How old was he dead. When Stalin died

On October 26, at 9 am, 73-year-old Nikolai Karachentsov died. The artist has been battling lung cancer since 2017 - doctors found an inoperable tumor in him. The death of the actor was confirmed by his son Andrey Karachentsov.

The People's Artist died in the intensive care unit of the 62nd hospital in Moscow, where he was recently hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia.

When will the farewell to Nikolai Karachentsov take place

The sad news was announced by the son of the artist - Andrei. Back in early October, Nikolai Karachentsov was hospitalized with pneumonia. And in 2017, the actor was diagnosed with a tumor in his right lung.

Farewell to Karachentsov will take place at the Lenkom Theatre.

“Nikolai Petrovich died today,” confirmed the sad news of the wife of the actor Lyudmila Porgina.

Brief biography of Nikolai Karatsentsov

Nikolai Karachentsov was born on October 27, 1944 in Moscow, in a creative family. His mother was a choreographer and his father an artist. As a child, he took part in amateur performances, and after graduating from school he entered the Moscow Art Theater School. All his life Karachentsov worked at Lenkom, where he was sent by distribution in 1967. Before director Mark Zakharov came to the theater, Karachentsov was mainly trusted with the roles of young, energetic and charming guys. But in 1973, Zakharov staged the clownish comedy "Til" based on the play by Grigory Gorin, in which Karachentsov played the main role - tramps and joker Til Ulenspiegel. The day after the premiere, the actor woke up famous.

The next important role in Karachentsov's career was Count Nikolai Rezanov in the legendary play "Juno and Avos", which was also staged by Mark Zakharov. The premiere of this rock opera took place in 1981, and it is still included in the Lenkom repertoire.

The last words of Nikolai Karachentsov became known

The last words of the famous actor Nikolai Karachentsov, who died on Friday morning in the hospital, were about the wedding. Before his death, the artist turned to his wife Lyudmila Porgina, MK reports with reference to a number of telegram channels.

“Do not be afraid, everything will be fine, we are married. The Lord is with us,” said Karachentsov before his death.

According to Porgina, Karachentsov, whose kidneys failed, held out to the last. The artist's wife added that he was a very strong person - both physically and spiritually.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was a Russian statesman and political figure, the founder of the Soviet state and the Communist Party. Under his leadership, the date of birth of Lenin and the death of the leader passed - 1870, April 22, and 1924, January 21, respectively.

Political and government activities

In 1917, after arriving in Petrograd, the leader of the proletariat led the October uprising. He was elected Chairman of the SNK (Council of People's Commissars) and the Council of Peasants' and Workers' Defense. was a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. From 1918 Lenin lived in Moscow. In conclusion, the leader of the proletariat played a key role. Since 1922, it was discontinued due to a serious illness. The date of Lenin's birth and death of the politician, thanks to his active work, went down in history.

Events of 1918

In 1918, on August 30, a coup d'état began. Trotsky was not in Moscow at that time - he was on the Eastern Front, in Kazan. Dzerzhinsky was forced to leave the capital in connection with the murder of Uritsky. A very tense situation developed in Moscow. Colleagues and relatives insisted that Vladimir Ilyich did not go anywhere, did not attend any events. But the leader of the Bolsheviks refused to break the schedule of speeches by the leaders of the authorities of the regions. A performance was planned in the Basmanny district, at the Grain Exchange. According to the memoirs of the secretary of the district committee of Yampolskaya, the protection of Lenin was entrusted to Shablovsky, who was then supposed to escort Vladimir Ilyich to Zamoskvorechye. However, two or three hours before the expected start of the rally, it was reported that the leader was asked not to speak. But the leader did come to the Grain Exchange. Guarded him, as expected, Shablovsky. But there were no guards at the Michelson plant.

Who killed Lenin?

Kaplan (Fanny Efimovna) was the perpetrator of the attempt on the life of the leader. From the beginning of 1918, she actively collaborated with the right SRs, who were then in a semi-legal position. Kaplan was brought to the place of speech of the leader of the proletariat in advance. She fired from a Browning almost point-blank. All three bullets fired from the weapon hit Lenin. The leader's driver, Gil, was a witness to the assassination attempt. He did not see Kaplan in the dark, and when he heard the shots, according to some sources, he was confused and did not fire back. Later, averting suspicions from himself, Gil during interrogations said that after the speech of the leader, a crowd of workers came out to the factory yard. That is what prevented him from opening fire. Vladimir Ilyich was wounded but not killed. Subsequently, according to historical evidence, the assassin was shot and her body was burned.

