Experimental psychology of the task in test form. Examination test "Experimental psychology with the basics of psychodiagnostics"

Topic 1. Introduction to experimental psychology. The history of its formation.

1. Galton F

One of the founders of psychological testing. Developed a psychophysiological method of paired comparisons. He discovered the phenomenon of anticipation during tachyscopic presentation of an object.

2. James McKean Cattell

One of the first to use variational-statistical methods in the field of experimental psychology. Pioneer of the use of psychological tests, questionnaires, questionnaires.

3.Chelpanov G.I.

The first psychologist to study "memory and learning through

experimental method.

4. Ebbinghaus G.

The founder of the experimental study of personality in Russia. Developed a procedure for conducting a natural experiment.

5. Lazursky A.F.

He developed a scheme for an experimental study of touch, for which he designed the device "esthesiometer".

6. Ernest Heinrich Weber

He created the "Institute of Experimental Psychology" in Moscow in 1912.

Introspective psychology is:

A. The field of psychology, which organizes knowledge about research problems common to most psychological areas and methods for solving them, is called the scientific discipline of psychological research methods.

B. a number of trends in psychology that use the subject's observation of the content and acts of his own consciousness as the only method of studying the psyche.

B. the science of the laws governing the formation and development of social systems, communities, groups, and individuals.

D. branch of psychology that studies the psyche of animals, its manifestations, origin and development in onto- and phylogenesis.

1. Fill in the gaps (****) in the sentences:

1.**** is a scientific assumption that follows from a theory, which has not yet been confirmed or refuted.

2. **** A hypothesis is put forward to eliminate internal contradictions in the theory or to overcome discrepancies between theory and experimental results and are a tool for improving theoretical knowledge.

3. **** The hypothesis must satisfy the principles of falsifiability (if it is refuted during the experiment) and verifiability (if it is confirmed during the experiment).

4. The hypothesis about **** is formulated as an assumption about the presence of certain phenomena, events.

5. The hypothesis about **** is formulated as an assumption that some indicators are related (are in certain ratios with each other).

6. **** is formulated as an assumption that one phenomenon affects (changes) another phenomenon.

2. Establish a correspondence between the terms (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and their definitions (A, B, C, D, E)

This is a form of scientific reflection of the problem situation. On the one hand, it expresses real objective contradictions, on the other hand, it points to the contradiction between the awareness of the need for certain practical actions and the ignorance of the means and methods for their implementation.

2. Research problem

a system and sequence of research actions, means (tools, devices, environment), which allows solving a research problem. With its help, the characteristics of behavior are fixed and the object is affected.

3. Paradigm

it is a way of scientific knowledge of an object or practical activity, realizing the cognitive position of the subject to the object of study.


a set of values, methods, technical skills and tools adopted in the scientific community within the established scientific tradition in a certain period of time.

5. Ideographic approach

approach to the study of personality, in which the uniqueness of each person is the primary goal of the study. First introduced by Allport.

3. Fill in the gaps (****) in the sentences (names of scientific studies):

    **** research conducted in order to obtain knowledge that should be used to solve a specific practical problem.

2. **** research is carried out within the framework of a separate science (in this case, psychology).

3. **** the study is aimed at understanding reality without taking into account the practical effect of applying knowledge

4. **** These studies require the participation of specialists from various fields and are carried out at the intersection of several scientific disciplines.

5.**** Research is carried out using a system of methods and techniques, through which scientists seek to cover the maximum (or optimal) possible number of significant parameters of the reality being studied.

6. **** The study is aimed at identifying one, the most significant, in the opinion of the researcher, aspect of reality.

4. Choose from the proposed answers (A, B, C, D) only one is correct.

Exploratory research includes:

A. Research carried out in order to refute an existing theory, model, hypothesis, law, etc., or to test which of two alternative hypotheses more accurately predicts reality, research is carried out in those areas where a rich theoretical and empirical stock of knowledge has been accumulated and proven methods are available to carry out the experiment.

B. By this research is meant an attempt to solve a problem that no one has posed or solved in a similar way. Sometimes similar studies are called “poke method” studies:

B. Studies within which theory predicts facts and empirical patterns. Usually, in comparison with the initial experimental sample, the conditions for conducting the study, the object, and the methodology change.

D. Exact repetition of the experiment of the predecessors to determine the reliability, reliability and objectivity of the results.

Topic 3. Theory of psychological experiment.

