Medieval history tests online. Control test in history on the theme of the Early Middle Ages (Grade 6)

M.: 2019. - 128 p. M.: 2013. - 160 p.

The manual includes tests on the history of the Middle Ages for current and final control and corresponds to the content of the textbook by E. V. Agibalova, G. M. Donskoy; edited by A. A. Svanidze “General history. History of the Middle Ages ”for the 6th grade of educational organizations. Many test items are designed to meet the requirements of the 9th grade Basic State Exam. They will help students master new types of tests for them and prepare for future oral and written exams. Tests can be used for learning and self-control of students, checking homework, current and final control.

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Preface 6
Living Middle Ages 8
I. Formation of medieval Europe (VI-XI centuries) 10
Test 1. Formation of barbarian kingdoms. State of the Franks in the VI-VIII centuries 10
Test 2. The Christian Church in the Early Middle Ages 12
Test 3. Rise and fall of Charlemagne's empire 15
Test 4. Feudal fragmentation of Western Europe in the 9th-11th centuries 18
Test 5. England in the early Middle Ages 20
Final test on the topic "The Formation of Medieval Europe (VI-XI centuries)" 22
II. Byzantine Empire and the Slavs in the VI-XI centuries 25
Test 6. Byzantium under Justinian. The struggle of the empire with external enemies 25
Test 7. Byzantine culture 28
Test 8. Formation of Slavic states 30
Final test on the topic "The Byzantine Empire and the Slavs in the VI-XI centuries" 31
III. Arabs in the VI-XI centuries 34
Test 9. The emergence of Islam. Arab caliphate and its collapse 34
Test 10. Culture of the caliphate countries 36
Final test on the topic "Arabs in the VI-XI centuries" 38
IV. Feudal lords and peasants 42
Test 11. Medieval village and its inhabitants 42
Test 12
Final test on the topic "Feudal lords and peasants" 46
V. Medieval city in Western and Central Europe 49
Test 13. Formation of medieval cities. Urban craft 49
Test 14
Test 15
Final test on the topic "Medieval city in Western and Central Europe" 56
VI. Catholic Church in the XI-XIII centuries. Crusades 59
Test 16 Catholic Church and Heretics 59
Test 17
Final test on the topic “The Catholic Church in the XI-XIII centuries. Crusades" 64
VII. The formation of centralized states in Western Europe (XI-XV centuries) 67
Test 18
Test 19
Test 20
Test 21
Test 22
Test 23. States that remained fragmented: Germany and Italy in the XII-XV centuries 78
Final test on the topic "Formation of centralized states in Western Europe (XI-XV centuries)" 80
VIII. Slavic states and Byzantium in the XIV-XV centuries 83
Test 24
Test 25
IX. Culture of Western Europe in the Middle Ages 89
Test 26
Test 27
Test 28
Test 29
Test 30
Final test on the topic "Culture of Western Europe in the Middle Ages" 102
X. The peoples of Asia, America and Africa in the Middle Ages 105
Test 31. Medieval Asia: China, India, Japan 105
Test 32. States and peoples of Africa and pre-Columbian America 107
Final test work 110
Answers 122

The manual contains lesson and thematic tests that allow you to check not only elementary knowledge and skills of students, but also more in-depth ones, covering the entire course material. Lesson tests consist of five tasks and are intended for use in the study of individual questions of the course. We advise you to use them directly in the classroom or to organize homework as a means of monitoring. Thematic (final) tests for each section, consisting of ten tasks, provide an opportunity to check and consolidate key dates, facts, concepts, causal relationships. At the end of the book are four options for the final test work for the entire course of the history of the Middle Ages, as well as answers to all test tasks.

a) The end of the 5th century (+) b) The beginning of the 8th century c) The middle of the 12th century

2. What peoples in the IV-VI centuries moved to the territory of the Roman Empire in order to create their own states?

a) Celts b) Greeks c) Germans (+)

3. Who founded the Merovingian dynasty?

a) Clovis (+) b) Alaric c) Ricimer

4. The basis of the Frankish army was:

a) Mercenaries b) Peasants c) Druzhina (+)

