Gilles technique fractal pattern. Fractal drawing

Today I offer you a truly magical method of self-knowledge. With your own hands, you can draw a picture of your subconscious, read what it wants to tell you, and, if desired, even transform negative aspects into positive attitudes. Sounds like a real miracle, doesn't it? However, this miracle is based on a scientific method that has gone through all stages of development from experiment to implementation in the practical work of a psychologist.

The uniqueness of the fractal pattern method lies in its simplicity and accessibility for everyone. The method is based on our color perception, graphic plasticity of lines and everything connected with it.

When drawing, the influence of consciousness is excluded, since at the first stage you do not see what you are drawing, and at the second stage, the choice of color for coloring occurs without the participation of your consciousness. Thus, the subconscious makes the choice for you, and you just have to follow its voice.

To complete this creative and terribly interesting job you will need:

  • colored pencils in large quantities (The total should be about 80-100 pieces. The more colors and shades, the better. You can purchase sets of 6, 12, 24 pencils from different manufacturers.)
  • a large box for storing all the pencils (a shoe box will do just fine)
  • black ballpoint pen
  • white A4 paper (ordinary paper for drawing, drawing or printing is suitable)
  • pencil sharpener

And the result will exceed all your expectations!

Let's get started!

Free up some time, choose a more or less calm environment. You can turn on your favorite relaxation music and begin your meditation session.

Your workspace should look something like this before the magic process begins:

For ease of use of pencils, it is better to put them in a box or some other spacious container. In this case, a paper box lid is used.

How to draw:

The magic of this method is that even if you know in your head which line you want to draw first and which one later (in the form of a geometric figure, figure eight, loop, etc.), then how all these lines will overlap each other in As a result, it is impossible to predict, and even more so it is impossible to predict the color of the pencil you choose, but more on that a little later. In the meantime:

Place the white sheet horizontally.

Take a black ballpoint pen, close your eyes, relax. Place the pen ball anywhere on the sheet.

With your eyes closed, draw a continuous line, trying to fill as much of the sheet as possible, for 45–60 seconds. The line should be clear and well drawn. The speed of movement of the handle is average, without sharp strokes.

Draw calmly, with a lot of intersections horizontally, vertically and diagonally, making circular, oval and any other geometric shapes and trying to diversify the direction of the lines and your movements. The white background of the picture must be left perfectly white, without blots, stains or inscriptions.

Stop after 45-60 seconds. Open your eyes. If you see that there are many large cells in the drawing, close your eyes and continue drawing for some time. It’s good if there are approximately the same number of large, medium and small cells. The beginning and end of the drawing cannot be left open. They need to be brought to the nearest line, closed.


The result is a drawing that is mysterious and incomprehensible. Amazing coloring book for adults. Admire it.

Now proceed to the second stage - coloring. Close your eyes, take a colored pencil from the box, open your eyes, select any cell and start coloring it. You can paint 3-4 cells with one color. Then return the pencil to the general set and, with your eyes closed, choose the next one.

If you again come across a pencil of the same color, you need to paint at least one more cell with it, after which the pencil is returned to the general box. Important requirement: cells painted with the same color should not have common lines; they can border only in the corners. Cells must be painted over without strokes, neatly and evenly.

Start coloring:

Continued coloring:

The result is such a “painting by a modern artist”!

Examine the drawing, check that all the cells are filled in, and with a feeling of accomplishment, proceed to the final part: studying yourself using the “fractal key”.

Anyone can understand what a fractal pattern is talking about. This is one of its advantages over other research methods, which require a specialist to interpret the data obtained. Everyone can explore themselves and shape their personality, creatively approaching the process of harmonious self-development.

So, what does the resulting fractal pattern tell you? Look at it carefully. Attention! It is better to read further text having already drawn your drawing and holding it before your eyes.

In your drawing there is lines , they tell you about your human qualities. Your lines are unique, just like your handwriting when you write. They are interconnected with your character traits. Take a closer look at the lines. What are they like: smooth, angular, sharp, intermittent, brightly drawn, faintly visible, looped? If the drawing, for example, is dominated by short lines with sharp angles, then this indicates a stressful state, a state of increased emotionality. Many round lines repeating each other are a symptom of nervousness and obsessive states. Frequent loops - think about what you might be fixated on. Straight lines, having few intersections and forming rectangular cells, indicate a rectilinear, rigid character.