The deterioration of the health of the leader, moving to Gorki

In 1922, in March, Vladimir Ilyich began to have quite frequent seizures, accompanied by loss of consciousness. The following year, paralysis and speech impairment developed on the right side of the body. However, despite such a serious condition, the doctors hoped to improve the situation. In May 1923, Lenin was moved to Gorki. Here his health improved markedly. And in October, he even asked to be transported to Moscow. However, he did not stay long in the capital. By winter, the condition of the Bolshevik leader had improved so much that he began to try to write with his left hand, and during the New Year tree, in December, he spent the whole evening with the children.

Events of the last days before the death of the leader

As People's Commissar of Health Semashko testified, two days before his death, Vladimir Ilyich went hunting. This was confirmed by Krupskaya. She said that on the eve of Lenin was in the forest, but, apparently, he was very tired. When Vladimir Ilyich was sitting on the balcony, he was very pale, and fell asleep all the time in the armchair. In recent months he had not slept at all during the day. A few days before her death, Krupskaya already felt the approach of something terrible. The leader looked very tired and exhausted. He turned very pale, and his look, as Nadezhda Konstantinovna recalled, became different. But despite the warning signs, a hunting trip was planned for January 21st. According to doctors, all this time the brain continued to progress, as a result of which sections of the brain were "turned off" one after another.

Last days of life

Professor Osipov, who treated Lenin, describes this day, testifying to the general malaise of the leader. On the 20th, he had a poor appetite, his mood was sluggish. On this day, he did not want to study. At the end of the day, Lenin was put to bed. He was put on a light diet. This state of lethargy was noted the next day, the politician remained in bed for four hours. He was visited in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. During the day, an appetite appeared, the leader was given broth. By six o'clock there was an increase in malaise, cramps appeared in the legs and arms, the politician lost consciousness. The doctor testifies that the right limbs were very tense - it was impossible to bend the leg at the knee. Convulsive movements were also observed in the left side of the body. The attack was accompanied by an increase in cardiac activity and increased respiration. The number of respiratory movements approached 36, and the heart was reduced at a rate of 120-130 beats per minute. Along with this, a very threatening sign appeared, which consisted in a violation of the correctness of the rhythm of breathing. This type of brain breathing is very dangerous and almost always indicates the approach of the fatal end. After some time, the condition somewhat stabilized. The number of respiratory movements decreased to 26, and the pulse to 90 beats per minute. Lenin's body temperature at that moment was 42.3 degrees. A convulsive continuous state led to this increase, which gradually began to weaken. Doctors began to harbor some hope for the normalization of the condition and a favorable outcome of the attack. However, at 18.50, blood suddenly rushed to Lenin's face, it turned red, turned crimson. Then the leader took a deep breath, and the next moment he died. Then artificial respiration was applied. The doctors tried to bring Vladimir Ilyich back to life for 25 minutes, but all the manipulations were unsuccessful. He died of paralysis of the heart and breathing.

The mystery of Lenin's death

The official medical report indicated that the leader had progressed widespread atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels. At one point, as a result of circulatory disorders and hemorrhage into the pia mater, Vladimir Ilyich died. However, a number of historians believe that Lenin was murdered, namely: he was poisoned. The leader's condition worsened gradually. As the historian Lurie testifies, Vladimir Ilyich suffered a stroke in 1921, as a result of which the right side of the body was paralyzed. However, by 1924 he was able to recover enough that he was able to go hunting. The neurologist Winters, who studied the medical history in detail, even testified that a few hours before his death, the leader was very active and even talked. Shortly before the fatal end, several convulsive seizures occurred. But, according to the neurologist, it was just a manifestation of a stroke - these symptoms are characteristic of this pathological condition. However, the matter was not only and not so much in the disease. So why did Lenin die? According to the conclusion of the toxicological examination, which was carried out during the autopsy, traces were found in the body of the leader. Based on this, the experts concluded that poison was the cause of death.

Versions of researchers

If the leader was poisoned, then who killed Lenin? Over time, various versions began to be put forward. The main "suspect" was Stalin. According to historians, it was he who, more than anyone else, benefited from the death of the leader. Joseph Stalin sought to become the leader of the country, and only by eliminating Vladimir Ilyich could he achieve this. According to another version of who killed Lenin, suspicion fell on Trotsky. However, this conclusion is less plausible. Many historians are of the opinion that Stalin was still the customer of the murder. Despite the fact that Vladimir Ilyich and Iosif Vissarionovich were associates, the first was against the appointment of the second as the leader of the country. In this regard, realizing the danger, Lenin, on the eve of his death, tried to build a tactical alliance with Trotsky. The death of the leader guaranteed Joseph Stalin absolute power. Quite a lot of political events took place in the year of Lenin's death. After his death, a personnel reshuffle began in the leadership apparatus. Many figures were eliminated by Stalin. New people have taken their place.

