D dudayev. General President Dudayev

Dzhokhar Dudayev is a very controversial figure in the history of modern Russia. At the same time, in other countries he is considered a hero.

Carier start

The future rebels were born in the Chechen-Ingush Republic on February 15, 1944. Some time after his birth, his entire family was deported to Kazakhstan, from where they could return to their homeland only in 1957. By 1962, Dudayev lived and worked in Grozny, worked as an electrician. And in 1962 he was called up to serve in the army, where he served until the collapse of the USSR. He rose to the rank of major general of Soviet aviation. Dudayev was a member of the Communist Party and remained in its ranks until it was banned in the Russian Federation. In the army, he was responsible for the political training of recruits.

In the Soviet army

In the period from 1987 to 1989, he took part in the Soviet military operation in Afghanistan and even flew the planes that bombed Afghanistan. Used carpet bombing tactics. When he became the leader of Chechnya, he denied any involvement in the fight against the Afghan Islamists.
Until 1990 he served in Estonia in the city of Tartu as a commander of a military garrison. There is an opinion that Dudayev, during the declaration of independence by Estonia, refused to send troops to Tallinn and block the government buildings and television.


In Chechnya itself, a national movement was growing during this period. In 1990, a national congress was held in Chechnya, at which Dudayev was elected head of the Executive Committee. The National Committee of the Chechen People was in opposition to the ruling administration in Grozny. Dudayev demanded the resignation of the entire leadership of the Chechen-Ingush Republic. And when the putsch took place in Moscow on August 19, 1991, he supported Boris Yeltsin, although the Supreme Soviet of the Republic supported the organizers of the coup. This step was the reason for the growth of Dudayev's popularity and increased the confidence of the new authorities in Moscow.

Seizure of power

Dudayev and his associates, whose number was growing rapidly, and who already had weapons in August 1991, first seized television, where they announced that power in the republic would belong to the interim government, and then on September 6 dispersed the Supreme Council. Council deputies were beaten by armed Chechens, and the head of the Grozny City Council, Vitaly Kutsenko, died after being thrown out of a building window. September 6 is considered the Independence Day of the Republic.

Very soon elections were held in Chechnya, Dudayev won with 90% of the vote. By his first decree, he announced the creation of an independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. The republic was not recognized by any state that was part of the UN.

Conflict with Moscow

On November 7, 1991, Boris Yeltsin by his decree introduced a state of emergency in the republic. In response, Dudayev's supporters seized all the administrative buildings in Chechnya, and Dudayev put the country into a state of military mobilization. Already at that time, he promised Russia a "mountain of corpses." Chechens were allowed to acquire and keep weapons. Within a year, the Chechens were able to seize almost all the weapons of the former Soviet military units located on the territory of Chechnya.


Dudayev dreamed of creating a Military Union of the Caucasian Republics with the aim of military confrontation with Russia. Chechnya was the first to recognize the independence of Georgia, and Georgia, headed by Zviad Gamsakhurdia, recognized the independence of Chechnya. When Gamsakhurdia lost power in Georgia, he found political asylum in Chechnya. Dudayev tried to have Chechnya recognized by other Muslim countries, but this never happened.

Internal chaos

At the same time, the socio-economic situation in the country worsened, unemployment was almost 80%. Interestingly, the weapons were handed over to the Chechens on the orders of the then Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev. Dudayev sought to introduce direct presidential rule in the country, but faced strong opposition. Dudayev dissolved parliament and declared a state of emergency, which led to military clashes between the opposition and Dudayev's supporters.

In fact, a civil war broke out in the country. The opposition created a Provisional Council, which was supported by Moscow. Grozny was attacked several times, and even captured, but the opposition could not hold it.

holy war

In response, Dudayev announced that he was declaring a "holy war on Russia." In November 1993, Yeltsin signed an order to send troops into Chechnya. Thus began the first Chechen war.

Dudaev was hunted by Russian special services. Several attempts were made on him. On April 21, 1996, while Dudayev was on the phone with Russian MP Borov, he was hit by a Russian missile, killing him.

terrorist and hero

In Russia, Dudayev is perceived negatively, however, for example, in Tartu (Estonia) there is a memorial plaque dedicated to Dudayev. In Vilnius, Riga there are streets named after Dudayev. In 2005, Dzhokhar Dudayev Square also appeared in Warsaw.

Translation: Svetlana Tivanova

Chechnya is famous for its unique mountain landscapes, for which many brave heroes fought. The spirit of liberty flows in the veins of the dignified Chechen people. For a long time, Dzhokhar Dudayev was a model of the unique strong-willed character of this small country. The biography of the ruler, like the fate of Chechnya itself, is quite intense and tragic. The son of his proud nation defended the interests of his small republic until the end of his life. What was he like, General Dzhokhar Dudayev?

The biography of the highest elder of the first Chechen hostilities leads us back to 1944. It became very fateful for the Chechen population. It was then that Stalin gave the order to deport the Chechens from the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to the Central Asian and Kazakh lands. This action of the central authorities was explained by the fact that the male population of the Chechen state was engaged in robberies and robberies. It was in this year that Dzhokhar Musaevich was born, who in the future will lead the process for the secession of Chechnya from the USSR.

Becoming a future commander

So, after the deportation, the Dudaev family ended up in Kazakhstan (in the Pavlodar region). How did Dudayev Dzhokhar Musaevich spend his youth? The biography of a Chechen celebrity leads to the village of Pervomayskoye, in the Galanchozhsky district of the Chechen-Ingush state. It was here that Dzhokhar was born. In some materials, the date of birth is February 15, but there is no exact confirmation of this. His father's name was Musa, and his mother's name was Rabiat. They raised 13 children, the youngest was Dzhokhar Dudayev. The family consisted of 7 children born in this marriage, and 6 children of the father from a previous marriage.

