Record day event at summer camp. Camp event "book of camp records"


Today is our “record day”. This means that record holders are hiding among us, you just need to look hard for them.

Guys, what does the word “record” mean?

(Translated from English, the word “record” means the highest indicator achieved in any field. This could be an achievement in science, art, sports...)

Have you probably heard about the “Guinness Book of Records”?

Hugh Beaver, originally from Ireland. And the book is his brainchild, created more than 40 years ago, when he managed the Guinness company. He came up with a very interesting idea: to record all the achievements of people in one book called “The Guinness Book of Records”, by opening which you can read who is the fastest, the most dexterous, the strongest, the tallest, the most, the most...

And today the book is republished every year, the “Guinness Book of Records - 2005” is already on sale, people who want to become record holders in the new 2006 are already racking their brains over new records, or improving their previous records, or improving the results of other people’s records.

And today, record holders came to visit us - animals listed in the Guinness Book of Records, meet them.

GIRAFFE: I am the tallest animal in the world, my height is 5.5 meters.

BLUE WHALE: I am the largest animal in the world, my weight is 90 tons, my length is 33 m. I can swallow up to 4 million shrimp in a day.

GORILLA: I am the largest monkey, my height is from 2 to 2.5 m

But this book contains not only the records of animals, but also the records of people. In the book you can find the most interesting and unusual records in various categories. For example: courage, knowledge, achievements, wealth, fame, art and media, man, modern technology, danger and disasters, sports.

BARBIE DOLL: I am the most expensive Barbie doll, Mettel, a toy company, celebrated its 40th anniversary with the introduction of a unique new model of Barbie doll on the market worth $82,870.

And what people can’t come up with to get into this unusual book of records. There are also a lot of guys in our class who will become record holders, and today we will try to write our own book of records. Want to?

But for this I need your attention, patience and of course discipline.

And so we begin our “Guinness Show” the most, the most...

We need an expert commission, let's appoint the most honest and fair ones to it...

After each competition, the expert commission presents a diploma to the winner.


- Take one candy at a time, now eat it, and roll the piece of paper into a ball. You must take turns hitting the glass with your paper ball. (5-6 lessons)


- Now we’ll check how neat you are, who never gets dirty?

There are plates in front of you, flour is poured into them, and there is candy in the flour. You must use your teeth and lips to get this candy. The one who doesn't get dirty wins. (4-5 lessons)


— The main task of this competition is to guess the puzzles, but one mistake and you drop out of the competition, the most erudite remains. (5-6 lessons)


— This competition is especially for our girls. Let's see who has the longest braid. (All girls with long hair)


- You are given sheets of paper, you need to make an airplane out of paper, but so that it can fly. (4-5 lessons)


- Listen to the rules of the game. Sit up straight and place your hands correctly on your knees. I will alternately name two birds: the raven and the sparrow. For the word “crow” you raise your hands up, but for the word “sparrow” you need to lower your hands. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.


Who can pull the jump ropes out from under the chair faster?


- Now we will see which of you is the wisest. Everyone only has one chance. It is necessary to give an answer to very unusual problems. (All)

1) One and a half pike perch cost one and a half rubles. How much do 13 pike perch cost?

(13 rubles)

2) There were 7 candles burning in the room. A man passed by and put out 2 candles. How many candles are left?

(2 candles, and the rest will burn out.)

3) Seven brothers had one sister. How many sisters are there in total?


4) What can you cook at school, but cannot eat? (Lessons)


- You boys are given a balloon, and your task is to keep your balloon in the air as long as possible by blowing on it. (5-6 lessons)

You girls, set the table for tea.


- You need to take turns calling out the magic words, whoever names the magic word last will be the winner. (All children in the class participate)

10 COMPETITION “The Most Savvy”

— You need to solve riddles

I'm under a colored hat, I'm running to my mother - the river

I stand on my own leg and cannot remain silent.

I have my own habits, I am her own son,

I always play hide and seek. I was born in the spring.

(Mushroom). (Creek).

He came from heaven and went to earth. She comes with affection

They often ask me, they wait for me with their fairy tale.

And as soon as I show myself, he will wave his magic wand -

Then everyone will start hiding. The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.(Rain) (Spring)

In the forest near the stump there is bustle and running around. Who's wearing a bright red beret?

People working all day in a black satin jacket,

is busy. He doesn't look at me

Who is this? Everything is knocking, knocking, knocking.

(Anthill). (Woodpecker).

Not a lamb or a cat Hairy, green

She wears a fur coat all year round and hides in the leaves.

A gray fur coat is for summer, although it has many legs,

For winter, a different color, Still can't run. ( Caterpillar )


11th competition “The Smartest”, “The Most Knowledgeable”

— You need to solve puzzles.

