Start 2 world presentation. Beginning of World War II

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Prerequisites for the outbreak of World War II

I II 1914 - 1939 - 1918 1945 World economic crisis On the way to World War II

I II 1914 - 1939 - 1918 1945 World economic crisis WHY? What led to World War II? What were her reasons? Could it have been prevented?

Lesson plan 1. Hotspots of military danger and rapprochement of aggressors 2. Reasons for underestimating the danger to peace 3. The policy of appeasement and the policy of collective security 4. The foreign policy of the USSR in the 30s.

The centers of military danger in the world and the rapprochement of aggressors Japan Germany Italy 1931 - the occupation of Manchuria; 1933 - Withdrawal from the League of Nations. 1933 - withdrawal from the League of Nations; 1934 - creation of military aviation; 1935 - introduction of universal military service; 1936 - the entry of German troops into the Rhine demilitarized zone. 1935 - the occupation of Ethiopia. 1936-1937 - "Anti-Comintern Pact"

Features of international relations in the early 30s of the twentieth century a small group of countries strove for war; priority of internal problems over external ones; lack of understanding of the integrity and indivisibility of the world; US isolationism; underestimation of the danger of Hitler's Nazi plans.

Appeasement policy and collective security policy Germany Appeasement policy Collective security policy England France + USSR 1934 - admission of the USSR to the League of Nations 1935 - Soviet-French agreement 1936 - Soviet-Czechoslovak agreement France 09/30/1938 - Munich agreement 13.03. 1938 - Anschluss of Austria

Foreign policy of the USSR in the 30s. Germany USSR England + France 03/15/1939 - occupation of the Czech Republic, Moravia; 03/21/1939 - the capture of Danzig (Poland); 03/22/1939 - the occupation of Memel (Lithuania) April 1939 - the provision of guarantees of military assistance to the states bordering on Germany. 08/11/1939 - Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations begin 08/21/1939 - Hitler's telegram to Stalin 08/23/1939 - Non-aggression pact Benefits received by Germany Benefits received by the USSR

Benefits gained by Germany from a non-aggression pact Opportunity to start capturing the first bastion in the east (Poland) Elimination of the threat of war on several fronts -

Benefits received by the USSR from the conclusion of a non-aggression pact Gain in time to strengthen the country's defense - 1 year 10 months Expansion of Soviet territory - by 460 thousand square meters. km Transfer of the borders of the USSR to the West - by 200-350 km Elimination of the threat of war on two fronts - August 31-September 15, 1939 Disruption of attempts by England and France to draw the USSR into the war with Germany - August-September 1939

On September 1, 1939, World War II began ... the most bloody, most cruel, engulfing 61 states of the world - 80% of the world's population. The death toll was 65-66 million people, of which 27 million were Soviet people. Could it have been prevented?

Homework Answer the questions: What were the causes of World War II? How did the non-aggression pact affect the international situation in the pre-war years? Compile a chronology of the events of the first period of the war September 1, 1939 - June 22, 1941 § 15 -16

The Second World War

Review of the learned: Why did Germany violate the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? What position did England, France and the USA take towards Germany and why? What was the danger of the international situation in the 30s. for the USSR? Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?

Is it possible to consider that the treaty with Germany was a necessary measure on the part of the USSR? Why did Hitler agree to sign an agreement with the USSR? What benefits did the USSR and Germany receive from the conclusion of this treaty? What do you see as the pros and cons of this agreement? Why does the assessment of the historical role of the Soviet-German agreements of 1939 remain one of the most controversial in modern history?

Lesson plan: Beginning of World War II. Events in the Baltics. Annexation of Bessarabia. Events on the Western Front. Preparing Germany for war with the USSR. Strengthening the defense capability of the USSR.

Causes of the Second World War Contradictions of the Versailles-Washington system of world order The emergence of fascist states The unwillingness of the countries of Europe and America to agree on security in Europe and the world The policy of appeasing the aggressor - Hitler's Germany (Munich agreement-1938)

1. The beginning of the Second World War. (pp. 165-166) Indicate the main events of the initial period of the war. "Strange War" - What lands became part of the USSR?

Beginning of World War II

2. Events in the Baltics. Annexation of Bessarabia. Indicate when and under what conditions the accession of the Baltic states to the USSR took place

Accession of the Baltic States

Annexation of Bessarabia

3. Events on the Western Front. (pp.167-168) Indicate which states were subjected to German aggression. List allies of Germany Which direction for further aggression did Germany choose?

