Testing teachers for the category test on the topic. Work program in the Russian language (grade 2) Among the listed types of pedagogical

Pedagogy test

for specialists in the field of education(social teachers, senior counselors, GPA educators, dormitory educators; teachers and heads of structural divisions of the MOU and GOU DOD),

applicants for the highest and first qualification categories

Choose the correct answer

The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is

1. Educational program.

2. Curriculum.

3. State educational standard.

4. Law "On Education".

The source of educational information that reveals the content provided for by educational standards in an accessible form for students is:

1. Textbook.

2. Curriculum.

3. Curriculum.

4. Workbook.

The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

1. Law "On Education".

2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation

3. Basic curriculum.

4. State educational standard.

The process of internal change of a person, ensuring the realization of his life potential and purpose, is:


2. Training

3. Upbringing

4. Development

Stable, objective, significant links between the sides of the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built - This

1. Pedagogical technologies

2. Pedagogical rules

3. Pedagogical patterns

4. Pedagogical principles.

The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:

1. Strategy

3. Technology

4. Methodology

The priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures implies the principle:

1 Principle of fundamentalization

The idea of ​​the "with children to the subject" movement refers to:

1. Nature-friendly education system

2. Creative learning system

3. Student-centered learning system

4. Culturally appropriate system of education

The process of adapting an individual to life in society, the process of assimilation and reproduction by a person of social experience, norms, values - This

1. Education

2. Education

3. Socialization

4. Development

A document that fixes and reasonably presents the purpose of the educational process, thematic and curricula, ways and methods of their implementation, criteria for evaluating results in a particular educational institution is:

1. Educational standard.

2. Basic curriculum.

3. Calendar-thematic planning.

4. Educational program

A purposeful and organized process of interaction between teachers and children, aimed at mastering schoolchildren with knowledge, skills and abilities is:

1. Education.

2. Education.

3. Education.

4. Development.

The process of purposeful, systematic formation of a personality in order to prepare it for active participation in social, industrial and cultural life - This:

1. Education

2. Training

3. Development

4. Upbringing

The judgment “They determine the tactics of pedagogical activity, have applied, practical significance, are aimed at solving particular pedagogical problems, reflect a particular pedagogical pattern or a separate causal relationship” characterizes

1. Pedagogical principles

2. Pedagogical techniques

3. Pedagogical rules

4. Pedagogical methods

The method of ordered interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving the problems of education, is:

1. Methodical reception

2. Rule

4. Technology

The principle that ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability in education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education

The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results is

1. The effectiveness of pedagogical technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Manageability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

Legislative pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, and guaranteed results is

2. Methodology

3. Technology

The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in line with human nature is:

1. The principle of cultural conformity

2. The principle of individualization

3. The principle of naturalness

4. The principle of personal orientation

Methodological orientation in cognitive and practical activities, involving the use of a set of ideas, concepts and methods in the study and management of open nonlinear self-organizing systems is:

1. Synergistic approach

2. Paradigm approach

3. Technological approach

4. Activity approach

In domestic pedagogy, the developer of the method of parallel pedagogical action, when in the educational process the interaction "teacher-student" is supplemented by the interaction "team-student" is;


A tool that has the potential to improve the outcomes of the educational system, if used appropriately, is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Innovation

4. Technology

The lesson type is easiest to determine:

1. For didactic purposes;

2. By the sequence of the elements of the lesson;

3. By the amount of time allotted to achieve the main goal of the lesson;

4. According to the activities of the teacher

In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished by:

1. Leading source of knowledge.

2. The nature of the mental activity of students.

3. Leading didactic goal.

4. Logic of reasoning.

The program-methodical complex "Information Culture" as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:

1. The level of general theoretical representation

2. Subject level

3. The level of educational material

4. The level of the learning process

A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another - this is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Technology

4. Experiment

Match the pedagogical discovery with the name of the scientist-teacher who made it

Principles of natural and cultural conformity of education and upbringing

Progressive didactic concept of "learning by doing"

The principle of nurturing education

F.A.V. Diesterweg

The first fundamental work on the theory of learning "Great Didactics"

Match the group of competencies and personality traits of a school graduate

Communicative competencies.

Ability to set a goal and organize its achievement

Sociocultural competencies.

Knowledge and application of the rules of conduct in an emergency situation

Natural science and health-saving competencies.

Ability to act in everyday situations in the family sphere

Possession of various types of speech activity

Matchthe name of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence


2. Without losing sight of the original problem, the range of knowledge related to it is expanded and deepened


1. Separate parts (portions) of educational material are built sequentially one after another without duplication of the topics studied in different years of study.


