Unique Dead Sea. Dead Sea: composition and properties, swimming in the Dead Sea The composition of the water of the Dead Sea

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a unique natural source of beauty and health.

All people have heard about him and his healing power, known since ancient times. Enthusiastic descriptions of the Dead Sea can be found in Aristotle, ancient Roman historians Flavius, Pliny, Tacitus. Trade caravans from India to Egypt, whose route ran along the Dead Sea, took with them as much salt and mud as they could.

The Dead Sea is an endorheic salt lake located 400 m below sea level. The Dead Sea is the lowest place on the planet. Water evaporates from the surface of the lake, so the concentration of salts and minerals becomes very high and the Dead Sea turns into a huge natural chemical laboratory, where unique medicinal products are created. These are the salts and mud that lie at the bottom of the lake and along its shores.

Dead Sea water is unique not only for its high concentration of salts, but also for their composition. Compared to the water of the Atlantic Ocean, the water of the Dead Sea has 50 times more bromine, 15 times more magnesium and 10 times more iodine. The only thing in which the Dead Sea is "inferior" to other seas and oceans is in the concentration of sodium chloride (common salt). While in ordinary sea water up to 90% of salts is NaCl, here its content does not exceed 8-12%. The main part of the Dead Sea water is the most valuable salts of magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromides, sulfates and other salts and trace elements.

Of all the elements known to modern science, about half is found in sea water. These elements are contained in the blood, lymph and intracellular fluid of a person in the form of dissolved organic salts. Therefore, blood plasma and lymphatic fluid are almost identical in composition to the water of the Dead Sea.

The chemical composition of the Dead Sea water:
Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) 30-34%
Potassium chloride (KCl) 22-28%
Sodium chloride (NaCl) 4-8%
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) 0.3-0.7%
Magnesium bromide (MgBr) 0.2-0.4%
Sulphates 0.1-0.2%
Water of crystallization 26-32%
Insoluble components (iron, fluorine) 0.2%

Dead Sea Mud

The sulfide mud of the Dead Sea, extracted from its bottom, is considered no less healing than the water itself. They have significant anti-inflammatory and hormonally active effects. They are characterized by high mineralization (about 300 g/l) and a large amount of bromine and iodine. Dead Sea mud is also distinguished by the fact that it is very fine. This ensures better permeability of its beneficial particles into the skin.

The mineral substances of MM mud contribute to the enrichment of body cells with oxygen, as well as to cleanse the body of toxins. The useful properties include the ability of black mud to retain the moisture it needs in the skin, as a result of which the cosmetic effect of its use is greatly enhanced. The skin becomes much more elastic, the number and depth of wrinkles are noticeably reduced. Healing mud promotes the speedy healing of scar tissue, stretch marks and scars also heal and become almost invisible. Black mud is especially useful for skin diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, as well as problems with the respiratory system of the body. Mud therapy procedures are also indicated in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The advantages of Dead Sea mud include the fact that it is easy to apply, but also easy to wash off, renewing the skin of the whole body.


Until the end of the nineteenth century. it was believed that there is no life in the Dead Sea and cannot be due to the high concentration of salts. However, in the last century, scientists have proven that this is not the case. The Dead Sea is inhabited by unicellular algae and protozoa called prokaryotes. These are the oldest living cells, therefore they are called archaebacteria. Archaebacterium is the only living creature that has lived in the waters of the Dead Sea for millions of years.

Archaebacterium is the ancestor of all life on the planet, it is the first cell of the Earth, from which the biological world of animals and plants originated. For all the time of its existence, the archaebacterium has remained in that unchanged original form, in which it has been for millennia. This means that the archaebacterium is the carrier of DNA information, and its genetic apparatus contains the information of the struggle for survival and the preservation of itself as a species, and this information of survival and protection, when it penetrates into our body, it transmits to our cells at the genetic level, providing a powerful beautiful overall impact. Archaebacterium belongs to the type of prokaryotes, which has a unique set of amino acids, identical to our distant ancestors. One of the unique properties of archaebacteria is biocompatibility with the human body.

The most amazing discovery of the late 20th century is the deciphering of the human genome, which, as it turned out, contains the genome of archaebacteria (the structure of archaebacteria is similar to the structure of the primary cell of the human body). And this means that the archaebacterium is not alien to us, it is perceived by our body as a natural structure of its own. This explains the high biocompatibility with our body. Therefore, it is able to protect our cells, restore their structure and recognize where is a good and where is a diseased cell.

The amazing enzymes of archaebacteria, high biocompatibility, allow it to pass through all the natural barriers of the body, penetrate into the blood, spread throughout the body, affecting every cell, providing antioxidant protection and restoring a genetically destroyed cell.

In addition, the genetic apparatus of archaebacteria has a powerful vital energy and stores information accumulated in the struggle for existence.

Archaebacteria have a great energy potential, are actively involved in metabolic processes and have a strong positive effect on human organs and systems.

It is on the basis of the unique properties of archaebacteria, in Dr. Laboratories Nona was created innovative exclusive formula, which is the basis of all the Company.

