Classes in the preparatory group for Cosmonautics Day. Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Journey into deep space”

Irina Ivasenko

Subject: « Cosmonautics Day»

Target: formation of ideas about the holiday "Day astronautics» , elementary ideas about space, about the first flight in space.

Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about space flights: introduce Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics-K. E. Tsialkovsky, S. P. Korolev. Strengthen children's knowledge of what comes first astronaut was a citizen of Russia Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Develop memory, speech, observation, logical thinking, interest in learning about the world around us.

Enrich children's vocabulary with new terms and concepts: weightlessness, gravity, satellite, etc.

To foster patriotic feelings, pride for our country, for the heroic pilots - astronauts who conquered Space.

Progress of the lesson

-Teacher: Today, guys, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day.

(April 12, 1961 for the first time in the world in man flew into space. It was Russian astronaut.)

What's his name? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

Educator: Since ancient times, man dreamed of rising to the sky, and he realized his dream. This is how balloons, airplanes, and helicopters appeared. But your great-great-grandfathers could not even imagine that you could fly to space. And now there are people who fly there to work.

What are they called?

Children: They are called astronauts.

Who are they astronauts? (Children's answers)

Pilots are called astronauts who manage spaceships. Astronauts also called crew members who conduct research on board spaceship.

Why do you think the person wanted to fly to space? (Children's answers)

What helps scientists observe the starry sky? (Children's answers)

Scientists have come up with special instruments - telescopes - to observe the starry sky.

What could they see through telescopes? (Children's answers) show slides and illustrations.

They could see other planets

What planets do you know? (Children's answers)

Moon, Mars, Venus and other planets. People really wanted to know if there was life on other planets. And if there is, who lives there? Are these living creatures similar to humans? But to find out, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes are not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away.

And what did the scientists come up with? (Rockets, spaceships)

Who was the first in Russia to invent a rocket? (Konstantin Eduardovich Tsialkovsky) showing a portrait.

(There lived a simple teacher in the city of Kaluga Konstantin Eduardovich Tsialkovsky. He loved to watch the stars through a telescope, studied them, and he really wanted to fly to these planets. And he conceived construct such a flying machine that could fly to some planet. He made drawings, carried out calculations and came up with such an aircraft. But, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to make such an aircraft.)

Who made such an aircraft anyway? (Children's answers - Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (portrait showing)-scientist- constructor, who after many, many years was able construct and make the first space satellite., We were the first to fly on a rocket to space and back two dogs - Belka and Strelka. But they could not tell about their journey, and in man went into space.)

First flight in Our cosmonaut made it into space- Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. An ordinary Russian guy. We are proud to be in space OUR Russian man flew first. (Slide show). Before joining the squad astronauts served as a fighter pilot in the aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet. What do you think Gagarin had to do to become astronaut?

Children: Do a lot of sports.

Educator: That's right guys, what to become astronaut, Yuri Gagarin had to do exercises. But not morning exercises, as we do in kindergarten, he swam and ran for several kilometers in a special suit with weights. I swam for several hours in a diver's suit and spun in a centrifuge. Who knows what a centrifuge is and who tolerates it better?

Children: testing apparatus for astronauts, but a person who does not feel dizzy can be in it.

Educator: That's right guys, this is a test apparatus. Thanks to this device, doctors determine whether astronaut fly into space whether it can withstand loads in zero gravity. And people who rode on swings as children and did not feel dizzy can be in a centrifuge. (Show the centrifuge on the slide). First of all, have astronauts must be in good health. After all, working conditions are more difficult than those astronauts, not found in any other profession. During takeoff and landing astronauts experience severe overload.

What is overload? (Children's guess)

Overload is when the body is faced with loads that not everyone can withstand. For example, when a rocket takes off and when it lands, the body of the one who is in spaceship, becomes very heavy, and it is impossible to lift your arms and legs. But then, when space the ship ends up in space, the body becomes light as feathers and people fly around the ship like feathers.

What is this condition called? space? (State of weightlessness.)

Educator: Do you want to go on a flight? Before the flight, we will do some exercises astronauts?

Children: Yes!

Educator: We sit on chairs in lines of 4 people and begin our exercises astronauts!

