Methodical piggy bank. Intellectual questions for students Interesting questions for students



Event progress

1 contest. Questions and answers

- Can interesting events happen on February 31st? (No)

2 contest Who is more


    Competition Find the animal.

Sensing danger, this animal curls up into a ball. (Hedgehog)

4 competition. Learn a fairy tale .

1) Said a word -

The stove rolled

straight from the village

To the king and princess.

And why, I don't know

2) And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

Sit on a stump

3) Oh you, Petya - simplicity,

I screwed up a little

Didn't listen to the cat

4) The red girl is sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

Where it said:

She's been lying for a hundred years

7) He had many wives, but all

An evil fate has befallen -

He took their lives...

What a villain!

So who is he?

On the path to the house

What is in the forest.

This girl needs

Go to grandma soon

Take the basket

Saved him and six brothers,

Although he is small in stature, he is daring.

10) For a long time unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend.

All according to an interesting fairy tale

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and short

He is called ... (Cipollino.)

6 competition. Word chain

A game-


    contest. Guess the charades

9 competition. Learn the subject

Golden key (“Pinocchio”)

Cap. (Pinocchio.)

Residence of Baba Yaga (Hut)



Quiz game for elementary grades "In the world of interesting things"


To develop the cognitive activity of students, to expand their horizons.

Develop collective skills in the game, creativity, imagination.

Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, goodwill towards each other, love for nature.


Box with pictures, Rebuses.

Event progress

So there are captains. Let's continue the game.

1 contest. Questions and answers

Can a thrush freeze its tail? (No)

What mushrooms grow on stumps? (Honey mushrooms)

What bird is called the forest drummer? (Woodpecker)

Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)

Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

Can a crocodile stick out its tongue?*(no)

Name four colored seas. (Black, White, Red, Yellow.)

What device can be used to navigate in any weather? (Compass)

Can a hedgehog pick apples and mushrooms with his back? (yes)

2 contest Who is more

Make words from letters. The longest word - 1 point. Whose team will make more words - 1 point. One minute per task


  1. Competition Find the animal.

An agile and agile animal, lives under trees, in earthen, shallow burrows. In them he hides winter supplies: pine nuts, grains. Looks like a squirrel. (Chipmunk)

This beast is hard to see because it loves to sleep. In the summer he sleeps all day, and in the winter both day and night. This is a fairly large animal, with short legs and sharp claws, a small head and a long neck. This mighty digger is capable of digging a tunnel at a speed of more than a meter per minute. (Badger)

Silent flight, the ability to see in the dark, acute hearing, instant reaction. (Owl)

Sensing danger, this animal curls up into a ball. (Hedgehog)

4 competition. Learn a fairy tale.

1) Said a word -

The stove rolled

straight from the village

To the king and princess.

And why, I don't know

Lucky lazy. ("By magic")

2) And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

Sit on a stump

Eat a pie ... ("Masha and the Bear")

3) Oh you, Petya - simplicity,

I screwed up a little

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. ("The cat, the rooster and the fox.")

4) The red girl is sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

Tears are shed, poor thing! (Snow Maiden.)

5) What a fairy tale, tell us a secret,

Where it said:

"Sleep, peephole, and sleep, other!" ("Tiny-havroshechka.")

6) Here is a young maiden in the arms of sleep,

She's been lying for a hundred years

And he waits, but there is no prince, and no, and no.

Tell me, friends, who is she? (Sleeping Beauty.)

7) He had many wives, but all

An evil fate has befallen -

He took their lives...

What a villain!

So who is he?

Call me quickly. (Blue Beard.)

8) A little girl runs happily

On the path to the house

What is in the forest.

This girl needs

Go to grandma soon

Take the basket

sent to her. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

9) The intelligence of this boy

Saved him and six brothers,

Although he is small in stature, he is daring.

So how many of you have read about it? ("Boy-with-a-finger.")

10) For a long time unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend.

All according to an interesting fairy tale

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and short

He is called ... (Cipollino.)

5 competition. Competition for young poets.

Teams are given 1 word each (granddaughter, barrel). You need to come up with as many rhyming words as possible for it and compose a quatrain.

6 competition. Word chain

To name words starting with the last letter, 2 minutes are given. And who will write more words

A game-


7 competition. Entertaining mathematics

This figure has all sides equal. (Square)

This figure can be straight, blunt, sharp. (Corner)

The boy found 5 kopecks on the road. How much money will the two boys find? (Not at all)

Which figure has only 3? (Triangle)

Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are in the family? (8)

Two sons and two fathers ate three eggs. How many eggs did each one eat? (One by one

This figure is obtained by touching a pen or chalk to something. (Dot)

There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on 10 hands? (50)

There are 16 knots on a birch, 10 branches on each knot, 4 apples on each branch. How many apples are there? (Apples do not grow on a birch

  1. contest. Guess the charades

9 competition. Learn the subject

Sledge (Kai the Snow Queen)

Basket with a pie (“Little Red Riding Hood”)

Blue balloon ("Winnie the Pooh and Friends")

Pea (“The Princess and the Pea”)

Duck Egg (“Ugly Duckling”)

Golden key (“Pinocchio”)

Crystal shoe (“Cinderella”)

Golden egg. (Hen Ryaba.