  • There are 4 corners in the room. There is a cat in every corner. There are 3 cats sitting opposite each cat. How many cats are there in the room? (4 cats)
  • What numbers do not change when read when they are turned over? (0, 8)
  • December has arrived. 3 daisies bloomed, and then 1 more. How many flowers bloomed?
  • The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in back. How many legs does an animal have?
  • How many nuts are there in an empty glass?
  • There are 3 daisies and 7 cornflowers in a vase. How many daisies are in the vase?
  • It shows what is happening on the street. (window)
  • Where can you see yourself? (mirror)
  • What was the cow before? (calf)
  • Who is this small, gray, timid one?


- sing the song “If the Birds Sing...”

The jury sums up the results of the competitions. Awards.

Camp event “Book of Camp Records”

Target: show the individuality of each child, his natural and creative potential.

Tips for organizers:

Children should know about Record Day in advance. The council of this creative activity, consisting of teachers and children, comes up with the first program of tasks, competitions, competitions, announces its conditions and gives all children in the camp the opportunity to contribute any “crazy” ideas and suggestions. The range of such notions can be bright, unusual, and varied. Each child has the right to announce his own idea for a “record,” individual or collective, and to apply for participation in any “record” competition.

Special delicacy and special conditions are required so that there are guaranteed chances for self-realization for all children without exception. You should not conduct dubious competitions that could humiliate the dignity of a child; you must observe a sense of proportion and tact when choosing situations for “records.”

All “records” fit into the camp “Book of Records”; in addition, it is important to think through the forms of reward for each “record holder”.

For example, these could be medals (see the application below for the event)

Equipment: depending on the selected competitions

Progress of the event:

Leading. The word “record” denotes the highest achievement achieved in some area. This could be an achievement in science, art, sports...It all started on November 10, 1951, when the Englishman Sir Hugh Beaver, manager of the Guinness company, was hunting with friends in a place called Northern Mud in the southeast of Ireland. A dispute broke out between hunters about who is the fastest bird in Europe - the golden plover or the black grouse. And then Sir Hugh thought that similar questions were being discussed in all the counties of England and Ireland. Since 1955, thanks to Hugh Beaver, the Guinness Book of Records has been published annually in all major languages ​​of the world. This book records the achievements of mankind, as well as the records of the world around us.
And this year we are starting the release of our book, which is called “The Book of Records of Camp Dreamers.” You all want to get into the history of our camp and will be happy to take part in this. So, our first nomination is “I am the most, I am the most...”, where you can demonstrate your “natural privileges”.1. Nomination “I am the most, I am the most...”
The tallest man in the world was American Robert Wadlow. In June 1940, his height was 2 m 72 cm.
- The tallest boy. (Gulliver)
The smallest person in the world was Paulli Musteres, born in the Netherlands. At the age of 19, her height was 55 cm.
- The smallest boy. (Tin soldier)
- The tallest girl. (Highlight)
- The smallest girl. (Thumbelina)
- The most tanned boy. (Chocolate bunny)
- The most tanned girl. (Chocolate)
- The most freckled boy. (Sun-faced)
- The most freckled girl. (Sunflower)
And the longest hair in the world belonged to Swami Pandarasannadi, the head of the monastery in India, and it was almost 8 meters.
-Longest hair (Rapunzel)
- The most unusual hairstyle for a girl. (Pippi Longstocking)
-The most unusual boy's hairstyle (Hipster)
- Who will have the longest lace? (Lace)

-The longest dress for a girl (Princess)
The longest surname in the world is Scottish, and it consists of 29 letters.
- The longest surname in the camp. (Alphabet)
Yes, guys, do you want to know what the shortest surname in the world sounds like? The shortest surname in the world consists of a single letter “O” and it predominates in Korea.
- The shortest surname in the camp. (I)
- The most common name in the camp. (Distributor) (reward to the squad)
- The rarest name (Exclusive)
2. “My squad is the most, the most...” - The loudest squad (Screamers)
-The smartest squad (Experts)
dance squad (Dancers)3. Nomination “Almost sports records.”
Tasks (one participant per squad):
- Jumping forward. (Jump forward)
- Jumping backwards. (Jumper back)
- Jumping from a place to the side. (Side jumper)
-Squats, holding a pencil between your nose and lips. (Sophisticated Squat)
- Put a newspaper into the bottle without tearing it (several people at the same time, who is faster). (Skilled)
- Roll out the longest sausage from plasticine (several people at the same time, time - 1 minute). (Sausage maker)
- Inflate the balloon with one exhalation (several people at the same time, who has the larger balloon). (Best ball blower)
The longest dribble of a basketball was completed in May 1999 by American Jamie Borgess, who dribbled the ball 156 km without running. - Who hits the basketball the most times on the bottom of an inverted bucket. (Basketball player)
The longest hoop in the world was the American Roxanne Rose. Her record-breaking performance lasted 90 hours! How many hoops do you think you can rotate on your body at the same time? So, Lauren Lomeli from the USA achieved 82 hoops.
- Who can spin the hoop around their waist the longest? (Gymnast)
- Who will walk (not jump) the distance faster, holding the pin with his knees. (Fast walker)
-The fastest eater. (Bread eater)
-Who can do the most squats in 1 minute? (Squat)
Summing up the results, rewarding the “record holders”.