Phys. just a minute: 1. Zero gravity on the stomach - guys, now you and I lie down on the chairs with our stomachs and raise our legs and arms. Repeat after me, we lift and fly. Following exercise:

2. Flight in zero gravity on your back - guys lie on your back and raise your legs and arms up. We move them left and right at the same time. Let's imagine, guys, that we are in the open space and fly. Following exercise:

3. Magnetic boots: and now guys get up from their chairs and put on their shoes astronauts. Boots astronauts are very heavy, so take your time and repeat after me. Raise your right leg and lower it. We raise our left leg and lower it. Now let's take 2 steps forward, one, two. Well done, now take 2 steps back, one, two. What heavy boots? Did you all manage?

Children: Yes all!

Educator: Well done astronauts prepared for flight. Do you know what they fly on? astronauts?

Children: on space rockets!

Yuri Gagarin flew to space on a rocket.

A simple example can illustrate the principle of rocket flight. You need to inflate the balloon and pinch the hole with your fingers. And then unclench your fingers and our ball will suddenly burst upward. This happens because air escapes from the balloon. And when the air runs out, the ball will fall. Our ball flew like a rocket - it moved forward as long as there was air in it.

This is roughly the same principle that a rocket flies towards. space. Only instead of air it has fuel. When burning, the fuel turns into gas and bursts back into flame.

A rocket is made of several parts called stages, and each stage has its own fuel tank.

The first stage runs out of fuel - it falls away, and the second stage engine immediately turns on and carries the rocket even faster and even higher. So up space Only the third stage is reached - the smallest and easiest. She launches the cabin into orbit with astronaut. After Yuri Gagarin Hundreds of astronauts have flown into space.

Educator: Who knows what the food is in? astronauts?

Children: food ! (Slide show).

Educator: that's right, food astronauts are in tubes, otherwise astronauts they would chase around the ship, either for bread or for juice, in a state of weightlessness.

Educator: who knows what the special protective suit is called? astronaut and his headdress?

Children: The suit is called a spacesuit, and the headdress is a helmet.

Educator: That's right, a spacesuit and a helmet. (Slide show).

What are they for?

Children: to go out space.

Educator: correct to go out safely space. What is a helmet for? space?

Children: to the astronaut could breathe.

Educator: correct to an astronaut in outer space could breathe. (Slide show) And there are 2 spacesuits species: in one an astronaut goes into outer space - he is white. And in the second it is in spaceship.

Educator: Guys, do you know what the window in the rocket is called?

Children: The window in a rocket is called a porthole!

Educator: That's right guys, porthole, let's repeat it all together - porthole. If you and I look out the window, what can we see?

Children: planets, moon, comets, satellites, sun.

Educator: Who can tell what it is called, the only satellite of planet Earth). (Slide show).

Children: The satellite of our planet Earth is called the Moon!

Educator: Correct – Moon. And on the Moon the force of gravity is very weak. Therefore, you and I will flutter on it like feathers. The same ease of flight will be on Pluto. And Jupiter has the greatest gravity.

Educator: When did flights begin? space, I had to think about where to live astronauts so as not to waste too much time on the road to your place of work.

First, our scientists built MIR space station, and then it was replaced by the more modern International Space Station(ISS). They live and work on it for a long time (doing research space) astronauts from different countries.

And in 1965, Alexei Leonov stepped out of a rocket into the open for the first time space. Dressed in a spacesuit, he hung next to the ship in empty space for several minutes.

Everyone knows what a robot is. So, in space robots often work. Only they don’t look like people, but like mysterious metal machines entangled in wires and sensors.

Such robots help people explore planets. For example, robots were able to take a handful of soil from the Moon and bring it to Earth for research.

Robotic machines have visited Venus, penetrating its toxic clouds, and now scientists have maps of the planet.

Soon, robotic lunar rovers were launched to the Moon, traveling on the surface of the Moon and transmitting data to Earth.

And now hundreds of robotic satellites are flying around our Earth. They transmit weather information to the ground and monitor the movement of ships in the ocean.

All the guys love to watch TV and talk on the phone. But it is satellites that transmit our telephone conversations and television broadcasts. How?

You can see huge dishes on the roofs of houses - these are antennas that receive signals from the satellite and transmit them to the device and to the TV.

