"In the shop". Dialogue in German

Conversational German courses You can complete it in 2-3 months from level zero. In this case, you need to follow the right training program and take lessons from an experienced and effective mentor. It is necessary to speak and write in German from the very beginning. Even if these are the simplest sentences, they must be completely independently composed by you.

What skills do you acquire:

  • your language tools and vocabulary should grow;
  • new elements and speech techniques will be added to speech;
  • your sentences will become more and more elegant;

To achieve quick and colossal results, you need to individually work through your mistakes. With each lesson, you will encounter fewer and fewer errors in your speech. This way you will master all the necessary grammar in conversational German lessons in about 1 - 1.5 months.

Conversational German lessons. Free first lesson

I am sure that you are used to achieving such results in a much longer period of time, but these are the real indicators of my students without any exaggeration. In addition to grammar, you need to practice spoken language by communicating with me on various everyday topics, of course, only in German. During the conversation, I point out to you serious mistakes, which we sort out if necessary. At each lesson, you write down many new words that you came across in our “everyday conversation”. You learn them at home.

Conversational German courses at my school

At my school, before taking the conversational German course, you are given the first lesson for free. By completing a full-fledged conversational German course, you will gain 100% confidence in your own abilities and remove the language barrier. Simply put, you will become comfortable communicating in German even with Germans. Words will easily fly out of your mouth, and Germans will look at you with wild surprise when they find out that you have been studying German for only 3 months. Everything written above is not my imagination. These are the real results of my students! Anyone can achieve similar results in such a short time by following my recommendations and exercises. If you want similar results, book a consultation with me. On it I will describe in more detail the program of the conversational German course by lesson, and also test your current level of language and point out your weak points. The first conversational German lesson is free!

Hi all! In this article you will master the dialogue in German “In the store” (in the supermarket and clothing store), and also learn many useful expressions and words related to the topic “Shopping”.

At the same time, if you want to master more conversational and grammatical topics, I recommend my latest (access is temporarily closed), which consists of 9 video lessons. The material in it is selected in such a way that you can study at least 1 of the 4 main modules as part of the Goethe-Institut exam for obtaining the A1 certificate. By the way, you can try your hand at passing the exam online.

Dialogue 1. In the department store (Im Warenhaus/Kaufhaus)

Verkäufer (V.) – seller, Käufer (K.) – buyer

V. I can help you? Kann ich Ihnen helfen?

K. Yes please. I would like to buy a shirt and trousers – Ja, bitte. Ich möchte ein Hemd und eine Hose kaufen

V. We have black and gray trousers and a large range of shirts. Wir haben schwarze und graue Hosen und ein großes Sortiment an Hemden

K. I need black trousers and a white shirt. Ich brauche eine schwarze Hose und ein weißes Hemd

V. What are your sizes? Welche Größen haben Sie?

K. I do not know exactly. Ich weiß genau nicht

V. Let me measure you. Lassen Sie sich messen.

You need a shirt size 36-38, and your trouser length is 48. Sie brauchen ein Hemd von 36 bis 38 Größen und die Länge Ihrer Hose ist 48.

K. I'm trying on these pants and this shirt. Ich probiere diese Hose und dieses Hemd.Where can I try them on? Wo kann ich sie probieren?

V. There on the right you will find the fitting room. Dahin rechts finden Sie eine Umkleidekabine.

K. The pants are tight. Do you have a larger size? Die hose drückt. Haben Sie eine größere?

V. Did these suit you? Und diese haben Ihnen gepasst?

K. Yes thank you. This is my size. Ja, danke. Maßgerecht.

V. What about the shirt? Und das Hemd?

K. The sleeves are too long. Please bring a smaller size. Die Ärmel sind zu lang. Bringen Sie bitte eine kleinere Größe.

V. Unfortunately we do not have white shirts in smaller sizes. Leider haben wir keine weißfarbenen Hemde in kleineren Größen.

K. Okay, I'll take the white one with the gray stripes. Na, gut. Ich nehme ein weißes grau-gestreiftes Hemd.

V. Perhaps you still need ties? Now you can buy branded ties with a 70% discount. Brauchen Sie möglicherweise die Krawatten? Momentan sind die Markenkrawatten mit Preisreduktion von bis zu 70% zu kaufen.