1. The founder of the study of the socio-psychological aspects of the psychological experiment was R. Zayonts. In 1933, he published an analytical review on this problem, where he identified the main factors of communication that can distort the results of the experiment.

2. The effect of social facilitation (gain), or the effect of the audience, was discovered by Hawthorne.

3. The joint activity of the subject and the experimenter, which is organized by the experimenter and is aimed at studying the characteristics of the psyche of the subjects, is a psychological experiment.

4. The placebo effect was discovered by doctors: when the subjects believed that the drug or the doctor's actions contributed to their recovery, they experienced an improvement in their condition. The effect is based on the mechanisms of suggestion and self-hypnosis.

5. A properly delivered conversation allows you to test hypotheses in causal causal relationships, not limited to ascertaining the connection (correlation) between variables. Distinguish between traditional and factorial plans for conducting a conversation.

6. This method was first proposed in 1910 by A.F. Lazursky at the 1st All-Russian Congress on Experimental Pedagogy. A laboratory experiment is carried out under normal conditions within the framework of the activities familiar to the subjects, for example, training sessions or games.

7. One-dimensional and multidimensional experiments are distinguished by the number of variables studied.

    The formative experiment aims not to simply ascertain the level of formation of this or that activity, the development of certain aspects of the psyche, but their active formation or upbringing. In this case, a special experimental situation is created, which allows not only to identify the conditions necessary for organizing the required behavior, but also to experimentally carry out the purposeful development of new types of activity, complex mental functions and to reveal their structure more deeply.

9. The basis of the ascertaining experiment is the experimental genetic method for studying mental development.

10. The experimental genetic method for studying mental development was developed by A.N. Leontiev and is associated with his cultural-historical theory of the development of higher mental functions.

11. A pilot experiment is when the area under study is unknown and there is no system of hypotheses. The results of the pilot experiment may help clarify the direction of further analysis.

12. A group of subjects who are not exposed to any experimental influences, since it serves as a comparison during the experiment - the control group

13. The group of subjects subjected to experimental exposure (as opposed to the control group) - experimental group

2. Choose from the proposed answers (A, B, C, D) only one is correct.

"Double blind method" is the method:

A. Conducting a study of people's response to any impact, which consists in the fact that the subjects are not initiated into important details of the study being conducted (the influence of the independent variable is masked). The method is used to exclude subjective factors that may affect the result of the experiment.

B. Designing an experimental situation in such a way as to exclude any presence of an external variable in it.

B. When not only the subjects, but also the experimenters remain in the dark about the important details of the experiment until its completion. This method eliminates the unconscious influence of the experimenter on the subject, as well as subjectivity in assessing the results of the experiment by the experimenter.

D. Systematized quantitative evaluation of the content of texts. It was first used by K. Jung in the analysis of the results of an associative experiment. It is widely used in psychological diagnostics (projective methods), special psychology, psycholinguistics, etc.

D. Random selection or distribution of subjects, in which all subjects have an equal chance of being included in the group. It is used in the selection of members of the population in the experimental sample, as well as in the distribution of subjects into experimental and control groups.

3. Choose from the proposed answers (A, B, C, D) only one is correct.

An external variable is called a variable:

A. Which is changed by the experimenter

B. Which changes under the influence of the dependent variable

B. Which is not available for control by the experimenter

D. Which remains constant throughout the experiment

4. Fill in the gaps (****) in the sentences (characterizing ways to control external variables).

1. (****) – i.e. conditions are created when external variables do not change and equally affect all subjects. (For example: street noise outside the window is considered as a constant variable).

2. (****) is the construction of an experimental situation in such a way as to exclude any presence of an external variable in it. (For example: a room that is maximally isolated from the outside world).

3. (****) - creation of a control sample, which is in the same conditions as the experimental one, and differs from it only in the absence of the influence of the independent variable.

4. (****) - a way to control the effect of order by alternating influences. Each group of subjects receives the same set of influences, only their sequence in the series changes. Each set of actions is presented the same number of times.

5. (****) - i.e. random selection of subjects in a group. This makes it possible to exclude the influence of both the individual psychological characteristics of the subject, and to exclude the influence of the preferences of the one who recruited the group.

6. (****) - consisting in the fact that the subjects are not initiated into the important details of the study (the influence of the independent variable is masked).

7. (****) - this method allows you to mask the influence of the independent variable from the subjects and from the experimenter.