3. It is possible to return to the same material at different periods of study, for example, after several years, providing for the complication and expansion of its content

Match teaching method and corresponding didactic purpose

cognitive method

Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Control method

Creative application of skills and abilities

Converting Method

Identification of the quality of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, their correction

Systematizing method

Perception, comprehension, memorization of new material

Assign the evaluation function to its characteristic


4. Identifying the causes of educational outcomes


3. Formation of adequate self-esteem of the student


2. Determining the degree of success of the student in the development of educational material


1. Encouragement and stimulation of learning activities

?To match the group of competencies and personality traits of the school graduate?

Sociocultural competencies

1. Experience in perceiving the picture of the world

Value-semantic competences.

2. Ability to navigate information flows

Information competencies

3. Ability to make decisions, take responsibility for their consequences

Educational and cognitive competencies

4. Possession of cultural norms and traditions

Match the form of training with its characteristics:


Organization of joint activities of schoolchildren on various grounds


The interaction of the teacher with the class based on the division of labor and the principle of individual responsibility of each for the overall result


The work of the teacher with the whole class at the same pace with common tasks


Interaction between a teacher and a student

Match the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:

Socio-practical aspect

The correlation of an idea with certain attitudes, individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with sociocultural norms

Value-semantic aspect

Generalized characteristics of the subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial possibilities for implementing the idea, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions for training and education

Activity aspect

The mechanism for managing the functioning and development of the idea

Prognostic aspect

The way to implement the idea in practice

To harmonize the educational approach and the features of its application in the educational process


Formation of personal qualities of students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality


Using the ability of socio-pedagogical systems to adapt to the environment based on self-organization


Modeling the pedagogical conditions for the actualization and development of personal experience


Creating conditions for entering the world of feelings of another person, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning

Match the teaching method and the features of its implementation


Independent search activity of students (practical or theoretical)


The teacher poses a problem to the children and shows the way to solve it; students follow the logic of solving the problem, receive a model of the deployment of knowledge

Problem statement

The student follows the example of the teacher


The teacher communicates the information, the students perceive it

Match the name of the component of the textbook with its essential characteristic

Informative component

Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical actions

reproductive component

Presented with the help of verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)

Creative component

Reflects ideological, moral, practical, labor, ideological, aesthetic and other orientations

Emotional-value component

It is set with the help of a problem statement, problem questions and tasks

Matchtype of pedagogical analysis and its main task:

Didactic type of lesson analysis

Evaluate the end result of the lesson by comparing what was planned with what was done, taking into account the success and progress of students

Methodical type of analysis

The study and evaluation of the activities of the teacher and students through the subject content

Psychological type of analysis.

The study of the teacher's work style, students' well-being at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and formation of educational activities


Evaluation of the representation in the lesson of the following categories: purpose, principles, logic of educational materials, logic of the learning process, the appropriateness of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness

Match the type of pedagogical experience with the characteristics of the appropriate level of professional pedagogical competence:

Personal experience

Designing new educational norms, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system

Mass Experience

Orientation to pedagogical search in the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system

Excellence Excellence

Possession of the highest examples of technologies, methods, techniques known in pedagogical science;

Best transformative experience

Possession of the basics of the profession

Match the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:

Preliminary control

Comprehensive verification of educational results for all key goals and areas of the educational process

current control

Determination and fixation of the initial level of training of the student, his knowledge, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity

Periodic control

Diagnosing the quality of the student's assimilation of the basics and relationships of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas

Final control

Systematic verification and evaluation of the student's educational results on specific topics in individual lessons

Match the group of methods with the basis of their classification

logical approach

Informing, the formation of skills and abilities, the consolidation of ZUNs, the verification of ZUNs

Information-generalizing, performing, explanatory and motivating and partially exploratory, motivating and exploratory

Correlation between the activities of the teacher and students

Explanatory-illustrative, problematic, heuristic, research

Didactic purpose

Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis

Set sequence levels of education content as a pedagogical model of social experience in the logic of transition from theory to practice:

1. The level of the subject.

2. The level of the student's personality structure

3. The level of the learning process

4. The level of general theoretical presentation.

5. Level of teaching material

Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:

1. Partial search method

2. Reproductive method.

3. Research method

4. Method of problem presentation

5. Information-receptive method.

Establish the sequence of stages of the methodology for organizing student reflection in the lesson:

1. Restoration of the sequence of actions of the completed subject activity.

2. Adjustment of the subsequent subject activity

3. Completion or special stop of ongoing subject activity

4. Comparison of the purpose of the subject activity and the sequence of actions performed.

5. Formulation of the results of reflection.

Establish a sequence of levels of representation of the content of education in the order of its external manifestation

2. The concept of the content of education.

Establish the correct sequence of stages in the preparation of a working educational program:

1. Specifying the meaning of the course in terms of goals that represent the expected learning outcome.

2. Determination of the developed skills and abilities of children , priority for each topic of the course.

3. Establishment of forms of control, reflection and evaluation of educational results.

4. Determining the forms and methods of teaching that ensure the implementation of the planned activities of students and the development of appropriate abilities.

