A collection of ideal social studies essays. Aspects of socialization The role of the state in socialization processes

The state is a link in the political system of society that has power functions. It is a set of interconnected institutions and organizations (government apparatus, administrative and financial bodies, courts, etc.) that manage society. The state can be considered as a factor of spontaneous socialization insofar as its characteristic policies, ideology (economic and social) and spontaneous practices create certain conditions for the socialization of the lives of its citizens, their development and self-realization. Children, adolescents, young men, adults, functioning more or less successfully in these conditions, voluntarily or involuntarily assimilate norms and values, both established by the state and (even more often) received in social practice. All this can in a certain way influence a person’s self-change in the process of socialization. The state carries out relatively guided socialization of its citizens belonging to certain gender, age, socio-professional, national and cultural groups. Relatively guided socialization of certain groups of the population is objectively carried out by the state in the process of solving the tasks necessary for the implementation of its functions.
Thus, the state determines the ages: the beginning of compulsory education, coming of age, getting married, obtaining a license to drive a car, conscription into the army (and its duration), starting work, retirement. The state legislatively stimulates and sometimes finances (or, conversely, restrains, limits and even prohibits) the development and functioning of ethnic and religious cultures. Let's limit ourselves to just these examples.
Thus, relatively guided socialization carried out by the state, addressed to large groups of the population, creates certain conditions for specific people to choose a life path, for their development and self-realization. The state contributes to the education of its citizens; for this purpose, organizations are created that, in addition to their main functions, also carry out the education of various age groups. The state took over the educational organization from the middle of the 19th century. It is very interested in the education of citizens, using it to achieve the formation of a person who would correspond to the social order. To achieve its goals, the state develops some policies in the field of education and creates a state education system.

  • State How factor socialization. State– a political and legal concept. State- a link in the political system of society that has power functions.

  • More or less studied conditions or factors socialization combined into 4 groups.
    The second is macro factors (from the English “macro” - “big”), influencing socialization countries, ethnicity, society, state.

  • State How factor socialization. State– a political and legal concept. State

  • State How factor socialization. State– a political and legal concept. State- a link in the political system of society, cat... more ».

  • State How factor socialization. State– a political and legal concept.
    Region - part states, which is integral socially-an economic system that has commonality.

  • State How factor socialization. State– a political and legal concept. State- a link in the political system of society, cat. Types and functions of education.

  • ...countries they influence socialization people, they are used and take into account the prevailing country ethnic groups, public and state.
    The role of ethnicity How factor a socialization a person throughout his life’s journey, on the one hand, cannot be ignored, but on the other...

  • Factors victimization of a person can become society and state in which he lives. The presence of certain types of victims of unfavorable conditions socialization, their diversity, quantitative, gender and age, socially-the cultural characteristics of each type depend...

  • TO factors everything can be attributed to human victimization factors socialization: microfactors - family, peer groups and subculture
    mass media; macro factors - space, planet, world, a country, society, state(classification by A.V. Mudrik).

  • State How economic institute. Among the economic entities whose activities are influenced by psychological factors, along with the individual, organizations, social groups has a special place state.

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The state carries out more or less effective relatively socially controlled socialization of its citizens, creating for this purpose both organizations that have as their functions the education of certain age groups, and conditions that force organizations whose direct functions do not include this to engage in education to one degree or another.

The state most consistently influences the socialization of younger generations through the creation of a special systems of educational organizations. Education has become one of the most important functions of the state since the middle of the 19th century. By ensuring that education effectively shapes a person who corresponds to the social order determined by the social and state system, the state improves it. This is done by formulating its tasks and defining its content, developing its material base, searching for optimal forms of management and coordinating the activities of various educational organizations, training and retraining of teaching staff, etc.

By the middle of the 20th century. In the most developed countries, the state began to pay increasing attention to the relatively socially controlled socialization of not only younger generations, but also youth, adults and the elderly. The main directions of efforts of government organizations were vocational training and retraining of youth and adults; cultural and social adaptation of immigrants; social assistance to the poor, the elderly, representatives of risk groups, maladjusted and disorganized families and population groups; creating conditions for productive recreational behavior of the population; as well as conditions for raising the cultural level of all segments of the population, etc.

