What is polite etiquette. Politeness - what is it? Rules of courtesy

What is politeness?

Politeness is the ability of a person to communicate with other people without conflict, with respect. A polite person is pleasant in communication, his manner of speaking, his manners. In general, he seems to show his interlocutor that he respects him, that he is pleased to talk with him, and most importantly, that the person himself received a good upbringing.

Why is politeness so important?

Perhaps you will argue that politeness is a vestige in modern society, that only the arrogant and shameless survive. Yes, of course, these are extremely necessary skills for a middle manager, for office plankton, who are ready to devour each other for the opportunity to take a leather chair. But for some reason, a polite and calm person is sitting in an armchair, who can show toughness without resorting to yelling and bazaar tricks, but instill such fear that it would be better to swear. What's the secret? The secret is in the inner strength that courtesy and good manners give. Harmony with oneself is achieved in respect for the whole world, for the comprehension of the new, and courtesy will help you with this.

How to become polite?

Politeness is not only the learned rules of etiquette, but also the character of a person. Perhaps the person will rest their elbows on the table, but still give the impression of a polite and tactful person. Try to observe the following principles to become a polite, pleasant and positive person. And earn plus one to karma.

Keep your promises. No one likes rogues.

Listen to the interlocutor, do not interrupt him, even if you already understood him. Let the person finish their thought. You are not in the bazaar, have respect for the thoughts of the interlocutor, let him speak.

Do not criticize sharply something in front of an unfamiliar person. For example, you criticize vegetarianism, and your interlocutor, it turns out, does not eat meat. It can get pretty awkward. You do not intentionally offend a person, even without really getting to know him. So make jokes with your friends, not just acquaintances.

Don't forget the magic words: thank you, please. Try to use them more often, and you will notice that others will change their attitude towards you.

Do not swear, after all, this is an indicator of your level.

When you visit, take something for tea or a souvenir.

When you are driving, please turn off the high beams, follow the basic rules of courtesy and traffic.

Be condescending in conversation, how many people have so many opinions. If you do not agree with the interlocutor, you do not need to prove your case with foam at the mouth. From the fact that you will express your opinion in convulsions, your idea of ​​​​the subject of the dispute will not change, but the interlocutor will be unpleasant.

If you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, take a closer look at other people. They will give you an example of how to behave in this situation. There is no shame in asking if something is unclear. If you say: “please help me figure it out”, I think that any person will answer you, and there is nothing shameful in this.

A handshake says a lot about a person. There is a whole science dedicated to this issue. A firm handshake with a look into the eyes of the interlocutor is considered normal. If a person gives his hand as if asking, palm up, then he is not confident in himself. If a person gives his hand like a royal person, palm down, then he has high self-esteem and signs of a tyrant. According to the old rules of etiquette, older men and women themselves offer a handshake. This is considered a sign of respect for them, that is, they have the opportunity to assess whether you are worthy of their handshake or not. So, if you are a woman or an elderly man, keep in mind that the interlocutor may expect you to be the first to extend your hand to him for a handshake.

Courtesy and etiquette

You can write a larger work than "War and Peace" on the topic of table etiquette. In modern society, it has become a little easier, just remember the basic rules:

Rules of etiquette in modern society

  1. if a girl wants to eat, then there is nothing shameful to tell a guy about it. After all, people often meet after a working day. But ordering the most expensive dishes is bad manners.
  2. if you sat with friends in a cafe, ordered little, and friends offer to split the bill equally, you have the opportunity to say that you did not expect to spend a large amount and pay only for yourself. If they start to reproach you, then your friends are insincere with you.
  3. regarding expensive gifts, there is no clear restriction on etiquette: it can be accepted from a fan, it cannot. If you are uncomfortable with the gift or you don't like it, then you can return it, saying that the gift is very expensive and you will not be able to give something equivalent in the near future.

Reading 8 min.

"A polite person is always safe, but a rude person will be in trouble"

(from the writings of Japanese warriors)

A prerequisite for a normal life in society is the maintenance of optimal relations between its members and the desire to avoid conflicts. This becomes possible only by recognizing the right of each person to attention and respect through the observance of the rules of courtesy.

Unfortunately, in society there is often a manifestation of harshness, rudeness, disrespect for other people. The norms of decent behavior are often neglected, although it is extremely difficult to establish mutually beneficial and harmonious relations in society without courtesy.

The rules of politeness of children must be methodically taught

What is politeness and its meaning?

