Lunin Viktor Vladimirovich. short biography

© Lunin V.V., 2013

© Zvonareva L.U., introductory article, 2013

© Agafonova N. M., illustrations, 2013

© Design of the series. OJSC Publishing House "Children's Literature", 2013

The storyteller who tamed Pegasus

About the poems and translations of Viktor Lunin

What is the secret of the success of the poems of the Moscow poet Viktor Vladimirovich Lunin? Many poems from the book you are holding in your hands have been included in prestigious anthologies and anthologies for many years. Probably the main secret is that they were written by... A STORYTELLER. A person, like the great Danish storyteller Andersen, convinced: things, animals, toys have their own soul, character, disposition. The writer’s task is to be able to discern this and tell it to younger contemporaries.

Therefore, everything that Viktor Vladimirovich’s pen touches immediately turns into a FAIRY TALE - homely, family, magical.

And one more thing: it’s as if an amazing, cheerful and kind performance is being played out in front of you. It involves children, animals, objects. And each of them speaks to you in their own unique voice.

It’s not for nothing that Viktor Lunin’s play “Cooky Lisa” is successfully performed at the Moscow Children’s Shadow Theater. His fairy tale about the kind cat Lisa made from butter dough (a distant relative of the world-famous cat Lame from the fairy tale by Italian writer Gianni Rodari “Gelsomino in the Land of Liars”) is read by children throughout our vast country - it has already gone through many reprints.

Cats are constant heroes of the Moscow poet’s poems. And not necessarily magical. A staunch supporter of everyday cat therapy, the writer is confident: a cozy home furry friend can make each of us kinder and even happier, because

Rubbing on your hand

Gentle Meow,

The song is sung in silence.

And for some reason

At these moments

Joy comes to me.

Victor Lunin is not one of those who avoids affectionate and diminutive suffixes in poetry. His heart and palms are open to everyone who is ready to love with him our imperfect world, inhabited by wonderful children and trusting creatures that wander, fly and even crawl next to us.

cute snail,

Show me your horns!

I'll give it to you for this

Grains and crumbs.

The writer feels an invisible connection with the tremulous and fragile space of living nature, where a small donkey lives, capable, in the words of the poet, of “waking up the sun.”

Hit your hooves,

Go out to the meadow

Wake up the sun in the sky!

I suspect: Viktor Vladimirovich’s main secret is that he managed... to tame Pegasus himself - the winged immortal horse that brings inspiration to poets.

Perhaps this is why the image of a good horse is constantly found in his poems and translations, such as “What the Horse Wants”, “The Horse”, “The Foal”, “Eeyore”, “My Song”.

Victor Lunin travels a lot to different countries. And his friends are waiting for him everywhere. The writer has long understood: a foreign culture, if you are open to it, ready to understand and accept customs and practices that are different from your usual ones, will certainly give you friends and amazing discoveries.

This is probably why the toy horse from Lunin’s poems in his translations easily takes on flesh and blood in funny game miniatures from English children’s poetry - “Let’s Jump”, “Bells” - or in the poem “Foal” by the Kumyk poet Abdulmejid Medzhidov.

Your golden mane is softer than silk,

Your legs are like stretched strings.

If you are eager to drink in the meadows of dew,

Everything in you trembles and plays with joy.

Together with the brave rider Aina from the poem of the same name by the Kumyk poet Atkai, readers seem to embark on a provocative pace... The little heroine inspires Russian girls her age to future exploits in the equestrian world, which requires a lot of skills and knowledge.

The girl came to the finish line first -

She took first place.

Eight decades ago, the wise Polish teacher, doctor and writer Janusz Korczak reflected on the role and place of poetry in the world of childhood: “A poet is a person who rejoices greatly and grieves greatly, gets angry easily and loves deeply, who feels deeply, worries and sympathizes . And children are like that. A philosopher is a person who thinks deeply and necessarily wants to know how everything really is. And again the children are like that. It is difficult for children to say for themselves what they feel and what they are thinking, because they have to speak in words. And even more difficult to write. But children are poets and philosophers.”