5. Identification of the types of activities of students that correspond to the developed skill or ability.

6. Clarification and updating of the meaning of the course being studied.

7. Grouping the thematic content of the program.

Establish the sequence of stages of thematic planning of training sessions:

1. Definition of the main blocks of the thematic plan.

2. Final layout and design of the annual thematic plan

3. Studying the educational program of the training course

4. Planning of training sessions within each block of the training course

5. Distribution of the total number of annual teaching hours by sections and topics of the course

Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process:

1. Identification of the need for changes in the subjects of the educational process

2. Introduction and dissemination of innovation Identification of the need for changes in the areas of the educational process

3. Transfer of innovation to permanent use

4. Development of ways to solve problems (design innovation)

Set the sequence of stages of the problematic lesson:

1. Reflection of the results and the progress of solving the problem problem

2. Putting forward a hypothesis as a projected result of solving a problematic problem

3. Actualization of knowledge and skills of students necessary for solving a problematic task

4. Introduction of a problem situation

5. Testing the put forward hypothesis

Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher's speech with lesson introspection

2. Identification of the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis, based on the actual learning outcomes in the lesson.

3. Brief description of the class, identification of groups of students with different levels of mastery of the program material

4. Justification of the objectives of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure

5. Assessing the success of achieving the objectives of the lesson, substantiating the indicators of the real result and determining the prospects for improving one's activities

Establish the sequence of stages of generalization of advanced pedagogical experience

1. Theoretical search

2. Accumulation and processing of factual material

3. Organizational stage

4. Propaganda, dissemination, implementation of experience

5. Evaluation of factual material and decision making

Pedagogy test

for certified teachers

Choose the correct answer

  1. The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is

    1. Educational program.

    2. Syllabus.

    3. Education Act".

2. The source of educational information that discloses the content provided for by educational standards in an accessible form for students is:

    1. Textbook.

    2. Syllabus.

    3. Training program.

    4. Workbook.

3. The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

    1. Education Act".

    2. National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation

    3. Basic curriculum.

    4. State educational standard.

4. The system of value relations of students formed in the educational process is:

    1. Personal Outcomes

    2. Metasubject Results

    3. Subject Results

5. Methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, are:

    1. Personal Outcomes

    2. Metasubject Results

    3. Subject Results

6. Stable, objective, essential links between the parties of the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built. - This

    1. Pedagogical technologies

    2. Pedagogical rules

    3. Pedagogical patterns

    4. Pedagogical principles.

7. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:

    1. Strategy

    2. An approach

    3. Technology

    4. Methodology

8. The priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures implies the principle:

    1. Fundamentalization principle

    2. The principle of education variability

    3. The principle of advanced education

    4. The principle of completeness of education.

9. The inclusion in the content of education of the types of activities of students for its development is a reflection of:

    1. The principle of structural unity of the content of education at various levels of generality and at the interdisciplinary level

    2. The principle of unity of the content and procedural-activity aspects of education

    3. The principle of accessibility and natural conformity of the content of education

    4. The principle of taking into account social conditions and the needs of society

  1. The need to exchange cultural experience between generations is the basis for:

  1. The transformative function of pedagogical activity

  1. The requirement for the standard actions of a teacher who transmits cultural images to other people forms the basis of:

  1. The transformative function of pedagogical activity

  2. Information function of pedagogical activity

  3. The communicative function of pedagogical activity

  4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity

  1. Pedagogical support refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:

    1. Corrective(psychological)

    2. methodical

  1. Pedagogical diagnostics refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:

    1. methodical

    2. Creative and pedagogical

    3. Organizational and pedagogical

    4. Direct-pedagogical

  1. The method of ordered interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving the problems of education, is:

  1. Methodical reception

  2. rule

  3. Method

  4. Technology

15. The principle that ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability in education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education
16. The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct results is

1. The effectiveness of pedagogical technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Controllability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology
17. Legislative pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, guaranteed result is

2. Methodology

3. Technology

4. Method
18. The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in line with human nature is:

  1. The principle of cultural conformity

  2. The principle of individualization

  3. The principle of naturalness

  4. The principle of personal orientation

    1. Typical

    2. Creative

    3. contingency

    4. improvised

20. Among the listed types of pedagogical activities, service activities include:

    1. Learning

    2. Study

    3. Pedagogical communication

    4. Upbringing

21. Among the listed types of pedagogical activity, the basic ones include:

    1. Design

    2. Study

    3. Organizational and methodological work

    4. Pedagogical communication

22. A tool that has the potential to improve the outcomes of the educational system, if used appropriately, is:

  1. Innovation

  2. Innovation

  3. Innovation

  4. Technology

23. In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished by:

  1. Leading source of knowledge.

  2. The nature of mental activity of students.

  3. Leading didactic purpose.

  4. The logic of reasoning.

24. The program and methodological complex "Information Culture" as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:

  1. The level of general theoretical representation

  2. subject level

  3. The level of educational material

  4. The level of the learning process

25. A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another - this is:

  1. Innovation

  2. Innovation

  3. Technology

  4. Experiment

26. Match the essence of the criterion of the correctness of the pedagogical action:

Success - 3


Thanks to this action, the achievement of the goal is facilitated or becomes possible.