Politeness is a character trait that belongs to the categories of "morality" and "behavior".

A person endowed with this quality is characterized by:

  • the ability to communicate tactfully and respectfully with people;
  • the ability to find compromise solutions in conflict situations;
  • the art of listening to the opposite point of view.

The concept of "politeness" in different cultures has different meanings. What in some countries is considered strange or rude, in others is considered a manifestation of politeness. This is a kind of tool with which people feel comfortable being in society and in contact with each other.

Children should also hear words of gratitude from adults.

For children, politeness matters only when it becomes the norm of everyday life and has become a habit.

For this to happen, the younger generation needs to be explained what a good tone is. With the help of special exercises, it is necessary to make politeness for children natural.

It is well complemented by delicacy, which is an innate quality, which, unfortunately, cannot be learned, but you can get closer by studying the rules of politeness in children. In addition to parents and teachers, this is successfully facilitated by the teacher's own efforts and inspiring examples.

Good manners are instilled in children in the family.

The criterion by which one can determine how polite a person is can be by the ability not to put people in an awkward position. Being in society, every act and desire inevitably, directly or indirectly, affects others.

Therefore, a boundary must always be established between desires and possibilities. To strengthen it, there is self-esteem and one's own attitude not to cause harm and inconvenience to others.

Where to start?

The first thing a child should learn is the words: "thank you", "please" and "sorry" ("sorry"), and situations when their use is appropriate. For example, the word "thank you" is customary to give thanks, and this word means the one with which we say to a person "God save" for something that he was not at all obliged to do. “Please” means “to give because you love” (from the other Russian “please”), pronouncing this word, we recognize the free will of another. With the word "sorry" or "sorry" we ask for forgiveness.

Magic words should be first in the lexicon of a little person

These words should be used freely, automatically, naturally, otherwise, they sound impolite, with notes of rudeness, disrespect and hostility.

There are no trifles in teaching politeness to children; everything related to relationships requires attention. The rules of courtesy for children include methods of addressing, acquaintances, greetings, acquaintances.

In communication, it is necessary to remember the "inequality" between adults and children present and entering the premises, girls and boys, waiting and late.

Rules of conduct in transport - one of the types of courtesy

The child must understand that the physical defects of people are not a reason for ridicule; you need to address peers and younger by name, to adults - by name and patronymic. It is necessary to draw his attention to the fact that it is almost always inappropriate to express your negative emotions openly and violently. And that the highest indicator of courtesy to others is restraint.

Practical training for children

Practicing courtesy for children starts in the family. The best role models are households, and first of all, parents, what is instilled in exemplary behavior (worthy of emulation) cannot be instilled by force.

Observing the behavior of the baby, you need to notice his mistakes in the relationship, and later in a calm atmosphere to discuss the situation and explain why he is wrong. It is desirable to give an example of how this should have been done.

Family etiquette rules

In everyday situations, the child needs the words: “thank you” - “please”, “good morning” - “good night”, etc., and make sure that he answers and imitates you.

Education of politeness through games

The game is the most accessible means for the understanding of the child to comprehend the structure of the world, this is the most favorable environment for him to learn the necessary skills.

The situation created in the game imperceptibly and unobtrusively will teach the child better than a thousand words. For example, take a plush toy in your hands and say hello to your child. This is how you teach your child how to say hello. Ask him for something using the word "please", etc.

School courtesy games

Encouragements and remarks

It is very important to encourage the child with praise, especially when he is just beginning to learn the basics of politeness. Mark when he did everything right, so he will be more oriented, that is, he will learn well what behavior is correct.

Before making a remark, find out for what reason he acted impolitely. Perhaps there is an explanation for this. In a conversation, it may turn out that the child was shy or upset. It is important to find a common language with your child in order to build bridges of trust to him.

A good means of teaching politeness is to watch cartoons and feature films together, paying attention to the mistakes of the characters or their manifestations of decent behavior. Express your opinion and listen to your child's assessment of the character. Discuss with him the "sharp" moments of the plot.

Parents should explain why it is necessary to be polite

Problems of education of polite behavior skills

It happens that the child gets out of control: he makes a reservation, keeps silent, does not respond to comments, does not hesitate to use profanity. He does not listen to anyone, and changes the usual manner of behavior in the family.

This behavior is typical for teenagers. By his actions, he consciously or unconsciously seeks to prove to others that he is no longer a child. At the same time, he demands respect for himself and the inviolability of his personal space. He regards any intrusion as utter disrespect.

