Is it possible to live without education? Is higher education necessary? People without education, how do you live?

Well, for me, the question of education (specifically higher education) is always a double-edged sword. Although I myself am studying, in my VERY large family there are many examples of people both with and without education, so I will share my experience of life without education with a couple of examples.
1. My favorite person is grandma. She graduated from school and that’s it... She made up for her lack of education with hard work. After school, she worked on a collective farm and lived in the village, helped raise 2 sisters and a brother, saved up money when she was 25, moved to the city into a small apartment and opened her own small stall at the market. My grandmother was what is called blood and milk, she worked very hard and knew how to earn money. By the age of 50, she had 2 rather large apartments, a shop, a car and a small capital, not that much, but it’s all in the middle of nowhere in an antediluvian town, where there’s really no way to make money anywhere except the factory.
2. Another relative (relatively uncle). 9 classes of education. He doesn’t work anywhere, he’s lazy, incompetent, he sits on his mother’s neck, he gets by (Sometimes!!!) with odd jobs. After school, he didn’t even want to go on prison, saying that he would live like this. Because of idleness, he began to drink a lot and lives like a ragamuffin. I don’t know if he will be able to rehabilitate himself somehow. But the result is the same - life is hard for him.

In general, there is still a lot of history, but the essence is always the same - without education you can live well, and work, and get good money for this work, and not sink into oblivion yourself, only for this you will have to sweat and work. No, you also have to work a lot with higher education, but with it, whatever one may say, there is more room for maneuver, so to speak. But if for some reason you can’t study now, then at least don’t stop working both at work and on yourself, so as not to drown in your own laziness and missed opportunities.
I hope it helped)
Good luck)

I have a secondary education - 11 classes. I work as an artist at a high level, I have a salary above the Moscow average, I don’t deny myself anything, because the level in this matter is important, and not the number of “educations”. By the way, my friend’s brother got a job as a journalist after school. The result is that he travels to different countries with a high salary.

I can tell you about my partner.

He is twenty-three years old, he dropped out of the philology department in his second year, and now, in general, he earns the same amount as graduates of the philology department. For the last year he has had enough to feed himself, me and our cat, as well as pay for my education and his rather expensive creative hobby. There were times during this year when we had no money at all, but I think these are problems of the transition period, and this will not happen in the future. He does not exclude the possibility of education for himself in the future, but hardly language education.

There are some nuances:

    Before that, for several years, I earned more than him in not very luxurious jobs.

    He has been learning language since the age of twelve and has been quite seriously interested in psychology (which is also important for teaching) since about eighteen. He does both for pleasure, and almost all of his free time consists of activities related to these areas in one way or another.

    Personally, I think that he is very talented in language, psychology, and performance.

Conclusion: you can live without higher education, including living a completely intellectually rich life; but any skill that will be in demand and expensive will be developed in a time comparable to that needed to be spent on higher education.

Well, I have an education. And sometimes, when applying for a job, you really want to hide its presence. I am not interested in the degree specialty, but a potential employer has questions about what’s wrong, why not in my field, any problems? No problem. And the specialty is quite decent - an economics teacher.

“If you study poorly, you will go to the streets of revenge” - words that parents repeat like a mantra for many generations.

For some reason, it is believed that by frightening a child with wipers, an adult will “convince” the little person not to have a comfortable and bright future. Perhaps this is why in our country professions related to maintaining order and cleanliness, to put it mildly, are not popular.

According to official data, only 54% of Russians aged 25 to 64 have graduated from various institutions.

It turns out that the remaining half of the citizens of our vast country are doomed to a sad life without money and prospects? Contrary to popular belief, having an education rarely guarantees employment.

There are some factors that play into the "tower" card.

Why is a former excellent student and favorite of teachers standing in a cap behind the store counter, while a C student and a slob runs multimillion-dollar corporations? Reason - talent.

Talent makes up for the lack of qualifications. There is plenty of evidence of this in history. Remember Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Oleg Tinkov - what unites them? Besides being billionaires, these three businessmen do not have a college degree and, to be honest, simply neglected academic knowledge. However, in their case, the key to success was a shark’s grasp, foresight and talent for entrepreneurship.

