Features of the organization of control of students' knowledge in the conditions of competence-oriented learning. Competence-based education Implementation technologies

Educational competence A set of interrelated semantic orientations, knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of the student in relation to a certain range of objects of reality necessary for the implementation of personally and socially significant productive activities

Competence Possession, possession by the student of the relevant competence, including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity; already held personal quality (a set of qualities) of the student and the minimum experience in a given field.

Hierarchy of competencies: Key competencies - refer to the general (meta-subject) content of education; General subject competences - refer to a certain range of subjects and educational areas; Subject competencies - private in relation to the two previous levels of competence, having a certain description and the possibility of formation within the framework of academic subjects

The value of cultural tradition: It reflects the value attitudes that have developed in society at a certain stage of its development, which have passed in society at a certain stage of its development, which have undergone practical testing, which guarantees the separation of utopian projects from those being implemented. It forms the spiritual sphere in which the functioning of social processes, including pedagogical ones, takes place. Defining the program of activity, communication, behavior of the subjects of a particular historical era, it determines the general orientation of pedagogical stereotypes.

A specific mechanism that largely sets the general direction of social development. After all, it is precisely on the potentialities and prerequisites created by cultural tradition that creative innovations are based, thanks to which the corresponding, obsolete stereotypes of human activity are overcome and society develops” E.S. Markarian

Peculiarities of pedagogical innovations: The subject of pedagogical innovation activity is a personality, unique, developing, having specific features; Dependence on objective conditions in the form of a social order or demand by society; Psychological readiness of the teacher to accept and implement pedagogical innovations.

Principles of effective choice and use of technologies in the educational process: It is not information technology in itself that is important, but the extent to which its use serves to achieve the actual educational goals; More expensive and more modern technologies do not necessarily provide the best educational outcome. Quite often, rather familiar and not expensive technologies turn out to be the most effective;

Principles of effective choice and use of technologies in the educational process: The result of training does not significantly depend on the type of communication and information technologies, but on the quality of development and provision of developed programs, courses, methods; When choosing technologies, it is necessary to take into account the greatest correspondence of some technologies to the characteristic features of the trainees, the specific features of specific subject areas.

Generalized pedagogical technologies: Problem-based learning: consistent and purposeful promotion of cognitive tasks for students, solving which they actively acquire knowledge. Developing education: orientation of the educational process to the potential of a person and their implementation

Generalized pedagogical technologies: Differentiated learning: assimilation of program material in various planned classes, but below the required standard; Concentrated learning: deep study of subjects by combining knowledge into learning blocks;

Generalized pedagogical technologies: Modular education: independent work of students with an individual curriculum; Didactic game: independent cognitive activity aimed at searching, processing, assimilation of educational information;

Generalized pedagogical technologies: Active (contextual) learning: modeling the subject and social content of future activities (including professional ones); Teaching the development of critical thinking: the development of critical thinking through the interactive inclusion of students in the educational process.

The basic model of a specialist teacher-technologist: Knowledge of the basics of NOT and skills as role characteristics of the teacher's personality. Skills of the organization of personal labor (OLT). Organizational abilities (OS) as part of pedagogical abilities, organization of collective work. Social attitudes and intellectual properties of the organizer as part of the teacher's personal assessment.

The basic model of a specialist teacher-technologist: Knowledge of the theory and history of the development of pedagogical technologies (PT). Knowledge and skills in the section "Methods of intensifying the learning process." Pedagogical qualimetry (business games, testing, pedagogical standards). Knowledge and skills in the section "New information technologies of education".

Competence-oriented educational technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard


S.N. Bolotina

Belgorod, Belgorod region

OGAPOU "Belgorod College of Public Catering"

In the conditions of the modern system of vocational education, the organization of the educational process is determined by the competence-based approach, which is aimed at the formation of general and professional competencies, which are the basis of the individual's competitiveness.

The modular-competence model of education is defined by the Federal State Educational Standard and is aimed at forming a certain system of competencies necessary for a young person for successful socialization in the modern world. Therefore, the problem of choosing the most effective technologies aimed at forming the competency-based foundations of the student's personality is relevant.

The problem of personality activity in learning is one of the most urgent both in psychological and pedagogical science and in educational practice. Activity as an individual and collective independent and specially organized educational and cognitive activity of students is developed and supported by the motivation system. At the same time, among the motives of students used by the teacher are: professional interest, the creative nature of educational and cognitive activity, competitiveness, the playful nature of conducting classes, and emotional involvement.

The use of competence-oriented educational technologies in the educational process is the most significant direction in improving the training of a modern specialist. Competence-oriented technologies are diverse. For example, in the practice of vocational education, modular learning technology is used (T. Shamova, P. Tretyakov, I. Sennovsky), problem-heuristic technology (A.V. Khutorskoy), collaborative learning, project method, information technology (E.S. Polat), the method of analyzing a specific situation (case-study), game technologies.

These learning technologies are aimed at modeling or using a real situation in order to analyze it, identify problems, search for alternative solutions and make the best solution to problems.

The use of competence-oriented technologies allows each student to be included in the process of cognition, while there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity, i.e., students not only receive new knowledge, but also activate the cognitive activity itself, transferring it to a higher level of cooperation enriching subjective practical experience.

The development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently structure their knowledge, navigate the information space, the development of critical and creative thinking are real indicators of the use of competence-oriented technologies. So, while working on the creation of a project or solving a practical situational problem, students independently acquire knowledge from different types of sources, learn to apply their knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems in standard and non-standard situations, acquire communication skills aimed at a constructive dialogue, interacting in a group gain experience culture of business communication, argue their point of view, develop research skills related to identifying problems, collecting and selecting the necessary information, and putting forward hypotheses. All participants interact with each other, exchange information, jointly solve problems, simulate situations, evaluate the actions of others and their own behavior, immerse themselves in a real atmosphere of business cooperation to resolve the problem.

The use of gaming technologies in the classroom is an important means of developing professional practical skills and methods of professional actions. The content and the learning process itself act as a tool that ensures the quality of mastering professional knowledge, the formation of general and professional competencies.

One of the means providing a high level of educational and cognitive motivation based on the mental activity of students is a problem-dialogic technology. The essence of problem-dialogic learning lies in the fact that in the process of solving cognitive issues and tasks, students in joint activities with the teacher acquire new knowledge and methods of action that form their logic of thinking, creative independence, which are the basis for the formation of competencies.Problem-dialogicalprovides creative assimilation of knowledge by students through a dialogue specially organized by the teacher. And, it is important to note that the use of problem-dialogical methods in the classroom allows the teacher to create an optimal activity environment that allows each student to join the learning process. First, through the organization of an inciting or leading dialogue, the teacher helps students to pose a learning problem, which arouses interest in the new material being studied, forming cognitive motivation, and then, using an inciting or leading dialogue, the teacher organizes the process of finding a solution. This is an effective way of developing the ability to see, formulate and constructively solve a problem. It is important to note that an indicator of the system of problematic tasks is the independent transfer of previously acquired knowledge and skills to a new situation. Seeing a new problem in a familiar situation, seeing the function of an object, understanding the structure of an object, searching for an alternative solution or a way to solve it; combining previously known methods for solving problematic problems in a new one.

An important aspect in the system of vocational education is the organization of the educational process based onmethod of analysis of a specific situation (case-study). The use of this method in the classroom allows you to increase cognitive interest in the disciplines being studied, improve understanding of its content aspects, and contributes to the development of research, communication and creative decision-making skills. A distinctive feature of the case-study method is the creation of a problem situation based on facts from real life. Whereinstudents are invited to comprehend the real situation, which at the same time reflects not only some practical problem, but also actualizes a certain set of knowledge that needs to be learned when solving this problem, and at the same time the problem itself does not have unambiguous solutions.

Practical experience shows that the use of competence-based technologies in the system of modern vocational education is a necessary condition for the training of successful specialists, since they allow the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students by including them in active educational and cognitive activities, while educational information is transferred into personal-significant knowledge of students, and methods of activity in personal-value experience.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the use of competence-oriented technologies is the way to obtain a guaranteed high-quality educational result. Since, the very definition of educational technologies is based on the goals that must be achieved, namely the educational result, the way of the interconnected activities of the participants in the educational process. Competence-oriented educational technologies create conditions for the development of the student's personality in educational activities, the formation of general and professional competencies, the development of various types of professional activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.