5. In what century did the Arabs begin to invade Gaul?

a) The end of the 7th century b) The first half of the 8th century (+) c) The end of the 9th century

6. Which dynasty, by the decision of the Pope, replaced the Merovingians?

a) Carolingians (+) b) Hohenzollerns c) Zähringens

7. What was the name of the workshops for copying manuscripts at the monasteries?

a) Scriptoria (+) b) Printing houses c) Printing houses

8. In what year did the Arabs invade Byzantine possessions in Asia?

a) 631 b) 633 (+) c) 652

9. In what year was Charlemagne proclaimed emperor?

a) 799 b) 800 (+) c) 801

10. What was the name of the step of the feudal ladder, which was occupied by dukes and counts?

a) Patrician b) Nobility c) Aristocracy(+)

11. The main population of Britain from the VIII century BC. to the 5th century AD were:

a) Britons (+) b) Angles c) Saxons

12. Under what king was the first general English collection of laws compiled?

a) Arthur b) Athelstan c) Alfred (+)

13. In what year did the conquest of England by Duke William of Normandy begin?

a) 1066 (+) b) 1068 c) 1069

a) Justinian I (+) b) Justinian II c) Heraclius I

15. Where was the first medical school in Europe opened in the 11th century?

a) Rome b) Athens c) Constantinople (+)

16. Who was at the head of the medieval feudal society?

a) Church b) Monarch(+) c) Parliament

17. What duties did dependent peasants bear for the use of land?

a) Compulsory military service b) Corvee and dues (+) c) Overtime work

18. What is the Inquisition?

a) Zemsky court b) Civil court c) Church court (+)

19. In what year was England formed as a result of the union of the smaller states of Britain?

a) 829 (+) b) 830 c) 844

20. Date of foundation of the Russian state:

a) 862 (+) b) 889 c) 998

21. In what year did the first Crusade take place?

a) 1091 b) 1096 (+) c) 1125

22. What was the judicial reform of Henry II?

a) Each free person, having paid money, received the right to apply to the royal court, bypassing the court of the local feudal lord (+)

b) Three-level judiciary

c) The abolition of ordeals and torture

23. In what year was Magna Carta signed?

a) 1200 b) 1204 c) 1215 (+)

24. How many chambers was the English Parliament divided into in the 14th century?

a) 2(+) b) 3 c) 4

25. What was one of the reasons for the beginning of the Hundred Years War?

a) The desire of the French king to seize the English throne

b) The desire of France to win Aquitaine from England (+)

c) The desire of England to win back Normandy from France

26. What dynasty established itself in China at the beginning of the 7th century?
a) Tang (+) b) Yuan c) Ming

27. In what year did the Ottoman Empire capture Constantinople?

a) 1450 b) 1451 c) 1453 (+)

28. What calendar became official in Europe in 1582?

a) Julian b) Gregorian(+) c) Proterian

29. In what year was the Spanish Armada destroyed by the British?

a) 1581 b) 1586 c) 1588 (+)

