A fairy tale for adults, loved by children (commentary on the film "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"). anti-pedagogy from mary poppins L what is said in the story of mary poppins

Year of writing: 1934 Genre: story

Main characters: Jane, Michael and Nanny Miss Poppins

This is a deeply philosophical work about the children's world and consciousness, it tells about what mechanisms are involved in the children's worldview, about how important it is to understand this world, not to spoil or break it.

The child reader gets real pleasure from the book, because, like an old friend, it tells about the innermost secrets hidden in the child's soul. An adult reader recalls his early years, involuntarily envying the children who got a nanny who feels their soul subtly.

This work teaches that, becoming adults, one should not forget all the young impulses and desires, killing the child in oneself for the sake of "adult" values.

Read the summary of Travers Mary Poppins

This is a fabulous, one might say, a fantastic story. A respectable English family named Banks, with four children, needs a new nanny. There were plenty of babysitters in this house, but they all left, because working with such children is not easy.

A young woman appears on the threshold of the house with a bag and an umbrella in her hands. She is determined, sharp and full of dignity. It is she who is destined to become the keeper of the secrets and secrets of the children of the Banks family.

Mary Poppins is a very strict and unkind nanny, but she understands children and knows exactly what they need. From her, they listen to magical fairy tales, parables that teach how not to lose their soul in the world of adults. What a story about a dancing cow who gave up her dream in order to remain respectable!

Mary Poppins is magical. She can sew on buttons with her eyes, ride up railings, and turn cold medicine into a wonderful treat.

She also hears how babies can talk to a sunbeam and understands the language of animals and birds.

In the park, children get acquainted with the statue of the Boy with a Dolphin and learn about his fate. Mary Poppisn makes them see what is hidden from the eyes, and what can be seen only with a real heart.

Thanks to Mary, children learn that love can be selfish. They look at their well-behaved neighbor with completely different eyes, who is trying to make a “good” boy out of her dog. She is sure that all the clothes, gourmet food and manicure are a great boon for the dog, and does not understand that with her obsessive love she breaks the fate of a living being.

Mary Poppins has a magical compass with which she can take children on a trip around the world and show other worlds, a different life, people who live by completely different laws and orders.

In her carpet bag, Mary keeps all the things that a real lady needs, they help her to remain Lady Perfection, while she always travels light.

The children meet her uncle, Mr. Wig, who is able to laugh so sincerely that he can rise up, and even take his guests with him with a table set for tea in addition.

From Mary Poppins, children will learn about how stars are born in the sky. They enthusiastically peep at how at night Mary cuts them out of foil and sticks them to the sky.

After all these miracles, children are concerned about one important question for them: how not to forget all those joys when they become adults. They already know that their mom and dad, who are so busy with everyday bustle, also once saw all this, but forgot in the pursuit of imaginary values.

Mary is always ready to help children in need, so she flies where the wind of change blows. She is not a long guest in every home. Having given the children a magical world, and causing the indignation of adults, Mary flies away with a fair wind somewhere to other children, to another house, and returns only in the second part.

In the second part, Mary arrives exactly when everyone is so incredibly needed, because she herself knows when to appear.

She spares the children from the annoying upbringing of Aunt Mr. Banks, whose goal is to make the children obedient, comfortable and completely impersonal.

Mary introduces children to a family that lives in a porcelain dish, they ride on a flying carousel, and adults finally remember what they have forgotten for many, many years.

The work of "Mary Poppins" is a masterpiece of English classical children's literature, which has not lost its relevance in our time, because raising happy children who eventually grow into full-fledged bright personalities is the most important task at all times.