The boy's father died when he was only 6 years old. Dzhokhar was a diligent student, which cannot be said about his brothers and sisters. Once, for his leadership qualities, he was elected the leader of the class. Upon returning to their native places, in 1957, the Dudaev family, already without a father, stopped in Grozny.

After leaving school (in 1960), Dzhokhar became a student at the North Ossetian Pedagogical University. He chose the direction of physics and mathematics. But he studied there for only one year. Where does Dzhokhar Dudayev go next?

His biography continues at the Tambov Higher Military Aviation School, where he studied for 4 years. During these years, Dzhokhar had to carefully hide his Chechen origin, calling himself an Ossetian. Only after receiving a document on education, in 1966, he insists that his true origin be entered in personal documents.

Army and military career

In the combat units of the Air Force, Dzhokhar Dudayev began his military service. The photos perfectly demonstrate his military bearing. As soon as he graduated from a military school, he was sent as an assistant aircraft commander to the Shaikovka airfield in the Kaluga region. After 2 years of service, he joined the ranks of the Communist Party.

Where does the biography of Dzhokhar Dudayev lead further? It is briefly worth mentioning his studies at the Air Force Academy. Yu. A. Gagarin (1971-1974). Dudayev's track record included many military duties: deputy commander of an air regiment, chief of staff, commander of a detachment. Colleagues remembered him as a highly moral person, sometimes a little temperamental and ardent.

The armed conflict in Afghanistan also affected part of the life of the future general. There he was the commander of the Tu-22MZ bomber and made combat sorties on it, although he later denied this fact. Then for three years he served in the Ternopil bomber brigade. After that, he became the commander of a military garrison in Estonia (Tartu), where he was awarded the rank of Major General of Aviation.

What kind of commander was Dzhokhar Dudayev? The biography says that he was a well-informed commander. After the withdrawal of the Soviet army from Afghanistan, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of War. Dudayev was distinguished by stubbornness, self-control, presence of mind and concern for his subordinates. In the unit entrusted to him, a strict regime and discipline always reigned, the life of his subordinates was always well equipped.

Immersion in political activity

In 1990, Dzhokhar Dudayev began to chair the Executive Committee at the Chechen National Forum, held in Grozny. A year later, he initiated the dissolution of the Supreme Council of the CRI and became the head of a public movement for distrust of the government. The general initiated the introduction of parallel administrative bodies, declaring the deputies of Chechnya incompetent.

After the August incidents in Moscow in 1991, the political climate in the Chechen Republic became aggravated. All-democratic organizations took power into their own hands. Dudayev's people captured the Grozny City Council, the airport and the city center.

President of the self-proclaimed republic

How did Dzhokhar Dudayev become president? The biography of the general in the political direction was very rich. In October 1991, he was elected and announced the secession of the republic from the RSFSR. Boris Yeltsin, in response to such actions, decided to declare a particularly dangerous situation in Chechnya. Dudayev, in turn, allowed the Chechens to acquire and store firearms.

Fight for an independent Chechnya

After the collapse of the USSR, Moscow no longer controlled the events in the Chechen Republic. Ammunition from military units was stolen by private individuals. In 1992 there was an unexpected change of power in neighboring Georgia. Together with the Georgian leaders, Dudayev undertook the formation of an armed organization in Transcaucasia. The purpose of such an association was the formation of republics separated from Russia.

Moscow tried in every possible way to seat Dudayev's government at the negotiating table, but he demanded recognition of the independence of the republic. In parallel, the same actions took place in neighboring Georgia, which demanded its independence. Unofficially, the rulers of Saudi Arabia demonstrated their disposition towards independent Chechnya, but they were afraid to directly support the power of Dudayev. As president, Dudayev makes a visit to Turkey, Cyprus, Bosnia, and the United States. The purpose of the American meeting was to sign agreements with the founders on oil production in the Chechen Republic.

Loss of trust and support

After a year of Dudayev's presidency, the situation in Chechnya begins to worsen, disagreements appear in the position of the parliament and the head of state. Dzhokhar Dudayev decides to dissolve parliament and impose a curfew. At that moment, opposition forces began to form, an attempt was made on the president, but he managed to escape. All these events led to armed clashes.

Combat clashes in Chechnya (1993-95)

The summer period of 1993 in Chechnya turned out to be hot, the opposition forces had to retreat to the north of the republic. There the opposition formed its governing bodies. Dudayev managed to ensure that Chechnya did not take part in the elections to the State Duma of Russia. But the contradictions within the reign of Dzhokhar Dudayev increasingly weakened his management. The opposition formed a Provisional Council headed by Umar Avturkhanov. Dudayev, on the other hand, began an active liquidation of the oppositionists, who were supported by Russia. After the National Congress, which was held by Dudayev, it was decided to declare a "holy war" against Russia. Thus began the first Ruthless struggle for the independence of Chechnya, the biography of Dzhokhar Dudayev is saturated. Briefly, it is necessary to mention the creation by him of camps for the detention of persons who disagree with his position.

In December 1994, with the help of helicopters, the special services managed to eliminate Dudayev's planes at the Grozny airport. Opposition forces broke into Grozny, but they could not gain a foothold there, they needed Moscow's support. The head of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, ordered the destruction of illegal gangs in Chechnya, led by Dzhokhar Dudayev. Such an order led to the tragic events in Budyonnovsk. This is a city in the Stavropol Territory, which was chosen by a detachment of militants under the command of Shamil Basayev to take hostages and present their demands to the central authorities. As a result of such actions, 100 civilians of Budyonnovsk were killed. The Russian authorities did not make any concessions to Basayev's detachment.