Dead Sea

Dead Sea(synonyms for the name Salty, Asphalt) stretched out for 72 km in the valley between the Judean Mountains and the Moaf Mountains at the site of the Syrian-African Rift. The fault is so deep that the sea "sank" 417 m below sea level. The western coast of the sea is on the territory of the State of Israel, the eastern coast is in Jordan. The sea is a conditional name, in fact, like Baikal, Arad, the Caspian is an internal limited lake, not connected to the ocean in any way. It feeds on the fresh waters of the Jordan River, streams flowing from the surrounding ridges and underground mineral springs. The bed of two basins, northern and southern, of which the sea consists, is a two-kilometer layer of salt left after the ancient Lachon Sea dried up more than a million years ago. The smaller, southern basin is connected to the northern one through an isthmus, it is shallower, the average depth is 6.5 meters, the depth of the northern one is up to 185 meters. The greatest width of the sea is about 15 kilometers. The total volume of liquid is about 110 cubic kilometers. The surface area is 1015 square kilometers. The age of the sea in the form in which it is now known is more than 15 thousand years.

The distance from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea is 19 km, from Tel Aviv 84 km and from Eilat 360 km

The chemical composition of the sea water of the Dead Sea
The composition of the underlying rocks and intensive evaporation from the surface determined the high concentration of the salt solution from a set of more than twenty-one minerals, its average value is 31.5%, an almost saturated solution at a given temperature. Studies show the content of the main elements in milligrams per liter: sodium - 34.9; potassium - 75.60; rubidium - 0.06; calcium - 15.8; magnesium - 41.96; chlorine - 208.02; bromine - 6.92; ions H2SO4 - 0.54; ions H2CO3 - 0.24. The bromine content is 5920 mg per 1 liter, suggesting that this is a very important reason for the successful treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases. At the bottom there is a sedimentary salt-mud layer about 100 meters thick.

Climate in the Dead Sea area
The climate here is definitely desert. Almost all year round sunny days, according to statistics 330 days a year. Precipitation falls about 50 mm per year.
Atmospheric pressure, due to the low location of the area relative to sea level, is high, about 800 mm Hg and very stable. The average air temperature in summer is about +40, in winter - about +20. The water temperature in the sea is from +40 degrees in summer to +17 in winter.

Balneological factors of the Dead Sea resort

Dead Sea mineral water

It is transparent, heavy, viscous and oily. As a result of taking sea baths, due to various diffusion effects, the intercellular fluid and blood plasma are saturated with minerals, and the electrolyte balance in the body improves. Thanks to this, the body relaxes, the skin is smoothed, blood circulation is stimulated and metabolic disorders are mitigated. Bathing in mineral water is a real pleasure. The buoyancy force in it is so great that here even a person who cannot swim does not drown.
Along the coast of the Dead Sea there are many outlets of sulphurous thermal mineral springs. Taking hot sulfur baths strengthens the circulatory system and improves the balance of redox reactions in the human body, contributes to additional saturation of tissues with oxygen.

Dead Sea Air
The main flow of air masses into the Dead Sea region comes from the Indian Ocean along parallel mountain ranges through the deserted expanses of hot sands of the Arabian and Judean deserts, so they carry very dry air, free from industrial pollution and natural allergens. Natural evaporation from the sea surface saturates it with mineral ions. The natural increased oxygen content as a result of increased atmospheric pressure, which, in addition, has an increased ability to penetrate the skin and lung membranes into the body due to the influence of a complex of other factors, makes the atmosphere completely unique in terms of beneficial effects on both healthy and suffering from pulmonary disorders person. As balneologists say, here a person is in conditions of round-the-clock therapeutic inhalation.
The high content of bromine ions has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Sun on the Dead Sea
Ionized mineral vapor, denser and higher gas layer of the atmosphere in the Dead Sea region form a natural optical filter that selectively absorbs the hard component of solar ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, there are unique opportunities for taking therapeutic and health-improving sunbathing. A person is practically insured against the possibility of getting sunburn. Here, the doctor often recommends sunbathing outdoors for 6 to 8 hours a day.

Dead Sea Mud
It has been established that the therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea has the highest therapeutic effect in the world. There is no analogue to them on Earth.
Basically, mud is a product of the vital activity of the only and unique representative of the living world, existing in a concentrated saline solution, archeobacteria, which has its origin from the time of the birth of life on the planet. Biologically active substances generated by bacteria give mud aseptic properties, provide a beneficial effect on the processes of intracellular metabolism, which promotes rejuvenation and prolongation of the active life of cells, the natural harmony of their development.
Mud procedures - applications, wraps, have a cosmetic and therapeutic effect, cleanse and stimulate the skin, have a relaxing effect on muscle tone, and stabilize the psyche, have a positive effect on hemodynamics and the state of blood vessels, and relieve pain.

Historical and natural attractions of the Dead Sea region
The favorable opportunities that take place here have been known to mankind for many hundreds and thousands of years. The Dead Sea is extremely rich in monuments of civilization, some of which have come down to us from written sources, the oldest of which are the so-called "Dead Sea Scrolls". In the north of the Dead Sea is Qumran, the place where they were found.
Here is the fortress of Massada, located on a rock, associated with the name of King Herod and the heroic deed of its defenders. A cable car is laid to the top of the rock to the fortress, a picturesque path leads, theatrical performances are held here in summer, rich in light and musical effects, telling about the history of the fortress.
Here, each stone is associated with biblical events, with the history of the origin of the Christian faith, to the north of the sea is Jericho, the oldest of the cities. Not far from it is Kar El Yahud, where, according to Christian tradition, John the Baptist performed the rite of baptism of Jesus. Mineral formations resembling stone pillars are visible on the seashore. One of them is described in the Bible and is now called the pillar of Lot's wife, who carelessly looked around during the flight from Sodom and Gomorrah, and as a result turned into a stone statue.