This book, written by an impressionable soul and a kind heart, is addressed to today's children - poets and philosophers.

And I am convinced: the most sensitive of our young contemporaries will hear the quiet, gentle voice of the poet Viktor Vladimirovich Lunin and will forever love his poems.

Lola Zvonareva, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Secretary of the Moscow Writers Union

Polite elephant

What does the horse want?

I really want a horse

Instead of hay and grass

Eat for breakfast


Or a little halva.

I really want a horse

Victor Lunin (Viktor Vladimirovich Levin) - children's poet, writer, translator - was born in May 1945 in Moscow, in the family of pianist Frida Bauer.
He was raised by his grandparents, because... Mom was constantly on tour.
There were many books in the house that his father collected.
Viktor Lunin began composing poems and fairy tales while still in school, but began the path of a professional writer much later.
The first publications of poetry in periodicals appeared in the early 70s. The first tiny folding book "Gifts" with one poem was published in "Malyshe" in 1975. And the first real collection of poetry, “Don’t Step on an Elephant,” was published in “Malysh” in 1978.
Around the same years, V. Lunin took up poetic translations. The discovery of a new poetic name for the Russian reader was the book of poems by the outstanding English poet of the twentieth century Walter de la Mer “Songs of Sleep” (DL, 1983) translated by Viktor Lunin.
V. Lunin published more than thirty books of poetry and prose. His poetic “Az-bu-ka” for children has become a standard for conveying alphabetic sound writing. And his book "Children's Album" (Poems to the piano cycle of the same name by P.I. Tchaikovsky) was awarded a diploma at the 3rd All-Russian children's book competition "Father's House" in 1996. In the same year, for “Children's Album,” Viktor Lunin was awarded the title of laureate of the literary prize of the Murzilka magazine. In 1997, his fairy tale “The Adventures of Butter Liza” was awarded as the best fairy tale about cats by the Library of Foreign Literature (VGBIL).
At the beginning of 1997, V. Lunin published the “Favorites” volume for the first time. For the translated poems of this volume, V. Lunin in 1998 was awarded an honorary international diploma named after. Andersen. In the same 1998, V. Lunin received a laureate diploma from the National Art Committee of Russia for the book of fairy tales “The Adventures of Butter Liza” and the lyrics to the animated series “Dunno on the Moon.” The last wonderful, richly published colorful edition of selected his works was published at the beginning of 2006 in the best modern St. Petersburg publishing house “Vita-Nova”.

Polite elephant.

The elephant came out onto the forest path,
Stepped on an ant's foot
And politely -
Very -
Said to the ant:
“You can step on mine too!”

Tsap-scratch and Chick-chirp

The rustle of soft paws is barely audible.
Tsap-Scratch sneaks quietly.
But it’s in vain to sneak!
At that very moment
Chik-Tchirik flew up onto a branch.

Puppy and cat

Along the path
The puppy Timoshka was walking.
Timoshka saw
On the track
And he barked cheerfully:
- Rrr-aw! I'm glad to be with you
I wish I could play!
Let's run to the garden!

The cat hissed
I walked away a little
Arching her back, she rushed
For the puppy Timoshka.
Apparently she didn’t know the dog language...
And we could become friends,
understand she is a puppy!

Under the porch

A house was built under the porch -
Bast roof.
Who lives in that little house?
Well, mice of course!

They bake from grain
Delicious flatbreads
And they take care of the mouse
From a cat neighbor.


Petya has a boat,
Sasha has a pistol.
But a little yellow piece of glass
Of course they don't.

When the weather gets gloomy
And everything is gray, like a shadow,
I look into this piece of glass
And I see a clear day.

