How to live alone: ​​advice from a psychologist. How to deal with loneliness

Scary. They imagine how in old age they will sit on a rocking chair, stroke a cat and contemplate the sunset. But how do you deal with loneliness? Is it worth worrying if you can’t find a soul mate or start a family? When is the time for despair?

The devil is not as scary as he is painted

To learn how to come to terms with loneliness and start living, you need to understand what this socio-psychological phenomenon is in general?

What a terrible hopelessness lies behind this emotional state. Man is a social being who is not always able to endure loneliness. What can we say about people, when even most animals die without communication. For example, parrots that are in captivity use their vocal abilities to imitate sounds and human speech, thereby saving themselves from a lack of communication.

But what is loneliness? For some, this is a life without family and children, for others - an existence without friends and social communication. But is it really scary to be alone? In fact, no, because each person is a completely independent person who can make up for the lack of communication in different ways. People are not isolated from society on a voluntary basis. As a rule, a lonely person makes himself.

However, if you can't stand this emotional state and always crave someone's company, it's definitely not good. And if you have difficulty communicating with other people or are not able to be in the same room with someone, this situation cannot be considered normal. You must certainly find a compromise. Let's find out how to come to terms with loneliness and whether it is worth worrying about the lack of social communication.

Do you have to deal with loneliness?

How to deal with at 35? Why does social isolation occur in the majority of people whose age has crossed the thirty-year mark?

The main reason for this paradox is incorrectly set priorities at a younger age. There is an opinion that if a person under 30 does not achieve certain successes (car, apartment, family, travel), then he will remain a loser. In the pursuit of well-being, people spend years first studying hard, then craving a stable job, trying to defend a dissertation, climbing the career ladder. In the end, a logical question arises, how to come to terms with loneliness, because they have no friends, no family, or even good acquaintances.

What happens to beautiful, smart, successful, lively and a bit bitchy women, from which men simply go crazy? They become even more socially isolated, stronger and stronger every year. The reason is simple: they do not see the problem in loneliness, they convince themselves that everything is in order, and this is quite normal.

However, it is important to understand that this emotional state should not apply to absolutely all areas of life. You may not have a family or children, but you know that there is always the opportunity to go on a trip with friends, go to a concert or meet new people. One hundred percent loneliness will mean only one thing - you have closed yourself in your own mental cocoon, which completely protected you from any communication.

Why is it so hard to overcome loneliness

Another question that arises in men and women: “How to come to terms with loneliness at 45 and older?” There is only one solution here: you do not need to completely renounce any social contact. The older a person becomes, the more he withdraws into himself. Lonely people are afraid to start new relationships and get to know someone, they do not go out into the public, forget about their appearance and any plans.

So how do you deal with being single at 35, 45, and 50? Behave naturally and do not forget that you are a fully capable and active person who has a bright future. Locking yourself in your own apartment, avoiding excessive communication, can only make things worse. And year after year, this emotional state will begin to develop into fears and complexes, from which it is almost impossible to get rid of.

Main reasons

All the troubles and difficulties in life do not arise just like that. They are either the result of some actions and decisions that people make (or do not), or the result of behavior. Loneliness is no exception.

The most common reasons that can explain why a person is ignored by other people are:

  1. Excessive squeamishness. Of course, you don't have to marry the first girl you meet (marry the guy) you meet. However, do not build to waste your life looking for the shortcomings of your potential partner. No one is perfect, each person has some pros and cons. What you have to do is decide for yourself whether you are ready to accept all these character flaws and bad habits of the second half.
  2. Selfishness and laziness. All relationships involve constant hard work. Yes, you should not just stay afloat and ignore all the problems in your path. It's important to really work hard to maintain your relationship. If you want to have a strong and lasting friendship or marriage, you must learn to be flexible and make concessions to each other. Remember that sometimes you have to give up your own interests in the name of your beloved (chosen one), because as soon as marriage takes place, “I” is replaced by “we”.
  3. Excessive aggression. As well as authority, hysterical nature, cruelty, laziness and other negative character traits that need to be eradicated not even for the sake of others, but for oneself.
  4. Untidy appearance. You can be a very interesting person, but keep in mind that no one wants to date a woman (or man) with dirty hair, or someone who smells bad.
  5. Excessive persistence. Imagine the following situation: you have been courting your girlfriend listlessly for years. What will happen next? Perhaps you will break up. However, you may experience the same result if you start planning your future wedding on the second day of dating.