Like every worthy desert, the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea cannot do without its own oases. There are three of them here: Ein Gedi, Nahal David, Nahal Arugot. The realm of greenery rages here, date palms, mango trees are grown. Springs and waterfalls contrast the wealth and feast of water with the poverty and patience of the desert. Ein Gedi contains a small zoo that preserves the original fauna of these places.

Dead Sea

Dead Sea in its present shape, it has existed for more than 5000 years and the reserves of its healing mineral salts and mud are inexhaustible. The weight of the metallic salts of the sea is about 50 billion tons. On the one side Dead Sea - Israel, and on the other - Jordan, it covers an area of ​​​​about 1000 square kilometers. Located 400 meters below sea level, it is considered the lowest place on Earth. The Dead Sea is part of a huge tectonic depression formed millions of years ago as a result of a break in the earth's crust.

High atmospheric pressure, high air temperature all year round (30°-40°C in summer, 19°C in winter), 330 sunny days, rare precipitation (50 mm per year), low humidity (35%) create a unique climate here. The air is saturated with oxygen and bromine. The constant light haze from intense salt vapor acts as a filter to block out harmful ultraviolet rays. That is why dosed sunbathing on the shores of the Dead Sea, combined with air baths, give a unique healing effect.
But if not everyone succeeds in sunbathing on the Dead Sea, then the mineral cosmetics produced with its help will sooner or later attract your attention.
Along the shores of the Dead Sea lay the trade and military routes of ancient civilizations, who even then appreciated the healing properties of its salts and mud. The famous ancient Roman historians Josephus Flavius, Pliny, Tacitus left their enthusiastic descriptions of the Dead Sea.
The healing properties of the Dead Sea were mentioned in the Bible.
It is known that the legendary Egyptian queen Cleopatra, in search of recipes for beauty and eternal youth, turned her gaze towards the Dead Sea and Mark Antony conquered for her a city on the shores of this no less legendary reservoir. Here they built the first "SPA" - hydro-mud baths for Roman soldiers and launched the production of cosmetic preparations, as evidenced by the remains of a factory cleared by archaeologists. The Queen of Sheba also used Dead Sea minerals for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.
For thousands of years, groundwater, numerous thermal springs, mountain streams and the Jordan River carried salts and minerals washed out of rocks, sand and soil to the Dead Sea. During 330 hot sunny days a year, water evaporated and salts accumulated: it is not surprising that today the concentration of salts in the Dead Sea is 10 times higher than in the water of the seas and oceans.
Useful Dead Sea minerals help to relieve pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, psoriasis, eczema, stress and other diseases, while nourishing the skin and making it soft.
The geological and climatic conditions of the Dead Sea, this endorheic lake, have also created a special kind of mud. It was formed at a depth where air, sunlight and pollution from the environment never penetrated. The Dead Sea mineral mud contains over 100 minerals, salts and trace elements.
It is not easy to list all her "talents". It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, the activity of the nervous system, endocrine glands, metabolic processes, relieves muscle tension and stress, fights cellulite, strengthens hair roots and eliminates dandruff and seborrhea, relieves joint and rheumatic pain. Treatment with Dead Sea mud is recommended for various skin diseases and post-traumatic periods.
At first glance, the extraction of raw materials for mineral cosmetics - salts and mud - is a simple process: in the coastal strip, on the shallows, where the water is especially well warmed up by the sun, the salts themselves precipitate, forming bizarre crystals. However, these crystals are only for tourists to admire.
For the production of cosmetics, salts are evaporated in special pools, which are called "frying pans" here. Mud is removed from the seabed with shovels. So that it does not oxidize and retains its healing properties as much as possible, it is immediately packed in special containers and immediately delivered to the factory.

- the most unique of all reservoirs on Earth. About amazing properties of the Dead Sea Aristotle wrote, and Mark Antony conquered these territories for his beloved Cleopatra, who, as you know, knew a lot about beauty and how to preserve it. By her order, a factory was built on the shores of the Dead Sea for the production of medicines and cosmetics with Dead Sea salts. The remains of this miracle plant can still be seen today.

What is the Dead Sea?

The length of the Dead Sea is 74 km, the width is 17 km, the greatest depth is 400 m. Right in the middle is the border of two states: Israel and Jordan, so two countries own a unique body of water. In fact, the Dead Sea is a lake in the deepest part of the Jordanian depression, since there are no rivers that would connect it with the world's oceans.

The Dead Sea is located in the lowest place on Earth - 412 m below sea level, and every year this figure decreases. There is a noticeable increase in atmospheric pressure, which weather-sensitive people can feel physically. The surface of the sea and its surroundings are a natural pressure chamber - this is also a unique property of the Dead Sea.

But the Dead Sea is most famous for its record-breaking huge amount of salts contained in the water. There are other bodies of water in the world with a high salt content that exceeds the average marine indicators, but the Dead Sea holds the absolute record.

33 percent - this is the salt content in the water! To appreciate the figures, it is enough to mention that in the Mediterranean Sea, which is considered quite salty, the salt content does not exceed 4 percent, and the Baltic Sea, which is considered the freshest, the salt content does not exceed 1 percent! One liter of water from the Black Sea contains up to 35 grams of salt, and the same volume of water from the Dead Sea already contains 275 grams.

Such a high salinity of water, and, naturally, its high density, guarantees the safest bathing in terms of the risk of drowning. Dive deep into the water is unlikely to succeed. To the touch, the water of the Dead Sea also does not look like ordinary sea water: it is oily. The composition of the Dead Sea salts is also unusual: there are fewer sulfides, but much more bromine than in ordinary sea salt.