There are nine planets in our solar system, which are located in such ok: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. In order to remember the order of the planets, you can memorize a phrase in which the first letter of each word is the first letter of the name planets:

The little bear ate the ham, ate the raspberries, and the nimble gopher stole the penknife.

(repetition and memorization of phrases and names of planets).

Maybe some of you will too astronaut or designer rockets and will invent a rocket in which people will not experience such overloads as they are experiencing now astronauts, and will glorify our Motherland.

Our work on the topic " Space"

Matsalo Galina Alekseevna, teacher, MBDOU kindergarten No. 92, Taganrog

Age group: preparatory
Topic: “Cosmonautics Day”.

Developmental task: Reinforce children's lessons about the fact that the first cosmonaut was Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin.

Learning task: Expand children's understanding of space flights; to introduce Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics -
K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev.

Educational task: To cultivate pride in our Motherland, for its achievements in science, for the heroism of the Russian people.

I tell the children riddles.

1 .Miracle bird, scarlet tail

Flew into a flock of stars (rocket).

  1. Peas are scattered across the dark sky

Colored caramel from sugar crumbs

And only when the morning comes,

All the caramel will suddenly melt. (stars)

  1. 3 . In space through the thicket of years

An icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is... (comet)

“Guys, have you guessed what we’re going to talk about today?”(about space, about astronauts...)

- Why is this holiday called that?(this is a holiday not only for astronauts, but also for those who participate in the development, construction and testing of space rockets, satellites, and all space technology

—Who are astronauts?(in order for the first man to ascend into space, artificial satellites, lunar and interplanetary automatic stations were sent there. And then only people appeared in space orbits. They began to be called cosmonauts.)

— Why do you think a person wanted to fly into space?

The man looked at the starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were, why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special instruments - telescopes (illustration), and while observing the starry sky, they learned that besides the Earth there are other planets - some smaller, others larger.

— Do you know other planets?

Game - counting “Get in order...”

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to any child, keeps count, and the children name the planets)

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Guys, take your seats.

Parade of planets.

We have fixed the names of all the planets, and now I want to check how you recognize the planet by its description. Whoever names the planet comes out and takes a ribbon with the correct number. (children perform movements to the music)

— The closest planet to the sun. It is rocky. (Mercury)

— Covered with a layer of clouds. The sizzling heat reigns here. (Venus)

— There is water, oxygen, plants, animals. (Earth)

— There are 4 seasons, covered with red sands. (Mars)

— The largest planet in the solar system. All the planets could fit on it. (Jupiter)

— Consists of liquid and gas. Known for its rings. (Saturn)

- “lying planet” (Uranus)

- Cold and blue. The strongest winds on the planet. (Neptune)

The farthest planet. It is also called “dwarf.” (Pluto)

People wanted to know if there was life on other planets. And if there is, who lives there? Are these living creatures similar to people? But to find out about this, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away. And then scientists came up with rockets.

There lived a simple teacher in the city of Kaluga, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (illustration). He loved to watch the stars through a telescope, studied them, and he really wanted to fly to distant planets.

He decided to design an aircraft that could fly to
some planet. He carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft.

But, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to build this aircraft.

And only many, many years later, another scientist-designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite, in which who first flew around the earth? (dogs Belka and Strelka). This happened on August 20, 1960, after a day-long flight they were returned to earth in an ejection capsule and became world celebrities.

And under the leadership of S.P. Korolev designed a rocket in which on April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, a man flew into space.

What is the name of this person? Who was the first astronaut? (Yu.A. Gagarin)

After Gagarin's flight, many cosmonauts visited space, including women.

— Who knows the names of female astronauts?(Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya - What do you think an astronaut should be like?

— First of all, an astronaut must have good health, he must be strong and resilient, because during a space flight a person experiences enormous overloads.

Physical exercise.

One - two, there is a rocket (children raise their hands up)

Three or four, takeoff soon. (spread arms to the sides)

To fly to the sun (circle with arms)

Astronauts need a year. (takes hands to cheeks, shakes head)

But on the road we are not afraid (arms to the sides, body tilt to the right, left)

Each of us is an athlete (bend arms at elbows)

Flying over the ground (spread arms to the side)

Let's say hello to her (raise hands up and wave)

- What is overload?

