- Andrei Parabellum, Nikolai Mrochkovsky. diary


1 Introduction We often meet people who are chronically short of time. These are independent purposeful individuals with serious goals in life. However, due to ignorance of certain laws of human behavior, they are, unfortunately, doomed to failure in an attempt to find additional hours to implement all their ideas and plans. It is for such people that this book is written. In it, we reveal the current laws of time management (time management) and show the strategies that need to be followed in order to become highly productive. Sooner or later, any active person faces the problem of lack of time. As a rule, in the end, he comes to the conclusion: if there is not enough time, then I really do not have it. He agrees with this because he sees no alternatives. But this is a mistake! There is an alternative, and a very simple one. It consists in the fact that a person has a lot of time, but he does not notice it and sometimes spends it not on business. Or the daily actions performed are extremely ineffective. It is like an unconscious state, when you do something out of habit, unable to wake up and understand what is wrong. We are ruled by habits. Achievements are also largely determined by them, more precisely, by their totality (not very good news for those who have a lot of negative life experiences!). But when you realize this, it becomes clear what needs to be done in order to achieve your goals. It is obvious to change negative habits for good ones. And you will be surprised to see how your problems disappear, and instead of them, such desired and sometimes seemingly unattainable results appear. The book presents various strategies for dealing with lack of time, created on the basis of real practice. In order to

2 8 DAILY. HOW TO DO EVERYTHING! to get what you want, you need to put them into practice. Choose the most pressing problem with a simple solution strategy and take action! Then, having received some results, proceed to the next technique. And so on until the lack of time ceases to exist for you. This is inevitable if you strictly follow our algorithm. So get down to business! I wish you success! Andrey Parabellum, ultrasales.ru Nikolay Mrochkovsky, 4winners.ru

3 Time Management Problems If you have a lot of things to do and the question “How to do everything in time?”, Most likely, you have already tried to organize yourself. But unsuccessfully. Perhaps you have read some books on time management and tried to implement them in your life. Probably, at first something worked out, and then everything returned to normal. Learning time management techniques from such books can be compared to treating a seriously ill person with a band-aid. It will probably help for a short time, but it will not go further. In fact, there are important points that a person may simply not notice when trying to figure out the reasons for inefficiency. And if you do not understand and eliminate them, all the rest, even the most magnificent techniques, will not bring any benefit. One of the biggest problems is that most time management books and training only work well if you are motivated. If in the morning you woke up with a loaded mainspring, there is courage and everything is going fine, but the technique works, and it’s good. You have a plan that you are following. In the end, everything works out as intended. But there are days (especially Mondays!) when you wake up and realize that another Sunday would not hurt and that going to work, meetings, school or somewhere else is beyond your strength in the morning. If you are a normal person, you have probably come across such a phenomenon and know that planning does not work these days. You will look at your 80-page plan for a long time, which you compiled while being charged, and understand that today you will not master even the first two lines.

4 10 DAILY. HOW TO DO EVERYTHING! This is not a problem that needs to be solved by willpower, telling yourself: “I probably don’t exert myself enough. All you have to do is try and you'll be fine." Not! So wrong! The average person with a decent energy willpower is enough for exactly two days. So there is no point in stressing. After all, there is a catch here: the longer you manage to stay on the crest of the wave thanks to willpower, the greater the rollback then follows. The logic is extremely simple: the number of days lived with volitional motivation, plus the same number of weeks, and in the end we will know when the stupor sets in. That is, if you had enough willpower for two days, then exactly two weeks later, for some reason, a big failure occurs. This is not an accident, but a pattern, which we will talk about a little later. For example, you begin to implement a planning system using a diary, make a plan for the day, week, year. It is your desires, goals and dreams that are quite tempting. But in reality, in order to follow the plan, you have to force yourself, actively including willpower. Of course, this gives some results. Soon you notice that life becomes more structured and orderly. But then a failure follows, and everything freezes. Why is the rise so short? There is one main reason for this. The fact is that we do most of our daily actions unconsciously. Psychologists have long noticed that people perform almost 95% of their actions "on the machine" and only 5% of actions are controlled. For example, brushing your teeth in the morning takes place without direct brain involvement. We just do it without thinking about the mechanics of the process. Have you asked yourself this morning:

5 TIME MANAGEMENT ISSUES 11 “Which teeth should I start cleaning the molars or incisors with? On the right side or the left?" The same with driving. How does this happen? Usually you just get behind the wheel, start the engine and go. You never think about how you start, do you? Just follow the algorithms laid down in you earlier: "First I need to turn the key, then squeeze the clutch, then shift the gear." Every time you get behind the wheel, you don't think about it! Here lies an important power that can be turned to your advantage, the power of habit.