Indifference is one of the manifestations of impoliteness

Experienced teachers believe that such behavior is the result of a lack of attention and indifference on the part of people who are authoritative for him. Hence the rudeness, in response - a conflict, a verbal skirmish. A teenager has a reason to show independence, and he slams the door. Here is a familiar situation for many.

The only way out of this situation is to show respect for the child and recognize him as an “adult”. As a result of a showdown, he must understand that being an adult is a responsibility. For example, tell him: “I will not touch your clothes, but you must make sure that they are in order”; "I won't go into your room, but now you have to mop the floor and dust yourself."

Carefully appeal to the idols of the child, do not speculate on his feelings for this or that celebrity.

Only an unobtrusive mention of the best qualities of his hero is acceptable. Take an interest in the biography of an idol. Surely even the singer who died due to drugs had qualities that are worthy of emulation. It would be good to sort out the negative moments of the life of a star and discuss with the child what was the mistake that led to negative consequences, and what he lost in the process.

If a stranger scolds a child, parents should take the side of their baby

There are situations when an outsider gives an assessment of your child's behavior. In this case, the best option would be to adhere to two principles:

  • parents are always on the side of their child;
  • restraint, which means not getting involved in a conflict and not exacerbating relations with a third party.

What to do with children's spontaneity?

It must be known that it comes from a lack of self-consciousness. After any manifestation, such as pointing a finger at someone and loudly discussing the appearance of an outsider, talking about household chores at a party, you need to talk with the child and discuss the situation.

Ask him to imagine that he, too, may be in an uncomfortable situation.

For example, a mother will tell about his secrets with the same spontaneity, or he will be ridiculed among authoritative people for no reason. Ask how he would feel in a similar situation.

Throughout life, a person comprehends the rules of communication in society. In a formal form, they are expressed by the rules of etiquette. Polite behavior stimulates people to communicate and interact, it is like water stimulating a plant to grow. Respect for the personal space of another person has always been highly valued in highly developed societies. Rules of etiquette and courtesy: we understand the intricacies of communication.

Basic forms of secular behavior

There are three main forms in human communication: official, unofficial, impersonal. Consider the main aspects.


This type is characterized by increased tact. Any appeal contains "you", "you", "you". Positive actions are accompanied by gratitude, for example, “thank you”, “it’s very nice”, “I’m grateful to you”, “you are so kind”, to which it is customary to respond with “nothing”, “glad you liked it”, “eat on health” (if you were treated to food). In addition to the appeal "you" in corporate business ethics, position, rank, and achievements can be emphasized.


This form is used when communicating with well-known and close people. It is characterized by a minimum set of strict conventions. The appeal is accompanied by the personal pronoun "you", "you", "with you". The answers are simpler: “thank you”, “be healthy”, “contact me”.


This type is characterized by the absence of a personal pronoun. Words are addressed as if in the air or to everyone at once, for example, “do not tell me what time it is? ”, “Tell me how to get to the square.”

There are no designated norms for the transition in communication from the appeal “you” to “you”, often this happens during prolonged close communication. Poorly educated people are distinguished by the appeal to "you" to everyone without exception. In any interaction of people (with rare exceptions), one of the parties is the initiator. The first at a meeting, subject to mutual visibility, shows signs of courtesy:

  1. man to woman;
  2. subordinate to the chief;
  3. younger than older;
  4. incoming present;
  5. suitable for standing.

How to behave?

To be a truly polite person, it is worth considering a number of basic rules of behavior in society:

  • Appeal to another person should not be rude, aggressive, loud.
  • Human movements should be measured and calm without sharp turns and twitches.
  • Appearance should be neat: it is important to follow the rules of hygiene (it is unacceptable for the body to exude unpleasant odors);
  • When communicating, it is desirable to use the words "please", "thank you", "all the best" and the like, you can not use swear words.
  • You can not laugh out loud, grin, passing by strangers.
  • You can not itch, pick your teeth, nose, ears.
  • When yawning, do not open your mouth wide: it is better to cover it with your hand, the same rule applies to sneezing.

It is unacceptable to violate the rights and comfort of others, except for force majeure circumstances. Only in this case, you can leave the interlocutor and retire on an urgent matter. If the matter can wait, it is impolite to leave the interlocutor in mid-sentence. Behavior should not be defiant and expansive, especially in crowded places. If you need to contact someone, you should approach this person and calmly ask, and not shout, disturbing and annoying others.