K. Yes, I think I'll take two ties. Ja, ich nehme wohl zwei Krawatten.
How much do I have to pay? Was bin ich Ihnen schuldig?

V. Trousers, a shirt and two ties cost a total of 115 euros. Eine Hose, ein Hemd und zwei Krawatten kosten insgesamt einhundertfünfzehn Euro.

K. 200 euros please. Bitte, zweihundert Euro.

V. Your change is 85 euros. Thank you, come again. Ihr Rest ist fünfundachzig Euro. Danke, kommen Sie wieder.

Dialogue 2. In the supermarket (Im Supermarkt)

Helen (H.), Peter (P.), Verkäufer (V.)

P. What do we need to buy? Was haben wir zu kaufen?

H. From dairy products: a bottle of milk, half a kilo of cheese and two packs of butter. We also need a kilogram of meat for roast, some ham, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers and some fruit. Von Milchprodukten: eine Flasche Milch, ein halbes Kilo Käse und zwei Packungen Butter. Sowie brauchen wir ein Kilo Schweinefleisch für den Braten, ein bißchen Schinken, frische Tomaten und Gurken sowie irgendwelches Obst.

H. Please tell me where dairy products are sold here? Sagen Sie bitte, wo hier die Milchprodukte verkauft werden?

V. Now go right, after the meat department turn left, there you will find the dairy products department. Jetzt gehen Sie rechts, nach der Fleischabteilung biegen Sie links ab, dorthin finden Sie die Milchabteilung.

P. I'm sorry, can you choose cheeses in the dairy department? Entschuldigung, stehen die Käse in der Milchabteilung zur Auswahl?

V. No. There is a separate cheese section here. It is located right next to the bread department. Doch. Es gibt hier eine einzelne Käseabteilung.

H. Can you explain to me why this Gouda cheese is significantly cheaper than other Gouda cheeses? Können Sie mir klären, warum dieser Käse Gauda grundsätzlich billiger ist als ein anderer Gauda?

V. Firstly, these are cheeses from different manufacturers, and secondly, this cheese has good prices now. Erstens, das sind die Käse von verschiedenen Marken, zweitens, für diesen Käse gelten jetzt preisgünstige Angebote.

P. Is this ham fresh? Ist dieser Schinken frisch?

V. Yes. They delivered it this morning. Ja. Er ist heute morgens angeliefert.

P. Please weigh 400 grams of cheese, also half a kilo of ham and cut it. Wiegen Sie bitte vierhundert Gramm Käse sowie ein halbes Kilo Schinken und schneiden Sie ihn in Scheiben.

P. Where is wine sold here? Und wo wird hier Wein verkauft?

V. In the liquor department, next to the tobacco department. In der Spirituosenabteilung, neben der Tabakwarenabteilung.

P. Let's have some more cake. Wollen wir eine Torte nehmen.

H. By the way, we're out of coffee. Therefore, you need to take a can of coffee. Beiläufig ist unser Kaffee zu Ende gegangen. Deswegen müss man sowie eine Kaffeedose kaufen.

H. How much do we have? And please give me one bag. Was sind wir schuldig? Und geben Sie bitte eine Tüte.

Learning the German language is an order of magnitude complex process. To study it, in principle, without any help - experts are clearly sure - will not be easy, but if you try, it is possible. To facilitate this hobby, video sources of information will be invaluable. The collection of techniques is equipped with basic logical lessons, a clear example of its final result, which is essentially an ideal method, especially for beginners. Mainly you need to know the correct interaction of the language itself, with the same language group, individual general subtleties, a common alphabet and the similarity of sound reproductions.

German for beginners

What this training pursues is the acquisition of the latest knowledge and step-by-step implementation of instructions. Taking into account exactly all the given conventions and instructions, rest assured that no time will be lost, and the language itself will be easy to learn at a fast pace. German for beginners for free - one of the easy ways for those who are seriously aimed at learning a well-known foreign language.

It is not uncommon for a person to spend, say, more than three years intensively studying German with a tutor, frantically trying to master the contents of a grammar textbook, and even trying to read Schelling in the original (a real masochist, yes).