Overload– This is a condition when the body is faced with loads that not everyone can withstand.

For example, when a rocket takes off and when it lands, the body of the person in the spaceship becomes very heavy, and the arms and legs cannot be lifted. But, when the spaceship ends up in space, the body becomes light. Like fluff and people fly around the ship like feathers.

—What are states in space called?(state of weightlessness).

— Do you know what astronauts’ food is in?(in tubes, otherwise the astronauts would be chasing around the entire ship, either for bread or for juice). You see how difficult it was for the first cosmonaut.

- Why do we say that an astronaut must be fearless?

Previously, people had never flown into space and did not know what they could encounter there. After all, there could be some kind of malfunction in the rocket. Therefore, astronauts must know very well how the rocket works in order to fix problems. The astronauts could collide with other aircraft - after all, no one knew whether there was life on other planets.

Game “Which astronaut is doing what”!

Children stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other. At the beginning they say words that answer the question: what kind of astronaut. At the teacher’s signal (clap hands), words are spoken that answer the question: “What is he doing?”

The return of the cosmonauts is awaited not only by their families, but also by the entire nation. And everyone is happy. When they land safely.

Therefore, when Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time, all our people followed this flight,

Everyone was worried about the first cosmonaut. And when he landed safely, the whole country rejoiced. In Moscow, people gathered in the center on Red Square and the celebration continued until late in the evening. They shouted “Hurray! Gagarin!”, “Glory to our Motherland!”

The work of the astronaut was appreciated by our country: all cosmonauts were awarded high awards.

Maybe one of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer and invent a rocket in which people will not experience the same overloads that astronauts are experiencing now. And glorify our Motherland.

Every nation has people who glorified their country, their Motherland, and we are proud that in our country Russia there are such wonderful people.

Summing up the lesson.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Cosmonautics Day”
Goals: to expand children's understanding of space flights; introduce to Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics - K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev; consolidate children's knowledge that the first cosmonaut was a Russian - Yu. A. Gagarin; bring children to the understanding that only a healthy, educated, persistent and fearless person can be an astronaut; to instill in children pride in their country, love for their Motherland.
Equipment: portraits of K. Tsiolkovsky, S. Korolev, Yu. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova; projector; multimedia presentation.
Progress of the lesson.
Educator: Guys, you all know that on April 12 our whole country celebrates a holiday - Cosmonautics Day. Today, of course, we will talk very briefly about how people began to explore outer space and why on April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day.
Since ancient times, the mysterious world of planets and stars has attracted the attention of people, attracting them with its mystery and beauty.
Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars.
Several thousand years have passed since then. People learned to build ships and, having traveled around the world, learned that the Earth is a ball. And astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space.
- Guys, tell me, who flies into space?
Children: astronauts fly into space.
Educator: Who are astronauts? Children: These are the people who fly into outer space on rockets.
Educator: Why do you think people wanted to fly into space?
Children: People were interested in finding out what was on other planets, exploring space, etc.
Educator: That's right, guys. The man looked at the starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were, why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special instruments - telescopes and, observing the starry sky, they learned that besides the Earth there are other planets - some smaller, others larger.
- Guys, what planets do you know?
Children: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
Educator: Well done, guys.
But people were interested not only in the stars, they were also interested in whether there is life on other planets? And if there is, who lives there? Are living things similar to people? But to find out about this, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this. Because the planets were very far away. And then scientists came up with rockets.
The world's first rocket was invented by a Russian scientist, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. He lived in the city of Kaluga and worked as a teacher at school, teaching mathematics and physics. Konstantin Eduardovich loved to watch the stars through a telescope, studied them and dreamed of flying to them.
He decided to design a flying machine that could fly to the planets. The scientist carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with an aircraft that could fly beyond the Earth. But, unfortunately, he did not have such an opportunity. And only many years later, another Russian scientist, S.P. Korolev, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite. These two men laid the foundation for space exploration.
In 1955, a decision was made to build a launch pad for space rockets. It was in Kazakhstan, far from large populated areas. The location of the cosmodrome is Baikonur.
On October 4, 1957, the first Earth satellite was launched.
On November 3, 1957, the second satellite was launched, in its cabin was the dog Laika, equipped with everything necessary for life.
On August 20, 1960, the spacecraft was launched, carrying the dogs Belka and Strelka.
- Guys, who knows the first cosmonaut on Earth?
Children: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.
Educator: That's right, guys. On April 12, Russian citizen Yu. A. Gagarin made the world's first flight into space. He became the world's first astronaut to fly into space. Therefore, April 12 has become a great national holiday in honor of cosmonauts and all workers who work on the creation of space rockets and ships.
Gagarin's flight in space lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. During this time, he circled our Earth and then returned back.
After Yu. A. Gagarin's flight, many cosmonauts visited space, including women. The world's first female cosmonaut is Valentina Tereshkova.
Many cosmonauts have flown into space more than once. Now there are joint flights of cosmonauts from different countries. The work of astronauts is very dangerous.
- Guys, what qualities do you think an astronaut should have?
Children: perseverance, determination, responsibility, courage, hard work.
Educator: That's right, guys. You named many qualities that an astronaut should have. The work of our cosmonauts was appreciated by our country: all cosmonauts were awarded high awards.
And now, I want to check how attentive you were during class. There is a starry sky in front of you. Each star has a question written on it that must be answered correctly. I wish you good luck.
(Children, one by one, approach the “Starry Sky” poster and tear off a star. Read the question and answer it.) Questions:
1. Who was the first to fly into space?
2. Name the first woman to go into space.
3. When do we celebrate Cosmonautics Day?
4. The place where space rockets are launched from?
5. A person flying into space?
6. A spotting scope for studying stars and planets?
7. What is the name of an astronaut's clothing?
8. Who flew into space before Yu. A. Gagarin?
9. Celestial body that revolves around the Sun?
10. How many planets are there in the solar system?
Educator: Well done, guys, you answered all the questions. And the last task: a team of girls and a team of boys must build a rocket using gymnastic sticks. Let's use a counting rhyme to choose team commanders:
All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
Educator: what wonderful rockets you made. Maybe one of you will also become an astronaut, or a rocket designer and glorify our Motherland.