1. In fairy tales, the red-haired godfather,
She is cunning by nature.
Will fool anyone
Even an evil wolf.

2. Fluffy mischief,
Everyone really, really likes it.
She plays with a ball
Chasing the mouse.

3. He wanders through the forest,
It eats fish from the river.
In autumn it goes into hibernation,
He sleeps and waits for spring.

4. Nimble dancer,
Jumping along the branches.
Lives in a hollow
He gnaws nuts.

5. Prowls through the forest,
Looking for prey.
Gray robber
Hare hunter.

6. Nimble white lump
Jump and hop through the snow.
In fairy tales he is reputed to be a coward,
It chews bark and branches.

7. The ship is sailing through the desert,
He carries packs on himself.
He is not afraid of heat and thirst,
He walks bravely across the sands.

8. He is looking at the new gates
And he doesn’t want to budge.
He is curly and small,
And his horn is curled into a roll.

9. She's such a twit
And a terrible bully.
Imitates a person in everything,
She often performs in the circus.

10. My four-legged friend
Knows all the people around.
He has a keen sense of smell
And the same subtle hearing,
Surely he is guarding the house
And protects our peace.
(Dog, dog)

11. He is very dangerous
Toothed predator
Floats down the river
Guards the victim.

12. They harness her to a cart,
They are forced to work in the fields.
She harrows and plows,
It boldly waves its tail and mane.

The event can be held on April Fool's Day or at a children's camp...

Tips for organizers:

Children should know about Record Day in advance. The council of this creative activity, consisting of adults and children, comes up with the first program of tasks, competitions, competitions, announces its conditions and gives all children in the camp the opportunity to contribute any “crazy” ideas and proposals. The range of such notions can be bright, unusual, and varied. Each child has the right to announce his own idea for a “record,” individual or collective, and to apply for participation in any “record” competition.

All “records” fit into the “Book of Records”; in addition, it is important to think through the forms of reward for each “record holder”. For example, these could be medals.

Leading: In 1955, an English publishing house released one of the most popular books in the world - “The Book of Records”, the circulation of which has already reached 700 million copies.

Oh, these Guinness records... And whoever is not in the famous book, a new edition of which is published every year.

24-year-old Edward Nino Hernandez was recognized as the smallest man in the world. He lives in Bogota, Colombia. (Photo by William Fernando Martinez/Associated Press)

This Egyptian Mustafa Ismail became the owner of the most voluminous biceps and triceps in the world. Their girth is 64 cm. (Photo by Guinness World Records)

The lowest car (45 cm from the ground to the highest point) in the world. The car is called Mirai ("Future") and was assembled by students and teachers at the Automotive Engineering Faculty in Asakuchi, Japan. (Photo by Shinsuke Kamioka/Guinness World Records)

Residents of Seoul in front of the largest Levi's jeans, 30 m high. (Photo by Chung Sung-Jun)

Omanis mix ingredients in a huge cauldron. They prepare the traditional dish "kabsa". (Photo by Mohammed Mahjoub/AFP Photo)

Surfers on the longest surfboard in the world - 47 surfers fit on a 12-meter board on Australia's Gold Coast. (Photo by Steve Holland/Associated Press)

Thousands of children fly kites in an attempt to break the world record for the most kites flown at once in northern Gaza. More than 7,200 kites took to the air. (Photo by Khalil Hamra/Associated Press)

The largest collection of Barbie dolls is 15,000 dolls. (Photo by Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records)

A soccer field in Mönchengladbach, Germany, was filled with 142,000 soccer balls. (Photo by Christof Koepsel/Bongarts)

American house of cards master Brian Berg breaks down his creation - a card version of a casino and hotel in Macau. It took 44 days and 218,792 cards to create. (Photo by Dale de la Rey/AFP Photo)

Zeus is the tallest dog in the world. Her height is 111 cm. (Photo by Guinness World Records)

The heaviest bike you can ride. Its weight is 748 kg, its creator is Wouter van den Bosch from the Netherlands. (Photo by Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records)

Sam, a 4-year-old donkey, is recognized as the tallest in the world. His height is 15.3 hands, or 1.5 meters. (Photo by James Ellerker/Guinness World Records)

The world's most expensive hamburger A burger called Le Burger Extravagant, costing $295, is served at the New York restaurant Serendipity 3. The dish includes white and black truffles, Japanese beef, quail eggs, and Cheddar cheese.