Let's find out how to come to terms with loneliness for a woman and a man. This set of rules will be useful to those who are faced with a lack of communication and social isolation:

  • Remember that you are the culprit of your emotional state.
  • Do not drive yourself into the framework, do not let stereotypes break you.
  • Age should not become a hindrance to a happy and fulfilling life. Therefore, if a question arises among men, how to come to terms with loneliness at 50 or later, then it is important to understand that every person has the opportunity to build a happy life, find love, start a family, become successful and have good friends.
  • Loneliness does not mean that you now have to close yourself in an empty apartment, cut off all the wires, retire from social networks, put on a gray robe.

Loneliness manifests itself in different ways. Someone is comfortable living independently in a house where only his rules reign. But at the same time, such people build relationships, have friends and do not close themselves off from society.

If you make friends with yourself, you will never be alone. Maxwell Moltz

If you ask a specialist how to come to terms with loneliness for a man or woman, you will certainly hear: “With the help of communication!” Indeed, if you have an interesting job and friendly colleagues, loyal friends, exciting hobbies, and a pleasant relationship with your family, then you will not grieve too much about the lack of love. In addition, suffering from loneliness can be avoided by following some of the recommendations below.

Don't be obsessed with staying away from people

If you are single, then just imagine that this is a difficult period in life that will soon end. You don’t need to feel sorry for yourself every day and suffer that you don’t have love, friends and relationships. Remember, the more you think about it, the worse your emotional state will be.

Don't get mad

You will not become happier by hating your friend who is more successful in his personal life. The anger and envy that devours people from the inside will sooner or later become apparent and will start to scare away all people on the way who seek to create a strong relationship with you. Better be a happy person by programming yourself to repeat the successes of others!

Love your life and live to the fullest!

Even if you are single now, this does not mean that this will continue for the rest of your life. Visit exhibitions, go to cinemas and theaters, volunteer for a charity.

Believe me, many married people will envy you for having free time, so spend it wisely, using it for self-development and personal growth. In addition, visiting such places will give you the opportunity to meet new friends and your soulmate. Therefore, instead of thinking about how to come to terms with loneliness in your personal life, become socially active, do not follow the advice of Brodsky from the famous poem, which said: “Do not leave the room, do not make a mistake.”

The Internet is more than a social network

The Internet offers many opportunities for communication that can be immediately transferred from the virtual world to real life. However, avoid the risk of becoming addicted to the World Wide Web!

On the Internet, you can really become a better person. Even if you don't have friends today, they are always easy to find on the web. There you can also learn foreign languages ​​with native speakers, find friends of interest and like-minded people who will subsequently save you from loneliness. But remember that real life surrounds you, in which communication is also in full swing.

Find someone who needs your love

So, you don't know how to deal with loneliness. A girl or a guy needs to remember that there is no need to panic if they cannot find their soulmate right now. Give love and care to relatives, children, animals, the elderly - all those who really need it.

Take care of a kitten or puppy and you will never be alone again. Jokes about “40 cats” will be inappropriate, because one pet does not determine your future fate. In addition, a woman can become a mother and quite successfully raise a child without a husband (but keep in mind that this option should be considered last).

What can social exclusion lead to?

Loneliness can be emotionally painful for most people. If you convince yourself that everything is in order, but deep down you feel heaviness and suffering, then it's time to change something. In the worst case, this condition can lead to:

  1. depression. At first, there will be apathy and despondency associated with the fact that you are not surrounded by people who are able to support and make you happy. Then this state will begin to develop into fear and complexes, forcing you to drive yourself into the framework and alienate yourself from society. Then depression will overtake when thoughts begin to appear: “Nobody needs me”, “There are no people in my life who understand me”, etc.
  2. Deterioration of physical health. When a person is in constant tension, he begins to suffer either from overeating or from hunger. There may be a headache, exhaustion of the body. If loneliness develops from a temporary problem into depression, then a person is able to face skin diseases, hair loss, deterioration of nails and teeth.


Now you know how to put up with loneliness for a woman and a man. The main thing is not to withdraw into yourself and accept this state as temporary. You cannot be sure that in a year or five or ten years everything will be the same. Perhaps in a month you will meet your love, make new friends and create a completely different life that will give happiness and joy.

