Class hour. Types, forms, subjects

Class hour occupies an important place in the educational process of the school. The classroom is the main structural link in the school. Here the origin and development of relations between students take place, their worldview is formed through the cognitive activity that is offered to them in the classroom.

Class hour- one of the forms of direct communication between a teacher and students, during which social and ethical education of students, the development of each student as an individual, the formation of a class team take place. Thus, the organization of a class hour for a teacher is not an easy and very responsible task.

The class teacher is engaged in the main educational and organizational work in the classroom. His duties include not only creating favorable conditions for the personal development of the student, but also effective assistance in solving the psychological problems that the child has in communicating with other students, parents and teachers.

The class teacher is, as it were, an intermediary between the student and society, helping to build relationships in the team through a variety of activities that contribute to the self-expression of each student and his development as an individual.

Participating in the formation of the primary children's team in the class, the class teacher must take on the role of leader, mentor, guardian and friend of his wards. He must be able to inspire the children, understand their needs, be an assistant, and not only organize, but also actively participate in the collective creative activities of his class.

Extracurricular communication between the class teacher and students occupies a very important place in educational work. At the same time, the class hour is one of the most common ways of organizing such communication. Despite the fact that a certain time is allotted for it in the school schedule, the class hour is not inherently a lesson. And communication on it can be attributed to extracurricular activities.

Class hour is the time spent by the teacher with the students of the class and organized in such a way that the children have the opportunity to take part in certain activities that contribute to the development of social relations and the formation of moral values.

Class hour usually takes place every week. It can last like a regular lesson, but this is not a prerequisite. Sometimes 15-20 minutes is enough to cover a topic. Other topics require longer communication.

Thematic class hour differs in that it is dedicated to a specific topic. Such communication is more holistic and complete, helps to focus students' attention on specific things, without being scattered over trifles. A class hour on a specific topic is more effective than just an informal meeting. He is knowledgeable. The topic itself is very convenient to use to achieve certain pedagogical goals during communication.

"Classroom hours" - Technology for the preparation and conduct of a student-oriented classroom hour. Draft decision of the teachers' council. Traditional classroom. The concept and functions of the classroom. The theme of the teachers' council is "Class hour in the system of educational work." Guide - a class hour helps to translate theoretical knowledge into the field of practice, direct students to real practical cases.

"Class hour of the Second World War" - Participant of the Great Patriotic War. 1941 - 1945 We remember and we are proud. Children of war. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. Nikolay Danilovich. Kucherenko Nikolay Ignatievich. Class hour. Marfin Ivan Abramovich. Tankman.

"Class hour about besieged Leningrad" - Bread has become practically the only food for Leningraders. "Everyone who defended Leningrad is not just a city dweller, but a soldier." But the risk justified itself: Leningrad lived! Failed! Zyukova Olga Gemellovna One of the most beautiful cities in the world. The "Road of Life" began to operate - in autumn and summer on water, in winter on ice.

"Class hours and education" - Personal significance for students; Comfort, favorable psychological climate; Opportunity for the manifestation and development of individual and creative abilities of schoolchildren; Enriching the life experience of students; Spiritual and moral value; Involvement of students in the preparation and conduct of the classroom.

Development of a primary school teacher Sultanshina M.R. Thinking aloud and choosing the optimal version of the hypothesis. Work in microgroups of "fours", the choice of the best hypothesis. Family. didactic goals. Why are grandparents my family? The activities of the teacher. Class hour "My FAMILY". For teachers.

"The main thing is man" - Rainbow The main miracle? Human. Look at the world more cheerfully. Jami? No person can always be right. Class hour. ? We, like rainbows of color, are never apart. ? ORT: Original, romantic, talented. Boys and girls. Erasmus of Rotterdam. Tears of sorrow will not help. Man lives among people.

There are 16 presentations in total in the topic

Article "Class hour "Let's talk about dignity""

to form a concept in children - not only who to be in life, but also what to be!

continue the formation of character, its positive features: what kind of person is a worthy person with a high sense of duty.

Form: Class hour - debate (grade 5)

Information to think about:

Not strong the best, but honest. Honor and

Self-worth is the strongest.

F. M. Dostoevsky.

Immeasurable self-love and self-conceit

There is no sign of self-esteem


F. M. Dostoevsky.


Introductory speech of the teacher:

My friends, there is such a concept in the world: human dignity, it, in fact, determines what a person is worth, what is he like?

What does worthy person mean? How this concept is interpreted by Dahl's old dictionary.

The children had homework: they would go on a scientific trip to the library to work with Dahl's explanatory dictionary.

Student's word:

Worthy, says Dahl's old dictionary, is worthy, deserving, proper, due, decent, consistent with the requirements of truth, honor. In other words, “worthy of respect”, “worthy of trust”, “deserving attention”, “proper - such as a Person with a capital letter should be”, “proper - having a high sense of duty, corresponding to the requirements of his time”, “decent in behavior ”, “consistent with the requirements of truth, honor”, ​​not deviating from the rules of truth and honor under any circumstances.

You see, guys, how much sense there is in one, single word, which we, at times, do not often remember. Meanwhile, our whole life consists of deeds worthy and unworthy, corresponding to the laws by which our society lives, and not only in the laws adopted by the state and written in the chapters of our constitution, but also in the so-called unwritten laws of human relations.

After all, it is impossible to write in the constitution that German Filippov should not prompt Seryozha Sadovnikov in class or that Dasha Lomovtseva, having accidentally heard someone else's secret, should not tell everyone she knows. It's not written down anywhere, but we know it's indecent to do it. And a person with self-respect will not allow this, because he respects the dignity of others.

Think, guys, and give examples from life, from stories, books read, where you have come across deeds worthy of respect.

The student gives an example from the life of the Irkutsk writer Mark Sergeev, which happened to him during the war years:

During the war, at the school in Irkutsk, as in many others, there were children from families evacuated to Irkutsk. One of them, a Muscovite, was called Vitya. He was very knowledgeable, told a lot of interesting things, none of the guys at that time was in the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, did not see the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy, its amazing pavilions filled with literally miracles, no one walked around Red Square, did not listen to opera at the Bolshoi Theater. And Victor knew all this, and how! And he was a good storyteller! The girls all fell in love with him, the boys all wanted to be friends with him.

And suddenly everything turned upside down: the girls were perplexed, the boys despised the newcomer. What's the matter? But the fact is that, knowing mathematics and Russian perfectly well, he never let anyone, even his closest friend, write off his homework. He used to say: “I respect you, so let me help you, you come to me or I to you, we will decide together.” And the kids laughed: “Wow -“ I respect, respect ”but it doesn’t allow to write off”

And the girls cooled off towards Victor, and the boys shunned him, and his stories no longer seemed so interesting.

But if you think about it, Victor was right. He had undoubted talents: he was the first student at school in Moscow, and the homework done by him could be immediately distinguished, especially by the teacher's gaze. But the guys did not know, or rather, did not understand that he was not greedy, but took care of their human dignity. Of course, it’s a shame to stand at the blackboard and say: “Sorry, Maria Vasilyevna, I didn’t solve the problem.” And further from the level of honesty: one will tell the truth that he forgot, was carried away by playing hockey (then they drove home-made rag balls with crooked sticks), the other will come up with excuses for himself, weave a hundred boxes, if only it would look like the truth. Yes, it's embarrassing to stand at the blackboard like that. But it's a thousand times more embarrassing when a teacher convicts you of taking advantage of someone else's work. He will say “written off”, and in the subtext of this word one hears “stole”. What kind of theft is this? After all, you don’t tear out a page from a notebook, but only write it off?! But what to do, things should be called by their proper names. You copied someone else's work. Just imagine that this is not homework, but, say, poems written by your friend. And you gave them to the editor under your name. The truth will come out sooner or later. And for such an act, a person will not be patted on the head, he will be put on trial. And if it is not poetry, but a drawing of an invention? You see how far the arguments about whether it is worthy or unworthy of a person to write off someone else's HOMEwork have gone. Victor understood all this and even tried to explain to the guys, but not everyone understood him. Each of us does not immediately develop this very sense of human dignity, we have it, but we still do not know what it is.