The smallest country in the world is Vatican City (0.44 sq. km). Unofficially, the self-proclaimed microstate of Sealand. It's exactly what's in the photo. Formed as a result of the seizure of the former naval military base by Major Roy Bates in 1967. Sold for 750 million euros.

The highest mountain in the world is Everest (Qomolungma or Sagarmatha). Located in the Himalayas. The maximum height is 8844 meters. At the top the wind blows at a speed of 200 km per hour, and at night the temperature drops to -60 degrees.

And we are starting the release of our book, which is called “Book of Records...”. I think you all want to get into the history of our school/camp and will be happy to take part in this. So, our first nomination is “I am the most, I am the most...”, where you can demonstrate your “natural privileges”.

1. Nomination “I am the most, I am the most...”

- The tallest boy. (Gulliver)

- The smallest boy. (Tin soldier)

- The smallest girl. (Thumbelina)

- The biggest boy's foot. (Boot-walker)

— The smallest leg of a girl. (Cinderella)

- The most tanned boy. (Bronze deer)

- The most tanned girl. (Chocolate)

- The most freckled boy. (Sun-faced)

- The most freckled girl. (Sunflower)

- The red-haired boy. (The leader of the Redskins)

- The reddest girl. (Firebird)

- The brightest boy. (White iceberg)

- The brightest girl. (White Sun of the Desert)

- The darkest-haired boy. (Raven wing)

- The darkest-haired girl. (Black Sea)

- The longest braid. (Madam)

- The fluffiest hair. (Sister Alyonushka)

— The most unusual hairstyle for a girl. (Pippi Longstocking)

- The most blue-eyed girl. (Forget-me-not)

- The darkest one. (Night)

- Different eye colors. (Rainbow)

- Longest surname

- Most common name

- The sleepiest one.

- The most grumpy one.

- The quietest.

- The loudest.

- The most cheerful.

- The most mobile.

- The most active.

- The calmest one.

- The most harmful.

2. Nomination “Record Breakers”

2. Pea picker: whoever, in 30 seconds, collects the largest number of peas scattered on the table into a mug. You are allowed to take one pea at a time.

3. Long plasticine sausage roller: who can roll the longest sausage out of a piece of plasticine in 30 seconds.

4. Long-screamer: whoever can shout the sound “A” longer in one breath.

5. Toy finder: whoever, blindfolded, will collect the most toys from the floor in 30 seconds.

6. Pencil-finger holder: who can hold a pencil on one finger longer.

7. Bubble Gum Blower: Who will blow the biggest bubble gum bubble.

8. Tongue Twister Repeater: whoever repeats a tongue twister three times without hesitation. Each participant has their own tongue twister.

Options for tongue twisters

Grandma's bean blossomed in the rain.

Grandma will have bob in her borscht.

The rooks are chattering and chattering,

The jackdaws are looking at the rooks.

Grandfather Dodon hummed the trumpet,

Dimka's grandfather hurt him.

The donkey carried firewood to the village,

The donkey dumped firewood into the grass.

They gave Varenka felt boots,

Valenka - mittens.

Cat Potap clapped his paw,

And Potap drowned the cat.

Varvara finished cooking the jam,

She grumbled and sentenced.

There are thickets more often in our Pushcha,

In our forest the thicket is thicker.

9. Button threader: whoever threads the most buttons onto a thread in 30 seconds.

10. Surprise getter: who will quickly get the Kindersurprise toy wrapped in ten newspapers.

11. Single-legged jumper: who can jump on one leg over a skipping rope the longest?

12. Candy grabber: whoever grabs the most amount of candy in a handful at a time.

13. Spoon glass drinker: who can drink a glass of soda faster with a large spoon?

14. Palm leaver: whoever jumps leaves a palm print higher than others. (A large black sheet is attached to the wall at a level of two meters from the floor. Before jumping, the participant rubs his hand with chalk.)

16. Eyeball Drawer: who can draw a six-nosed eyeball on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen in one minute. Whose drawing is funnier and more original?

17. Straw eater: who can quickly eat a stick from a tall bottle - an edible “straw” - without the help of hands (the “straw” is placed in the bottle so that only its tip sticks out.)

18. Ball picker: who can pick up a tennis ball from the table with a teaspoon faster, without using the other hand.

Leading . And again we have a fun break. What do you know about Japan? (Listen to answers.) The Japanese can be proud of their achievements in mechanical engineering, electronics, culture and much more. And tourists, coming to Japan, certainly buy gifts for their loved ones. My friend also visited Japan. So, the game “My friend came from Japan.” I will repeat this phrase several times, and each time you should ask me in unison: “What did he bring you?”

