

Answer: JSC "Saturn"(manufacture batteries, solar panels, RIP and spare parts (manufacture measuring instruments, plant "Cascade"(creation of mobile KUNGs - closed vehicles for all types of radio communications, plant "Tensodevice"(produced electro-pneumatic valves for aviation and rocketry, "Compressor plant"(production of compresses of various types and power, "Plant named after M. Sedina" (production of parts for electronic computers).

Teacher: Attention! Attention! Prepare to fly to Earth! (Music sounds)

Teacher: To the right are asteroids.

The guys tilt to the left.

Teacher: Asteroids on the left.

The guys tilt to the right.

Teacher: Attention Black Hole!

The guys make a turn around an axis.

(Music sounds)

3. Final stage: (time 5 min.)

Tasks: Summarize the quiz game. Evaluate the activities of each student.

Teacher: Is our cosmic the journey has come to an end, today you all showed yourself to be real experts contribution of Kuban residents to domestic astronautics. Let's sum up the results of our quiz and reward the best experts.

(Winners are being awarded).

Teacher: Guys, you did a great job with today’s task. You can be accepted into the squad astronauts. See you again, dear friends!

(Music sounds)

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