The guys show a staging of the French ballad “White Shawl”:


Host: The ballad tells about a young revolutionary who was in a rebel detachment fighting for the freedom of the people. He was caught by his enemies, the royal soldiers, he was sentenced to death, almost a boy, and in the morning in a large square where a scaffold was set up, he was to be beheaded.

At night, his mother comes to his cell, having bribed the guards.

Mother: Early in the morning I will be received by the king, I will beg him on my knees to have mercy on you, because you are just a boy. If my request is heard by the king, and you will be forgiven, - in the morning you will see me in the crowd - I will be in a white shawl. If the king refuses, the shawl will be black.

Host: And now - the morning of the execution, the crowd at the scaffold is raging, she is indignant that such a young boy is being executed. And everyone sympathizes with him. And he goes out to the block with a smile and calmly lays his head: the words of forgiveness are about to sound, because the mother is standing in the crowd in a white shawl.

The executioner brings the ax, the execution is over. A woman in a white shawl is crying in the crowd. She was afraid that her son would be afraid when he saw the chopping block and the ax, and the executioner dressed in red clothes, that her boy would begin to ask for forgiveness, humiliating his dignity, the dignity of a revolutionary.

And so he died calmly and with dignity.

Teacher: During the war, how many young men with dignity, as befits soldiers and patriots, went through fire and death, saving the Motherland from the brown fascist evil spirits, how many boys and girls who fell into the hands of enemies had to endure more terrible torments than the hero of the “White Shawl” - interrogations, torture. And how many mothers, suffering from unbearable grief, thought that their long-suffering children would retain human dignity in themselves, would not show weakness to enemies.

A student reads a poem by S. Mikhalkov

Lived three friends - comrades

In the small town of En

There were three friends - comrades

Captured by the Nazis.

They began to interrogate the first

They tortured him for a long time -

A tortured comrade died

And he didn't say anything.

They began to interrogate the second

Torture did not endure the second -

Died without saying a word

Like a real hero.

The third comrade could not stand it,

Unleashed the third tongue.

There is nothing for us to talk about! -

He said before he died.

They were buried outside the city,

Near the broken walls.

This is how comrades died

In the small town of En.

Do you have to be a hero to be a worthy person?

Not every worthy person will necessarily become a hero. But not a single hero can be a person without a high feeling: it is dignity that underlies true pride, honor, faith in a just cause.

Let's listen, what happened to Vitya, the hero of the story, who was evacuated from Moscow?

One day, returning from school in the evening, Vitya saw that in the twilight three rather strong “foreheads”, as they said then about the tall ones, proving to everyone their “rightness” with their fists, were beating the boy, he did not see who it was, as it turned out later, - his classmates who left the school a couple of minutes before. Seeing the obvious injustice - three against one, he shouted to the guys to stop the meanness, they only grunted, and then thin, not very adapted, it seemed, Vitya rushed into battle. Where did he get only strength, apparently from this, his inherent sense of dignity and justice. After all, only he really has a sense of his own dignity, who values ​​\u200b\u200ba stranger. The most curious thing in this story is that Vitya beat and very noticeably the guy whom everyone was afraid of and everyone left the fight with, and he liked to show off his strength, to click someone on the forehead or on the back of the head. And then, beaten, with a heavy bruise, he came to school ... with his mother. She, seeing the signs of a fight on the face of her "baby", was indignant, and, ignoring his request not to go to school, she came to the director, and even made him a scandal.

During the lesson, the director and the victim's mother entered the classroom.

The director ordered him to get up, I don’t know how anyone, but I felt irony in the director’s voice. Of course, it's a disgrace that a student beat a student, but the director clearly did not sympathize with the victim. After all, he is the director, to know everything about the students in the world.

So, - said the director, - whose work is this?

Mine, Victor stood up.

We imagined anyone as a fighter, but not Victor. Yes, and he was not suitable for a fight, according to our ideas, so at first we did not even believe it. But Victor did not make excuses, but simply said:

He got to work. Let him tell himself...

But the victim did not have the courage. He was stubbornly silent, staring at the floor, then began to squeeze something out of himself. And his mother kept repeating: “You see, you see! And this is called education?

But then two boys, taking part in the fight, got up and told everything themselves. And the victim's mother blushed and began to apologize.

And it turned out that the one whom Victor stood up for did not get up because he had acted dishonestly towards his comrades, and for this they decided to “teach him a lesson”.

And all the same, - Victor said, - three to one is mean.

And everyone agreed with him.

Here is what happened a difficult and ambiguous story.

But the girls all fell in love with Victor again, and the boys wanted to be friends with him, despite the fact that he still did not let them cheat.

Children, please remember the wonderful words of the great teacher Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky: “Spiritual wealth is unthinkable without self-esteem ... Without self-respect, there is no moral purity and spiritual wealth of the individual. Self-respect, a sense of honor, pride, dignity - this is a stone on which the subtlety of feelings is honed.

“The feeling of humanity is offended,” writes Vissarion Belinsky, “when people do not respect human dignity in others, and it is even more offended and suffers when a person in himself does not respect his own dignity.”

And finally, Nikolai Ostrovsky:

“If the discord between the higher and inner worlds is very great, then you need to think and ask yourself: what kind of person are you if you are ashamed even to yourself to admit something?”

Three different people, three different eras, three heroic ones - each in its own way, unique and beautiful destinies, three masters who left us their eternal creations, so dissimilar to each other. And how equally they talk about the huge role that plays in the fate of every person, and in your fate, my friend, a feeling that can neither be bought nor borrowed, but only nurtured in oneself, grown in one’s heart - a FEELING OF OWN Dignity, that makes a man truly a man.

Give the students questions to discuss.

1. What does it mean to be worthy? Is it necessary to be a hero?

2. Where can one show dignity in our time? In relation to whom should one behave with dignity?

3. Is it worthy to prompt?

4. Is it worthy to refuse to write off or ask to write off?

5. And what else, in your opinion, should be included in the concept of dignity?

6. How do you understand the words: “At the heart of human existence, human existence, human life is kindness.”

7. Do you agree with me:

To live with dignity means to live according to the commandments. I think that the commandments of Jesus Christ (there are 10 of them) are nowhere appropriate. Here are some of them that are relevant to our topic today:

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Honor your father and mother.

Don't kill.

Don't steal.

Do not bear false witness (i.e. tell the truth).

Do not covet from your neighbor (i.e. do not ask).

Honor the day of the resurrection.

So, the basis of human existence is kindness, a good attitude towards each other, which is why I want to end our class hour with a poem by Gulchekhra Juraeva (I read it by heart).

They say I'm proud.

Well - I will answer: yes

Proud of meanness

Proud of vulgarity

I always.

If petty revenge

I want to get into the soul,

If they hang with gold -

They want to silence their conscience, -

Before that I'm proud

I answer: "Never."

But with you kindness

I am confidently simple

Pride melts like snow

On a fine day in spring...

How I search, how I wait

Beauty and kindness!

So I want you to carry these best qualities through life: kindness, mercy towards people, and then they will say about you: this person has self-esteem and respects the dignity of others.