The first time the presenter answers that his friend brought him a fan, and invites everyone to imitate the movement of fanning the fan with their right hand. Then he says his phrase again, and when the children ask him, he answers that a friend brought him a cell phone, and invites everyone to say the phrase: “Ding-ding, hello!”, while continuing to “fan himself.” Then he again says the phrase: “My friend came from Japan,” and when the children ask him, he answers that his friend brought a rocking chair. Children continue fan-shaped movements with their right hand, and depict a rocking chair by rocking their body back and forth, while saying: “Ding-ding, hello!” Moreover, the presenter himself shows the movements first and invites the children to continue the movements. He again says that his friend came from Japan. The fourth gift is a foot-operated sewing machine. Now to the swaying and plowing and saying “Ding-ding, hello!” alternate tapping of the feet is added. The fifth gift is a tape recorder that sounds like “la-la-la.” And now the whole hall is swaying, knocking their feet, waving their arms and saying: “Ding-ding, hello, la-la-la!” The presenter remarks: “Strange. And I thought they were going crazy one by one!”

19. Shoemaker: all participants take off their shoes, take the hoop and rotate it around their waist. Who puts on shoes faster?

20. Newspaper compressor: who can quickly squeeze a newspaper in his fist so that it is not visible.

21. Paper-chain collector: who can collect the longest chain from paper clips in 30 seconds.

22. Spole wringer: who can do more push-ups in one minute?

23. Braider: who can weave the longest braid out of twine in 30 seconds.

24. The best whistler: whoever eats a piece of bread faster and whistles.

25. Best announcer: competition for speed of reading (same text - TV program, individually, time 1 minute).

3. Nomination “Homemade”

— The best expert on his pedigree.

— The most interesting friendly cartoon, caricature, epigram, funny parody.

— My collection (stamps, posters, badges, toys, postcards, etc.). (Best Collector)

- The best toy of... nothing.

— Competition “I found, I found” (gifts of the forest, meadow, river, sea).

— Handicraft competition (macrame, appliqué, knitting, wickerwork, etc.). (Great master)

Summing up the results, rewarding the “record holders”.

Record Day

Target: show the individuality of each child, his natural and creative potential.


– provide every child with the opportunity to express themselves;

– approve and celebrate the creative manifestations of children.


Children should know about the record day in advance. The council of this creative activity, consisting of teachers and children, comes up with the first program of tasks, competitions, competitions, announces its conditions and gives all children in the camp the opportunity to contribute any “crazy” ideas and suggestions. The range of such notions can be bright, unusual, and varied. Each child has the right to announce his own idea for a “record,” individual or collective, and to apply for participation in any “record” competition.

Special delicacy and special conditions are required to ensure that all children without exception have a guaranteed chance of self-realization. You should not conduct dubious competitions that can humiliate the dignity of a child; you must observe a sense of proportion and tact when choosing situations for “records.”

All “records” fit into the camp “Book of Records”; in addition, it is important to think through the forms of reward for each “record holder”.

For example, these could be medals:

In addition to a commemorative medal for each “record,” children are awarded miracles, this further stimulates them, because they are given the opportunity to make their personal contribution to the general squad’s treasury.


– “Camp Book of Records”;

– a book of preliminary applications for participation in the competition;

– heart medals according to the number of competitions;

– stopwatch;

– crayons;

– 6–8 pencils;

– 6–8 plastic bottles;

– 6–8 newspapers;

– plasticine;

– 6–8 inflatable balloons;

- "bubble";

– 6–8 slices of bread;

– text – TV program schedule for the week;

- mirror;

– letters to teachers;

– a stand for hosting exhibitions and projects;

– tables for placing collections;

– cheerful music for screensavers and accompaniment of competitions.


Leading. In 1955, an English publishing house released one of the most popular books in the world - “The Book of Records”, the circulation of which has already reached 700 million copies.

And this year we are starting to publish our book, which is called “The Wonderland Book of Records.” I think you all want to get into the history of our camp and will be happy to take part in this. So, our first nomination is “I am the most, I am the most...”, where you can demonstrate your “natural privileges”.

1. Nomination “I am the most, I am the most...”

- The tallest boy.(Gulliver.)

- The smallest boy.(Tin soldier.)

- The smallest girl.(Thumbelina.)

- The biggest boy's foot.(Boot-walker.)

– The smallest leg of a girl.(Cinderella.)

- The most tanned boy.(Bronze deer.)

- The most tanned girl.(Chocolate.)

- The most freckled boy.(Sun-faced.)

- The most freckled girl.(Sunflower.)

- The red-haired boy.(The leader of the Redskins.)

- The red-haired girl.(Firebird.)