Opinions of some scholars

Vladimir Ilyich died in middle age (how many years Lenin died is easy to calculate). Scientists say that the walls of the brain vessels of the leader for his 53 years were less durable than necessary. However, the causes of destruction in brain tissue remain unclear. There were no objective provoking factors for this: Vladimir Ilyich was young enough for this and did not belong to the risk group for pathologies of this kind. In addition, the politician did not smoke himself and did not allow smokers to visit him. He was neither overweight nor diabetic. Vladimir Ilyich did not suffer from hypertension or other cardiac pathologies. After the death of the leader, rumors appeared that his body was affected by syphilis, but no evidence of this was found. Some experts talk about heredity. As you know, the date of Lenin's death is January 21, 1924. He lived a year less than his father, who died at the age of 54. Vladimir Ilyich could have a predisposition to vascular pathologies. In addition, the party leader was in a state of stress almost constantly. He was often haunted by fears for his life. There was more than enough excitement both in youth and in adulthood.

Events after the death of the leader

There is no exact information about who killed Lenin. However, Trotsky in one of the articles claimed that he had poisoned the leader Stalin. In particular, he wrote that in February 1923, during a meeting of members of the Politburo, Iosif Vissarionovich said that Vladimir Ilyich urgently required him to see him. Lenin asked for poison. The leader began to lose the ability to speak again, considered his situation hopeless. He did not believe the doctors, he was tormented, but he kept his thoughts clear. Stalin told Trotsky that Vladimir Ilyich was tired of suffering and wanted to have poison with him so that when it became completely unbearable, he would end everything. However, Trotsky was categorically against it (in any case, he said so then). This episode has confirmation - Lenin's secretary told the writer Beck about this incident. Trotsky claimed that with his words, Stalin was trying to provide himself with an alibi, planning to actually poison the leader.

Several facts refuting that the leader of the proletariat was poisoned

Some historians believe that the most reliable information in the official conclusion of doctors is the date of Lenin's death. The autopsy of the body was carried out in compliance with the necessary formalities. This was taken care of by the general secretary - Stalin. During the autopsy, the doctors did not look for poison. But if there were insightful experts, then most likely they would put forward a version of suicide. It is assumed that the leader did not receive the poison from Stalin. Otherwise, after the death of Lenin, the successor would have destroyed all the witnesses and people who were close to Ilyich, so that not a single trace would remain. In addition, by the time of his death, the leader of the proletariat was practically helpless. Doctors did not predict significant improvements, so the likelihood of recovery was small.

Facts confirming poisoning

It should, however, be said that the version according to which Vladimir Ilyich died from poison has many supporters. There are even a number of facts confirming this. So, for example, the writer Solovyov devoted many pages to this issue. In particular, in the book "Operation Mausoleum", the author confirms Trotsky's reasoning with a number of arguments:

There are also testimonies of the doctor Gavriil Volkov. It should be said that this doctor was arrested shortly after the death of the leader. While in the detention center, Volkov told Elizaveta Lesotho - his cellmate - about what happened on the morning of January 21. The doctor brought Lenin a second breakfast at 11 o'clock. Vladimir Ilyich was in bed, and when he saw Volkov, he tried to get up and held out his hands to him. However, the strength left the politician, and he fell back on the pillows. At the same time, a note fell out of his hand. Volkov managed to hide it before the doctor Yelistratov entered and gave a sedative injection. Vladimir Ilyich fell silent, closed his eyes, as it turned out, forever. And only in the evening, when Lenin had already died, Volkov was able to read the note. In it, the leader wrote that he was poisoned. Solovyov believes that the politician was poisoned with mushroom soup, in which the dried poisonous mushroom cortinarius ciosissimus was present, which caused Lenin's quick death. The struggle for power after the death of the leader was not stormy. Stalin received absolute power and became the leader of the country, eliminating all the people he did not like. The year of Lenin's birth and death became memorable for the Soviet people for a long time.