Manufacturability - 2


The ability, as a result of an action, to produce a planned change with a high degree of probability

Utility - 1


Achievement of all specified goals in the most optimal way

Efficiency - 4


The desired results are achieved at the lowest cost

27. Match the type of competence of a teacher with its parameter:

Information - 1


The ability to formulate learning problems in various information and communication ways

Legal - 4


The quality of the employee's actions that ensure the effective construction of direct and feedback with another person

Communicative - 2


Using methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods to build modern classes with students (pupils, children)

Professional - 3


The quality of the employee's actions that ensure the effective use of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of the authorities in professional activities to solve relevant professional tasks

28. Match the name of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence

29. Match the teaching method with the corresponding didactic goal

30. Match the evaluation function with its characteristics

31. To align with the methodological requirement for pedagogical technology its content:

Reproducibility - 4


Optimal cost, guarantee of achieving a certain level of results

Handling - 3


Philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-psychological rationale for achieving educational goals

Conceptuality - 2


The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the educational process, diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the result

Efficiency - 1


The possibility of using pedagogical technology in other institutions, other subjects

32. Match the form of education with its characteristics:

33. Match the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:

Socio-practical aspect - 2


The correlation of an idea with certain attitudes, individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with sociocultural norms

Value-semantic aspect - 1


Generalized characteristics of the subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial possibilities for implementing the idea, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions for training and education

Activity aspect - 4


The mechanism for managing the functioning and development of the idea

Prognostic aspect - 3


The way to implement the idea in practice

34. Match the educational approach and the features of its application in the educational process

Activity - 1


Formation of personal qualities of students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality

Person-Centered - 3


Formation of an “active person”, the subject of action, concentration on the basic values ​​of social groups that are most significant for a certain type of society

Sociocultural - 2


Modeling the pedagogical conditions for the actualization and development of personal experience

Hermeneutic - 4


Creating conditions for entering the world of feelings of another person, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning

35. Match the teaching method and the features of its implementation

Explanatory and illustrative - 4


Independent search activity of students (practical or theoretical)

Reproductive - 3


The teacher poses a problem to the children and shows the way to solve it; students follow the logic of solving the problem, receive a model of the deployment of knowledge

Problem statement - 2


The student follows the example of the teacher

Research - 1


The teacher communicates the information, the students perceive it

36. Match the name of the component of the textbook with its essential characteristic

Informative component - 2


Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical actions

Reproductive component - 1


Presented with the help of verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)

Creative component - 4


Reflects ideological, moral, practical, labor, ideological, aesthetic and other orientations

Emotional-value component - 3


It is set with the help of a problem statement, problem questions and tasks

37. Match type of pedagogical analysis and its main task:

Didactic type of lesson analysis - 4


Evaluate the end result of the lesson by comparing what was planned with what was done, taking into account the success and progress of students

Methodical type of analysis - 2


The study and evaluation of the activities of the teacher and students through the subject content

Psychological type of analysis - 3


The study of the teacher's work style, students' well-being at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and formation of educational activities

Introspection - 1


Evaluation of the representation in the lesson of the following categories: purpose, principles, logic of educational materials, logic of the learning process, the appropriateness of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness

38. Match the type of pedagogical experience and the characteristics of the appropriate level of professional pedagogical competence:

Personal experience - 4


Designing new educational norms, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system

Mass experience - 3


Orientation to pedagogical search in the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system

Excellence Excellence - 2


Possession of the highest examples of technologies, methods, techniques known in pedagogical science

Best Transformative Experience - 1


Possession of the basics of the profession

39. Match the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:

Preliminary control - 2


Comprehensive verification of educational results for all key goals and areas of the educational process

Current control - 4


Determination and fixation of the initial level of training of the student, his knowledge, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity

Periodic control - 3


Diagnosing the quality of the student's assimilation of the basics and relationships of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas

Final control - 1


Systematic verification and evaluation of the student's educational results on specific topics in individual lessons

Pedagogy test

for certified teachers

Choose the correct answer

  1. The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is
  1. Educational program.
  2. Syllabus.
  3. State educational standard.
  4. Education Act".

2. The source of educational information that discloses the content provided for by educational standards in an accessible form for students is:

  1. Textbook.
  2. Syllabus.
  3. Training program.
  4. Workbook.

3. The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

  1. Education Act".
  2. National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation
  3. Basic curriculum.
  4. State educational standard.

