Plus, minus, equal signs. lesson plan in mathematics (Grade 1) on the topic

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Mathematical signs Plus Minus Equals

In the country of Mathematics, not only numbers and numbers live, but also various mathematical signs. Today you and Fox will get to know them.

Look at the picture. How many squirrels are in the picture?

2 squirrels came running. Now how many squirrels? 2 whites more.

In mathematics, this operation is called addition and the “+” sign is put. Here's what it looks like:

plus sign

4 squirrels + 2 squirrels

I am the necessary sign, and I am proud, That I am fit for addition. I am a good sign of connection And that is my destiny. I help all people! I ADD and ADD!

But in mathematics there is another necessary sign. Let's see which one.

Let's count how many squirrels are in the picture?

But, 2 squirrels ran away. How many whites are left?

In mathematics, this operation is called subtraction and is indicated by the sign "-"

Now let's write this action in numbers

I am also a very necessary sign, But I just don’t understand why I like to take everything away, take away and subtract. Whatever I want, I take! I DEPEND! SUBTRACT

Tell me, children, do you know who sings like that? That's right, I'm the Mathematical Minus sign, and I look like this:

You and Fox have already learned that in mathematics the most important signs and. But, there is another very important sign. Let's see what this sign is.

Let's remember our squirrels again. We first added, but did not write down how many there are in total.

To record how many squirrels are in total, another important sign will come to our rescue. It's called "equal" and looks like this:

I am the most friendly sign in the world, I always equalize everyone, I always make peace with everyone, I don’t forget about anyone, and I love everyone.

Since you and the Fox cub have already got acquainted with important signs, let's see how our examples will look.

Thank you for your attention

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Today you and Fox learned the most important mathematical signs, let's remember them

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Open lesson in mathematics in grade 1.
Lesson topic: signs "+", "-" and "=".
Purpose: to introduce the name and meaning of the signs "+", "-" and "=".
Expected results: students will learn to reproduce a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10, both in direct and reverse order, starting from any number; indicate actions with signs; work with training models; perform mental operations of analysis and synthesis and draw conclusions; evaluate yourself, the boundaries of your knowledge and not knowledge; work in pairs and evaluate a friend. Equipment: pictures of animals, demonstration material, computer.
During the classes.
The bell rang again. Everyone rushed to class. Here the teacher entered the class, he will teach us everything. And so the lesson began. We keep our ears on top. Everyone sat down - and everyone was silent.
1.Updating knowledge.
a) logical warm-up.
How many tails do three whales have?
How many ears and two mice?
Who has more paws, the duck or the duckling?
How many animals did the bun meet?
What song did the bun sing?
How many characters are in the fairy tale Teremok? (6)
b) verbal account.
From 1 to 10 and back along the chain;
3 to 5;
9 to 5.
What number follows the number 7, 5, 2
What number comes before the number 8, 6, 4
What are the numbers greater than 2 but less than 5
What are the numbers less than 9 but more than 7
c) practical work.
Canvas work.
Put two red circles on the top line.
How many triangles must be placed on the second line so that there are one less triangles than circles? (1)
Put one more squares than triangles.
How many squares did you put in? (3)
2. Self-determination to activity.
Put two red circles, put a red square next to it. How many red figures are on the canvas?
What words can replace the word put? (added, added)
To write this expression in mathematics, numbers and the mathematical sign “+” are used.
Look at this sign.
Write on the board: 2 + 1
Plus is a good sign, it gives to everyone, adds and becomes more.
Now I will read you a poem about this sign.
I am a plus
And I'm proud of that.
I'm fit for addition
I am a good sign of connection
And that is my purpose.
And now remove one square from the three red figures. How many figures are left? (2)
The word was removed, it can also be replaced with a sign.
This mathematical sign is minus.
On the board record: 3-1
This sign takes away from everyone, takes away and becomes smaller.
Listen to the poem
I am negative.
Also a good sign.
After all, it’s not from evil that I take away
I'm just doing my part.
And to write the word out, use the sign - exactly. (=)
Write on the board: 2+1=3 and 3-1=2
We read these examples in unison.
Board work.
There are three sheets on the board.
How many leaves? (3)
Remove one leaf.
What changed?
Write the solution on the canvas using numbers and signs.
Example: 3-1=2
We read in chorus.
There are two nesting dolls on the table.
They put up another one.
What changed?
Write an example using numbers.
Example: 2+1=3
3. Physical education.
Stretched, pulled.
And they smiled at each other.
They turned left and right and smiled again. Repeat twice.
What do you think we should learn in the classroom? (use signs: plus, minus, equal).
4. Work on the topic of the lesson.
Textbook work.
Read on page 29 what we will do in the lesson.
Were your assumptions correct?
Look at the pictures with a hedgehog, read the questions to these pictures and the answers to them.
Which word was replaced with a plus sign. (ran up). Read the example. Make up a story. The drawing with hares is analyzed in a similar way.
Work in a notebook with a printed basis.
Open the notebook on page 10.
Look at the cells, what signs are written.
Gymnastics for fine motor skills.
The teddy bear was visiting.
He went to the red squirrel
And on the lake to the beaver
And to the hedgehog went into the hole
Even our Mishka came to the mosquito. (thumb touches all other fingers in turn)
These are the eyes of a fox
These are the eyes of a bunny
Those are the eyes of a kitten.
These are the eyes of a squirrel (the thumb with all fingers makes eyes)
There are pictures of these animals on the board.
Question: how can they be called in one word? (animals, animals)
What animal is missing? (Kitty)
Look again at your notebook. Sit right. Put the notebook down correctly.
What signs we will write, circle the signs and continue writing to the end of the line.
5. Consolidation of the studied material.
Work with a computer.
Objects are drawn (geometric figures, apples, leaves, squirrels).
Below are 6 examples.
Task: Find an example of the corresponding picture.
Children find an example, and the teacher brings him to the corresponding picture with the mouse.
6. Reflection
Textbook (p. 29), self-fulfillment, mutual verification.
Read your notes to your desk mate, one of the strong students reads his notes to the whole class.
Tic-tac-toe game
+ - =
= 7. Summing up.
Show which sign replaces the words: they took, burst, ate. Show which sign replaces the words: arrived, gave, put.
Raise your hand, who worked the whole lesson at the lesson today, and who found it difficult in some way, what was not clear to you? What caused you difficulty?