Liquidation of Dzhokhar Dudayev

From the first days of the Chechen war, the Russian intelligence department kept the Generalissimo of the Chechen Republic at gunpoint. There were 3 assassination attempts on him, and all were unsuccessful. The first ended with a sniper's miss, the second - with luck after the explosion of his car, the third - with a timely departure from the building, which was subject to air strikes.

In 1996, the sides of the confrontation briefly reconciled, Yeltsin was even going to recognize the independence of Chechnya. But soon the terrorists fired on a detachment of Russian soldiers near the village of Yaryshmardy, and the president instructed his head of security and the head of the FSB to destroy Dzhokhar Dudayev. The operation was developed very carefully and thought through various methods. The "elusive leader" showed particular caution.

To carry out this operation, a special device was developed that can perceive the waves of a mobile phone. This device transmitted the location of the subscriber to the military. The operation was carried out on April 21, 1996. The developed device caught the location of Dudayev, and 2 SU-24 bombers flew there. From the planes, several very powerful anti-radar missiles were fired at the car where the Chechen leader was. This is how Dzhokhar Dudayev died. Death came a few minutes after the shelling. Next to Dudayev was then his wife Alla, but she managed to escape in a ravine. Dzhokhar died in the arms of his wife. The media announced only the next day that Dzhokhar Dudayev had been liquidated (photo in the article).

Reaction to Dudayev's death

The world press informed in great detail about the elimination of the President of Chechnya. So Dudayev Dzhokhar Musaevich could not fulfill his dreams. The biography of a talented leader ended tragically. Many journalists said that this campaign was carried out precisely for the re-election of Yeltsin for a second term. Russia has since taken a tough stance and offered its terms to the militants. This led to the resumption of hostilities. Chechen fighters decided to avenge the death of their leader by attacking Grozny. For some time, the Chechens managed to keep the advantage of hostilities on their side.

At this time, rumors were spreading that the president of Ichkeria was still alive. But all of them were dispelled after a video with the burnt corpse of Dudayev was made public in 2002.

Battalion in memory of the Chechen leader

In 2014, with the advent of confrontation in the eastern part of Ukraine, a volunteer armed detachment was created - a battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev (to carry out an international peacekeeping mission). It was formed in Denmark from Chechens who emigrated from Chechnya after the end of hostilities there. The battalion of Dzhokhar Dudayev was organized by the socio-political association "Free Caucasus" specifically to protect the interests of Ukraine in the clash in the Donbass. The battalion assisted the Ukrainian army in the most fierce battles for liberation. The most famous members of this military formation are Isa Manuev, Sergey Melnikoff, Nureddin Ismailov, Adam Osmaev, Amina Okueva.

Family life after the death of Dudayev

The activities of Dzhokhar Dudayev, like his person, even 20 years after his death, are assessed ambiguously. For a long time, rumors spread that he managed to survive. Only 5 years ago, the secret services declassified the data on his liquidation. There is a version that among the commander's entourage was a traitor who gave him away for $1 million.

How did the further life of the Dudayev family develop? The most famous is the youngest son - Degi. One of the eldest sons, Ovlur, completely changed his first and last name and lived for some time in Lithuania under the name Davydov Oleg Zakharovich. Then he moved to Sweden. The daughter of Dzhokhar Dudayev - Dana - settled with her family in Turkey (Istanbul), does not communicate with journalists.

After Dudayev's death, Alla's wife immediately tried to leave the country and go to Turkey, but was detained by Yeltsin's order. She was soon released, and she spent three years with her children in Chechnya, contributing to the work of the Ministry of Culture of Chechnya. Then the widow spent some time in Baku, then with her daughter in Istanbul, then in Vilnius.

Alla Dudayeva is the author of a book about her husband "Dzhokhar Dudayev. The First Million". Dudayev's wife is a very talented and gifted person. She graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in Smolensk, studied at the Faculty of Graphic Art. After the death of her husband, Alla regularly holds various exhibitions of her paintings and publications in Turkey, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Estonia, and France. Alla Dudayeva's poems also deserve special attention; she often reads them at creative evenings. In Georgia (2012), she was offered to host the “Portrait of the Caucasus” program on television, with which she did an excellent job. Thanks to her husband's fame, Alla Dudayeva's paintings are exhibited in many cities around the world. In 2009, she was elected a member of the Presidium of the CRI Government. The last time the woman lives in Sweden.

Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudaev (Chech. Dudageeran Musan ZhovkhӀar; February 15, 1944, Yalkhoroy, Galanchozhsky district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now Achkhoy-Martanovsky district of the Chechen Republic), USSR - April 21, 1996, Gekhi-chu, RF) - Chechen politician, leader movement of the 1990s for the separation of Chechnya from Russia, the first president of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (1991-1996). In the USSR - Major General of Aviation. Generalissimo CRI (1996).

Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudayev was born in the village of Yalkhoroy, Galanchozhsky district, USSR, today - an abandoned place. The boy was the 13th child of Musa and Rabiat Dudayev. Dzhokhar had 3 brothers and 3 sisters, as well as 4 half-brothers and 2 sisters, who were his father's children from a previous marriage. The boy's father was a veterinarian.