4. The system of value relations of students formed in the educational process is:

  1. Personal Outcomes
  2. Metasubject Results
  3. Subject Results

5. Methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, are:

  1. Personal Outcomes
  2. Metasubject Results
  3. Subject Results

6. Stable, objective, essential links between the parties of the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built. - This

  1. Pedagogical technologies
  2. Pedagogical rules
  3. Pedagogical patterns
  4. Pedagogical principles.

7. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:

  1. Strategy
  2. An approach
  3. Technology
  4. Methodology

8. The priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures implies the principle:

  1. Fundamentalization principle
  2. The principle of education variability
  3. The principle of advanced education
  4. The principle of completeness of education.

9. The inclusion in the content of education of the types of activities of students for its development is a reflection of:

  1. The principle of structural unity of the content of education at various levels of generality and at the interdisciplinary level
  2. The principle of unity of the content and procedural-activity aspects of education
  3. The principle of accessibility and natural conformity of the content of education
  4. The principle of taking into account social conditions and the needs of society
  1. The need to exchange cultural experience between generations is the basis for:
  1. The requirement for the standard actions of a teacher who transmits cultural images to other people forms the basis of:
  1. The transformative function of pedagogical activity
  2. Information function of pedagogical activity
  3. The communicative function of pedagogical activity
  4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity
  1. Pedagogical support refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:
  1. Corrective (psychological)
  2. methodical
  1. Pedagogical diagnostics refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:
  1. methodical
  2. Creative and pedagogical
  3. Organizational and pedagogical
  4. Direct-pedagogical
  1. The method of ordered interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving the problems of education, is:
  1. Methodical reception
  2. rule
  3. Method
  4. Technology

15. The principle that ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability in education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education

16. The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct results is

1. The effectiveness of pedagogical technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Controllability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

17. Legislative pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, guaranteed result is

1. Approach

2. Methodology

3. Technology

4. Method

18. The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in line with human nature is:

  1. The principle of cultural conformity
  2. The principle of individualization
  3. The principle of naturalness
  4. The principle of personal orientation
  1. Typical
  2. Creative
  3. contingency
  4. improvised

20. Among the listed types of pedagogical activities, service activities include:

  1. Learning
  2. Study
  3. Pedagogical communication
  4. Upbringing

21. Among the listed types of pedagogical activity, the basic ones include:

  1. Design
  2. Study
  3. Organizational and methodological work
  4. Pedagogical communication

22. A tool that has the potential to improve the outcomes of the educational system, if used appropriately, is:

  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Innovation
  4. Technology

23. In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished by:

  1. Leading source of knowledge.
  2. The nature of mental activity of students.
  3. Leading didactic purpose.
  4. The logic of reasoning.

24. The program and methodological complex "Information Culture" as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:

  1. The level of general theoretical representation
  2. subject level
  3. The level of educational material
  4. The level of the learning process

25. A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another - this is:

  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Technology
  4. Experiment

26. Match the essence of the criterion of the correctness of the pedagogical action:

Success - 3

Thanks to this action, the achievement of the goal is facilitated or becomes possible.

Manufacturability - 2

The ability, as a result of an action, to produce a planned change with a high degree of probability

Utility - 1

Achievement of all specified goals in the most optimal way

Efficiency - 4

The desired results are achieved at the lowest cost

27. Match the type of competence of a teacher with its parameter:

Information - 1

The ability to formulate learning problems in various information and communication ways

Legal - 4

The quality of the employee's actions that ensure the effective construction of direct and feedback with another person

Communicative - 2

Using methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods to build modern classes with students (pupils, children)

Professional - 3

The quality of the employee's actions that ensure the effective use of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of the authorities in professional activities to solve relevant professional tasks

28. Match the name of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence

Linear - 2

Without losing sight of the original problem, the range of knowledge related to it is being expanded and deepened.

Concentric - 1

Separate parts (portions) of educational material are built sequentially one after another without duplication of the topics studied in different years of study.

Spiral - 3

It is possible to return to the same material at different periods of study, for example, after several years, providing for the complication and expansion of its content.