The sea is not called dead for nothing: there are no living organisms in it at all, not even bacteria. There is only one place where some living creatures are found - a couple of places at the very mouth of the Jordan. In the rest of the Dead Sea, no living creature can survive in such salty water. True, not so long ago, scientists discovered mycelial, fungal organisms in the waters of the Dead Sea, which can live even in a high concentration of salt solution.

And in all other respects, it is, in fact, a silent water desert that will not be able to interest diving enthusiasts. Moreover, swimming under water, if anyone succeeds, is not safe. It is necessary to constantly monitor that salt water does not get on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes. The high concentration of salt can corrode the mucous membranes, and in people with sensitive skin can also cause discomfort.

Composition of the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea in Hebrew is called Yam Hammelah, translated from Hebrew - the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bSalt (Salt Sea). The water of the Dead Sea itself is a liquid that is incorrectly called water. This is a concentrated solution: acidic, hydrochloric or alkaline. Salts of almost the entire periodic table are dissolved in the waters of the Dead Sea.

The water of the Dead Sea is extremely high in sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and bromine ions - ions that play an important role in the human body. Human lymph and blood have a composition of macroelements similar to the water of the Dead Sea. It is impossible to overestimate this fact.

The content of potassium in the Dead Sea is almost 20 times more than in the Atlantic Ocean, magnesium - 35 times more, calcium - 42 times, bromine - 80 times. The uniqueness of the Dead Sea salts is not only in quantity, but also in quality. In the waters of other salty reservoirs of the World Ocean, the content of sodium chloride (table salt) is up to 77% of the total salt composition, and in the Dead Sea its share is only 25-30%, and magnesium salts (chloride and bromide) make up to 50% of all salts Dead Sea.

Potassium salts do not precipitate anywhere on Earth during the evaporation of sea water. And from the water of the Dead Sea it was possible to artificially crystallize potassium salts. Since 1930, the Dead Sea has been extracting bromine and potassium carbonate from sea water. The only production of its kind in the world!

Dead Sea Properties

Dead Sea for health

The Dead Sea, despite its rather gloomy name, is a real health resort. And even if you do not use the services of numerous resort facilities, of which there are a great many on the seashore, ordinary swimming in the Dead Sea can significantly improve health, no matter what area of ​​​​medicine your personal health problems relate to.

Bathing in the Dead Sea is one of the ways to normalize mineral metabolism. The concentration of table salt in the human body is higher than in the water of the Dead Sea. When swimming in the Dead Sea, due to the osmotic pump, salt is transferred from our body (from the area of ​​high concentration) to the water of the Dead Sea (to the area of ​​low concentration). For those who suffer from arthritis, arthrosis, gout caused by high salt content in the body, swimming in the Dead Sea can be a panacea.

The air of the Dead Sea has healing properties - it is uniquely clean, warmed up by a long journey through the cleanest deserts from an ecological point of view, absolutely dry (humidity - 25%). Salt vapors saturate this clean air with minerals, making ordinary breathing a powerful inhalation procedure that frees the body from respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma, for a long time.

Mud extracted from the bottom of the Dead Sea has an even more powerful therapeutic effect. Muds have a huge anti-inflammatory and hormone-active effect, while they do not contain any antibacterial or hormonal components. Now the Dead Sea mud is considered the best in the world in terms of efficiency and helps to cope with the widest list of diseases, both external, skin and internal organs.

The effectiveness of Dead Sea mud is associated not only with high salt saturation, but also with the physical characteristics of the mud - the fractions of mud particles are very small. For example, the size of a particle from the Black Sea in the vicinity of the city of Saki (Ukrainian Crimea), which are considered standard in terms of composition and degree of impact on the human body, is 140 microns, and mud from the Dead Sea is 45 microns.

This size makes the permeability of nutrients into the body greater. Dead Sea Mud contain the same trace elements as water: a huge amount of calcium, potassium, magnesium and bromine. Due to the presence of bromine in large quantities, the population of the Dead Sea coast is famous for its calmness and equanimity.

In the vicinity of the Dead Sea - a special microclimate. The air temperature in summer here rises above 45 degrees, which causes increased evaporation of water. It can be seen with the naked eye - a whitish haze is constantly present above the sea. It is actually a natural filter that does not let hard ultraviolet light through to the ground. Near the Dead Sea, it is almost impossible to burn out. Although it is still worth taking precautions, especially for white-skinned people.

When swimming in the Dead Sea, you need to follow the principle of reasonableness: do not wallow for hours on the water, but go ashore more often and immediately rinse in the shower. One bathing session should not exceed 20 minutes. It is recommended to bathe three to four times during the day.

Indications for treatment at the Dead Sea

1) Dermatological diseases: psoriasis (all forms except generalized pustular), psoriatic erythroderma, ichthyosis, vitiligo, stage 1-2 mycoses, scleroderma in the initial stage, lichen planus, acne and others;
2) inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine, polyarthritis (inactive phase), osteochondrosis, rheumatism;
3) diseases of the respiratory system: chronic sinusitis, otitis media in remission, tinnitus - tinnitus, chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis (including occupational);
4) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, intestinal dysbacteriosis (including in children), pathology of the liver and biliary tract;
5) proctological pathology.

Contraindications: epilepsy, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, recent heart attack or stroke, hypertension, acute infectious diseases, AIDS, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney and liver failure, pemphigus, lupus erythematosus.