4. Preparing Germany for war with the USSR. Plan "Barbarossa" - Why was the plan for a "lightning military operation" developed? The task of the Wehrmacht? What is the purpose of Germany's war against the USSR?

5. Strengthening the defense capability of the USSR. List the measures taken by the Soviet government to strengthen the country's defense capability. Make a conclusion about the readiness of the USSR for war with Germany.

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Lesson plan General information in World War II Plans of the largest countries participating in the war Europe by 1939 Theaters of operations Periodization of World War II Creation of a problem situation Main events and results of the first stage of the war: (table) 6. Reasons for the conclusion of the Soviet-German treaty 7. Discovery of new knowledge. Solution to the problem.

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FEATURES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1. The Second World War unfolded in the vast territories of Europe, Asia and Africa. 2. Military operations were conducted in the Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans and adjacent seas. 3. Duration - 2194 days. 4. 62 states of the world participated in the war. 5. Neutral states - 6. 6. The fighting took place on the territory of 40 states. 4. 1 billion 700 million people (¾ of the world's population) were drawn into the war. 5. 110 million people were mobilized into the army (1.5 times more than in the First World War). 6. Humanity has lost more than 60 million people killed. 7. Damage from destruction and funds spent on waging war reached 4 trillion. dollars.

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In just 6 years, she restored military power. Avoided a war on two fronts. Set up for revenge for the defeat in WW I. And her goal is world domination. Germany

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JAPAN Traditions of the samurai Completed modernization Ships and aircraft prepared Used kamikaze (suicide bombers) They dreamed of domination in Asia.

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The USSR worked closely with Germany. Negotiated spheres of influence in Europe with her. Waiting for Hitler's takeover of Europe. Exported the revolution during the war.

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Periodization of the Second World War I stage (09/01/1939 - 06/21/1941) - the beginning of the Second World War. Stage II (06/22/1941-11/18/1942) - the initial stage of the Great Patriotic War. German invasion of the USSR. The retreat of the Soviet troops. Stage III (11/19/1942 - 1943) - A radical change in World War II and the Great Patriotic War. Stage IV (1944 - 05/09/1945) - The defeat of Nazi Germany. End of the Great Patriotic War. Stage V (09.05 - 02.09.1945) - The defeat of militaristic Japan. End of World War II.

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1939-1940 - Accession of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to the USSR. September 17, 1939 - The Red Army took control of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, and in November they were legally incorporated into the Belarusian and Ukrainian USSR. November 30, 1939 - March 12, 1940 - Soviet-Finnish war - annexation of the Karelian Isthmus and the northern coast of Lake Ladoga to the USSR June 1940 - separation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina from Romania and their annexation to the USSR.

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1. The desire of the USSR to avoid a war on two fronts: with Germany and Japan. 2. The desire of the leaders of England and France to direct Germany to the east against the USSR. 3. Ineffective Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations in Moscow. 4. Stalin's distrust of England and France.

Causes of World War II
1. Weakness and inconsistency of the Versailles-Washington system:
A) Redistribution of the world in favor of the victorious countries in the war of 1914-1918, in
first of all England and France;
B) the loss by Germany and its allies of a significant part of their former
C) the collapse of the two largest European multinational empires
Austro-Hungarian and Russian, on the ruins of which arose
nine new independent states.

In the early 1930s, Germany again became the most
economically powerful European power and
demanded equality in armament, and then a revision
throughout the Versailles-Washington system. Apart from Germany,
revision of the Versailles-Washington steel system
call on Italy and Japan, which belonged to the
winners in the First World War, but not satisfied
her results.

2. The danger of war especially
increased when in a number of countries
came to power
dictatorial, authoritarian
and totalitarian regimes
ready to change
the existing system and
European leaders
chose a policy
economic crisis


Periodization of the Second World War.
First period (September 1, 1939 - June 1942)
the expanding scope of the war while maintaining
superiority of the aggressor forces.
Second period 9 June 1942 - January 1944)
a radical turning point in the course of the war, initiative and
superiority in power passes into the hands
anti-Hitler coalition.
Third period (January 1944 - September 2, 1945)
the final stage of the war: the supremacy of countries
anti-Hitler coalition, the defeat of the enemy army,
crisis and collapse of the ruling regimes of the aggressor states.



many blitzkriegs
distant fronts
Technical innovations
mobilized economies
different ideological systems
Huge losses (61 million dead)
12 times more damage than World War I

Germany's attack on Poland - the beginning of World War II

Defeat of Poland.

