Vologda grandmother's library. Vologda Regional Scientific Library named after

The Vologda Regional Universal Scientific Library is the largest public library in the region, a regional information and cultural center that provides the population with access to domestic and world information resources.

The official opening of the library took place on February 9, 1919: only 1.5 thousand books were provided for the services of readers, but the intensive work of librarians allowed readers to use the fund, consisting of 15 thousand volumes, in six months. During the first year of operation, 2608 people signed up for the library.

From the moment of organization, the library begins to engage in methodological work, becomes a library of provincial significance. Since 1923, the functions of the central library have been entrusted to it. City and county libraries seek help here. To serve the rural population, a mobile fund is being formed in the library. In 1937, the department of interlibrary reader services was opened. In 1938 the library was reorganized into a regional one.

During the Great Patriotic War, VOUNB continued to work with readers: it served evacuation hospitals, ambulance trains, and defense enterprises. In the postwar years, the library remains a major cultural, organizational and methodological center.

In January 1964, the library was named after IV Babushkin. The model charter of regional libraries approves it as a state scientific library of a universal profile.

In May 2009, the All-Russian Library Congress was held here with the participation of more than 700 people. The guest of honor was the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Alexander Avdeev. In 2014, the regional library celebrated its 95th anniversary.

The regional universal scientific library introduced the service of providing access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin, the service of issuing electronic books from the collection of the LitRes electronic library, online ordering of electronic copies of documents and compiling thematic lists of references, contextual search in the full-text electronic library, which provides the ability to quickly select data in large volumes of information, six new full-text electronic resources have been created , project "Library in 3D".

In 2014, the Center for Automated Book Lending was created in the regional universal scientific library with the introduction of an electronic library card. The project was implemented as a result of attracting federal funds from the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Culture and Tourism" by the Department of Federal Funds, as well as the victory of the library in the All-Russian competition "Optimization of Library Activities Based on New Technologies".

The library is purposefully working to support the high status of books and reading: it organizes festivals, competitions (“Vologda Reading”, “Vologda Book of the Year”, etc.), exhibitions, meetings with writers.

Library workers have repeatedly won the regional competition "Star Lace of the North". In 2007, a group of specialists was awarded the State Prize of the Vologda Oblast for educational activities, in 2012 - for participation in the project "Collected Works of Vasily Belov".

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In the 1930s, the library actively served the readers of the city, industrial enterprises, promoted the Stakhanovite movement. With conversations, reviews, book shifts, librarians go to work collectives. In 1938, the library was reorganized into a regional one in connection with the formation of the Vologda Oblast; by that time, its fund amounted to 14.5 thousand volumes.
During the Great Patriotic War, the library continued to work with readers. Selected literature on the education of patriotism, hatred of the enemy, military equipment. The library serves evacuation hospitals, ambulance trains, defense enterprises, and mobilization points. I had to help collective farms, work in logging. Part of the employees' earnings is transferred to the defense fund. Several library workers volunteered for the front. During the years of the war, librarians collected funds for 62 libraries in the liberated regions, and 37,000 books were handed over. In total, 435,000 readers visited the library during the war years, and 997,000 books were issued to them.
In the postwar years, the library becomes a major cultural, organizational and methodological center of the region's libraries.
On December 24, 1963, the grand opening of the new building took place. The library is named after V. I. Lenin's colleague I. V. Babushkin. The model charter of regional libraries approves it as a state scientific library of a universal profile.
In the new building, sectoral reader services were organized, carried out in 6 specialized departments, now there are 16 different departments and sectors.
Today the Vologda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after V.I. I. V. Babushkina serves about 50,000 readers a year, taking up to 1,500 people a day.
The fund includes 1,300,000 copies of domestic and foreign printed publications, an extensive collection of patents and GOSTs, as well as phonograph records, CDs, CD-ROMs, video and audio cassettes, CDs, mp3, mp4, DVDs, rare books (about 100 thousand copies). volumes, ranging from the 16th to the 20th centuries), a fund of local history documents, etc.
The American Hall of the Vologda Regional Scientific Library is a small part of a larger project by the US Department of State and the American Embassy in Russia to create American centers, corners and halls throughout Russia. The goal of the project is to make available to the Russian reader relevant and sufficiently broad information about the United States and various aspects of the life of this country. The American Hall provides information in printed and electronic format, as well as on-line, it is located in the same room with the Internet class, working under the patronage of the American non-profit organization Project Harmony, and users here also get access to Internet resources.
Any person, whether he is registered in the library or not, can come to the information and service center located on the first floor of the main building and work out on a computer, get help or order information search on the Internet, work in Word, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, FineReader, refer to the resources of the World Wide Web.
Employees of the department provide assistance and advice in case of difficulties in work. Free access to the legal bases "Garant" and "Consultant +" is provided. In these bases, one can find normative documents on all branches of law (laws, decrees, resolutions, etc.), both the newest and those from previous years. The databases contain not only federal legislative acts, but also the legislation of the Vologda Oblast and the city of Vologda. You can burn information on a CD, print the text, use the service of free access to the Rubricon electronic encyclopedia.

Vologda Regional Youth Library named after V.F. Tendryakova - youth library in Vologda. The book fund of the library is more than 121 thousand volumes, the electronic catalog - 54 thousand records.

The library was founded in Vologda on January 12, 1939. At first, it occupied the first floor of an old building of the 19th century on Pobedy Avenue, 9. And in 1976, the library was given the status of a regional one, in connection with this, new departments appeared, and the staff increased. In the 1970s, youth departments and groups were created in the district and city libraries of the Vologda Oblast.

In 1985, the library was named after the writer Tendryakov. He is from Vologda and wrote a lot about the problems of youth.

The library works on several programs, holds various themed evenings.

Vologda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after I. V. Babushkin

Vologda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after IV Babushkin has a long history. Once it was called the Soviet Public Library, it was opened on February 9, 1919 in the former building of the Noble Assembly, now it is Lermontov Street, 21. The library fund was formed due to the nationalization of libraries from noble estates, the libraries of the Vologda Theological Seminary and the Vologda Provincial Men's Gymnasium. The townspeople also brought books from their personal libraries.

Separate copies of books were sent to Vologda from the Totem Spaso-Sumorin Monastery, from the library of the Veliky Ustyug Seminary, the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery (Veliky Ustyug), local church parishes, the gendarmerie administration, and also from Petrograd. By the time of its opening, the stock of the Public Library consisted of about one and a half thousand volumes.

In 1964, the library was named after fellow revolutionary Ivan Vasilyevich Babushkin. And at the same time, the library receives the status of a state scientific library of a universal profile.

Today, the library operates both in real and virtual mode, it also houses a center that teaches computer literacy. The library has various scientific societies.

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