Class hour "Delinquency, crime and teenager"

Social educator: The topic "Offence, crime and adolescent" is relevant today, because, unfortunately, not every teenager is aware of the illegal acts he commits, which lead to serious and difficult to correct consequences. Every year teenagers commit more than 145 thousand crimes, almost every fifth of them is sent to serve a sentence of imprisonment in educational colonies (EC).

Inspector ODN: What types of responsibility do you know?

Children's answers

ODN Inspector: There are 4 types of legal liability for violations:

1. Criminal liability - liability for violation of the laws provided for by the Criminal Code. The crime provided for by the criminal law is socially dangerous, encroaching on the social system, property, personality, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order. (murder, robbery, rape, insults, petty theft, hooliganism).

starts at the age of 14.

2. Administrative liability is applied for violations provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses. Administrative violations include: violation of traffic rules, violation of fire safety. For administrative offenses, they are held accountable from the age of 16. Punishment: fine, warning, correctional labor.

Social educator: Guys, you were told about the crimes committed by teenagers in our city, as well as about the types of legal liability for violations. Now you will be given tasks, and you try to answer correctly.

ODN Inspector: Assignments for students.

1 Analysis of the situation:

No. 3. 7th grade students were in the locker room before the physical education lesson. After loudly, everyone went to the gym, and Dima lingered and stole a mobile phone from his classmate. What crime did the teenager commit? At what age is responsibility for this offense?

#5 Consider the following life situation, which I believe you can easily understand now.

In every school there are lazy people who do not want to study. A call to the police "A bomb has been planted at the school!". After it turned out that it was a joke to disrupt the test. How would you rate this move? Is this a crime or a joke? (Guys speak out).

Of course, a “planted bomb” is terrorism! This means that it is a serious problem, both for law enforcement agencies and for citizens. Distracts the forces and means of law enforcement agencies. They create nervousness and panic in society.

What do you think, for such “jokes” from what age is a person liable to the fullest extent of the law? (guys answer).

That's right, from the age of 14. In addition, parents will be forced to compensate for all material damage due to the costs of services that traveled to the scene. And the prosecutor's office of the city can hold parents liable for failure to fulfill their obligations to support and educate children.

And the article of the Criminal Code provides for punishment for knowingly false reporting of an act of terrorism: a fine of up to two hundred thousand rubles or correctional labor for a period of one to 2 years, or arrest for a period of 3 to 6 months, or imprisonment for a period up to 3 years old. (Graduates of our school I. B. and V. E. allowed themselves a similar joke and one of them received 2 years probation. He was joking!)

So, remember, the law is not to be trifled with!

2. Determine the types of legal liability when considering various violations. Set a match.

Types of responsibility:

G - civil - legal.

U - criminal.

D - disciplinary

Types of violations:

3. Beat a classmate (U)

7. Broke a window with a ball. (G)

ODN inspector: Guys, what do you think, does the representative of the law have the right to detain you on the street at a later time? And why? (The guys speak out, give examples).

Of course, they are worried about your health, about your life.

And how should you behave at the same time: break out, scream, run away? (Guys are talking).

First, answer calmly the policeman's questions, do not be afraid, do not tell lies. For example: you and your friends return late from training ...

Secondly, you can tell the representatives of the law the phone number of the parents or call them yourself.

Now consider the following situation:

“Guys came up to me on the street and took my favorite phone away from me. What should I do?"

What would you do in this case? (guys answer)

First, it's a crime! Do you agree?

The solution of this crime depends on your correct actions.

1.Hurry up call "02"

2. Clearly explain where and when the crime was committed

3. Report signs of hooligans

4. Notify parents.

And for what offenses can you be taken to the police?


1. Violation of traffic rules

2. Drinking alcohol and beer in public places (i.e. any place outside your apartment) and appearing drunk.

3. Petty hooliganism (fight, slander, etc.).

4. Illegal sale.

5. Malicious disobedience.

Now let's talk about your rights.

1. If you are not detained, but simply offered to go and talk. Your actions? (guys answer).

2. You are right. Don't be rude, but politely but firmly refuse.

But you may be invited as an eyewitness to the incident. What do you do in this case? (guys answer).

Yes. In this case, you can go to the police station only of your own free will. At the same time, you should know that you cannot be invited as a witness: such an invitation must be issued in the form of a summons handed by the postman, you have the right to refuse testimony - you will not be liable for this if you are under 16 years old.

What is the difference between an "eyewitness" and a "witness"? How do you think? (guys answer).

An eyewitness is not responsible for his words, he says what he saw or what he thinks about the incident. Therefore, he may be lying.

A witness is a person pointed out by the suspect or the victim. He is criminally liable for giving false testimony.

Suppose you were brought to the police station. Know that the duty officer must immediately inform your parents about your detention. If you have committed a minor offense, then after drawing up the protocol, you should be released immediately or wait for your parents to take you home.

If you have committed a more serious offense, then you may be detained administratively - no more than 3 hours (the time after the protocol was drawn up).

You have no right to be placed in a pre-trial detention cell (PDC) if there are already adults there!

You may be placed in custody if you are suspected of committing a serious crime. This decision is made only by the court.

Interrogation of a minor must take place with a teacher, with a lawyer. Parents may be present, but their presence is not required. Remember, you can appeal against any actions of police officers!

Social educator: Guys, I really want to believe that after our class hour, we will do only good deeds. Good luck to you!

Crime and teenager.

Purpose: Prevention of crimes and offenses among minors, education of the legal consciousness of students

Teacher: The topic “crime and a teenager” is relevant today, since, unfortunately, not every teenager is aware of the illegal acts he commits, which lead to serious and difficult to correct consequences. Every year teenagers commit more than 145 thousand crimes, almost every fifth of them is sent to serve a sentence of imprisonment in educational colonies (EC).

There are 4 types of legal liability for violations:

1. Criminal liability - liability for violation of the laws provided for by the Criminal Code. The crime provided for by the criminal law is socially dangerous, encroaching on the social system, property, personality, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order. (murder, robbery, rape, insults, petty theft, hooliganism).

For malicious hooliganism, theft, rape criminal liability

starts at the age of 14.

2. Administrative liability is applied for violations provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses. Administrative violations include: violation of traffic rules, violation of fire safety. For administrative offenses, they are held accountable from the age of 16. Punishment: fine, warning, correctional labor.

3. Disciplinary responsibility is a violation of labor duties, i.e. violation of labor laws, for example: being late for work, absenteeism without a good reason.

4. Civil liability regulates property relations. Punishments to the offender: compensation for harm, payment of damages.

Speech by the inspector for juvenile affairs. The children were told about the crimes committed by teenagers in our city and the existing punishment.

Tasks for students.

1. Analysis of the situation:

No. 1. Seryozha and Sasha played ball in the yard. The guys broke the window in the neighbor's house with the ball. What offense did the teenagers commit?

No. 2. The teenager was detained on the street at 23:40 without adult accompaniment. What punishment does he face?

No. 3. Students of grade 7b were in the locker room before the physical education lesson. After loudly, everyone went to the gym, and Dima lingered and stole a mobile phone from his classmate. What crime did the teenager commit? At what age is responsibility for this offense?

No. 4. Roma and Petya were on the bus, talking loudly, laughing, using foul language, reacting aggressively to the remarks of others.

What offense did the teenagers commit? At what age is responsibility for this offense? What punishment can be expected?

2. Determine the types of legal liability when considering various violations. Set a match.

Types of responsibility:

A - administrative responsibility.

G - civil - legal.

U - criminal.

D - disciplinary

Types of violations:

1. Tore a classmate's textbook (G)

2. The appearance of a teenager on the street in a state of intoxication (A)

3. Beat a classmate (U)

4. He stole a mobile phone. (U)

5. Skipped school (D)

6. Crossed the road in the wrong place. (A)

7. Broke a window with a ball. (G)

8. Use foul language in a public place. (A)

Presentation by the school psychologist.