29. Match the teaching method with the corresponding didactic goal

cognitive method - 4

Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Control method - 3

Creative application of skills and abilities

Converting Method - 2

Identification of the quality of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, their correction

Systematizing method - 1

Perception, comprehension, memorization of new material

30. Match the evaluation function with its characteristics

31. To align with the methodological requirement for pedagogical technology its content:

Reproducibility - 4

Optimal cost, guarantee of achieving a certain level of results

Handling - 3

Philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-psychological rationale for achieving educational goals

Conceptuality - 2

The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the educational process, diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the result

Efficiency - 1

The possibility of using pedagogical technology in other institutions, other subjects

32. Match the form of education with its characteristics:

Individual - 4

Organization of joint activities of schoolchildren on various grounds

Front - 3

The interaction of the teacher with the class based on the division of labor and the principle of individual responsibility of each for the overall result

Collective - 2

The work of the teacher with the whole class at the same pace with common tasks

Group - 1

Interaction between a teacher and a student

33. Match the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:

Socio-practical aspect - 2

The correlation of an idea with certain attitudes, individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with sociocultural norms

Value-semantic aspect - 1

Generalized characteristics of the subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial possibilities for implementing the idea, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions for training and education

Activity aspect - 4

The mechanism for managing the functioning and development of the idea

Prognostic aspect - 3

The way to implement the idea in practice

34. Match the educational approach and the features of its application in the educational process

Activity - 1

Formation of personal qualities of students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality

Learner-Centered - 3

Formation of an “active person”, the subject of action, concentration on the basic values ​​of social groups that are most significant for a certain type of society

sociocultural - 2

Modeling the pedagogical conditions for the actualization and development of personal experience

hermeneutical - 4

Creating conditions for entering the world of feelings of another person, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning

35. Match the teaching method and the features of its implementation

Explanatory-illustrative - 4

Independent search activity of students (practical or theoretical)

Reproductive - 3

The teacher poses a problem to the children and shows the way to solve it; students follow the logic of solving the problem, receive a model of the deployment of knowledge

Problem statement - 2

The student follows the example of the teacher

Research - 1

The teacher communicates the information, the students perceive it

36. Match the name of the component of the textbook with its essential characteristic

Informative component - 2

Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical actions

reproductive component - 1

Presented with the help of verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)

Creative component - 4

Reflects ideological, moral, practical, labor, ideological, aesthetic and other orientations

Emotional-value component - 3

It is set with the help of a problem statement, problem questions and tasks

37. Matchtype of pedagogical analysis and its main task:

Didactic type of lesson analysis - 4

Evaluate the end result of the lesson by comparing what was planned with what was done, taking into account the success and progress of students

Methodical type of analysis - 2

The study and evaluation of the activities of the teacher and students through the subject content

Psychological type of analysis - 3

The study of the teacher's work style, students' well-being at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and formation of educational activities

Introspection - 1

Evaluation of the representation in the lesson of the following categories: purpose, principles, logic of educational materials, logic of the learning process, the appropriateness of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness

38. Match the type of pedagogical experience and the characteristics of the appropriate level of professional pedagogical competence:

Personal experience - 4

Designing new educational norms, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system

Mass experience - 3

Orientation to pedagogical search in the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system

Excellence Excellence - 2

Possession of the highest examples of technologies, methods, techniques known in pedagogical science

Best transformative experience - 1

Possession of the basics of the profession

39. Match the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:

Preliminary control - 2

Comprehensive verification of educational results for all key goals and areas of the educational process

current control - 4

Determination and fixation of the initial level of training of the student, his knowledge, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity

Periodic control - 3

Diagnosing the quality of the student's assimilation of the basics and relationships of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas

Final control - 1

Systematic verification and evaluation of the student's educational results on specific topics in individual lessons

40. Match the group of methods with the basis of their classification

logical approach - 4

Informing, the formation of skills and abilities, the consolidation of ZUNs, the verification of ZUNs

The degree of activity of cognitive activity - 3

Information-generalizing, performing, explanatory and motivating and partially exploratory, motivating and exploratory

Correlation between the activities of the teacher and students - 2

Explanatory-illustrative, problematic, heuristic, research

Didactic purpose - 1

Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis

41. Establish a sequence of levels of the content of education as a pedagogical model of social experience in the logic of the transition from theory to practice:

  1. Level of general theoretical understanding
  2. Subject level
  3. Level of teaching material
  4. Level of learning process
  5. The level of the student's personality structure

42. Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:

  1. Information-receptive method
  2. reproductive method
  3. Problem presentation method
  4. Partial search method
  5. research method

43. Establish a sequence of stages for organizing problem-based learning:

  1. Updating the knowledge and skills of students required to solve a problem situation
  2. Introduction of a problem situation
  3. Putting forward a hypothesis (projected result of solving a problem)
  4. Verification of the above solution
  5. Reflection

44. Establish a sequence of levels of representation of the content of education in the order of its external manifestation

  1. Education content concept
  2. The content of education by levels and branches of education
  3. Content of training courses
  4. Course content
  5. The content of the academic discipline within the course

45. Establish the correct sequence of stages of working with information in the course of the analysis of the educational process:

  1. Formulation of a request for the necessary information
  2. Development, formulation and adoption of general, agreed norms and criteria for assessing the educational process as a whole and its analyzed elements
  3. Organization of collection and processing of information
  4. Summarizing and summarizing the results obtained, their self-assessment, preparation of conclusions for making decisions about changes in the educational process
  5. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the results and course of the analytical survey