The boy's father died when he was only 6 years old. Dzhokhar was a diligent student, which cannot be said about his brothers and sisters. Once, for his leadership qualities, he was elected the leader of the class. Upon returning to their native places, in 1957, the Dudaev family, already without a father, stopped in Grozny.

In 1957, the Dudaev family, along with other deported Chechens, was returned to their native land and they settled in the city of Grozny. Here, Dzhokhar studied until the ninth grade and then went to work as an electrician in the fifth SMU. At the same time, the teenager had a precise goal and he knew that he was obliged to receive a diploma of higher education. Therefore, Dzhokhar did not drop out of school, attended evening classes at school and still graduated from the 10th grade. After that, he applied to the North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics). However, after studying there for a year, the young man realized that he had a different calling. He secretly left Grozny from his family and entered the Tambov Higher Military Aviation School.

Dudayev graduated from the Tambov Military Aviation School and the Yu.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy in Moscow.

The ex-deputy of the State Duma and constant interlocutor of Dudayev in those days, Konstantin Borovoy, claims that the militant leader wanted to resolve the military conflict by peace. According to Borovoy, Dudayev was going to make any concessions to end the military operation, but here the words differ from the deeds - the terrorist attack in Kizlyar and the village of Pervomaisky in January 1996, followed by the defeat of the column of the 245th motorized rifle regiment in mid-April. After these events, Yeltsin rejects negotiations with the militants and gives the go-ahead to the special services to eliminate Dudayev.

In the Armed Forces of the USSR since 1962, he served in both command and administrative positions.

Dudayev began military service in 1966 as an assistant bomber commander. After 2 years he joined the party, in the early 70s he studied at the Air Force Academy.

In 1976-1978 he was deputy commander of the 1225th heavy bomber regiment.

KP: - It is still not completely clear when and how the
the operation, who played the main role in it, how it was carried out ...

VY: - Well, actually, it is unlikely that anyone will tell you all the details of that operation. All materials are still classified. Successful "technologies" in such cases are secret intelligence weapons today. Do not reveal to you agents ... Or those people who still serve or work in special services or other organizations. Yes, and Yuri Alekseevich and I are forced to “omit” some moments for professional reasons ... You ask who played the main role in that operation? I will answer this way: that was the joint work of the FSB and the GRU.

YA: - With the participation of the Air Force ...

KP: - When was the "start" of the operation?

VY: - In the spring of 1996. Remember, on the eve of Raduev, with his bandits, he attacks the Dagestan city of Kizlyar, then breaks into Pervomaiskoye without hindrance and just as unpunished leaves the village, blocked by "38 snipers", back to Chechnya. And then - a new trouble. In mid-April 1996, in the Shatoi region of Chechnya, near Yarysh-Mardy, a column of the 245th motorized rifle regiment was defeated. There were almost 90 dead and more than 50 wounded. And out of 27 armored vehicles, the militants burned 24. And this was after Yeltsin the day before, during his arrival in Krasnodar, said: "The war is over. I am ready to discuss with Dudayev how we will live with Chechnya." And when he found out about the defeat of the column, he spoke in a different way: "I will not meet with Dudayev. I do not talk to bandits." It was clear to everyone that there would be no planned reconciliation with Dudayev.

YuA: - There are other things to consider. The presidential elections in Russia were approaching. Yeltsin's rating fell below acceptable limits - up to 6 percent! And the Duma also demanded that he punish and remove the "siloviks", primarily Defense Minister Grachev. For major human losses... In the meantime, Dudayev gave interviews left and right to Moscow and foreign media, humiliated Russian generals. A criminal case was opened against Dudayev, but prosecutors complained that they "couldn't find" him. They started laughing at our special services. And then there is this tragic incident near the village of Yarysh-Mardy ... The President in a rage gives the order to eliminate Dudayev. The flywheel has started...

Since 1970, he served in the 1225th heavy bomber aviation regiment (Belay garrison in the Usolsky district of the Irkutsk region (Sredny settlement), Zabaikalsky Military District), where in subsequent years he successively served as deputy commander of the aviation regiment (1976-1978), chief of staff (1978 -1979), commander of a detachment (1979-1980), commander of this regiment (1980-1982).

In 1982 he became chief of staff of the 31st heavy bomber division of the 30th air army, and in 1985-1987 he was transferred as chief of staff to the 13th guards heavy bomber air division (Poltava): he “was remembered by many Poltava residents with whom fate brought him together. According to his former colleagues, he was a quick-tempered, emotional and at the same time extremely honest and decent person. Then he still remained a staunch communist, was responsible for political work with personnel.

Retired Air Force Major General. In 1987 - 1990 he commanded a division of long-range bombers in Tartu (Estonia). At the same time, he served as head of the city's military garrison.

On November 23, 1990, at the invitation of Zelimkhan Yandarbiev and Movladi Udugov, ideologues of the National Congress of the Chechen People (OKChN), Dudayev arrived in Grozny for the First Chechen National Congress (ChNC). On November 25, the congress elected its own governing body - the executive committee, to which, among others, retired Major General Dzhokhar Dudayev was introduced. On November 27, members of the executive committee unanimously adopt a declaration on the formation of the Chechen Republic of Nokhchi-Cho.

In March 1991, the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Chechen National Congress, Dzhokhar Dudayev, demanded the self-dissolution of the SC CHIR due to the fact that the deputies "did not justify the trust of the people", and in May 1991 announced the transfer of power for a transitional period into the hands of the Executive Committee of the ChNS.