Training on the prevention of delinquency among students.

Teacher: Guys, I really want to believe that after our class hour, we will do only good deeds. Good luck to you.

8th grade

all announcements


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Again the traffic cop issued a fine? No time to pay and stand in line? Pay through us without leaving the monitor

Delinquency of teenagers and responsibility for them. "Crime and Punishment".

Purpose of the class:

To streamline the knowledge of children about offenses, to acquaint them with the types of violations and punishments for them;

Develop ideas about the consequences of illegal acts;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility for your actions.

Class time course:

1. Designate the motto of the class hour "Ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility."

2. Introduce the concept of an offense, a crime and a misdemeanor.

An offense is an act that is contrary to the law. The wrongfulness of an offense is expressed in the fact that a citizen, another person violates any existing rule of law, acts contrary to its prescriptions.

Offenses are classified on various grounds: depending on the nature of the offenses, the degree of their harmfulness and danger to public relations, as well as the nature of the sanctions applied for their commission. According to this criterion, all offenses are divided into crimes and misdemeanors.

Crimes are socially dangerous, guilty acts prohibited by criminal law, causing significant harm to social relations and the established order in society.

Misdemeanors are guilty, unlawful acts that are characterized by a lower degree compared to crimes.

The code of administrative offenses is responsible for misdemeanors, and the criminal code is responsible for crimes. Today we will focus on administrative offenses.

3. What offenses are classified as administrative.

In the field of labor protection and public health (For example, the head of hazardous production did not issue protective clothing to workers, the use of narcotic substances without a doctor's prescription, prostitution);

Encroaching on property (say, unauthorized use of water from a river for industrial purposes, unauthorized occupation of a land plot; destruction of special signs, petty theft);

In the field of nature protection, historical and cultural monuments (illegal felling of trees, fire safety rules, destruction of rare species of plants and animals);

In transport, in the field of road management and communications (ticketless travel; incorrect street crossing; placing objects on the railway track that may interfere with movement, exceeding the established speed, etc.);

In the field of entrepreneurial activity (carrying out entrepreneurial activities without a special permit (license); violation of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods);

In the field of trade and finance (rude attitude of the seller to the buyer; violation of the rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages);

Encroaching on public order (petty hooliganism; appearing drunk in public places; using profanity);

Encroaching on the established order of management (malicious disobedience to a police officer; arbitrariness; smuggling, etc.)

Class hour "Crime and Punishment"

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Industry: Education

Specializations: Deputy Director, Class Teacher, Head of Education Department

Journal: Journal "Handbook of the class teacher"

Journal number: Handbook of the class teacher No. 1, 2011

Theme: Education

Increasingly, teenagers are becoming victims of crime. In educational institutions, it is necessary to carry out work on the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Class hour "Crime and Punishment" is designed for students in grades 8-11.

Purpose of the class:

to form the skills of independent decision-making;

to form the skills of critical analysis of complex situations;

develop the ability to work in a group, express their views, lead a discussion.

Preparatory work:

drawing up an electronic presentation;

invitation of the local policeman;

preparation of handouts.

Event scenario

Class teacher: Good afternoon, dear participants of our event! Today we have gathered to talk about one important issue - about the offenses that teenagers commit and about their consequences. The topic of our class hour is "Crime and Punishment".

As an epigraph to our event, we took the following words: "Almost all people are slaves, and this is due to the same reason that the Spartans explained the humiliation of the Persians: they are unable to utter the word" No "". (Nicolas Chamfort.)

Why do people commit crimes? Each person is able to make his own choice in life: to follow an honest path, earning the necessary money, denying himself many pleasures and desires, or to embark on a path of crime in search of easy money. Everyone knows that stealing, robbing, insulting, fighting is bad. And yet the number of juvenile delinquents is growing. Why? How do you think?

Teenagers are increasingly drawn into the drug business, arms trafficking, porn business, and criminal trade. Increasing number and severity of crimes:

violent and mercenary-violent;

committed in groups, under the guidance of adults;

committed by girls.

The actions of adolescents are distinguished by extreme cruelty, insolence, and aggressiveness. In recent years, the number of premeditated murders has increased by 103%, robberies - by 108%, grievous bodily harm - by 80%, robberies - by 37%.

Crime is getting younger. Reasons for this:

a sharp drop in the standard of living of the majority of the population;

social insecurity;

uncertainty about the future.

According to criminological studies, about 80% of children delivered to juvenile detention centers are under the age of 14, all from dysfunctional families, many are addicted to alcohol, drugs and toxic drugs.

The teacher gives the students a game. Two or three people go out the door. Five of those who remained in the class receive cards with one of the words of the proverb "Measure seven times - cut one." When the exited students return to the classroom, those who received the cards say their words in unison. The task of those who entered is to understand what their classmates said. (After several attempts to guess the proverb, the teacher explains the meaning of the game: one speaks - everyone listens.)

The class teacher tells the students the beginning of one story and then discusses it with them.

Sergei and Alyosha are in the ninth grade. They became friends in the sixth grade, when Sergei first appeared at the school where Alyosha studied. The boys live close to each other. They have many common interests. Lately, they've been obsessed with the idea of ​​buying skateboards, which are very expensive. All my friends already have them.

A guy I knew from a nearby street, who was four years older than them, suggested that the guys buy boards from him, each for half the price. The boys guessed that the skateboards were stolen, but they were still delighted, believing that they had a lucky break. And they decided that they would try at any cost to find the necessary amount of money.

Students are divided into groups:

Group 1 - those who believe that it is worth making such a purchase;

2nd group - those who are against the purchase;

Group 3 - those who doubt. The children take turns giving reasons.

Question to the class: Think if the boys buy stolen skateboards from a guy they know, can this be regarded as complicity in a crime? What awaits young people in this case?

A crime is an act that poses a danger to a person, society or state, committed by a person whose guilt has been proven by a court.

Crimes can be intentional or committed through negligence. Group crimes - jointly committed by two or more perpetrators with or without prior agreement.

Complicity is a group crime committed intentionally.

The teacher then reads the rest of the story.

The problem that clouded the good mood was where to find the necessary money.

Sergey had small savings - money that his grandparents gave him for his birthday. But this was clearly not enough to buy a board. True, there was a faint hope of begging for the missing money from his father. But Sergei was not sure that he would agree to give him the required amount.

Alexei did not even have hope. He lived with his mother, who earned only for their food and the purchase of the most necessary. And again, their friend came to the rescue of friends, saying that he could help the guys with money, which they could later work out by providing him with some services.

The boys decided to think and give an answer in a couple of days.

Students are divided into pairs, distribute roles among themselves: who will be Sergey and who will be Alexei, and answer questions from the position of their heroes:

What dangers can they expect if they agree to work with this acquaintance?

What is the probability that the guys will be involved in the crime?

Is it possible to give examples from literature, films, TV shows, where a similar situation has developed? What did she bring about?

The class teacher sums up the discussion and reminds the students that the age of criminal responsibility is 14 years. Then he reads the continuation of the story.

Arriving home, Sergei decided to ask his father for money. The father replied that the family did not have free funds to buy a board. He offered his son to earn money in his friend's workshop by doing what he could. Sergei decided that it might even be interesting for him, and agreed with his father's proposal.

Aleksey, realizing that he had no way to get money, the next day gave his friend his consent.

A few days later, an acquaintance called and said that in the evening he was waiting for Alexei, there was work for him. When Alyosha came to the meeting, it turned out that, together with another boy, they should go into an empty apartment and take some things from there.

How would each of you feel if you were in a similar situation?

Is there a way out for Alexei in this situation?

What led Alexei to the fact that he was forced to commit a crime?