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    Orlov A.A. Introduction to pedagogical activity: textbook, method. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook Institutions. - M .: Publishing house "Academy", 2004. - 281 p.

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The analysis of the pedagogical conditions necessary for the effective functioning of competence-oriented learning technology in the system of secondary vocational education has been carried out. When identifying pedagogical conditions, the methodological and theoretical foundations of pedagogical research were taken into account, which can be presented in the form of requirements: the conditions should ensure the systematic implementation of competence-oriented learning technology, the implementation of a systematic approach, the phased implementation of competence-oriented learning technology in the system of secondary vocational education, should contribute to the activation of educational activities students, should take into account the individual characteristics of the future specialist of an average level of qualification. The identification of pedagogical conditions was carried out taking into account the content and features of the developed technology, the specifics of secondary vocational education, the social order of society, scientific achievements in the implementation of competence-oriented learning technologies, and the author's experience in the research area. As a result, we have identified the following pedagogical conditions: a) practical training at the workplace in a corporate training and production center; b) organization of the educational process based on the "E-learning" system; c) continuous monitoring of the quality of professional training of students of organizations of secondary vocational education.

corporate production center

pedagogical conditions

competence-based technology

2. Aranovskaya I. Training of a specialist as a socio-cultural problem / I. Aranovskaya // Higher education in Russia. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 115-121.

3. Afanasiev V.G. Society: consistency, knowledge and management / VG Afanasiev. - M.: Politizdat, 1981. - 432 p.

4. Babansky Yu.K. Problems of improving the efficiency of pedagogical research / Yu.K. Babanskiy. - M.: Pedagogy, 1982. - 192 p.

5. Baidenko V.I. Competences in professional education / V.I. Baidenko // Higher education in Russia. - 2004. - No. 11. - S. 3-13.

6. Sailor D.Sh. Quality management of education based on new information technologies and educational monitoring / D.Sh. Matros, D.M. Polev, N.N. Melnikov. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Ped. Society of Russia, 2001. - 128 p.

7. Novikov A.E. Network information technologies in education / A.E. Novikov // Methodist. - 2008. - No. 9. - S. 2-9.

8. Serikov V.V. Competence model: from idea to educational program / V.V. Serikov, V.A. Bolotov // Pedagogy. - 2003. - No. 10. - S. 8-14.

9. Talyzina N.F. Pedagogical psychology: textbook. allowance / N.F. Talyzin. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 288 p.

When developing a competence-oriented learning technology in the system of secondary vocational education based on a systematic, activity-based and modular competence-based approach, it is necessary to identify the main pedagogical conditions for its effective functioning.

Yu.K. Babansky, N.M. Yakovleva and others understand the pedagogical conditions as a set of measures in the educational process that ensure that the student achieves the highest level of activity. IN AND. Andreev rightly notes that pedagogical conditions are the result of "... purposeful selection, design and application of content elements, methods (techniques), as well as organizational forms of education to achieve didactic goals" . These conditions relate to the activities of the teacher and in relation to the student are external (objective).

Agreeing with this opinion, it should also be noted that the learning system can function under a certain set of conditions, since random and disparate conditions, as rightly noted by N.M. Yakovlev, cannot solve this problem effectively. Therefore, from the totality of objects that make up the environment of the studied pedagogical phenomenon, it is important to choose those that have a positive impact.

When identifying pedagogical conditions, the methodological and theoretical foundations of pedagogical research were taken into account, which can be represented in the form of requirements:

  1. Conditions should ensure the systematic implementation of competence-oriented learning technology, the implementation of a systematic approach.
  2. The conditions should ensure the stage-by-stage implementation of the competence-oriented learning technology in the system of secondary vocational education.
  3. It is necessary that the conditions contribute to the activation of the educational activities of students of secondary vocational education.
  4. The conditions should take into account the individual characteristics of the future specialist of an average level of qualification (needs, motives, professionally significant qualities).

The identification of pedagogical conditions was carried out taking into account the content and features of the developed technology, the specifics of secondary vocational education, the social order of society, scientific achievements in the implementation of competence-oriented learning technologies, and the author's experience in the research area. As a result, we have identified the following pedagogical conditions:

a) practical on-the-job training in the corporate training and production center;

b) organization of the educational process based on the "E-learning" system;

c) continuous monitoring of the quality of professional training of students of organizations of secondary vocational education.

Consider the first pedagogical condition - practical on-the-job training in the corporate training and production center.

The social order of the education system, defined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education, the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education, orients educational institutions to improve the quality of professional training of qualified specialists who are competent in modern technologies, capable of innovation and creativity in their own field. workplace.

Society's demands for the quality of secondary vocational education are being implemented in order to transform the system of secondary vocational education aimed at competence-oriented training of a specialist.

There was an objective need to reorganize the educational process, allowing, along with the study of disciplines, to carry out the formation of professional competencies in the profile of the future specialty.

The modular competence-based approach in vocational education represents the totality of the student's professional competencies as the goal of training, and the modular construction of the content and structure of vocational training as a means of achieving it. It is advisable to realize this goal in a corporate training and production center, in which the educational process consists of two interrelated parts: theoretical and practical. The purpose of theoretical training is a phased study of the content of the functional duties performed, awareness of their necessity and logical expediency. The theoretical part is mainly an independent work of a student-trainee using an e-learning system (the Moodle software shell can be used as such a system) under the guidance of a teacher-methodologist. For this, an interdisciplinary electronic educational and methodological complex on competencies is being developed and introduced into the educational process. The basis of the complex are electronic teaching aids on competencies. The practical part of the training is carried out directly at the workplace of the student-intern, where he performs his functional duties under the guidance of a mentor.

Let's move on to the description of the second pedagogical condition - organization of the educational process based on the system "E- learning» .

A modern educational institution needs to adapt in a timely manner to the global changes taking place in the world community, meet international criteria for the quality of education, the requirements of employers and new technologies.

Teachers must meet the requirements of the new audience to which they bring knowledge. The modern student is a member of the network community of progressive youth, who is fluent in information technologies suitable for communication, work, education anywhere, anytime, in any format. Students perceive information better in high-tech paradigms close to them. The teacher should not only be proficient in technology, but also understand the concept, turn from a source of information into a conductor of the global world of knowledge. The rapidity of the modern world requires the use of the fastest and cheapest methods of knowledge generation and transfer processes. E-learning is one of the possible tools to solve this acute problem of our time. One of the main definitions E-Learning states that e-learning e-learning, short for English. Electronic Learning) is an e-learning system, learning with the help of information, electronic technologies.

The experience of fairly intensive development and practical implementation of E-Learning methods in recent years convincingly proves that they provide a significant increase in the quality of the educational process and an increase in the level of knowledge of students. But this effect is achieved only under conditions of complex, systematic application of information technologies, with the maximum use of their capabilities, as a result of which the technology of organizing the educational process is radically changing.

When designing it for each academic discipline, the goals are invariably set to strengthen the creative elements of education, expand the possibilities for monitoring the progress of students mastering the theoretical and practical foundations of the subject being studied, reduce subjectivity and increase the objectivity of assessing learning outcomes. However, these goals can be fully achieved only if the technology of organizing the educational process ensures its minimum possible labor intensity, when it is focused on, so to speak, the growth of labor productivity, both for teachers and students. At the same time, it should be noted that very little attention has been paid to this aspect of educational technology in the specific developments of E-Learning.

If a lot has already been said about the development of lecture materials, then the methods of implementing the workshop are an area that requires special approaches. And we can say that it is the level of technical solutions in the workshop that will generally determine the level of effectiveness of the application of E-Learning methods in the educational process in the context of the implementation of third-generation federal state standards, when the main learning outcomes should be acquired practical experience, formed professional competencies.

The third pedagogical condition - continuous monitoring of the quality of professional training of students of organizations of secondary vocational education.

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem shows that secondary vocational education is impossible without constant diagnostics of the correspondence between the actual results of the activity of a given pedagogical system and its intermediate and final goals. The final goals do not always correspond to the given, planned ones to one degree or another, but such a situation is rarely taken into account by practical workers. However, omissions and shortcomings at any stage of work can become irreparable pedagogical losses, which are practically impossible to correct at subsequent stages of education, since its continuity is disrupted.

The main condition for the social effectiveness of vocational training is the inclusion of a powerful diagnostic unit in it, which provides students with the opportunity not only to clarify their attitude to a particular type of professional activity, but also to know their professionally important qualities, the degree and potential of their development. Thus, a personality-oriented orientation of learning is manifested.

Innovative processes, the search for reserve opportunities to improve the quality of specialist training in the system of secondary vocational education require a fundamentally new approach to diagnosing the development and self-development of educational systems. We are in solidarity with V.I. Andreev that this is more consistent with pedagogical monitoring. Based on the foregoing, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop continuous monitoring of the quality of professional training of students of secondary vocational education organizations, which includes several stages.

Organizational and preparatory work involves the definition of criteria and indicators of the phenomenon under study. In order to make the goals fully diagnosed, that is, verifiable, and the process of secondary vocational education reproducible, it is necessary to put forward criteria for their achievement.

The theory of pedagogical monitoring describes in detail the feedback criteria necessary to manage the process of secondary vocational education:

  • accuracy - the coincidence of the result and its assessment with the corresponding conventional norm;
  • completeness - assimilation of the maximum possible number of elements of knowledge, connections and relations of their elements, generalization of their content, implementation of methods of activity by students;
  • adequacy - correspondence of the type of tasks to be solved to the type of thinking;
  • the presence or absence of cognitive, emotional and behavioral relationships, their positive or negative orientation.

When developing criteria and indicators, we relied on internal (structural-logical) and external (correspondence to the intended goal) indicators. The criteria for the level of formation of professional competence of a future specialist of an average qualification level are professional knowledge, professional skills and personalities, each of which represents a certain component of the content of secondary vocational education. A detailed description of the criterion-level scale is presented below (Table 1).

Table 1

Criteria-level scale for assessing the level of formation of professional competence of a future specialist of an average qualification level




Superficial assimilation of professional knowledge; lack of desire for research work. Empirical-domestic stage of development of thinking; lack of ability to solve high-quality interdisciplinary tasks of increased complexity; superficial assimilation of connections and relations of professional knowledge

Professional orientation

Cognitive inertia; lack of interest in professional activities

Professional knowledge and skills

Understanding the essence of the content of professional knowledge; desire to do research. Empiric-scientific or differential-synthetic stage of thinking; ability to solve some professional tasks of increased complexity

Professional orientation

Unstable interest in professional activities

Professional knowledge and skills

Professional orientation

Sustained interest in professional activities

Pedagogical diagnostics involves the collection of information using selected methods, depending on the age and individual characteristics of students, their level of preparedness; quantitative and qualitative processing of the obtained results with a focus on the criterion-level approach; making a pedagogical diagnosis through the following analytical actions: comparing the results obtained during processing with data, establishing and analyzing cause-and-effect relationships that determined the state of secondary vocational education.

To determine the quality level of specialist training in the system of secondary vocational education, we have developed pedagogical diagnostics based on the methods of S.A. Starchenko, N.F. Talyzina, A.V. Usova.

The criteria for judging the quality of secondary vocational education are the professional knowledge and skills and the professional orientation of the student's personality.

Analysis of diagnostic results associated with the procedure for searching and determining the causes of the current situation. Correction of the content of education involves corrective action. Correction of external conditions involves eliminating the causes or overcoming the factors that hinder the process of the process of secondary vocational education, the procedural and technological support of this procedure with forms, methods and means of education.

It should be pointed out that the continuous monitoring developed by us allows not only to obtain reliable and fairly complete information about the change in the level of formation of the professional competence of a future specialist of an average qualification level, but also to identify ways to achieve more effective results, to detect unaccounted for and introduce it into the logic of the technology content.

Thus, the study of the essence of the problem of improving the quality of professional training of students of SVE organizations, the development and scientific justification of competence-oriented technology in the system of secondary vocational education, made it possible to identify and substantiate the necessary pedagogical conditions for its effective functioning.


Salamatov A.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Additional Education and Vocational Training, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk.

Uvarina N.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Deputy director for scientific work of the Professional Pedagogical Institute of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=10493 (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


Yu.N. Gostev

Center for Philological Education ISMO RAO Laboratory for teaching Russian (native) language Department of the Russian language of the Faculty of Medicine Peoples' Friendship University of Russia st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198

The article emphasizes the relevance of the technological approach in education. The idea of ​​introducing competency-based technologies into the learning process reflects the need to improve the efficiency of the educational process, the quality of education due to the use of modern methods and forms in the learning process that enhance the activity component and take into account the peculiarities of personality development.

In modern didactics, in many methodological works, the term "pedagogical technology" is widely used. The concept of "technology" is currently being clarified, the term is used in a fairly broad context. In practice, there are such terms as pedagogical technologies, educational technologies, new pedagogical, innovative educational technologies.

It is possible to outline the stages of development of the concept of "pedagogical technology": from the use of audiovisual means in the educational process (1940s - mid-1950s), programmed learning (mid-1950s - 1960s) to a pre-designed educational process guaranteeing the achievement of clearly defined goals (1970s), to the creation of computer and information technologies for education (early 1980s).

More often, educational technology is defined as a set of certain forms and methods of teaching that ensures the creation of educational products by students (A.V. Khutorskoy). Thus, the definition of educational technologies is based on the goals that must be achieved (educational result), the way the teacher and student interact and their role in the educational process.

The main direction of competency-oriented education technologies in world pedagogy is the formation and development of students' intellectual skills, their moral development, the formation of critical and creative thinking as priority areas for human development.

Modern educational technologies take into account the age, individual psychological characteristics of students, focus on the student as a subject of the educational process, which, together with the teacher, can determine the learning goal, plan, prepare and implement the educational process, and analyze the results achieved.

In accordance with this approach, the teacher creates conditions for the formation of the student's personality in educational activities.

The educational activity of students in the course of performing educational tasks is the basis of the learning process. The teacher involves each student in active cognitive activity, organizes joint work in cooperation in solving various educational problems, introduces the ways of obtaining the necessary information in order to form their own reasoned opinion on a particular problem, the possibility of its comprehensive study.

How can one explain the increased attention to the search for new educational technologies? It is obvious that the development of competence-oriented technologies is a search for ways to obtain a guaranteed high-quality educational result.

Competency - oriented technologies are diverse . For example, in the practice of teaching the Russian language, modular learning technology is used (T. Shamova, P. Tretyakov, I. Sennovsky), problem-heuristic technology (A.V. Khutorskoy), learning in collaboration, project method, information technology (E.S. Polat), information technology based on algorithms (N.N. Algazina).

The description of pedagogical technologies in the teaching of the Russian language is proposed largely on the basis of the development of this problem in didactics. To some extent, studies on this issue are taken into account in the methodology of teaching the Russian language. In the future, it seems necessary to highlight this problem on the basis of studies devoted to the development of speech-cogitative abilities of students by means of their native language, as well as in line with developing, differentiated, individual, problem-based teaching of the native language (E.S. Antonova, A.D. Deikina, T.K. Donskaya, O.M. Kanarskaya, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, S.I. Lvova, M.R. Lvov, T.V. Napolnova, E.N. Puzankova, M.M. Razumovskaya, etc.).

The question arises, how do these modern technologies differ from traditional ways of learning and how do they compare with them?

Basically, the methodologists, taking into account the problems of the practice of teaching the Russian language, went in the direction of introducing modern methods and forms of teaching into the traditional structure of the lesson, developed models of non-traditional forms of the lesson. So, in the last decade, a system of non-traditional lessons has developed in the practice of teaching the Russian language: integrated lessons based on interdisciplinary connections, lessons in the form of competitions (linguistic tournament, linguistic battle), lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice. (interview, reportage, linguistic research), lessons based on non-traditional organization of educational material (wisdom lesson, presentation lesson), lessons using fantasy (fairy tale lesson), lessons with imitation of public forms of communication (press conference, auction, benefit performance, TV show), lessons based on imitation of the activities of organizations and institutions (a meeting of the academic council, debates in parliament), lessons simulating social and cultural events (correspondence excursion, lesson-travel, living room, linguistic theater) .

In contrast to the structural modernization of the traditional lesson, new educational technologies offer such innovative models for building the educational process, where the interconnected activities of the teacher and the student are brought to the fore, aimed at solving both educational and practically significant tasks.

What organizational models of teaching the Russian language have entered the practice of teaching? First of all, it is modular training. Modular learning is based on an activity approach to learning: only that educational content is consciously and firmly acquired by the student, which becomes the subject of his active actions. The implementation of this technology requires that learning takes place constantly in the zone of proximal development of the student. In modular training, this is achieved by differentiating the content and dose of assistance to the student, organizing educational activities in various forms: individual, pair, group, in pairs of shifts. A lot of modular learning uses from programmed learning. Firstly, the clear actions of each student in a certain logic, secondly, the activity and independence of actions, thirdly, an individualized pace and, fourthly, constant reinforcement, which is carried out by comparing (verifying) the course and result of activities, self-control and mutual control.

The educational material is divided into thematic blocks, each thematic block fits into the rigid time frame of a two-hour lesson. For better assimilation of the content of the thematic block, the teacher follows the rigid structure of the modular lesson: repetition, perception of the new, comprehension, consolidation of what has been learned, control. Each stage of the lesson begins with a target setting, then the system of actions is indicated, each stage of the lesson ends with a test task that allows you to establish the success of training.

With the help of modules, the teacher manages the learning process. At the training session itself, the role of the teacher is to form a positive motivation for the student, to organize, coordinate, advise, control. A modular lesson allows you to use the entire arsenal of methods and forms of teaching that has been accumulated by the practice of teaching the Russian language, that is, modular learning, in fact, is an integrative technology.

One of the emerging technologies for teaching the Russian language has become the technology of level differentiation, in which the transition from the assimilation by students of all the educational material presented by the teacher to the obligatory assimilation of only exactly specified is obligatory. The teacher conducts training at a high level, but at the same time he constantly highlights the basic mandatory component, and the student himself chooses the level of development, but not lower than the basic one. The undoubted advantage of using the technology of level differentiation is the formation of positive motivation in relation to the subject.

Among the new pedagogical technologies, the most adequate to the set goals of teaching the Russian language, from our point of view, is the technology of projects, or the method of projects. It is known that the project method has a long history both in world and domestic pedagogy.

The technology of projects, or the method of projects, by virtue of its didactic nature, allows solving the problems of the formation and development of intellectual skills of critical and creative thinking.

The work of the student on the educational project, as a rule, is carried out throughout the academic year and includes several stages: preliminary selection of the topic, taking into account the recommendations of the teacher; drawing up a plan, studying the literature on a given topic and collecting material, creating your own text containing an analysis of the literature and your own conclusions on the topic, defense, which involves an oral presentation containing a brief description of the work, answers to questions on the topic of the work. To some extent, this brings the educational project closer to the already traditional form - the abstract. However, the point of view is becoming more widespread that the educational project is an independent research activity of the student, which has not only educational, but also scientific and practical significance, which is well understood by both the teacher - the project manager and its executor. This is a solution to a problem that requires integrated knowledge, research search for its solution. Therefore, the presentation of the results of the project looks like a scientific report (for example, on the topic “The use of one-component sentences in the lyrical works of A.S. Pushkin”) with the formulation of problems and scientific conclusions about the trends that can be traced in the development of this problem (creation of a dictionary of modern vocabulary, the project “ Museum of the Russian Word”, the creation of the Society for the Protection of the Russian Language and the writing of its Charter, the preparation of computer programs in the Russian language called, for example, “Linguistic Crosswords”, etc.).

However, there are real problems in the evaluation of the educational project, because, as a rule, the creation of a project is a team work (in a group, in pairs). If the student has completed an individual project, then it is possible to evaluate it in the traditional grading system. How, according to what criteria, to evaluate the contribution of each participant in a collective project?

Such criteria are only outlined, namely:

The significance and relevance of the problems put forward, the adequacy of their study topics;

The correctness of the research methods used and the methods for processing the results obtained;

The activity of each project participant in accordance with his individual capabilities;

The collective nature of the decisions made;

The nature of communication and mutual assistance, complementarity of project participants;

Necessary and sufficient depth of penetration into the problem, attraction of knowledge from other areas;

Evidence of decisions made, the ability to argue their conclusions, conclusions;

Aesthetics of registration of the results of the completed project;

The ability to answer opponents' questions, the conciseness and reasoning of the answers of each member of the group.

However, these qualitative criteria must be formalized in order for the assessment to be objective. The development of a system for evaluating an educational project is a matter for the future.

The project method is currently being actively approved in teaching the Russian language. This method involves the organization of joint or individual work of students on a particular problem with the obligatory presentation of the results of their activities.

This technology makes it possible to actualize the most important speech skills of students, to include them in all types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing), to improve the skills of informational and semantic processing of texts. The project method is of interest to teachers of the Russian language, but the experience of creating projects in the Russian language is still small.

According to many experts, the technology of the near future can be called distance learning, which allows you to effectively use study time through quick access to information and optimize the learning process by building an individual educational trajectory.

The student receives a set (portfolio) of educational and methodological materials, studies them independently, contacting the teacher as necessary, works in forums, and participates in discussions. Finishing the study of the subject or the course, the student takes the exam, receives the examination materials (questions and tasks) in electronic form, performs work on the computer and sends it to the teacher for verification by e-mail. In this case, the teacher acts both as a consultant, assisting the student in choosing a curriculum, literature, helping with the development of difficult sections of the course, and as an examiner.

Information technologies used in distance learning present new, wider opportunities in teaching the Russian language. This technology uses a specific way of presenting educational material based on hypertext - a system of links, which makes it easier for everyone to find and use the necessary information on an individual basis. However, this technology places special demands on e-learning courses designed for distance learning. It is possible to identify several leading principles that determine the content of electronic manuals: the principle of accessibility and entertainment, which will increase interest in learning; the principle of scientific character, which will ensure an increase in the educational level of the youth audience; the principle of total visibility, which involves the use of audiovisual and verbal visibility (in the context of preparing Internet versions of the radio program), which provides a greater understanding of language and speech problems by the youth audience, actualizes the desire to participate in the discussion of the proposed issues; the principle of dialogue, which involves modeling speech situations in which students take part.

We consider the most relevant content aspects that need to be implemented in electronic manuals to be a reflection of the problem of careful and respectful attitude to the Russian language as the state language, the language of

interethnic communication, the language of Russian fiction. It is necessary to touch upon the problems of speech etiquette in the process of interpersonal communication in the youth environment, including in the Internet space, in communication between young people and people of older generations, it is necessary to characterize typical speech errors that occur both in oral and written speech of young people.

In the materials of electronic books, it is necessary to present modern techniques, approaches that allow you to independently improve the skills of oral and written speech, therefore it is advisable to refer to the history of the development of the Russian literary language, the lexicographic resource of the Russian literary language (primarily to the corpus of dictionaries of modern Russian speech), the study of some techniques information and semantic processing of the text, etc.


Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. - M.: People's education, 1998.

Gatz. I.Yu. Methodical notebook of a teacher of the Russian language. - M.: Bustard, 2003.

Gosteva Yu.N., Shibaeva L.A. Integrated lessons (Russian language and mathematics) // Russian language at school. - 1993. - No. 3, 6.

Tretyakov P.I., Sennovsky I.B. Technology of modular education at school: Practice-oriented monograph. - M., 1997.


Russian Language Department Medical Faculty Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Miklukho-Maklay str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198

The article is dedicated to innovative educational technologies. Modern education based on competence oriented technologies demands the necessity of acceleration of teaching process and its qualitative characteristics of effectiveness due to inculcation of innovative methods and forms of teaching, increasing the students’ activity and oriented to their cognitive, psychological and other individual characteristics.


federal state budgetary educational institution

higher professional education

"Volga State Social and Humanitarian Academy"

History department

Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Methods of Teaching History

Course work

Psychological and pedagogical approaches to assessing the results of competence-based education


third-year full-time student

Budylev S.M.

Scientific adviser:

Candidate of Pediatric Sciences, Associate Professor O.A. Smagina

Samara 2013


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for assessing learning outcomes in competency-based education

1 Concepts and essence of evaluation of learning outcomes in competence-based education

2 Features of competence-based education

Conclusions on Chapter I

Chapter II. Ways and means of assessing learning outcomes in competency-based education

1 Features of the psychological and pedagogical approach to assessing learning outcomes

2 Ways and means of implementing competence-based education

Conclusions on Chapter II




The purpose of this work is to substantiate the ways of implementing the assessment of learning outcomes in competence-based education.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that competence-based education comes first in the educational process. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the competence-based approach. There is a need for new data, as there is no clear formulation of how to move from one model of education to another.

The research problem is how the competence-based approach affects the quality of education.

The object of the study is the assessment of learning outcomes. And the subject of the work is competence-oriented education as a condition for achieving the goal of modern education.

The research hypothesis is that the implementation of competence-based education will be effective if:

comprehend the theoretical foundations of the competence-oriented approach;

identify the concepts and essence of the quality of education;

To characterize the means of implementing competence-oriented education in the educational process.

The main objectives of the study:

To study the theoretical foundations of competence-oriented education;

Define the concepts and essence of the quality of education;

To analyze the ways and means of implementing competence-based education in a modern school.

Theoretical and practical significance: in modern society, it becomes important to put into practice the acquired knowledge at school. It should be taught in such a way that a person can be retrained throughout his life. With the help of competence-oriented education, knowledge becomes the cognitive base of human competence.

Research methods:

Study of the conceptual and theoretical base;

Study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

Main literature:

· G. B. Golub, E. A. Perelygina, O. V. Churakova. The method of projects is the technology of competence-oriented education. Samara: 2006.

This manual discusses the methodological and didactic aspects of competence-based education.

· E.A. Samoilov. Competence-oriented education: socio-economic, philosophical and psychological foundations. Monograph. Samara: 2006.

The monograph analyzes the socio-economic, philosophical and psychological foundations of competence-oriented education in society.

· Zimnyaya I.A., Competence approach: what is its place in the system of modern approaches to the problem of education? (theoretical and methodological aspect)//Higher education today. 2006. No. 8., p. 20-26.

The article discusses the place of competence-oriented education in the modern educational process.

· I.I. Menyaeva. Competence-oriented education is a priority direction of the innovative activity of the school. Samara: Fort, 2008

“A student stuffed with knowledge but not able to put it into practice resembles a stuffed fish that cannot swim” Academician A.L. Mints.

· Modernization of educational systems: from strategy to implementation: Collection of scientific papers / Nauch. ed. V.N. Efimov, under the general. ed. T.G. Novikova. - M.: APK and PRO, 2004. - 192p.

The paper analyzes the ways of implementing competence-oriented education in the educational process.

· Zolotareva, A.V. Monitoring the performance of an educational institution. - Yaroslavl, Publishing House of YaGPU named after. K.D. Ushinsky, 2006.

In this paper, monitoring is considered as an assessment of the result of students' activities.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for assessing learning outcomes in competency-based education

1.1 Concepts and essence of evaluation of learning outcomes in competence-based education

Due to the fact that in September 2003 Russia acceded to the Bologna Declaration, the direction of the domestic education system has changed. A course was taken to modernize this important system for society. For most of the Soviet period of Russian education, its competence program was based on the so-called principle of “knowledge, skills, skills” and included theoretical justification, definition of the nomenclature, hierarchy of knowledge, skills and abilities, methods of their formation, control and evaluation.

However, the changes taking place in the world and in Russia in the field of education goals, correlated, in particular, with the global task of ensuring the entry of a person into the social world, his productive adaptation in this world, raise the need to raise the issue of providing education with a more complete, personal and socially integrated result. As a general definition of such an integral social-personal-behavioral phenomenon as a result of education in the aggregate of motivational-value, cognitive components, the concept of "competence and competence" was used.

Practice has proved that modern education can no longer function successfully in the former content, organizational and - more broadly - pedagogical forms. This means that the new school, the educational system necessarily requires the use of other methods of management, which involves a rethinking of the basic conditions for the organization of school life: reformulation of goals, objectives, means, methods of assessment and communication3 .

Questions about how to assess the level of student achievement and what can be assessed are among the "eternal" issues of pedagogy. The reforms that began in our country in the late 80s. The 20th century were associated, according to G. Kovaleva, with the “humanization of school spaces”, that is, work on the “humanization of the views of an expert”, humanization of the standard created by him and staying in the “teacher’s head”, as well as with the objectification of the assessment.

The need for an objective assessment of the results of human activity has always been and remains one of the most significant in any field of human activity. And the more versatile, multifaceted this activity, the more difficult it is to evaluate its result.

An objective assessment of the level of student achievement is intended to:

obtaining objective information about the results of educational activities achieved by students and the degree of their compliance with the requirements of educational standards;

identifying positive and negative trends in the teacher's activities;

establishing the reasons for the increase or decrease in the level of students' achievements with the aim of subsequent correction of the educational process.

The document “Strategy for Modernizing the Structure and Content of General Education” emphasizes that the current system for assessing the quality of educational achievements of students in a general education school is hardly compatible with the requirements of modernizing education. The most serious disadvantages include:

the orientation of the assessment solely on external control, accompanied by pedagogical and administrative sanctions, and not on supporting motivation aimed at improving educational results;

the predominant orientation of control and evaluation tools to check the reproductive level of assimilation, to check only factual and algorithmic knowledge and skills.

The planned changes in the system of general secondary education cannot be achieved without a significant transformation of the system for assessing the quality of students' educational achievements and the quality of education in general.

It is difficult not to agree with the opinion of T.G. Novikova and A.S. Prutchenkov that in the process of modernizing the control system, it is advisable to preserve and disseminate all the positive that has been accumulated in a number of schools in the country in recent years (the introduction of monitoring educational achievements within the framework of level differentiation in education; the use of various forms of control in the final certification of students, the introduction computer testing, etc.), and to change what hinders the development of the education system (subjectivity of assessments, a predominant focus on checking factual material, insufficient use of control tools that form the interest of each student in the results of their cognitive activity, incompatibility of control results across schools, insufficient preparedness teachers and school administrations to the use of modern means of measuring the level of educational achievements, etc.).

Studies of a number of works by scientists allow us to conclude that one of the reasons for the lagging behind in learning is a poorly developed ability to critically evaluate the results of their educational activities. At present, the need to find effective ways to organize the evaluation activities of teachers and students has become quite clear. .

The main conditions for the modernization of the system for monitoring and evaluating educational achievements, outlined in the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education until 2010, were:

openness of requirements for the level of training of students and control procedures for all participants in the educational process: students, parents, teachers, specialists, the general public;

creation of a system for assessing the achievement of the requirements of educational standards in the process of current and final control, adequate to new educational goals and aimed at improving the education system; standardization and objectification of the assessment of the quality of training of school graduates with the help of an external control system;

introduction, in addition to the traditional ones, of new types, forms, methods and means of assessing the dynamics of students' progress in the educational process, which contribute to increasing motivation and interest in learning, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

The results of the international PISA study showed the need to change not only the system for assessing student learning achievements. The ability of the student to solve the problems that school life poses to him should also be assessed.

It is important to reorient control to assess the ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process in various life situations.

It is necessary that the modernized system work in "a mode of constant correction and updating, taking into account, on the one hand, real pedagogical practice, and on the other, the needs of social development."

Often in psychological and especially pedagogical literature, the concepts of "assessment" and "mark" are identified. However, the distinction between these concepts is extremely important for a deeper understanding of the psychological, pedagogical, didactic and educational aspects of the evaluation activities of teachers.

First of all, evaluation is a process, an activity (or action) of evaluation carried out by a person. All our tentative and in general any activity in general depends on the assessment. The accuracy and completeness of the assessment determine the rationality of moving towards the goal.

Evaluation functions, as is known, are not limited only to the statement of the level of learning. Evaluation is one of the effective means at the disposal of the teacher, stimulating learning, positive motivation, and influencing the personality. It is under the influence of objective assessment that schoolchildren develop an adequate self-esteem, a critical attitude towards their successes. Therefore, the significance of assessment and the diversity of its functions require the search for indicators that would reflect all aspects of schoolchildren's educational activities and ensure their identification. From this point of view, the current system of assessing knowledge and skills requires revision in order to increase its diagnostic significance and objectivity. A mark (score) is the result of the evaluation process, activity or action of evaluation, their conditionally formal reflection. Identification of evaluation and mark, from a psychological point of view, will be tantamount to identifying the process of solving a problem with its result. Based on the assessment, a mark may appear as its formal-logical result. But, in addition, the mark is a pedagogical stimulus that combines the properties of encouragement and punishment: a good mark is an encouragement, and a bad mark is a punishment.

Assessment is usually subject to the available knowledge of schoolchildren and the knowledge and skills they have shown. Knowledge, skills and abilities should be assessed primarily in order to outline ways for both the teacher and the student to improve, deepen, and refine them. It is important that the student's assessment reflects the prospects of working with this student and for the teacher, which is not always realized by the teachers themselves, who consider the mark only as an assessment of the student's performance. In many countries, student grades as a basis for assessing educational performance are one of the most important indicators of the quality of education6 .

In contrast to the formal - in the form of a score - the nature of the mark, the assessment can be given in the form of detailed verbal judgments, explaining to the student the meaning of the then "folded" assessment - the mark.

Researchers have found that a teacher's assessment leads to a favorable educational effect only when the student internally agrees with it. For well-performing schoolchildren, a coincidence between their own assessment and the assessment given to them by the teacher occurs in 46% of cases. And for those with poor progress - in 11% of cases. According to other researchers, the coincidence between the teacher's and the student's own assessment occurs in 50% of cases. It is clear that the educational effect of the assessment will be much higher if the students understand the requirements placed on them by teachers7 .

The results of the control of educational and cognitive activity of students are expressed in its assessment. To evaluate means to establish the level, degree or quality of something.

Grade- a qualitative indicator (for example, "You are well done!").

mark- quantitative indicator (five or ten-point scale, percent).

Stages of development of a five-point rating scale:

) May 1918 - the decision of A.V. Lunacharsky "On the abolition of marks";

) September 1935 - five verbal (verbal) ratings were introduced: "very bad", "bad", "mediocre", "good", "excellent";

) January 1944 - return to the digital "five-point" system for assessing academic performance.

1.2 Features of competence-based education

The meaning of competence-oriented education is in the dialectical synthesis of academic and pragmatic education, in enriching the personal experience of the subject in constructing such an educational environment that contributes to the optimal development of the individuality, uniqueness of the student, taking into account universal values. The thesis “there are no irreplaceable people” is a thing of the past. Society, culture are enriched, developed due to the uniqueness of their representatives7 .

In accordance with the Strategy for the Modernization of the Russian System of General Secondary Education, the teacher is called upon to ensure the integration and continuity of the processes of formation of a complex of universal knowledge, skills, and the formation of key competencies.

Important components of the teacher's readiness for competence-oriented education of schoolchildren are:

the teacher's awareness of the objective need for changes in the educational system and his active position on the problem under consideration;

understanding the essence of the terms "competence", "competence" and "competence-oriented education";

the ability to solve open problems (that is, problems without a clearly defined condition, without a solution algorithm known in advance, with a multiple answer);

possession of methods, algorithms for designing a modern educational process for optimizing its elements.

Great importance is attached to activity methods and teaching technologies, since the essence of the concepts discussed is connected precisely with the activities of participants in the educational process8 .

The competence-oriented approach in determining the goals and content of general education is not completely new, and even more so alien to the Russian school. Orientation towards the development of skills, methods of activity and, moreover, generalized methods of action was the leading one in the works of such domestic teachers and psychologists as M.N. Skatkin, IYA. Lerner, V.V. Kraevsky, town of settlement Shchedrovitsky, V.V. Davydov and their followers. In this vein, separate educational technologies and educational materials have been developed. However, this orientation was not decisive; it was practically not used in the construction of standard curricula, standards, and evaluation procedures.

Competence-oriented education is a process aimed at developing in the subject in the course of activity, mainly of a creative nature, the ability to connect the methods of activity with the educational or life situation in order to solve it, as well as to acquire an effective solution to significant practice-oriented problems9 .

In competence-oriented education, we can talk about the pedagogy of opportunities; the motivation for competence is based on the motivation of compliance and orientation towards the long-term goals of personality development.

Competence-oriented education speaks precisely about the regulation of the result, as required by the letter and spirit of the law.

Competence-oriented education requires the addition of internal teacher control with self-control and self-assessment, the importance of external expert assessment of alienated products of educational activities, considers rating, accumulative assessment systems, the creation of a portfolio (portfolio of achievements) as a tool for the student to present himself and his achievements outside of school, to be more adequate.

Competence-oriented education speaks of the multiplicity of levels in the possible field of student achievement.

In the competence-based approach, the teacher does not claim to have a monopoly of knowledge, he takes the position of an organizer, a consultant.

In the competence-based approach, the student himself is responsible for his own progress, he is the subject of his own development, in the learning process he occupies different positions within the pedagogical interaction.

In competence-based education, the lesson is retained as one of the possible forms of organizing learning, but the emphasis is on expanding the use of other, non-curricular forms of organizing classes - a session, a project group, independent work in a library or a computer class, etc.

The main unit for organizing material for classes can be not only a lesson, but also a module (case). Therefore, educational books within the framework of the new approach have a structure different from the traditional one - these are materials for organizing classes in a fairly short time (from 10 to 70 hours), the structure of which is indicated not as lessons, but as blocks (modules).

The method closest to competence-oriented education is the experience of organizing a research model of a lesson, a problem-task approach, and situational pedagogy.

The central point in the modernization of education based on the idea of ​​a competency-based approach is the change in teaching methods, which consists in the introduction and testing of forms of work based on the responsibility and initiative of the students themselves.

There is another topic for further innovative search - how should the assessment system at school change?

The competency-based approach will allow evaluating a real, and not an abstract, product produced by a student. That is, the system for assessing the level of student achievement should undergo a change first of all. We accept not only educational ones. The student's ability to solve the problems that school life puts before him should be assessed. The educational process should be transformed in such a way that “spaces of real action” appear in it, a kind of “initiative”, to use the conventional language, “student productions”, the products of which (including intellectual ones) are performed not only for the teacher, but for to compete successfully and get the desired score in the domestic (school) and foreign (public) market.

Innovative approaches to learning are divided into two main types, which correspond to the reproductive and problem orientation of the educational process.

Innovation modernization, the educational process aimed at achieving guaranteed results within its traditional reproductive orientation. Transformation innovations that transform the traditional educational process, aimed at ensuring its research nature, organizing search educational and cognitive activities.

Conclusions on Chapter I

The topic of competence-based education is of fundamental importance, because it concentrates the ideas of the emerging new educational system, which is often called anthropological, since the shift vector is directed towards the humanization of social practice.

The actualization of competence-oriented education in recent decades is due to a number of factors. The transition from an industrial to a post-industrial society is associated with an increase in the level of environmental uncertainty, with an increase in the dynamism of the processes, and a multiple increase in the information flow. Market mechanisms in society began to work more actively, role mobility increased, new professions appeared, changes took place in old professions, because the requirements for them changed - they became more integrated, less special. All these changes dictate the need for the formation of a person who knows how to live in conditions of uncertainty.

The complex of methods of activity obtained in different subject areas at different age stages, in the final analysis, should lead to the formation in the child of generalized methods of activity at the exit from the main school, applicable in any activity, regardless of the subject area. These generalized modes of activity can be called competencies.