Berestova Svetlana

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This scientific review discusses the features of the chemical composition of the Dead Sea. The stages of the origin, formation and development of the Dead Sea are described. A comparative analysis of the chemical composition of the Dead Sea and other saline water bodies of the Earth is given. The uniqueness of the chemical composition and physical factors contributing to this are revealed. It is shown how the origin of life on Earth took place. It describes how the unique chemical composition of the Dead Sea influenced the mechanisms of the origin and development of unicellular life in the form of a halophilic bacterium of the Archaean genus. Data on the preservation of the high adaptive capacity of archaebacteria due to the unique chemical composition of the Dead Sea are given. On the basis of a homogenate of a halophilic bacterium and chemical elements from the Dead Sea, the DN-1 complex was created, which has antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activity, which opens up prospects for both its study and its application in oncological practice.

chemical composition of the dead sea


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The study of factors natively occurring in nature is an interesting and urgent task. Having understood the nature of natural substances, the essence of their origin and formation, it is possible to solve the problem of applying and using naturally existing compounds in human life, for its improvement, as well as mutual enrichment in the “man-nature” mind continuum.

The purpose of this review is to describe the features of the chemical composition of the Dead Sea, which are inextricably linked with the features of physical factors that depend on the historical and geographical specifics of this reservoir, as well as to describe the properties of the DN-1 complex generated on the basis of the Dead Sea biomass.

To understand the features of the formation of the Dead Sea, it is necessary to highlight the issue of the formation of life on Earth and the physicochemical prerequisites for this. Life on planet Earth originated from chaos - a cloud of dust particles stuck together, exactly the same as many similar formations in the Universe. And in this chaos, the miracle of life was born. Today, our life is just one of the links in the chain of countless living beings replacing each other on Earth for 4 billion years. Volcanoes vaguely resemble Earth in its infancy. The molten rock erupts from the depths of the crater, hardens, hardens into irregularities, splits, and then the volcano calms down for a while. Smoke rings from the depths of the earth were an integral part of the planet's original oxygen-deprived atmosphere. The dense atmosphere, consisting of water vapor, is rich in carbon dioxide, as if in a furnace boiler. The earth cooled, water vapor cooled and rained. On a planet at a unique distance from the Sun, not too far and not too close, the accumulation of water in liquid form is made possible by a perfect ecological balance. Water made channels. If we take as a basis the theory of the holographic nature of everything that exists in the Universe, then the channels laid by water on the surface of the Earth perform the same functions as the vessels, or rather the veins in the human body. The rivers washed minerals out of the rocks, gradually filling the fresh waters of the oceans with them, so the water in the oceans became more and more salty. Life first originated in the form of primitive unicellular forms, still living on Earth in thermal springs. These primitive forms - archaebacteria are the ancestors of all life on Earth, including humans. They absorb the Earth's heat, anything but cyanobacteria or blue-green algae. They have the ability to absorb solar energy. Being an important ancestor of all yesterday's and today's plant species, archaebacteria is the progenitor of all life on the planet, and billions of its decay products changed and changed the physico-chemical and biological components, and after that the fate of the Earth, modifying its atmosphere. The carbon that poisons our atmosphere has not gone away, it is contained in the earth's crust. Once upon a time, there was a sea everywhere, inhabited by microorganisms that, by absorbing the carbon dissolved in the ocean, grew their shells. Carbon is contained in the remains of shell layers of billions of microorganisms. They absorbed carbon from the atmosphere, thanks to which new forms of life could develop. For millions of years of its existence, archaebacteria have not changed their structure, have not mutated, and when they enter the human body, they launch a program of its self-healing, preventing cellular mutations, restoring DNA and transferring the human body to a new adaptive level, which ensures its recovery, prevention and treatment of cancer.

In accordance with modern concepts, prokaryotes, representing one of the three lines of evolution of life, are allocated to the archaebacteria group. In the IX edition of Bergi's Key to Bacteria, an attempt was made for the first time to classify known archaebacteria. They are divided into 5 subgroups. I, the largest subgroup, includes methanogenic bacteria, the main and characteristic feature of which is the ability to form methane as the main end product of energy metabolism. Subgroup II includes extremely thermophilic, strictly anaerobic forms that form H2S from sulfate in the process of dissimilation sulfate reduction. Extremely halophilic archaebacteria, which make up subgroup III, are represented by gram-positive or gram-negative forms, aerobic or facultative anaerobic chemoorganotrophs. The need for high concentrations of NaCl is characteristic. Some species contain bacteriorhodopsin and are able to use light energy to synthesize ATP. In nature, they are common in places of high salt concentration: in salt lakes, protein products preserved with salt, for example, in salted fish.

At present, on our planet there are many reservoirs with a high content of salts and trace elements, including in Russia, in which archaebacteria could still exist. However, the presence of archaebacteria in the waters of various lakes is impossible due to a number of reasons or climatic-geographical or physical properties, in addition to the Dead Sea, located between the Judean and Jordanian mountains on the days of the Jordanian-Arabian fault, which is part of the African fault system and has unusual geochemical qualities. Its water has extremely high salinity, its chemical composition is unique.

A drainless lake with an area of ​​1050 km? is located in the lowest place on the globe - 407 meters below the level of the oceans. Its depth is 350-400 m, length - 79.5 km, maximum width - 17 km, water volume is 140 cubic kilometers. The only river that flows into it is the Jordan.

In its current shape, the Dead Sea has existed for 5,000 years. During this time, a sedimentary layer of silt 100 meters thick accumulated at its bottom, the so-called mud or peloids of the Dead Sea. They contain 45% salts, 5% biomass and 50% water.