- The brightest boy.(White iceberg.)

- The brightest girl.(White Sun of the Desert.)

- The darkest-haired boy.(Crow's wing.)

- The darkest-haired girl.(Black Sea.)

- The longest braid.(Madam.)

- The fluffiest hair.(Sister Alyonushka.)

– The most unusual hairstyle for a girl.(Pippi Longstocking.)

- The bluest-eyed boy.(Blue sky.)

- The most blue-eyed girl.(Forget-me-not.)

- The darkest one.(Night.)

- Different eye colors.(Rainbow.)

– The longest surname in the camp.

– The most common name in the camp.

- The sleepiest one.

- The most grumpy one.

- The quietest.

- The loudest.

- The most cheerful.

- The most mobile.

- The most active.

- The calmest one.

- The most harmful.

2. Nomination “Almost sports records.”


– Jumping from place. (Best jumper.)

– Jumping backwards.

– Standing side jumps.

Squats while holding a pencil between your nose and lips. (Sophisticated squatter.)

– Put a newspaper into the bottle without tearing it (several people at the same time, whoever is faster).

– Roll out the longest sausage from plasticine (several people at the same time, time – 1 minute).

– Shout the sound “i” without drawing in air (individually, for a while).

– Inflate the balloon with one exhalation (several people at the same time, who has the larger balloon). (Best ball blower.)

– The largest soap bubble (three attempts each).

- Who can eat a piece of bread faster and whistle? (Best whistler.)

– Competition for reading speed (same text – TV program, individually, time 1 minute). (Best announcer.)

– Competition of Barons Munchausens (dreamers and inventors).

– Competition for the best games organizer, mass entertainer.

3. Nomination “Homemade preparations”.


- The best expert on his pedigree.

– The most interesting friendly cartoon, caricature, epigram, funny parody.

– The best letter to the teacher (teachers read out the “beautiful” letters sent to them).

– Fantastic project “Our camp in 10 years” (drawings, drawings, description).

– My collection (stamps, posters, badges, toys, postcards, etc.). (Best collector.)

- The best toy of... nothing.

– Competition “I found, I found” (gifts of the forest, meadow, river, sea).

– Handicraft competition (macrame, applique, knitting, wickerwork, etc.). (Great master.)

– The best competition for the “Book of Records”.

4. Summing up, rewarding the “record holders”.


Day of Russian Traditions

Target: to form in children moral qualities based on folk traditions; expand your horizons.


learn about the abilities and usual social roles of children;

remember your favorite heroes of Russian fairy tales, forgotten games;

create an atmosphere of friendliness and creativity.


route sheets;

signs with the names of “glades”;

48 “turnips” made of cardboard;

material for making amulets;

quiz questions;

program of Russian folk games;

two bundles of bagels (according to the number of children in the camp);

samovar, cups, tea, sugar.


The program for the day of Russian traditions does not require preliminary preparation of children. But it is advisable to inform them about the upcoming event and give them a task - to find information (from parents, from books) about interesting old Russian folk games.

The entire event takes place in six stages - “glades”. Each unit is given a route sheet according to which the guys move. A certain time is allocated for completing each stage - 20 minutes. At the V and VI “glades” all the children gather together.

At each “clearing” the children are met by a teacher; these responsibilities are distributed among the teachers in advance. Based on the results of completed tasks, children receive 1–3 “turnips”.

W o w t h e s t v i o"pol i na m"

Leading. Today in our “land of wonders” there is an extraordinary holiday - the day of Russian traditions. We will once again touch upon Russian culture, remember our favorite heroes of Russian fairy tales, forgotten games, remember Russian traditions and customs of antiquity.

So, we begin our journey through the “glades”. In each “clearing” you will be offered an interesting task, for completing which you can earn from one to three “turnips”. We will count the final number of “turnips” earned with you at the end of our holiday.

And now each link receives a route sheet.

Good luck! I wish you all success!

I glade. "Legends of our antiquity."

In this “clearing” the children are met by an arts and crafts teacher who has the skills of making Russian amulets.

(Making amulets can be replaced by modeling Russian toys from clay or plasticine.)

He shows samples of amulets, gives brief information about the history of their appearance, and the children make amulets with their own hands.

Based on the results of their work, children receive 1–3 “turnips”.

II glade. "An old fairy tale in a new way."

Educator: We are all familiar from early childhood with the immortal fairy tale about Kolobok, which ends very sadly. Suggest a new version of this fairy tale, in which Kolobok outwitted the Fox, remained alive and an interesting event happened to him:

Episode 1 “First time in first grade” (task for the 1st squad, 1st link).

Episode 2 “Happy graduation!” (task to 1st detachment, 2nd link).

Episode 3 “Serving the Fatherland” (assignment to the 2nd detachment, 1st link).