What features of yourself do you recognize in this dance of lines? Is it possible that you like some lines and dislike others? Draw an analogy with your qualities and think about what you would like to adjust.

Next thing you need to study image size and configuration . The size of your drawing (small, medium or large) determines your character. The set of cells in the picture very accurately reflects the portrait of your personality. Determine which cell size predominates in the picture.

If the majority of cells are of medium size, this indicates a balanced character, sound thinking, and prudence. When the shape of the drawing along the general contour is rather oval, then in the presence of not particularly prominent colors, one can conclude that there are stereotypes of thinking. And if there are a lot of curls and “tails” along the contour, then successfully write yourself down as a creative person! The small size of the picture will tell about the internal complexes. If there are a lot of small cells in the picture, then the character has a tendency towards analysis, in-depth study, and meticulousness.

Next, proceed to study colors . Since color is energy and radiation of a certain wavelength, your choice of one color or another gives the key to understanding your energy system, and also tells you about your childhood and a little about your future.

The most amazing thing is that with the help of a fractal pattern you can see your own aura! For me this was the most amazing discovery. Back in the late 80s and early 90s, scientists proved that the colors that dominate in drawings are actually inherent in a person’s real aura. Now I can always find out what kind of aura I have at the moment, and without using a triprism (a device with which the aura is photographed).

The presence of a large number of areas of cold tones indicates that a person is closed. If the colors are bright and contrasting, there are leadership qualities. If there are no halftones among the colors, we can talk about an authoritarian character. If the cells are painted neatly, without going beyond the boundaries, then in the character there will be such a trait as... that's right, neatness. And most likely, she will have the desire to follow instructions. If the cells are neatly filled with contrasting colors without halftones, then most likely you recognize an analytical mindset. In the case of painting with a smooth transition of halftones, you can see creative ways to solve problems.

More detailed information about the history of the creation of the fractal pattern method, the features of its implementation and analysis is given in the book by the authors of this diagnostic method, T. Z. Poluyakhtova and A. E. Komova, “Spring of fractal wisdom, or a fresh look at our capabilities.”

Having received a transcript of your drawing, you can come to the conclusion that it is necessary to correct your character, your energy, your subconscious. This can be achieved by completing a course of 21 drawings. The main difference here will be that in the second stage you will choose colors consciously in order to redistribute them or add missing ones. Usually positive changes are felt after 3-4 drawings.

I hope that this master class will help you get to know yourself better, understand the direction of further development and self-confidence!


Poluyakhtova T. 3., Komov A. E. “Spring of fractal wisdom, or a fresh look at our capabilities” M.: Publishing House “Business Literature”, 2002

At the meeting, I offer you a solution to the problems of health, well-being, prosperity of the family and each of its representatives through the combination of the energy of color, organs and body systems (chakras) and meanings - images of ancient Slavic initial letters.

We will formulate a life task and, using the meaning of color and semantic vibrations of the initial letters, understand how it can be successfully resolved, creating a new positive speech formula-program for solving their difficult situation.

We will get acquainted, communicate and use the knowledge gained to benefit.

I moved my hand senselessly
Drawing lines, circles...
And a white sheet of paper in front of me
Like it was covered with cobwebs.
I didn’t know, I didn’t know then,
What I pictured my fate,
That a portal was opening for me
With a mysterious name - “fractal”.
The likeness of me is my drawing
He was ready to talk to me.
Suriya Andreeva, 08/09/2016

“Fractal drawing as a method of self-knowledge”

Those who want and are ready to take the path of self-awareness and self-development, independently and successfully solve life problems, and help others, can use fractal drawing as a simple, accessible and 100% method of psychological self-correction.

Fractal method is a method of self-diagnosis of a person’s psycho-emotional and physiological state, which helps you build a harmonious picture of your interaction with the world, understand the issues of setting and achieving goals, your relationships with family members, colleagues, etc.

  • How to know yourself?
  • How can we access information hidden in the depths of our subconscious?
  • How to learn to determine your life goals and achieve them?
  • How to move to a new qualitative level in your development?

“Fractal” from Latin means “similar, similar.” The principle of similarity is applied initially when you create your first fractal pattern. At the moment, without yet realizing it, you are conveying your inner state in this unsightly, incomprehensible drawing.