30. In what year did the Japanese government close the country from foreign influence?

a) 1639 (+) b) 1640 c) 1676

"Early Middle Ages"
Option 1
A1. The process of resettlement of Germanic tribes on the territory of the Roman Empire took place over:
IV-VI centuries 2) IV - VII centuries 3) III - VI centuries 4) III - V centuries
A2. What are the causes of the Great Migration?
invasion of nomads from the depths of Asia 2) conquest of the Romans 3) depletion of the earth 4) overpopulation
A3. Who owns the nickname given by the Romans: "Scourge of God"?
Attile2) Romulus Augustus3) Alaric4) StilichoA4. In what year did Gaul submit to the Franks?
in 488 2) in 486 3) in 468 4) in 432
A5. The control center of the shit under Clovis became:
royal court 2) Senate 3) squad 4) people's assembly
A6. In what year did the Carolingian dynasty come to power?
in 751 2) in 750 3) in 749 4) in 846
A7. Reign of Charlemagne:
768 - 814 2) 777 - 801 3) 768 - 800 4) 751 - 763
A8. What is the name given to wars between feudal lords?
civil 2) internecine 3) religious 4) ethnic
A9. In what year did the empire of Charlemagne cease to exist?
in 843 2) in 800 3) in 962 d) in 500
A10. In what year did the Eastern Roman Empire become an independent state?
in 395 2) in 492 3) in 800 4) in 365
A11. The emperor of Byzantium appointed:
supreme judges 2) military leaders 3) senior officials 4) all answers are correct
A12. Emperor Justinian ruled the Byzantine Empire:
from 527 - 565 2) from 526 - 564 3) from 500 - 520 4) from 495 - 515
A13. The steppes, or nomadic Arabs, were called tribes:
Bedouins 2) Bushmen 3) Buryats 4) Pashtuns
A14. In what year did Muhammad move to Medina?
in 622 2) in 630 3) in 610 4) in 655
A15. The largest city in Southwest Asia during the early Middle Ages:
Mecca 2) Babylon 3) Damascus 4) Medina
A16. What was the name of the people who inhabited England for a long time?
Angles 2) Saxons 3) Britons 4) Normans
A17. Who led the struggle of the Anglo-Saxons against the Normans?
King Arthur 2) Alcuin 3) Alfred the Great 4) Merlin
A18. The battle of Hastings was won by:
Harald the Stern2) Edward the Confessor3) Harold4) William the Conqueror
A19. Where did the Normans live?
on the Balkan Peninsula2) on the Apennine Peninsula3) in Scandinavia
4) in Germany
A20. Viking ships were called:
drakcars 2) boats 3) triremes 4) caravels
PART BB1. Correlate:
Head of the Catholic Church
Instructions of the Believers
Small churches with parishioners
Church ministers A) lay people
B) arrival
B) the Pope
D) sermon
D) clergy
AT 2. Arrange the events of the early Middle Ages in chronological order.
A) Verdun Partition B) Foundation of the Merovingian Dynasty C) Battle of Poitiers
D) the beginning of the reign of Pepin the Short
AT 3. Name the emperor of Byzantium, thanks to whom the famous Roman law was preserved, which became the basis of the Byzantine "Code of Civil Law"

The unification of the Arabs was facilitated by a new religion ______, the founder of which is a resident of Mecca _____________. Speaking with a sermon in 610, he declared himself __________, and called the one God ___________.
Control test number 1. "History of the Middle Ages"
"Early Middle Ages"
Option 2
A1. When did the Western Roman Empire end?
in 466 2) in 476 3) in 477 4) in 455
A2. The ancient Germans settled in small villages united in:
farm2) city3) community4) tribe
A3. The result of the Great Migration of Nations was:
the spread of Christianity 2) the formation of barbarian kingdoms 3) the emergence of Islam
4) feudal fragmentation
A4. In what year did Clovis from the Merovingian dynasty come to power?
in 600 2) in 481 3) in 550 4) in 449
A5. In what year did the Battle of Poitiers stop the Arab invasion of Europe?
in 732 2) in 754 3) in 853 4) in 673
A6. Noble people who received land as a reward from the king became large:
capitalists 2) landowners 3) landlords 4) entrepreneurs
A7. In what year was Charlemagne proclaimed emperor?
in 768 2) in 800 3) in 767 4) in 840
A8. How is it customary to call the period of the 9th - 11th centuries, for which the splitting of states into large and small was characteristic?
feudal fragmentation 2) absolutism 3) internecine 4) revolutionary
A9. A rider, or an equestrian warrior, was called in the Middle Ages:
viking 2) barbarian 3) knight 4) legionnaire
A10. What were the inhabitants of the Byzantine Empire called themselves?
Romans 2) Constantinopolitans 3) New Romans 4) Byzantines
A11. What was the name of the document, which included all the most important laws of Byzantium for that time?
Code of Justinian 2) Koran 3) Salic Truth 4) decrees of the emperor
A12. The invasion of the Arabs into the Byzantine Empire begins with: VII century. 2) VI c.3) VIII c.4) V c.
A13. What animal is the main value for an Arab?
camel 2) dog 3) cow 4) donkey.
A14. Year of the final victory of Muhammad over the Arab nobility:
630 2) 622 3) 610 4) 602
A15. An ancient sanctuary, a place of worship for Arab tribes:
Mecca 2) Medina 3) Kaaba 4) Bethlehem cave.
A16. What nation was King Arthur the leader of?
Britons 2) Huns 3) Germans 4) Arabs
A17. "The area of ​​Danish law" the British called:
Essex2) Cornwall3) Brittany4) DenloA18. Where did the decisive battle between the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans take place on October 14, 1066?
at Mount Baddon2) at Hastings3) at Verdun4) at Poitiers.
A19. What was the name of the Normans in Rus'?
Varangians 2) Vikings 3) Sagas 4) Kings
A20. The Normans who went to seek glory overseas were called:
Drakkars2) Kings3) Vikings4) Dirhams
PART BB1. Correlate:
The highest official in the Marche
Viceroys of the king in certain areas of the empire
Head of state in medieval Europe
Administrator of the Royal Palace A) Counts
B) major
B) king
D) margrave
D) a bishop
B2. Write down those who belonged to the noble estates.
A) peasants B) king C) knight D) baron D) count
AT 3. The main principles of Justinian's rule were:
A) one law B) one state C) one army D) one religion
AT 4. Insert missing words:
The Arabs who converted to Islam began to call themselves _________. _________ became the holy book of the new religion. On its basis, rules of conduct were developed - ________________, in case of violation of which _________ was subjected to the court of the supreme judges of the qadi.