Another aspect of this education concerns the adequacy of the content of education to modern trends in the development of the economy, science, and social life. The fact is that a number of school skills and knowledge no longer belong to any professional occupation.

In the competency-based approach, the list of necessary competencies is determined in accordance with the requests of employers, the requirements of the academic community and broad public discussion based on serious sociological research. Mastering various kinds of competencies becomes the main goal and results of the learning process. Competencies and competency-based approach occupy a central place in the education quality management system.

The basic competence of a teacher lies in the ability to create, organize such an educational, developing environment in which it becomes possible for a child to achieve educational results, formulated as key competencies.

For a school of post-industrial society, it is no longer enough to provide a graduate with knowledge for decades to come. In the labor market and from the point of view of life prospects, the ability and readiness to study and retrain all one's life are becoming more in demand. And for this, apparently, you need to learn in a different way, in other ways.

So, the new quality of education is connected, first of all, with a change in the nature of the relationship between the school, family, society, state, teacher and student. That is, updating the educational process is a meaningful resource for reorienting the school to work in the logic of a different approach to assessing the success of education.

Chapter II. Ways and means of assessing learning outcomes in competency-based education

2.1 Features of the psychological and pedagogical approach to assessing learning outcomes

The adaptability of the education system requires determining the compliance of the activities of a particular pedagogical system with the opportunities and educational needs of a particular student. Learning in the conditions of competence-oriented education becomes predominantly an active independent activity, managed through the use of control and diagnostics10 .

Means of control and diagnostics in the new conditions are changing. A marking system that measures only a single specific result becomes insufficient. To track the process of achieving educational goals, tools are needed that make it possible to track and evaluate the dynamics of the process of achieving goals. Thus, there is a need to introduce a cumulative assessment system, which includes monitoring, rating assessment, portfolio known in the domestic education system. Cumulative assessment also includes interviews, business games, self-assessment diaries, the agreement method and other methods used in Western didactics used for assessment.

Cumulative assessments allow students to develop a positive attitude towards learning, as they give them the opportunity to demonstrate how much they know and can do, rather than their shortcomings, which is typical of traditional assessment methods. They make the learning process more effective, especially with properly organized and constructive feedback. New assessment methods, such as simulations, practice, role-plays, allow the student to understand how to apply the acquired skills inside and outside the educational environment. It becomes possible to assess a more diverse range of student skills in more situations. At the same time, not only teachers can evaluate, but also parents, and, most importantly, the student himself11 .

The main characteristics of an effective evaluation are that it focuses on the process and on the product. It is not only what the student is taught that is evaluated, but also what is expected of him. Both teachers and students are actively involved in the assessment process. Evaluation is based on diverse and variable means; evaluation takes place at all stages and levels of learning and provides participants with the necessary information to improve the learning process through feedback. Cumulative valuation, when properly used, fulfills all of these requirements.

It is possible to evaluate the learning outcomes in competence-based education with the help of control as monitoring. Pedagogical monitoring is a form of organizing, collecting, processing, storing and disseminating information about the activities of the teaching staff, which allows you to continuously monitor the state and predict its activities.

In the process of monitoring, trends in the development of the education system, correlated over time, as well as the consequences of decisions taken, are revealed. Within the framework of monitoring, the identification and evaluation of the conducted pedagogical actions is carried out. At the same time, feedback is provided, informing about the correspondence of the actual results of the activity of the pedagogical system to its ultimate goals.

Monitoring affects various aspects of the life of an educational institution:

analysis of the expediency of setting the objectives of the educational process, plans for educational and educational work;

work with personnel and creation of conditions for the creative work of teachers;

organization of the educational process;

a combination of control with the provision of practical assistance.

The main difference between monitoring the quality of education and control, first of all, is that the task of monitoring is to establish the causes and magnitude of the discrepancy between the result and the goals. In addition, monitoring is systematic and lengthy in time, the criteria and indicators used.

The main monitoring functions include:

diagnostic - scanning the state of the education system and the changes taking place in it, which makes it possible to assess these phenomena;

expert - within the framework of monitoring, it is possible to carry out an examination of the state, concept, forms and methods of development of the education system, its components and subsystems;

informational - monitoring is a way to regularly obtain comparable information about the state and development of the system, necessary for the analysis and forecast of the state and development of the system;

integrative - monitoring is one of the system-forming factors that provide a comprehensive description of processes.

There are general features of the activity:

monitoring objects are dynamic, subject to external influences that can cause various changes in the state of the object;

the implementation of monitoring involves the organization of constant monitoring of the object, the study and assessment of its condition;

the organization of tracking provides for the selection of reasonable criteria and indicators by which the measurement and description of the parameters of the object is carried out;

each specific monitoring system is focused on a specific consumer, which can be both a separate institution and the state as a whole.

It is possible to single out the main types of monitoring by content:

didactic monitoring, the subject of which is neoplasms of the educational process (acquisition of knowledge, skills, compliance of their level with the requirements of the SES, etc.);

educational monitoring, which takes into account changes in the creation of conditions for the education and self-education of students, the "increment" of their educational level;

socio-psychological, showing the level of socio-psychological adaptation of the student's personality;

management activity, showing changes in various management subsystems.

By the nature of the methods and techniques used - statistical and non-statistical monitoring.


process monitoring - presents a picture of the factors affecting the implementation of the final goal;

monitoring the conditions for organizing activities - reveals deviations from the planned norm of activities, the level of rationality of activities, the necessary resources;

results monitoring - finds out what was done from the planned, what results were achieved.

When organizing monitoring, it is important to perform the following tasks:

Determine the criteria for the quality of monitoring implementation, develop a set of indicators that provide a holistic view of the state of the system, qualitative and quantitative changes in it.

Select diagnostic tools.

Set the level of compliance of the real state of the object with the expected results.

Systematize information about the state and development of the system.

Provide regular and visual presentation of information about ongoing processes.

Organize information support for the analysis and forecasting of the state and development of the education system, development of management decisions.

The information collected during the monitoring process must meet the requirements of objectivity, accuracy, completeness and sufficiency.

Traditional monitoring in the form of tests, exams, inspections is not effective enough. First of all, because:

control of the state of learning is irregular, episodic, the dynamics of changes is not revealed;

controlling the results of training, they disregard the learning process itself;

quite subjective scores and integral assessments of the performance of test tasks in general are used, which does not allow us to find out which specific and to what extent elements of the content have not been mastered;

in essence, diagnostic methods are not used to reveal the causes of certain mistakes of students, shortcomings in the work of a teacher, to identify factors that affect academic performance.

For monitoring, general methods of psychological and pedagogical research can be used - observation, questioning, questioning, testing, experiment. Specific methods are also used - analysis of activity products (for example, documents), methods for studying the state of educational work, game methods, creative reports, methods of expert assessments, analytical and evaluation methods (self-assessment, lesson analysis, scaling, etc.). Mathematical-statistical method is used to process monitoring results.

Monitoring is carried out in the following stages:

Preparatory stage:

formation of an order for monitoring,

selection of the monitoring object,

methodological support of monitoring,

definition of criteria and indicators,

creation of a working project or program,

briefing or training of monitoring personnel.

Monitoring stage:

carrying out diagnostics of the system using the selected methods in accordance with the work program,

collection and analysis, storage of results.

Stage of data processing and decision making:

data processing, including mathematical and statistical,

analysis, generalization and systematization of the obtained data,

preparation of the final document,

making decisions,

a set of measures that activate the use of data, including information support for monitoring12 .

Control in a broad sense - checking something, establishing feedback. Control of students' learning activities provides information about the result of their learning activities, promotes the establishment of external feedback (control performed by the teacher) and internal feedback (student self-control).

2.2 Ways and means of implementing competence-based education

pedagogical monitoring competency-based education

Competence-based education, as opposed to the concept of “acquisition of knowledge” (and in fact the sum of information), involves the development of skills by students that allow them to act effectively in the future in situations of professional, personal and social life. Moreover, special importance is attached to skills that allow you to act in new, uncertain, problematic situations for which it is impossible to accumulate appropriate funds in advance. They need to be found in the process of resolving such situations and achieve the required results13 .