Picture or drawing Travers - Mary Poppins

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The main characters of the fairy tale "Mary Poppins" and their characteristics

  1. Jane Banks, the eldest child in the family. Kind, smart, observant girl. Almost never fussy
  2. Michael Banks, her brother. Often naughty, indulges, naughty and cheerful. Inventor and bully.
  3. Mary Poppins. Firestarter. A woman who could fly and perform various miracles. Outwardly strict, demanding, but very kind.
  4. Mrs and Mr Banks, parents of Michael and Jane
  5. John and Barbie, twins.
  6. ROBERTSON Hey, gardener, lazy and lazy.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Mary Poppins"
  1. Nanny required for children
  2. No recommendation
  3. Miraculous bag
  4. Eastern wind
  5. Brother Mary Poppins
  6. Dinner under the ceiling
  7. Mrs Persimmons in shock
  8. Edward and his friend
  9. Edward's ultimatum
  10. Cow in the alley
  11. How the cow flew to the moon
  12. Gemini and Starling
  13. Mary Poppins Shopping
  14. Gingerbread
  15. paper stars
  16. night zoo
  17. feeding people
  18. Mary's gifts
  19. round dance
  20. Mary is flying.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Mary Poppins" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The Banks family has a new nanny, Mary Poppins, and various miracles happen to the children.
  2. They dine at Mary's brother under the ceiling
  3. Mary talks to the dogs and tells the story of the dancing cow
  4. Mary treats children with gingerbread and glues stars to the sky
  5. Mary celebrates her birthday at the zoo and receives gifts
  6. The wind changes and Mary flies away, leaving gifts for the children.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Mary Poppins"
Miracles exist and all children know about it, but for some reason, when they become adults, they immediately forget about it.

What does Mary Poppins teach?
This fairy tale teaches to be kind, obedient, cheerful. It teaches you to believe in a miracle, to see the unusual in the most ordinary things. Learn to always stay young.

Review of the fairy tale "Mary Poppins"
I really like this kind, optimistic fairy tale and of course, most of all I like Mary Poppins herself, unusual, magical and perfect. Mary can do everything in the world and nothing causes her difficulty. And of course, children, communicating with Mary, become kinder, they learn and understand a lot.
I recommend everyone to read this story.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Mary Poppins"
The happiest of all is the one who is still in the cradle.
Children are like flowers, they love care.
You can't buy upbringing and courtesy in a shop.

Summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "Mary Poppins" by chapter
Chapter 1. East wind.
It is easy to find house number 17 in Cherry Lane, where the Banks family lives - Mr. Banks himself, his wife Mrs. Banks, and their four children - Michael and Jane, as well as little twins Barbie and John.
Once the children in the family were left without a nanny, and Mr. Banks urgently had to print an advertisement for a nanny. Then he left for work.
At this time, of course, the east wind was blowing.
And in the evening, Michael and Jane were sitting near the window and waiting for the return of dad, when they suddenly noticed a dark silhouette in the back of the street. But it was not dad, but a woman with a huge bag. She entered the gate of house 17 and flew straight to the door.
The children heard Mrs. Banks talking to a stranger and realized that this was their new nanny. When Mrs. Banks began to climb the stairs to the nursery, the stranger simply rode up the railing.
Mrs. Banks introduced a stranger to the children - it turned out to be their new nanny Mary Poppins.
The children watched in surprise as Mary opened a completely empty bag and began to take out dresses, a cot, shoes and everything else. At the end, she took out a pot-bellied bottle of medicine and gave each child a spoonful.
And Michael got ice cream, Jane lemonade, the twins milk, and Mary herself a spoonful of punch.
Going to bed, Michael asked Mary if she would leave them, and Mary replied that she would not leave until the wind changed.
Chapter 2
The children were very worried about whether Mary Poppins' brother, whom they had gone to visit, would be at home.
Mary Poppins pressed the bell and the door was opened by a skinny woman. The children thought it was Mrs. Parrick, but the woman was offended and said she was Miss Persimmons.
She pointed to the room of brother Mary Poppins and the children found themselves in a completely empty room with a set table.
Mary indignantly asked if today was Albert's birthday. And the children saw, right under the ceiling, Mr. Parrick, who was hanging in the air and reading a newspaper.
It turned out that it was for his birthday, and especially on Friday, if Mr. Parrick gets a laugh, he immediately takes off.
This story seemed so funny to Michael and Jane that they immediately flew up to the ceiling. Sir Albert said that the only way to go down was by imagining something sad, but the children couldn't do it. Even the thought of school seemed ridiculous to them.
Mary also flew up, and for this she did not need to laugh, she could fly and so, and they all drank tea together.
At this time, Miss Persimmons came in and, seeing the people floating in the air, became very excited. Moreover, she suddenly took off and put the brought jug on the floating table.
Then Miss Persimmons went away whining.
Finally, Mary said that it was time to go home and everyone immediately fell to the floor - it was so sad that the laughter immediately left.
Chapter 3. Miss Lark and her Edward.
In the house next to the Banks, the largest on the street, lived Miss Lark and her lap dog Edward. Miss Lark fed this Edward well, dressed him well, and made sure that he did not play with other dogs.
Michael and Jane's dad called Edward a jerk, but Mary Poppins got mad at Michael when he repeated his father's words.
Meanwhile, thoroughbred Edward really dreamed of being a cur and his best friend was the most hooligan dog in the area - half Airedale, half cop, and both halves were the worst.
And so, that day, Edward ran out of the house and slipped past the children walking with Mary Poppins. He almost knocked over the carriage, and the children saw him off with mocking cries.
But Edward did not pay attention to the screams, he barked something at Mary Poppins and she calmly explained the way to him.
The children were amazed.
When they returned home, they saw how Miss Lark's maids were looking for Edward in the garden, and they were helped by the Banks gardener - Robertson Ay. And at this time, from the opposite side of the street, Edward appeared with his outbred friend.
Miss Lark was delighted and indignant. She demanded that Edward come into the house, and the mongrel was removed. But Edward refused and said that the mongrel's name was Bartholomew and he would live with him.
Miss Lark had to give in because Edward had threatened to leave the house.
Chapter 4. Dancing cow.
Jane has an earache. She lay sad and tied up. Michael began to tell Jane about what was happening outside the window. He described Admiral Boom and Robertson Ey sweeping the garden. Jane said that Robertson had a heart condition and was not allowed to work hard.
At this time, Michael saw a cow. The children were very surprised at the cow, but Mary said that she knew this cow very well and she was a friend of her mother.
She told about how the cow visited the king.
A long time ago, there lived an ordinary red cow, very sedate and respectable. She raised the red heifer, her daughter, first one, then the other, and so on.
But one day the cow wanted to dance. She was surprised at this desire, but she started dancing anyway and could not stop. she danced day after day and hardly ate anything.
The red cow decided to complain to the King and went to the palace. The king was in a hurry, he wanted to go to the barber, but agreed to listen to the cow. The cow complained that she could not stop dancing, and the king saw a shooting star in her horns.
This star made the Cow dance, but no matter how much they pulled it, they could not remove the Shooting Star from the horns.
Then the King said that the cow would have to jump higher than the moon. The cow was afraid of this, but she could no longer dance, so she jumped and began to quickly climb up. She flew past the moon and the star itself slipped from her horns and flew across the sky. And the Cow returned to the ground and stopped dancing.
But she got bored and her mother, Mary Poppins, advised her to travel in order to have a better chance of finding the Shooting Star. That's why the cow came to Cherry Lane