Surname _____________________
Name ________________________
Class _______________________
Student Answer Sheet.
A1A2A3 A4A5 A6A7A8 A9A10
A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20
IN 1.
1 2 3 4
AT 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________
AT 3. _____________________________________________________________________________________
AT 4. _____________________________________________________________________________________
C1. ________________________________________________________________________________________

C2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Middle Ages Option 1.

A1. Period from the end of the 5th c. until the middle of the 11th century. in the history of Western Europe was called:

1) Hellenism 2) the era of the kings 3) the early Middle Ages 4) the mature Middle Ages

2. The end of the Middle Ages is associated with:

3) the fall of the Western Roman Empire 4) the conquest of Byzantium by the Ottoman Turks

3. A characteristic feature of medieval society:

1) the dominance of free enterprise 2) the seignioral-vassal structure of society

3) the merger of state power and property 4) the use of slave labor in industry

4. Form of government in which representatives of the estates participate in government:

1) estate despotism 2) limited monarchy

3) theocratic monarchy 4) vassal-fief monarchy

5. The event that accelerated the process of creating nation states in England and France was:

1) Reconquista 2) Hundred Years War 3) expansion of the crusaders to the East 4) "great schism"

6. The reason for the appearance of medieval cities in the X-XI centuries:

1) the end of wars 2) the emergence of universities

3) the development of crafts and exchange 4) the emergence of centralized states

7. Communal movements in the Middle Ages contributed to:

1) strengthening the role of the church 2) strengthening feudal relations

3) creation of city self-government bodies

4) the widespread elimination of the feudal dependence of the peasants

8. Representatives of the urban class in the Middle Ages:

1) plebeians 2) vassals 3) burghers 4) citizens

9. A manifestation of the crisis of the Middle Ages in the XIV-XV centuries. became:

1) an increase in the number of slaves 2) a demographic crisis 3) the arrival of the Huns in Europe

4) the split of the Christian world into the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches

10. The result of the crisis of medieval society:

1) the birth of capitalism 2) the death of barbarian states

3) the destruction of European civilization 4) the strengthening of the traditional foundations of society

11. The capital of the Roman Empire was transferred to the city of Byzantium by the emperor:

1) Justinian 2) Charlemagne 3) Octavian Augustus 4) Constantine I the Great

12. The period of the highest power of the Byzantine Empire:

1) II-IV centuries. 2) IV - the first half of the VII century. 3) VII-XII centuries. 4) XII-XV centuries.