September 1, 1939 Germany declared war on Poland. England
and France supported the Poles and entered the war, but
no real help. On the Western Front
a "strange war" began. The Germans, using
armored vehicles, rapidly moving deep into
Poland, implementing the "blitzkrieg" plan.

"STRANGE WAR", a term that characterized
position on the Western Front during the first
nine months (September 1939 - May 1940) World War II
war. Anglo-French and concentrated against
them the German troops were inactive. Governments
Great Britain and France counted on
reconciliation with Germany, and the German army was preparing
to the offensive against the countries of Western Europe.

SS men
in Polish
Hitler threw 2/3 of the armed forces against Poland,
technical and numerical superiority of which was
absolute. Polish aviation was destroyed in 2
day. On September 16, the Germans approached Warsaw.
On September 17, 1939, Stalin announced the "Peace March" on
liberation of Western Ukrainians and Belarusians. Polish
the state ceased to exist.

English caricature
on Hitler and Stalin
Polish state
Western Ukraine and
Western Belarus
went to the USSR, and
polish lands,
bordering on
Germany, were
declared German
general government,
managed from

Defeat of the allies.

In the spring of 1940, Hitler began
attack on the West
In April, German troops
invaded Denmark and
Norway. Denmark
capitulated almost
without a fight, and in Norway to
the leader of the locals came to power
fascists - Quisling.
In May, the Germans invaded the countries
Benelux and, bypassing the "line
Maginot" in French
border, invaded
The Allies were trapped in
coast at Dunkirk.

June 22, 1940 - surrender of France
Hitler in Paris
June 23, 1940

Marshal Pétain
after signing
But the German troops did not finish them off and the British were able to
evacuate. However, the position of the French army
It was difficult - the united front broke up.
June 22, 1940 Nazi troops entered Paris and
the aged marshal Pétain in the forest of Compiègne signed
surrender. Hitler made him head of the puppet
government in Vichy.

General Charles de Gaulle
addresses the French. He called
join the ranks of the Free French.

Fight with England. Capture of the Balkans.

on the ruins
England was the next target. Hitler was going
landing on the British Isles. But the British fleet
prevented this attempt. Then Germany attacked England
the full power of the Luftwaffe.
The British Air Force and Air Defense were able to give the Germans a fitting rebuff and
bombing damage was less than
Hitler counted.

SS men
in Yugoslavia.
Germany and Italy tried to seize the Suez Canal,
to break Britain's connection with the colonies, but their
troops stuck in Libya. Italy invaded Greece, but
The Greeks, with the support of the British, defeated the enemy.
In the spring of 1941, the Germans launched an invasion of Yugoslavia and
Greece, but local patriots retained control
most of these countries.

German invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941

Thus by the time
attacks on the USSR
Germany occupied:
Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Slovakia,
Croatia became satellites, i.e. countries that formally
retained their independence, but in fact were subject to
interests of another more influential and powerful state.
All these countries will take part in the war against the USSR.


The policy of annihilation by the Hitler regime
in 1933 - 1945 over 16 million civilian
persons and prisoners of war in concentration camps.

35% Jews 6 million people
30% Roma 200 thousand people
) 16 million people

MOU "Novokemsk secondary school"

Teacher Mitrofanov V.K.

Causes of World War II

  • Contradictions of the Versailles-Washington system of the world order
  • Rise of Fascist States
  • The unwillingness of the countries of Europe and America to agree on security in Europe and the world
  • The policy of appeasing the aggressor - Hitler's Germany (Munich agreement-1938)

Beginning of World War II

On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland. For two weeks, nothing remained of the Polish army. The Polish government, seeing the hopelessness of the situation, fled abroad on September 16. Warsaw, despite the fierce resistance of the common population to the Nazis, capitulated on September 27.

Partition of Poland

  • On September 17, 1939, the Red Army entered the territory of defeated Poland from the east. Poland was divided between Germany and the USSR.
  • A common border appeared between the USSR and Germany.

