True misanthrope: how to understand that you definitely hate people. Misanthropy, or What if I hate people? Why am I a misanthrope

Bad advice: How to become a misanthrope and joyfully hate everyone

Those who assure that people should be loved regardless of the circumstances are either masterfully pretending, or have never been on public transport at rush hour. the site invites you to cast aside all doubts and finally give vent to hatred - we have collected the stages of the formation of a real misanthrope. And then - love everyone back as much as you want!

Stage 1: You enjoy being alone.

Drink wine, watch a movie, go for a walk, read, mind your own business, in short, do anything! The tale that drinking wine alone is a sure way to alcoholism was invented so that everyone got more! Do not listen to anyone, open a bottle of sparkling wine and enjoy: in the company, for example, with prosecco, it is so pleasant to think about the imperfections of the people around you, by the third glass - to think about how beautiful you are, and by the end of the bottle - to make insidious plans to capture the Universe in order to she was wearing only shoes and seals. And in the morning, when a hangover overtakes you, indulging in hatred for people is doubly easier and more pleasant!

Stage 2. Your social circle shrinks.

A real misanthrope despises human weaknesses and imperfections, and, importantly, he also makes no exceptions for himself. So, if you feel that everyone is screwed up, pissed off, on Facebook again someone is wrong or incorrectly repost the link about puppies, feel free to open the Facebook feed, phone book and Instagram and arrange a powerful frendocide. Do not forget to write a status that people are completely crazy, who is to blame, what to do, oh, my garden, my poor garden, and so on. Close the possibility of commenting - let everyone know that you are very serious! And regularly make stuffing about human imperfection to the masses - maintain your reputation!

Stage 3. Home is better!

Go to parties only on special occasions, visit even less often and only to the most non-annoying ones, and only allow a select few to visit you. This couple, by the way, can be changed from time to time if you get tired of their imperfection. Vyshak is to become a freelancer, work from home and generally reduce contacts with the outside world to a minimum. At the same time, do not forget to periodically reproach yourself for laziness, inefficiency, passion for chips and lack of interest in the world around you and sincerely suffer about this.

Stage 4. You need a like-minded person

It is best to look for it, of course, on the Internet, so as not to leave the house once again, since now there are a lot of services that allow you to get to know people easily and naturally. Ideally, marry him so that you can hate everyone else together all your life. As the saying goes, husband and wife are two Satans. You can offend everyone, make fun of and behave disgustingly - are you misanthropes or better?

Stage 5. Weirdness

Look up to the greats! Don't forget that you are in great company! The recognized misanthropes are Jonathan Swift, Arthur Schopenhauer, Yegor Letov and Bill Murray - not the worst set. For example, Schopenhauer was terribly suspicious, if not paranoid, and constantly suspected everyone (up to the Lord our God) of organizing ingenious conspiracies against himself. And Swift was distinguished by such ferocity and ruthlessness in scourging human vices that once (being, for a second, the dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin) he added to the fact that he offered England to sell poor Irish for meat, and make gloves from their skin. Even cutie Bill Murray somehow freaked out and, on the rise of his Hollywood career, told everyone that he was tired and went to France for 4 years to study French at the Sorbonne. So don't be shy - be weird if you want to. If you get everything at all, you can jump into the same marsolet with Zhanna Khasanovna!

Stage 6. Alone all alone

Go on a journey all alone, make sure that people are the same everywhere, there is no salvation, the whole world will perish. Understand that you have chosen the right philosophy of life - you can’t expect anything good from people with very rare exceptions. Have some wine. Think of eternity. Relax and start getting real pleasure from your loneliness. Just do not confuse misanthropy with inflated self-esteem and a sense of self-importance. Here just the trick is that everything is shit, and you are no better! True misanthropy!

Stage 7. There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will

The antonym of love is indifference, not hatred at all. So put up with all these nasty people and stop paying attention to them. You are a smart, modern, self-sufficient woman. Your thirty-seven cats, two hundred pairs of shoes and the husband you love to hate will definitely confirm this!

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Alexander Mikhedov

Copywriter, journalist, misanthrope.