You paint yourself, your inner world along with all experiences, problems, illnesses, sorrows, joys, dreams... This drawing, like two peas in a pod, “resembles” you. It contains comprehensive information about your current state. In a fractal drawing, the macroworld is a person, and the microworld is a drawing.

The drawing is an information bridge between consciousness and the unconscious area.
Thanks to this, a three-dimensional picture emerges - the characteristics of the person being tested.
Diagnostics based on the analysis of the shape and energy functions of color allows you to independently solve life problems through conscious correction of fractal patterns.

You can learn how to create fractal patterns at the seminar.

Seminar program:

  1. The history of the birth of the fractal method. What are fractals and fractality?
  2. Energy functions of color are the basis of fractal diagnostics.
  3. The influence of color on human life.
  4. Color therapy. Analysis of the human condition based on color sensations.
  5. Color vibrations and meanings of ancient Slavic letters, images and words, contributing to the understanding of one’s present state.
  6. Fractal method as a way of meditation.
  7. Using a fractal pattern while working on goals.
  8. Test pattern execution technology.
  9. How to use the “key” for self-diagnosis.
  10. How to carry out self-correction of psychological state using drawing.

Individual consultations.
This workshop is recommended for participants in the Goal Setting course as a practical method of independently working on goals. Also, this seminar is a self-contained training and can be taken outside of the Goal Setting course as an independent lesson.

Nikitina Svetlana Gennadievna -
rhetorician, speech communication specialist, consulting psychologist.

Svetlana Nikitina

"I draw myself..."

How to know yourself?
How to learn to determine your life goals and achieve them?
How to move to a new qualitative level in your own development?
How can you support yourself in difficult times, when there is no one to turn to for help, and you can only rely on your own strength?

Questions, questions, questions...
As soon as you find the answer to one question, life throws you another...
So we walk along the path of life step by step - search, options, choice, decision...

Especially many questions arise before a person in critical times, which are often called “crisis”, “revolutionary”, “troubled”, etc. But, as the poet said, “you don’t choose times - you live and die in them.” It’s better, of course, to live - and live well! This requires strength, faith and great desire. Today, unfortunately, many give up, lose faith, stop moving forward, resign themselves to hopelessness: “Why try to do something, it’s still useless - it’s a crisis!”

Luckily, I know other people. They find internal reserves and support themselves in moments of testing. And everyone has their own way: someone makes things with their hands, someone writes down their thoughts and analyzes the situation, someone goes into nature and walks alone - “thinks in thought,” and someone draws.
In fact, there are a huge number of different opportunities to support yourself and, like Münchhausen, pull yourself out of the swamp by your hair.

Several years ago, when I was going through hard times, I was taught fractal drawing. This helped me not only cope with a great loss, but also understand myself, be calmer and wiser about what is happening in life.

Fractal is translated from Latin as “similar, similar.”
The creator of the fractal pattern method is T.Z. Poluyakhtova. writes: “The principle of similarity is applied initially when a person draws his first drawing. At this moment, without realizing it, he conveys his inner state. We draw ourselves, our inner world with all the experiences, problems, pains, sorrows and joys. This drawing contains comprehensive information about ourselves. He’s like us like two peas in a pod.”

There is a theory that the world around us represents some kind of fractal structure. In this structure, any information is naturally repeated at various scale levels. For example, the cell “knows” everything about the organism as a whole; the atom contains comprehensive information about the structure of the Universe. Therefore, by studying the atom and comprehending the secrets of the microcosm, we thereby reveal the secrets of the structure of the macrocosm - the Universe. In the fractal method, the macroworld is a person, and the microworld is a drawing.

What is the history of the creation of the fractal pattern method?
This happened in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century. Scientists were able to observe a colored iris over the contour of a human figure, thanks to a triprism invented by physicists, made of optical glass with a mirror reflector.

In the refraction of the triprism faces, it was absolutely clear that each person had his own unique combination of colors. Moreover, in different emotional and physical states, the color picture changed.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that this is a real aura, an energy shell, the color scheme of which contains deep information about a person.
The researchers were amazed that the same colors that dominated in the human aura seen through a triprism were the same colors that dominated in the drawing made using the fractal method!

Knowledge about the influence of color on human life and the experience of color treatment, accumulated over many centuries, proves: with the help of a person’s color perceptions, one can accurately determine his emotional and physical state, as well as influence individual organs and systems of the body with color, induce or suppress certain feelings .