46. ​​Establish the sequence of stages of thematic planning of training sessions:

  1. Studying the educational program of the training course
  2. Definition of the main blocks of the thematic plan
  3. Distribution of the total number of annual teaching hours by sections and topics of the course
  4. Planning of training sessions within each block of the training course
  5. Final layout and design of the annual thematic plan

47. Set the sequence of stages of the innovation process:

  1. Identification of the need for changes in the areas of the educational process
  2. Identification of the need for changes in the subjects of the educational process
  3. Developing ways to solve problems (innovation design)
  4. Introduction and dissemination of innovation
  5. Transferring an innovation to permanent use4

48. Set the sequence of elements of the structure of the creative lesson:

  1. Identification of personal experience and attitudes of students regarding the object under study
  2. Creating an educational situation that motivates students to be creative
  3. Performing creative work personally by each student (group of students)
  4. Demonstration of the results of creative activity, systematization of educational products of students, their comparison with cultural and historical analogues
  5. Reflection of own actions to solve a creative problem

49. Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher's speech with self-analysis of the lesson

  1. Brief description of the class, selection of groups of students with different levels of mastery of program material
  2. Content characteristics of the topic of the lesson
  3. Justification of the objectives of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure
  4. Identification of the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis based on the actual learning outcomes in the lesson
  5. Assessing the success of achieving the objectives of the lesson, substantiating the indicators of the real result and determining the prospects for improving one's activities

50. Establish a sequence of stages of generalization of advanced pedagogical experience

  1. Organizational stage
  2. Theoretical search
  3. Accumulation and processing of factual material
  4. Evaluation of factual material and decision making
  5. Promotion, dissemination, implementation of experience

Pedagogy test

for certified teachers

Choose the correct answer

The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is

Educational program.


State educational standard.

Education Act".

2. The source of educational information that discloses the content provided for by educational standards in an accessible form for students is:



Training program.


3. The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

Education Act".

National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation

Basic curriculum.

State educational standard.

4. The system of value relations of students formed in the educational process is:

Personal Outcomes

Metasubject Results

Subject Results

5. Methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered studentson the basis of one, several or all subjects, is:

Personal Outcomes


Subject Results

6. Stable, objective, significant links between the sides of the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built . uhThat

Pedagogical technologies

Pedagogical rules

Pedagogical patterns

Pedagogical principles.

7. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:


An approach



8. The priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures implies the principle:

Fundamentalization principle

The principle of education variability

The principle of advanced education

The principle of completeness of education.

9. The inclusion in the content of education of the types of activities of students for its development is a reflection of:

The principle of structural unity of the content of education at various levels of generality and at the interdisciplinary level

the principle of unitymeaningfulAndprocedural and activityaspects of learning

The principle of accessibility and natural conformity of the content of education

The principle of taking into account social conditions and the needs of society

The need to exchange cultural experience between generations is the basis for:

Requirement referenceactiona teacher who transmits cultural images to other people isbasis:

The transformative function of pedagogical activity

Information function of pedagogical activity

The communicative function of pedagogical activity

Demonstration function of pedagogical activity

Pedagogical support refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:

Organizational and pedagogical



Pedagogical diagnostics refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:


Creative and pedagogical

Organizational and pedagogical


A method of ordered interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving the problems of education thisO:

Methodical reception



15. The principle that ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability in education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education

16. Possibility of diagnosticgoal setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results - this

1. The effectiveness of pedagogical technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Controllability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

17. Lawful pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, guaranteed results - This

2. Methodology

3. Technology

18. The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in line with human nature is:

The principle of cultural conformity

The principle of individualization


The principle of personal orientation




20. Among the listed types of pedagogical activity toserviceapplies to:



Pedagogical communication


21. Among the listed types of pedagogical activity to basicapplies to:



Organizational and methodological work

Pedagogical communication

22. A tool that has the potential to improve the outcomes of the educational system, if used appropriately, is:





23. In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguishedBy:

Leading source of knowledge.

The nature of mental activity of students.

Leading didactic purpose.

The logic of reasoning.

24. The program and methodological complex "Information Culture" as an element of the content of general secondary education refers To:

The level of general theoretical representation

subject level

The level of educational material

The level of the learning process

25. A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another - this is:





26. Matchcriterion of the correctness of the pedagogical actionits essence:

27. Put in accordanceCorresponding to the type of competence of a pedagogical worker, its parameter:

Information - 1

The ability to formulate learning problems in various information and communication ways

Legal - 4

The quality of the employee's actions that ensure the effective construction of direct and feedback with another person

Communicative - 2

Using methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods to build modern classes with students (pupils, children)

Professional - 3

The quality of the employee's actions that ensure the effective use of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of the authorities in professional activities to solve relevant professional tasks