For the effective implementation of relatively socially controlled socialization of its citizens, the state develops a certain policy in the field of education and forms a state education system.

State policy in the field of education- determination of educational tasks and strategies for their solution, development of legislation and allocation of resources, support of educational initiatives, which together should create the necessary and sufficient favorable conditions for the development and spiritual and value orientation of citizens in accordance with the positive interests of a person and the needs of society.

State education system - a set of organizations whose activities are aimed at implementing educational tasks set by the state. It includes three levels - federal, regional (level of federal subjects) and municipal.

The state education system includes a wide range of different educational organizations:

Educational institutions of various types (kindergartens, general education and specialized schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, vocational schools, technical schools, colleges, courses, etc.);

Institutions for those gifted in certain areas of knowledge and types of activity, as well as those with strong interests and pronounced abilities;

Organizations involved in socio-cultural and other types of microenvironment improvement; individual and group care for children, adolescents, youth, adults;

Institutions for children, adolescents, boys and girls with significantly weakened health;

Institutions for children, adolescents, boys and girls, adults with psychosomatic and/or social disabilities and/or defects;

Organizations involved in re-education and rehabilitation.

With the passage of time, the diversity of educational organizations increases due to the complication of both the socio-economic and cultural needs of society, their roles and importance in the education system change.

State policy in the field of education is also changing, because the country, ethnic group, society, and state are changing. The French educator Claude-Adrian Helvetius drew attention to this back in the 18th century: “In every country, the art of shaping people is so closely connected with the form of government that any significant change in public education is hardly possible without changes in the state system itself.”

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. What assumptions did domestic scientists make about the influence of Space on the human community?

2. How does globalization of the conditions of socialization manifest itself?

3. How is the global differentiation of the conditions of socialization manifested?

4. What allows us to classify a country as a macrofactor of socialization?

5. Name the main aspects of the influence of the mentality of an ethnic group on the socialization.

6. What are implicit theories of personality and education?

7. What features are characteristic of the gender, age and social structures of modern Russian society?

8. How does the state influence the relatively directed socialization of a person?

9. What are state policy in the field of education and the state system of education?

Questions and tasks for discussion

1. Space as a factor of socialization - is it a utopia or an unknown reality?

2. How do global processes and problems affect human socialization?

3. How to understand the definition of “country is a frame of socialization”?

4. Using specific examples, show the deep nature of the influence of the mentality of an ethnic group on the socialization of a person at different age periods.

5. Analyze the ethnic stereotypes you know and their impact on human socialization.

6. Using the example of everyday interethnic conflict, show the role of ethnicity in the socialization of a person.

7. Describe the problems of socialization in modern Russian society in connection with its changes (using the example of your city).

8. How do modern realities of Russian society affect intergenerational relations in the region where students live?

9. How does ideological pluralism influence the socialization of specific nominal groups in the region where students live?

10. Show with examples the manifestation of implicit concepts of personality and upbringing in the region where students live.

11. Analyze the problems of the education system that have arisen in connection with changes in society and government policy.

The state is a link in the political system of society, which has power functions and is a set of interconnected institutions and organizations that manage society.

The state can be considered as a factor of spontaneous socialization insofar as its characteristic policies, ideology, economic and social practices create certain conditions for the life of its citizens, their development and self-realization. Children, adolescents, young men, and adults, functioning in these conditions, assimilate norms and values, both declared by the state and implemented in social practice. As is known, they never completely coincide, and in certain periods of a state’s history they can be opposite. All this can in a certain way influence a person’s self-change in the process of socialization. The state carries out relatively guided socialization of its citizens belonging to certain gender, age, socio-professional, national and cultural groups. Relatively guided socialization of certain groups of the population is objectively carried out by the state in the process of solving the tasks necessary for the implementation of its functions.