13. The reason for the death of the Byzantine Empire:

1) the capture of Constantinople by the crusaders 2) the spiritual split of Byzantine society

3) the onset of a period of feudal fragmentation 4) the suppression of the Palaiologos dynasty

14. Peasants who own land on the condition of military service in favor of the state were called in Byzantium:

1) strategists 2) stratiotes 3) recruits 4) nobles

15. Byzantium played a big role in spreading in Rus':

1) theater 2) Islam 3) democracy 4) icon painting

16. The adoption of Islam by the Arabs led to:

1) acquaintance with ancient culture 2) distribution of iconography and the alphabet

3) political unification of Arab tribes

4) recognition of the Arab Caliphate by the rulers of Western Europe

17. The beginning of the Muslim calendar is:

1) 476 2) 610 3) 622 4) 1492

18 . Reconquista is called:

1) the conquest of the territory of the Iberian Peninsula from the Arabs

2) the conquest of the territory of the Balkan Peninsula by the Turks

3) the heyday of culture in Italy 4) the campaign of the crusaders to the East

19. In the East, unlike Western Europe:

1) there was a class system 2) there was a feudal ladder

3) the feudal lords in their lands had full sovereignty

4) the ruler had absolute power over his subjects

20. The reason for the flourishing of Arab culture:

1) the connection of the spiritual traditions of East and West 2) the widespread distribution of the Latin language

3) the creation of universities in all major cities 4) the spread of the Greek alphabet

21. In India, as in other states of the East, in the Middle Ages there was:

1) republic 2) varna system 3) power-property 4) private ownership of land

22. The division of Indian society into castes contributed to:

1) rapid modernization of the country 2) maintaining stability in society

3) the growth of political tension in the country

4) establishing the complete dependence of society on the central government

23. The ruler of medieval China was called:

1) Son of Heaven 2) Khorezmshah 3) Pharaoh 4) Khan

24. Feature of Japan in the Middle Ages:

1) strong bureaucracy 2) mass communal movements

3) the preservation of a strong Muslim community 4) the lack of real supreme power in the emperor

25. The principle of equal opportunities established in China meant that every resident of the country could:

1) regardless of their origin, become an official

2) as a result of a series of rebirths, move to another caste

3) to be elected to state authorities at the people's assembly

4) petition the emperor

26. The same duties that the knights in Western Europe performed in Japan:

1) samurai 2) legionnaires 3) kshatriyas 4) shenshi

IN 1. All terms, with the exception of one, refer to the concept of "Hinduism". Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.

1) cult 2) karma 3) brahmin 4) monotheism 5) transmigration of souls

2. Which of the following concepts characterize the spiritual world of the Middle Ages? Write down the numbers corresponding to the correct answers.

1) heresy 2) gothic 3) totemism 4) scholasticism 5) pantheon of gods

3. What events relate to the history of the Arab states? Write down the numbers corresponding to the correct answers

1) the fight against the crusaders 2) the creation of a decimal system of calculation

3) an attempt to restore the Roman Empire 4) the creation of a new monotheistic religion

5) the emergence of class-representative institutions

Middle Ages Option 2.

1. The period from the XIV-XV centuries. in the history of the countries of Western Europe was called:

1) Hellenism 2) era of warring kingdoms

3) Carolingian Revival 4) Late Middle Ages

2. The beginning of the period of the Middle Ages is associated with:

1) the emergence of Christianity 2) the formation of the first empires

3) the fall of the Western Roman Empire 4) the fall of Constantinople and Byzantium

3 . A characteristic feature of a feudal society is:

1) democracy 2) corporatism

3) power-property 4) collective ownership of land

4. Hereditary land ownership associated with compulsory military service in the Middle Ages:

1) feud 2) colonate 3) policy 4) interdict

5. The huge role of the papacy in the era of the mature Middle Ages was explained:

1) the weakness of secular rulers 2) the unity of the Christian church

3) the rejection of property by the church 4) the power of the Byzantine emperors

6. The growth of medieval cities contributed to:

1) the Great Migration of Peoples 2) the development of commodity-money relations