6 Formation of the environment So, most of the actions we perform unconsciously. Full control is exercised over a very small percentage of operations. Therefore, it is logical that when introducing any time management technique, we encounter obstacles. Until something has become a habit, everything is difficult. What to do? To build the environment in such a way that most of the actions, these same 95%, which are performed as if by themselves, work for us. That is, it is necessary to introduce the right habits and build the external environment. Let's take an example. A person trying to quit smoking to get rid of a bad habit is unlikely to succeed if an open pack of cigarettes is constantly in front of his eyes. In this case, it is almost impossible to overcome addiction. After all, the temptation is so close and strong! Conclusion: our primary task is to rebuild the environment so that at least it does not interfere with us, but even better works for us. So that people, events and the environment help us do as much as possible, and do not steal our time and other resources. While working on themselves, many got acquainted with the classic “problem of the new year”. This is when a person tries to change everything in his life since the new year, thinking something like this: “I will go to the gym, eat less and move more, and also sing in the morning in the shower, pouring cold water on me! And at the same time plan the day and strictly follow the plan. But, as a rule, nothing happens. Why doesn't a good impulse take us to the next level? What is the problem? As practice shows, it is impossible to consciously build in yourself more than one habit per month with the help of willpower. Of course you can try, but

7 FORMING THE ENVIRONMENT 13 the probability of a zero result, because it is not enough just to know the process of correct actions for the successful introduction of a habit. Therefore, we do not recommend chasing "for several hares" at the same time. Even if these are simple habits that do not require a large return of energy. Now let's talk about how to change the rules of the game. Unfortunately, most of us live by rules that a priori lead us to defeat, as they are imposed from outside. Different people and external events largely determine where and on what we spend our time and energy. It is up to someone else to decide, not us. Therefore, it is important to change the situation.

8 Temporary Defense Strategy The first global principle to follow is to develop a strategy for protecting your time. We called it "temporary defense strategy". If you don't protect your time, other people will start using it very quickly. You may have noticed more than once that your time is largely spent on other people's goals and on things that you do not want to do. For example, a situation where, at the end of the working day, all your acquaintances begin to call and fill up with some questions that require immediate intervention. And to your own: “I’m trying to work at home,” you get: “How ?! You don't do anything at home! For protection, we highly recommend implementing a "temporary defense strategy" into your life. Break free from the illusion of most people that the phone is a tool that gives freedom. That we can always reach anyone, anywhere, is not all freedom. Usually, the phone acts as a rope that any person can pull at any time, thereby distracting you from your affairs and switching to solving extraneous issues. In our other books 1 we talked a lot about tricky moments of attention switching. Let's say you are working on a specific task (writing a report), and suddenly the phone rings. You think: "It's okay, I'll answer in two minutes." But your brain doesn't think so! For him, this is a handbrake, for which you grab, barely accelerating. 1 See, for example, Extreme Time Management.

9 TIME DEFENSE STRATEGY 15 If we consider the situation in more detail, then in order to reach the peak of efficiency in any work, our psyche needs about half an hour. And if after 15 minutes you are distracted for some reason even for a minute or two, again it takes half an hour to accelerate. Hence the clear recommendation. When you are doing something serious, ask those around you not to disturb you, turn off your mobile phone, all windows that pop up on your computer (ICQ, Skype, Mail-agent, VKontakte) and external irritants. There is no need to put a second monitor next to it, on which all messages will be displayed separately. Why self-deception? It's like putting a second engine on a car and continuing to pull the handbrake as soon as we accelerated.

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How to do everything and still enjoy life? This is a diary and at the same time a collection of strategies for effective time management and achieving goals. The material was developed on the basis of the author's methods of one of the most successful business coaches in Russia, Andrei Parabellum and Nikolai Mrochkovsky. Simple examples make it possible to identify problems of self-organization, and special technologies will help develop a specific sequence of steps to solve them. Unique tips will allow you to avoid unnecessary stressful situations and live a fuller life. The diary will become a practical tool for applying author's advice in everyday life. It is addressed to those who want to manage their time as efficiently as possible, who set goals and follow the path to their implementation.


We often meet people who are chronically short of time. These are independent purposeful individuals with serious goals in life.

However, due to ignorance of certain laws of human behavior, they are, unfortunately, doomed to failure in an attempt to find additional hours to implement all their ideas and plans.

It is for such people that this book is written. In it, we reveal the current laws of time management (time management) and show the strategies that need to be followed in order to become highly productive.

Sooner or later, any active person faces the problem of lack of time. As a rule, in the end, he comes to the conclusion: since there is not enough time, it means that I really do not have it. He agrees with this because he sees no alternatives. But this is a mistake!

There is an alternative, and a very simple one. It consists in the fact that a person has a lot of time, but he does not notice it and sometimes spends it not on business. Or the daily actions performed are extremely ineffective. It is like an unconscious state, when you do something out of habit, unable to wake up and understand what is wrong.

We are ruled by habits. Achievements are also largely determined by them, more precisely, by their totality (not very good news for those who have a lot of negative life experiences!). But when you realize this, it becomes clear what needs to be done in order to achieve your goals. Obviously - to change negative habits for good ones.

And you will be surprised to see how your problems disappear, and instead of them, such desired and sometimes seemingly unattainable results appear.

The book presents various strategies for dealing with lack of time, created on the basis of real practice. To get what you want, you need to put them into practice. Choose the most pressing problem with a simple solution strategy and take action!