On June 8-9, 1991, in Grozny, Dudayev gathered some of the delegates to the first congress of the ChNS, who proclaimed themselves the "National Congress of the Chechen People" (OKCHN) and elected Dudayev as chairman of the executive committee. The OKCHN proclaimed the creation of the "Chechen Republic of Nokhchi-cho", and declared the CHIR Armed Forces to be "usurpers". The leadership of the RSFSR and the USSR did not take any measures against the separatists.

On September 3, 1991, Dudayev announced the overthrow of the CHIR Armed Forces and accused Russia of pursuing a colonial policy towards Chechnya. On the same day, the TV center, the House of Radio and the House of Political Education were seized by the OKCHN forces.

On September 6, 1991, Dudayev's militants, together with the criminals released from prison, stormed the building of the CHIR Armed Forces. The chairman of the Grozny city council was thrown out of a window and died, more than 40 deputies were injured or beaten. On the same day, Dudayev announced the need for complete independence from Russia.

On September 8, 1991, the Dudayevites seized the airport and CHPP-1, blocked the center of Grozny, and a riot began in the Grozny detention center.

In the same period, several mass escapes were made from places of detention, including a strict regime colony in the city of Naur, a mass exodus of Russians from the republic began, refugees were looted under the pretext of returning “acquired in Chechnya” and belonging to the Chechen people.

On July 25, 1992, Dudayev spoke at an emergency congress of the Karachay people and condemned Russia for trying to prevent the highlanders from gaining independence. In August, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and Emir of Kuwait Jaber al-Sabah invited Dudayev to visit their countries in his capacity as President of the Chechen Republic. After that, Dudayev made visits to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Turkey.

By the beginning of 1993, the economic and military situation in Chechnya worsened, Dudayev lost his former support. In response to this, on April 17, 1993, Dudayev dissolved the CRI government, parliament, the constitutional court and the Grozny city assembly, introducing direct presidential rule and a curfew throughout Chechnya, and also appointed Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev as vice president.

In the summer, constant armed clashes take place on the territory of Chechnya. The opposition is forced out to the north of the republic, where alternative authorities were formed.

At the end of the year, Chechnya refuses to take part in the elections of the State Duma and the referendum on the constitution, the parliament opposes the inclusion in the new Constitution of the Russian Federation of the provision on Chechnya as a subject of the Russian Federation.

By the beginning of 1994, Dudayev's regime was weakened by internal contradictions, instability and the collapse of government. The opposition forms the Provisional Council of the Chechen Republic headed by Umar Avturkhanov. In response, Dudayev unfolds new repressions against the opposition. In particular, in August, more than 200 oppositionists were killed in the Urus-Martan district. On August 10, a National Congress was held in Grozny, organized by Dudayev's supporters. The congress spoke in favor of general mobilization and the declaration of a "holy war" against Russia.

On September 20, Umar Avturkhanov declared that all peaceful means of solving the Chechen problem had been exhausted. On September 30, helicopters of the Provisional Council raided the Grozny airfield, destroying part of Dudayev's aviation.

On October 15, the forces of the Provisional Council entered Grozny, encountering practically no resistance, but then withdrew from the city, as if having received some kind of order from Moscow. After receiving armored vehicles, the military potential of the Provisional Council increased significantly. On November 17, preparations began for a new assault on Grozny.

On the morning of November 26, 1994, Grozny was shelled and stormed by Russian special services and opposition groups. Three armed columns entered Grozny in three directions. Without a fight, the television center was occupied, near which three tanks remained. It was also reported that the Presidential Palace was taken by a detachment of field commander Ruslan Labazanov who participated in the assault on the side of the opposition. The tankers, who took up positions near the television center, were soon attacked by Shamil Basayev's "Abkhaz battalion" and surrendered to the guards of the television center. By the end of the day on November 26, the forces of the Provisional Council left Grozny. The defeat of the opposition was due to the different goals of its constituent groups, the limitation of the planning of the operation by the capture of the center of Grozny and the involvement of large forces by the Dudayev regime to repel the assault. Dudayev's forces captured Russian servicemen who fought on the side of the opposition under a contract with the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

After the unsuccessful assault on Grozny, the opposition could only count on military assistance from the center. On December 11, units of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia entered the territory of Chechnya on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin "On measures to suppress the activities of illegal armed groups on the territory of the Chechen Republic and in the zone of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict." The First Chechen War began.

On the instructions of Dzhokhar Dudayev, camps for prisoners of war and civilians were created in Chechnya, sometimes they are called concentration camps.

On June 14, 1995, a raid by a detachment of militants under the command of Shamil Basayev took place on the city of Budyonnovsk (Stavropol Territory), accompanied by a massive hostage-taking in the city. This action resulted in the death of about 100 civilians. Basayev claimed that Dudayev did not know about this operation. After the events in Budyonnovsk, Dudayev awarded orders to the personnel of Basayev's detachment. On July 21, 1995, Dudayev awarded Basaev the rank of brigadier general.

From the very beginning of the first Chechen war, Russian special services hunted Dudayev. Three attempts ended in failure. On April 21, 1996, Russian special services located the signal from Dudayev's satellite phone near the village of Gekhi-Chu, 30 km from Grozny. 2 Su-25 attack aircraft with homing missiles were lifted into the air. Presumably, Dudayev was destroyed by a rocket strike right during a telephone conversation with State Duma deputy Konstantin Borov. Alla Dudayeva, in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, said that she was next to Dzhokhar at the time of his death. She said in particular:

Borovoy himself is not sure that Dudayev was eliminated during a telephone conversation with him. According to some reports, Dudayev was going to speak with representatives of the King of Morocco, Hassan II, whom he himself called a possible candidate for mediators in negotiations with the Kremlin.