Women, due to their emotionality, perceive separation, divorce or death of a loved one more acutely. The fear of being alone torments and torments, many fall into a state of depression for a long period. How can a woman come to terms with loneliness and survive this period with minimal losses?

Psychological causes of women's loneliness

Practical psychology admits and even recommends the loneliness of a woman for a certain period in order to understand herself and understand how to live on. At the same time, the older the female age, the higher the risk of prolonged depression, which is difficult to cope with on your own. For example, experiencing loneliness after 50 is, of course, more difficult than in middle or young age.

To appreciate the scale of the problem, it is necessary to understand the causes of a woman's loneliness:

  1. The death of a close and beloved person is especially hard to endure and realize. In this situation, the main enemy of a woman is depression, which can drag on for a very long time.
  2. Unsuccessful past relationships with a man lead to the fact that it becomes easier for a woman to live alone. The fear of reliving the pain and loss of a breakup again forces you to close all your emotions and not trust anyone.
  3. Complexes and insecurities, as a rule, come from childhood, forcing them to live a lonely life. In this case, a single woman persuades herself that she is unworthy to be with a man, because. does not fit in any way.
  4. Inflated self-esteem also becomes the reason why a woman remains alone for a long time. At the same time, the bar in evaluating men does not decrease either at 30 or at 40, which, of course, dooms them to a life of loneliness.
  5. Conscious loneliness is extremely rare when a woman makes her own choice when she is comfortable and well alone.
The psychology of a single woman is initially based on the fact that she is a victim. The syndrome is formed gradually, over time the situation spoils the woman, she gets used to being alone. Signs are often associated with apathy and rejection of the outside world, when a woman focuses only on pity for her own person. It is necessary to learn to live alone, to accept yourself with all your shortcomings and, step by step, try to go out into the world.

Pros and cons of single women

The benefits of living alone are that you can rethink your values ​​and understand your desires. When a man or a child becomes the center of a woman's universe, this is fundamentally not true. Children grow up and leave, people are also not eternal, couples break up at different ages, and then the world of a woman collapses, leaving emptiness and loneliness.

You should get used to being with yourself, accepting your own thoughts, calm down and not panic. After all, there are pros and cons of being single. In this case, the pluses, as a rule, are in the majority, rather than the minuses.

Being alone means indulging your desires, you don’t need to adapt to someone, wait for approval from the outside, or justify someone’s expectations. There is no need to fill the resulting void with work or incomprehensible people. It is necessary to analyze the situation, enjoy the moment. There can be only one minus, a long period of a lonely life, it can become a habit. A woman gradually needs to let people into her life, get to know each other and get out of a state of complete loneliness.

How to overcome loneliness for a woman

Loneliness is not karma, depending on the reasons, you can get rid of a lonely existence. First of all, it should be recognized that you are tired of being alone, that a desire arose in you to find a life partner. You can stop being afraid with the help of friends, and you don’t have to talk about your trouble, you just need to keep the conversation going and start going out into the world. And only in this case, ask the question, how to overcome loneliness for a woman?

To cope with loneliness for a woman of any age and, especially, in our age of high technology, it is enough just to find like-minded people in hobbies (knitting, books, dating, etc.). If the loneliness of a pretty woman is caused by complexes and fears, then you need to work on yourself, put yourself in order, update your wardrobe, change your hairstyle in order to become more confident.

Look into yourself, take a closer look at your own inner world, perhaps it’s not worth fighting? And you just need to enjoy life, work for pleasure and meet nice people from time to time?

Many people experience loneliness. This condition can overtake an individual as a result of various reasons. As a rule, it is accompanied by a feeling of longing, depression and a feeling of emptiness. How to live alone? This question interests many.

Confusion and fear

Left without friends and relatives, everyone feels longing and discomfort. Serious changes, separation, family drama - all this is accompanied by a change in lifestyle. Man by nature is a social being. It is difficult for him to be isolated.