If suddenly he refuses this, what awaits him?

Should Aleksey report his acquaintance to the police or inform any of the adults?

After the discussion, the guys are invited to listen to the continuation of the story.

Alexei and the boy, whose name was Vladik, came to the indicated address. When they opened the door and entered the apartment, they heard some movement in one of the rooms. Looking in, they saw an elderly woman who, moving with difficulty, was walking towards them. Noticing the teenagers, she was frightened and screamed. Vlad pushed the old woman away, grabbed the wallet that was lying on the bedside table in the hallway, and rushed to run. Alexei was confused at first, but then ran after him. At the corner of the house they were detained by police officers, who were called by the neighbors.

The class teacher introduces students to the list of crimes for which adolescents aged 14-16 are convicted; types of punishments for minors who have committed a crime, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Crimes for which adolescents aged 14-16 are convicted:

committing a murder;

intentional infliction of harm to health, kidnapping, rape;

robbery, robbery, theft, extortion;

theft and destruction of vehicles;

vandalism, hooliganism under aggravating circumstances;

intentional destruction and theft of another's property;

theft of weapons, drugs, explosives;

terrorism, hostage taking.

Types of punishments for minors, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

compulsory work;

deprivation of liberty for a specified period;

correctional work;

deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities.

For adolescents who have committed a crime for the first time, educational measures are applied: warning, transfer under supervision, restriction of leisure and establishment of requirements for behavior, imposing obligations to make amends for the harm caused.

With regard to minors Vladik and Aleksey, after their detention by police officers, a decision should be made to initiate a criminal case under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (robbery).

According to Art. 14 and part 2 of Art. 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the criminal liability of children for robbery begins at the age of 14 if they are guilty. If one of the children has not reached the age of 14, a criminal case will not be initiated against him, and, accordingly, liability will not come.

We assume that children are 14 years of age or older. In this case, a criminal case is initiated under paragraph "c" of Part 2 of Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - robbery with illegal entry into a dwelling.

Unlike theft (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), during robbery, someone else's property is stolen openly, that is, in our case, in the presence of a person (the victim) who understands the nature of what is happening. And despite the fact that it was originally planned to commit theft, robbery will be charged with guilt.

Vladik will bear criminal liability in accordance with paragraph "c" part 2 of Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (he initially knew that a crime would be committed, desired this and foresaw the consequences).

An acquaintance of the boys will be prosecuted as the organizer of the crime.

Aleksey can be released from criminal liability if it is established during the preliminary investigation and (or) in court that he did not know about the need to commit a crime (there is no guilt). For example, an acquaintance could tell Alexei that the things belong to him, Vladik or their relatives, acquaintances and only need help to move them, transport them, etc. Therefore, in the absence of guilt (did not understand, did not realize and did not foresee the criminal consequences of his act) Alexey does not bear any responsibility.

Another option is this. Alexei wanted to commit a theft, but there was a robbery. In such a case, Art. 36 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - kurtosis of the perpetrator of the crime. Since Alexey did not foresee, did not know and did not want Vladik to commit a robbery, he is not liable under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Alexei will be punished for committing the theft.

The students are divided into two groups. The first group needs to finish the story, reflect, using various sources of information, on what will happen next. The second group must come up with a different scenario for this story, in which Alexei would not have found himself in such a tragic situation.

After discussing the options proposed by the students, the class teacher sums up the meeting. If possible, it is advisable to invite the district policeman for the final speech.

Class hour "Crime and Punishment"

Edeleva Lada Nikolaevna, teacher of mathematics

The article is categorized under: Classroom management, Social Pedagogy

legal education;

crime prevention;

acquaintance with the basic rights and obligations of a citizen of the Russian Federation through the game;

to bring students to an awareness of the regulatory, preventive and punitive functions of legal norms.

to promote the formation of communication skills in the process of mastering knowledge through a game situation;

emotionally affect the participants in the game;

stimulate students' creativity.

Event progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

The life of any person can be represented as a ball of thread, and any twist and knot can lead to serious consequences. Let us now discuss the question “What are the causes of the crime?” (Students name various reasons.)

All these reasons can be combined into two groups - social and economic.

- What factors, in your opinion, can influence the commission of a crime? (Influence of the company, media, etc.)

– Is society to blame for the fact that crime in our country is steadily growing?

What types of crime do you know? (Slide 2. Applications 1).

- What is punishment? (This is a measure of state coercion provided for by the Criminal Code and applied to a person found guilty of a crime.)

What types of punishment do you know? (Slide 3)

Some statistics

At the beginning of 2003, there were 19,000 juvenile prisoners in Russia. Our country remains one of the leaders in terms of the relative number of juvenile prisoners - 13 per 100,000 people.

Every tenth pupil of the VK is an orphan or a child left without parental care.

Every fifth has deviations in mental development, confirmed by documents.

5-6% of pupils are former students of auxiliary schools.

About half of them did not study and did not work before their arrest.

A quarter of pupils have an education within the primary.

More than 7% suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction.

Pupils over 18 years old (under 21 years old) make up from 25 to 40%.

Law game “Do you know the law?”

The class is divided into 3 teams.

1 contest "Do you know the law?".

The teams are called situations in order, it is necessary to determine what types of legal liability arise (criminal or administrative). One point is awarded for each correct answer. (Slide 4)

2 competition. Morality or Law?

Determine in which cases there is moral responsibility, and in which - legal. For each correct answer 1 point. (Slide 5)

3 competition "Crime and punishment".

Teams are given cards with tasks (2 pcs.) (Appendix 2), within 5 minutes, participants must choose the correct answer to the task from the proposed ones and justify it. (Slide 6) For each correct answer - 5 points.

Summing up the game

Speech by Assistant Judge Natalya Gennadievna Boyko in the form of a press conference.

Questions raised at the press conference:

Name one of the most common causes of juvenile delinquency.

What is the age of criminal responsibility?

What is the difference between criminal and administrative liability?

Is it easy to judge teenagers?

Tell us about the conditional punishment of minors.

Do all types of punishment apply to minors?

One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work has been and remains the class hour. A classroom hour is a form of educational work in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relations to the outside world.

V.P. Sergeeva

The class hour is a flexible form of frontal educational work, which is a specially organized communication of the class teacher with the students of the class during extracurricular time in order to promote the formation of the class team and the development of its members.

E.N. Stepanov

Based on the above definitions of the class hour, certain features can be distinguished:

  • - it is a form of educational interaction that is flexible in its composition and structure;
  • - this is a form of communication between the class teacher and his pupils, the priority role in the organization of which is played by the teacher.

The experience of successfully working class teachers testifies to the great pedagogical potential of this form of educational work. In the process of preparing and conducting class hours, it is possible to solve the following pedagogical tasks:

Creation of conditions for the formation and manifestation of the individuality of the student, his creative abilities.

Enriching the consciousness of students with knowledge about nature, society, man.

Formation of the emotional-sensual sphere and value relations of the child's personality.

Assimilation of knowledge, skills, cognitive and practical-creative activity by children.

Formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

The purpose of the class hour is the end result that the teacher strives for in the system of educational work. And the task of the class hour is the result that the teacher plans to receive and receives at the moment. A task is a step in the overall movement towards a goal. A variant is possible when not one, but two or three tasks are solved at the classroom hour. Many class teachers make serious mistakes: they do not always see the difference between the goal and task of the class hour; and the tasks set by them then look like "tell about ...", "explain ...", "see ...", "discuss ...". After spending one class hour, the class teacher expects immediate results, without creating a system of appropriate influences in another area of ​​students' life; inventing the theme of the class hour, then they adjust the educational goal and tasks for it, they come from the event, and not from education. All these mistakes sometimes give rise to a formal educational event.

