Here it is a series of coffin steps analysis. Liquid glass for cars reviews price where to buy

He pointed out to the sailors the rapids,
Tousled the flag in the skies.

There the last lantern was lit,
Illuminating the mysterious pier.
There the ship towered like a king,
And yesterday he went to the ocean.

Slightly grayed his sails,
Taking the celebration to the ocean.
I dutifully looked into the sky,
Where She wasted mist.

I saw Looking into the firmament -
With an unearthly outline of hands.
From a distance I saw Death,
Raised a painful sound.

"At the hour when daffodils get drunk..."

At the hour when daffodils get drunk,
And the theater at sunset
In the penumbra of the last wings
Someone goes to sigh for me...

Harlequin, who forgot about the role?
Are you my quiet doe?
The breeze that brings from the field
A breath of light tribute?

I, the buffoon, at the shining ramp
I emerge through an open hatch.
This is the abyss looking through the lamps
An insatiable greedy spider.

And while the daffodils get drunk,
I grimace, spinning and ringing ...
But in the shadow of the last backstage
Someone is crying, pitying me.

Gentle friend with blue mist,
Lulled by the swing of dreams.
Lonely clinging to the wounds
Light scent of flowers.

"I live in deep peace..."

I live in deep peace.
I dig graves for roots during the day.
But on a foggy evening - there are two of us.
I'm alone with the Other at night.

Ordinary - at the entrance to the canopy,
Where my images shimmer
The forehead is covered with shadows of plants.
Slightly dim in the shadow of the eye.

Armor is silvering from the corner,
Letting out a mournful creak.
In the distant halls - winged dialect
Those with whom I lived and with whom I died.

Lonely - at the end of the string -
I am the last muscle of the earth.
The dark-faced will not open his mouth,
As if waiting for everyone to pass.

Crushing funeral sounds
Uniformly creepy hours
He lifts up his heavy hands
That hang like loops of centuries.

Will heavy armor creak?
Or is their coffin, like my fear, empty?
Or He will blow a hoarse sound
Into this horn from stinking lips?

Or am I, like a two-horned month,
Only a miserable dream of silver,
What did you dream about on a long road
All powerless to meet the dawn?

“Here it is - a series of coffin steps ...”

Here it is - a series of coffin steps.
And between us - no one. We are together.
Sleep you, gentle companion of days,
Filled with an unprecedented ray.

You rest in a white coffin.
You call with a smile: do not wake.
Golden strands on the forehead.
Golden badge on the chest.

I celebrated a bright death
Touching the wax hand
The rest is a bottomless expanse
Buried in the blue mist.

Sleep - no one will interrupt your rest
We are the edge of unknown roads.
All through the rainy night
Here the radiant hall burns.

“Eternity threw into the city…”

Eternity thrown into the city
Tin sunset.
The edge of heaven,
The alleys are buzzing.

All the impotence of divination
On my shoulders.
In the windows of factories - legends
About wild nights.

Tin roofs -
All insane asylum.
To this city of trade
Heaven won't come down.

This air is so hollow
So tempting deception.
Take away, lane,
In a smoky haze...

"City in the Red Limits..."

City in red limits
The dead face turned,
Gray stone body
Drenched in the blood of the sun.

Factory walls, window glass,
Dirty red coat
flowing curl -
Everything is full of sunset.

Sparkling manes shine
Golden as heat, horses,
Mad divas rush
Greedy cloud breasts

Red janitor splashing buckets
With drunken scarlet water,
Flaming hips dance
prostitutes of the square,

And on the bell tower
In a booming dance and copper tongue
It seems the bell is wide
Bloody tongue.

“I clutch my crutch with a plaintive hand…”

I clutch my crutch with a plaintive hand.
My friend - in love with the moon - lives by her deceit.
Here is the third one on the way. Oh my dear friend, are you
In a crumpled cap over a pewter gaze?

And - three of us wander. There are layers of dust.
Everything is empty - here and there - under the relentless heat.
Fences - like a coffin. Rotten in the ditches.
Everything, everything is buried in the deserted cursed.

We knock. Sadness in the houses. The dead in coffins.
We timidly whisper at the door: “Not dead - sleeping
your loved one…”
But the old one, in a cap, wrinkling her low forehead,
Screaming: "Go away! Don't insult the ashes!"

“Sings, blushing, copper. Above the mountain…

Sings, blushing, copper. Over the mountain
I stand - and the dwarf serves me:
A bent dwarf in a black dress,
Which appeared to me in a dream.

A little came true - too much
And I melt copper into the coffin.
I opened my own way
Unable to overcome the heat.

Decorated with the last procession,


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