Thus, when a person creates a fractal pattern and deciphers it using a special “key,” analyzing the nature of the lines, the size of the “cells,” the prevailing colors and color combinations, he conducts self-diagnosis, and in subsequent drawings, self-correction of his condition.

In addition, fractal pattern is a way of active meditation. I light a candle, turn on the music and draw for an hour and a half: my soul calms down, my thoughts are organized, the answers that I have been searching for for a long time and painfully come to mind, my mood improves. Why? Yes, because I devoted time to myself! That's why I draw every day, ask questions and find answers in lines and spots of color. One drawing, the second, the tenth, the seventeenth...

And the result exceeds all expectations: suddenly, in the web of lines, I see a bird and paint it. When a person creates not a blurry variety of colors, but an artistic image, this indicates harmonization, deep penetration into his own “I”, and the manifestation of his creative abilities. This is how images of a butterfly, an apple, an Easter egg, a snake, a blue bird appeared in my drawings...

Since December 2003, I have been using the fractal drawing method as a way of self-support during difficult moments in life. Simple and effective! I have taught this method to many people, advised production teams, couples, children and parents to understand conflict situations, health conditions or relationships.

And now, as part of a large series of classes on goal setting, I proposed the topic “Fractal drawing”. There were so many people interested that I planned a series of thematic classes teaching the technology of performing a test drawing, deciphering it, diagnosing and correcting the state of the drawer.

Always glad to meet you!
I sincerely wish you to find within yourself a source of strength, inner support and fortitude!

Your Svetlana Nikitina

Ignatova Elena Mikhailovna

Master class for teachers

“Fractal drawing is a functional drawing for harmonizing the psycho-emotional and physiological state of the teacher”

Target: introduce teachers to a new method from the field of art therapy,

promoting correction and harmonization of psycho-emotional and personal state;

prevention and correction of the psychological and physiological state of teachers.

Preliminary work: diagnostics of teachers “Degree of severity of emotional burnout syndrome” (test questionnaire by N. E. Vodopyanova, E. S. Starchenkova)

Materials: white A4 sheets according to the number of participants, colored pencils, fountain pens, felt-tip pens, beautiful music for relaxation, glue sticks, stickers.

Progress of the event:

Teacher-psychologist: Dear colleagues. Today I invited you to a master class to introduce you to a new method from the field of art therapy that promotes the correction and harmonization of the psycho-emotional and personal state.

As per tradition, we will start our event with a greeting.

1. Greeting: exercise “Compliments”

Target: creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor, mastering the technique of complimenting.

Exercise: come up with a compliment that matches the personal qualities of the interlocutor.

Teacher-psychologist: Today we will compliment each other. The exchange of compliments will take place in the form of dialogue. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it.

For example:

Natasha, you are such a sympathetic person!

Yes it is! And also, I'm kind!

And you, Olya, have such beautiful eyes!

A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And also I (a positive quality is added) and the compliment is returned to the speaker.

Teacher-psychologist: present the results of the survey.

Based on the results, we see that not everything is as smooth as we would like for everyone. Today I will introduce you to a new method that helps relieve tension and fatigue. This method is from the field of art therapy. You know that art therapy is a type of psychotherapy and psychological correction based on art and creativity.

What art therapy methods do you know? (isotherapy, dance and play therapy, phototherapy, music therapy, fairy tale therapy, mandala therapy, manicure, soap making, beading, postcard making, makeup, hairstyles).

One of the methods of art therapy is fractal drawing. This method was developed by T. Z. Poluyakhtova in 1991 based on the research of B. Mandelbrot, E. Fandysh, M. Luscher. It is based on the relationship between a person’s fine motor skills and his mental state; the entire drawing carries information about the state of mind and body.

Fractal from Latin - crushed, broken, broken - is a complex geometric figure that has the property of “self-similarity”, that is, composed of several parts, each of which is similar to the entire figure.

This method can be used by children and adults to correct the psycho-emotional state - experiencing a sense of loss, the adaptation period, relieving anxiety, tension and fatigue.

Drawings are done with eyes closed.

2. Drawing

Instructions: Please position yourself in a way that is comfortable for you. You have paper, pencils, markers, colored pens. Place the sheet in front of you horizontally. Place the pen ball anywhere on the sheet. Now you will draw a continuous line with your eyes closed, trying to fill as much of the paper as possible. You will draw for 45-60 seconds. The line should be clear and well drawn. The speed of movement of the handle is average, without sharp strokes. We draw calmly, with a large number of intersections horizontally, vertically and diagonally, performing circular, oval and other movements reminiscent of geometric shapes. Try to diversify the directions of the lines and your movements, and also avoid frequent repetitions of circular, loop-shaped, 8-shaped and geometric shapes. All clear?