Being a misanthrope is not easy. They constantly confuse you with, they begin to prove that you have thought of everything for yourself and, in general, “be simpler, and people will reach out.” In any new company, you are either a mysterious stranger or an outcast of the evening - it all depends on the degree of your dislike for people and the interest of the public. Misanthropy creeps throughout life and interferes with relationships. Even a loved one (yes, misanthropes also have them) periodically annoys to the teeth grinding with their “herd” manifestations. It makes work difficult. Where a sociable colleague solves the problem with a single smile, you have to turn on the actor and feign sympathy.

Misanthropy often mimics the usual fatigue from communication with society, which is treated on vacation. She is very fond of attributing to herself insecure and notorious people who simply cannot find an explanation for their passive aggression. For them, misanthropy is a closed club, which you can join with one confession “how people are enraged”, an attempt to emphasize the missing individuality. But misanthropic werewolves can be seen from afar, and the spectacle is comical.

Despite all the inconveniences of this state, you continue to go through life with a proudly raised banner "Do not approach" and only strengthens in contempt for people.

Dealing with this is like patching a worn-out pipe - sooner or later it will break through again. Breaking yourself through the knee, you lose face. It is important to learn to live with it and not interfere with yourself. Okay, so do people.

How to ride the subway

A real hell for any misanthrope. Here contempt for the herd of the human race reaches its climax. Cersei wakes up in you with the desire to fill this septa with wild fire and smile maliciously as you go up the escalator.

Since not everyone can afford to constantly ride a taxi (although taxi drivers kill faith in people more often than others), the only thing left is to use the metro, avoiding peak hours. The decline in the subway (depending on the city of residence) begins around 10:00. Closer to 11 you can safely drive without violating the integrity of your personal space. Such a schedule seriously shifts the working day - you will have to return home after 20. But there are not so many people during these hours. And that's great. The bad news: not everyone can afford such a bohemian schedule.

How to ride in an elevator

For a misanthrope, the elevator is a torture chamber. Even a large area does not save from bouts of misanthropy. Stops on the way to the destination are especially annoying. But the worst thing is when they try to talk to you. There is only one way out - to increase the volume in the headphones and simulate a deep immersion in the world of music. Few dare to interrupt this process.

How to ride a bus

If life has thrown you into a sleeping area, from which you can only get out by minibus, the situation becomes much more complicated. The main thing is not to sit near the driver, so as not to carry all financial flows through yourself; do not sit near the aisle (there is a risk of being expelled and branded with shame by some grandmother). The ideal place is behind the window. The disapproving glance of those standing does not reach there. You can defiantly lean your forehead against the glass and reflect on the injustice of fate.

How to work in the office

Freelancing - how much in this word for a misanthrope. But more often than not, it becomes a survival course. Therefore, sooner or later you have to join the army of office plankton.

Unfortunately, misanthropy will not be an argument for the authorities to allocate you a separate office. But you can ask for a place where you will have minimal contact with colleagues. The same vacuum headphones that replace earplugs help to cope with the office cacophony. Music does not need to be included.

How to go to the store

The store is a relatively safe place for a misanthrope. The area (unless, of course, it is a tiny grocery store) allows you to practically not intersect with people. In this sense, hypermarkets like Auchan are ideal, where you can easily get lost in the malls. Under no circumstances can the store be visited from 18:00 to 20:00. Your time is deep evening, closer to midnight. There are few people, screaming children are already sleeping, no one stocks up for a week ahead. Only the alcohol department is popular. Difficulties may arise at the checkout (there is usually only one), but these are already late costs.

What to do when a person is angry

A fail-safe technique for suppressing anger is pity. Just mentally take pity on your counterpart. Do not slide down to the mark "slave", be more resourceful. Imagine how difficult life is for the object of your contempt with such and such appearance, or intellect, or work. Most of the time this helps.

P.S. Misanthropy is not a disease. You are healthy and do not owe anything to anyone. If you do not have a false misanthropy of puberty, this is a manifestation of your individuality - a quality that is very appreciated by interesting smart people. And they are so lacking even for misanthropes. Just be yourself.

Hello dear blog readers!

Misanthrope - who is it? People often characterize each other by psychological type. And one of these psychotypes is a misanthrope. Now we will analyze the following questions: the meaning of the words “misanthrope” and “misanthropy”, is a misanthrope good or bad, why do people become misanthropes?

After reading the article, please write in the comments which psychotype you consider yourself to be - a misanthrope or? Do you think being a misanthrope is good or bad? What real people or characters from books or films do you know? For example, I associate this word with Dr. House.

Misanthrope and misanthropy

The term "misanthrope" comes from the Greek words "hatred" and "man" and literally means "misanthropy". There are many synonyms for this word:

  • hater
  • unsociable,
  • Hermit, etc.

You can read the full definition of this word in Wikipedia. In this article, I will describe this concept in simple terms.

Misanthropy is a feeling of hatred for the world around us, for people, for their imperfection. As a rule, this feeling has a global character and is directed to all people. However, there are narrower forms of misanthropy in relation to:
  • Men - misandry (man-hatred);
  • Women - misogyny (misogyny);
  • Children - misopedia (unnatural, pathological hatred, disgust for children).

The main signs of a misanthrope

Since there is no single form of misanthropy, the signs of a misanthrope may differ accordingly. However, there is a so-called "standard set" of qualities:

  • A sharp and nervous reaction to attempts at contact;
  • Protests against the norms, rules and foundations of society;
  • Contempt and contempt for other people.

Oddly enough, but misanthropes at home can behave quite normally and even love some relatives. But often the opposite is also true - a person closes himself from relatives, withdraws into himself.

At work, misanthropes can also be normal, in particular, if the team is small. If a misanthrope wants to move up the career ladder, then he can be very kind and courteous.

Misanthropes are very demanding of people and do not forgive mistakes, therefore, in relationships, whether it be friendship or love, they have difficulties.

Is it good to be a misanthrope or bad?

There is no definite answer to this question. Since misanthropy manifests itself differently in different people, the result of this manifestation can be completely unexpected. For example, many misanthropes do charity work. Why are they doing that? There are several answers to this question. Some want to thereby raise their self-esteem, while others are engaged in charity for the selfish purpose of forming their image.

Also, do not forget about the degree of expression of your misanthropy in society. For example, someone can be quietly and peacefully alone, enjoying it. And someone, on the contrary, can aggressively show their misanthropy. Some, moreover, do it quite openly. If the first type does not pose a threat to themselves and society, then the second type can harm both themselves and people.

Why do people become misanthropes?

Often misanthropy manifests itself in vulnerable, soft personalities who are faced with the imperfection of this world. A world that didn't live up to their expectations.

Often, signs of misanthropy occur during adolescence, when there is a misunderstanding between parents, teachers, etc. Signs of misanthropy can begin to appear after some serious mental trauma.

What to do if you find signs of a misanthrope in yourself?

To begin with, I will say that there is no reason for excitement and panic. And now I'll tell you why:

  • First, misanthropes have an above-average level of intelligence. And that's flattering, isn't it?
  • Second, misanthropy corrects itself over time, so even the most stubborn misanthropes can begin to love society.


I tried to analyze in detail with you the concept of "misanthrope" and "misanthropy". I am very glad if this information was useful and interesting for you.

Write in the comments which psychotype you consider yourself to be - a misanthrope or ?

Another question: what do you think a misanthrope or a philanthropist would publish such a video for the article (help me answer the question: who am I - a misanthrope or a philanthropist?).

Recently, the word "misanthrope" has been appearing more and more often in films and publics. Despite the popularization of this concept, not everyone knows what it means. Let's try to understand the meaning of this word.

Misanthrope. Meaning

In general, this word consists of two Greek words meaning "hatred" and "man". That is, misanthropy is, practically, "misanthropy". Such people cannot stand humanity as a whole, opposing themselves to society.

At a superficial glance, it may seem that a misanthrope is the same as a sociopath, but this is not at all the case.

Misanthropes do not love all of humanity as a whole, all this incredible mass, especially the rules established by it, social norms, and so on.

They hate people for weaknesses, for unfortunate blunders and mistakes.