Episode 4 “Happy Family” (task for the 2nd squad, 2nd link).

During the allotted time in this clearing, the children come up with a script and rehearse their mini-play, which they will show in the V clearing “Our Talents”.

III glade. "Favorite heroes of Russian fairy tales."

In this clearing, the guys answer questions in the quiz:

1. Name one of the criminals with whom Ilya Muromets fought.(Nightingale the Robber.)

2. Brother brother of Ilya Muromets, who liberated Zabava Putyatichna.(Nikitich.)

3. The monster that lives on Mount Sorochinskaya.(Dragon.)

4. A mother with many children whose children were attacked.(Goat.)

5. An inhabitant of land and water, who became the wife of a rich heir after an attempt on her life.(Princess Frog.)

6. The hero of a fairy tale who, according to an original recipe, prepared a delicious dish from a tool.(Soldier.)

7. Who stole the golden apples from the garden in the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”?(Firebird.)

8. Fairytale child kidnappers.(Swan geese.)

9. A round, smart hero who ran away from pensioners.(Kolobok.)

10. Poultry that could bring excellent income by keeping it.(Chicken Ryaba.)

11. A naughty girl lost in the forest, who was saved by her ability to bake pies.(Masha.)

12. A naive hero who suffered at a pond in winter from the machinations of his red-haired girlfriend.(Wolf.)

13. What was the name of the girl who created chaos in the house of the three forest dwellers?(Masha.)

14. The heroine of a fairy tale who experienced all the horror of being in the stomach of a hungry wolf.(Little Red Riding Hood.)

15. Who turned from ugly to handsome?(Ugly duck.)

16. What was the name of the bride who ran away from her blind and greedy groom?(Thumbelina.)

17. Name the fairy-tale hero who knew how to crack nuts perfectly.(Nutcracker.)

18. The hero of a fairy tale who emerged victorious in a fight against forty bandits.(Ali Baba.)

19. The dad who removed the shavings from his son.(Papa Carlo.)

20. Merry fellow living on the roof.(Carlson.)

21. A fairy tale hero who has only one drawback - his ears are too big.(Cheburashka.)

22. The hero of a fairy tale who had straw instead of brains.(Scarecrow.)

23. A veterinarian who visited Africa.(Aibolit.)

24. Whose tail served as a cord for the bell?(Eeyore.)

25. What was Pinocchio’s cap?(An old striped sock.)

26. What was the name of the comedy that Pinocchio watched in the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater?(“The girl with blue hair, or Thirty-three slaps.”)

27. What title did the owner of the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater have?(Doctor of Puppet Science.)

28. What currency was used by the residents of the town where Buratino lived?(Soldo.)

29. Who is this stingy old woman who hid the golden key at the bottom of the swamp?(Turtle Tortilla.)

30. The name of the prodigal parrot.(Kesha.)

31. Little pig with a balloon.(Winnie the Pooh.)

32. Nobody needs a resident of water places who dreamed of flying.(Water.)

33. Who likes to visit?(Winnie the Pooh.)

34. Half girl, half fish.(Mermaid.)

35. The friendliest ghost.(Kasper.)

36. Domestic cat in slippers and a bow tie.(Leopold.)

37. Cheerful brownie.(Kuzya.)

38. Two plump investigators.(Koloboks.)

39. Those who measured the boa constrictor.(Baby elephant, parrot, monkey.)

40. Who did the lion cub ride on?(On the turtle.)

Based on their answers, children receive “turnips.”

IV glade. "Let's dramatize a fairy tale."

The teacher suggests staging the famous fairy tale “Turnip” in different genres:

– tragedy (1st detachment, 1st link);

thriller (1st squad, 2nd link);

comedy (2nd squad, 1st link);

music show (2nd squad, 2nd link).

Children spend the allotted time rehearsing their mini-performance.

V glade. "Our talents"

Demonstration of prepared tasks in the clearings “An old fairy tale in a new way” and “Staging a fairy tale.” As a result, children receive “turnips”.

VI glade. "Forgotten games?.."

In this clearing, a mass entertainer works with the children and can invite the children to play Russian folk games. All children must be given the opportunity to play their games, which they prepared as homework.

Children-leaders are rewarded with “turnips”.

At the end of the holiday, the results are summed up and the number of “turnips” earned is calculated. Each squad is rewarded with a bundle of bagels and invited to a tea party over a Russian samovar.

Progress of the event

Presenter 1:

Today is our record day. This means that record holders are among us, we just need to look hard for them.

Guys, what does the word “record” mean?

(Translated from English, the word “record” means “the highest indicator achieved in any field.” This could be an achievement in science, art, or sports.)

You've probably heard about the Guinness Book of Records?