Cap. (Pinocchio.)

Hat and boots. (Puss in Boots.)

Yellow trousers and orange shirt. (Dunno.)

10th contest. Questions for cartoons

The second name of the tablecloth (Self-assembly)

The device on which Baba Yaga flies (Stupa)

The name of the boy who was carried away by Geese-swans (Ivanushka)

What did Cinderella lose? (Crystal shoe)

Residence of Baba Yaga (Hut)

Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of the prince? (Frog)

How many days did Pinocchio's money lie on the Field of Miracles? (Not at all)

What got into Kai's eye? (a piece of glass)

What flowers did the stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale “Twelve Months?” (Snowdrops)

Whom did the little robber give to help Gerda? (deer)

The jury sums up the results of the competitions and announces the winner

Intellectual game

"The cleverest"

Target: To promote the manifestation of the individual abilities of students, the activation of their cognitive activity.

Used equipment: cards from numbers 1, 2, 3,4.

Short description: in a fun way, knowledge on subjects is consolidated, the event contributes to the development of resourcefulness, ingenuity, speed of reaction.


We welcome spectators and participants of the contest "The smartest".
Today is a duel among third grade students. 4 players will take to the podium to compete for the honorary title of "The Smartest".

I am pleased to introduce you to the contenders for a place in the game "The smartest". Spectators can also take an active part in our game in the event that the player does not have the correct answer.

The path to truth is hard
And therefore in pure thinking
Daring courage is needed
No less than climbers!

You are offered 12 questions from various fields of knowledge, to which you must try to give as many correct answers as possible, raising the plates with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. For each correct answer you will receive 1 point. You have 5 seconds to answer each question. The best players will advance to the semi-finals, where today's finalist will be determined. Attention! You are ready?

So let's start the first round.

1. Which of the characters in A. Barto's poem sighed: "Oh, the board is swinging ..."
1) bear 2) bunny 3) bull 4) horse

2. Which plant never has flowers?
1)at the fern 2) cactus 3) chestnut 4) potatoes

3. Which coniferous plant sheds its needles in autumn?
1) juniper 2) spruce 3) pine 4) larch

4. What is the name of the watermelon fruit?
1) fruit 2) vegetable 3) berry 4) drupe

5. What is the name of the science that studies the past of mankind?
1)story 2) geography 3) mathematics 4) literature

6. What is the name of the section of the science of language in which the rules for writing words are studied?
1) Phraseology 2) Vocabulary 3) Spelling 4) Phonetics

7. From what is amber formed?
1)From the resin of ancient pines 2) from chemicals 3) from fossils 4) from animal fat

9. What organs does a person have two?
1) heart 2) bud 3) stomach 4) liver

10. What is the name of the underground part of the plant?
1) Kidney 2) root 3) flower 4) stem

11. What is sugar obtained from?
1) from sugar beets 2) from sugar syrup 3) from chalk 4) from caramel

12. Composer who wrote the music of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation:
1) A. Alexandrov 2) A. Pakhmutova 3) M. Blanter 4) V. Solovyov-Sedoy

Additional questions

1. What color is not on the state flag of the Russian Federation?
1) White 2) Green 3) Blue 4) Red

2. What was the nickname of the Russian Tsar Ivan IV?
1) Great 2 Grozny 3) Wise 4) Brave


Round two: Let everyone know Who thinks better?

You have to think, answer!
We will define

Who should be the first?

Within 1 minute, you must choose a category, answer questions and try to score the maximum number of points, thereby qualifying for a game in the third decisive round. Note that only three players play in the third round.

I have 3 semi-finalists in front of me. They showed the best results in the first round and are fighting for a place in the superfinal. But before we determine the order of the answers, we will hold a competition "Decipherer".

The less time you spend, the higher the ordinal
number of your speech for further answers.

Attention! Encrypted word of 5 letters.