Space in any public place should be evenly distributed among all those present. If this is a bench, you need to sit, taking one place, and not falling apart into half a bench. If this is a cramped room, do not:

  • spread elbows;
  • stretch out your arms;
  • make sharp turns.

In transport, bags, backpacks are removed from the shoulders and held in hand. It is good manners to provide a seat:

  • disabled people;
  • people with injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • To old people;
  • pregnant women;
  • small children;
  • women (the item is relevant for men).

Physical contact with another person is possible only with his approval. It is not recommended to touch strangers, touching acquaintances is possible only if there is friendly behavior in the framework of everyday rituals, such as shaking hands, patting on the shoulder, friendly hugs. When interacting with another person, think about the fact that he has his own plans, needs and desires, you should not hold someone back if it is clear that he wants to leave.

Rules for communicating with strangers and unfamiliar people

Communication with unfamiliar and unfamiliar people has its own characteristics:

  • At the first meeting, look at the interlocutor, but not too often.
  • Smile when interacting.
  • It is important to use the personal pronoun "you". This shows respect and is the basis for further conversation.
  • Getting acquainted first, the initiative is shown by the elder to the younger, the man to the woman, the boss to the subordinate.
  • You can switch to “you” only at the request of the elder (boss), while the one whose hierarchy is lower can allow himself to be addressed to “you”.
  • The beginning and end of the dialogue is often accompanied by a gesture: a raised palm, a nod, a tilt of the head.
  • Shaking hands should not be very strong, but not lifeless (no more than 1-2 seconds).
  • When entering a room where, in addition to familiar people, there are strangers, you need to say hello to everyone, giving the strangers your name.
  • At the entrance, they take off their hats, before shaking hands - gloves.

If you need any help from a stranger, you should politely say hello and ask if he can devote some of his time to help. After receiving an affirmative answer, you can state the request. If the request is something fleeting, such as determining the time or location, you can immediately ask a question after the greeting.

If a person is contacting you, but you don’t remember whether you know him or not, you should ask a question, starting with an apology (for example, “Excuse me, do we know each other?”).

table manners

When eating, a comfortable environment is especially important. Several basic rules must be observed. The posture should be straight:

  • you can not lean on those sitting nearby, even if you are sitting shoulder to shoulder;
  • it is unacceptable to stretch the legs, they should be bent and be in front of the front legs of the chair at a short distance.

In addition, you can not eat with your elbows apart and put them on the table. Elbows should be pressed to the ribs. It is unacceptable to stretch your arms over the table, except with the intention of placing food from some dish on your plate. At a party, it is better not to initiate a conversation at the table, it is worth leaving it to the discretion of the owners of the house.

If it's a public place, the old rule of "I'm deaf and dumb when I eat" won't make you look bad.

In no case should you talk with food in your mouth. While chewing food, try to keep the mouth closed: this ensures that there are no chomping sounds. When using cutlery, do it carefully, without creating shock, creaking, scratching sounds. It is forbidden:

  • knock on the table;
  • take food from someone else's plate;
  • indulge;
  • throw objects;
  • sing;
  • talk on a cell phone;
  • apply makeup.

The exception is medication prescribed with meals. A man should help a woman sitting to his right (for example, when requested to serve various dishes or pour drinks). Behavior should be moderate, calm and constructive in relation to others. Remember: nothing is as highly valued as politeness. Every person should have good manners and decency of conduct. In international practice, immoral and ill-mannered behavior is prohibited.

You will learn more about the basic rules of etiquette and courtesy in the following video.

Arina Stramkova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Rules of courtesy are not boring! Politeness is often confused with arrogance, as well as an attempt to get what you want through flattery and pretense.

What is the difference between obvious snobbery and good education? And most importantly - how to prove yourself a polite, worthy person in any situation, and not pass for a hypocrite?

Politeness in our life - is there a place for it

Now even unfamiliar people quickly switch to “you”, and the polite “you” becomes something alien and distant, and is considered almost the main sign of arrogance.

Something like “We are like from enlightened Europe, where friendliness is felt a kilometer away, and you, with your importance, are like on high mountains of your moral principles.”

In reality, such a system exists only in England, where the pronoun "you" is indeed ambiguous. But in Italy or France, dear to the heart, people still know how to distinguish between such things. So you should not justify obvious familiarity with fashion trends, this is a losing business.

And how many more myths exist around the so-called politeness! About them - below.

Myths and truth about politeness

Politeness improves health

Exactly! Politeness, according to scientists, is very good for health.