Attached files


  • Clarify children's knowledge about the first astronaut to fly into space; consolidate children’s ideas about outer space and the planets of the solar system; introduce the history of the spacecraft.
  • Develop memory, creative imagination, fantasy, logical and imaginative thinking, resourcefulness. Strengthen the ability to follow the teacher’s instructions and the skills of working in teams.
  • To foster a sense of pride in our great country, which was the first to send a man into space.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: guys, how many of you know what holiday the whole country is celebrating today?

Children: Cosmonautics Day.
Educator: Well done, right, but how many of you know who the astronauts are?

Children: astronauts are people who fly into space on spaceships.

Educator: That's right, on April 12, 1961, our cosmonaut made the world's first space flight.

Educator: Guys, do you know the name of this astronaut?

Children: yes. Yu.A. Gagarin.

Educator: that's right, well done, when Yu. Gagarin flew into space, the whole country followed his flight, all the people were very worried at first, and then rejoiced when he successfully landed, flying around the Earth on the Vostok spaceship. They went out onto the city streets and celebrated. We are all proud that it was a Russian citizen who was the first in the world to go into space.

Guys, do you want to go on a space journey?

Educator: what can you and I fly into space on?

Children: on a spaceship.
Educator: That's right, do you know when the spaceship was first invented?

Children: no.

Educator: are you interested in finding out?
Children: yes.

Educator: a very long time ago, almost 100 years ago, a simple teacher Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky lived in the city of Kaluga. He loved to watch the stars through a telescope and studied them. And then one day he wanted to build a flying machine that could fly to some planet.

Tsiolkovsky carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with an aircraft. Unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to build it. But he talked about it in his books.

Many years after Tsiolkovsky’s experiments, Russian scientists, under the leadership of designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, manufactured the first space satellite. They installed instruments on it and launched it into outer space.

Later, scientists decided to repeat the flight, but with animals on board - these were dogs - Belka and Strelka. They returned safely to earth. And then scientists decided to fulfill their dream - to send a man into space. On April 12, 1961, this dream came true.

Well, you and I have our own magical spaceship.

(There are chairs in a semicircle on the carpet.)

I suggest you all take your places on our ship.

Physical exercise.