"Strange War"

  • September 3, 1939

UK and France declare war on Germany after she left unanswered their ultimatum to stop aggression against Poland . New Zealand and Australia also declare war on Germany. From that time until May 10, 1940, the so-called " Strange War" .

Soviet-Finnish War

  • November 30, 1939

Soviet troops invaded the territory of Finland (this so-called winter war lasted until March 12, 1940 and is not considered part of the Second World War). Defeat of Finland. The USSR is expelled from the League of Nations.

Occupation of Denmark and Norway

  • April 9, 1940

Germany occupied Denmark and Norway.

War in the West

  • May 10, 1940

German troops invade the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (operations end May 14) - plan is being implemented "Gelb" .

German victory in the West

  • May 25, 1940

Over 300,000 British and French soldiers surrounded by the Germans in the Northeast France , begin evacuation from Dunkirk (ends 4 June) - Dunkirk operation .

  • June 22, 1940

France capitulated

Battle for England

  • August 1, 1940

Hitler issued Directive No. 17 on the conduct of a wide air war against England, began Battle for England . This battle was won by W. Churchill, the main enemy of A. Hitler.

Tripartite Pact

  • September 27, 1940

signed "Triple Pact": Germany, Italy and Japan on a military alliance.

"Axis Rome-Berlin-Tokyo" "Axis"

Plan "Barbarossa"

  • December 18, 1940

Hitler signed directive No. 21 on the war against the USSR (plan "Barbarossa").

  • February 3, 1941

The German High Command orders the deployment of large-scale military preparations for an attack on the East.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people with Nazi Germany

  • June 22, 1941.
  • Plan "Barbarossa" activated: German troops invade the USSR with three army groups aimed at capturing Leningrad, Moscow and Ukraine (Romanian troops support the aggression). The beginning of the implementation of the Barbarossa plan meant the death of Nazi Germany.

The feat of the fortress-hero of Brest

At 4 o'clock in the morning, Germany attacked the border territories of the Soviet Union.

  • June 22, 1941

Defense began on the border of the USSR Brest Fortress (Belarus), which lasted until July 20, 1941.

Smolensk battle

  • July 10 - September 10, 1941.
  • Battle results:

It was possible to detain the enemy for two months.

Under the threat of encirclement, Soviet troops were withdrawn from Smolensk - the city was surrendered, Smolensk battle finished.

Anti-Hitler coalition

  • Anti-Hitler coalition- an association of states and peoples who fought in the Second World War of 1939-45 against countries of the Nazi bloc, also called Axis powers: Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites.
  • During the war years, the term “United Nations”, proposed by Roosevelt and first found in the Declaration of the United Nations of 1942 (Washington Declaration of Twenty-six), became synonymous with the anti-Hitler coalition. Soviet Union , United States And China. As of January 1942, the anti-Hitler coalition consisted of 26 states: the so-called Big Four (USA, Great Britain, USSR, China), British dominions (countries of Central and Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as governments in exile of occupied European countries. The number of coalition participants during war increased; by the time the war with Japan ended, 53 states of the world were in a state of war with Germany and its allies.

Battle for Leningrad

  • September 8, 1941

The beginning of the battle for Leningrad. The Germans at the gates of the city of Lenin. The Germans could not take the city on the move, therefore they proceed to the siege of the city. The Red Army left Shlisserburg. The blockade of Leningrad began, which lasted until January 27 1944 G.. The battle for Leningrad ended with the victory of the Red Army .

Moscow battle

  • September 30, 1941

The battle for Moscow began. The German command is implementing the Typhoon plan, according to which the attack on the capital of the USSR is gradually fading by the beginning of December.

  • December 5-7, 1941

the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army.

  • The first defeat of the Wehrmacht in World War II. Dispelled the myth of invincibility

Fascist Germany.

US entry into the war

Sunday morning December 7, 1941 Aircraft carriers under Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo dealt a devastating blow to the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. By 06:15 Hawaii time, 183 aircraft of the first shock wave, led by Captain 2nd Rank Mitsuo Fuchida, were in the air. 49 horizontal bombers armed with 1600-lb armor-piercing bombs (converted from shells), 40 torpedo bombers with special torpedoes adapted to shallow depths, 51 dive bombers with 500-lb bombs moved towards the target. They were covered by 43 Zero fighters.