So, by organizing the value-oriented activity of schoolchildren with the help of a class hour, we thereby contribute to the transfer and development of social value relations in them, which are the main goal of this form of educational work.

It is necessary to prepare a class hour no less carefully than a lesson: think over the content, determine a clear structure, create an environment and prepare auxiliary material in advance. It is equally important to build the thematic system of a number of classroom hours so that they constitute the goal of the impacts. The methodology for organizing a class hour consists of three main areas: determining the content of a class hour, organizational design, and planning a series of class hours. The organization of a class hour should begin with the psychological preparation of students. Also, an important part of the overall organizational work is the preparation of the premises.

Class hours must be reasonable. The basic rule of time management can be formulated as follows: "The class hour must be completed before the students began to expect the end."

A significant methodological complexity of the class hour lies in the fact that ease, freedom, spontaneity must be combined with clear rules of conduct, clear order, respectful silence and absolute attention of students.

Classroom clock development

for elementary grades

Compiled by the teacher of the municipal educational institution "Volosovskaya NOSH"

Kuznetsova M.V..

Explanatory note

The main form of work of the class teacher is the class hour, where schoolchildren, under the guidance of the class teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relations to the world around them, to each other, to themselves.

The concept and functions of the classroom

Generalized concept of class hour:

"A class hour is a form of educational work of teachers with students outside of school hours."


Educational I - the class hour expands the circle of those knowledge of students that are not reflected in the curricula.

Orienting - the class hour forms the value orientations of students, a certain attitude to the world around them, to what is happening in it.

guide - class hour helps to transfer theoretical knowledge into the field of practice, to direct students to real practical cases.

Formative - the class hour contributes to the formation of basic skills and abilities (due to the variety of activities), strengthens relationships in the children's team.

Organization and conduct of the classroom

Concept and functions

Types and forms of class hours

Organization methodology

Benefits of Learner-Centered Classroom

Types and forms of holding

Various types of class hours are available. For example, depending on those goals , which the teacher sets himself, distinguish:

organizational(collective discussion of class and school affairs)

Class hour to sum upquarters, half years, years

Class hour to resolve a conflict, which arose in the class

Thematic class hour

Information class hour

Class hour to solve specific educational tasksdefined in terms of educational work

There are also types of class hours according to the nature of the activity, the degree of activity and independence of the children themselves and the role of the teacher in the preparation and conduct of the class hour.

The first kind - preparation requires broad knowledge and experience, children are involved in conversation, presentation of facts. It is possible to attract specialists.

The second kind is the main content of the main ideas is determined by the teacher, and the students themselves are looking for ways to implement them. Under the guidance of the teacher, students prepare fragments of the class hour

The third kind - The initiative group assumes responsibility for the preparation and implementation, and the teacher only directs its activities. The students themselves also lead such a class hour.

The following classroom forms are distinguished:

Conversation (ethical, moral)


Meeting interesting people

Quizzes (for various fields of knowledge)

Discussions (on given topics)


Games (travelling, role-playing)


Reader conferences

Theatrical performances

Organization methodology

Drawing up, together with students, the topics of class hours for a quarter (half year, year)

Definition of the topic and tasks of the class hour

Determining the time and place of the event

Identification of key points and development of a plan for preparing and conducting a class hour

Definition of participants

Distribution of tasks between participants (individual and group activities)

Conducting a classroom

Class hour performance analysis


"Creating an Atmosphere of Interest in Each Other"

Target: get to know each other better and look at each other.

Form: impromptu game.

The class teacher, taking into account the specifics of his class (sociability, openness, mobility of students; are there newcomers, outsiders, etc. in the class), thinks over: a way to divide the class into microgroups, an introductory word, builds games and tasks in a logical sequence, prepares the necessary stationery.



The class teacher divides the class into 3-4 microgroups and seats the children so that it is convenient for each microgroup to work together. The teacher himself occupies such a place in the office, from where it is convenient to manage the work, everyone is clearly visible. The class teacher explains to the children the purpose of the meeting.

1 task:

If everyone looks in his portfolio, he will find many different things there, similar to those that other students have, but still quite special. So it is in our class: everyone is special, but everyone has something in common. We are all one class. Let's now imagine that we are collecting one big cool portfolio - a portfolio of 3 "B" class. Now each group will try to work together and quickly complete the tasks. Putting it all together, we will find out what kind of class we have?

2 task:

Try to make a collective portrait of your microgroup. Answer the questions:

What is your age?

What is everyone's height together? Weight?

What color are your eyes? Your hair?

What musical instruments can you play?

What sports do you do?

Microgroups make up a description for 3-5 minutes, then take turns presenting their portraits. Usually these are funny descriptions. It is important that in the course of work the guys talk about themselves. Since this happens in play, contact is easy and those children who may have kept aloof until now were "closed".

3 task:

Now let's see what special features each group has:

Let's count which group has the most brothers? sisters?

Which group has the most cats in the house? Dogs?

Who has other animals?

4 task:

You see, we have our own records. Let's continue their list.

What is the shortest name in your group.

What is the longest name.

Who has the earliest birthday of the year?

Who has a birthday later than everyone else in the year?

What time of the year does your group have the most birthdays? In winter? In the spring? In summer? In autumn?

5 task:

And now on the album sheet with a felt-tip pen draw a friendly caricature of your group. It must be made from those items that represent your hobbies.


The class teacher reports everything that was created by microgroups, and names the features that can characterize "our 3rd "B"". The teacher offers to replenish “our portfolio” throughout the year: to collect all the achievements of the class there, the awards “that the class will receive in competitions and competitions, the most successful work of classmates (poems, essays, crafts, photographs).

You can make such a symbolic portfolio and store it in the office for which the class is responsible. And at the last class hour of the school year, “open” the portfolio and once again rejoice at the overall success and personal success.


"Creating the organizational structure of the class"

Target : teach children to organize their activities wisely.

Form : game practice.

It is necessary to divide the class into microgroups, determine their optimal number (6-8 people in a group). Most often, 4 microgroups are formed. They can be called teams, crews, etc. It is easier for fifth-graders to find understanding in a microgroup, to prove themselves. In addition, competition arises between microgroups, which stimulates the activity of the children, their initiative. It is important not to make a mistake in determining the composition of microgroups. You can not mechanically divide the class according to the number of students. Microgroups should be equivalent. Everyone needs someone who can handle the organizational work.


1 task: "Coat of arms"

Each state, each city has its own coat of arms. It reflects what this state, city can be proud of, express their attitude towards others. Create a crest for your team, expressing with symbols what you can value your team for. You can use the motto in the coat of arms - a short saying declaring your position.

2 task: "Desert island"

Imagine that you are on a deserted island. Now on the sheet where the island is depicted (each group is given a drawing the size of half a sheet of whatman paper, on which the island is clearly drawn in the middle of the sea, it is clear where its center, top, bottom), you will draw everything that can become a reality, everything necessary that , in your opinion, will help you survive on a desert island. Only one condition: try to draw everything at the same time. In this game, it is necessary to observe who in the microgroup took the lead, what and where to draw. The remarks exchanged by the participants are important: orders or requests, proposals; who managed to place their fragment of the picture where: in the center or in the far corner. Interesting, and what the guys draw. The winners in this game are not determined, but it is necessary to discuss what happened on each island: how the guys themselves explain why they chose exactly what fit on their island.

Task 3: "Who did it faster?"

Now you will be given tasks that are important to perform silently. Let's see which of the four teams will be able to complete the task faster without words:

Stand in one line according to the color of your hair: from the lightest to the darkest.

Stand in one line according to the first letter of your names from A to Z.