Coniferous 6 5 6 5 1(Pine)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
abc where zhzi klm nop rst ufh tschsh shy eyuya

So, the participants will start in the following order: 1. ...; 2....; 3…

1. Animals
What extinct animal is considered the progenitor of the elephant? (mammoth)
- Respiratory organ in fish (gills)
- What marine animal forms a water fountain when exhaling? (whale)
- Respiratory organ in amphibians (lungs)
- A snake "wearing" a hood (cobra)
- The smallest bird (hummingbird)
- Dolphin habitat (water)
- Sometimes brown, sometimes white (bear)
- King of beasts (lion)
- Animals that build dams (beaver)
- Bird from Antarctica (penguin)
- There is a hare, there is a hare (hare)
- What animal is called Prusak? (cockroach)

2. Tales
- In which Pushkin's fairy tale did the girl turn into a swan? (The fairy tale about Tsar Saltan)
- What was the name of the group in which the cat, dog, donkey and rooster sang? (The Bremen Town Musicians)
- Who is the author of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"? (P. Ershov)
- On the lip of what fabulous animal do men plow? (miracle-yudo fish-whale)
- A tiny girl who grew from a grain of barley (Thumbelina)
- How to recognize a real princess? (put a pea under her mattress)
- What material is the resistant soldier made of? (tin)
- What animal does Alyonushka's brother turn into? (kid)
- What flower did Nastenka receive as a gift from a famous fairy tale? (Scarlet)
- Whom did Dr. Aibolit treat? (animals)
- What was the name of the prince in Pushkin's Tale of Tsar Saltan? (Guidon)
- How many heroes came out of the sea in Pushkin's Tale of Tsar Saltan? (33)
- Girlfriend Tiny-Havroshechki (cow)
- Who is the author of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"? (Charles Perrault)

3. Mathematics
-What is the Latin letter used to denote the perimeter of the figure? (P)
- What is the perimeter? (the sum of the lengths of all sides)
How to find the area of ​​a rectangle? (width x length)
How many sides does a quadrilateral have? (4)
What are the names of the components when adding? (term, term, sum)
-From the rearrangement of the terms, the sum ... (does not change)
-There is an addition table, and there is also ... (multiplication table)
What are the names of the components when subtracting? (reduced, subtracted, difference)
-When multiplying any number by one, we get ... (same number)
-When multiplying any number by zero, we get ... (0)
What can't be divided by? (by 0)
- How many digits are there? (10)
What is the name of a triangle in which all sides are equal? ​​(equilateral)
What is the name of a number consisting of two digits? (two-digit)

4. Literary reading
- Which of the literary heroes flew on a cannonball? (Munchhausen)
- Author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain)
What was the name of the tiger in Kipling's Mowgli book? (Shere Khan)
- Which of the Russian classic writers was called Leo? (Tolstoy)
- Who wrote the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"? (A. N. Tolstoy)
- The surname of Uncle Styopa from the famous work of Sergei Mikhalkov (Stepanov)
What street did the absent-minded person live on? (pool)
- Pseudonym of A.P. Golikov (Gaidar)
- The author of the fairy tale "About the priest and his worker Balda"? (A. S. Pushkin)
- What is folklore? (oral folk art)
- Works of oral poetry about Russian heroes and folk heroes (Epics)
- The most famous epic hero (Ilya Muromets)
- What was the name of the nanny A.S. Pushkin? (Arina Rodionovna)
- What was Krylov's name? (Ivan Andreevich)

5. Russian language
-Words with the same root
- The grammatical basis of the sentence (subject and predicate)
- How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)
-How many vowels are there in Russian? (6)
- The seventh letter of the Russian alphabet (Ё)
- Root in the word "talented" (talent)
- What part of speech is the word "game"? (noun)
- What can be sentences on the purpose of the statement (declarative, interrogative, incentive)
- The part of the word that comes before the root? (prefix)
- Variable part of the word (ending)
- Noun, adjective, verb is ... (parts of speech)
- How many roots are in the word "bread cutter"? (2)
- Part of speech denoting the action of an object (verb)
- Is the word “(not) perplexing” spelled together or separately? (continuously)

-Gas emitted by plants (oxygen)
What plant seeds are used to make chocolate? (cocoa)
- Which plant is considered a cure for "seven ailments"? (onion)
- Oak, elm, linden, acacia are plants ... (deciduous)
What color is a fern flower? (the fern has no flowers)
- What is the name of the fruit of OAK? (ACORN)
- Beautiful young girls are often compared with this slender tender tree (birch)
- In the hot sun it dried up and bursts from the pods ... (peas)
- Plant used to make semolina (Wheat)
- What kind of tree is there - there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling? (aspen)
What happens when you dry grapes? (raisins)
What is the name of the thorn on a rose? (thorn)
- Beetle that harms potatoes (Colorado)
- A blue flower that can often be found in rye (cornflower)

By the end of the second round, 2 participants remain.

There is a cheerleading competition.

We start the third round

We will know the winners.
There are questions and riddles.

For the solution - chocolates!

final round questions.