Chapter 5
That day Michael and Jane went to visit and Mary stayed with the twins. John indignantly asked Sunbeam to move away because he got into his eye, but Sunbeam apologized and said he couldn't do that. On the contrary, Barbie rejoiced at the Sunshine.
At this time, a starling sat on the windowsill and began to scold the children that they chatted a lot. Barbie treated him to cookies.
John and Barbie discuss the adults and come to the conclusion that they are all very stupid and weird. But Mary Poppins says that all adults used to understand starlings, wind and trees, but when they grew up, they forgot it.
Barbie and John claim they will never forget these simple things, but the starling tells them it's inevitable. The twins ask why then Mary did not forget anything, and the starling replies that Mary is unique, that she is the only one.
A little time passed, and the teeth of the twins erupted and one day the starling flew in again. He started talking to the twins, but they only smiled and gurgled. Children have already forgotten the language of nature.
Chapter 6. Mrs. Corry
Mary Poppins and the children went shopping. They visited a butcher shop and a fish shop, and then went to buy gingerbread.
Mary led the children to a strange, old shop and inside they were met by two huge, quiet and sad women - Fanny and Annie. And then from the depths of the shop ran a little dry old woman - Mrs. Corry.
She broke off her fingers and gave them to the twins, while she grew new fingers, and the twins sucked lean sugar. Mrs. Corry complained that she herself did not know what her fingers would become.
Mrs. Corrie gave the children 13 star cakes and in passing found out where the children kept their stars from other cakes.
Mary and the children left the store and she immediately disappeared.
At night, the children saw Mary Poppins open the drawer, then the wardrobe, take something and go outside. They saw through the window that Mrs. Corry and her large women were waiting for her there. They put ladders up to the sky and began to stick gingerbread stars to the sky. And they hung and shone.
Chapter 7
That day, Mary Poppins did everything very quickly and was angry. She was in a hurry somewhere and put the children to bed early.
But very soon, Michael and Jane heard a voice that called them behind him. They followed the voice and soon came to the zoo. There they were met by the Bear, who gave them tickets.
There were many animals inside, and some elderly gentleman was rolling monkeys on his back.
All the animals discussed the Full Moon and the Birthday, and the children wondered whose birthday they were on.
They met Seal, who wanted to make them dive for orange peels, they walked with a lion, and finally came to a large pavilion where people were to be fed.
All the animals gathered there, looking at the people sitting in the cages. Then they brought food and people began to feed. Milk was given to babies, gingerbread to older children, sandwiches and meatballs to ladies and gentlemen.
Then the children saw a penguin who was looking for a rhyme for the word Mary.
Finally, the children ended up in the Terrarium, where Mary Poppins was sitting in the center, surrounded by snakes. Mary began to chastise the children for not dressing well, but then a King Cobra appeared. She wished Mary a happy birthday and gave her her skin.
Then the children went to the Animal Dance and Cobra told them that children, animals, birds, stones are all one.
Children then for a long time could not understand whether they had a dream, or everything was real.
Chapter 8
On the first day of spring, dad sang songs, looked for a briefcase, and then said that a warm west wind was blowing.
When Michael and Jane heard about the west wind, they thought the same thing. Mary was unusually kind that day and the children even asked her to be angry. But she gave Michael her compass and Michael burst into tears.
In the evening, the children heard the front door slam. They ran to the window and saw Mary on the porch. She opened her umbrella and flew off.
The children ran outside and called for her to come back, but Mary did not hear them.
Michael and Jane returned to the room and wondered if they would ever see Mary Poppins.
Mrs. Banks came and said that Mary had left them.
Under the pillow, Jane finds an envelope containing a portrait of Mary Poppins and a signature with the words "Aurevoir" - "Goodbye"

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Mary Poppins"

"Mary Poppins" by P. Travers as a literary fairy tale. Personification of childhood as Mary Poppins

Personification (from lat. persona “face”, lat. facio - “I do”) is a representation of natural phenomena, human properties, abstract concepts in the image of a person. Common in mythology, fairy tales, parables, fiction.

Mary Poppins is the heroine of the fairy tales of the children's writer Pamela Travers, a magical nanny who brings up children in one of the London families. Books about Mary Poppins, the first of which appeared in 1934, gained immense popularity, both in English-speaking countries and in the rest of the world. In the Soviet Union, the stories about Mary Poppins, translated by Boris Zakhoder, were and are still universally loved.

Based on the books of Travers, several films were made, including in the USSR.

The first story about a magical nanny begins with a description of the unsettled life of the Banks family, where the not-too-lucky head of the family, together with his wife, cannot cope with the children. One by one, the Banks hire nannies, but these attempts end in failure, until a mysterious young lady with a determined manner takes the responsible position in the house.