The uniqueness of the Dead Sea lies not only in its geographical features. This is a region with high solar activity (330 sunny days a year), low rainfall (about 50 mm per year), a minimum amount of hard ultraviolet radiation, an average annual temperature of 22–24 ° C, dry air saturated with ions of iodine, bromine, etc. Such a unique combination of physical factors creates and maintains the conditions for the preservation of the chemical composition and the biological component, because it is the presence of sunlight that triggers the photoreactivation necessary to restore DNA in cells.

The water of the Dead Sea is distinguished by a number of features and, above all, by high salinity (the total content of salts contained in 1 kg of sea water is calculated in ppm). A comparison of the salinity data of different water bodies shows that the salinity of the Dead Sea is 8 times higher than the salinity of the Atlantic Ocean, 7 times the Mediterranean and Red Seas, 14.5 times the Black Sea and 40 times the Baltic.

The salt-saturated water of the Dead Sea is very dense - 1.234 g / l and contains 31% of salts dissolved in it.

Compared to the chemical composition of the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Jordan River, the water of the Dead Sea is a highly concentrated brine of a wide variety of salts and trace elements, and the salt content increases from the surface of the sea, where their concentration is 30%, to 40–42% at depth.

The average salinity of the water in the Dead Sea basin reaches 31.5%. The concentration of sulfuric acid ions is very low, and bromine - 5.920 g / l - the highest on Earth. Most calcium ions in the Dead Sea are balanced by chlorides.

About 50 billion tons of natural minerals of 21 types necessary for human life are dissolved in its waters, and their concentration is very high: from 280 to 420 g of salt per 1 liter of water. 12 of these minerals are not found in any other bodies of water. Some of them are known to promote relaxation, improve skin health, activate the circulatory system, and alleviate rheumatic conditions and metabolic disorders.

Various types of rocks are found in the Dead Sea area: Precambrian rocks (mainly granite, acid volcanic and siliceous rocks). In the south - Paleozoic and Lysozoic (Eocene - marine sediments, etc.). The diversity of rocks surrounding the Dead Sea determines the uniqueness of its mineral composition. The chemical composition of the Dead Sea water, its most important biologically active elements, are presented in the table.

Typically, the composition of sea water is greatly influenced by the removal of rivers. When comparing the content of macroelements in the waters of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, such an effect is not visible. It should be noted the high content of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, bromine ions in the Dead Sea water, which are of great biological importance, since human lymph and blood have the same composition of macroelements.

The content of potassium in the Dead Sea is almost 20 times more than in the Atlantic Ocean, magnesium - 35 times more, calcium - 42 times, bromine - 80 times. According to the composition of salts, the Dead Sea differs sharply from other seas of the planet. While in the waters of other seas the content of sodium chloride is 77% of the total salt composition, in the waters of the Dead Sea its share is 25-30%, while magnesium salts (chloride and bromide) account for up to 50%. Nowhere on Earth does potassium salts precipitate during the evaporation of sea water.

The chemical composition of the Dead Sea water

It is possible to artificially crystallize potassium salts from the water of the Dead Sea, despite the fact that even in artificial evaporation pools it is not possible to extract potassium salt from sea water. Since 1930, bromine and potassium carbonate have been mined in the Dead Sea.

Trace elements include such chemical elements, the content of which in sea water is less than 1 mg/kg of sea water. The water of the Dead Sea contains trace elements such as copper, zinc, cobalt and others. Ions of these minerals are adsorbed by various natural sorbents: organic substances, calcium phosphates, iron hydroxosalts, as a result of which their content in sea water is lower than expected, based on the solubility of their compounds. Ions of a number of metals precipitate as a result of hydrolysis in the form of sparingly soluble basic salts and hydroxides. It should also be noted that deposits of sulfur and natural asphalt have been found at the bottom of the Dead Sea. Dead Sea minerals in their usual molecular form have a pH of 8.5-9, so there is always a risk of chemical burns to both the skin and mucous membranes during contact with Dead Sea water. Nevertheless, this does not prevent the use of the Dead Sea and its location area as a powerful physiotherapeutic factor for the treatment of a number of diseases.

It has been shown that climatotherapy at the Dead Sea has a 100% therapeutic effect.

Given the important factor that, due to its chemical composition, the Dead Sea has healing properties, but at the same time, balneotherapy in its waters and climatotherapy on its shores are not available to everyone and are accompanied by the need to observe precautionary measures, the scientists of the LENOM clinic (Israel) have developed a complex DN-1, which includes a homogenate of red halobacteria (halophilic archaebacteria) isolated from the water of the Dead Sea and its chemical elements. A modified version of the DN-1 complex, DN-1m, was also synthesized.

Using cyclic voltometry, it was shown that the homogenate contains hydrophilic and lipophilic low molecular weight antioxidants. The analysis of this material revealed the presence in it of a large number of carotenoids, known as substances with high antioxidant and anticancer activity. Based on these data, DN-1 and DN-1m were tested for their anticancer activity on cultured mouse adenocarcinoma (EMT-6) cells.

Cell proliferation and survival were determined by the MTS method for live cells. DN-1 and DN-1m were used in 0.3–3% solutions of crude homogenate prepared in 7.5% salt solution (NaCl) for DN-1 and 5% for DN-1m. Both homogenates were cytotoxic to EMT-6 cancer cells, with toxicity increasing with increasing homogenate concentration. No effect of homogenates on the proliferation of these EMT-6 cells was found.