At the same time, they are able to love, to experience good feelings in relation to specific individuals. Most often, this type of people prefers to communicate with several trusted friends all their lives and is not looking for new acquaintances.

Today, misanthropes in their pure form are, however, rare. Rather, it is a kind of book image. Many consider themselves misanthropes, but they are more likely to be introverts - self-absorbed, focused on knowing their "I", people.

What are the signs of a misanthrope and its differences from an introvert

How to understand yourself, to understand that you are not just an introvert, but you have much deeper negative feelings towards humanity?

There are signs that indicate this state of mind:

  • Discomfort when in an elevator with strangers. It seems that they are only looking at you, standing extremely close, talking unbearably. Time in the elevator stretches endlessly, everyone is hated because of whom it is necessary to stay in this company even for a second longer. An introvert in such situations simply plunges into himself, not paying attention to others.
  • Annoying if they sit next to each other in transport. An introvert is able to simply ignore this fact, not even notice the presence of outsiders, while a misanthrope literally hates anyone who violates his personal space. The only thing worse than that is sitting between people.
  • Joy, if joint plans with someone are cancelled. Even if it concerns loved ones. In this case, it becomes possible to be with the best person in the world - with yourself. There is no need to interact with others, to tolerate the possible presence of strangers. However, this item also applies to introverts, who will also be happy about the cancellation of plans.
  • "There is no bad weather for a misanthrope". More precisely, there is, but they love it. But not because they like to watch a thunderstorm through the window, but simply as another reason not to go out to meet someone.
  • Preference for SMS calls. Communication is already a necessary measure, so it is better to replace verbal messages with written ones.
  • When meeting with a stranger, first of all, attention is drawn to his minuses. Initially, misanthropes see only negative traits in any person; they already hate outsiders when they meet. They are all badly dressed, they are untidy, they have a strange speech impediment, they do not know how to joke and in general ... are not good.
  • Unacceptable group communication. It's unbearable - so many outsiders with their stupid opinions. Even chatting on Skype with a group of friends quickly tires.
  • Hatred of sneezers. Again, if you take an introvert, he simply will not notice this fact. Whereas the misanthrope will hate the sneezer even more than before.

You are an introvert or a misanthrope, you are simply indifferent to people or you hate them unbearably - you should not demonstrate this.

Any person, including such an outstanding one as a misanthrope, must hide his attitude towards humanity, then it will be much easier to live.

Sometimes it happens that over time, global hatred is reduced to the size of a negative towards certain groups of people.

How to live a misanthrope?

In fact, it is not so difficult for him to live, because this is not a problem, but a state of mind. However, it may happen that the hatred just overwhelms, or it interferes with the progress at work, or there are other reasons to think about how to reduce this all-consuming hatred?

You can try several ways:

It is important to understand that an introvert, misanthrope and philanthropist is not a mental illness or deviation, it does not need to be treated, you just need to control it so as not to harm yourself and not to annoy others too much.

How to become a misanthrope

Of course, you can become a misanthrope, but why? Most often, such a life position is typical for people who have experienced tragedy, betrayal, serious illness, accidents of varying severity. Misanthropy is often the product of a wrong upbringing. But hardly anyone is able to want to consciously hate all of humanity, to live in constant irritation. In this case, we can already talk about a mental illness that requires medical intervention.

The opposite of a misanthrope - who is it?

Misanthropes have the opposite - this is a philanthropist. It is easy to guess that these are people who have, if not love, then very good feelings for everyone around them, they are constantly trying to help everyone and everyone, to make life easier.

A philanthropist always does charity work, often even to his own detriment. The philanthropist and the misanthrope are at opposite ends of the worldview and will never be able to understand each other.

Notable misanthropes

History has heard of misanthropes who became famous despite their reluctance to contact people.

It is worth mentioning some of these, popular at different times, introverts:

Whoever a person is, an introvert, a lover or a hater of people, it is important that he learns to live in harmony with himself and the world around him. It is necessary to build your own life in such a way that you have to be stressed as little as possible.

At the same time, hurting other people is unacceptable - you need to learn how to maintain a neutral relationship.

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