Hugh Beaver:

I'm Hugh Beaver, originally from Ireland. And this book is my brainchild. I created it more than 40 years ago, when I managed the Guinness company. A very interesting idea came to my mind: to record all the achievements of people in one book called the Guinness Book of Records. By opening this directory, you can read who is the fastest, the most dexterous, the strongest, the tallest, the most...

Presenter 2:

Today the book is republished every year. People who want to become record holders in 2007 are already racking their brains for new records, improving their own previous records, or improving the results of other people's records.

Presenter 1:

And today record holders came to visit us - animals listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Meet them!

I am the tallest animal in the world, my height is 5.5 meters.

Cat Edward Behr:

I am the largest cat in the world and my name is Edward Behr. I live with my owner Jemmy Fleming in Sydney, Australia. My weight is 21.3 kg, length is 96.5 cm, body volume is 83.8 cm.

Blue whale:

I am the largest animal in the world, my weight is 90 tons, my length is 3.3 m. I can swallow up to 4 million shrimp in a day.

I am the only venomous mammal in the world, my venom is very similar to that of a snake.

I am the largest monkey, my height is from 2 to 2.5 m.

Presenter 1:

But this book contains records not only of animals, but also of people. Here you can find the most interesting and unusual records in various categories. For example: “Courage”, “Knowledge”, “Achievement”, “Wealth”, “Fame”, “Art and Media”, “Man”, “Modern Technologies”, “Danger and Disasters”, “Sports”. Now the record holders will talk about their records.

Wendy Wall:

Every day we all make our beds, and I, Wendy Wall, do it in 28.2 seconds.

The jeweler of the Russian imperial family, Faberge, created about 56 Easter eggs from 1885 to 1917, at the request of the royal family. The most valuable of them is decorated with more than 3,000 diamonds.

The most expensive caviar in the world is “ALMAS” caviar, the yellow eggs of an albino beluga. 100 g of this caviar costs almost $2,000.

Presenter 1:

Today we will try to write our own book of records. Want to? But for this I need attention, patience and, of course, discipline from you. So, let's start our Guinness show.

We need an expert commission, let's appoint the most honest and fair ones to it. (Selection of the expert commission. After each competition, the expert commission awards a medal and prize to the winner.)

1st competition “The most accurate” (5-6 participants).

Take one candy at a time. Now eat it and roll the paper into a ball. You must take turns hitting the glass with your paper ball.

2nd competition “The neatest” (4-5 participants).

Now we will check how careful you are.

There is a plate in front of each of you, flour is poured into it, and there is candy in the flour. You must use your teeth and lips to get this candy. The one who doesn't get dirty wins.

3rd competition “The most erudite” (5-6 participants).

The goal of this competition is to guess the puzzles. One mistake - and you drop out of the competition, the most erudite remains.

4th competition “The Longest Braid” (all girls with long hair participate).

This competition is especially for our girls. Let's see who has the longest braid.

5th competition “The Most Skillful” (4-5 participants).

You are given sheets of paper, from which you need to fold an airplane, but so that it can fly.

6th competition “The wisest” (all children participate).

Now we will see which of you is the wisest. It is necessary to give an answer to very unusual problems.

1) One and a half pike perch cost one and a half rubles. How much do 13 pike perch cost? (13 rubles.)

2) There were 7 candles burning in the room. A man passed by and put out 2 candles. How many candles are left? (2 candles, and the rest will burn out).

3) Seven brothers had one sister. How many sisters are there in total? (One.)

4) All fairies have their own oddities, and fairy Krapunya too. She likes her alarm clock, which is 15 minutes late every hour. So this morning Krapunya set the alarm clock for exactly 8 o’clock. What time did the fairy's alarm clock show if it was actually noon? (11 o'clock.)

8th competition “The Strongest” (5-6 participants).

You are given a balloon. Your task is to blow on the ball and keep it in the air for as long as possible.

9th competition “The most polite” (all guys participate).

You need to say the magic words one by one. The last one to name the magic word will be the winner.

10th competition “The Friendliest Team” (all guys participate).

You and I know the song “If you went on a journey with a friend.” Let's sing it, but not the way we usually do it. Let's split into three choirs:

The 1st chorus of piglets will grunt;

The 2nd choir of dogs will bark;

The 3rd choir of kittens will meow.

Presenter 1:

Our game has come to an end. Today we have created our own Book of Records for the 4th “A” class. Despite the fact that you competed so actively with each other for victory, we all saw that you are the most friendly class. The expert commission presents you with the Book of Records of the 4th “A” class and a certificate for friendship.

(All record holders included in the Book of Records of the 4th “A” class are read out. The book is placed in a place of honor in the class. Anyone can see it.)

Yulia SAKHAROVA, primary school teacher at gymnasium No. 4 in Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

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