3) an increase in crop yields 4) the emergence of feudal land ownership

7. The reason for communal movements in the Middle Ages was:

1) the desire of the feudal lords to subjugate cities to their power 2) an increase in the cost of utilities

3) the spread of socialist teachings 4) the emergence of universities

8. Faith that differs from the system of religious beliefs recognized by the church:

l) heresy 2) scholasticism 3) schism 4) union

9. A manifestation of the crisis of the Middle Ages in the XIV-XV centuries. growth became:

1) influence of the church 2) influence of chivalry 3) population

4) the number of military conflicts and popular uprisings

10. As a result of the crisis of medieval society, the following happened:

1) strengthening the positions of the burghers 2) stopping the migration of the population

3) strengthening of natural economy 4) strengthening of feudal fragmentation

11. The city of Byzantium became the capital of the Roman Empire in:

1) 330 2) 476 3) 395 4) 1453

12. The emergence on the territory of the Byzantine Empire of the Latin, Nicaean empires and other states was the result of:

1) the Hundred Years' War 2) the iconoclast uprisings 3) the capture of Constantinople by the Crusaders

4) capture by the Ottoman Turks of the capital of the state

13. Significance of the Byzantine Empire in history:

1) laid the foundations of democracy 2) stopped the advance of barbarian tribes to the West

3) became a link between Antiquity and Modern times 4) became the birthplace of history and philosophy

14. A synonym for the concept of "autocracy":

1) aristocracy 2) Orthodoxy 3) autocracy 4) feudalism

15. The successful Islamization of the local population in the territories occupied by the Arabs was explained by:

1) high standard of living of the population 2) economic policy pursued by the Arabs

3) the conclusion of a union between the pope and the caliph

4) the absence of conflicts among the ruling elite of the caliphate

16. The religion of Islam originated in:

1) V in 2) VI in 3) VII in 4) VIII in

17 Sunnis and Shiites are the names of:

3) scientific schools 4) tribes

18. In the East, unlike Western European feudalism:

1) the peasant community was preserved 2) there was private property

3) the economy was agrarian in nature 4) the state was the supreme owner of the land

19. The significance of Arab culture consisted in the dissemination of:

1) the art of icon painting 2) the technique of building large cathedrals

3) the Greek system of upbringing and education 4) discoveries and inventions made in different regions

20. In India, unlike other states of the East, in the Middle Ages there was:

1) democracy 2) power-property

3) caste system 4) strong theocratic monarchy

21. The spread of Hinduism in Indian society contributed to:

1) the preservation of traditionalism 2) the growth of social tension

3) the creation of a strong centralized state

4) the rapid movement of people up the social ladder

22. Feature of China in the Middle Ages:

1) attacks by external enemies 2) frequent popular uprisings

3) the sovereign ownership of the land by the ruler 4) the alternation of periods of centralization and decentralization

23. The Confucian principle “The state is a big family”, which was established in China, meant that in the country:

1) there was a high birth rate

2) all residents were related to each other by blood ties

3) it was easy to change the social status as a result of a series of rebirths

4) it was considered important to obey the authorities and sacrifice personal interests for the sake of state

24. State Religion in Medieval Japan:

1) Judaism 2) Buddhism 3) Confucianism 4) Christianity

25. During the period of the shogunate in Japan:

1) the power of the emperor increased 2) internecine wars stopped

3) a policy of isolation from other countries was pursued 4) a republican form of government was established

26. "Closing" Japan from the outside world in the XVII century. Led to:

1) the establishment of the regime of the shogunate 2) the rapid development of capitalism

3) conservation of feudal orders 4) eviction of all residents from coastal cities

IN 1. What features testify to the dominance of traditional society in Japan in the Middle Ages? Write down the numbers corresponding to the correct answers.

1) mythological consciousness 2) the absence of class boundaries 3) the dominance of market relations

4) absorption of the individual by the state 5) the basis of society is the peasant community

2. Which of the following concepts characterize the socio-political development of medieval society? Write down the numbers corresponding to the correct answers.

1) despotism 2) estates 3) vassalage 4) democracy 5) corporatism

3. All terms, with the exception of one, refer to the concept of "caste". Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.