Yes, with its help you can hardly get rid of a migraine or make your metabolism work faster - but you can easily raise your endorphin level. The scheme is extremely simple: if you do not need violent showdowns, screams, scandals and disputes, serotonin, the main hormone of happiness, is expressed at a double speed. And, as you know, a happy person charges others with his bright positive energy.

Remember how quickly patients recover at an appointment with a nimble and smiling nurse than with one who always complains and is always dissatisfied with something.

Polite people are weak

Not true! Only weak and insecure people can take the politeness of an intelligent person for weakness and spinelessness.

Why is this happening? Is there really anything surprising in the fact that a person, out of principle, never speaks in raised tones?

The fact is that, unfortunately, the world is arranged in such a way that it is possible to achieve something in society with the help of a cry. Otherwise, you can simply go unnoticed.

But following such rules does not at all mean that a person is inferior and unable to stand up for himself. It all depends on your inner supply and harmony. Believe me, it is possible to convey your thoughts and even criticism without demonstration performances. This will be your real personal ability, which very few people have.

Polite people never waste themselves on sorting things out with the help of scandals, they direct energy in another direction - to create and build warm relations with the world.

If you are well-mannered and polite, you will become a respected person.

Not true! As you know, the respect of another person still needs to be earned, but simply a good upbringing will not make any difference.

But there are still pluses, because the correct clear speech without the use of abusive words, addressing to “you”, a friendly smile and open postures will clearly help you make a positive impression - especially if you have also established yourself as an honest and conscientious person. And - here it is, the key to respect!

It is impossible not to note the person who went through all the obstacles and copper pipes, and still retained his confidence and dignified manners. But do not forget an important thing: your upbringing can be a reason for pride only for you, and you should not demonstrate it to everyone you meet - and arrogantly look at passers-by throwing candy wrappers on the roadway. This clearly will not add weight to you in the eyes of other people. Rather, on the contrary, it will cause a wave of indignation.

We turn on politeness only when we want to receive something from a person.

Not true! And the truth...

On the one hand, if we behave in a cloyingly polite way (fawning, choosing special words, adjusting the tone of speech) - this clearly indicates manipulation. As psychologists say, such representatives of modern society are extremely dangerous aggressors, with whom, if possible, all contacts should be reduced.

Illusory politeness can instantly turn into irritability, and even nervousness, if the manipulator does not like something. Remember the words of the famous Faina Ranevskaya that it is better to be a good person who swears than ... Well, I think you remembered.

But, of course, just good people with excellent upbringing also walk our beautiful planet. The main thing is to learn to distinguish black from white. And you will be happy!

Simple rules of courtesy for everyone

  1. Many questions - such as personal life, nationality, religion- can put you and your interlocutors in an awkward position. Avoid criticism in conversation - both in relation to the interlocutor and in relation to other people. Learn to admit your mistakes.
  2. Avoid harsh, vulgar words, exclude sharp, accusatory notes from your behavior. Do not shout, speak softly, but at the same time - confidently. This applies to both relations with the outside world and in the family - be polite and attentive with your relatives.
  3. Don't be rude while driving, let cars off the secondary road, don't use the signal without a good reason, apologize and thank you, take one parking space, don't chase the "irritant" ... This will save your nerves and good mood to others.
  4. Even if you're trying to help by offering to pay for dinner or do the dishes, don't be persistent. If the person refuses and says, “Thanks, I can handle it myself,” you can reply, “Please, I would love to help.” If he still says no, so be it.
  5. Don't look over your shoulder at the person when he speaks, and don't linger on the new guest who has just entered.

You should not look at how it is customary to communicate in the modern world. If you take the average, then you will always come across mediocrity, from which you do not need to take an example.

This does not mean at all that you need to become a pompous cockerel who will seem like a clown in any company. It means that you just have to raise your own standards courtesy and delicacy contrary to social norms. Yes, such insignificant things are striking, but they are necessary for a fulfilling life. Modern realities do not contradict them.

I’m used to people opening doors for me, helping me carry bags, giving me a hand and covering me with a blanket. When I fall (and with my vestibular apparatus, which seems to be defective from birth, this happens very often), I look around for help. And, you know, she's always there.

For the last time, for example, I stumbled across the middle of the street, and the man who was following me immediately offered his hand, helped me up, and went on. Of course, I thanked him, as I always do when a person does not ask me about it. After all, with people for whom politeness is natural, you always want to be polite in return!