War in Africa

North African operation or Operation Crusader(English) Crusader, rus. Crusader) - a military operation of the 8th Army of Great Britain against the armed forces of the Axis in Egypt and Libya from November 18 to December 30, 1941 during the North African campaign. The victory of the British during the operation was the first victory of Great Britain over the troops of the Wehrmacht. Panzer Army "Africa" ​​Erwin Rommel and the German African Corps were defeated by the British.

Battle of Stalingrad

  • July 17, 1942

battles began for the city of Stalingrad.

  • November 19, 1942

The beginning of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad. The offensive continued until February 2, 1943. The German Sixth Army under the command of Friedrich Paulus was destroyed. The beginning of a radical change in the course of the war.

Battle of Kursk

  • July 5, 1943. The German offensive began on the Kursk Bulge. Operation "Citadel"
  • July 12, 1943
  • July 12, 1943 oncoming tank battle near Prokhorovka. The defeat of the German troops. A turning point in the course of the war .

Operation "Bagration"

  • June 23, 1944


offensive operation "Bagration" June 23 - August 29, 1944 of the Soviet troops in Belarus and Lithuania. The German group of troops "Center" was completely destroyed.

Tehran conference

  • Tehran conference F. D. Roosevelt (USATHE USSR)
  • Tehran conference- the first conference of the "Big Three" - the leaders of the three countries during the years of the Second World War: F. D. Roosevelt (USA), W. Churchill (Great Britain) and I. V. Stalin ( THE USSR)[ , held in Tehran on November 28 - December 1, 1943. The conference became an important stage in the development of international and inter-allied relations, a number of issues of war and peace were considered and resolved at it - the exact date for the opening of the second front by the allies in France was set.
  • Tehran conference- the first conference of the "Big Three" - the leaders of the three countries during the years of the Second World War: F. D. Roosevelt (USA), W. Churchill (Great Britain) and I. V. Stalin ( THE USSR)[ , held in Tehran on November 28 - December 1, 1943. The conference became an important stage in the development of international and inter-allied relations, a number of issues of war and peace were considered and resolved at it - the exact date for the opening of the second front by the allies in France was set.

Opening of the Second Front in Europe

  • June 6, 1944

started Landing of the Allied Forces in Normandy . Second front opened. The plan has begun "Overlord" .

Liberation of Europe

  • August 2, 1944

fighting began in the area Warsaw troops of the 1st Belorussian Front (August 2 - September 23, 1944).

started Belgrade operation - offensive operation (September 28 - October 20, 1944)

started Debrecen offensive operation in Eastern Hungary (October 2-27, 1944) troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front under the command of Marshal R.Ya. Malinovsky

started Budapest operation

started East Prussian operation

Crimean Conference

Yalta (Crimean) Conference of the Allied Powers(February 4 - 11, 1945) - one of the meetings of the leaders of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, dedicated to the establishment of the post-war world order. The conference was held at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Crimea.

Battle for Berlin

  • April 16, 1945

The beginning of the Berlin operation of the troops of the 1st, 2nd Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts.

  • May 2, 1945

During the Berlin operation, Soviet troops occupy Berlin.

  • May 8, 1945
  • The signing in Karlshorst (a suburb of Berlin) of the Act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the announcement of May 9 as the Victory Day

Atomic bombings of Japan

  • August 6, 1945

US aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima

  • August 9, 1945

US aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki

Berlin conference

The Berlin (Potsdam) conference was held in Potsdam at the Cecilienhof Palace from July 17 to August 2, 1945 with the participation of the leadership of the three largest powers of the anti-Hitler coalition in World War II in order to determine further steps for the post-war structure of Europe. The conference was attended by the heads of government of three states - US President Harry Truman (chaired all meetings), Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and Chairman of the USSR State Defense Committee I. V. Stalin and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (during the conference he was defeated in the elections , and his successor Clement Attlee arrived in Potsdam).

War with militaristic Japan

  • August 8, 1945

The offensive operation of the Soviet Armed Forces against the armed forces began Japan. It lasted from August 8 to September 2, 1945.

  • The millionth Kwantung Army was defeated. September 2, 1945, the end of World War II.

Results of World War II

  • Involved in World War II 72 states. In the countries participating in the war, up to 110 million people. During the war, up to 62 million hours (including St. 27 million Soviet citizens).
  • Destroyed fascist regimes in Germany and Italy
  • Militaristic Japan defeated
  • Creation of a new international organization of the United Nations

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