Thus, the state determines the ages: the beginning of compulsory education (and its duration), coming of age, marriage, obtaining a license to drive a car, conscription into the army (and its duration), the beginning of working activity, and retirement. The state legislatively stimulates and sometimes finances (or, conversely, restrains, limits and even prohibits) the development and functioning of ethnic and religious cultures. Thus, relatively guided socialization carried out by the state, being addressed to large groups of the population, creates certain conditions for specific people to choose a life path, for their development and self-realization. The state carries out more or less effective socially controlled socialization of its citizens, creating for this purpose both organizations whose functions are the education of certain age groups, and creating conditions that force organizations whose direct functions do not include this, to one degree or another, engage in education . To do this, it develops a certain policy in the field of education and forms a state system of education.

State policy in the field of education - defining the tasks of education and strategies for solving them, developing legislation and allocating resources, supporting educational initiatives, which together should create the necessary and sufficiently favorable conditions for the development and spiritual and value orientation of younger generations in accordance with the positive interests of man and demands of society.

The state education system is a set of state organizations whose activities are aimed at implementing the educational policy of the state. The state education system includes several elements:

1. Relevant legislative and other acts that are the basis of the system and determine the composition of the organizations included in it and the order of its functioning.

2. Certain funds allocated and attracted by the state for the successful functioning of the education system. These funds are divided into: material (infrastructure, equipment, teaching aids, etc.), financial (budgetary, extra-budgetary, private investments), personal resources of its subjects.

3. A set of social roles necessary to implement the functions of education: organizers of education; professional educators of various specializations; volunteer educators; brought up of different ages, gender and socio-cultural backgrounds.

4. A set of specific sanctions applied to organizers, educators and students. Sanctions are divided into positive (encouraging) and negative (condemning, punishing).

5. Certain values ​​cultivated by the state educational system, which are adequate to the type of socio-political, economic and ideological systems of society.

6. Educational management bodies, thanks to which the state educational system functions and develops.

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Successful socialization is determined by three factors: expectations, behavior change and the desire for conformity. An example of successful socialization is a group of school peers. Children who have gained authority among their peers establish behavior patterns; everyone else either behaves like them or wants to.

Of course, socialization is carried out not only under the influence of peers. We also learn from our parents, teachers, bosses, etc. Under their influence, we develop the intellectual, social and physical skills necessary to fulfill our social roles. To some extent, they also learn from us - socialization is not a one-way process. Individuals are constantly looking for compromise with society. Some students' behavior deviates from the patterns set by the most influential students. Although they are teased for it, they refuse to change their behavior. Resistance, protest, defiant behavior can give the socialization process an unusual character. Therefore, the results of children's socialization do not always correspond to the expectations of their parents, teachers or peers.

Sometimes this process can be directed in the opposite direction. For example, one day a group of left-leaning students at the University of Sussex declared that they considered it advisable to introduce a course of lectures on the theory and practice of revolutions at the Faculty of Social Sciences. At first, the faculty leadership rejected this idea, but later it was decided to support it. In this case, the intended objects of socialization (i.e., students) influenced the agents of socialization (faculty management) to convince them of what needed to be studied during the period of political unrest in 1968.

However, socialization is an extremely powerful force. The desire for conformity is the rule rather than the exception. This is due to two reasons: limited human biological capabilities and cultural limitations. It is not difficult to understand what we mean when we talk about limited biological capabilities: a person is not able to fly without wings, and he cannot be taught to do so. Since any culture selects only certain patterns of behavior from many possible ones, it also limits socialization, only partially using human biological capabilities.

(K. Smelser)

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The following explanations may be given:

1) the state is interested in the formation of civic values, a certain political culture of citizens;

2) the state is interested in maintaining law and order and developing the legal consciousness of citizens;

3) the state carries out certain expenses on education and culture and is interested in the efficient use of invested funds;

4) the state is interested in the normal functioning of the labor market, because it sets certain priorities in the development of vocational education.

Other explanations may be given.

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