1) kshatriyas 2) burghers 3) brahmins 4) untouchables 5) twice-born


Chapter I

1 option

Select number one correct answer

1. The fall of the Western Roman Empire took place in:

1) 395 g. 2) 410 g. 3) 476 g. 4) 500 g.

2. The Verdun division of Charlemagne's empire took place in:

1) 786 2) 800 3) 843 4) 1066

3. The Norman Conquest of England took place in:

1) 843 g, 2) 962 3) 1066 4) 1100

3) the beginning of the reign of Charlemagne

4) Verdun section

5. Later than others happened:

1) the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern

2) the proclamation of the empire of Charlemagne

3) the end of the reign of King Clovis

4) the adoption of Christianity by the Franks

6. Viking campaigns took place over ... centuries:

I) IV - VII 2) V - VIII 3) VI - X 4) IX - XI

7. The Kingdom of the Franks arose on the territory of:

1) Gaul 3) Britain 2) Italy 4) North Africa

8. In 486, the Franks defeated at the Battle of Soissons:

1) Romans 3) Normans 2) Hungarians 4) Arabs

9. Charlemagne made about 30 military gaits against:

1) Arabs 3) Saxons 2) Slavs 4) Franks

10. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the tribes of the Angles and Saxons settled in the territory:

3) British Isles 4) Gaul

11. The Franks adopted Christianity following the example of the king:

1) Clovis 3) Odoacer 2) Theodoric 4) Stilicho

12. The governors of separate parts of the state appointed by the king were called:

1) counts 3) feudal lords 2) magnates 4) beneficiaries

13. A special way of thinking - a doctrine that is inconsistent with the provisions of the church, is called:

1) heresy 3) apocalypse 2) canon 4) gospel

14. Land ownership, given on the condition of non-military service and inherited was called:

15. The abbot of the monastery was called:

1) monk 3) abbot 2) pope 4) patriarch

16. Charlemagne's empire collapsed because:

1) there were no economic ties between the regions 2) Franks converted to Christianity

3) was conquered by the Normans 4) was conquered by the Arabs

17. Around the year 1000, the Normans were the first Europeans to reach the shores:

1) Africa 3) South America 2) North America 4) China and India

18. The reason for the success of the Viking conquests:

1) the use of hired troops 2) the economic backwardness of the conquered peoples

3) the presence of a strong royal squad 4) the feudal fragmentation of European states

19. The record of the most important events by year during the Middle Ages was called:

1) runes 3) miniatures 2) annals 4) scriptoria

20. Events in the history of the Frankish state: ___1____2____3____

A. Verdun Partition

B. Rise of the Frankish Kingdom

21. Empires in the Early Middle Ages: ___1____2____3____

22. Viking campaigns: ___1____2____3____

Please note superfluous.

23. Date Name of the historical process

D. Viking campaigns

24. Historical doer Event

25. concept

1. Feod

2. Feudal

3. Feudal fragmentation


A. The collapse of a single state into separate parts

B. Land ownership passed down by inheritance

B. Tax paid to the church

D. Land owner

26. Charlemagne was proclaimed emperor in _____.

27. The set of subjects studied in monastic schools during the Middle Ages was called the “seven __________________ arts”.

28. The basis of culture in the Middle Ages was _______________ religion.

29. The empire of Charlemagne, as a result of its division between and grandchildren, broke up into three independent states. Later they were called France, Italy and ___________.

30. The division of the empire of Charlemagne between his grandchildren occurred in ______ year.


Chapter I. Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages

Option 2

Select number one correct answer

1. The Kingdom of the Franks was founded in:

1) 410 g. 2) 476 g. 3) 486 g. 4) 500 g.

2. The proclamation of the empire of Charlemagne took place in:

1) 500 g. 2) 600 g. 3) 700 g. 4) 800 g.