In fact, in this approach, the understanding of knowledge as an increase in the amount of subject information is opposed to knowledge as a set of skills that allow one to act and achieve the desired result, often in uncertain, problematic situations.

“We have given up not knowledge as a cultural “object”, but a certain form of knowledge (knowledge “just in case”, that is, information).

What is knowledge in competence-based education. What is a concept.

Knowledge is not information.

Knowledge is a means of transforming the situation.

If knowledge is a means of mentally transforming a situation, then this is a concept.

We are trying to construct concepts in such a way that they become means of transforming situations into action.

Zinchenko V.P. contrasts knowledge and information:

“Information has overwhelmed mankind. Education has not escaped this fate, which is increasingly being built according to the type of a “smorgasbord of knowledge” (E. Fromm's expression). The boundaries between them are increasingly blurred, as are the boundaries between knowledge and information. Nevertheless, such limits exist. An experienced teacher can easily distinguish a "know-it-all" and a "quick-hook" from "thoughtful"and "solid"student. Something else is more dangerous: students' illusions that what they remember is what they know. These illusions are still fresh in both pedagogy and psychology. Let's take a look at their background. It is fair to say that knowledge cannot be defined, since it is a primary concept. Several metaphors can be imagined:

An ancient metaphor is a metaphor for a wax tablet on which external impressions are imprinted.

A later metaphor is that of a vessel that is filled either with our external impressions or with text that carries information about these impressions.

Obviously, in the first two metaphors, knowledge is indistinguishable from information. The main means of learning is memory.

The metaphor of Socrates is a metaphor of childbirth: a person has knowledge that he cannot realize on his own, and an assistant is needed who can help give birth to this knowledge by maeutic methods. Gospel metaphor for growing grain. Knowledge grows in the mind of a person, like a grain in the soil, which means that knowledge is not determined by an external message. Knowledge arises as a result of cognitive imagination, stimulated by a message, an intermediary. .

The last two metaphors are much more interesting. In the metaphor of Socrates, the place of the teacher-intermediary is clearly indicated, in the gospel metaphor it is implied. It is important to emphasize that in the last metaphors the cognizer acts not as a "receiver", but as a source of his own knowledge. In other words, we are talking about knowledge as an event. A personal, life event. An event that takes place in the mind of the student. Knowledge is always someone's, belongs to someone, it cannot be bought (like a diploma), it cannot be stolen from the knower (except perhaps with the head), and information is no man's territory, it is subjectless, it can be bought, it can be exchanged or stolen, which often happens. Knowledge, becoming a common property, enriches those who know, and information in this case depreciates. Knowledge matters, and information has a purpose at best. Information at its best is a tool that may have a price, but no value. Knowledge has no price, it has vital and personal meaning.

Finally, one more important clarification. There is a subject that generates knowledge, and there is a user that consumes information. Their distinction should not be judged in terms of better or worse. It's just fixing it. Of course, both knowledge and information perform important instrumental functions in human behavior and activity. Information is a temporary, transient, perishable subject. Information is such a tool, a tool that, like a stick, can be discarded after use. Not so with knowledge. Knowledge, of course, is also a means, a tool, but one that becomes a functional organ of the individual. It irreversibly changes the knower. Like a stick you can't throw it away. If we continue this analogy, then knowledge is a staff that helps to go further into the world of knowledge and into the world of ignorance.

Thus, the competence-oriented approach is to strengthen the applied, practical nature of all school education (including subject education). This direction arose from simple questions about what results of school education a student can use outside of school. The key idea of ​​this direction is that in order to ensure “the long-term effect of school education, everything that is studied must be included in the process of use, use. This is especially true of theoretical knowledge, which should cease to be dead baggage and become a practical means of explaining phenomena and solving practical situations and problems.

Another aspect of applicability concerns the adequacy of the content of education to modern trends in the development of the economy, science, and social life. The fact is that a number of school skills and knowledge no longer belong to any professional occupation. An example of such an exotic type of schoolwork can be the whole subject of drawing. This also includes the so-called industrial training, in which girls learn how to sew a skirt, and boys learn how to work on machines that are left only in schools and vocational schools. Here, of course, a revision of the content of education is urgently needed. In the UK, for example, in the course of such a revision, when discussing the standard in mathematics, the topics of multiplication of large numbers were excluded in favor of rounding off sums in counting and evaluating statistical data. In many countries, traditional vocational training and home economics courses have been replaced by courses in Technology and Design, Entrepreneurship, or secondary vocational education courses that provide specific vocational skills in electrical, plumbing, etc. And all this is part of the renewal of the school, which takes place under the slogans of competence-oriented education.

In competency-based education, the list of required competencies is determined in accordance with the requests of employers, the requirements of the academic community and broad public discussion based on serious sociological research. Mastering various kinds of competencies becomes the main goal and results of the learning process. Competences and a competence-based approach occupy a central place in the education quality management system. In essence, education quality management begins with determining the composition of those competencies that should be mastered in the educational process at school as educational outcomes. Then the entire intra-school education quality management system is built in such a way that at the end each student would, to one degree or another, possess the required competencies15 .

Conclusions on Chapter II

In modern conditions, we should talk about the presence of many requests that the school must respond to. The real customers of the school are the student, his family, employers, society, professional elites, while maintaining a certain position of the state. For the education system, this means that state educational institutions are obliged, on the one hand, to conduct a dialogue with all consumers of education (the goal is to find a reasonable compromise), and on the other hand, to constantly create, update and multiply the range of educational services, the quality and effectiveness of which will determine consumer. Otherwise, the public school cannot fully fulfill its functions.

For a modern school, it is no longer enough to provide a graduate with knowledge for decades to come. In the labor market and from the point of view of life prospects, the ability and readiness to study and retrain all one's life are becoming more in demand. And for this, apparently, you need to learn in a different way, in other ways.

So, the new quality of education is associated primarily with a change in the nature of the relationship between the school, family, society, state, teacher and student. That is, updating the educational process is a meaningful resource for reorienting the school to work in the logic of a different approach to assessing the success of education.

The competence-based approach can be attributed to one of the ways to achieve a new quality of education. It determines the priorities, the direction of change in the educational process.

Key competencies as a result of general education mean the willingness to effectively organize their internal and external resources for decision-making and achieving the goal.

The list of key competencies of students for the Samara region, adequate to the socio-economic conditions, includes:

readiness to solve problems;

technological competence;

readiness for self-education;

readiness to use information resources;

readiness for social interaction.

Competency-oriented education can be understood as the ability to act effectively. The ability to achieve results is to effectively solve a problem.

At school, it is not competence itself that is predominantly formed, but independence in solving problems, the condition of which is the transformation of an objective mode of action (i.e. knowledge, skills) into a means of solving problems. The main innovation of the competency-based approach, therefore, is to create educational conditions for the transformation of modes of action into means of action.


This study is necessary to better understand and understand competence-based education. In most countries of the world, dissatisfaction with the quality of modern education is expressed. In an open, changing world, the traditional educational system, designed to serve the needs of an industrial society, becomes inadequate to the new socio-economic realities.

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, Russian psychological and pedagogical publications have been widely discussing the possibilities and advantages of the so-called competence-based learning as an alternative to traditional education. However, there is still no convincing, scientifically based interpretation of the concepts of “competence”, “competence”, “competence-oriented education” in psychological and pedagogical publications. Therefore, there is a threatening tendency to “call everything competencies”. This discredits the very idea and creates significant difficulties in its practical implementation.

First of all, this is due to the systemic changes that have taken place in the sphere of labor and management. The development of information technology has led not only to a tenfold increase in the amount of information consumed, but also to its rapid aging and constant updating. This leads to fundamental changes not only in economic activity, but also in everyday life.

In this study, we came to the conclusion that the topic of competence-based education is of fundamental importance, because it concentrates the ideas of an emerging new educational system, which is often called anthropological, since the shift vector is directed towards the humanization of social practice.

Competence-oriented education can be attributed to one of the ways to achieve a new quality of education. It determines the priorities, the direction of change in the educational process.


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