Morning mood

Dad is in a Reading Mood for Breakfast,
Mom's in a disgusting mood,
My brother is in a screaming mood,
And I have,
And I have -
The rooms are bouncy!


Quiet, no sound
Meow walks
Near me all day long.

Walks lazily
With a slightly roguish mien.

Gray fur,
Thimble eyes,
Thin shadows - mustaches,

Fluffy tail
And silver...
Wonderful Meow of beauty!

Rubbing on your hand
Gentle Meow,
The song is sung in silence.

And for some reason
At these moments
Joy comes to me


The kitten was so beautiful!
The kitten was so unhappy!
He could barely stand on his paws
And so he looked, and so he trembled
From soft ears to tail...
He was, of course, an orphan.
He meowed to me: “Help me!”
Mom said: “Don’t dream.”
He meowed to me: “Save me!”
Mom said: “Don’t ask.”

He sobbed and blinked his eyes
And he climbed onto mom’s shoe.
Mom sighed: “What can I do?”
"I shouted:


I saw how across the sea
Along the blue wave
A little white lamb is running,
He hurries towards me.
I wanted to pet him
Fearlessly climbed into the water,
And he swam to my feet
And immediately disappeared.


Look at this!
At Tanya's
Mouth in sour cream
Forehead in sour cream,
Hair tips.
Tanya's dress
Even a bow
And the one in sour cream.
What's the matter?
So did Tanyusha eat?
Started making sour cream
And doused yourself with sour cream?
No no no!
That's not the reason.
Our Tanya
Well done!
Just half an hour ago
There was a big fall of sour cream!


Waking up from sleep,
Spring with a soft brush
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields there are chains of rooks,
Above the revived foliage
— The first stroke of a thunderstorm,
And in the shade of the transparent garden
— Lilac bush by the fence.

Viktor Vladimirovich Lunin(Viktor Vladimirovich Levin), born May 6, 1945 - children's poet, writer, translator. He has published more than thirty books of poetry and prose.


Born in May 1945 in Moscow, in the family of pianist Frida Bauer.

Viktor Lunin began composing poems and fairy tales while still in school, but began the path of a professional writer much later. The first publications of poetry in periodicals appeared in the early 70s. The first tiny folding book “Gifts” with one poem was published in “Malyshe” in 1975. And the first real collection of poetry, “Don’t Step on an Elephant,” was published in “Malysh” in 1978.

Around the same years, V. Lunin took up poetic translations. The discovery of a new poetic name for the Russian reader was the book of poems by the outstanding English poet of the twentieth century Walter de la Mara “Songs of Sleep” (DL, 1983) translated by Viktor Lunin. On Mikhail Feigin's album "Only One Road", released by Melodiya in 1990, there are two songs based on poems by Walter de la Mare translated by Viktor Lunin: "Among the Roses" and "Wind".

V. Lunin published more than thirty books of poetry and prose. His poetic “Az-bu-ka” for children has become a standard for conveying alphabetic sound writing. And his book “Children’s Album” (Poems to the piano cycle of the same name by P. I. Tchaikovsky) was awarded a diploma at the 3rd All-Russian children’s book competition “Father’s House” in 1996. In the same year, for “Children's Album,” Viktor Lunin was awarded the title of laureate of the literary prize of the Murzilka magazine. In 1997, his fairy tale “The Adventures of Butter Liza” was awarded as the best fairy tale about cats by the Library of Foreign Literature (VGBIL).

At the beginning of 1997, V. Lunin published the “Favorites” volume for the first time. For the translated poems of this volume, V. Lunin was awarded an honorary international diploma in 1998. Andersen. In the same 1998, V. Lunin received a laureate diploma from the National Art Committee of Russia for the book of fairy tales “The Adventures of Butter Liza” and the lyrics to the animated series “Dunno on the Moon”.