Then, after getting some results, move on to the next trick. And so on until the lack of time ceases to exist for you. This is inevitable if you strictly follow our algorithm.

Therefore, get down to business! I wish you success!

Time Management Issues

If you have a lot to do and the question “How to do everything in time?” Constantly arises, most likely you have already tried to organize yourself. But unsuccessfully.

Perhaps you have read some books on time management and tried to implement them in your life. Probably, at first something worked out, and then everything returned to normal.

Learning time management techniques from such books can be compared to treating a seriously ill person with a band-aid. It will probably help for a short time, but it will not go further.

In fact, there are important points that a person may simply not notice when trying to figure out the reasons for inefficiency. And if you do not understand and eliminate them, all other, even the most magnificent, techniques will not bring any benefit.

One of the biggest problems is that most books and trainings on time management work well only if you have motivation. If in the morning you woke up with a loaded mainspring, there is courage and everything is going fine, yes - the technique works, and it's good. You have a plan that you are following. In the end, everything works out as intended.

But there are days (especially Mondays!) when you wake up and realize that another Sunday would not hurt and that going to work, meetings, school or somewhere else is beyond your strength in the morning.

If you are a normal person, you have probably experienced such a phenomenon and know that planning does not work these days. You will look at your 80-page plan for a long time, which you compiled while being charged, and understand that today you will not master even the first two lines.

This is not a problem that needs to be solved by willpower, telling yourself: “I probably don’t exert myself enough. All you have to do is try and you'll be fine." Not! So wrong!

The average person with a decent energy willpower is enough for exactly two days.

So there is no point in stressing. After all, there is a catch here: the longer you manage to stay on the crest of the wave thanks to willpower, the more then the rollback follows.

The logic is extremely simple: the number of days lived with volitional motivation, plus the same number of weeks, and in the end we will know when the stupor sets in.

That is, if you had enough willpower for two days, then exactly two weeks later, for some reason, a big failure occurs.

This is not an accident, but a pattern, which we will talk about a little later.

For example, you begin to implement a planning system for the diary - make a plan for the day, week, year. It is your desires, goals and dreams that are quite tempting. But in reality, in order to follow the plan, you have to force yourself, actively including willpower.

Of course, this gives some results. Soon you notice that life becomes more structured and orderly. But then a failure follows, and everything freezes. Why is the rise so short?

There is one main reason for this. The fact is that we do most of our daily actions unconsciously. Psychologists have long noticed that almost People perform 95% of their actions "automatically" and only 5% of actions are controlled.

For example, brushing your teeth in the morning takes place without direct brain involvement. We just do it without thinking about the mechanics of the process. You asked yourself in the morning the question: “Which teeth should I start cleaning with - molars or incisors? On the right side or on the left?"

The same is with driving. How does this happen? Usually you just get behind the wheel, start the engine and go. You never think about how you start, do you?

Just follow the algorithms laid down in you earlier: "First I need to turn the key, then squeeze the clutch, then shift the gear." Every time you get behind the wheel, you don't think about it!

Here lies an important power that can be turned to your advantage - the power of habit.

How to do everything and still enjoy life? This is a diary and at the same time a collection of strategies for effective time management and achieving goals. The material was developed on the basis of the author's methods of one of the most successful business coaches in Russia, Andrei Parabellum and Nikolai Mrochkovsky. Simple examples make it possible to identify problems of self-organization, and special technologies will help develop a specific sequence of steps to solve them. Unique tips will allow you to avoid unnecessary stressful situations and live a fuller life. The diary will become a practical tool for applying author's advice in everyday life. It is addressed to those who want to manage their time as efficiently as possible, who set goals and follow the path to their implementation. Edition features: diary book.

On our site you can download the book "Diary. How to do everything!" Andrey Parabellum, Mrochkovsky Nikolay Sergeevich for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read a book online or buy a book in an online store.

How to do everything and still enjoy life? This is a diary and at the same time a collection of strategies for effective time management and achieving goals. The material was developed on the basis of the author's methods of one of the most successful business coaches in Russia, Andrei Parabellum and Nikolai Mrochkovsky. Simple examples allow you to identify problems of self-organization, and special technologies will help develop specific

How to do everything and still enjoy life? This is a diary and at the same time a collection of strategies for effective time management and achieving goals. The material was developed on the basis of the author's methods of one of the most successful business coaches in Russia, Andrei Parabellum and Nikolai Mrochkovsky. Simple examples make it possible to identify problems of self-organization, and special technologies will help develop a specific sequence of steps to solve them. Unique tips will allow you to avoid unnecessary stressful situations and live a fuller life. The diary will become a practical tool for applying author's advice in everyday life. It is addressed to those who want to manage their time as efficiently as possible, who set goals and follow the path to their implementation.

Book " Diary. How to do it all!» the author Mrochkovsky Nikolay Sergeevich was rated by the visitors of KnigoGuide, and her reader rating was 6.22 out of 10.

For free viewing are provided: annotation, publication, reviews, as well as files for download.

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