He was born on February 15 (according to other sources - on February 23), 1944 in the village of Yalkhori (Yalkhoroy) of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Chechen, a native of the teip Yalkhoroy. He was the thirteenth child in the family. On February 23, 1944, the population of the CHIASSR was subjected to repressions and was deported to Kazakhstan and Central Asia. D. Dudayev and his family were able to return to Chechnya only in 1957.

Dudayev graduated from the Tambov Military Aviation School and the Yu.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy in Moscow.

In 1962 he began serving in the Soviet Army. He rose to the rank of Major General of the USSR Air Force (Dudaev was the first Chechen general in the Soviet Army). He took part in military operations in Afghanistan in 1979-1989. In 1987-1990 he was commander of a heavy bomber division in Tartu (Estonia).

In 1968 he joined the CPSU and did not formally leave the party.

In the autumn of 1990, being the head of the garrison in the city of Tartu, Dzhokhar Dudayev refused to follow the order: to block television and the Estonian parliament. However, this act had no consequences for him.

Until 1991, Dudayev visited Chechnya on short trips, but he was remembered at home. In 1990, Zelimkhan Yandarbiev convinced Dzhokhar Dudayev of the need to return to Chechnya and lead the national movement. In March 1991 (according to other sources - in May 1990) Dudayev retired and returned to Grozny. In June 1991, Dzhokhar Dudayev headed the Executive Committee of the National Congress of the Chechen People (OKChN). (According to the BBC, Boris Yeltsin's adviser Gennady Burbulis subsequently claimed that Dzhokhar Dudayev assured him of his loyalty to Moscow in a personal meeting).

In early September 1991, Dudayev led a rally in Grozny, demanding the dissolution of the Supreme Council of the Chi ASSR, due to the fact that on August 19 the leadership of the CPSU in Grozny supported the actions of the USSR State Emergency Committee. On September 6, 1991, a group of armed supporters of the OKCHN, led by Dzhokhar Dudayev and Yaragi Mamadayev, broke into the building of the Supreme Council of the Chechen-Ingushetia and forced the deputies to stop their activities at gunpoint.

On October 1, 1991, by decision of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Chechen-Ingush Republic was divided into the Chechen and Ingush Republics (without borders).

On October 10, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, in its resolution "On the Political Situation in Checheno-Ingushetia", condemned the seizure of power in the republic by the Executive Committee of the OKChN and the dispersal of the Supreme Soviet of Checheno-Ingushetia.

On October 27, 1991, Dzhokhar Dudayev was elected President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Even after becoming the president of Ichkeria, he continued to appear in public in a Soviet military uniform.

On November 1, 1991, by his first decree, Dudayev proclaimed the independence of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (ChRI) from the Russian Federation, which was not recognized by either the Russian authorities or any foreign states.

On November 7, 1991, Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree declaring a state of emergency in Checheno-Ingushetia. In response to this, Dudayev introduced martial law on its territory. The Supreme Soviet of Russia, where Yeltsin's opponents held most of the seats, did not approve the presidential decree.

At the end of November 1991, Dzhokhar Dudayev created the National Guard, in mid-December he allowed the free carrying of weapons, and in 1992 he created the Ministry of Defense.

On March 3, 1992, Dudayev announced that Chechnya would sit down at the negotiating table with the Russian leadership only if Moscow recognized its independence, thus leading possible negotiations to a dead end.

On March 12, 1992, the Chechen Parliament adopted the Constitution of the Republic, declaring the Chechen Republic an independent secular state. The Chechen authorities, meeting almost no organized resistance, seized the weapons of the Russian military units stationed on the territory of Chechnya.

In August 1992, at the invitation of King Aravin Fahd bin Abdel Aziz of Saudi Arabia and Emir of Kuwait Jabar el Ahded ak-Sabah, Dzhokhar Dudayev visited these countries. He was given a warm welcome, but his request to recognize the independence of Chechnya was denied.

On April 17, 1993, Dudayev dissolved the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chechen Republic, the Parliament, the Constitutional Court of Chechnya and the Grozny City Assembly, introduced direct presidential rule and a curfew throughout Chechnya.

On June 5, 1993, formations loyal to Dudayev successfully suppressed the armed uprising of the local pro-Russian opposition at the head. The column of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles that entered Grozny, partially manned by Russian contractors, was defeated. According to Gantamirov, more than 60 of his supporters were killed in the process.

On December 1, 1994, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On certain measures to strengthen law and order in the North Caucasus” was issued, which ordered all persons who illegally own weapons to voluntarily surrender them to law enforcement agencies in Russia by December 15.

On December 6, 1994, in the Ingush village of Sleptsovskaya, Dzhokhar Dudayev met with Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev and Interior Minister Viktor Yerin.

On the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin "On measures to suppress the activities of illegal armed groups on the territory of the Chechen Republic and in the zone of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict", units of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia entered the territory of Chechnya. The first Chechen war began.

According to Russian sources, at the beginning, under the command of Dudayev, there were about 15 thousand soldiers, 42 tanks, 66 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 123 guns, 40 anti-aircraft systems, 260 training aircraft, so the advance of the federal forces was accompanied by serious resistance from the Chechen militias and Dudayev's guards.

By the beginning of February 1995, after heavy bloody battles, the Russian army established control over the city of Grozny and began to advance into the southern regions of Chechnya. Dudayev had to hide in the southern mountainous regions, constantly changing his location.

According to media reports, the Russian special services twice managed to introduce their agents into Dzhokhar Dudayev's entourage and mine his car once, but all assassination attempts ended in failure.