Owning his emotions and observing the rules of politeness is much more pleasant in communication than a rude person. Success in a career, relationships with friends and relatives, and well-being in family life depend on the ability to correctly assess and behave in a given situation. Therefore, every person from an early age should know and observe the rules of politeness.

What is politeness

Politeness implies an expression, as well as a manifestation of respect for any person or his action. If you turn to the dictionary with the question of what politeness is, the definition of this word will be as follows - it is a manifestation of good breeding, courtesy and the ability to observe the rules of decency. Being polite is not easy. Very often, restrained and adequate behavior of adults is hampered by stress, troubles at work and in personal life. Sometimes the manifestation of politeness to a person is impossible because of antipathy towards him. One of the most important and valuable qualities of a person is the ability to be restrained and polite in various situations. It is often very difficult for children to understand what politeness is. Therefore, it is very important to teach a child to observe the rules of politeness from an early age. After all, this quality is always noticed and appreciated.

Showing courtesy

A person shows courtesy to another if he constantly uses the words “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me” and the like in a conversation.

Spouses are tactful in their attitude and instill this in their child if they do not use rude and obscene words in a conversation with each other.

In politics, showing respect for the interlocutor during negotiations is called diplomatic courtesy.

A person is considered polite if he shows his respect to both elders and younger ones.

Rules of courtesy for children

What this should know not only every adult, but also a child.

First of all, the child needs to explain what politeness is, the definition of this word. And also how educated kids behave and why it is so important to be polite. It is very convenient to learn the rules of politeness in pictures and in a playful way. There are even rules in verse so that the child can more easily remember and understand them.

One of the universal rules that every adult knows is: treat others the way you want to be treated. Children very often consciously do not want to be paid attention to and greeted. That is why this rule is very important in the formation of politeness and awareness of this very concept - politeness: what it is and how it manifests itself.

It is important to teach your child to use words of gratitude correctly. You need to thank not only if a gift was presented (even if you didn’t like it), but also if another person helped or rendered any service. It is necessary to explain that help and mutual assistance - this is politeness, is very much appreciated.

It is necessary to tell the child that you can’t call names, make fun of someone or come up with offensive nicknames, focusing on the shortcomings of another person. Instead, you need to praise others for good deeds, note their merits, be able to listen to a person without interrupting him.

Knowing and understanding that you need to respect other people, you can’t be selfish and put your desires first - politeness. What kind of attitude towards other people should be in any communication and that it is ugly to interrupt someone or shout for no reason, you need to explain to the child from an early age.

magic words

Of course, the main aspect is learning, understanding correctly what polite words are and using magic words such as "thank you", "hello", "goodbye", "sorry", "please" and so on. It is necessary to explain to the baby that they can be used in different situations. For example, they apologize not only when they act badly or feel guilty for an act, but also when they want to ask another person for something or attract his attention, distracting him from another business or conversation. As communication with other children and adults increases, skills in using polite words will increase.

Basic rules of courtesy

  1. Say hello first and respond to greetings.
  2. Don't interrupt others while talking.
  3. Knock when the door is locked.
  4. When leaving, hold the door.
  5. Ask permission if you are visiting.
  6. You can't show disinterest in anything.
  7. Avoid conflict.

There are many rules of courtesy. It is important to remember that a well-bred child whose parents are polite will intuitively act in the same way as they do in similar situations.

How to teach your child to be kind to others

It is hard to argue with the fact that children learn bad things much faster than good things. As soon as a child sees his peer committing a bad deed, adjustments have to be made to his behavior. There is also a certain amount of truth in the fact that children will always be like their parents, copying their behavior. That is why the rules of politeness should be observed not only by children, but also by their parents. After all, they are a role model for the child. First of all, the mother and father of the baby must learn to control their emotions and actions, regardless of the situation. When communicating with a child, it is imperative to use those very magic words, always listen to everything that the baby wants to say without interrupting him.

From the first days, you need to build warm and with the child, so that later, when the baby grows up, be an authority for him. Then he will listen to the opinion and instructions of his parents.

To explain the meaning of the word "politeness", what are the rules of politeness is necessary from the earliest years. To do this, it is preferable to use the game form.

It is impossible to impose rules on a child and force him to comply with them, and even more so to punish him for misbehavior.

The kid needs to be given a choice of how he can act in a certain situation, and then explain the pros and cons of the decision.

You can not scold the child in the presence of other people. Never criticize a child. You can criticize his behavior, but he himself is not. The child should be praised for showing courtesy.

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