Many individuals have no idea how to live alone. Thinking about it makes them afraid. Fear prevents people from making the right choice. It forces you to maintain a relationship even when there are no feelings left. As a result, the individual robs himself of time that he could have put to good use. If communication with a partner causes negative emotions, you need to stop it.

stressful state

Not everyone is able to perceive loneliness correctly. This feeling causes a negative reaction in both women and the stronger sex. Many people think that life without a loved one or friends is meaningless. The feeling of loneliness provokes discomfort and fear, and this is normal. Experts say that this condition is a stressful situation. Nevertheless, it gives a person an excellent opportunity to unwind, work on his own personality and look at life calmly, judiciously, as if from the outside. It is important to find a reasonable balance between the time spent with others, and those minutes and hours that the individual devotes to himself. Avoiding loneliness in every possible way is not a good idea. After all, this way you can get into the society of dishonorable people. Some individuals have a circle of distant acquaintances with whom they constantly communicate. But this often leads to serious problems.

Relationships are also stressful.

Many people after a breakup with a partner wonder how to live alone. Parting leads to a feeling of discomfort, sadness, emptiness. But relationships are also a source of unpleasant experiences. After all, partners often quarrel, worry about each other. When a person remains alone, all negative experiences disappear. There is a chance to lead a quiet life, restore the nervous system.

There is a lot of free time that can be spent not on a partner, but on yourself. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of this state. It is important to try to use it to your advantage.

Reason to think about life

Is it possible to live your whole life alone? The answer to this question depends on the personal characteristics of the individual. Someone feels great without relatives and friends. But if this condition depresses a person, it can be dealt with without entering into a disorderly relationship.

Loneliness is a reason to rethink life. Some are afraid of this phenomenon because of the lack of material support. Others complain that they have no one to help solve problems, listen, give advice. Still others begin to consider themselves unattractive to the opposite sex. Loneliness is an excellent reason to get rid of such complexes. Often a feeling of uselessness is laid down in childhood, when parents devoted too little time to their son or daughter, did not take into account the interests and needs of a small person. Sometimes this feeling is due to the fact that the individual puts himself above other people, closes himself from society.

Some deliberately refuse to communicate, fearing a second break in relations, betrayal. Being in isolation, a person is afraid to admit to himself in experiences. But they must be extracted from the subconscious. It is for this that a person should use the free time that he has in connection with loneliness.

life planning

Left without communication, a person often begins to feel sorry for himself. You don't have to give in to this feeling. Complete loneliness gives a person a chance to take up free time with new hobbies, to try something that he has never experienced before. Some change jobs, start interesting projects. Others enroll in courses that have been put off for a long time. All these activities allow a person to properly organize their free time, not to succumb to longing. In addition, they provide a chance to make new acquaintances. Despite all the disadvantages of this state, loneliness helps to get to know yourself better, to reveal talents that have not been shown before. Experts recommend that you make a list of things that a person would like to do in the near future, and gradually implement plans. After all, he will have enough time to realize even the most difficult project.

Feeling lonely as a couple

Sometimes partners who have been married for several years notice that they have nothing to talk about. They're just around out of old habit. Relationships have lost their meaning, and people feel alone together. Often, this feeling is experienced by couples who got married in order to meet the expectations of society, to conceive and raise a child. Many partners live by this model. Loneliness together suits individuals quite well; they do not consider it a problem. But there are times when a man or woman feels that the other half has changed a lot.

The couple no longer have anything in common. Indeed, during the period of falling in love, partners consider each other ideal, and then they are often disappointed. In relationships, it is important to maintain constant interest, to prevent boredom and laziness in feelings. You should not adapt to your partner or try to remake him for yourself. Happiness in love is achieved through self-sufficiency, exclusivity, understanding. Common plans, goals and interests help to avoid longing and distance. How to avoid loneliness together? First of all, it is necessary to discard the illusion that the family is a guarantee of peace and emotional stability. You should switch your love to your own personality, contact with nice people, find time for interests, hobbies. If difficulties in a couple cause discomfort and are a source of stress, it is recommended to consult a psychologist (alone or together with the chosen one).

How to deal with loneliness?

First, you should decide on your own desires. A person must understand what he most wants at the moment: spend time with himself or arrange a personal life.

If there is a lack of communication, it is necessary to engage in social activities. Friendships can relieve feelings of loneliness. Experts also advise getting a pet. In addition, it is necessary to develop such qualities as goodwill, trust, openness.