In the evening, Russian special services located the signal from Dudayev's satellite phone near the village of Gekhi-Chu, 30 km from Grozny. 2 Su-25 attack aircraft with homing missiles were lifted into the air. Dzhokhar Dudayev died from a rocket explosion while talking on the phone with Russian MP Konstantin Borov. The place where the first president of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria is buried is unknown.

Dzhokhar Dudayev - leader of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria from 1991 to 1996, major general of aviation, commander of a strategic division of the Soviet army, military pilot. The combat general made defending the independence of Chechnya the meaning of his life. When this goal could not be achieved peacefully, Dudayev took part in the military conflict between Chechnya and Russia.

Take with you:

Childhood and youth

The exact date of birth of Dzhokhar Dudayev is unknown, but it is generally accepted that he was born on February 15, 1944 in the family of a veterinarian in the village of Pervomaisky (Galanchozhsky district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). He comes from the taip (genus) Tsechoy.

The confusion with the date of birth of the Chechen leader is explained quite simply. The fact is that in 1944 the Chechen population was deported from their native places because of the unfair accusation of them in connection with the Germans. The Dudayev family was sent to Kazakhstan, where little Dzhokhar grew up. His parents Musa and Rabiat had 13 children, seven in common (four sons and three daughters), and six children of Musa from his first marriage (four sons and two daughters). Dzhokhar was the youngest of all. When moving to Kazakhstan, the boy's parents lost some of the documents. Among them was the metric of the youngest son. And later, his parents, due to the large number of children, could not accurately remember the date of birth of their youngest son.

Dzhokhar Dudayev's father, Musa, died when the boy was about six years old. This greatly affected the psyche of the child and he had to grow up ahead of time. Almost all of Dzhokhar's sisters and brothers studied poorly at school, often skipped classes and did not attach much importance to the lessons. But Dzhokhar, on the contrary, understood from the first grade that he had to master knowledge and studied diligently. He immediately became one of the best in the class, and the guys even chose him as head boy.

In 1957, the Dudaev family, along with other deported Chechens, was returned to their native land and they settled in the city of Grozny. Here, Dzhokhar studied until the ninth grade and then went to work as an electrician in the fifth SMU. At the same time, the teenager had a precise goal and he knew that he was obliged to receive a diploma of higher education. Therefore, Dzhokhar did not drop out of school, attended evening classes at school and still graduated from the 10th grade. After that, he applied to the North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics). However, after studying there for a year, the young man realized that he had a different calling. He secretly left Grozny from his family and entered the Tambov Higher Military Aviation School.

True, he had to go to the trick and lie to the selection committee that he was Ossetian. At that time, the Chechens were equated with enemies of the people, and Dzhokhar was well aware that by making public his personal data, he simply would not enter the chosen university.

During the training, the young man did not change his principles and threw all his strength into mastering the chosen specialty to perfection. As a result, cadet Dudayev received a diploma with honors. At the same time, it is worth noting that he was a patriot, and it was extremely unpleasant for him to hide his nationality, which he was actually proud of. Therefore, before handing him a document on the higher education he had received, he insisted that it must be indicated in his personal file that he was a Chechen.

After graduating from college, Dzhokhar Dudayev was sent to serve in the armed forces of the USSR, as an assistant commander of an airship and joined the Communist Party. Without looking up from his immediate duties, in 1974 he graduated from the Yuri Gagarin Air Force Academy (command department). In 1989, he was transferred to the reserve with the rank of general.

Former colleagues spoke of Dudayev with great respect. People noted that, despite his emotionality and irascibility, he was a very obliging, decent and honest person who could always be relied upon.

Political career of Dzhokhar Dudayev

In November 1990, within the framework of the national Chechen congress, held in Grozny, Dzhokhar Dudayev was elected chairman of the executive committee. Already in March of the following year, Dudayev made a demand: the Supreme Council of the Chechen-Ingush Republic should voluntarily resign.

In May, Dudayev was transferred to the reserve with the rank of general, after which he returned to Chechnya and stood at the head of the growing national movement. Later, he was elected head of the executive committee of the National Congress of the Chechen People. In this position, he began to form the system of authorities of the republic. At the same time, the official Supreme Soviet continued to work in parallel in Chechnya. However, this did not stop Dudayev, and he openly declared that the deputies of the council were usurping power and did not justify the hopes placed on them.

After the August coup that took place in the Russian capital in 1991, the situation in Chechnya also began to heat up. On September 4, Dudayev and his associates seized the television center in Grozny by force, and Dzhokhar addressed the residents of the republic with a message. The essence of his statement boiled down to the fact that the official government did not justify the trust, therefore, democratic elections will be held in the republic in the near future. Until they take place, the leadership of the republic will be carried out by the movement headed by Dudayev and other political all-democratic organizations.

A day later, on September 6, Dzhokhar Dudayev and his comrades-in-arms entered the building of the Supreme Council by force. More than 40 deputies were beaten by militants and received injuries of varying severity, and the mayor, Vitaliy Kutsenko, was thrown out the window, the man died. On September 8, Dudayev's militants blocked the center of Grozny, captured the local airport and CHP-1.

At the end of October of the same 1991, elections were held. Chechens almost unanimously (more than 90% of the vote) supported Dzhokhar Dudayev and he took the post of president of the republic. The first thing he did in his new position was to issue a decree according to which Chechnya becomes an independent republic, and also separates from Ingushetia.