1. What kind of pancake usually turns out lumpy? (first)
2. What animal is a goose not a friend? (Pig)
3. Why can't you cut out what is written with a pen? (with an ax)
4. Who, according to the proverb, is afraid of business? (masters)
5. What is not recommended to spit, according to a well-known proverb? (well)
6. If you collect a string from the world, then what will you collect naked? (shirt)
7. What should you not sit on if you want to eat kalachi? (on stove)
8. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred ... (friends)

Fairy animals.
1. Poodle Malvina (Artemon)
2. Panther from the fairy tale "Mowgli" (Bagheera)
3. The rat of the old woman Shapoklyak (Lariska)
4. A cat from the village of Prostokvashino (Matroskin)
5. "Blind" cat from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" (Basilio)
6. Turtle from the fairy tale "Golden Key" (Tortilla)
7. A fly from a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky (Tsokotuha)
8.Doggy Ellie (Totoshka)

1. What is the name of the liquid cosmetic hair wash? (shampoo)
2. What month does winter begin? (December)
3. What is the name of a measure of length equal to 10 cm? (decimeter)
4. What note is followed by the note "re"? (mi)
5. What color is obtained by mixing red and yellow? (orange)
6. Which bird does not have its own nest? (cuckoo)
7. Who is in charge on the ship? (captain)
8. What is the name of the holidays for your dads and moms? (Vacation)

Here the game is over

It's time to know the result.
Who worked the best.

Did you excel in the tournament?
The jury announces the results and names the winner. The smartest is determined.

Winner's reward ceremony.

Quiz for junior and middle school students with answers.

This quiz can be held at events dedicated to the holiday April 1st.

An interesting and informative quiz for elementary and middle school students.

All quiz questions with answers.

Quiz "Joke Questions"

Quiz questions

■ What word has seven identical letters? Answer: Seven.

■ What one hundred letters can stop traffic? Stop.

■ There are in the river and lake, but not in the water; is in cucumber and watermelon, but not in melon. What is this? Answer: The letter R.

■ There is in the apple and plum, but not in the garden; eat in onions and lettuce, but not in the garden. What is this? Answer: Letter L.

■ What do the hedgehog and the ruff have that the bear and the deer do not have, but do they have something that the ruff and the hedgehog do not have? Answer: Hard consonants (soft consonants)

■ What alphabet has seven letters? Answer: Alphabet.

■ Which word has forty vowels? Answer: Forty a.

s What do we hear at the end of recess and at the beginning of the lesson? Answer: Vowels.

■ What's in the middle of the cabbage? Answer: The letter W.

■ During a thunderstorm, we observe lightning and thunder. What do you hear between them? Answer: Sound I.

■ How, without changing a single sound, but only by changing their places, turn the stoker into his working tool? Answer: A stoker is a poker.

■ What utensils cannot be eaten? Answer: From empty.

■ When is there something in an empty pocket? Answer: When there is a hole in the pocket.

■ What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? Answer: Wet wood.

■ Can an ostrich call itself a bird? Answer: No, he cannot speak.

■ What rocks are not found in any sea? Answer: Dry stones.

■ How many peas are in a glass? Answer: Not at all, peas do not walk.

■ When is a boy called by a woman's name? Answer: Sonya.

■ There were 3 light bulbs in the chandelier. One was extinguished. How many light bulbs are left? Answer: Three.

■ Which car wheel does not spin when going downhill? Answer: Spare wheel.

■ Which peninsula complains about its size? Answer: I am small.

■ Which city is flying? Answer: Eagle.

■ The name of the earliest flower, the antonym of which is forgetfulness. Answer: Forget-me-not.

■ The name of the earliest yellow flower, the antonym of which is father-and-stepfather. Answer: Mother-and-stepmother.

■ Can a word have one hundred and one letters? Answer: 100l, 100p, 100g, 100n.

■ What do you do when you get on the bus: get off, get off, or get up? Answer: Let's go.

■ Which day of the week has a double consonant? Answer: Saturday.

■ What state can be worn on the head? Answer: Panama.

■ Which European capital stands on mowed grass? Answer: Paris is on the River Seine.

■ What numeral commands to rub? Answer: Three.

■ What pronoun reads the same from left to right and from right to left? Answer: It.

■ What pronoun becomes a conjunction when read from right to left? Answer: He-no.

■ What kind of snake is an adverb? Answer: Oh.

■ What is the plural form of the noun person? Answer: People.

■ What does half an apple look like? Answer: The other half.

■ Rolled around with a ball until you were a sock? Answer: ball.


Who kidnapped Thumbelina? (Toad)

The name of the boy who was carried away by wild swans? (Ivanushka)

In which work does one of the actions take place in the tavern "3 minnows"? ("The Golden Key" or "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

From which work are the lines: “The miller had three sons. And he left them, dying, only a mill, a donkey and a cat ... ”(“ Puss in Boots ”)

Comments. The team completes the task within 5 minutes, trying to pick up as many options as possible. The answers are written by the captains on pieces of paper. Then, after the time has elapsed, the answer options are read out, discussed, the teams are awarded points (1 point for each reasonable option). It is possible to award bonus points to the opposing team for adding correct additional answers.

Task for 1 team:

Little Humpbacked Horse” P. Ershov.
"Scarlet Flower" S. Aksakov.
"Wolf and seven kids" folk.
"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" R. Kipling.