The image of the heroine

Pamela Travers created the image of the "perfect nanny". Mary Poppins is a young woman of unremarkable appearance ("She was thin, with big arms and legs and tiny blue eyes that seemed to bore right through you"). She is neat and well-mannered, Mary Poppins shoes are always polished, her apron is starched, she smells of Sunshine soap and toast. All the property of the heroine consists of an umbrella and a large carpet (tapestry) bag. She knows how to create adventures out of nothing: from the most ordinary objects and under the most ordinary conditions. Poppins taught her students the two most important things in life: the ability to see the fabulous in ordinary things and not be afraid of any change. With all this, Mary Popins asks for the smallest salary for her services.

Mary Poppins moves in a very original way - in the wind, which the nanny herself calls the "wind of change."

“An unfamiliar figure was bent and even thrown up by the pressure of the wind; the children saw that it was a woman; she somehow managed to open the latch, although she had a large bag in one hand, and with the other she kept holding her hat. The woman entered the gate, and then a strange thing happened: another gust of wind picked up the stranger and carried her through the air to the very porch. It seemed that the wind first carried the woman to the gate, waited until she opened it, picked it up again and threw it at the very porch, along with the bag and umbrella. The knock was so loud that the whole house shook.

Mary Poppins is strict, her severity, however, is equally easily accepted by both pupils and parents of children.

“I don't want to drink this stuff,” Michael wrinkled his nose. - I won't drink. I don't get sick! he shouted.

But Mary Poppins looked at him in such a way that he understood that Mary Poppins was not to be trifled with. There was something unusual, frightening and exciting about her. As the spoon approached, Michael sighed, closed his eyes, and sucked the medicine into his mouth.

Mary Poppins fell silent meaningfully, and Mrs. Banks realized that if she did not agree, Mary Poppins would leave them.

Pamela Travers Mary Poppins on Cherry Tree Street

Even in the preface, Boris Zakhoder writes that Mary Poppins may seem too strict or even harsh, but if she were only strict, Jane and Michael would hardly have loved her, and after them all the guys without exception.

In her image, childish features and mature nature are surprisingly combined. Perhaps that is why children are so attracted by the atmosphere created by the nanny. The symbol of Mary's umbrella is a kind of house in which there is protection for everyone. "Wind of Change" endows Mary with airiness, mystery, the embodiment of a childhood dream of being able to fly.

Mary Poppins in everyday life

The name of the famous English nanny has become a household name. This is traditionally called good nannies and educators. In honor of the heroine of the books, Pamela Travers, services and agencies for hiring nannies, educator competitions, children's entertainment complexes and cafes, a brand of fashionable women's clothing and clothing style are named. Since the image of Mary Poppins is easily recognizable, it is often used for costume balls, such as Halloween.

Screen adaptations of the stories of Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins (film, 1964) is a 1964 American musical. Mary Poppins is played by American actress Julie Andrews.

Mary Poppins, bye! (film) - Soviet film of 1983. Mary Poppins is played by Russian actress Natalya Andreichenko.

Theatrical performances

Theatre. Yermolova staged a performance based on the books of Pamela Travers. Screenwriter - Boris Zakhoder. The play premiered in 1976.

In the famous radio play "Mary Poppins" translated and staged by Boris Zakhoder, Mary Poppins speaks in the voice of Rina Zelena.

A new interpretation of works about "Mary Poppins" is presented at the Moscow Theater of the Moon. Director - Sergei Prokhanov, in the role of Mary Poppins - Valeria Lanskaya.

Circus program "New Year with Mary Poppins" in the Yuri Nikulin Moscow Circus

Performance "Hello, Mary Poppins!" in the St. Petersburg Theater "Beyond the Black River" became the Laureate of the festival "Theaters of St. Petersburg for Children" in 2001.

The English musical "Mary Poppins" won five different awards in 2005. The premiere took place in March 2005. The premiere was attended by the first performer of the role of the famous governess - Julie Andrews.

Musical by Maxim Dunaevsky "Mary Poppins, goodbye!" in the production of the Children's Musical Theater "Karambol" (St. Petersburg) was nominated for the Golden Mask Award. Stage director Leonid Kvinikhidze

A Broadway musical based on the works of Pamela Travers staged at the New Amsterdam Theatre.