Meanwhile, the independence of Chechnya was not recognized either by other states or by the RSFSR. Wanting to take the situation under control, Boris Yeltsin planned to introduce a special position in the republic, but due to bureaucratic nuances, this was impossible. The fact is that at that time only Gorbachev could give orders to the armed forces, since the Soviet Union still existed “on paper”. But, in fact, he no longer had real power. As a result, a situation developed in which neither the former nor the current leader of Russia could take real measures to resolve the conflict.

In Chechnya, there were no such problems, and Dzhokhar Dudayev quickly seized power over the relevant structures, introduced martial law in the republic, removed pro-Russian deputies from power, and also allowed local residents to acquire weapons. At the same time, ammunition was often stolen from the destroyed and plundered military units of the RSFSR.

In March 1992, under the leadership of Dudayev, the Chechen constitution was adopted, as well as other state symbols. However, the situation in the republic continued to heat up. In 1993, Dudayev lost some of his supporters and people began to organize protest rallies, demanding the return of the rule of law and power capable of restoring order. In response to the expressed dissatisfaction, the national leader held a referendum, during which it became clear that the population was dissatisfied with the new government.

Then Dudayev removed the government, parliament, city leadership, etc. from power. After that, the leader took all power into his own hands, organizing direct presidential leadership. And during the next protest rally, his supporters opened fire on opposition-minded citizens and killed about 50 people. A couple of months later, the first attempt was made on Dudayev. Armed men burst into his office and opened fire to kill. However, the personal guards of the Chechen leader arrived in time to help and tried to shoot the attackers, as a result, they fled, and Dudayev himself did not receive any injuries.

After this incident, armed clashes with the opposition become the norm, and for several years Dudayev has to defend his power by force: with weapons in his hands.

Culmination of military conflict with Russia

In 1993, Russia holds a referendum on the constitution, and this further inflames an already difficult situation. The independence of the Chechen Republic was not recognized and, accordingly, its population had to take part in the discussion of the most important state document. However, Dudayev perceives the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria as an autonomous unit and declares that the Chechen population will not take part in either the referendum or the elections. Moreover, he demanded that the constitution should not refer to Ichkeria, since it had seceded from Russia.

Accordingly, on the basis of all these events, the situation in the republic is even more tense. And in 1994, Dudayev's opposition creates a parallel temporary council of the Chechen Republic. The leader of the Chechen Republic reacted very harshly to this, and in the near future about 200 oppositionists were killed in the republic. Also, the Chechen leader called on the local population to start a holy war against Russia and announced a general mobilization, which marked the beginning of active hostilities between Chechnya and Russia.

Throughout the military conflict, the authorities tried several times to eliminate Dudayev. After three unsuccessful attempts, he was killed. On April 21, 1996, a special unit tracked his conversation on a satellite phone and launched two missile strikes at this point. Later, the wife of the Chechen leader, Alla Dudayeva, said in an interview that one of the missiles literally destroyed the car in which Dzhokhar was. The man was seriously wounded in the head, he was taken home, where he died from his injuries.

The burial place of Dzhokhar Dudayev is still unknown to this day, and rumors periodically appear that the Chechen leader may be alive.

In fact, the only evidence of Dudayev's death is the words about his death, voiced by representatives of the general's inner circle, as well as his wife. That is, people who were absolutely devoted to Dudayev and always acted in his interests.

True, there is also a photo where Alla Dudayeva was taken next to the body of her husband. But at the same time, it is possible that these frames can be staged. They depict a woman next to a dead man who lies with his eyes open. At the same time, Dzhokhar's face is covered in blood, but his wounds are not visible. Accordingly, such a frame can be made with a living person.

It is also doubtful that on the day of his death Dudayev took his wife with him to the forest. The fact is that, according to Alla, her husband was well aware that the special services could track his location by phone. Therefore, he never conducted conversations from home, and did not arrange long communication sessions from one point. If the dialogue dragged on, he interrupted it, and then called the interlocutor again from another place. And here the question arises: “Why did Dzhokhar, knowing that at the time of the telephone conversation he was in increased danger, take his wife to a communication session?”

Moreover, many were amazed at how calmly and impartially Alla Dudayeva behaved after the death of her husband. Given the emotionality of the woman, this behavior looked very strange. Even more surprising was the fact that, having arrived in the Russian capital in May 1996, she was very loyal to Boris Yeltsin in her statements, and almost called on the Russians to support his candidacy in the presidential elections. Later, the woman explained her statements by saying that the victory of the politician would ensure a peaceful life for the Chechen people and that she acted solely in the interests of her fellow citizens. However, even taking into account these nuances, the words expressed in support of the person who ordered the liquidation of her husband looks very strange.

In any case, rumors that Dzhokhar Dudayev might be alive have never been confirmed. And what's more, even if the Chechen leader had survived, he would not have left the work he had begun, since he never stopped halfway and always went to his goal. That is why his “silence” for many years can safely be considered the main confirmation that Dzhokhar Dudayev really died.
Dzhokhar Dudayev

Dzhokhar Dudayev - leader of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria from 1991 to 1996, major general of aviation, commander of a strategic division of the Soviet army, military pilot. The combat general made defending the independence of Chechnya the meaning of his life. When this goal could not be achieved peacefully, Dudayev took part in the military conflict between Chechnya and Russia. Childhood and youth The exact date of birth of Dzhokhar Dudayev is unknown, but it is generally accepted that he was born on February 15, 1944 in the family of a veterinarian in the village of Pervomaisky (Galanchozhsky district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). He comes from the taip (genus) Tsechoy. The confusion with the date of birth of the Chechen leader is explained quite simply. The point is that in…


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The general left three children: two sons, Avlur and Degi, and a daughter, Dana.

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