Answer options: “The wolf and the seven Young goats"(folk, other copyright),"The Scarlet Flower"(this name refers to a plant, and in the rest - animals),"The Little Humpbacked Horse"(a fairy tale in verse, the rest - in prose),“Rikki-tikki-tavi”(foreign literature),"The wolf and the seven Young goats"(the title mentions several characters, and the rest - one at a time), and so on.

Task for 2 teams:

Thumbelina” G.-H. Andersen.
"The Little Mermaid" G.-H. Andersen.
“The Steadfast Tin Soldier” G.-H. Andersen.
"Cinderella" Ch.Perro.

Answer options:"Cinderella"(fairy tale by Ch. Perro, and the rest - by G.-H. Andersen),"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"(in the name the character is masculine, and in other names - feminine),"Mermaid"(sea dweller, the rest live on land),"Cinderella"(man, the rest are fabulous creatures) and so on.

Amazing transformations:

Who did the fairy tale characters turn into or bewitched into?

1. Prince Gvidon (into a mosquito, into a fly, into a bumblebee).

The ugly duckling (into the swan, Andersen).

The monster from Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" (in the prince).

2. Brother Ivanushka (into a kid).

Vasilisa the Beautiful (into a frog).

Eleven brothers - princes from Andersen's fairy tale "Wild Swans" (into swans).

What magical means - objects did these fairy-tale heroes have?

1. A soldier from Andersen's fairy tale (tinderbox).

At Pinocchio (golden key).

Dunno (magic wand).

2. Cinderella (glass slipper).

At the Snow Queen (magic mirror).

At Baba Yaga (broom).


Three horses ran 15 km. How far did each horse run? (15 km)

A figure that has three sides and three angles (triangle).

One corner was sawn off from the table top. How many corners are left?

There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers on 10 hands.

Two fathers and two sons shared 3 oranges. How much did each get?

The staircase consists of 15 steps. On which step do you need to stand to be in the middle of the stairs?

1. A square with a side of 6 cm was bent from a piece of wire. Then the wire was unbent, and a triangle with equal sides was bent from it. What is the length of the side of the triangle?

If 6 cups of milk are poured out of a jug of milk, there will be 9 cups left. And it is not possible to add 6 glasses of milk there, since 2 glasses will not enter. How many glasses of milk are in the jug? (19 glasses)

2. I am wearing a nose. What word-number is encrypted here? (ninety)

20. If a coin of 15 kopecks is called a five-kopeck piece, then how many kopecks is 1 altyn? (3 kop)

80. 100. How can one sack of wheat, after grinding it, fill two sacks that are as large as the sack containing the wheat? (put one empty bag in another and pour wheat into it already)

Category "Problems with a trick." Not far from the coast there is a ship with a rope ladder launched along the side. The stairs have 10 steps; the distance between the steps is 30 cm. The lowest step touches the water. The ocean is calm today, but the tide is beginning to rise, which will raise the water by 15 cm every hour. How long will it take for the third step of the rope ladder to be covered with water? (0, both the ship and the ladder will rise with the water, and therefore the water will not cover the third step)


What is between the river and the shore? (And)

You will go to the edge of Sverdlovsk, what will you find? (A)

Letters that do not make a sound? (b, b)

In my old age, I meet once,

In youth - 3 times.


Winnie the Pooh came to the Owl. A sign hung near its hollow with the inscription:







Exercise: In 3 minutes, the teams must find and correct all the spelling mistakes made by Owl. For each correctly corrected error, the team receives 1 point.

Write down Russian proverbs that are close in meaning to Chinese:

You need to discuss often - decide once

Difficult to grab two eels with two hands

When the weather is clear, prepare an umbrella

And in a good garden there are rotten pumpkins

8. One of the word forms is different from the others. Name this form of the word and explain why it is superfluous.

Country, elephant, whiteness, harrow, beauty.

10. What words will you get if you read the following words from the end to the beginning, taking into account the sounds, not the letters:log, hatch, current, linen, lei?

GAME WITH spectators

Looking at the proposed pictures, remember:

what fairy-tale hero could lose this thing (1 point);

what was the name of the tale itself (1 point);

Pictures for 1 team:

Golden Key ( Pinocchio, “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, A. Tolstoy).

Package ( postman Pechkin, “Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”, E. Uspensky).

Basket with pies ( Little Red Riding Hood, “Little Red Riding Hood”, Ch. Perro).

Pictures for 2 teams:

slipper ( Cinderella, "Cinderella", C. Perro).

Feather of the Firebird ( Ivanushka, “Humpbacked Horse”, P. Ershov).

The Scarlet Flower ( Nastenka, the Merchant or the Beast, “Scarlet Flower”, S. Aksakov).