3. The creation of the Holy Roman Empire took place in:

1) 800 2) 843 3) 962 4) 1066

4. An event occurred earlier than others:

1) the collapse of the empire of Charlemagne

2) the fall of the Western Roman Empire

3) the emergence of the Frankish kingdom

4) the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern

5. An event occurred later than others:

1) Creation of the Holy Roman Empire

2) Norman conquest of England

3) Great Migration of Nations

4) Verdun section

6. The great migration of peoples continued for ... centuries:

1) III-VI 2) IV-VII 3) V-VIII 4) VI-XI

7. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, its territory was inhabited by tribes:

1) Germans 3) Slavs 2) Huns 4) Arabs

8. The tribes of the Germans before the conquest of the Western Roman Empire lived east of the river:

1) Danube 3) Loire 2) Rhine 4) Elbe

9. In 732 the Franks defeated at the battle of Poitiers:

1) Romans 3) Vandals 2) Arabs 4) Lombards

10. The German tribe of vandals after the fall of the Western Roman Empire settled in the territory:

1) Gaul 3) Spain 2) Italy 4) North Africa

11. The German tribe of the Visigoths after the fall of the Western Roman Empire settled in the territory:

1) Iberian Peninsula 2) Apennine Peninsula

3) North Africa 4) Gaul

12. Bloody wars between representatives of the nobility were called:

1) benefices 3) ceremonies 2) strife 4) reforms

13. The most important provisions of religious doctrine are called:

1) symbol 3) church 2) dogma 4) heresy

14. Ministers of the church are called:

1) monasteries 3) scriptoria 2) benefices 4) clergy

15. The most important centers of culture and education in the Middle Ages were:

1) royal castles 2) major cities

3) centers of feudal estates 4) monasteries

16. All parishioners (believers) had to pay a tax on the upkeep of the church. He composed:

1) half of the harvest 2) a quarter of the harvest 3) a fifth of the harvest 4) a tenth of the harvest

17. The Normans, who carried out aggressive campaigns and the period of the early Middle Ages, were natives of:

1) Scandinavian Peninsula 2) British Isles 3) Greenland 4) Germany

18. At a time when the European states were threatened by the Normans from the north, devastating raids were carried out from the south by:

1) Slavs 3) Hungarians 2) Huns 4) Vandals

19. The main language in which worship services were conducted and books were copied during the Middle Ages:

1) Latin 3) English 2) Greek 4) Germanic

20. The material on which books were written during the Middle Ages:

1) paper 2) papyrus 3) silk 4) parchment

Set the correct sequence of events

21. Events in the history of the Frankish state: ____1____2____3____

A. Verdun Partition

B. Rise of the Frankish Kingdom

B. Fall of the Western Roman Empire

22. Empires in the Early Middle Ages: ___1____2____3____

A. Proclamation of the Empire of Charlemagne

B. Creation of the Holy Roman Empire

C. Sawing of the Western Roman Empire

23. Viking campaigns: ___1____2____3____

A. Conquest of England by Duke William

B. Activities of King Alfred the Great

C. Eirik the Red's voyage to the shores of North America

Set the correct correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. Please note that one of the elements of the right column is superfluous.

24. Date Name of the historical process

1. IV-VII centuries. A. Early Medieval Period

2. IX-XI centuries. B. Great Migration

3. V-XI centuries. B. Period of feudal fragmentation

D. Viking campaigns

25. Historical doer Event

1. Clovis A. "Carolingian Renaissance"

2. Alcuin B. Conquest of England

3. Otto I B. Creation of the Frankish state

D. Founding of the Holy Roman Empire

26. concept

1. Gospel

2. Monasticism

3. Church tithing


A. People Who Dedicated Their Lives to the Service of God

B. Organization of all believers in God

C. Description of the Life and Works of Jesus Christ

D. Tax paid to the church

Insert a missing word, phrase or date

27. In the 9th century, priests throughout Europe offered up prayers: “Lord, protect us from the fury of _______________!”

28. In Italy, on the lands donated by the king to the Pope, in The Papal States emerged in the 8th century. A fragment of this state, which still exists on the territory of Rome, is called ____________________.

29. Norman Duke William, who conquered England and became its king, was nicknamed _______________.

30. During the period of feudal fragmentation, the power of kings weakened. They became known as "the first among __________________".

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