What the Banks children loved so much about the world's best nanny was her ability to turn even the most boring duties into something exciting. A daily walk in the park becomes much more interesting if you can ride under the clouds in giant balloons. And getting ready for bed goes much faster if you get a spoonful of “medicine” in the form of your favorite food, such as strawberry ice cream, as a prize.

These magic tricks can be easily mastered. One has only to make a list of necessary things that your child does not like to do, and then add a magical game element to them.

For example, if your daughter doesn't like brushing her teeth, consider buying a "magic" toothpaste that changes color or smells like candy. On the way to the kindergarten or school, you can play different games from the banal “cities” to the undeservedly forgotten “Yes and no, don’t say black and white, will you go to the ball?”

It is worth considering that your ideas about interesting things may differ from the desires of the child. So why not involve him in compiling a "list of transformations." As nurse number one said: “There is a suitable balloon for every person in the world, if only he knows how to choose it.”

2. We arrange adventures "out of the blue"

The most wonderful thing about the Mary Poppins books is the adventure. Any walk with Lady Perfection is like going to an amusement park. If the zoo - then by all means at night. And the animals will calmly roam free, and people will sit in cages. And even sitting at home is not boring, because a magical nanny always has several fascinating tales in store!

This magic is also easy to implement. And no need to bring statues to life or communicate with king cobras. Just write a list of your usual things to do and the places you visit, and think about how to add a touch of novelty to this list. Turn your usual activities into "business backwards."

Perhaps it is worth taking a walk in the footsteps of Mary Poppins, if not through the night, then through the evening city. Have breakfast not at the table, but on a blanket in the living room or on a park bench. Do not read a bedtime story, but instead arrange a shadow theater. Let your imagination run wild and do not limit the imagination of children.

3. We introduce to adulthood

Have you noticed that the children of the Banks family entered adulthood early? At the urging of Mary Poppins, the children went shopping and helped with the shopping. We counted money and planned spending. In general, they did everything the same as adults, only in their own - childish - manner.

This practice is very useful, as the best way to teach a child responsibility is to give him the opportunity to make independent decisions. Think about what things you are ready to delegate to children. For example, go to the post office together and ask your child to sign the address. Or bring the kids to work and show them what you do during the day. Finally, trust them with some pocket money, because every child needs the opportunity to get some magic star gingerbread from time to time.

4. Set strict boundaries

Parents also love Mary Poppins because she proved that strictness in moderation is good for children, and rituals and limits make life easier. The Banks kids go to bed at the same time. The breakfast and dinner menu is strictly scheduled. And forgetting about your manners is unacceptable, even if you get a laugh in your mouth and you are somersaulting in the air along with the good-natured Uncle Albert.

Psychologists agree with the ideal nanny: rituals in a child’s life mean order, which is even pleasant to adhere to, because it is so important for children to know that there is something stable in a huge world full of dangers.

What daily activities did you enjoy as a child? What activities gave you a sense of stability and security? A family dinner that everyone in the household gathers together, doing math together or reading a book every night, visiting relatives, caring for a pet ... Include these things in your child's schedule.

5. Looking for magic in everyday things

The most touching moments in books about the ideal nanny are associated with her ability to focus on inconspicuous little things. Mary Poppins is a true philosopher who teaches to appreciate every minute. A sunbeam, which joyfully cooing twins rejoice at, a starling begging for cookies, a thoroughbred dog dreaming of becoming a mongrel - no one and nothing escapes the attention of the nanny and her pupils.

Teaching children to love life and be grateful for everything that surrounds us is a task worthy not only of Mary Poppins, but of any modern parent. More often "stop the moment." And how to do it? Spend more time with family. Limit the flow of unnecessary information (in particular, periodically abandon gadgets). Enjoy communication with nature.

“Remember, everyone is made of the same substance. From the same material - and the tree above us, and the stone below us; beast, bird, star - we are all one and go to the same goal, ”the best nanny in the world cannot be wrong.

At the very beginning of January 1984, the premiere of the two-part television feature film “Mary Poppins, goodbye!”, Which was defined by its creator, director Leonid Kvinikhidze, as a fairy tale for adults, took place. As a result, the film was accepted primarily by children.