You should try to be interesting for yourself. To do this, it is recommended to spend time in solitude, dream a little, think about your plans, devote free minutes to understanding the world around you. Relaxing procedures (hot bath with fragrant foam, listening to calm music, reading books) will help you escape from sad thoughts and everyday worries.

Experts also advise trying various relaxation techniques.

How to live alone and not experience negative emotions? To get rid of unpleasant experiences, a person should calmly realize and analyze the accumulated problems, find the optimal solution to the difficulties that have arisen.

anxiety symptoms

Some individuals simply cannot live without communication. They are afraid of possible social isolation. Such people are constantly looking for contacts with others. But at the same time, they feel that communication does not bring them positive emotions.

In the event of this condition, you should seek the help of a psychotherapist. In addition, symptoms such as depression, suicidal thoughts, drug or alcohol abuse, phobias, and panic attacks should not be ignored. These signs indicate the presence of a mental disorder. You should consult a specialist if the feeling of loneliness arose due to childhood trauma, the loss of a loved one, or a break in relations with a lover.

Unwanted activities

Many representatives of the weaker sex suffer from a lack of communication much more than men. How can a woman learn to live alone? Some girls are saved from this condition with the help of social networks. However, this method further enhances the sense of isolation. If you want to spend time in the company, it is better to call a friend or relative or find a community of interest. You should not replace society with watching TV movies. They are no substitute for real communication. However, one should not go to the other extreme - become dependent on others. Having found ways to live alone, a person feels comfortable both in society and without it.

A lot of people feel lonely. Loneliness negatively affects mental and physical health, as this feeling suppresses the immune system, increases the risk of depression and anxiety, and distorts perception. You may feel lonely if you live in a small town and can't find friends your own age. Sometimes loneliness is the result of changes in life: moving, changing jobs or educational institutions. Keep this in mind as you prepare for big changes. Loneliness can be chronic or temporary, but there are ways to come to terms with this feeling and get rid of unpleasant sensations.


How to deal with feelings of loneliness

    Understand that loneliness is a feeling, not an objective reality. Loneliness can provoke a feeling of abandonment, isolation, own uselessness. Learn to recognize these situations and remember: they do not mean that this is the reality. You are not doomed to feel lonely.

    • Feelings can change quickly due to circumstances and attitudes towards them. You may be lonely, but then you realize that you want to be not with friends, but alone with yourself. Perhaps a friend will call you and you will feel that you are not alone.
  1. Accept your feelings. Don't ignore them - they tell you what is good and what is bad in your life. As with other feelings, you should allow yourself to feel alone. You may feel physical discomfort or want to cry, and this is normal. Allow yourself to experience loneliness and cry if necessary.

    Change your attitude. If you are visited by thoughts that you are alone and that you are all alone, most likely they cause you only negative associations. Bad thoughts arise immediately, and you begin to doubt your worth, feel unwanted, and feel emotionally and physically exhausted. To avoid falling into this trap, try changing your attitude. Perceive your condition not as loneliness, but as solitude. Treat the opportunity to be alone with yourself as a way to relax and regain strength. By learning to enjoy being alone, you will be better able to deal with loneliness.

    • Use this time to get to know yourself better: keep a diary, meditate, read books that interest you.
    • Sometimes solitude is unavoidable (for example, after moving to another city or country). Accept the fact that you will need to be alone with yourself, and remember that this will not always be the case. Enjoy new experience.
  2. Feel sorry for yourself. Remember that loneliness is familiar to everyone and affects everyone to one degree or another. Loneliness is part of human life. Imagine a friend telling you they are lonely. How would you respond? What would you say? Try to be compassionate to yourself. Allow yourself to turn to other people for help.

    • There is nothing shameful in loneliness - sooner or later all people face this feeling, so you should not be upset because of it. Show understanding towards yourself and express sympathy for those who are lonely.
  3. Ask yourself what you are missing. Loneliness will help you understand what you lack in life and what you want. You can be surrounded by people, have an active lifestyle, but still feel lonely. Loneliness is sometimes not a lack of social contacts, but a lack of deep emotional connections. Think about what you would like to have in your life.

