Tsvetkov's aphasia and restorative learning. Neuropsychology: the era of L.S.

30. Tsvetkova L.S.(ed.). Problems of aphasia and restorative learning. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1975 and 1979.

31. Tsvetkova L.S. Aphasia and restorative learning. Moscow: Education, 1988.

32. Tsvetkova L.S. Neuropsychology and restorative education. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1990.

33. Elkonin D.P. The development of speech in preschool age. M.: Publishing House of APN RSFSR, 1956.

34. Drieman G.H.L. Differences Between Written and Spoken Language // Acta psi-cologica. 1962. No. t-2.

35. Rodari G. Grammatica della fantasia. Introduzione all arte di inventare storie. Torino, 1973.

In me the word precedes the sound. (In me prins est vcr-bum, posterior vox).

Saint Augustine

Speech created man, literacy created civilization.

D.R. Olson



Reading is one of the main forms of speech activity that performs the most important social functions. “If there were no language, writing, the experience of many generations of people would be irretrievably lost, and each new generation would be forced to start anew the most difficult process of studying the world.” (FOOTNOTE: Afanasiev V.T. Fundamentals of philosophical knowledge. M., 1968). Reading is one of the complex and significant forms of human mental activity that performs psychological and social functions. Here it is necessary, first of all, to note the importance of reading in the formation and moral education of the individual, in enriching a person with knowledge.

Reading is now viewed "...as a purposeful activity that can change attitudes, deepen understanding, recreate experiences, stimulate intellectual and emotional growth, change behavior, and through all of this contribute to the development of a rich and resilient personality." (FOOTNOTE: Gray W.S. Hay Well do Adults Read. Chicago, 1956, p. 33). Goldschneider and others). Many researchers in the past and in our time have studied reading from its various aspects - its structure and functions, its role in teaching and educating children at school, shaping their personality and behavior.

Tsvetkova Lyubov Semenovna (March 21, 1929 - June 16, 2016) - professor, doctor of psychological sciences, student of A.R. Luria was one of the leading neuropsychologists, aphasiologists and rehabilitologists in our country, a world-famous scientist.

Graduated from the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Winner of the Lomonosov Prize of Moscow State University for 1973 for the monograph "Restorative education in local brain lesions."

Research area: neuropsychology. Candidate's dissertation was completed under the guidance of Professor A.R. Luria on the topic: "Psychological analysis of the restoration of speech functions after local brain damage." Doctoral dissertation: "Restorative education in local brain lesions."

She lectured at Moscow State University, at the Defectological Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University, as well as at a number of foreign universities (Poland, Finland, Hungary, Belgium, East Germany, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Mexico) in the disciplines: "Neuropsychology", "Restoration of higher mental functions in case of local lesions Brain” and others. 25 Ph.D. theses were defended under her supervision.

The total number of scientific publications is more than 220, of which 16 monographs and textbooks were published abroad (France, Spain, USA, Germany, Finland, Cuba, etc.).

Books (10)

Methods of neuropsychological diagnostics of children

The proposed methodology aims to help children with normal mental development, but having some developmental problems, as well as children with abnormal development in their difficulties in school, in particular, to help learn writing, reading, counting and other skills and abilities.

How to make a qualified neuropsychological diagnosis - the beginning of all correct and effective work with a child in need of qualified adult help, conduct a qualitative syndromic analysis of a defect, find a zone of brain underdevelopment and, at the same time, identify ways to overcome violations? All this is written in the neuropsychological methodology offered to the reader. It is part of a general comprehensive methodology for the diagnostic examination of children with mental retardation.

Actual problems of neuropsychology of childhood

This training manual presents the development of the scientific foundations of NDV, shows the role of the conceptual apparatus in the practice of working with children, the role of scientific foundations in diagnostic, preventive and rehabilitative work with children who have problems in learning in a comprehensive school and, possibly, in the development of mental activity.

The paper presents experimental data from studies on the issue of the lack of formation of certain groups of higher mental functions in children of older preschool age, its causes, ways and methods of overcoming deviations in the development of the psyche in children and methods of preparing for schooling.

Aphasia and Restorative Learning

The book by a well-known specialist in neuropsychology, aphasiology and neuropsychological rehabilitation reveals the concept of neuropsychological rehabilitation of neurological and neurosurgical patients, its tasks and methods.

Ways of restoration of higher mental functions and methods of restorative education of patients with speech (aphasia), writing and reading disorders arising from local brain lesions are described, new achievements in this field of neuropsychology are reflected.

Introduction to Neuropsychology and Restorative Learning

The book is devoted to the problems of theoretical and practical neuropsychology and the restoration of higher mental functions that are impaired due to local brain lesions of various etiologies: strokes, traumatic brain injuries, brain tumors, etc., which often lead to impaired speech and thinking, memory and attention, reading in patients and letters, etc. This contingent of patients also needs special rehabilitation training, the scientific basis and methods of which are briefly described in this manual.

The book draws attention to the need to link theory and practice, reflects the general psychological significance of neuropsychology.

Methodological guide for working with children in need of socio-psychological assistance

The materials may be useful to heads of educational institutions, class teachers, psychologists, social pedagogues and other employees of general education schools.


Features of the reading process in younger students with different types of perception. Mathematical skills of auditory, visual and kinesthetic students of primary school age.

Brain and intellect

Violation and restoration of intellectual activity.

How will the intellectual activity of a person who has undergone a traumatic brain injury, operations) on the brain or a stroke be disturbed?

What methods can be used to make an accurate neuropsychological diagnosis of a disorder? With what areas of the brain and how is the defect of intellectual activity related? How to find the mechanism (cause) of the violation? And finally, how to overcome a defect and restore intellectual activity in a person who has suffered brain damage? The reader will find answers to these and a number of other questions after reading this book.

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