And this is quite understandable: after all, the information that the unusual nanny Mary Poppins carries with her is perceived and understood primarily by children - the main characters of the film, Michael and Jane Banks. For adults, fantasy and imagination, magic and transformations remain on the periphery of consciousness, which is dominated by a rational vision of reality.

By the way, the last scene of this enchanting film, depicting a ball on the occasion of the birthday of Mary Poppins with the participation of all characters without exception, including adults, became possible only because adults switched their perception of the world to a childish wave thanks to a spinning carousel - an analogue of time and met themselves at an age that roughly corresponds to the age of the main characters of the story - Michael and Jane.

Screenwriter Vladimir Valutsky took the original text of Pamela Travers' philosophical tales about Mary Poppins quite freely, moving the action to England in the 1980s and rewriting the famous episodes of the original in his own way. For this, the film was often criticized and criticized. But this, when shooting a film based on certain works, is possible and is called interpretation plot. In fact, the film becomes an independent work, borrowing the names and main storylines of the original text.

The main idea of ​​Pamela Travers was realized clearly and fully: the ideal educator not only instills in children the rules of behavior and moral norms of the society in which they live, but also does not prevent the child's mind from perceiving reality in an expanded range, which becomes inaccessible to most people as their growing up and immersion in the dense material world.

In the film by Leonid Kvinikhidze, the status of one of the Banks' servants is changed: Robertson Hey became the brother of Mrs. Banks. He lives in a tent pitched on the Banks' property and mostly writes songs. This character is just that "adult child" who understands the pupils of Mary Poppins better than their parents.

The motive of the appearance and disappearance of Mary Poppins, respectively, with the east and west winds, the authors of the film are realized too literally, as a result of which the unusual nanny becomes a space wanderer. Meanwhile The east wind is the image of the East as the homeland of the esoteric skoy philosophy and teachings about the spiritual worlds, earthly incarnation which is Mary Poppins. It is no coincidence that the east wind brings Mary Poppins to the Banks house.

As soon as the wind changed - from east to west, nanny, who was very fond of the children, Jane and Michael, flew away. The western wind is, most likely, a symbol of the prosperous and purely material West - that world and that civilization for which the spiritual roots of esoteric philosophy turned out to be largely alien . This wind blows Mary Poppins in an easterly direction.

But these are the subtextual details of the work itself, its philosophical basis. In a musical film-fairy tale, of course, they could not be expressed exactly as we have designated them. In principle, Mary Poppins' connection with the wind and her extraordinary abilities, which she too clearly demonstrates to children, can also be interpreted in connection with the concept of "higher reality".

We know that with higher reality subjective reality is connected (inner, conceptual world person); the higher worlds also determine the objective reality (terrestrial physical world). Pamela Travers implements the idea of ​​this connection in her philosophical fairy-tale stories as a compositional axis of the narrative. The same axis is outlined in the film "Mary Poppins, goodbye!".

By the way, the title of the film is very meaningful. Mary Poppins, as we know from the texts of Pamela Travers, returns repeatedly, and this return is interpreted as a gradual but steady convergence of earthly reality with other worlds, as a convergence of worlds, which will take place sooner or later. So one of the characters in the work, Admiral Henry Boom (actor Zinovy ​​Gerdt) is waiting for the arrival of a UFO, that space "saucer" that will make significant changes to the usual and stereotypical alignment of earthly affairs.

The role of Mary Poppins was brilliantly performed by Natalya Andreichenko. She managed to represent almost 90% of the authentic Mary Poppins. At 100%, no artist ever recreates a literary image. After all, acting is always an interpretation, not a copy. The children's roles played by Philip Rukavishnikov (Michael) and Anna Plisetskaya (Jane) are also impressive. Inimitable Oleg Tabakov as Miss Andrew. The musical sequence of the film, which consists of several songs that even became hits in their time, cannot leave indifferent. The roles of the parents (Albert Filozov and Larisa Udovichenko) did not seem expressive to us, especially the role of the mother.

© A. F. Rogalev.

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