5. Match the names of the research plans (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and their versions: (A, B, C, D, E).

1. True "experimental plan.

2. Pre-experimental plans

1. plan with preliminary and final testing and CG

4. Plan of correlation research.

2. plan 3x2

3. Plan Zx3

5. factor plans.

1. Comparison of two groups


6. Choose from the proposed answers (A, B, C,) only one is correct.

The pre-experimental plans are:

1. And these are plans in which it is required to identify the impact of two or more WIPs on one RFP. At the same time, WIP can have several levels of intensity,

are to create conditions under which all levels would be combined with each other. The number of EGs is taken equal to the number of combinations of levels of all WIPs.

2.B are plans in which all measured variables are dependent. The factor that determines this dependence can be one of the variables or a hidden, unmeasured variable.

3. In this, studies conducted according to certain schemes, without taking into account the requirements for the plan of a classic experimental study. The reason is the impossibility of taking them into account when conducting a real study under specific conditions.

1. Answer whether each of the following statements is true or false:

1. A conversation is understood as a purposeful, organized and in a certain way fixed perception of the object under study

2. Using the method of observation, one can detect only phenomena that occur under ordinary, "normal" conditions, and in order to cognize the essential properties of an object, it is necessary to create special conditions that are different from "normal".

3. The main features of the testing method are:

Direct connection between the observer and the observed object

Partiality (emotional coloring)

Difficulty (sometimes - impossibility) of repetition

4. The interview is called a targeted survey.

5. The test method is a time-fixed test designed to establish quantitative (and qualitative) individual psychological differences.

6. The pioneer of using the questionnaire in psychological research was K. Lorenz. Exploring the influence of heredity and environment on the level of intellectual achievement, he designed a questionnaire and interviewed 100 of the largest British scientists with its help.

7. Studies in which the psychologist does not measure and does not observe the actual behavior of the subject, but analyzes diary entries and notes, archival materials, products of labor, educational or creative activity, etc., are called the history of an individual case.

8. The psychological verbal-communicative method, which consists in the implementation of interaction between the interviewer and the respondents by obtaining answers from the subject to pre-formulated questions, is a survey method.

2. Choose from the proposed answers (A, B, C, D) only one is correct.

The measuring scale is:

A. a sequence of bars, each based on one split interval, and the height of the bar is the frequency or number of occurrences.

B. is a property of frequency distribution.

B. metric systems that model the phenomenon under study by replacing the direct designations of the objects under study with some features, the presence or degree of severity of which is presented and evaluated by the subjects in the form of numerical values, a graphic image, or verbal.

D. This value in the set of observations that occurs most often. The difficulty is that a rare collection has a single mode.

3. Establish a correspondence between the terms (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and their definitions (A, B, C, D, E), types of measuring scales.

1. Interval scale

this is a scale that classifies by name and establishes the correspondence of a feature to a particular class. The name is not measured quantitatively, it only allows you to distinguish one object from another or one subject from another.


this is a scale that classifies according to the principle "more by a certain number of units - less by a certain number of units", the first metric scale that determines the magnitude of differences between objects in the manifestation of a property. At the same time, using a scale, they find out how more or less a certain property is expressed in one object than in another.

3. Ordinal scale

it is a scale that classifies objects or subjects in proportion to the severity of the measured property, it has a significant zero point, which is not arbitrary, but indicates the complete absence of the measured property.

4. Scale of differences

This is a scale that classifies according to the principle "more - less". Here, the subjects may be ranked, for example, by weight or height.


has a natural scale unit. It corresponds to the additive group of real numbers. The classic example of this scale is historical chronology.

1. Choose from the proposed answers (A, B, C,) only one is correct.

Artifact is:

A. The result of the study, which is the result of a change in the dependent variable under the influence of side variables, is the result of errors or insufficient control of the conditions of the study.

B. a method of controlling the action of external variables, in which each group of subjects is presented with various combinations of independent and additional variables.

B. a sequence of bars, each based on one split interval, and the height of the bar is the frequency or number of occurrences.

2. Fill in the gaps (****) in the sentences:

1. (****) a hypothesis that is mutually exclusive with the main working hypothesis.

2. (****) a sequence of bars, each based on one split interval, and the height of the bar is the frequency or number of occurrences.

3. (****) this is a histogram, but lines connect the midpoints of the columns of each bit interval. