Examples of man-made chemicals. What are the substances and materials? Give examples

As you know, all substances can be divided into two large categories - mineral and organic. Many examples of inorganic or mineral substances can be cited: salt, soda, potassium. But what types of connections fall into the second category? Organic substances are present in any living organism.


The most important example of organic substances are proteins. They include nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. In addition to them, sometimes sulfur atoms can also be found in some proteins.

Proteins are among the most important organic compounds and they are the most commonly found in nature. Unlike other compounds, proteins have certain characteristic features. Their main property is a huge molecular weight. For example, the molecular weight of an alcohol atom is 46, benzene is 78, and hemoglobin is 152,000. Compared to the molecules of other substances, proteins are real giants containing thousands of atoms. Sometimes biologists call them macromolecules.

Proteins are the most complex of all organic structures. They belong to the class of polymers. If you look at a polymer molecule under a microscope, you can see that it is a chain consisting of simpler structures. They are called monomers and are repeated many times in polymers.

In addition to proteins, there are a large number of polymers - rubber, cellulose, as well as ordinary starch. Also, a lot of polymers were created by human hands - nylon, lavsan, polyethylene.

Protein formation

How are proteins formed? They are an example of organic substances whose composition in living organisms is determined by the genetic code. In their synthesis, in the overwhelming majority of cases, various combinations are used.

Also, new amino acids can be formed already when the protein begins to function in the cell. At the same time, only alpha-amino acids are found in it. The primary structure of the described substance is determined by the sequence of residues of amino acid compounds. And in most cases, the polypeptide chain, during the formation of a protein, twists into a helix, the turns of which are located closely to each other. As a result of the formation of hydrogen compounds, it has a fairly strong structure.


Fats are another example of organic matter. A person knows many types of fats: butter, beef and fish fat, vegetable oils. In large quantities, fats are formed in the seeds of plants. If a peeled sunflower seed is placed on a sheet of paper and pressed down, an oily stain will remain on the sheet.


No less important in wildlife are carbohydrates. They are found in all plant organs. Carbohydrates include sugar, starch, and fiber. They are rich in potato tubers, banana fruits. It is very easy to detect starch in potatoes. When reacted with iodine, this carbohydrate turns blue. You can verify this by dropping a little iodine on a potato slice.

Sugars are also easy to spot - they all taste sweet. Many carbohydrates of this class are found in the fruits of grapes, watermelons, melons, apple trees. They are examples of organic substances that are also produced under artificial conditions. For example, sugar is extracted from sugar cane.

How are carbohydrates formed in nature? The simplest example is the process of photosynthesis. Carbohydrates are organic substances that contain a chain of several carbon atoms. They also contain several hydroxyl groups. In the process of photosynthesis, inorganic sugars are formed from carbon monoxide and sulfur.


Fiber is another example of organic matter. Most of it is found in cotton seeds, as well as plant stems and their leaves. Fiber consists of linear polymers, its molecular weight ranges from 500 thousand to 2 million.

In its pure form, it is a substance that has no smell, taste and color. It is used in the manufacture of photographic film, cellophane, explosives. In the human body, fiber is not absorbed, but it is a necessary part of the diet, as it stimulates the work of the stomach and intestines.

Substances organic and inorganic

You can give many examples of the formation of organic and second always come from minerals - inanimate which are formed in the depths of the earth. They are also part of various rocks.

Under natural conditions, inorganic substances are formed in the process of destruction of minerals or organic substances. On the other hand, organic substances are constantly formed from minerals. For example, plants absorb water with compounds dissolved in it, which subsequently move from one category to another. Living organisms use mainly organic matter for food.

Causes of Diversity

Often schoolchildren or students need to answer the question of what are the reasons for the diversity of organic substances. The main factor is that carbon atoms are interconnected using two types of bonds - simple and multiple. They can also form chains. Another reason is the variety of different chemical elements that are included in organic matter. In addition, diversity is also due to allotropy - the phenomenon of the existence of the same element in various compounds.

How are inorganic substances formed? Natural and synthetic organic substances and their examples are studied both in high school and in specialized higher educational institutions. The formation of inorganic substances is not as complex a process as the formation of proteins or carbohydrates. For example, people have been extracting soda from soda lakes since time immemorial. In 1791, the chemist Nicolas Leblanc suggested synthesizing it in the laboratory using chalk, salt, and sulfuric acid. Once upon a time, soda, which is familiar to everyone today, was a rather expensive product. To carry out the experiment, it was necessary to ignite common salt together with acid, and then ignite the resulting sulfate together with limestone and charcoal.

Another is potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate. This substance is obtained in industrial conditions. The formation process consists in the electrolysis of a potassium hydroxide solution and a manganese anode. In this case, the anode gradually dissolves with the formation of a violet solution - this is the well-known potassium permanganate.

They give simple examples and explain what substances are.

Definition of the word "substance"

Simply put, a substance can be called everything that any body consists of. In older classes, matter is called the matter that makes up the physical body, and it has certain physical and chemical properties. A substance is also called a set of atoms or molecules that are in a certain state of aggregation. All substances constitute a certain body. We mostly intersect with its solid state, in which the particles can hold their shape and not flow. But it can contain liquid and gaseous substances. That is, what are the substances and bodies in terms of origin? Bodies can be created by nature and through human intervention.

An ordinary stone lying in the mountains was created by nature, and a mineral grown in a laboratory, inserted into a frame, is already the work of man, an artificial body. But all substances that are simple (we will talk about this later) are created by nature. People could already create their various mixtures, but the main basis was laid by it. Answering the question of what substances and bodies are, we can say that they are divided into natural and artificially created.

according to the interaction of particles, or according to the state of aggregation

The substance is divided into several groups according to different characteristics. So, it is possible to characterize what substances are depending on the interaction of particles. Strong particle interaction is characteristic of solids. Gases are characterized by an almost absolute absence of interaction. located in the middle between solid and gaseous material - the particles interact, but not as strongly as in solids. This property is explained by the fact that there are gaps between the particles that make up the material, and in solid materials these gaps are very small, and in gaseous they are huge. Substances are divided into the same groups by the kinetic energy present in the particles and the potential energy of interaction. In liquids, these energies are practically comparable. In solids, in gases, on the contrary, the kinetic one prevails. The answer to the question of what substances are in nature can be any of these options. Any of the above states or characteristics are found both in objects created by nature and in things that have appeared as a result of human activity.

Interestingly, one substance can be in different states. So, the simplest example is water. At low temperatures, the liquid turns into ice, into a solid. When the temperature rises to 100 degrees Celsius and above, water from a liquid turns into a gas.

Separation of substances in chemical terms

In chemistry, it is customary to distribute substances into two main categories - these are individual substances and mixtures. That is, what are the substances in chemistry? Previously pure, but now individual substances are those that cannot be divided into simpler parts, they are indivisible. Mixtures are materials that have several components in their composition. In fact, it turns out that a mixture can consist of several individual substances.

In turn, the individual substance can be simple or complex. Simple is a substance that consists of atoms of only one chemical element, complex - of several: two or more. Simple is also called elementary, and - connection.

As mentioned earlier, the mixture consists of several and in this respect they are divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous, or solutions and mechanical mixtures. A simple example of what kind of solution type substances are is ordinary tea. It consists of two or three components - water, tea leaves and sugar. Sugar is uniformly distributed throughout the water and cannot be detected except by taste.

But if a lot of sugar is poured into tea, and it does not dissolve completely, then it will already be a mechanical mixture. Some of the sugar will dissolve, and some will lie at the bottom. Because of this, the samples of tea in the upper layers will be slightly different, at the bottom it will be sweeter, and at the top - less. The mixture will also be an elementary mixture of sand and sugar. The particles will be jumbled and difficult to separate, but they will retain their properties rather than creating new compounds.

Organic and inorganic substances

The question of what substances are in nature can be answered: organic is any substance that can be formed without the participation of a living organism and constitutes inanimate nature. Organic matter is diametrically opposed - it is formed only with the participation of a living organism and is part of this very living organism. again, there is water known to all, accessible and so necessary for life, as well as air, namely oxygen, various mineral salts. Organic substances include fats, carbohydrates, pigments, proteins. It's funny that the section on this type was made from the opinion of scientists about living beings as special organic compounds, and all other objects of inanimate nature were listed as inorganic. As it turned out later, there are a lot of inorganic substances in the human body, as, indeed, in the body of any animal on our planet.

A distinctive feature of organic substances can be considered that almost all of them contain carbon. Most inorganic substances have a high melting and boiling point, while organic substances do the opposite.

Separation according to fire regulations

Interestingly, when asked what substances and materials are, the firefighter will most likely answer - combustible and non-combustible. Between them there are still hardly flammable substances that can catch fire if there is constant exposure to the flame, but if the source is removed, it goes out. Accordingly, a combustible substance or material is capable of burning when exposed to a source, and may even self-ignite. A non-flammable substance cannot burn in air. All children will learn more about this in the lessons of labor protection or life safety.

Impact on the human body

All substances found in nature can be divided into dangerous and safe. The dangerous ones can be considered those that have already been mentioned above - burning ones. What is the danger? They can harm the health of a person who will be in the fire. This will be a physical effect on the skin: burns or exposure to internal organs through the respiratory tract. By the way, in the same way, the negative impact occurs during smoking. Smoking not only tobacco products, which contain many known substances harmful to the human body, but also drugs.

What are the drugs

Not all drugs are taken by smoking, some are injected into a vein, inhaled as a powder through the nose, or eaten as a pill. But all of them have side effects, despite the fact that before this they could bring a feeling of joy and happiness, high spirits, or some other positive effect. All these effects are short-term, but everyone knows that the harm from them will definitely last much longer.


If you ask a child: "Tell me what substances and materials are, give examples," then he will have many different answers. It is important to make it clear to the student that the same substance can belong to several types that were listed above, differ in certain characteristics. From a very young age, knowledge of what substances are will expand as the school sciences are studied.

Through the veil of time, I remember myself as a small child: how inquisitively I studied the world around me, trying to understand what it consists of. I remember the first lessons in physics and chemistry, where I first learned that "substance" is not just a word, but a term. And today I myself can talk about substances and materials.

Variety of substances in nature

We can say that everything that surrounds us is substances. All items are made from some material. And all this wealth has different properties. But, nevertheless, it is possible to classify substances by highlighting their main states. They are solid, liquid and gaseous.

We can see all three states in the example of water, which is solid (ice), liquid and gaseous (steam). Each substance, if the right conditions are created, can appear before us in any capacity.

In chemical science, substances are divided into organic and inorganic. Air, stone, the same water - these are examples of inorganic substances.
And everything that appears in the process of life is called organic matter.

And yet substances are simple (elementary) and complex (mixture or solution). For example, cocoa is a solution.
Here are some examples of different substances:

  • gunpowder (combustible substance);
  • protein, carbohydrate (organic matter);
  • granite (solid).

What are the materials

Sometimes between the concepts of "material" and "substance" you can put an equal sign or call them synonyms.
But I would say that it is more customary to call a mixture of different substances a material. People use materials to create objects, parts, food and the like.

A wooden block can be called a material, from which a carpenter will make a stool or asphalt, which is used to lay a new highway.

Raw materials that a person has learned to extract (ore, oil) can also be called a material.
And they are also auxiliary and consumables, for example, glue or autol.

In science, there is a whole section that studies the properties and characteristics of materials. It's called materials science.

Throughout life, we learn about new substances and materials.


T bale - boiling temperature,

T pl. - melting temperature.

Adipic acid (CH 2) 4 (COOH) 2- colorless crystals, soluble in water. T. pl. 153 °C. Forms salts - adipates. Used for descaling.

Nitric acid HNO 3- a colorless liquid with a pungent odor, infinitely soluble in water. T. kip. 82.6 °C. Strong acid, causes deep burns and must be handled with care. Forms salts - nitrates.

Potassium alum KAl (SO 4) 2.12H 2 O- double salt, a colorless crystalline substance, highly soluble in water. T pl. 92 °C.

Amyl acetate CH 3 COOS 5 H 11 (amyl ester of acetic acid)— a colorless liquid with a fruity odor, an organic solvent and fragrance.

Amino acids- organic substances in the molecules of which there are carboxyl groups COOH and amino groups NH 2. Included in the composition of proteins.

Ammonia NH- a colorless gas with a pungent odor, highly soluble in water, forms ammonia hydrate NH 3 .H 2 O.

Ammonium (ammonium) nitrate, cm. . Aniline (aminobenzene, phenylamine) C 6 H 5 NH 2- a viscous colorless liquid, darkening in the light and in the air. Insoluble in water, soluble in ethyl alcohol and diethyl ether. T bale 184 °C. Poisonous.

Arachidonic acid C 19 H 31 COOH- unsaturated carboxylic acid with four double bonds in the molecule, colorless liquid. T bale 160-165 °C. It is part of vegetable fats.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), an organic substance of complex structure - colorless crystals, sensitive to heat. Participates in the redox processes of a living organism.

Squirrels- biopolymers consisting of amino acid residues. They play an important role in life processes.

Petrol— a mixture of light hydrocarbons; obtained during oil refining. T bale from 30 to 200 °C. Fuel and organic solvent.

Benzoic acid C 6 H 5 COOH- a colorless crystalline substance, poorly soluble in water. Above 100 °C, it decomposes.

Benzene C 6 H 6- aromatic hydrocarbon. T bale 80 °C. Flammable, poisonous.

Betaine (trimethylglycine) (CH 3) 3 N + CH 2 COO- organic matter, highly soluble in water, is found in plants (for example, in beets).

Boric acid B (OH) 3- a colorless crystalline substance, slightly soluble in water, a weak acid.

Sodium bromate NaBrO 3- colorless crystals, soluble in water. Melts at 384°C with decomposition. In an acidic environment, it is a strong oxidizing agent.

Wax- fat-like amorphous substance of plant origin, a mixture of esters of fatty acids. It melts in the range of 40–90 °С.

Galactose C 6 H 12 O 6 .H 2 O- carbohydrate, monosaccharide, colorless crystalline substance, soluble in water.

Sodium hypochlorite (trihydrate) NaClO .ZN 2 O- a greenish-yellow crystalline substance, highly soluble in water. T. pl. 26 °C, above 40 °C decomposes, explodes in the presence of organic substances. Bleach.

Glycerin CH (OH) (CH 2 OH) 2- a colorless viscous liquid, unlimitedly soluble in water and absorbing moisture from the air, trihydric alcohol. Included in the composition of fats in the form of lipids - triglycerides (esters of glycerol with organic acids).

Glucose (grape sugar) C 6 H 12 O 6- carbohydrate, monosaccharide, colorless crystalline substance, highly soluble in water. T pl. 146 °C. It is found in the juice of all plants and in the blood of humans and animals.

Calcium gluconate Ca [CH 2 OH (CHOH) 4 COO] 2. H 2 O (monohydrate)- white crystalline powder, slightly soluble in cold water, practically insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

Gluconic (sugar) acid CH 2 (OH) (CHOH) 4 COOH- a colorless crystalline substance, soluble in water, obtained by the oxidation of glucose. Forms salts - gluconates.

Double superphosphate (calcium dihydroorthophosphate monohydrate) Ca (H 2 PO 4) 2 .H 2 O- white powder, soluble in water.

Dibutyl phthalate C 6 H 4 (SOOS 4 H 9) 2 (butyl ester of phthalic acid)- colorless liquid with a fruity odor, slightly soluble in water. Organic solvent and repellent.

Ammonium dihydroorthophosphate NH 4 H 2 PO 4- a colorless crystalline substance, soluble in water. Fertilizer (diammo-phos).

Dimetzlphthalate C 6 H 4 (COOSH 3) 2 (methyl ester of phthalic acid) is a colorless volatile liquid. Organic solvent and repellent.

Iron vitriol (iron sulfate heptahydrate) F e S O 4 .7H 2 O- greenish crystals, soluble in water. In air, it gradually oxidizes.

Iron minium- iron oxide (III) Fe 2 O 3 with impurities. Mineral paint of red-brown color.

Yellow blood salt (potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) trihydrate) K 4 [Fe (CN) 6]. ZN 2 O- light yellow crystals, soluble in water. In the XVIII century. It was obtained from the waste of slaughterhouses, hence the name.

Fatty acid- carboxylic acids containing 13 or more carbon atoms.

soda ash, cm. .

Camphor C 10 H 16 O- colorless crystals with a characteristic odor. T pl. 179 °C, easily sublimates when heated. Soluble in organic solvents, slightly soluble in water.

Rosin- yellow glassy substance. T pl. 100 - 140 ° C, consists of resin acids - organic substances of a cyclic structure. Soluble in organic solvents and acetic acid, insoluble in water.

Ammonium carbonate (NH 4) 2 CO 3- a colorless crystalline substance, highly soluble in water, decomposes when heated.

Kerosene- a mixture of hydrocarbons, obtained during oil refining. T bale 150-300 °C. Fuel and organic solvent.

Red blood salt K 3 [Fe (CN) 6] (potassium hexacyanoferrate (SH))- red crystals, soluble in water. In the XVIII century. It was obtained from the waste of slaughterhouses, hence the name.

Starch [C 6 H 10 O 5] n- white amorphous powder, polysaccharide. With prolonged contact with water, it swells, turns into a paste, and forms dextrin when heated. Contained in potatoes, flour, cereals.

Litmus- natural organic matter, acid-base indicator (blue in an alkaline, red in an acidic environment).

Butyric acid C 3 H 7 COOH- a colorless liquid with an unpleasant odor. T bale 163 °C.

Mercaptans (thioalcohols)- organic compounds containing the SH group, for example, methyl mercaptan CH 3 SH. They have a disgusting smell.

Iron metahydroxide FeO(OH)- brown-brown powder, insoluble in water, the basis of rust.

Sodium metasilicate (nonahydrate) Na 2 SiO 3 .9H 2 O- a colorless substance, highly soluble in water. T pl. 47 °C, above 100 °C loses water. Aqueous solutions (silicate glue, soluble glass) have a strongly alkaline reaction due to hydrolysis.

Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) CO- colorless and odorless gas, strong poison. It is formed during the incomplete combustion of organic substances.

Formic acid HCOOH- a colorless liquid with a pungent odor, unlimitedly soluble in water, one of the strongest organic acids. T bale 100.7 °C. Contained in the secretions of insects, in nettles, needles. Forms salts - formates.

Naphthalene C 10 H 8- a colorless crystalline substance with a sharp characteristic odor, insoluble in water. Sublimates at 50 °C. Poisonous.

Ammonia- 5-10% aqueous ammonia solution.

Unsaturated (unsaturated) fatty acids Fatty acids that have one or more double bonds in their molecules.

Polysaccharides complex carbohydrates (starch, cellulose, etc.).

Propane C 3 H 8- colorless combustible gas, hydrocarbon.

Propionic acid C 2 H 5 COOH- colorless liquid, soluble in water. T bale 141 °C. Weak acid, forms salts - propionates.

Simple superphosphate- a mixture of water-soluble calcium dihydroorthophosphate Ca (H 2 PO 4) 2. H 2 O and insoluble calcium sulfate CaSO 4.

Resorcinol C 6 H 4 (OH) 2- colorless crystals with a characteristic odor, soluble in water and ethyl alcohol. T pl. 109 - 110 °С

Salicylic acid HOS 6 H 4 COOH- a colorless crystalline substance, slightly soluble in cold water, highly soluble in ethyl alcohol. T pl. 160 °C.

Sucrose C 12 H 22 O 11- a colorless crystalline substance, well soluble in water. T pl. 185 °C.

Red lead Rb 3 O 4- a finely crystalline substance of red color, insoluble in water. Strong oxidizer. Pigment. Poisonous.

Sulfur S 8- a yellow crystalline substance, insoluble in water. T pl. 119.3 °C.

Sulfuric acid H 2 SO 4- a colorless, odorless oily liquid, unlimitedly soluble in water (with strong heating). T bale 338 °C. A strong acid, a caustic substance, forms salts - sulfates and hydrosulfates.

Sulfur color- finely ground sulfur powder.

Hydrogen sulfide H 2 S- a colorless gas with the smell of rotten eggs, soluble in water, is formed during the decomposition of proteins. Strong restorer. Poisonous.

Silica Gel (Silicon Dioxide Polyhydrate) n SiO 2 m H2O- colorless granules, insoluble in water. Good adsorbent (absorber) of moisture.

Carbon tetrachloride (carbon tetrachloride) CCl 4- colorless liquid, insoluble in water. T bale 77 °C. Solvent. Poisonous.

Tetraethyl lead Rb (C 2 H 5) 4 is a colorless flammable liquid. Additive to automotive fuel (up to 0.08%). Poisonous.

Sodium tripolyphosphate Na 3 P 3 O 9- a colorless solid, unlimitedly soluble in water, aqueous solutions have an alkaline environment due to hydrolysis.

hydrocarbons- organic compounds of the composition C x H y (for example, propane C 3 H 8, benzene C 6 H 6).

Carbonic acid H 2 CO 3- a weak acid, exists only in an aqueous solution, forms salts - carbonates and bicarbonates.

Acetic acid CH 3 COOH- colorless liquid. Crystallizes at 17°C. Unrestrictedly soluble in water and ethyl alcohol. "Ice" acetic acid contains 99.8% CH 3 COOH.

Acetic aldehyde, cm. .

Fructose (fruit sugar) C 6 H 12 O 6 .H 2 O- monosaccharide, colorless crystalline substance, soluble in water. T pl. about 100 °C. One and a half times sweeter than sucrose, found in fruits, flower nectar, honey.

Hydrogen fluoride HF- a colorless gas with a suffocating odor, we will well dissolve in water with the formation of hydrofluoric (hydrofluoric) acid.

citrates- salts of citric acid.

Oxalic acid (dihydrate) H 2 C 2 O 4 .2H 2 O- a colorless crystalline substance, soluble in water. Sublimates at 125 °C. Contained in sorrel, spinach, sorrel in the form of potassium salt.

Ethyl acetate (ethyl acetate) CH 3 COOS 2 H 5- a colorless liquid with a fruity odor, slightly soluble in water. T bale 77 °C.

Ethylene glycol C 2 H 4 (OH) 2 - colorless viscous liquid, infinitely soluble in water. T pl. 12.3 °C, Tbp. 197.8 °C. Poisonous.

Ethyl alcohol (ethanol, wine alcohol) C 2 H 5 OH— colorless liquid, unlimitedly soluble in water. T bale 78 °C. Used as a solvent and preservative. In large doses - a strong poison.

Ethers- organic substances, including fragments of alcohols or alcohols and acids, connected through an oxygen atom.

Malic (oxysuccinic) acid CH (OH) CH 2 (COOH) 2- colorless crystalline substance, soluble in water. T pl. 100 °C.

Succinic acid (CH 2) 2 (COOH) 2- a colorless crystalline substance, soluble in water. T pl. 183 °C. Forms salts - succinates.

1. Our century can certainly be called the century of chemistry. With the creation of chemical compounds by people, the world has changed. In homes, offices and factories, people use aerosols, artificial sweeteners, cosmetics, all kinds of dyes, inks, printing inks, pesticides, drugs, polyethylene, refrigerants, synthetic fabrics - the list is endless.

Demand for this product worldwide has grown so much that its annual production, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is estimated at approximately 1.5 trillion US dollars. WHO reports that about 100,000 chemicals enter the world market today, and another 1,000 to 2,000 new ones are produced each year.

However, such an influx of chemicals raises the question: how does this affect the environment and our health? In fact, it is like sailing in uncharted seas.

According to the WHO, the people who are most frequently exposed to chemical pollutants are usually “poor, illiterate, or unable to obtain full or even basic knowledge of the harm that chemicals they come into direct contact with every day can do to them. or indirectly. This is especially true for pesticides. However, each of us is exposed to chemicals.

Another chemical, mercury, is essential but poisonous. It enters the environment in various ways. Sources of mercury can be, for example, industrial chimneys or billions of fluorescent lamps. Similarly, lead is found in many commodities, from fuel to paints. But, like mercury, it can cause poisoning, especially in children. Lead emissions can reduce the IQ of a normal child by 4 units.

The United Nations Environment Program states that each year, as a result of human activity, about 100 tons of mercury, 3,800 tons of lead, 3,600 tons of phosphates and 60,000 tons of detergents are dumped into the Mediterranean Sea. No wonder this sea is in crisis. And this applies not only to the Mediterranean Sea. The UN even declared 1998 the International Year of the Ocean. The world's oceans are in a deplorable state, mainly due to pollution.

Chemical technology provides us with many useful products, which, after use, turn into garbage, greatly polluting the environment.

2. We call chemical substances what makes up the world around us, including more than a hundred basic chemical elements, such as iron, lead, mercury, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and others. Chemical compounds, or complex substances consisting of different chemical elements, include: water, alcohol, acids, salts, and others. Many of these compounds are found in nature.

A chemical reaction is the process of changing one chemical into another. Combustion is one of the chemical reactions in which a combustible substance - paper, gasoline, hydrogen, and the like - is converted into a completely different substance or substances. Many chemical reactions take place continuously both around us and within us.

3. Before making any decision in our life, we weigh all the pros and cons. For example, many people buy a car because it is very convenient to have one. But on the other hand, it is necessary to take into account what insurance, registration, car repair, and its depreciation over time will cost them. In addition, we must not forget that you can get injured or die as a result of an accident. It's like using chemicals when both benefits and harms need to be considered. Consider, for example, a substance such as MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether), a fuel additive that activates the combustion process and reduces exhaust. Thanks in part to MTBE, the air is cleaner than in previous years. But, for clean air “you have to pay” with something else. The fact is that MTBE is a potential carcinogen, and its leakage from tens of thousands of underground fuel tanks often led to groundwater pollution. So, in one city today, 82 percent of all water is delivered from other places, and this costs $3.5 million a year. This disaster may result in one of the most serious natural crises - groundwater pollution - which will last for many years.

Because some chemicals are so damaging to the environment and human health, their manufacture and sale have been banned. But why is this happening? Don't new chemicals go through rigorous toxicity testing before reaching the consumer?

While toxicity testing is scientific in nature, it is partly based on assumptions. It is difficult for risk assessors to clearly distinguish between when a substance is dangerous to use and when it is not. The same can be said about drugs, many of which are synthetic. Even the most thorough drug testing does not rule out unexpected harmful side effects from their use.

The capacity of laboratories is inevitably limited. For example, it is impossible to reproduce the full spectrum of action of any chemical preparation, because the real world is so complex and diverse. The world outside the lab is teeming with hundreds, even thousands, of various synthetic substances, many of which interact with each other and affect living beings. Some of these chemicals are harmless in themselves, but their compounds, which are formed outside or inside the human body, are poisonous. Some substances become toxic, and even carcinogenic, only after they have gone through a metabolic cycle in the body.

With all these difficulties, how do experts determine the safety of chemicals? The usual method is to experiment with animals that receive a certain dose of a chemical, and use the results of the studies to determine the safety of this substance for humans. Is this method always reliable?

In addition to ethical issues, the testing of substances for toxicity through experiments with animals raises other questions. For example, different animals often react differently to chemicals. A small dose of a highly toxic substance, dioxin, is lethal to a female guinea pig, but for this dose to be lethal to a hamster, it must be increased by 5,000 times! Even related animal species such as rats and mice react differently to many substances.

So how can scientists be sure that a substance is safe for humans if it is impossible to accurately determine the reaction of an animal of another species from the reaction of an animal of one species? Indeed, scientists cannot be absolutely sure of this.

Chemists have a really hard job. They need to please those who demand the creation of new chemicals, take into account the requirements of animal rights activists, and at the same time do everything to recognize the products as safe in good conscience. To this end, some laboratories today use human tissue cells placed in a nutrient medium to test chemicals. However, only time will tell how secure this method can be.

The pesticide DDT - still found in large quantities in the environment today - is an example of a substance being erroneously considered safe and put into production. Later, scientists discovered that DDT is not excreted from the body for a long time, which is also characteristic of other potential poisons. What is the threat? In the food chain, the links of which are first millions of microorganisms, then fish, and finally birds, bears, otters, and so on, toxins accumulate like a snowball in the body of the last consumer. Toadstools (a type of waterfowl) living in the same area for more than 10 years were unable to breed a single chick!

This "snowball" grows with such force that some substances, barely detectable in water, reach a huge concentration in the body of the last consumer. Beluga whales living in the St. Lawrence River in North America are a striking example in this regard. They have such high levels of toxins in their bodies that when they die, their corpses must be treated like hazardous waste!

It has been found that some chemicals, when ingested by animals, cause a reaction similar to the activity of hormones. Only recently have scientists begun to understand

4. Hormones are the most important carriers of chemicals in the body. They are carried by the blood to various organs and either activate or inhibit certain processes, such as body growth or reproductive cycles. An interesting fact was reported in a World Health Organization (WHO) press release: “There is increasing scientific evidence that certain synthetic substances interact with hormones in a dangerous way when they enter the human body, either mimicking or blocking the action.”

We are talking about substances such as polychlorinated biphenyls. PCBs, widely available since the 1930s, are a family of over 200 oily compounds that are used to make lubricants, plastics, electrical insulation, pesticides, dishwashing detergents, and other products. Although the production of polychlorinated biphenyls has been banned in many countries, 1-2 million tons of these substances have already been produced. Waste polychlorinated biphenyls that enter the environment have a harmful effect on it. Dioxins, furans, and some pesticides, including DDT residues. They are called "endocrine disruptors" because they can cause dysfunction of the endocrine system that produces hormones.

One of the hormones that this substance mimics is the female sex hormone estrogen. According to studies, early puberty in a growing number of girls is likely due to the use of estrogen-containing hair care products, as well as environmental pollution with chemicals that act like estrogen.

The impact of certain chemicals on the male body at important points in development can have dangerous consequences. Experiments have shown that the influence of polychlorinated biphenyls at certain points in the development of turtles and crocodiles can contribute to a change in the sex of males to females or the development of hermaphroditism.

In addition, toxins produced by chemicals weaken the immune system, making it vulnerable to viruses. Indeed, it seems that viral infections are spreading more and faster than ever, especially among animals at the top of the food chain, such as dolphins and seabirds.

Children are most susceptible to the effects of chemicals that mimic hormones. The children of Japanese women who ate PCB-contaminated rice oil in the 1960s "showed stunted physical and mental development, behavioral abnormalities such as increased or decreased activity, and an IQ 5 points below average." Tests with children from the Netherlands and North America who were exposed to high concentrations of PCBs also showed a negative effect of this exposure on their physical and mental development.

Indeed, many of the chemicals created by people bring undoubted benefits, which cannot be said about others. Therefore, we act wisely when once again avoiding exposure to chemicals that carry a potential danger. Surprisingly, we have many of them at home.

Your house is ten times more likely to pollute the inside than your garden. A study of 174 residential properties in the UK by the Building Research Establishment found that the amount of formaldehyde fumes from furniture made of chipboard and other synthetic materials was ten times greater indoors than outdoors. The air in the twelve rooms tested did not meet the standards of the World Health Organization. Synthetic furniture, vinyl floors, building and decorative materials, chemical cleaners, and home heating and cooking appliances can release carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, benzene fumes, or volatile organic compounds. Benzene fumes, a known carcinogen, are emitted by aerosol cleaners and are also found in tobacco smoke, another major indoor pollutant. Many people spend 80-90 percent of their time indoors.

Children, especially toddlers, are more susceptible than anyone else to poisonous substances in the home. They have more contact with the floor than others, and their breathing is more rapid than that of adults; They spend 90 percent of their time at home, and since their bodies are still developing, they are more vulnerable to poisonous substances. They absorb approximately 40 percent of the lead found in food, while adults only absorb about 10 percent.

Our generation is now exposed to chemicals more than ever, and it is not known what consequences this may cause, so scientists are being careful. Exposure to chemicals does not necessarily mean that a person is at risk of cancer and death. In fact, the body of most people resists the effects of chemicals quite well. Nevertheless, precautions are necessary, especially if we are constantly dealing with potentially dangerous substances.

To reduce exposure to potentially hazardous substances, it only takes a little change in your lifestyle. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

1. Try to store most volatile chemicals where they won't pollute the air in your home. These chemicals include formaldehydes and substances containing volatile solvents such as paints, varnishes, adhesives, pesticides, detergents. Vapors, easily formed from petroleum products, are toxic. One of these petroleum products is benzene. It is known that if benzene in high concentrations affects the body for a long time, this can lead to cancer, birth defects and other hereditary disorders.

2. Ventilate all rooms well, including the bathroom, as shower fumes often contain chlorine. This can lead to buildup of chlorine and even chloroform.

3. Dry your feet before entering the house. This simple precaution helps to reduce lead content in carpets by 6 times. It also reduces the level of pesticides in the house, which break down quickly when exposed to the sun outside, and can remain in carpets for years. It is also possible to take off your shoes indoors, as is customary in many parts of the world. A good vacuum cleaner, preferably one with rotating brushes, will help clean the carpet better.

4. If you are spraying a room with pesticides, take toys out of the room for at least two weeks, even if the chemical label says it is safe to stay in the room for hours after spraying. Scientists have recently discovered that certain types of plastics and foams used to make toys literally soak up pesticide residues like a sponge. Toxins enter the child's body through the skin and mouth.

5. Use pesticides as little as possible. Pesticides are indeed needed in the home and garden, but commercial advertising convinces the average provincial dweller to have an arsenal of chemicals on hand, enough to repel an attack by an army of African locusts.

6. Remove leaded, peeling paint from all surfaces and repaint with lead-free paints. Do not allow children to play in dust containing lead paint particles. If there is a suspicion of lead in the plumbing, run cold water from the faucet before a noticeable change in temperature. Do not use hot tap water for drinking.

6. A survey of various population groups showed that 15 to 37 percent of people consider themselves particularly sensitive or allergic to common chemicals and odors, such as: exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, the smell of fresh paint, new carpet and perfume.

Many MCS sufferers believe that their condition is due to exposure to pesticides and solvents. These substances, especially solvents, are used very widely. Solvents are volatile or volatile substances that disperse or dissolve other substances. They are found in paints, varnishes, adhesives, pesticides and detergents.

Much remains unclear regarding hypersensitivity to chemicals (MCS syndrome). It is understandable that there is considerable disagreement among physicians regarding the nature of this disease. Some doctors believe that MCS is caused by physical factors, others believe that the causes of the disease are related to the human psyche, and others point to both physical and mental factors. Some doctors admit that MCS syndrome can be caused by several diseases at once.

Many people with MCS say that they developed symptoms after being exposed to high concentrations of toxic substances, such as pesticides. Others claim that they developed this syndrome as a result of repeated or prolonged exposure to toxins in small concentrations. Regardless of the cause of the disease, people with MCS develop an allergic reaction to various seemingly dissimilar chemicals, such as perfumes and detergents, that they previously tolerated quite well. Therefore, the name of the disease does not indicate any one chemical substance.

Constant contact with toxins in small concentrations - which is also called among the causes of MCS syndrome - can be both indoors and outdoors. Over the past decades, an increase in morbidity associated with indoor air pollution has given rise to the term indoor syndrome.

The indoor syndrome was first discussed in the 1970s, when many naturally ventilated homes, schools, and offices were replaced by more economical air-conditioned sealed buildings. Insulating materials, treated wood, adhesives made from volatile chemicals, synthetic fabrics and carpets were often used in the construction and decoration of such buildings.

Many of these building materials, especially in new buildings, release potentially hazardous chemicals such as formaldehyde into the air-conditioned environment. Carpets exacerbate the problem by absorbing various detergents and solvents, which then evaporate over time. Vapors from various solvents are the most common indoor air pollutants. And solvents, in turn, are among the chemicals to which those who suffer from hypersensitivity to chemicals most often have allergic reactions.

Most people feel fine in these buildings, but some develop symptoms ranging from asthma and other respiratory problems to headaches and lethargy. These symptoms usually disappear when the person is placed in other conditions. But in some cases, patients may develop hypersensitivity to chemicals. Why are some people affected by chemicals and others not? It is important to answer this question because some of those who are not affected by these chemicals find it difficult to understand those who suffer from them.

It is good to remember that we all react differently to chemicals, germs and viruses. How we respond is influenced by genes, age, gender, health conditions, medications taken, pre-existing diseases, and our lifestyle, especially alcohol, tobacco or drug use.

The effectiveness of the drug and the possibility of side effects depend on the individual characteristics of the human body. Some side effects can lead to serious consequences, even death. Normally, proteins called enzymes, or enzymes, remove foreign chemicals from the body that are found in drugs and pollutants that enter the body every day. But if the body lacks these “house cleaners”—perhaps due to heredity, previous exposure to toxins, or malnutrition—foreign chemicals can accumulate in dangerous concentrations.

The MCS syndrome has been compared to a group of blood system diseases called porphyrias, which are associated with impaired enzyme synthesis. Often the response of people with porphyrias to chemicals (from car exhaust to perfume) is similar to that of people with MCS.

One woman with MCS reported that some common chemicals act like drugs on her. She said: “I feel like I am changing: I am angry, agitated, irritable, scared, apathetic. This can last from several hours to several days.” And then she feels like she's hungover and gets depressed.

Such symptoms are not uncommon in those suffering from MCS syndrome. More than ten countries have reported the occurrence of mental disorders in people who have come into contact with chemicals; it could be both insecticide exposure and indoor syndrome. We know that people who work with solvents have a higher risk of having panic attacks or depression. Therefore, you need to be very careful and remember that the brain is the most sensitive to the effects of chemicals in our body.

Although exposure to chemicals can lead to psychiatric problems, many clinicians believe the opposite is also true: psychiatric problems can contribute to the development of sensitivity to chemicals. Stress makes a person more sensitive to chemicals.

Can MCS sufferers do anything to improve their health, or at least reduce their symptoms?

Although there is no definite cure for MCS, many of those who suffer from the disease manage to reduce their symptoms, and some have even managed to return to a relatively normal lifestyle. What helps them? Some say they are helped by the advice of doctors to avoid, as much as possible, contact with chemicals that cause symptoms of the disease.

Of course, in today's world it is difficult to completely avoid contact with allergenic chemicals. The main problem that MCS leads to is the forced seclusion and alienation that arises from the fact that the patient tries to avoid contact with chemicals. Under the supervision of doctors, patients need to cope with panic attacks and heart palpitations with the help of special breathing exercises. Thus, a person can gradually adjust to the effects of chemicals, instead of completely eliminating them from his life.

The importance of good nutrition in maintaining and restoring health is out of the question. It is even considered an extremely important component of prevention. It is logical that in order to restore health, all body systems should work as efficiently as possible. Nutritional supplements can help with this.

Physical exercise also helps keep you healthy. In addition, the process of sweating helps to eliminate toxins from the body. A good mood, a sense of humor, a sense of warmth and love from loved ones, as well as a manifestation of love for others are also significant factors. One female doctor even "prescribes" to all MCS patients who come to her, "love and laughter." "A merry heart is beneficial, like medicine."

However, enjoying human interaction can be the hardest thing for those with MCS, who can't stand the perfumes, detergents, deodorants, and other chemicals that most of us use on a daily basis. So how do those who suffer from MCS deal with it? And an equally important question: what can others do to help those suffering from MCS?

Hypersensitivity to ordinary substances, colognes or detergents, causes not only health problems for those suffering from it, but also social problems. It's human nature to socialize with others, but chemical sensitivity (MCS) causes many affable, fun-loving people to become reclusive.

Unfortunately, MCS sufferers are sometimes considered odd people. One reason, of course, is that MCS is a complex phenomenon that the world has not yet learned how to deal with. But the lack of knowledge about this syndrome does not justify being suspicious of those who suffer from it.

7. In the 60-70s. the song in which there were such words was extremely popular: “We are the children of the Galaxy, but most importantly, we are your children, dear Earth ...”

We are indeed children of the Earth, because we are built from the same elements as our planet. If you dig, you can find everything in us, down to gold and elements of radioactive decay. Excess or lack of certain minerals leads to metabolic disorders, and hence the appearance of diseases. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the food contains enough vitamins and minerals.

Potassium regulates the acid-base balance of the blood. It is believed that it has protective properties against the undesirable effects of excess sodium and normalizes blood pressure. For this reason, in some countries it is proposed to produce table salt with the addition of potassium chloride. Potassium is able to increase the excretion of urine. A lot of potassium is found in legumes (peas, beans), potatoes, apples and grapes.

Calcium affects the metabolism and absorption of food by the body, increases resistance to infections, strengthens bones and teeth, and is necessary for blood clotting. 99% of calcium is concentrated in the bones. Almost 4/5 of the total need for it is met by dairy products. Some plant substances reduce the absorption of calcium. These include phytic acids in cereals and oxalic acid in sorrel and spinach.

Magnesium has an antispasmodic and vasodilating effect, stimulates intestinal motility. It is part of many important enzymes that release energy from glucose, maintain a constant body temperature, and normal heartbeat. Almost half of the need for magnesium is met by bread and cereals and vegetables. Milk and cottage cheese contain relatively little magnesium, but unlike plant foods, magnesium is in an easily digestible form, so dairy products, which are also consumed in significant quantities, are significant sources of magnesium.

It is known that in ancient times - people did not add salt to food. It began to be used in nutrition only in the last 1-2 thousand years, first as a flavoring seasoning, and then as a preservative. However, until now, many peoples of Africa, Asia and the North do very well without edible salt. Nevertheless, sodium, which is part of its composition, is necessary because it is involved in creating the necessary stability of the blood, the regulation of blood pressure and introductory metabolism. The need for it is not more than 1 g per day. But usually an adult consumes about 2.4 g of sodium with bread and 1-3 g with salting food.

This is equal to about one teaspoon of salt without top and is not harmful to health. The need for sodium increases significantly (almost 2 times) with heavy sweating (in a hot climate, with great physical exertion, etc.). A direct relationship has also been established between excess sodium intake and hypertension. The ability of tissues to retain water is also associated with the sodium content: a large amount of table salt overloads the kidneys and heart. As a result, the legs and face swell. That is why it is recommended to drastically limit salt intake in case of kidney and heart diseases.

Sulfur is part of the proteins of some hormones and vitamins. It is necessary for neutralization in the liver of toxic substances coming from the large intestine as a result of putrefaction. It is part of the cartilage tissue, hair, nails. Its main sources are: meat, fish, milk, eggs, lentils, soybeans, peas, beans, wheat, oats, cabbage, turnips, as well as mucous soups from animal products.

Phosphorus is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart muscle, it makes bones and teeth strong, and maintains the acid-base balance in the blood. As for food: a lot of phosphorus is found in beans, peas, oatmeal, pearl barley and barley groats. A person consumes the main amount of it with milk and bread. Usually 50-90% of phosphorus is absorbed (less if plant foods are consumed, since phosphorus is mostly there in the form of indigestible phytic acid). Not only the content of phosphorus is important, but also its ratio with calcium. With an excess of phosphorus, calcium can be excreted from the bones, with an excess of calcium, urolithiasis can develop.

Chlorine is an element involved in the formation of gastric juice. Up to 90% of it we get from table salt.

Iron is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and some enzymes. The body of an adult contains about 4 g of iron. The need of women in it is 2 times higher than that of men, but in the female body it is absorbed much more efficiently. During pregnancy and lactation, the need for iron doubles. The daily need for iron is met in excess by the usual diet. We get it mainly from the liver, kidneys and legumes. However, when bread from fine flour is used in food, iron deficiency is observed, since cereal products rich in phosphates and phytin form sparingly soluble salts with iron and reduce its absorption by the body. If about 30% of iron is absorbed from meat products, then from cereals - only 5-10%. Tea also reduces the absorption of iron due to its binding with tannins in a complex that is difficult to break down. People suffering from iron deficiency anemia should consume more meat, offal and not abuse tea. Raw fruits and vegetables are richest in mineral salts. Fruit and vegetable juices - from tomatoes, apples, cherries, apricots, grapes.

Iodine is important for thyroid hormones, which regulate cellular metabolism. The body of an adult contains 20-50 mg of iodine. With iodine deficiency, goiter develops. School-age children are especially sensitive to iodine deficiency. Its content in foodstuffs is low. Among the main sources we will name sea fish, cod liver, sea kale. It should be taken into account that during long-term storage or heat treatment of food, a significant part of iodine (from 20 to 60%) is lost.

The content of iodine in terrestrial plant and animal products is highly dependent on its amount in the soil. In areas where there is little iodine in the soil, its content in food products can be 10-100 times less than the average. In these cases, to prevent goiter, a small amount of potassium iodide (25 mg per 1 kg of salt) is added to table salt. The shelf life of such iodized salt is no more than 6 months, since iodine gradually disappears during salt storage.

If you cauterize any wound with iodine, an amount enters the body, sometimes a thousand times higher than the daily norm, since iodine is very well absorbed through the skin.

Manganese is involved in protein and energy metabolism; contributes to the proper metabolism of sugar in the body, promotes energy from food. Its level is especially high in the brain, liver, kidneys, pancreas. Coffee, cocoa, tea, as well as cereals and legumes are extremely rich in manganese.

Copper is important for hematopoiesis, hemoglobin synthesis, as well as endocrine glands, has an insulin-like effect, affects energy metabolism. The human body contains an average of 75-150 mg of copper. Its concentration is highest in the liver, brain, heart and kidneys, muscle and bone tissues. With a lack of it in the body, you need to eat more potatoes, vegetables, liver, buckwheat and oatmeal. There is very little of it in milk and dairy products, so a long-term dairy diet can lead to copper deficiency in the body.

Chromium provides the body with the energy to convert carbohydrates into glucose, and is part of the "glucose tolerance factor" enzyme, which speeds up the use of insulin. With age, the content of chromium in the body, unlike other trace elements, progressively decreases. The risk of developing chromium deficiency is high in pregnant and lactating women. The reason for the relative deficiency of chromium may be the consumption of a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as the introduction of insulin, leading to increased excretion of chromium in the urine and depletion of the body.

There is no exact information about the physiological need of a person for chromium. It is assumed that, depending on its chemical nature, a person should receive 50-200 mcg / day with food. The content of chromium is highest in beef liver, meat, poultry, legumes, pearl barley, rye wholemeal flour.

Zinc is essential for normal bone development and tissue repair. Promotes the absorption and effects of B vitamins. Needed in enzymes that form acid in the stomach and control the formation of hormones, including sex hormones. Zinc levels are highest in semen and prostate. It may be deficient in some children and adolescents who do not consume enough animal products. And the lack of this element causes a sharp slowdown in growth, leading in some cases to dwarfism syndrome.

Zinc contained in non-yeast dough products is very poorly absorbed. And in those areas where non-yeasted bread is the main food of the population (some regions of Central Asia, the Caucasus), zinc deficiency in the body is often noted with all the ensuing negative consequences. The main food sources of zinc: beef, poultry, ham, liver, egg yolk, hard cheeses, cabbage and cauliflower, potatoes, beets, carrots, radishes, sorrel, coffee beans, as well as legumes and some cereals. High levels of zinc in nuts and shrimp.

Molybdenum promotes the absorption of iron by the body, prevents anemia. Necessary in trace elements as an integral part of several enzymes.

Fluorine is an element, in the absence of which caries develops, tooth enamel is destroyed; it is also involved in bone formation, prevents osteoporosis. In drinking water and food, it is present in an ionized form, it is quickly absorbed into the intestine. Fluorine is usually low in food products. The exceptions are fish (especially mackerel, cod and catfish), nuts, liver, lamb, veal and oatmeal. In areas where there is little fluorine in water (less than 0.5 mg/l), water fluoridation is carried out. However, its excessive consumption is also undesirable, as it causes fluorosis (spotting of tooth enamel).

Bromine is a constant component of various tissues of the human and animal body. It enters the body mainly with foods of plant origin, and a small amount of it is introduced with common salt containing bromine impurities.

The human body is very sensitive to deficiency, and even more so to the absence of certain minerals in food. The outstanding domestic hygienist F.F. Erisman wrote that “food that does not contain mineral salts, although it otherwise satisfied the nutritional conditions, leads to a slow starvation, because depletion of the body with salts inevitably entails an eating disorder.”

8. Food is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Throughout life, the human body continuously undergoes a metabolism and energy exchange. The source of building materials and energy necessary for the body are nutrients that come from the external environment, mainly with food.

Rational nutrition is the most important inapplicable condition for the prevention of not only metabolic diseases, but also many others.

The nutritional factor plays an important role not only in the prevention, but also in the treatment of many diseases.

Medicinal substances of synthetic origin, unlike food substances, are alien to the body. Many of them can cause side effects.

In products, many biologically active substances are found in equal, and sometimes in higher concentrations than in the drugs used. That is why many products, primarily vegetables, fruits, seeds, herbs, are used in the treatment of various diseases.

But many food products are grown with the use of large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides. Such agricultural products can have not only poor taste, but also be hazardous to health.

Nitrogen is a component of compounds vital for plants, as well as for animal organisms. Nitrogen enters plants from the soil, and then through food and fodder crops enters the organisms of animals and humans. Nowadays, agricultural crops almost completely receive mineral nitrogen from chemical fertilizers, since some organic fertilizers are not enough for soils depleted in nitrogen. However, unlike organic fertilizers, in chemical fertilizers there is no free release of nutrients in natural conditions. As a result, there is an excess nitrogen nutrition of plants and, as a result, the accumulation of nitrates in it.

An excess of nitrogen fertilizers leads to a decrease in the quality of plant products, a deterioration in their taste properties, a decrease in plant resistance to diseases and pests, which forces an increase in the use of pesticides. They also accumulate in plants. The increased content of nitrates leads to the formation of nitrates that are harmful to human health. The use of such products can cause serious poisoning and even death in a person.

Plants are able to accumulate in themselves almost all harmful substances. That is why agricultural products grown near industrial enterprises and major highways are especially dangerous.

9. In order to maintain health and survive in conditions of ecological trouble, it is necessary to grow and consume products without the use of pesticides and periodically cleanse the body - reduce the level of toxic substances accumulating in it to relatively safe limits.

You can cleanse the body using medicinal herbs: marigolds, chamomile, yarrow. Apples have a healing effect on the human body. The composition of apples includes pectins, organic acids. Pectin is able to bind and remove mercury, lead, strontium, cesium and other trace elements harmful to the body.

Apple diets, apple days, weeks will benefit those who want to rid their body of radionuclides.

Infusions and decoctions of young twigs and leaves of sea buckthorn or sea buckthorn oil will cleanse the body of harmful trace elements.

When consumed in large quantities of fruits; infusions, decoctions from partitions of walnuts, strontium, mercury compounds, lead are removed from the cells of the body.

Beet and carrot pectin protects the body from the effects of radioactive and heavy metals (lead, strontium, mercury, etc.)

10. For many years, students of the Scientific Society of the Ornithological Association of the Armavir Ecological and Biological Center have been working on the problems of the impact of chemicals on human health and ways to solve these problems using available methods.

All the works of students of the scientific society - abstract, research, experimental, aimed at finding a way out of the crisis.

The students repeatedly spoke at the city environmental conference in the media, urging the residents of the city not to use pesticides and pesticides to grow vegetables and fruits, but to apply biological methods of protecting plants from pests: hang artificial bird nests in gardens and parks to attract birds that feed on insects; to sow plants on their personal plots that attract beneficial insects - insect-eating pests of plants; instead of vegetables and fruits that may contain nitrates, eat the juices of these products, discarding fiber containing chemicals.

Topics of work presented at the city environmental conference: - "The use of ladybugs in beet crops against aphids", 1997.

  • "Birds and human health", 1998.
  • "The impact of pesticides on human health", 1999.
  • "Chemicals and Human Health", 2000.
  • "Protection of gardens and parks from pests by attracting birds", 2001.
  • "Juices and human health", 2001.
  • "The Importance of Birds for Humans", 2001.
  • "Protection of the garden from pests by the biological method", 2001.

Most of the works presented at the regional conference of the small agricultural academy of Kuban students are devoted to biological methods of protecting plants from pests, without pesticides and pesticides harmful to human health.

At the training and experimental site of the center, we grow vegetables using biological methods of plant protection against pests. We also collect medicinal herbs that grow on the territory of our ecological and biological center, which is 1.5 km away from factories, factories, roads.

We grow chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, nettle, motherwort, marigold.

We collect these herbs and distribute among the population with recommendations on how to use them to protect and remove chemical poisons from the body.

The surrounding world and our body are a single whole, and all pollution and emissions entering the atmosphere are a lesson to our health. If we try to do as much positive things for the environment as possible, we prolong our lives and heal our bodies.

Everything in this world is interconnected, nothing disappears and nothing appears from nowhere. Our environment is our body. By protecting the environment, we protect our health. Health is not only the absence of disease, but also the physical, mental and social well-being of a person.

Health is a capital given to us not only by nature from birth, but also by the conditions in which we live and which we create ourselves.


  1. Belova I. "Environmental Protection".
  2. Kriksunov E. "Ecology".
  3. Balandin R. "Nature and Civilization".
  4. Moiseev. "Journey in the Same Boat" Chemistry and life, 1977. No. 9.
  1. Age of Chemistry ……………………………………………………………………..2
  2. Chemicals ……………………………………………………..3
  3. Problems of determining the safety of chemicals for


  1. Hormones - carriers of chemicals in the human body ... ..6
  2. Chemicals in your home ……………………………………..7
  3. Hypersensitivity to chemicals …………….10
  4. Chemical substances - positively affecting human health…………………………………………………………………………..15
  5. Chemicals in food……………………………..20
  6. Purification of the body from chemicals by available methods…….……………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  7. From the practice of the Ecological and Biological Center …………………………...22
  8. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………24
  9. Used literature……………………………………………….24

The purpose of the work: To collect information about the dangers of chemicals on human health. Find affordable methods to prevent the negative impact of chemicals on human health.

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