Answer from Ekaterina Zhuravskaya[active]
In February 1953, Stalin suddenly fell ill. How did it happen? We all visited him on Saturday. This happened after the 19th Party Congress, when Stalin had already "hung up" the fate of Mikoyan and Molotov. At the very first Plenum after the congress, he suggested that instead of the Politburo, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Party, consisting of 25 people, named many new people by name. I and other former members of the Politburo were surprised how and by whom this list was compiled? After all, Stalin did not know these people, who helped him? Even now I don't really know. I asked Malenkov, but he replied that he did not know. According to his position, Malenkov was supposed to take part in the formation of the Presidium, the selection of people and the compilation of the list, but he was not allowed to do so. Maybe it was Stalin himself who did it? Now, by some indications, I assume that he used the help of Kaganovich in the selection of new personnel. A narrower Bureau operated within the Presidium. The Presidium did not actually meet, all issues were decided by the Bureau. It was Stalin who invented such a completely non-statutory form: no Bureau was provided for in the party statutes.
Why did Stalin create the Bureau of the Presidium? It was apparently inconvenient for him to immediately kick Molotov and Mikoyan out, and he made an expanded Presidium, and then chose a Bureau of a narrow character. As he said, for operational management. And he did not bring either Molotov or Mikoyan there, that is, he "hung" them. I am convinced that if Stalin had lived for some more time, both Molotov and Mikoyan would have ended in a catastrophe. In general, immediately after the 19th Party Congress, Stalin pursued a policy of isolating Molotov and Mikoyan, not inviting them anywhere, neither to the dacha, nor to the apartment, nor to the cinema, where we had previously gone together.
But Voroshilov was elected to the Bureau of the Presidium. It is characteristic of Stalin that somehow, when we were sitting at his place at a protracted meal, he suddenly said: "How did Voroshilov get into the Bureau?" We do not look at him, lowered our eyes. First, what is the expression "crawled through"? How can he get through? Then we said: "You yourself named him, and he was elected." More Stalin did not develop this topic. However, his statement is understandable, because even before the 19th Congress he did not involve Voroshilov in his work as a member of the Politburo: he did not take any part in the meetings, did not receive documents. Stalin, on the other hand, told us in a narrow circle that he suspected Voroshilov of being a British agent. Incredible, of course, nonsense. And he somehow "suspected" Molotov in my presence. I was at Stalin's dacha, I think, in New Athos. And suddenly it occurred to him that Molotov was an agent of American imperialism, he sold himself to the Americans, because he traveled, being on business in the USA, in a railway carriage. So, he has his own car, sold! We explained that Molotov could not have any of his own cars, everything there belongs to a private railway company. These are the eclipses already found on Stalin in the last months of his life.
And then one Saturday they called from him so that we could come to the Kremlin. He personally invited me, Malenkov, Beria and Bulganin there. We've arrived. He says, "Let's watch a movie." Looked. Then he says again: "Let's go, we'll eat at the nearest dacha." Let's go and have dinner. Dinner dragged on. Stalin called such an evening, very late dinner lunch. We finished it probably at five or six in the morning. The usual time when his "dinners" ended. Stalin was drunk, in a very good mood. There was no indication that something unexpected might happen.
When we went out into the lobby, Stalin, as usual, went to see us off. He joked a lot, waved, as if with a finger, and poked me in the stomach, calling me Mikita. When he was in a good mood, he always called me Mikita in Ukrainian. We said goodbye and parted ways.
We left in a good mood, because nothing bad happened at dinner, and dinners did not always end in such a good tone. We went home. I expected that, since tomorrow is a day off, Stalin will definitely take us to

The day Lenin died is inscribed in Russian history in black letters. It happened on January 21, 1924, before his 54th birthday, the leader of the world proletariat did not live only three months. Doctors, historians, modern researchers have not yet agreed on a single opinion about why Lenin died. The country was declared mourning. After all, a man who was the first in the world to build a socialist state, and in the largest country, has passed away.

Sudden death

Despite the fact that for a long month Vladimir Lenin was seriously ill, his death was sudden. It happened on the evening of January 21st. It was 1924, Soviet power had already been established on the territory of the entire Land of Soviets, and the day when Vladimir Ilyich Lenin died became a national tragedy for the entire state. Mourning was declared throughout the country, flags were flown at half mast, mourning rallies were held at enterprises and institutions.

Expert opinions

When Lenin died, a medical council was immediately assembled, in which the leading doctors of that time participated. Officially, doctors published this version of premature death: acute circulatory disorders in the brain and, as a result, cerebral hemorrhage. Thus, the cause of death could be a repeated massive stroke. There was also a version that for many years Lenin suffered from a venereal disease - syphilis, with which a certain French woman infected him.

This version is not excluded from the causes of death of the proletarian leader to this day.

Could syphilis be the cause?

When Lenin died, an autopsy was performed. Pathologists found that extensive liming was observed in the vessels of the brain. Doctors could not explain the reason for this. First, he led a fairly healthy lifestyle and never smoked. He was not obese or hypertensive and had no brain tumor or other obvious lesions. Also, Vladimir Ilyich did not have any infectious diseases or diabetes, in which the vessels could suffer so.