Then close your eyes.

Start drawing. (turn on beautiful music for relaxation)

Time is up.

We finished drawing.

Open your eyes.

The white background of the picture must be left perfectly clean, without blots, stains or inscriptions. The beginning and end of the line must be brought or rounded to the nearest intersection point.

Now we will color your drawing. When coloring cells, pencils should only be taken with your eyes closed. Remember that adjacent cells separated by a line cannot be filled with the same color. They can be filled in as long as the cells touch at a point and are located diagonally. You can paint from 1 to 10-15 cells with one color. If you come across a pencil of the same color, at least one cell must be painted over. Try to paint over the smallest cells only with a pen. It's clear? Let's start coloring the cells.

3. Discussion of the emotional state during the drawing process.

4. Reflection “I’ll draw what I feel”

On a sticker, draw your emotional state or review, or wish, i.e. the feeling that you experience at the end of the master class and write only one word. Place all the stickers on one “My Feelings” sheet.

5. Farewell “I’ll draw what I wish”

On a sticker, draw a wish for your colleagues or yourself and write only one word. Place all the stickers on one sheet of paper “My wishes”.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: Application of the technique of drawing with soap bubbles in the educational work of preschool institutions in our region. Tasks:.

These are the athletes our children made for the younger group to get acquainted with winter sports. To create such beautiful ones.

Master class for educators “Drawing with 3-year-old children” At three years old, children enter kindergarten. They are all so different, so inquisitive and emotional. They actively explore the world, themselves, and learn.

Master class: “Use of self-massage techniques in teacher practice” Mineeva Lidiya Anatolyevna Teacher-speech therapist Municipal preschool educational institution “Suksun kindergarten “Malyshok” USE.

Master class in logopsychology “Using art therapy techniques to restore the psychological state of children with ODD”-Dear colleagues! We begin the master class with a great mood and positive emotions.

Art therapy is one of the many modern directions for revealing one’s spiritual growth, natural potential, and creative abilities, which, undoubtedly, each of us has. Art therapy has its roots in ancient art; as you know, our ancestors painted rock paintings, danced around the fire and sang songs. They drew what they saw, what surrounded them, composed songs about what helped them survive - fire, trees, earth, water, wind, stars in the night sky, animals - conscious natural elements and reflected images in a creative impulse of materialization of images. Art therapy is a reflection of the ancient instincts of man, which have gone through centuries of evolution and have come down to our time in various forms of modern art. Art therapy spiritualizes a person, makes the soul brighter, teaches that problems become tasks, which are then solved, lose their significance and subsequently retreat from the person, filling the space of the soul with contemplation of the beauty of the world in which we live.

One of the areas of art therapy is energy fractal drawing. The method, called “fractal,” was first used in 1991 at seminars devoted to the problems of human reserve capabilities and ways of their self-realization. The method is not affected by ethnic, national or territorial differences. The age of people who underwent the method ranged from 6 years to 96 years. Wherever this method is used, the result is always equally high. The simplicity and accessibility of the method is based on a reliable scientific base - the works of B. Mandelbrot, E. Faydysh, M. Lyusher, T.Z. Poluyakhtov, A.E. Komov. and etc.)

The essence of the method is based on the use of relationships between a person’s manual “motor skills” and his mental and psychophysiological states. The drawing carries information about the state of the soul and body. This method is also based on taking into account the rational and intuitive in a person’s perception and in his creative activity, which I use in working with people. This is a unique method that allows us to come into contact with something important inside us, to which we usually do not give either an appearance or a voice, but it is not only alive in us, but also greatly influences our choices, desires, and the quality of our life. Method allows you to use the deep mechanisms of the subconscious, allows you to improve your health, harmonize situations related to creative and interpersonal problems.

The main task of the fractal drawing method is a person’s self-expression through a drawing made according to certain rules. Words are being replaced with pictures - this is a transition not only to a new system of information coding, but also to new methods of describing the world around us.