The homogenate enhanced the lethal effect of a single cell irradiation at doses of 2, 4, 6, and 8 g. In all experiments, DN-1m was more effective than DN-1. From all this, we can conclude that the homogenate of red halobacteria is cytotoxic for adenocarcinoma cells of EMT-6 mice, both intact and irradiated. Further research carried out in this direction can contribute to the prevention and treatment of cancer, which is also confirmed by the 2015 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry.

Thus, we can conclude that the composition of the Dead Sea water is not only unique in its physical and chemical properties, but can also act as a healing factor. The DN-1 complex, synthesized on the basis of the main components of the Dead Sea, including biomass and chemical elements, is an unstudied, but powerful antimutagenic factor, the scope of which, with further study, may become medicine, including oncology.

Bibliographic link

Lopatina A.B. FEATURES OF THE DEAD SEA CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND THE PROPERTIES OF THE DN-1 COMPLEX // Advances in Modern Natural Science. - 2015. - No. 11-2. – P. 149-152;
URL: http://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=35690 (date of access: 01/27/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

When Lot and his family fled from the crumbling Sodom, his wife could not resist, and looked back at the dying city.

It was impossible to do this, and therefore it turned into a huge pillar of salt, which can be seen on the coast of the Dead Sea today.

The Dead Sea is one of the most unusual and unique bodies of water on our planet. First of all, because in reality it is a lake into which the waters of the Jordan River and several other small rivers flow: about 7 million tons of water flows here every day, which, despite the fact that it does not flow anywhere, due to the high air temperature rather quickly evaporates. The various minerals and Dead Sea salt brought by the river waters remain and join the minerals already in the lake, turning it into one of the most salty reservoirs on our planet (the salt concentration in the local water is 30%, while in the ocean - 3.5 %).

Many are interested in the question, where is the Dead Sea? One of the largest salt lakes of our planet is located in the east of the Judean Desert. The western coast of the reservoir belongs to Jordan, the eastern coast belongs to Israel. On the map, the Dead Sea can be found at the following coordinates: 31° 20′ 0″ N, 35° 30′ 0″ E.

The sea formed at the very bottom of the Syrian-African Rift - a huge depression in the earth's crust formed due to the movement of continental plates (it starts in southern Turkey and ends in Zimbabwe, in the southeast of the African continent). The movement of tectonic plates has made this area seismically active: weak earthquakes happen here every year (a person does not feel them, but instruments fix them). The process of the formation of the Dead Sea is quite interesting. The depression was filled with oceanic waters, and for millions of years the remains of marine animals, fish, and plants settled on the bottom of the ocean, which subsequently formed calcareous rocks, while the water here was inconsistent: it either arrived or left. Therefore, the layers of salt, which the sun evaporated from sea water, gradually mixed with the layers of sedimentary rocks.

After some time, a permanent body of water was formed here - the Lachon Sea (the predecessor of the present), the length of which exceeded 200 km, and the surface was 180 m below the level of the World Ocean. Volcanic eruptions completely blocked the channel connecting Lachon with the Mediterranean Sea - and it began to dry up. After Lashon completely dried up (this happened 17 thousand years ago), two reservoirs remained - the freshwater Lake Kinneret and the salty Dead Sea.

Currently, the Dead Sea consists of two separate basins, separated by an isthmus, which appeared in 1977. The northern one is a larger and deeper reservoir, the maximum depth of which is 306 meters, and the southern one - hotels and mineral mining enterprises are located here, because of which it gradually turned into an artificial reservoir, and therefore the water level here is regulated by man, and the average depth is about two meters.

The Dead Sea has the following parameters:

  • The area of ​​the salt lake is 650 km2. sq. (over the last century it has decreased significantly - it was 930 km2);
  • Maximum width - 18 km;
  • Length - 67 km (it is designated by summing up the length of the southern and northern basins, while the length of the latter is 54 km);
  • The mud layer at the bottom is about 100 meters;

The water level in the Dead Sea as of December 2012 was 427 meters below sea level and falls by one meter every year, making it one of the lowest land areas on our planet.

On the southern coast of the Dead Sea there are thermal springs and puddles of greasy black mud, which have long been considered healing: it is absolutely known that even King Herod bathed in them. There are mountains and salt pillars. Among them is Mount Sedom, whose height above sea level is 250 m, formed during powerful underground pressure, which pushed the salt plug to the surface. Now this mountain is a huge salt dome 11 km long and 1.5 wide, cut up by a huge number of caves (it is believed that there are at least a hundred of them here, and the total length is 20 km).

Caves are formed in this mountain all the time: a few rains slowly dissolve the salt, destroying the old caves and creating new ones in their place. The grottoes themselves are extremely beautiful - there are not only sinter formations, but also huge crystals. In Mount Sedom, at a depth of 135 meters, there is the largest salt cave on our planet - Malkham, the length of which is 5.5 km.

Of course, the answer to the question why the Dead Sea is so unique that there are practically no analogues to it on our planet, we are unlikely to know for sure when. At present, we can only make assumptions and fix its features.


The Dead Sea has an interesting feature: at its depth, natural asphalt is formed, which the lake throws to the surface in the form of small black pieces - at first they resemble a molten block of earth, and then, cooling down, they turn into a solid state. It is not difficult to collect it from the surface: the salt of the Dead Sea simply does not allow it to return to the bottom.

An interesting fact: during the excavations on the coast, a huge number of figurines and other things were found, including human skulls from the Neolithic period, covered with marine asphalt on top. It was also used by the ancient Egyptians in the mummification of their dead.