How many days in a week, including weekends? (7, 2);

What stones do not exist in the sea?(Dry)

How many toes are on the foot? (5)

What tree does a crow sit on when it rains?(on wet)

How many back and front legs does a duck have? (2);

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?(No, he can't speak)

How many seasons? (4);

How to catch a tiger in a cage?(There are no tigers in a cage, they are striped)

How many months in a year? (12);

When are "hands" a pronoun?(When they are you-we-you)

How many dwarves does Snow White have? (7)

When is a horse a predatory animal?(When trotting)

How many eyes and eyebrows does a person have together? (4);

What does the watchman do when he has a crow on his hat?(asleep)

How many letters are in the name of a white-sided bird? (6);

How many turns in the city of Kemerovo?(Two, right and left)

How many times to measure to cut once? (7);

When a rooster stands on one leg, it weighs 5kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on two legs?(5 kg)

I will turn the magic circle, and a friend will hear me. (Telephone

What was “tomorrow” and what will be “yesterday”?(Today)

This fairy-tale hero loved to ride on the stove (Emelya).

How many peas can fit into a glass?(None, because they can't walk)

These are small horses, but their name is simply ... (Pony)

Name five days without naming the numbers and names of the days?(The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

What does water turn into at a negative temperature? (Ice)

If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sun in 72 hours?(No, because it will be night)

If the word needs to be corrected, what was allowed in it? (Error)

What month has the 28th?(In all)

Mouse's favorite treat. (Cheese)

Ball game with rackets. (Tennis)

A flock of bees is called ... (Roy)

Terrible, toothy sea predator. (Shark)

Five steps - a ladder, on the steps - a song. (Notes)

Hell is the devil, heaven is ... (Angel)

Dried grapes. (Raisin)

This is the name of the hole in the tooth and in the tree. (Hollow)

What numeral commands? (Three)

What are salads? (A game)

What are the main parts of a sentence called? (subject predicate)

What questions are asked about words in the genitive case? (who? what?)

Which country is called the Land of the Rising Sun? (Japan)

How many oceans are on earth? (4)

What number has as many digits as letters in its name?(One hundred).

Quiz "Questions for all occasions" for elementary school

Noskova Natalya Yurievna
Position and place of work: primary school teacher MBOU - Verkh-Tulinskaya secondary school No. 14
Description: I bring to your attention a quiz (with answers), the questions of which will help primary school teachers in the classroom. These questions can be asked at the beginning or at the end of a lesson, in an extended day group, at holidays and intellectual games. Brainstorming options are different. You can compete between boys and girls, between rows, between teams. Competitions are interesting when they are held on time: for example, who will answer the most questions in one minute or how long the competitors will be able to answer 10-15 questions.
Questions can be asked orally, and the children write the answers on pieces of paper, then they check everything together. Questions can be grouped by topic, for example: "Toys", "About food", "Sports", "Sea", "About birds" and others.
Purpose: The material is presented to replenish the pedagogical piggy bank.
Target: familiarization with the quiz "Questions for all occasions."
Tasks:- to develop and concentrate the attention of children;
- develop the ability to work in a team;
- broaden the horizons of students;
- develop interest and curiosity.