At school or even at the university, he was given a strong A for his knowledge of the language, and his relatives, teachers, friends and acquaintances admired him - after all, he was growing up to be a real polyglot.

But everything changed dramatically after such a little man went on vacation to Germany. During breakfast at the hotel, friends asked him to translate the names of some dishes on the menu and place an order.

And then a real failure happened: he coped with the translation easily, but communication with the waiter did not work out at all: the latter simply did not understand our excellent student.

It seems that he addressed him in “human literary German,” but in response he received only a shake of his head and a timid request from the waiter in broken English: “Could you please clarify?”

And since the German switched to the language of international communication in communicating with our “polyglot,” it means that the exemplary student spoke in phrases completely divorced from German everyday life.

It is not at all a fact that such a story will certainly happen to every person who studies Goethe’s language. But certainly people who approach the educational process too formally can most likely feel themselves in the role of such a would-be student.

Tell me, what should a person who takes up learning German first of all learn? That's right, the ability to carry on a conversation. Do not write business letters, filling them with medieval bureaucracy, do not scan the composition on the packages of German pharmaceuticals, and especially do not read Mr. Schelling in the original.

All these things, of course, can be very useful to a narrow circle of people, in particular, linguists writing a dissertation on the topic “Features of the medieval German business language,” writers and pharmacists working in Germany.

You and I, who are not yet so experienced in the knowledge of the German language, must first of all learn to speak with the Germans. On the simplest everyday topics, from retelling the weather forecast to inviting your loved one on a date to your home for sushi.

This is the simplest layer of the language, mastering which requires relatively little time and effort. But we, nevertheless, are frantically struggling to study the intricacies of German grammar and are carried away by cramming words, completely ignoring live communication on topics that are relevant to ordinary Germans.

How can you properly make efforts so that learning spoken German is associated not only with a waste of time and money, but is comprehensive and beneficial? We will briefly talk about this in this article.

1. Burn your German textbooks

We're kidding. Don’t do this, because books are very good and useful. But by definition, you won’t find live communication on the pages of textbooks.

The maximum that you can do after studying another conversational German lesson from a book is to blurt out to a German that your name is Boris, you are 29 years old, you live in Biryulyovo and go to work by bus.

Here you will be taught cliched phrases, the use of which in real life is very limited, will look forced and completely devoid of the “juice” of communication. A normal person is not interested in a robot interlocutor - everyone prefers a lively, healthy and emotional conversation.

But communication will have to be learned elsewhere for one simple reason: books don’t talk. Find yourself another suitable simulator for this purpose. Even more so if you come across an old textbook, in the dialogues of which the people in the pictures still pay in stores with Deutschmarks.

The spoken German language changes from year to year. New phrases quickly come into fashion, and old ones quickly go out of circulation. Moreover, this language is transforming more and more quickly over time - processes such as world globalization and the increase in the speed of life one way or another affect us.

So if you learn colloquial phrases from a textbook, then choose recent editions for this purpose. According to the old standards, it is only possible to train German-speaking grandparents for Russian intelligence. And if you are preparing to study in Germany or work, don’t skimp on buying a brand new book.

One important point - learn to speak in synonyms. When communicating, you should be able to “work around” words, phrases or phrases that you don’t know. To do this, after reading a text or watching a movie, try to briefly retell its content without resorting to a dictionary.

German is a very flexible language and, knowing only 2.5-3 thousand words, you can easily carry on a conversation on almost any topic.

2. Listen and ask your German teacher

This is the first and, up to a certain stage, the main source of assimilation of live spoken language. Listen to him carefully and remember what, when and how he says. Also, communicate with him more often. Ask him questions - the teacher will always correct if something was said incorrectly.

Up to 70% of errors in oral speech can be eliminated this way. It's great if your mentor has lived in Germany for many years or is a native German speaker. Then he will give you the living German language, which the burghers themselves speak.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes during a conversation. Moreover, an adequate teacher will never make harsh comments to you on this matter.

Sometimes people are so busy worrying about the correctness of their grammatical constructions that they have no space left in their minds to carry on an easy and relaxed conversation.