We're kicking, stomping,
We clap-clap our hands,
And then jump and jump
And one more time.
And then squat down,
And then squat down,
And then squat down,
And again - in order.
We'll run along the path
One two Three!
And let's clap our hands
One two Three!
And we'll shake our heads
One two Three!
And we came to the rocket
One two Three!

As the physical exercise progresses, children walk onto the carpet to the “spaceship.”

And so everyone sat down, got ready, and started the launch.

All together: five, four, three, two, one, start!

Educator: guys, we are flying in space, look out the window, what does our planet Earth look like?
Children; it has the shape of a ball, colored blue and green: blue is seas, rivers, oceans; and green is land (continents).

Educator: children, what else do we see in space?

Children: sun.

Educator: That’s right, there is a sun in space - it’s a huge ball of hot gases, all the planets revolve around it. The sun itself and everything that revolves around it is called the solar system. The Sun attracts everything to itself within a radius of up to 6000 million km. using gravity (gravity). Gravity holds the planets in near solar orbits, and each planet moves strictly in its own orbit. Children, do you know how many planets there are in our solar system?

Educator: list them.

Children: the planet closest to the sun is Mercury, then Venus, in third place from the sun is our planet Earth, then Mars, then Jupiter, the next planet is Saturn, then Uranus, Neptune and the planet farthest from the sun - Pluto.

Educator: children, on what planets does life exist?

Children: only on our planet Earth are favorable conditions for human life and only here does life exist.

Educator: Well done, you are absolutely right. And so, the first stop on our space journey on the planet is Mercury. The teacher takes out an envelope with a letter. Children, look, I found a letter that aliens left for us.

“Dear children, if you want to continue your journey through space, you need to complete our task.”

Game "Third Man".

1. Mars, Jupiter, astronaut.

2. Spaceship, astronaut, sun.

3. Uranus, Neptune, sun.

4. Rocket, satellite, motorcycle.

5. Sun, stars, Africa.

6. Lunokhod, space station, boat.

7. Comet, meteorite, globe.

Educator: we have completed this task and are moving on.

Our next stop is on the planet Venus. And so we leave our ship.

Physical exercise.

There lived an astrologer on the moon - (“Looking” through a telescope)

He kept track of the planets: (Point to the sky with his hand)

Mercury - once, (Describe a circle with your hands)

Venus-two-s, (Cotton)

Three - earth, four - Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, (Tilt right-left)

Seven - Uranus, eight - Neptune, (Lean forward, bend back)

If you don't see it, get out! (Spread your arms to the sides)

Well, are you ready to fly?

Educator: then we’ll fly with you to the next planet - Mars. And here she is, and here the aliens also left us a letter with a task.

“Guys, help us solve the riddles.”

A man sits in a rocket.
He flies boldly into the sky,
And at us in his spacesuit
He's looking from space.

Children: astronaut

There are no wings, but this bird
It will fly and land on the moon.

Children: Lunokhod

Wonder bird - scarlet tail
Arrived in a flock of stars.

Children: rocket

Alone in the sky at night
Golden orange.
Two weeks have passed
We didn't eat the orange
But only remained in the sky
Orange slice.

Children: moon, month

Which path has no man ever been on?

Children: milky way

Peas are scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel made from sugar crumbs,
And only when the morning comes,
All the caramel will suddenly melt.

Children: stars

From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but just look at it?

Children: Ursa Major or Ursa Minor.

A yellow plate hangs in the sky.
The yellow plate gives everyone warmth.

Children: sun

Educator: Well done, we have solved all the riddles and we can continue our journey to the planet Jupiter.

On this planet, children find a letter with a task from aliens, in which they ask the children to help them fix their spaceship, and this can be done by building a rocket from geometric shapes. Children are asked to build a rocket out of geometric shapes on a panel and list which geometric shapes it is built from.

Educator: well, the task is completed, and it’s time for you and me to return to our planet Earth, to our native kindergarten. Guys, what planets have we not visited yet?

Children: on Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Educator: That’s right, next time you and I will definitely fly to these distant planets, and now everyone fasten their seat belts, we are returning to Earth, and so five, four, three, two, one - start.

Educator: Well, guys, we have returned to our favorite kindergarten. Tell me, did you like our trip and what new and interesting things did you learn today?

Children's answers.