As for syphilis, this cause could have been the cause of Lenin's death. Indeed, at that time this disease was treated with very dangerous medicines that could give complications to the entire body. However, neither the symptoms of the disease nor the results of the autopsy confirmed that the cause of death could be a venereal disease.

Bad heredity or severe stress?

53 years - that's how old Lenin died. For the beginning of the twentieth century, it was a fairly young age. Why did he leave so early? According to some researchers, the bad heredity of the leader could also be the cause of such an early death. After all, as you know, his father died at exactly the same age. According to the symptoms and descriptions of eyewitnesses, he had the same disease that his son later suffered. Yes, and other close relatives of the leader had a history of cardiovascular disease.

Another reason that could affect Lenin's health was his incredible workload and constant stress. It is known that he slept very little, practically did not rest and worked quite a lot. Historians describe a well-known fact when, in 1921, at one important event, Lenin completely forgot the words of his own speech. He had a stroke, after which he had to learn to speak again. He could hardly write. He had to spend a lot of time on rehabilitation and recovery.

Unusual seizures

But after Ilyich had a hypertensive stroke, he came to his senses and recovered quite well. In the early days of 1924, he was so fit that he even went hunting.

It is not clear how the last day of the leader passed. According to the diaries, he was quite active, talked a lot and did not complain about anything. But a few hours before his death, he had several severe convulsive seizures. They didn't fit into the picture of a stroke. Therefore, some researchers believe that an ordinary poison could become the cause of a sharp deterioration in health.

Stalin's hand

When Lenin was born and died, not only historians know today, but also many educated people. And before these dates, every schoolboy remembered by heart. But the exact reason why this happened, neither doctors nor researchers can name so far. There is another interesting theory - Lenin, they say, was poisoned by Stalin. The latter sought to gain absolute power, and Vladimir Ilyich was a serious obstacle on this path. By the way, even later Joseph Vissarionovich resorted to poisoning as a sure way to eliminate his opponents. And it makes you think seriously.

Lenin, who initially supported Stalin, abruptly changed his mind and staked on the candidacy of Leon Trotsky. Historians claim that Vladimir Ilyich was preparing to move Stalin away from governing the country. He gave him a very unflattering description, called him cruel and rude, noted that Stalin was abusing his power. We know Lenin's letter addressed to the congress, where Ilyich sharply criticized Stalin and his style of leadership.

By the way, the poison story has a right to exist also because a year earlier, in 1923, Stalin wrote a memorandum addressed to the Politburo. It talked about the fact that Lenin wanted to poison himself and asked him to get a dose of potassium cyanide. Stalin said that he could not do this. Who knows, maybe Vladimir Ilyich Lenin himself suggested to the future successor the scenario of his death?

By the way, for some reason, doctors did not conduct a toxicological study at the time. Well, then it was too late to do such analyzes.

And one moment. At the end of January 1924, the 13th Party Congress was to be held. Surely Ilyich, speaking at it, would again raise the question of Stalin's behavior.

eyewitness accounts

In favor of poisoning, as the true cause of Lenin's death, some eyewitnesses also speak. The writer Elena Lermolo, who was exiled to hard labor, in the 30s of the twentieth century communicated with the personal chef of Vladimir Ilyich, Gavriil Volkov. He told such a story. In the evening he brought dinner to Lenin. He was already in a bad condition and could not talk. He handed the cook a note in which he wrote: "Gavryushenka, I was poisoned, I am poisoned." Lenin understood that he would die soon. And he asked to inform Leon Trotsky and Nadezhda Krupskaya about the poisoning, as well as members of the Politburo.

By the way, for the last three days, Lenin complained of constant nausea. But at the autopsy, doctors saw that his stomach was in almost perfect condition. He could not have had an intestinal infection either - it was winter outside, and such diseases are not typical for this time of year. Well, only the freshest food was prepared for the leader and it was carefully checked.

Chief's funeral

The year when Lenin died is marked in the history of the Soviet state with a black mark. After the death of the leader, an active struggle for power began. Many of his associates were repressed, shot and destroyed.

Lenin died in Gorki near Moscow on January 24 at 18:50. His body was delivered to the capital on a steam locomotive, the coffin was installed in the Hall of Columns. Within five days, the people could say goodbye to the leader of the new country, which had just begun to build socialism. Then the coffin with the body was installed in the Mausoleum, which was specially built for this purpose on Red Square by the architect Shchusev. Until now, the body of the leader, the founder of the world's first socialist state, is there.

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