1. What is more in the flowerbed - flowers or tulips? (Colors)
2. What is a book? (Printing in the form of binding sheets with text)
3. Give the name of the tallest boy, if it is known that Sasha is taller than Kolya, and Kolya and Denis are the same height. (Sasha)
4. A salt shaker is a dish for ... (salt)
5. Who is the author of the work "Cat's House"? (S.Ya. Marshak)
6. Name the toiletries. (Brush, washcloth, comb, etc.)
7. A bunny that can only appear on a clear sunny day. (Sunny Bunny)
8. He caught a goldfish. (Old man)
9. A song about a country where you can meet the Firebird and the golden horse. ("Little country")
10. What is the name of a strong storm at sea? (Storm)
11. The profession of a person serving at the table. (Waiter)
12. What note is put in the soup? (Salt)
13. What is the name of the holiday of seeing off the Russian winter? (Maslenitsa)
14. Ancient women's peasant clothes, sleeveless dress? (Sundress)
15. Where did Aibolit go by telegram? (To Africa)
16. Hare, host of a popular children's program. (Stepashka)
17. When do children go sledding - in summer or winter? (in winter)
18. Not a king, but in a crown; not a rider, but with spurs. (Rooster)
19. What is the difference between a cup and a plate? (Drink from a cup, eat from a plate)
20. Bread, cottage cheese, sour cream, sausage are ... (products)
21. This uncle went by train to live in the village. (Uncle Fedor)
22. What is the goalkeeper guarding? (Gates)
23. This dish should be eaten with a spoon, carefully and without squelching. (Soup)
24. Continue: birch, aspen, poplar ... (oak, maple - deciduous)
25. The most toothy and dangerous fish. (Shark)
26. It is customary to take this product from a common plate with your hands, not with a fork. (Bread)
27. Sister of brother Ivanushka. (Alyonushka)
28. A small plate on which a glass or cup is placed. (Saucer)
29. What key do not open the door? (violinist)
30. The last summer month. (August)
31. The largest berry. (Watermelon)
32. What dishes did an absent-minded person once mix up with a headdress? (frying pan)
33. What number comes before the number 6, 17? (5, 16)
34. Who chirps in the grass, wants to sing everyone? (Grasshopper)
35. The most industrious insect? (Ant)
36. They knock him out at the checkout when they pay for the goods. (Check)
37. Profession of Sinbad. (Sailor)
38. Another name for the alphabet. (ABC)
39. From what metal was the soldier made in the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen? (from tin)
40. What does a couch potato like to sleep on? (on the side)
41. Underground - what do we call it? (Metro)
42. What is the name of the pot in the Russian folk tale, which the animals made their dwelling? (Teremok)
43. A teardrop from the sky. (A drop)
44. The most famous resident of the Flower City. (Dunno)
45. What did the bear carry Masha with pies in? (In a box)
46. ​​What is the address of the pirates? (Sea)
47. Butter dish is a dish for ... (oil)
48. Who is more in school - children or boys? (Children)
49. Favorite currency of pirates. (Gold)
50. A pet walking by itself. (Cat)
51. Window curtain. (Curtain)
52. The most songbird of Russia. (Nightingale)
53. Flat geometric figure with three corners. (Triangle)
54. What shape does the wheel form? (Circle)
55. Who has one foot, and even that without a shoe? (Mushroom)
56. What instrument did the epic hero Sadko play? (gusli)
57. Who makes furniture? (Joiner)
58. What is the difference between a garden and a vegetable garden? (Fruits grow in the garden, vegetables grow in the garden)
59. This dad had a wooden son. (Carlo)
60. What is more in the city - buildings or schools? (Buildings)
61. Leader of the orchestra. (Conductor)
62. On what did both the soldier and Gerda swim in the fairy tales of G.-Kh. Andersen? (Boat)
63. What sports equipment do sailors use when measuring strength? (Rope)
64. Favorite dance of sailors. ("Apple")
65. When was Cinderella supposed to return from the ball? (Exactly at 12 o'clock at night)
66. How many coins did Pinocchio have? (Five)
67. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"? (Artemon)
68. How many notes are there? (Seven)
69. What was the name of dad in the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (Mikhailo Potapovich)
70. Which animal has a bag? (At the kangaroo)
71. What grass do cats like very much? (to Valerian)
72. Striped African horse. (Zebra)
73. What flower is called "voiced"? (Bell)
74. What was the name of the rat of the old woman Shapoklyak? (Lariska)
75. What does an elk lose every winter? (Horns)
76. What did Emelya ride in the fairy tale “At the command of the pike”? (On the stove)
77. Pet of pirates. (Parrot)
78. An animal with a horn on its nose. (Rhinoceros)
79. What is the name of Uncle Styopa. (Stepanov)
80. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's sister? (Barbara)
81. What did Thumbelina float on a plate of water? (On a tulip petal)
82. What bird did Thumbelina help, and then did she help her? (Martin)
83. A song about an animal that the whole house hated. ("Black cat")
84. What was the name of Matroskin's cow? (Murka)
85. Mistress of Artemon. (Malvina)
86. One-eyed old woman embroiders patterns. (Needle)
87. Where do pirates keep their treasures? (In chest)
88. In what did Gvidon and his mother swim in the ocean? (In a barrel)
89. How many vowels are there in the Russian alphabet? (Ten)
90. What is a spoon? (Cutlery)
91. With what instrument can you determine the sides of the horizon? (Compass)
92. King's workplace? (Throne)
93. How did the cat Matroskin like to eat sandwiches? (Vice versa)
94. A mustachioed character from Chukovsky's fairy tale. (Cockroach)
95. What game sometimes ends with a fish? (Domino)
96. Portable rain shelter. What is this? (Umbrella)
97. Who was the owner of the seven-colored flower? (Girl Zhenya)
98. What does the scientist cat do when it goes to the right? (Song turns on)