How else can talent help you get settled in life? Today, there are hundreds of job options for which the lack of a salary is not critical.

The most paid and prestigious professions are professions. Both inveterate techies and creative humanists will be able to express themselves here.

Programmer-developer, tester, SEO specialist, web designer, copywriter - this is just a small part of the IT specialties that you can master on your own.

It also does not require special education, but is quite a profitable business.

Salaries of professions without higher education*.

*average offered salary by industry in Russia for March 2017

Hard work and desire to work- another way to take a place in the sun without a diploma. Company managers note that often graduates of prestigious universities do not have the knowledge to reach even the simplest position, and their behavior leaves much to be desired.

HR specialists admit that sometimes it is easier to hire a candidate without education and teach everything. But this approach is not applicable everywhere - it is unlikely that anyone in their right mind would hire a surgeon without education, but with a great desire to work.

You can count on internal training in the following areas: sales, labor, administrative and domestic staff, and automotive business.

In the modern world, money can be earned practically out of thin air - the main thing is to know that now in trend. Fashion trends, lifestyle and other ephemeral concepts are one of the biggest sources of income.

Just think about it - Instagrammers, vloggers and all kinds of coaches earn millions! This does not require any education or any specific skills.

The fitness industry is also at the peak of its popularity. A healthy lifestyle and the cult of a healthy athletic body are doing their job - today a personal trainer is one of the highest paid professions.

In order to start working as a fitness trainer, it is enough to complete a monthly course.

Does it make sense to apply for a job that requires a college degree without a diploma?

It’s better to honestly admit to yourself that without higher education the path to some professions is closed. This list can include the sphere of top management and highly specialized areas such as medicine, science and finance.

It turns out that in this case there is no point in applying for vacancies. Still, in the rest - absolutely acceptable.

If you have work experience and a desire to develop, fortune is on your side. According to the employment market, in 2017 employers prefer experience over youth, and perseverance over ambition.

Higher education is one of the first points in describing the requirements for most vacancies. In fact, HR specialists do not often file higher education diplomas in employees’ personal files. There is an idea that universal higher education is necessary, and life without it will go downhill. But is this really so? The approach to higher education has become overgrown with many clichés. Today we will look at the most common reasons for obtaining higher education, and what they lead to in reality. To understand whether you need to start.

When is higher education needed?

    Obtaining a specialty that is impossible to study on your own. And this is perhaps the only one hundred percent objective reason. Indeed, a number of specialties require higher education. For example, becoming a doctor or chemical engineer without long-term specialized training impossible. Higher education provides close control over the acquisition of skills and provides a basis for practicing them in practice.

    Initially, the higher education system was aimed specifically at teaching specific skills, the independent development of which difficult, unreliable or even unethical. Over time, higher education began to cover a wider range of activities and expanded to professions that previously did not require higher education.

    Increasing the general level of erudition. Higher education primarily teaches not a specialty, but what where to find information and how to process it to learn the specialty on your own. This is one of the key skills for successfully adapting to changing living conditions. Of course, you can learn this without a university, but the institute provides a good opportunity to do this in a short time. If you want to learn how to learn, a college degree can really help. In addition, higher education provides knowledge in general basic academic disciplines - psychology, philosophy, economic theory, sociology, law, conflictology. Basic knowledge on these subjects can only help in life. At least for general development.

    A smooth transition from childhood to adulthood. If the two previous reasons apply to people of any age, then this one applies only to school graduates. Adult life is different from the everyday life of yesterday's schoolchild. For many teenagers, the period of adaptation to a new status can be traumatic. Students can become a kind of psychological buffer for saying goodbye to childhood. The reason for pursuing higher education is, of course, subjective and not for everyone. But it’s still a plus sign, because the desire to be a student in order to prolong your carefree youth at least a little more is completely normal.

Whenever it seems necessary

    Impossibility of getting a good job without higher education. The manipulation, beloved by older generations, “if you don’t study, you will become a janitor,” of course, firmly settles in the consciousness and takes on a negative connotation. If such attitudes force you to get a higher education, then it is better to think hard before entering a university or even work with a psychologist. This will help separate real desire from imposed feelings of guilt. Success in life depends on one's ability to adapt, not one's penchant for academic success. But we're talking about something else.