Lesson Objectives: introduce new mathematical signs "+", "-", "="; to learn to understand the meaning of these signs, to read equalities; work on the development of attention, logical thinking of students; develop the ability to do quality work, accurately.

Planned results: students will learn to reproduce a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10, both in direct and reverse order, starting from any number; denote mathematical operations with signs; work with models perform mental operations of analysis and synthesis and draw conclusions; evaluate yourself, the boundaries of your knowledge and not knowledge; work in pairs.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

The bell rang again.

And so the lesson began.

We keep our ears on top.

Everyone sat down - and everyone was silent.

Let's start our lesson.

  1. Repetition of the studied material.

Before we get to work, I offer you a mathematical warm-up.

a) logical warm-up.

How many tails do three whales have?

How many ears and two mice?

Who has more paws, the duck or the duckling?

b) verbal account.


From 1 to 10 and back along the chain;

3 to 5;

9 to 5.

What number follows the number 7, 5, 2

What number comes before the number 8, 6, 4

  1. Work on the topic of the lesson.
  1. Goal setting.

Signs on the board (+, -, =, 1, 2, 3 and traffic signs “Bus stop”, “resting place”, etc.)

What is shown in the picture?
How do you understand the meaning of the word sign" ?
(If the guys find it difficult to answer correctly):
- Imagine that you are in an unfamiliar area of ​​the city, there is no one to ask, but you know that bus number 1 is going to your area. What will you do?
(They suggest finding a bus stop.)
- Right. Look at the board and find this sign. He is silent, but also informs us about something.
(The guys answer that he points to the place where the bus stop is located.)

What other road signs do you know and what do they say?
"Now can you tell me what a sign is?"

Reflection: A sign is an indication or message about some object.

We are surrounded by many signs. Look at the cards and say what is it?
(Versions are different: numbers, numbers, signs.)

These entries are also signs, butmathematical. A number is also a mathematical symbol that is used to write numbers.
Which of these signs are familiar to you?

What are the new ones? Who knows what these signs are? Problem?? (Hypothesis, guess)

Today the topic of our lesson is:PLUS (+), MINUS (–), EQUAL SIGNS(=) ". Does it tell you anything about it?

What is your goal for the lesson? What would you like to learn?(…..use signs: plus, minus, equal).

  1. Acquaintance with the signs "plus" (+), "minus" (-), equals (=).

Practical work.

Put two red squares

What number do we designate this? (everyone in the field works with fans of numbers, one student finds and attaches the number 2 to the board)

Put a blue square next to it

What number shall we designate? (1).

Are there more or less squares? How many squares did you get?

What words can replace the word put ? (added, added)

To write this expression in mathematics, numbers and the mathematical sign “+” are used.

Write on the board: 2 + 1

Plus is a good sign, it gives to everyone, adds and everything becomes more.

Listen to a poem about this sign.

I am a plus

And I'm proud of that.

I'm fit for addition

I am a good sign of connection

And that is my purpose.

Reflection: - Look at this sign. What is his name in mathematics? (a plus). What kind of work does he do? (He gives to everyone, adds, everything becomes more.)

How many pieces do you have on the table now? Take off three red pieces take away blue square. Are there more or less figures? How many figures are left? (2)

Take away the word , can also be replaced with a sign. This mathematical sign is called minus.

On the board record: 3-1

This sign takes away from everyone, takes away and everything becomes less.

Listen to a poem about him.

I am negative.

Also a good sign.

After all, it’s not from evil that I take away

I'm just doing my part.

Reflection: - What is the name of the mathematical sign that takes away everything, and everything becomes less?

Look at the records we have turned out . Who can read them? (read the expressions written on the board)

you speak the word succeed , and how to write it, can anyone know?

To spell a word succeed , use the equal sign (=) and such entries

(pointing to blackboard) call expressions.

Let's read the expressions on the board together using the new terms.

Reflection: And so what signs do mathematicians use to write expressions?

What job do these signs do? (+,-)

  1. Work in a notebook on a printed basis.

Open the notebook on page 10. "I'll open the notebook."

Sit right. The rule "You sit at your desk harmoniously."

Look at the cells, what signs are written?

How will you work in a notebook? Look carefully, and by what rule are the signs located here? (through cage)

Show how the signs "+", "-" are written correctly. Then the students trace them along the dotted contours and write on their own.

Guys appreciate your work. Look carefully, did you manage to prescribe beautifully, neatly? Have you kept the pattern, are all the signs you have written through the cell? Rate your work on a scale of A (accuracy) and P (correctly). If you have achieved the result of your work, then, as always, light the fire at the top, ...

  1. Consolidation.
  1. Textbook work.

Look at page 28 and tell us what the textbook offers us?

Look, who are we talking about now?

How many hedgehogs were there at first? (1 - number on the board) What changed then? (1 more ran up) How many were there? (2)

(Reading under the picture of the story) - Did you answer the questions correctly?

What word was replaced with a plus sign (ran up). Read the resulting expression in the textbook.

2) Work in pairs:

Look at the picture below and make up a story. Who will you write a story about? The drawing with hares is analyzed in a similar way.

If the pace of the class is high, then the next work can be done.This task reinforces the knowledge of the plus sign.
The task can be organized so that each child counts their pencils, or you can call one or more students to the board and complete the task with pencils that the teacher will give.
How many pencils do you have in your pencil case? (2.)
How many colored ones? (6.)
How many pencils are there? (8.)
What action can be used to find the total number of pencils? (Using the addition action, you can find out how many pencils, there are 8 of them.) Write down this action. (2 + 6.)

After completing this work, you can say that such records are called equalities . And why? (If they guess, then: since they have an “=” sign, if not, then - We will answer this question in the next lessons).

V. Summing up.

- Let's remember what we wanted to know at the beginning of the lesson?

Have you achieved a result?

Do you now know what these signs are?

What is the name of?

- What sign will we use if we hear the words: “run away, removed”?

What sign will you use if you hear the words: “added, came”?

And what are these signs ... .. + and -? (road or math)

Thank you very much for the lesson, tomorrow we will continue to learn how to use our new signs and get acquainted with a new number.

During the lesson, 2-3 physical minutes are held, depending on the capabilities of the class. The time of the first one is 7-10 minutes after the start of the lesson, the next ones are at the discretion of the teacher and the time period depends on the performance of your class.