99. Headdress of the postman Pechkin. (Hat with ear flaps)
100. Winter glass flowed in spring. (Ice)
101. What is more at the holiday - balloons or red balloons? (Balloons)
102. What is the pride of old Hottabych? (Beard)
103. Nickname of Uncle Styopa. (Calancha)
104. What is the difference between a sleigh and a cart? (The sleigh has runners, and the cart has wheels)
105. What did the donkey play from the fairy tale “The Bremen Town Musicians”? (On guitar)
106. The name of a jackdaw from the fairy tale "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat" (Khvatayka)
107. Who drives ships in the sea? (Captain)
108. Name the seven colors of the rainbow. (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple)
109. What is lighter - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (They weigh the same)
110. Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar? (The caterpillar can't fly)
111. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream)
112. Karkusha - who is this? (Crow)
113. What did the old man ask the Goldfish first? (Trough)
114. What hat can not be drawn? (cap of invisibility)
115. The hero of what fairy tale outwitted the ogre and helped his master to become rich and famous? ("Cat in
116. Here they learn to shoot accurately. (Tyr)
117. Tool for playing tennis. (Racket)
118. A small horse is called ... (pony)
119. What do they say when on the phone? ("Hello")
120. Time at school between two breaks. (Lesson)
121. A globe is drawn on it. (Map)
122. For how many years did the frog turn into Vasilisa the Wise? (For three years)
123. How many rings are in the Olympic flag? (Five)
124. Crossbar, on which the most dexterous twist the "sun". (Horizontal bar)
125. Who is more in the forest - animals or birds? (Beasts)
126. Tennis court. (Court)
127. What words exhausted Winnie the Pooh? (Long)
128. House for bees. (Hive)
129. Fisherman's soup. (ear)
130. What was Pinocchio made of? (From the fire)
131. What we eat. (Cutlery)
132. House for cars. (Garage)
133. Material in a cage or in a ruler for writing. (Notebook)
134. The place where Cinderella met the prince. (Ball)
135. A ball from Prostokvashino is ... (dog)
136. A vegetable turned into a carriage. (Pumpkin)
137. This king has a golden cockerel on his needle. (Dadon)
138. The person who gives Cinderella the most trouble. (Stepmother)
139. What state can be worn on the head? (Panama)
140. Eyes of the house. (Window)
141. This prince lives in the kingdom of fruits and vegetables. (Lemon)
142. From what did Papa Carlo make a headdress for Pinocchio? (From a sock)
143. The writer who invented Pinocchio. (A. Tolstoy)
144. Musical group from the fable of grandfather Krylov. (Quartet)
145. "Golden" season. (Autumn)
146. In what city did the wizard Goodwin live? (In Emerald)
147. Hare in public transport. (stowaway)
148. Place of work of the giant Uncle Styopa. (Policeman)
149. Neatly wound threads. (ball, skein)
150. Cold soup. (Okroshka, beetroot)
151. Boxing area. (Boxing ring)
152. The material from which Cinderella's shoes are made. (Crystal)
153. What fish puts on a fur coat on holidays? (Herring)
154. What is the number that comes before 2, 7. (1, 6)
155. What bird's chicks do not know their mother. (Cuckoo)
156. Where did Pinocchio go instead of school? (To the theatre)
157. What was the name of Kuzma's brownie mentor? (Nafanya)
158. What is traded. (Product)
159. Hard crust on the snow. (Nast)
160. What was the name of the original old woman who loved rats. (Shapoklyak)
161. What is more in the apartment - furniture or chairs? (Furniture)
162. Comic puppet in Russian puppet show. (Parsley)
163. Where, according to Matroskin, did his uncle work? (At the shoe polish factory)
164. Who is more in the city - children or people? (Of people)
165. Children's play with dolls. (Daughters-mothers)
166. The floor of the ship. (Deck)
167. Residence of Carlson. (Roof)
168. Ship brake. (Anchor)
169. A geometric figure located in the center of a football field. (Circle)
170. What bird builds a nest on the roof of the house. (Stork)
171. The main person on the sports field. (Judge)
172. The largest bird in the world. (Ostrich)
173. What is the length of the boa constrictor? (38 parrots)
174. Who treats animals? (Vet)
175. Bun with cottage cheese. (Cheesecake)
176. What were the first books? (Handwritten)
177. Footprint on asphalt or sand. (Track)
178. Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)
179. What mushrooms have slimy caps in any weather? (oily)
180. What is a flag, coat of arms, anthem for the state? (State symbols)
181. A room for receiving patients in a clinic. (Cabinet)
182. A plant that clings to clothing. (burr)
183. Who is depicted on the State Emblem of Russia? (double-headed eagle)
184. Tourist's house. (Tent)
185. There is an oak, three branches on the oak, three apples on each branch. How many apples are there? (Apples don't grow on oak)
186. The steering wheel of Baba Yaga's vehicle. (Broom)
187. What did the brothers Cyril and Methodius come up with? (ABC)
188. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't speak)
189. The most unpleasant thing in a portfolio for a loser. (Diary)
190. They say that a magpie brings it on its tail. (News)
191. How can you find out the age of trees? (By the number of rings on the cut)
192. Who is Shushara in the fairy tale about Pinocchio and the golden key? (Rat)
193. Meat after passing through a meat grinder. (Ground meat)
194. Very quiet conversation. (Whisper)
195. During the day he looks, and at night he sleeps. (Eye)
196. Frog's girlfriend. (Toad)
197. What does half an apple look like. (To the other half)
198. What happens for free in a mousetrap? (Cheese)
199. Ladder on the ship. (Ladder)
200. Bag with holes for groceries. (Net)

Dear colleagues, I will be glad if the quiz is used by you in your work.

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