    Getting a good job without a higher education is not so difficult, it’s enough have any skills. Doing renovations in apartments, for example, is good work. Being a flight attendant on a passenger plane, responsible for the safety of passengers, while seeing the whole world is also good. Neither one nor the other specialty requires higher education. And the list goes on and on. In addition, some positions that do not require higher education for employment allow you to study at the employer’s expense. This can be done, for example, by the police.

    Impossibility of being a respected specialist (and person) without higher education. This reason also requires psychological work. Or, again, real examples that destroy this myth. Midwives, jewelers, architectural restorers - all of them do not have higher education, only secondary education. But it is unlikely that anyone will call their work little respected.

Bad reasons to get a higher education

    Parents said - it is necessary. Listening to parents is good, and no one argues with that. But a person lives his life independently and only he determines the need for training, the right specialty for himself, etc. Parents, of course, can advise something, but they must make categorical decisions only about themselves.

    Everyone gets a higher education. Doing something for a company is not the path that will lead to success. Getting an education is a conscious, responsible step that can seriously change your life. And this step should be based on personal goals and desires.

Higher education is a great tool that can make you a professional. But it is not necessary for every specialty. For example, many humanitarian areas can be mastered independently much faster and much more deeply than at a university. A banal example of this is famous writers and poets who did not receive higher education, but throughout their lives honed their literary skills and achieved brilliant success. Technical specialists were also not spared from receiving higher education. Many well-known companies can showcase self-taught programmers on their staff who are in no way inferior to their colleagues with a diploma.

Examples can be given endlessly, but the essence is the same: higher education is not always the only source for mastering a profession


The decision to obtain higher education should be purely individual. Some people really need it; it is simply impossible to carry out certain types of activities without higher education. Higher education is a wonderful tool that can unlock extraordinary potential. But in modern times, even without higher education, you can live with dignity, there is no doubt about that. Therefore, whether a higher education is needed or not is not a controversial issue. This is a question whose solution is determined individually in each specific case. And the decision depends on goals, wishes And existing skills And resources.

Having an education in our time is an important factor, but it does not always help when getting a job. Although employers require degrees, you can be successful without one. We will talk about what to do without education and how to get settled in this life in this article.

To begin with, we note that at any time you can continue your studies in the specialty in which you are involved. Remote and correspondence learning will allow you to develop your knowledge and climb the career ladder where you already have a stable job. Moreover, the issue of employment in this case will be removed for you.

The main thing for you is to find a job to your liking that you will like. And then you can enroll in the correspondence department or take a series of preparatory courses. This will help improve your skills and get that coveted diploma that your boss needs so much. But first of all, you will have to choose a career path.

What to do without education

Decide on your area of ​​activity. To do this, think through the options that you would like and answer the questions:

  • what would you like to do in life;
  • Do you have the talents, skills and abilities that will help you find a job;
  • what you can actually do now (in fact, not in dreams);
  • what do you do best (according to other people);
  • in what direction would you like to develop and improve;
  • what areas of activity interest you (manual or mental labor, production or sales, goods or services);
  • who can actually work in your region;
  • what job is the most prestigious and paid in your city;
  • Identify and write down key acceptable career areas.

Since you are deciding what to do without an education, you will inevitably have to work. Official studies always mean money that you have to get from somewhere. And if your relatives are not ready to pay for your studies, you will have to cover the expenses yourself.

2. Decide on the method of learning. The best option here is to work and study at the same time in a correspondence department, where you can get a diploma.

If you don’t need a diploma, choose independent home study, but this will require even more strength, desire, perseverance, self-control and patience. Honestly assess your strengths and choose the path of career development not according to your dreams, but according to the realities of the world around you.

Today you can study without leaving your apartment - via the Internet. And, by the way, you can work in the same mode. But it is better to immediately discard the option of remote training where real practice in a working environment is required.

For example, on the Internet you will never learn the intricacies of apartment renovation, car and motorcycle repair, master driving a tractor, will not be able to experience the profession of a salesman, etc.