When mastering the method the spiritual component of a person increases, the creative possibilities that undoubtedly exist in each of us are revealed. Fractals are a symbol of a new stage in the development of natural science, the stage of merging science and art, these two complementary ways of understanding nature - analytical and intuitive.


  1. a set of colored pencils, felt-tip pens and pens in as many color shades as possible;
  2. sheet of whatman paper, A 4 format;
  3. a ballpoint (gel) pen of black or dark blue color, or, as a last resort, a black thin felt-tip pen.

How to draw.

  1. Place the sheet in front of you horizontally;
  2. Place the pen ball at any point on the sheet;
  3. Closing your eyes, 45 – 60 sec. draw a continuous line, trying to fill as much of the sheet as possible;
  4. The line should be clear and well drawn;
  5. The speed of the handle movement is average, without sharp strokes;
  6. We draw calmly, trying to diversify the directions of the lines, with a large number of intersections horizontally, vertically and diagonally, making circular, oval, geometric and any other contours, trying to diversify the movements of the hand and not allowing frequent repetitions: only circular shapes; only loop-shaped; only 8-shaped shapes; only angular shapes.
  7. The white background of the picture must be left perfectly clean, without blots, stains or inscriptions.
  8. Painting a test drawing, pencils, felt-tip pens and colored pens (from the general set) only take it with your eyes closed.

Some useful tips:

  1. Be sure to draw or round the beginning and end of the line to the nearest intersection point. We emphasize once again that we draw the line smoothly, at an average speed (not very fast and not very slow). The hand moves freely, as if by itself. Do not depict familiar figures (flowers, houses, trees, etc.).
  2. The ratio of large, medium and small cells in the area of ​​the picture should be close to 1/3, i.e. a third large, a third medium, a third small.
  3. If, upon opening your eyes, you find that the drawing has a large number of large cells, you need to close your eyes and draw a line for some more time, trying not to go beyond the sheet.
  4. When painting, you must remember that adjacent cells separated by a line cannot be filled with the same color. It is allowed to paint adjacent cells if they touch at the intersection point. You cannot paint a group of cells with one shade or color.
  5. Cells must be painted over without strokes, neatly and evenly. Try to paint over the smallest cells only with a pen.
  6. Pencils must be taken from the general mass, with your eyes closed: whatever comes into your hands. Paint over the cells themselves with your eyes open, without choosing the location of the cell: where your hand placed the pencil, paint there.
  7. You can paint either one cell or several cells in different places of the picture with one color, but no more than 10-15. If you come across a pencil of the same color, and there is no desire to use this color, you need to paint over at least one cell and only then change the pencil.
  8. It is allowed and recommended to use pencils, felt-tip pens, and pens at the same time when painting.

Fractal Pattern Analysis

Pronounced character traits, individual qualities and characteristics of the behavior and state of the author of the drawing can be determined by the following parameters:

  1. character of the line;
  2. size and configuration of the drawing;
  3. cell size and configuration;
  4. color scheme of the picture,
  5. individual dominant colors and shades.

If the drawing contains characteristic features that occupy up to 60-75% of its area, this indicates that the qualities and character traits of the author, as well as his condition, are clearly expressed. Features occupying 30-35% of the drawing area indicate an average indicator of qualities and character traits.

1. Analysis and decoding of the information contained in the fractal pattern begins with lines.

First you need to look and evaluate the quality of the line with which the outline of the drawing is drawn. Assess how smooth the line is, how drawn, contrasting, and thick the line is. It is necessary to estimate the speed at which the line is drawn. Determine whether the person was calm at the time of application or was in an aggressive state.

Clearly drawn line- confident, strong character, purposefulness and independence, accuracy, diligence, commitment.

The pressure when drawing a line is not the same everywhere- most often this is a creative person with a flexible character, a dreamer, emotions are not always stable, and sometimes self-doubt manifests itself.

Weakly drawn lines- painful condition, complexes, noticeable lack of self-confidence.

Sharp, angular lines- emotional tension, stressful state.

Lines with smooth transitions- harmonious, stable state.

Arrangement of lines in a concentric circle, circular repetition in the drawing- tendency to obsessive states, neuroses.

2. Pattern size and configuration

Small drawing (no more than 1/3 of the sheet area)- on the one hand, complexes and low self-esteem, on the other, a tendency towards egocentrism.

Medium size (about 2/3 of the sheet area) and oval perimeter of the pattern- most often this is an indicator of a balanced character.