SUMMARY OF THE LESSON OF MATHEMATICS1 CLASS EMC PERSPECTIVE: TOPIC: SIGNS + (PLUS), - (MINUS), = (EQUAL).Goals: 1) Introduce students to mathematical signs (+, -, =), find out their place in mathematics. Introduce a new term-expression, teach how to read it correctly. 2) To consolidate the maintenance of quantitative and ordinal counting of objects, to develop logical thinking . Equipment: A basket, three apples, fans of numbers, an electronic supplement to G.V. Dorofeeva Mathematics Grade 1 1. ORGANIZATIONAL MOMENT. We are starting a new day. Get rid of laziness! Smile more. Try to be diligent!

2 .ACTUALIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE. 1) Direct and reverse counting from 1 to 10, from 6 to 10, from 7 to 3. Which number is between 2 and 4, comes before the number 7, 5.2, follows the number 3.8.

2) The task of logic. - There are kittens in the basket. All kittens have 3 pairs of ears. How many kittens are in the basket? - Tolya has 2 pairs of mittens. How many mittens on the left hand? - There are chickens walking around the yard. Petya counted 6 legs for all chickens. How many chickens? -Grandma knitted Nina two pairs of socks. How many socks did Nina's grandmother knit?

3. PHYSMINUTE: We counted and got tired
We all quietly stood up.
Hands clapped: one, two, three.
They stamped their feet: one, two, three.
Sit down, get up, get up, sit down.
And they didn't hurt each other.
We'll get some rest
And let's start counting again.


I will put 2 apples in the basket. What number do we designate them? (Students work in the field with fans of numbers, and the teacher writes the number 2 on the board). I'll add another apple. What number do we designate it? (1). Guys, have there been more or less apples? How many apples did you get? What word can replace the word add? (Fold). And who knows what mathematical sign can replace the words add, add? (+ sign) - Correctly, to write this expression in mathematics, numbers and the mathematical sign “+” are used. (The teacher writes 2 + 1 on the blackboard. Viewing the electronic supplement to the textbook). - Guys, listen to the poem about the plus sign:

I'm a plus, and I'm proud of it. I'm good for addition. I am a good sign of connection. And that is my purpose.

Look at this sign. What is his name in mathematics? (a plus). What kind of work does he do? (He adds, everything becomes more.)

How many apples do we have in the basket now? (3. The teacher writes the number 3 on the board) And if I remove one from our three apples, how many will there be: more or less? (Less) How many apples are left? (2. The teacher writes on the blackboard). - What do you think, I’ll remove the word, remove it, can I replace it with a sign? (sign -) - Correctly. This mathematical sign is called minus. (The teacher writes down 3-1 on the blackboard. Viewing the electronic supplement to the textbook). - Listen to the poem about the minus sign.

I am negative. Also a good sign. After all, it is not from evil that I take away. I'm just doing my part. - What is the name of the mathematical sign that reduces everything, and everything becomes smaller? 5. PHYSMINUTE. The wind blows in our face
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter -
The tree is getting higher and higher.

6. WORK ON THE TOPIC OF THE LESSON. - Look at the records we have turned out. Who can read them? (Students read the expressions written on the board) -You say the word it will turn out, but how to write it down, maybe someone knows? (children's answers)-That's right. To write the word turn out use a mathematical sign equals (=) and such records(show on the board) call expressions (View electronic application). Let's read the expressions on the board together using the new terms. (Choral reading) - So what signs will we use to write expressions? (+, -, =)? And what work do the + and - signs do? (Students' answers)

Textbook work pp.54-55

7. PHYSMINUTE. Can you count your fingers? One two three four five.
On the other hand again:
One two three four five.
Ten fingers, a pair of hands -
Here is your wealth, friend. 8. WORK ON THE TOPIC OF THE LESSON. Work in a notebook p. 42 (task 1-2), p. 43 (task 4-5).


What new did you learn in the lesson? - What new mathematical signs did you get acquainted with? What is the "-" sign and the "+" sign for? - What skills have you acquired? - Who was the most active in the lesson? - Evaluate your work at the lesson? - Ok guys, thank you all for the lesson!

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