In 2001, the Grant Publishing House published his translation of Alfred Tennyson's book "Idylls of the King" - a complete poetic collection of legends about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In 2004, the Rosman publishing house published a translation of Susan Price's fairy tale "Talking Head". In 2009, the publishing house "Swallowtail" published a translation of Rudyard Kipling's story "Your Faithful Dog Boots." In 2010, V. Lunin published the story “Alexander Nevsky” for children at the RIPOL Classic publishing house.

Victor Lunin (Viktor Vladimirovich Levin) - children's poet, writer, translator - was born in May 1945 in Moscow, in the family of pianist Frida Bauer. He was raised by his grandparents, because... Mom was constantly on tour. There were many books in the house that his father collected. Viktor Lunin began composing poems and fairy tales while still in school, but began the path of a professional writer much later. The first publications of poetry in periodicals appeared in the early 70s. The first tiny folding book "Gifts" with one poem was published in "Malyshe" in 1975. And the first real collection of poetry, “Don’t Step on an Elephant,” was published in “Malysh” in 1978.

Polite elephant.

The elephant came out onto the forest path,
Stepped on an ant's foot
And politely -
Very -
Said to the ant:
- You can step on mine too!

Tsap-scratch and Chick-chirp

The rustle of soft paws is barely audible.
Tsap-Scratch sneaks quietly.
But it’s in vain to sneak!
At that very moment
Chik-Tchirik flew up onto a branch.

Puppy and cat

Along the path
The puppy Timoshka was walking.
Timoshka saw
On the track
And he barked cheerfully:
- Rrr-aw! I'm glad to be with you
I wish I could play!
Let's run to the garden!

The cat hissed
I walked away a little
Arching her back, she rushed
For the puppy Timoshka.
Apparently she didn’t know the dog language...
And we could become friends,
understand she is a puppy!

Under the porch

A house was built under the porch -
Bast roof.
Who lives in that little house?
Well, mice of course!

They bake from grain
Delicious flatbreads
And they take care of the mouse
From a cat neighbor.


Petya has a boat,
Sasha has a pistol.
But a little yellow piece of glass
Of course they don't.

When the weather gets gloomy
And everything is gray, like a shadow,
I look into this piece of glass
And I see a clear day.

Morning mood

Dad is in a Reading Mood for Breakfast,
Mom's in a disgusting mood,
My brother is in a screaming mood,
And I have,
And I have -
The rooms are bouncy!


Quiet, no sound
Meow walks
Near me all day long.

Walks lazily
With a slightly roguish mien.

Gray fur,
Thimble eyes,
Thin shadows - mustaches,

Fluffy tail
And silver...
Wonderful Meow of beauty!

Rubbing on your hand
Gentle Meow,
The song is sung in silence.

And for some reason
At these moments
Joy comes to me


The kitten was so beautiful!
The kitten was so unhappy!
He could barely stand on his paws
And so he looked, and so he trembled
From soft ears to tail...
He was, of course, an orphan.
He meowed to me: “Help me!”
Mom said: “Don’t dream.”
He meowed to me: “Save me!”
Mom said: “Don’t ask.”

He sobbed and blinked his eyes
And he climbed onto mom’s shoe.
Mom sighed: “What can I do?”
"I shouted:


I saw how across the sea
Along the blue wave
A little white lamb is running,
He hurries towards me.
I wanted to pet him
Fearlessly climbed into the water,
And he swam to my feet
And immediately disappeared.


Look at this!
At Tanya's
Mouth in sour cream
Forehead in sour cream,
Hair tips.
Tanya's dress
Even a bow
And the one in sour cream.
What's the matter?
So did Tanyusha eat?
Started making sour cream
And doused yourself with sour cream?
No no no!
That's not the reason.
Our Tanya
Well done!
Just half an hour ago
There was a big fall of sour cream!


Waking up from sleep,
Spring with a soft brush
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields there are chains of rooks,
Above the revived foliage
— The first stroke of a thunderstorm,
And in the shade of the transparent garden
— Lilac bush by the fence.

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