Large drawing (significantly more than 2/3 of the sheet area)with lines extending beyond the sheet, - unstable emotional state, in some cases inability to concentrate.

Rectangular shape of the perimeter of the pattern- straightforward, often complex character.

The configuration of the pattern with bizarrely expressed “tails” along its perimeter- bright individuality, originality, and in some cases instability of character.

3. Cells. Configuration and dimensions

Cells in a fractal pattern also carry a sufficient amount of information about its author. When a line intersects repeatedly in space, a huge number of cells of different sizes, configurations and proportional relationships are obtained. They can be triangular, loop-shaped, round, elongated, etc. The cells can reveal extremely interesting details, and their totality gives a clear picture of the person as an individual.

Harmonic combination of cell sizesover the entire area of ​​the drawing(1/3 large, 1/3 medium, 1/3 small) - speaks of self-confidence, determination, stability.

A large number of large cells- kind, open nature.

Large number of medium cells- diligence, accuracy, pedantry, analytical skills, penchant for exact sciences.

A large number of small cells- complex, desire for detail, in some cases lack of self-confidence, but always accuracy and diligence.

Smooth, rounded cellswith a small number of geometric shapes- reasonable, calm character, a penchant for creativity.

A large number of geometric shapes- a pronounced penchant for analysis, skepticism in assessments, straightforward authoritarian character.

Sharply outlined, angular, uneven cells- emotional instability, irritation, stress.

Carefully analyze the geometric shapes of the cells:

  • a) a noticeable number of geometrically shaped cells obtained simply by crossing lines shows the presence of a strong character and the presence of business qualities. But at the same time there is a certain complex of dependence on mood;
  • b) the geometric shapes of the cells, drawn with appropriate hand movements and filling the entire or most of the picture, indicate a straightforward, conservative type of character; this person may also have such traits as determination and uncompromisingness.

4. Stains

Little black ones(dotted spots) cells- the presence of the quality of a “shaper” of events (what a person thinks about, happens).

Any small black spot- evidence of the beginning of changes in events in the present time.

A noticeable number of medium spots or a large black spot- energy hunger, lack of power (unwanted labor, idle work).

Large local dark spot- acute personal problem

5. Characteristic color accents.

Large red cells- predisposition to obsessive states, anxiety.

Noticeable number of medium-sized red spots- tension, unstable emotions.

One or more large brown cells- problems of interpersonal relationships that have not been resolved for a long time.

A large number of shades of green- the body's natural ability to self-regulate.

One or more large purple cells- anxiety, aggression, acute stress.

6. Color

Clean white background without stains or blots- high concentration, diligence, punctuality.

Accidentally or intentionally unfilled white cells- talk about the significant lack of demand for natural features.

The following can be said about other colors:

  1. lemon yellow - the color of the teacher, teacher
  2. chicken yellow - the color of the “repeater”, information transmitter, commentator
  3. green color of all shades is the color of healthy energy, the body’s optimal ability of resistance and self-healing, healing abilities
  4. Blue colour:

Blue is the color of calm energy

Blue and dark blue - the color of cold, indifferent energy

Lilac is the color of strong energy

  1. purple is the color of gushing energy
  2. purple is the color of powerful, uncontrollable energy
  3. Red color:

pink - the color of warm energy

scarlet, crimson - color signaling the presence of danger, color of alarm

  1. a thick shade of red, burgundy, cherry - the color of strength, aggressive energy.
  2. orange color - the color of vital, sexual energy
  3. light shades of brown (golden, beige, ocher, sand) - the color of pure energy, holy energy
  4. brown, dark brown - a color that determines the presence of trouble, deep feelings, depression (in combination with other dark colors and shades)
  5. gray color is a color that determines the presence of unstable energies; in combination with other dark colors, it is a borderline state. In small quantities, this color means a quick change in current events.
  6. black color is the color of an energy hole, vacuum, emptiness, energy deprivation.

Note. In general, speaking about color, it is necessary to note the following:

  • a) dark shades of colors indicate the presence of excessive (sometimes acquiring a negative meaning) qualities of the energy functions of color;
  • b) average color saturation - optimal qualities according to the energy functions of color;
  • c) light, transparent tones of each color are reserve or little manifested qualities in the energy functions of color.