In this workshop, each microgroup will definitely have its own tactics. Somewhere a leader will emerge who will silently put everyone in the right place. In another group, someone will not be able to work in concert, in the end they will break the silence in order to reprimand someone for failure.

4 task: "Telegram"

Now you will receive a telegram in which only the first letters of the words remain. You will have to restore the text. Let's see who can do it faster and which
the text will be more interesting. All commands receive the same set of letters, for example: TBMVDKLOHZ.

5 task: "Comic circus"

Do you like to go to the circus? Now we will play a circus performance. Each group will prepare something for the circus program. And in order not to repeat the numbers, we will distribute by lot what to cook. So, the program includes:

trained predators;


math dogs;




"My roommate"


give students the opportunity to get to know their classmates better;

develop the ability to observe and correctly evaluate the actions of each other.

Form : straight Talk.

Class design: you can put a bouquet of flowers, use balloons, drawings with friendly cartoons. On the board - a wish for the guys to be friendly, kind, sensitive and fair towards each other; proverbs and sayings about friendship and philanthropy.

« Respect the human personality in yourself and others!”

D. I. Pisarev

“The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people!”

B. Pascal

During the year, some class teachers move students from one place to another several times, and each of them has to sit with a boy or a girl. Sometimes the appearance of a new neighbor on the desk (table) causes indignation, tears or hidden discontent. The reasons for this are varied. To avoid such a reaction, you need to help the guys get to know, understand and appreciate each other better.


The opening speech of the class teacher, who needs to create a good mood, set the guys up for a frank conversation.

1 task

Invite students for 4-5 minutes in a friendly way, interestingly, without offending or humiliating, to talk about their neighbor on the desk.

2 task

Invite students to draw a portrait of their desk mate using their observations, using questions that he will answer at will, etc.

Sample questions for drawing up a portrait:

His name and what does it mean in translation into Russian?

Year, month and day of birth (the sign of the zodiac under which he was born, and what great people were born under this sign).

Does he have brothers, sisters (their names and ages)?

What pets live in his house (their nicknames, habits, habits)? (You can show their photos, if available.)

What does he do in his free time?

What can you do better than your classmates?

What games does he like to play?

What circles, sections, studios does he attend?

What school subjects does he like and why, and what does he not like and why?

What TV shows do you watch most often?

Does he have friends in the class? What does he value in people and in friends?

How does he treat his classmates?

Does he have a sense of humor?

Can you rely on him in difficult times? Can he help if you ask him to?

Which of his actions are worthy of respect, and which are not?

What can you advise him to correct in his behavior, habits?

What would you wish him on his birthday?

It will be nice if each student prepares a small gift (bookmark, sticker, calendar, or something else) for his desk neighbor. You can invite the guys sitting at the same desk (table) to prepare games, riddles, a mini-quiz based on the books they read or on the knowledge of their city, town, village and conduct it with students in their class. Preparing and conducting a joint business will bring the guys together, help to come to an agreement and mutual understanding. After the students sitting at the same desk (table) have talked about each other, they are invited to conduct a pre-prepared joint business with the class (a game, a mini-quiz, a small competition, etc.). Then the floor is given to another couple. If there is not enough time, then you can continue at the next class hour. In conclusion, you can draw the attention of the guys to the fact that they are all very different, unlike each other, but all are interesting and unique in their own way. In addition, they should be advised to work on their character, habits and correct what prevents them from having friends and being respected by classmates.

Meanings of some names:

Alla - other (Gothic)

Alexei - assistant (Greek)

Anna - merciful (heb.)

Anatoly ascending (Greek)

Andrey - courageous, brave (Greek)

Anton - competitive (Latin)

Boris - wrestling (Slavic)

Valentine - strong (Latin)

Valery - vigorous, healthy (Latin)

Victor - winner (Latin)

Vladimir - master of the world (Slavonic)

Basil - royal (Greek)

Galina - clarity (Greek)

Dmitriy - fruit of the earth (Greek)

Catherine - true hope (Greek)

Elena - solar (Greek)

Irina - peace (Greek)

Kirill - mister (Greek)

Konstantin - permanent (Latin)

Ksenia - wanderer (Greek)

Leonid - like a lion (Greek)

Ludmila - dear to people (Slavonic)

Maksim - great (Latin)

Maria - bitter (other Hebrew)

Marina Natalia native (Latin)

Olga - light (Scandinavian)

Novel - Roman (Latin)

Sergey - tall, venerable (Latin)

Svetlana - light (Slavonic)

Tatiana - mistress (Greek)


"Our class"

Target: identifying leaders in the class, determining the organizational structure of the team.

Form: collective creative work with game elements.


1 task: "Film studio"

Imagine that you are invited to make a film, for which you need to name the person who can organize the shooting of the film. After everyone has named one or three candidates for the “director”, candidates for leaders are identified from those who received the largest number of votes. They choose their assistants in turn, with the choice of the next being made after consultation with the assistants already chosen. After micro-groups of four or five people have been formed, everyone else is invited to choose a “film studio” for themselves and join these micro-groups. Each "film studio" is invited to prepare within 15-20 minutes a pantomime (sketch) on the theme of the life of the team in which the guys work or study. After carrying out this collective creative work, the class teacher asks to conduct an analysis in each microgroup and determine who turned out to be a real leader during the preparation of the "movie".

In the following competitions, the form of evaluation may be different. The simplest is voting. Those with the most votes are considered the winners of the competition.

2 task: "Elephant"

The participants in this game are the leaders identified in the first game. This task is to lay out an “elephant” from matches within a minute.

3 task: "Useful business"

The host gives the task to come up with the most interesting (useful) case.

4 task: "Agitator"

The host gives the task to agitate everyone to participate in the case invented by the candidate.

5 task: "Organizer"

The candidate proposes to acquaint the guys with the plan for organizing the business they invented. The ability to make a plan is assessed.

6 task: "People"

Candidates are invited to choose assistants and justify their choice. The ability to select people and correctly characterize them is assessed.

Task 7: "Program"

Everyone should continue the phrase: "If I am chosen, then I ...". The novelty, constructiveness and significance of the proposed program is evaluated. After scoring, the two highest scoring candidates are selected. After answering several questions, the participants in the game make their choice.


In conclusion, the class teacher conducts a collective analysis, together with the children determines the structure of the team, distributes assignments.


"We are all alike"

Goals: to give each child the opportunity to show both his originality and to find common features that unite him with others.

Form: game.

Materials: paper and pencil for each child.



Break it down into fours or fives, please. Have each group sit down and make a list of what their members have in common. In this list, you can write, for example, “each of us has a sister ...”, “each of us has a soft toy ...”, “the favorite color of each of us is blue ...”, “each of our mom goes to work...”, “we all love pasta very much...”, “we all can't stand it when someone talks”, “during the holidays we all love to go to the sea...” and so on . You have fifteen minutes. The team that finds and writes down the most common features wins.

Exercise Analysis

Did you learn anything interesting about any of the other children?

Is there something that unites all the children in the class?

Is there anything that sets you apart from the rest of the kids in the class?

How did you work in your team?

Do you like to be like others or do you prefer to be different?

What should your friends be like - like you or completely different?

After the class hour, you can place the list resulting from the game in the class, returning from time to time to the common things that the children found in themselves and others.


"Hello world! Hello Friend!"


to continue work on creating a favorable psychological climate in the team;

expand students' understanding of different peoples and their culture.

Form: conversation with elements of the game.


Greeting is a sign of recognition of the value and dignity of a person. The variety of forms and the multi-color palette of greetings in various etiquettes are difficult to comprehensively describe and classify. Head nod, bow, handshake, kiss, air kiss, simple “good afternoon” and “Hello”, etc. are determined by a number of objective and subjective factors of an ethnographic and sociocultural nature. Greetings are extremely varied.