28. MatchnThe name of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence

29. Matchteaching method and corresponding didactic purpose

30. Assign functionsYuassessing her characterization

Motivational - 4

Identifying the Causes of Educational Outcomes

Diagnostic - 3

Pedagogy test

for teachers and teachers of general education disciplines,

applicants for the highest and first qualification categories

Choose the correct answer

The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is

1. Educational program.

2. Curriculum.

3. State educational standard.

4. Law "On Education".

Correct answer: state educational standard

The source of educational information that reveals the content provided for by educational standards in an accessible form for students is:

1. Textbook.

2. Curriculum.

3. Curriculum.

4. Workbook.

Correct answer: textbook

The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

1. Law "On Education".

2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation

3. Basic curriculum.

4. State educational standard.

Correct answer: basic curriculum

Under the system of value relations of students formed in the educational process - to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself, objects of knowledge, the results of educational activities in the new standard of general secondary education are understood as:

1. Personal results

3. Subject results

Correct answer: personal results

Stable, objective, essential connections between the parties of the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built. - This

1. Pedagogical technologies

2. Pedagogical rules

3. Pedagogical patterns

4. Pedagogical principles.

Correct answer: pedagogical patterns

The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:

1. Strategy

3. Technology

4. Methodology

Correct answer: an approach

The priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures implies the principle:

1 Principle of fundamentalization

4. The principle of completeness of education.

Correct answer: principle of advanced education

The inclusion of activity components in the content of education - goal-setting, planning, educational technologies, as well as types of student activities - research, discussions, design, etc. is a reflection of:

1. The principle of structural unity of the content of education at various levels of generality and at the interdisciplinary level

2. The principle of unity of the content and procedural-activity aspects of learning

3. The principle of accessibility and natural conformity of the content of education.

4. The principle of taking into account social conditions and the needs of society.

Correct answer: the principle of unity of the content and procedural-activity aspects of education

Question: The need for the exchange of cultural experience between generations is the basis for:

Correct answer: information function of pedagogical activity

Will be replaced by

The totality of certain knowledge, skills and abilities in which a person must be aware and have practical work experience is:

1. Competence

2. Competence

3. Mode of operation

4. Ability

Correct answer: competence

The requirement for the standard actions of a teacher who transmits cultural patterns to other people forms the basis of:

1. The transformative function of pedagogical activity

2. Information function of pedagogical activity

3. The communicative function of pedagogical activity

4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity

Correct answer: demonstration function of pedagogical activity

Question: Pedagogical support refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:

1. Directly-pedagogical

2. Organizational and pedagogical

3. Corrective

4. Methodical

Correct answer: corrective

Replaced with:

Methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all subjects, are

1. Personal results

2. Subject results

Correct answer: metasubject results

Pedagogical diagnostics refers to the types of pedagogical activities called:

1. Methodical

2. Creative and pedagogical

3. Organizational and pedagogical

4. Direct-pedagogical

Correct answer: organizational and pedagogical

The judgment “They determine the tactics of pedagogical activity, have applied, practical significance, are aimed at solving particular pedagogical problems, reflect a particular pedagogical pattern or a separate causal relationship” characterizes

1. Pedagogical principles

2. Pedagogical techniques

3. Pedagogical rules

4. Pedagogical methods

Correct answer: pedagogical rules

The method of ordered interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving the problems of education, is:

1. Methodical reception

2. Rule

4. Technology

Correct answer: method

The principle that ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability in education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education

Correct answer: principle of completeness of education

The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results is

1. The effectiveness of pedagogical technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Manageability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

Correct answer: manageability of pedagogical technology

Legislative pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, and guaranteed results is

2. Methodology

3. Technology

Correct answer: technology

The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in line with human nature is:

1. The principle of cultural conformity

2. The principle of individualization

3. The principle of naturalness

4. The principle of personal orientation

Correct answer: principle of naturalness

1. Typical

2. Creative

3. Non-standard

4. Improvisational

Correct answer: creative

Among the listed types of pedagogical activity, service activities include:

1. Learning

2. Research

3. Pedagogical communication

4. Education

Correct answer: study

Among the listed types of pedagogical activity, the basic ones include:

1. Design

2. Research

3. Organizational and methodological work

4. Pedagogical communication

Correct answer: pedagogical communication

A tool that has the potential to improve the outcomes of the educational system, if used appropriately, is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Innovation

4. Technology

Correct answer: innovation

In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished by:

1. Leading source of knowledge.

2. The nature of the mental activity of students.

3. Leading didactic goal.

4. Logic of reasoning.

Correct answer: leading source of knowledge

The program-methodical complex "Information Culture" as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:

1. The level of general theoretical representation

2. Subject level

3. The level of educational material

4. The level of the learning process

Correct answer: subject level

A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, as a result of which the system transitions from one state to another - this is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Technology

4. Experiment

Correct answer: Innovation

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