It is interesting that the air, the temperature of which often reaches 40 ° C, is so unique here that it cannot but cause surprise: due to the location of the Dead Sea below the level of the World Ocean, there is a zone of high atmospheric pressure, which is why the amount of oxygen in this region 15% higher than the amount of oxygen in the area, which is at sea level.

The local air contains absolutely no allergens: air masses come here mainly from the Indian Ocean, overcoming the deserted sands of deserts, and therefore do not carry industrial pollution and allergens. Considering that evaporation from the surface of a lake saturated with minerals and salt from the Dead Sea saturate the air with useful components, it definitely has a positive effect not only on a healthy person, but also on a person with diseased lungs.


Since the Dead Sea is located near the desert, both the air temperature and the climate are appropriate here - according to statistics, there are 330 sunny days a year, there is little rain (mainly in January and February), and the average relative humidity in summer is 27%, in winter - 38 %.

In summer, the temperature ranges from 32 to 40° C, in winter - from 20 to 23° C. An interesting fact is that during the winter season, the temperature of the sea, mineral-rich water is much higher than the temperature of the earth, while in summer it is the other way around.

In the Dead Sea area, due to its location below the level of the World Ocean, weakened ultraviolet radiation is observed - therefore, it is extremely difficult to get sunburn here, and doctors recommend even an unprepared person to stay on the Sun for 6-8 hours.

Such a temperature and dry climate also has its disadvantages - the water of the Dead Sea evaporates very quickly, which, combined with human activity, leads to its shallowing. If the Jordan used to compensate for evaporation, now a person uses the water of the river in his own interests, and now much less water reaches the sea than before: over the past half century, the volume of the watercourse has decreased to 100 million cubic meters / year. (before it was 1.43 billion cubic meters / year).


The salt of the Dead Sea is 33.7% (350 grams per 1 liter of water), which is ten times the salinity level of ocean water. Therefore, due to the huge amount of salt, the water of the Dead Sea is thick, dense, oily to the touch and has a shade of metallic blue. People can safely swim in the lake without fear of drowning - the salt of the Dead Sea will not allow them to do this (it’s even difficult to choke here: swallowing such water extremely disgusting - it is not only salty, but in addition to everything else, it also tastes bitter, and when it gets into the mouth, the tongue goes numb from it).

Swimming here is also not easy: it is best to lie down in the water and relax under the warm rays of the sun, as if in a hammock - fortunately, the temperature of both air and water allows you to do this. The only “but”: if there is even the slightest scratch on the skin, it is better not to go into the water - the Dead Sea salt, once on the wound, will cause discomfort.


The unique characteristics of water and mud are influenced not so much by salt as by minerals from the Dead Sea. And their number here simply rolls over - the waters of the lake contain more than twenty minerals, mostly of inorganic origin, and therefore do not contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which is why they do not oxidize, while maintaining their healing properties at the maximum level.

The main minerals of the Dead Sea are:

  • Magnesium (from 30 to 34%) - an anti-stress mineral that calms the nervous system;
  • Potassium (from 22 to 28%) - regulates the amount of fluid in the middle of the cell (in total they contain 4/5 of the water that is in the human body);
  • Sodium (from 12 to 18%) - regulates the amount of fluid outside the cells;
  • Bromine (from 0.2 to 0.4%) - penetrating into the blood through the skin, calming and relaxing the nervous system, has a positive effect on it;
  • Iodine (from 0.2 to 0.9%) - has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, including the growth, reproduction and activity of the nervous system, the functioning of nerve endings in muscles, skin and hair growth;
  • Sulfur (from 0.1 to 0.2%) - disinfects the skin, and is also necessary for the formation of protein substances of vitamins B, B1, biotin, etc.

Dead Sea minerals, together with salt, mud, water and optimal temperature, have a positive effect on the human body, giving it the opportunity to get rid of skin diseases, allergies, problems with the lungs, bronchi, nerves, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, hepatitis). The body significantly improves metabolism, blood circulation, increases skin elasticity, slows down the aging process, etc. Dead Sea minerals are contraindicated in patients with schizophrenia, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, as well as people who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction, stroke, tuberculosis, who have kidney problems. and liver failure.


Naturally, the question why the Dead Sea is called dead, if its climate, water, mud and salt are good for health, cannot but be of interest.

The lake had many names (among them - Salt, Asphalt, Ancient, Sodom), and the current one was due to the fact that it was believed that due to the high salinity of the water, living organisms (primarily fish and marine animals) cannot live here in condition.

Recently it turned out that this is not entirely true: at the end of the last century, scientists discovered that the water of the Dead Sea is teeming with small organisms. About 70 species of moldy mushrooms live here, which settled here long before the sea acquired salinity, which, having developed a new gene, adapted to the local water. In the water of the salty sea, microscopic viruses were also found, which become active only after they enter a living organism, and outside the cells take the form of inanimate particles.

20 types of archaea were found: microbes that thrive in a concentrated saline solution and live off the energy that they convert from sunlight. An interesting fact: it turned out that 1 ml of Dead Sea water contains several million of these microbes (at the same time, if there are a lot of them, they give the water a reddish tint due to their pigment). During the rains, when the salinity of the water on the sea surface is slightly diluted, from the pores, the flagellate algae Dunaliella of pink color develops - the pigment protects it from sunlight, and does not die because of the salt does not give a high content of glycerol in the plant, which retains moisture. It is interesting that these algae develop extremely quickly and actively: during the period of "blooming" their number is several tens of thousands per milliliter. True, they live in the Dead Sea for a short time and disappear as soon as the rains stop.

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