Where practice is needed, you will have to practice. And the easiest way in these conditions is to become assistants to people engaged in your desired work. You may not make good money from this, but you will earn skills and experience that you can use on your own.

Analyze what you want to get: a job based on your diploma, a job based on your abilities, a job based on your desire, or any job at all. If you need a diploma, you will need correspondence training; if you need skills, you will need practice; if you need knowledge, you will need a smart mentor; if you just need a job, you will need a newspaper with advertisements, a board with announcements and vacancies.

3. Collect information, accumulate a base of knowledge and experience. Whatever path you choose, you will need knowledge and information. To do this, use the power of the Internet - study relevant literature, follow news in your field of activity, watch educational videos, maintain contact with like-minded people, communicate on thematic forums and in special social network groups.

If the question of what to do without education pushes you to study, you will have to study. The deeper you penetrate the topic, the more experience and knowledge you accumulate, the higher the likelihood that you will receive a good salary. Much here depends on the necessity or unnecessaryness of a diploma.

For example, to start your own business, you won’t need a diploma (most likely), you will need knowledge and experience in your chosen field. On the other hand, official employment without a diploma is very difficult. At the very least, having an education document will broaden your prospects.

4. Increase motivation. No matter who you work, no matter what you strive for, you cannot do without motivation. If you have not yet decided what to do without education, take care of your own motivation level. When your desires surpass laziness and apathy, you yourself will find the right paths.

You can by communicating with enthusiastic and motivated people, observing the activities of people around you, taking an example from relatives and friends. Try to imagine who in your circle you would like to be like, and start moving in a similar direction.

Don't let the length of your future path scare you. The question of what to do without higher education cannot be resolved overnight.

Likewise, you should not hope for “luck” or wait for an opportunity. At any moment you can change your life, change your job and area of ​​activity. Think about your future path with a five-year perspective. Write down your thoughts and plans, increase your motivation and start taking action!

A topic that I try to voice at any youth platform where I happen to speak!

I’ll start from afar, but is it even necessary in Russia?

So let's get the facts straight!

1) We live in Russia

2) It is relatively easy to get higher education here.

These are not all, but I will build on them!

Let's start with what's wrong with Russia (in terms of HR, of course), so...

Most large companies are based on the experience of Soviet times and they do not need higher education, except that a cleaning lady is not a fact. Further, any fact of self-education is denied and methods for assessing skills and competencies are not supported. Modern companies most often require sufficient work experience and preferably a clear result - reviews, works, publications, etc.

Although the personnel evaluation system is trying to change for the better, in fact no one needs it (better), since according to it the majority of modern “successful” managers will be rejected - this is Russia, jobs here are often given not on merit, but on “merit” . I've seen enough of this, so I know what I'm saying...

The accessibility of higher education is a VERY IMPORTANT fact, since in the next 5 years the accessibility of higher education in Russia will change for the worse and I assure you, this is another stage in the fooling of Russians, unfortunately. And if you can, study now.

After all that I have written, let’s return to the author’s question!

Is there life without VO?

Well of course there is!

Of course, you all have heard about successful guys who started their own business, without a “tower” and so on =) I’m very happy for them, but look who these people are, what kind of starting capital they had, what kind of initial (pre-university training) and where they are now ! =)

We will consider an ordinary person from an ordinary family who has only the start-up capital, only the clothes he is wearing and, at most, a Mom and Dad who can feed and shelter (this is not the worst option)

First option: Internet and Media! This is a huge, not very plowed field, pay attention there! There are a lot of ways to earn money! Hurry, hundreds of DJs, presenters, bloggers, streamers, etc. appear in Russia every day.

Large companies in which there is real career growth with the acquisition of experience and the absence of serious requirements in the early stages. For example, come as a mechanic, gain experience, prove yourself and become a master, and there will already be money, education and further growth...

And of course, individual entrepreneurs, of various ranges, from cleaning companies to furniture assembly and repair services. That's where trade comes in.

There are several other directions, but the main one looks something like this...

The general idea is this: if you don’t see in yourself the abilities that distinguish you in any field, be it trade, media, and maybe even invention (and other talents, of course, that can be used or sold). Then immediately go to STUDY!!!

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