    • Write down moments when you feel lonely. You may feel worst during crowded events or at home when you are alone. Think about what can ease the feeling of loneliness. Perhaps you could take a friend to an event, and when you are lonely at home, call your sister or watch a movie. Come up with possible solutions to this problem (but don't assume that you need a boyfriend or girlfriend to solve all your problems).
  4. Start overcoming shyness and self-doubt. Remember that people are not born with communication skills, they all appear in the process of development, and this is just skills not superpowers. Often shyness and self-doubt are the result of incorrect attitudes or fear of communication. Remember that you don't have to be perfect to please people. If you feel insecure, try to look around to distract yourself from thoughts and feelings. Focus your attention on the interlocutor and listen to him, not yourself.

    • Remember that there is nothing wrong with making mistakes in communication. Everyone has them!
    • People pay attention to mistakes much less often than you think. Most often, people are so passionate about themselves and their fears that they simply do not have time to pay attention to the insecurities of others.
    • Search wikiHow for articles on how to overcome shyness.
  5. Fight the fear of being rejected. Sometimes it seems to a person that it is better to completely refuse communication than to be rejected. This fear is the result of distrust of people. Perhaps you have been betrayed in the past and are afraid to trust people or make friends. You were hurt, but it's important to remember that not all friends will betray you. Look for new friends.

    • Being rejected doesn't always mean being a bad person. Perhaps someone simply did not have time to pay enough attention to you or did not notice that you want to chat.
    • Remember that you will not like all the people you meet and not everyone will like you. This is fine.

    How to overcome loneliness

    1. Work on your communication skills. You may be feeling lonely because you lack confidence in your communication skills. Start smiling at other people, complimenting them, starting conversations with strangers (with a sales assistant in a store, a barista in a cafe, a colleague).

      Learn to listen. Communication is not just about speaking. It is also important to listen to the person who is speaking. Don't try to come up with perfect answers and don't wait for the opportunity to start talking yourself - this will put you in the spotlight, not the speaker. It is better to express interest in the topic of conversation and ask the person new questions.

    2. Meet new people. Look for people with similar interests that you can get along with. Ask questions (about family, pets, interests, etc.) to get to know the person better, and answer the questions that will be asked of you.

      • Meet people through volunteering. If you love animals, volunteer at an animal shelter. There you will meet like-minded people, and you will have many topics for conversation.
      • Look for a circle of people with similar interests. If you enjoy knitting, chances are there are people in your town who enjoy knitting too. Look for communities of people on the Internet.
      • wikiHow also has articles on how to make new friends.
    3. Make friends. It is important to have reliable friends in the city where you live. Friendships cheer up, reduce stress levels, and provide the necessary support. Hang out with people you can trust, who are loyal to you, and who inspire you. Remember that you must also have the qualities that you want to see in your friends.

      • Be a sincere person. If you find it difficult to be yourself in the company of friends, most likely, these people are not your friends. Friends love you for who you are, along with all your oddities and preferences. If you find it difficult to find a common language with a person or you feel that you have to put in too much effort for this, it is better to look for another company.
      • Be the friend you would like to have. Think about the qualities you want to see in a friend and do nice things for your friends.
    4. Adopt an animal from a shelter. A dog or cat (or any other animal) from a shelter will keep you company. People who have dogs are less likely to develop depression; they cope better with stress and anxiety.

      • Go to an animal shelter and interact with a dog or cat that is homeless. Adopt an animal if you can.
      • Of course, adopting an animal is a big responsibility. For a pet to feel good in a new home, you should be able to change your habits and schedule to suit the needs of the animal.
    5. Attend psychotherapy sessions. Sometimes the pain of loneliness becomes unbearable, and a person cannot figure out his problems on his own. A therapist can help you deal with social anxiety, understand your feelings about past betrayals and distrust, improve your communication skills, and move on with your life. Seeing a therapist can be the first step towards the life you want.

      • Read articles on how to choose a psychotherapist.
    • Find out what events are taking place in your city. Surely you will be able to attend various meetings and other events.
    • Express sympathy in the event of the death of your close friends or acquaintances. Write a letter. Invite the person to dinner and ask them to tell you about the deceased person. Listen carefully rather than talking about yourself.
    • Greet people who do not expect greetings with a smile and kind words - for example, a subway ticket seller, a cashier, a parking attendant. Wish them a good day.


    • Don't spend too much time on the internet. You may feel like you are talking to real people, but these people are far away, and you cannot replace this live communication, which you lack. Try to make friends online, but don't let the internet crowd out real life.

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