4. Children's encyclopedia "Cosmos". Moscow ROSMEN 2012

Target: instilling love for one’s Motherland through love, admiration, pride for the astronauts of our country, region, city.

— To generalize and expand children’s knowledge about space, about Russian cosmonauts.
-Teach to find on a map of a city, district, streets, parks named after astronauts.
-Develop memory, ability to compare, draw conclusions.
-Continue to cultivate love, admiration, pride for the astronauts of our country, region, city.

Formed competencies: general cultural, communicative, educational and cognitive.

Methods used: verbal, visual, informational.

Materials and equipment:
screen, laptop, projector, counting sticks for each child, the game “Find your constellation”, a soft toy alien guest, helium-filled balloons for each child, sets of felt-tip pens, a tape recorder, a helicopter game “astronaut”.

. Group registration
— Design “April 12 – Cosmonautics Day”
— Poster “Space exploration and exploration.”
— Design “Structure of the Solar System.”
— “Cosmonautics on the map of Chelyabinsk.”
— “Cosmonautics on the map of the Leninsky district”,
— Exhibition of books about space and astronauts.

Leisure activities:
Children enter the group listening to music and listen to it.
Teacher: Guys, think about who, what is this song about? ( About space, O cosmonauts, because April 12 is Cosmonautics Day). (We approach the exhibition of photographs and books about space).

Teacher : Right. April 12, 1961 Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin launched into space for the first time, made one revolution around the Earth in 108 minutes and returned to Earth. This event and the name of Yu.A. Gagarin were immortalized in photographs and books. Our guys learned poems about space:

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
When an astronaut flies over the Earth,
Millions of children are looking after him.
In the evening they look to the heavens,
Children's eyes shine, shine.
And they are reflected in them, they burn brightly
Those stars to which they will fly.
The chief designer told me:
- The takeoff will not be very smooth...
There will be a heart, maybe
Often slipping into heels...
I answered him like this:
- Ready for the test!
It’s not for nothing that I’m in the world
He lived for six whole years.
I'll lift my heels higher -
Everything will be fine.
And then for the entire flight
The heart will not go to your feet.

For astronaut dads
We weren't bored without the guys,
Soon children on a rocket
They will fly with them.

Teacher : Well done! Now let’s come to the design of “Structure of the Solar System”. ( I discover something strange). Oh, who is this? ( Children's guesses). We approach the stranger, greet him, and examine him. We ask who is he?
Guest: I am Marsik, I came to you from the planet Mars.

Teacher : Guys, look at the structure of the solar system, find the planet Mars. ( Children show the planet Mars).

Teacher: (I hold a Martian in my hands). Guys, the name of Yu.A. Gagarin and other cosmonauts is immortalized on the map of our area ( we approach the map)

Teacher: Guys, what is the name of the central street of our Leninsky district? ( The central street of the Leninsky district is street named after Yu.A. Gagarin).

Teacher: Show this street on the map of the area. ( Children show).

Teacher : Guys, what can you tell us about Gagarin Street? Children (optional): One of the largest and most well-maintained streets district. (I show different parts of the street on the screen). Previously, this street was called Builders Street, now it bears the name of Yu. A. Gagarin, the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union. Gagarin Street runs from north to south, from Kopeiskoye Highway to Novorossiysk Street.

This is the longest, widest, most beautiful street in our area. On the street there is the Leninsky District Administration building, a children's clinic, a hospital complex, a chain of pharmacies, many shops, a college, the Aurora entertainment complex and our favorite kindergarten.

Teacher: Guys, who will show them the street. Gagarin on the city map? ( Children show Gagarin Street on the city map).

Teacher: Guys, do you want to go on a trip around the city map? ( Yes). Then come closer and let's go on a journey along the street. Gagarin, then along the Kopeiskoe highway to the left, we get to the Traktorozavodsky district along Rozhdestvenskogo street, turn left onto the central street of the city - st. Lenin and make a stop at Komsomolskaya Square. Guys, look what this green island is on the map? ( Children's answers, anyone can guess, that this is a children's park).

Teacher: Right. ( I show it on the screen). A children's park is a man-made park, i.e. This park was planted with seedlings by your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. This park is named after the first female cosmonaut Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova ( showing her photo).

Teacher: The Central Park of Culture and Recreation is located in a forested area of ​​the city of Chelyabinsk. It was opened in 1936. In April 1961, by decision of the city committee of the CPSU, the park, as the best city cultural institution, was named after the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin. ( Showing photographs of “CPKiO” on the screen).

Teacher: There are other streets in our city named after astronauts. Komarova Avenue ( I show it on the screen, the children find the city on the map) located in the Traktorozavodsky district, named in honor of Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR. Before the renaming - Boulevard Street.

Academician Korolev Street is one of the youngest streets in Chelyabinsk. Located on Poplar Alley, named after the founder of practical cosmonautics, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. ( We find on the map of the city, showing S.P. Korolev on the screen a photograph and the street of Academician Korolev).

Tsiolkovsky Street is located in the Sovetsky district, named after Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - a Russian scientist, inventor, teacher, founder of modern cosmonautics. ( I show the photo and the street on the screen, we find it on the city map).

In addition to these widely known streets in Chelyabinsk, there are streets: Lunnaya, Solnechnaya, Zvezdnaya, Cosmonauts Street.( Finding these streets on the city map).
Marsik: Oh, how interesting!

Teacher : Guys, look at Marsik’s note: YAIDZEVZOS, some kind of abracadabra. Think about how to read this? (Someone will suggest reading, starting from the end. It turns out: constellations).

Teacher : Ay-yes, well done! Marsik invites you to play the game: “Constellations”. Do you agree? ( Yes).

(Children sit at tables. On the tables there are cards with images of constellations on ancient star chartsxmaps, images of constellations on modern star maps and the names of the constellations. Children must combine the name of the constellation and its image on ancient and modern star maps).
(Children are working, music is playing quietly; I watch the children’s work and help if necessary).

Teacher: Well done! Everyone did a great job! ( Removing cards). Guys, Marsik offers you another task: help the astronaut get to the spaceship through the labyrinth ( sample on the board; whoever completes the task first shows it on the board). Well done! Everyone helped the astronaut get to Earth.

The following task is for you: I will pronounce individual sounds, and you will form the corresponding letters from sticks. Take the sticks, listen carefully: G, A, G, A, R, I, N. ( Children make up a word). What word did you come up with? ( Gagarin is the first world's astronaut).

Teacher: Guys, the first cosmonaut, a native of our city, was Chelyabinsk resident Maxim Suraev. He went into space on September 30, 2009 and returned to Earth on March 18, 2010, working in space for almost 6 months. During this time, Maxim Suraev, in addition to his main work, grew wheat, which produced full-fledged ears ( Showing photos on the screen).

After Suraev in April 2010 South Urals resident Kornienko started, followed by the Serovs, also from South Urals.

Teacher: Guys, who are Gagarin, Suraev, Kornienko, Serov? ( Astronauts). An astronaut is a heroic profession. If any of you want to connect your life with space, then in Chelyabinsk at SUSU there is an aerospace department ( I show photographs of the university and the aerospace department on the screen.). When you finish school, you can go to university. But now you are just children, you still have to grow, grow; so Marsik invites you to play. ( On the board there is a helicopter game).

Marsik: Guys, guess what word is hidden here? (Astronaut). Now think and make words from the letters in the word astronaut. ( Spit, dream, nose, note, omon, wasp, tone, current, cat, juice, mot, mat, poppy, lump, catfish, owl, here, east, melancholy, wax, act, cocoa)


: Guys, let's ask Marsik what he remembered? What is the name of a profession related to space? ( Astronaut).
— What is the name of the world's first astronaut? ( Yu.A.Gagarin).
— What is the name of the astronaut from Chelyabinsk? ( Maxim Suraev).
— When is Cosmonautics Day celebrated? (12th of April).

Reflection .
: Guys, did you like it? ( Yes).Let's give Marsik balloons on which we will write some kind words and drawings. ( Take markers and write to Marsik. The music is playing softly, the children are writing and drawing.).

Let's look at it and admire it. what happened. We go outside and launch balls into space.

Title: Summary of intellectual leisure dedicated to Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group “Space Kaleidoscope”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, development of ideas about the world around us

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU TsRR DS No. 125 SP
Location: Chelyabinsk, Gagarin St., 10A

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