This description provides only brief characteristics of the colors (see Annex 1). However, this is the parameter that is fundamental in the fractal pattern technique. As already mentioned, the colors that predominate in a fractal pattern are the colors that predominate in the aura of the author of the pattern. And they characterize the presence of certain character qualities, emotional and physical state.

The fractal pattern method can be used in individual work with a client, to relieve tension and fatigue in children and adults, for diagnostic purposes and in correctional and developmental work with children and adults, to study relationships in a team, in order to identify the psychological compatibility of team members.


  1. Poluyakhtova T. 3., Komov A. E. Spring of fractal wisdom, or a fresh look at our capabilities M.: Publishing House "Business Literature", 2002

Master class “Multi-colored pieces” (fractal pattern).

The master class is designed to work with children of any age category. Can be used in working with teachers or parents.

Purpose: creating a work of art using the “Fractal Drawing” technique.
- introduction to new drawing techniques;
- development of self-expression and self-knowledge through creativity;
- relaxation and relief of emotional stress;
- creation of collective or individual crafts;
- the use of art therapy techniques to correct the behavior of children with disabilities;
- development of fine motor skills.

Fractal pattern.

Authors of the method - psychologists T. Z. Poluyakhtova and A. E. Komov. Their fractal pattern method is over 20 years old. During this time, thousands of people became acquainted with the method.
According to the authors' book:
“The day of July 14, 1991 was especially significant. By this time, the technology of fractal patterns as a test had already developed.
To complete it, all listeners were asked to take identical sheets of Whatman paper (A4 format).
To exclude the influence of consciousness on the drawing, all test subjects were asked to close their eyes at the time of execution. And, without taking your hand off the sheet, move the ballpoint pen over the sheet for 45-60 seconds, trying to fill most of it.
Forty-nine people attended the lesson - adults and children. The oldest participant in the seminar was 56 years old, the youngest was 6 years old.
The process of drawing with your eyes closed was like an amazing sacrament. It was interesting to watch everything happen.
Finally the allotted 60 seconds are over. Everyone opened their eyes, looked at their drawings, and friendly laughter rang out in the hall. Since then, this reaction of test subjects has been repeated for ten years.
What was depicted on each sheet of paper really caused laughter. Everyone’s designs were different: some had rectangular cells, others triangular, some had smooth lines, some had angular ones, sometimes solid loops and circles.

Then the listeners were asked to color the resulting drawing. To exclude conscious influence on the choice of color, we agreed: take pencils and felt-tip pens only with your eyes closed.
When all the drawings were completed, the seminar participants saw a whole gallery of human conditions.”
The basis of the method is the principle of fractals and fractality as such. The drawing here is considered a continuation of a person, a small part of him, a projection. And this small part reflects the big whole - the person. Looking at the drawing, you can diagnose the condition of its author.

To work you need:
- a set of colored pencils,
- felt-tip pens and pens in as many colors as possible;
- a sheet of Whatman paper in A4 format;
- ballpoint pen, black or dark blue.

Parable "Pencil"

Before putting the pencil into the box, the pencil maker put it aside.
“There are five things you must know,” he said to the pencil, “before I send you out into the world.” Always remember them and never forget them, and you will become the best penciler you can be.
First, you can do many great things, but only if you allow Someone to hold you in His hand.
Second, you will experience painful sharpening from time to time, but it will be necessary to become a better penciler.
Third: you will be able to correct the mistakes you make.
Fourth: your most important part will always be within you.
And fifth: no matter what surface you are used on, you must always leave your mark. Regardless of your condition, you must continue to write.
Pencil understood and promised to remember this. He was placed in a box with a calling in his heart.

Step-by-step work process:

1. We collect the necessary materials for work.

2. Place the sheet horizontally in front of you. Place the pen ball at any point on the sheet. Closing our eyes, we draw a continuous line, trying to fill as much of the sheet as possible, within 45 - 60 seconds.

3. Closing your eyes, choose a pencil. When painting, you must remember that adjacent cells separated by a line cannot be filled with the same color. If the cells touch at a point and are located diagonally, then it is possible. You can paint either one cell or a number of cells with one color.

4. Closing your eyes, choose the next pencil. We paint over the cells that are not touching.

5. Closing your eyes, choose the next pencil. We paint over the cells that are not touching.

6. Our painting “Multi-colored pieces” is ready.

7. This drawing will not only help relieve emotional stress during creativity, but will also decorate the interior. Your painting is unique!
Here are some works that were completed by the children of my group.

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