It is said about the Maasai tribe that before greeting each other, they spit on their hands.

A Tibetan, taking off his hat, sticks out his tongue, and holds his left hand behind his ear, as if listening.

Maori people touch each other with their noses.

In England, a woman on the street is usually the first to greet a man, since she is given the right to decide whether she wants to publicly confirm her acquaintance with this man or not.

Europeans, when greeting, raise their hats and bow slightly.

The Japanese have three types of bows for greeting: low, medium and light (with an angle of 15 degrees).

Russians, British, Americans shake hands as a greeting gesture.

The Chinese in the old days, meeting a friend, shook hands with himself.

The Laplanders rub their noses.

A young American greets a friend by patting him on the back.

Latinos embrace.

The French kiss each other on the cheek.

The military salute.

Samoans sniff each other.

Modern Greeks greet each other with the words: "Be healthy!"

English and American schoolchildren - exclamation: "Hey!".

The ancient Greeks said to each other as a sign of greeting: "Rejoice!".

Arabs greet each other with the phrase: "Peace be with you!".

Navajo Indians - the phrase "All is well!".

How do you greet each other? (Children answer the teacher's question.)

In a class society, forms of greeting are usually a reflection of hierarchical dependencies. Modern democratic etiquette is increasingly focused on humanism, equality and justice in relations between people. In democratic etiquette, the rule is increasingly accepted and even becoming the norm: the more polite greet first.

If the doctor is the first to greet the patient, then we can say that he is acting within the framework of democratic etiquette.

If the teacher is the first to greet the students, he also acts according to the laws of democratic etiquette.

If the student is the first to greet the teacher, he acts according to the call of his heart, greeting the elder as a sign of respect.


"Me and my friends"


Formation of the desire for joint activities with classmates and members of other associations, ideas about the dependence of the result of common work on the distribution of responsibilities and compliance with their members of the association;

fostering the habit of conscientiously fulfilling the duties of a member of a team (class, team, etc.).

Form: conversation and play.


Conversation with students

The teacher reports on different types of associations of people (team, group, company) and asks the question: “A group, team or company, in your opinion, were: seven kids in the fight against the wolf? Dolls of Karabas-Barabas helping Buratino? Rogues of the Snow Queen? The teacher draws attention to the difference in goals and methods of interaction in each of the discussed associations.

Game "Three things at the same time"

The assistant presenter (teacher) hangs a homemade pendulum (weight on a string) and sets it in motion, counting the number of oscillations. At this time, the teacher shows behind the pendulum three reproductions of paintings one after another and reads two short sentences. Students are divided into 2-3 teams. One person from the team goes to the board and perform tasks: count the number of vibrations, retell the sentences and describe the content of the pictures. The teacher summarizes the results and invites three participants from the teams to repeat the task (reproductions and sentences change). Attention is drawn to the fact that the exercise is easier to perform when the distribution of responsibilities.Discussing the results of the game, the teacher brings the children to the understanding that with a reasonable distribution of roles in the team, the result of the common cause will be better than when trying to complete the task individually on their own.

Etude "Good boy"

Winter. A little girl, playing with snow, lost her mitten, her fingers froze. The boy saw this and put his mitten on her hand. After completing the study, the teacher asks the question: “Did the boy do this because his mother was looking at him? Or could he not do otherwise, seeing the tears of a little girl?

Exercise "Magic phone"

Students are invited to call a “magic” phone to a distant country or a fairy-tale hero and talk about a group (team, other association) that is significant to them, for example: a detachment in the camp, friends in the yard, a sports team. The teacher helps to determine what helped, what prevented the establishment of positive relationships.The teacher underlines the statements about what helped them in joint activities with members of various associations, and together with the class formulates the rules for positive interaction. It is possible to perform exercises illustrating these rules (study “Good boy”, exercises “Please” and “Portrait of a White Crow, or Rules for decent treatment of those who are not like you”, etc.). Integration of the gained experience. Continue the statement "If our class were on a desert island, then I would distribute responsibilities like this ... because ...".

Exercise Please.

Students repeat all the movements after the leader, provided that he pronounces the word “please” at the same time.


Discuss with parents how responsibilities are divided among family members and why.


"Owls" and "larks"


the formation of the belief that taking into account one's own individual characteristics contributes to the rational distribution of efforts and helps in any activity;

development of ideas about the individual characteristics of fluctuations in working capacity.

Form: conversation.

Materials: illustrative material depicting situations requiring various forms of performance (weightlifter and boxer, jumper and marathon runner); forms, protocols for conducting research using the "Tapping Test" method, stopwatch, pencils.



To update students' knowledge about the dependence of the success of the work performed and fluctuations in performance. The teacher demonstrates illustrative material and discusses with students the different types of performance and their need for various activities.

Main part

Provide students with the opportunity to independently study the features of fluctuations in their own performance and form ideas about the factors influencing it. Students perform a "tapping test" and count the results.For the study, forms, pencils, a stopwatch, a study protocol are required. A sheet of A-4 paper is used as a form, on which 6 squares are shown, numbered clockwise:

№ 1 - № 2 - № 3

№ 6 - № 5 - № 4

Square number 1 is training. The study consists of two stages. At the first stage, the subject is asked to put down points with a pencil (as many as possible) in the form with his right hand. At the signal of the experimenter, he should proceed to the arrangement of points from one square to another in a clockwise direction. The experimenter gives the command "New square" every 5 seconds. The second stage is carried out on a new form in the same way as the first, but the subject puts dots with his left hand. To process the results, the number of points in each square is counted and recorded in the protocol (see Research protocol). Then, performance graphs (PC) are plotted separately for the right and left hands: abscissa - five-second time intervals, ordinate - the number of points in each square (see graph).

Conventionally, we denote the graphs as follows:

A - convex type;

B - even type;

B - descending type;

G - intermediate and concave types.

The horizontal line marks the level of the initial pace of work in the first 5 seconds. Based on the graph, you can predict PC in the lessons. The graph is convex in type: the PC level of the subject increases in the first 10-15 seconds of work, then by the 25-30th second it may drop below the maximum level. The highest PC is in the first half and middle of the lesson with a gradual slight decrease towards the end. The graph is flat by type, the maximum PC level is kept approximately the same throughout the entire operation time. The graph is descending: the maximum PC level decreases already from the second 5-second interval and remains reduced throughout the rest of the work. The type of the nervous system is weak. The highest PC is at the beginning of the lesson with a sharp decrease towards the middle. Intermediate type graph: PC level decreases after the first 10-15 seconds. The highest PC is at the beginning of the lesson. The graph is concave in type: the initial decrease in the PC level is replaced by a short-term increase to the optimal one (ability for short-term mobilization). The largest PC is in the middle of the lesson.

Study Protocol

Assignment Date Grade Student

The teacher draws attention to the differences in the periods of greatest performance, emphasizing that individual characteristics are not "good" or "bad", they are different. Knowledge and the ability to take them into account helps to rationally distribute one's strength, which concerns not only physical, but also intellectual efforts. It is proposed to complete the phrase “If I need to do two things, of which one is difficult and the other is easy, I will start with ... because ...”. The teacher reminds that many factors affect performance, and offers to name them (season, day of the week, time of day, etc.). It is discussed who the "owls" and "larks" are.

Final part

Development of a personal strategy for planning one's own activities, taking into account individual fluctuations in working capacity. It is proposed to draw up and justify an “ideal” plan for the week, including preparation and participation in competitions, an amateur concert, a presentation, a visit to the dentist, etc. The teacher draws the attention of students to the advantages of pre-planning their activities.


Draw up and discuss with family members an individual daily routine, taking into account fluctuations in working capacity.

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