Speak as best you can - you are just learning. And the skill of using the correct tense and the appropriate word order in a German sentence will come with time.

3. Watch films in German and listen to German radio

Let's say you live in Russia and do not have access to living native German speakers. Only to the dead - the works of Hegel, Kant and Schopenhauer are gathering dust on the shelves of the local library and are eagerly waiting for you to finally begin to load your poor head with them.

Leave the old philosophers alone. You need to listen and watch the conversations of ordinary people, and not read the treatises of the best minds of humanity, burdened with complex terms and archaisms. Youth series, talk radio programs or talk shows are excellent for this purpose.

Moreover, if you are already watching a video, then immediately accustom yourself to do it without subtitles. The interlinear language completely kills thinking, and a person very quickly stops perceiving and remembering words and phrases spoken in German, completely switching to the text displayed at the bottom of the image.

Almost every state in Germany has its own dialect. Sometimes it is very different from what is considered to be literary German. While you are not yet very experienced in spoken German, concentrate on just one of them.

Otherwise, a “porridge” will form in your head, and in the understanding of a German, you will sound approximately the same as a ninety-year-old resident of a village located, say, on the border of Russia and Belarus, to the average resident of Moscow.

At the same time, for the aforementioned grandfather to speak such a language would not be at all shameful and very correct. After all, this is a real dialect in which several generations of his ancestors communicated.

But in our case, things are completely different. A mixture of regional dialects will be nothing more than a surzhik that a person “earned” due to an incorrectly organized process of learning the German language.

As your knowledge of German improves, you will learn to distinguish between these dialects, and then perhaps even speak each of them. But this process must be natural. You shouldn’t forcefully push two or three German dialects into yourself at once.

4. Travel around Germany

The best way to learn to speak like a German is to start living like one. To do this you need to spend as much time as possible in Germany. You can just relax there, go to study or go to work. One way or another, you will constantly interact with native speakers, read signs, newspapers, magazines, listen, and soon even think in German.

At the same time, while in Germany, do not limit yourself to communicating only with Russian-speaking people. Yes, our people abroad behave in much the same way as residents of the Far Eastern countries.

The Chinese, for example, almost always settle nearby in the same area, establishing their own “corner of culture” in the new country. In this case, you don’t need to be like them.

After all, by communicating only with Russians and surrounding yourself with our cultural egregor, you will not learn German. At best, you will only think that you are studying it. We have met many Germans who, after a year or even two years of living in Germany, have not made much progress in mastering German.

Once upon a time there lived a Russian husband and wife in Germany. The head of the family in this country worked, and the wife did household chores and took care of the child. A year and a half after returning home, it turned out that she had made very little progress in learning German, unlike her husband.

After all, the spouse, on duty, had to “fight” with the local society and interact with it in every possible way. While the wife’s social circle was mainly limited to her husband, son, and store clerks.

At home, she also surfed the Russian Internet and watched domestic TV. When asked what prevented her from getting out of the “cocoon” of her home and making German friends, she answered: shyness.

Yes, this is a very strong barrier that can stand in your way of learning German. If you want to learn to speak German well, first you may need to “pump up” your communication skills in real life, even in your native Russian. You simply have no other choice. If you don’t try to speak, then you will never learn.

To master the skills of writing, reading, listening, and communicating in German, you need to write, read, listen, and speak as much as possible. This is the most important secret, and all the other tips stated above are only its derivatives.

After all, think about it, even with a small child, so that he can speak as quickly as possible, they try to socialize more and more often. The same thing happens with adults.

The skill of speaking German is created by developing new neural connections in our brain. This requires constant training and, of course, a certain amount of time.

For some, it will take a year and a half to start communicating with a German on equal terms, while for others, perhaps a few months will be enough. It all depends on how sociable a person is and how open he is to people, as well as to the reality around him.

Although in our society excessive talkativeness is usually considered a vice, in this case it will only be a plus. At the Elena Reicherd German Language Center, the development of oral communication skills is given due attention.

Learning German with us is easy, relaxed and interesting, and you can seriously improve your communication skills quite quickly. Try it yourself - all you need to do is sign up for

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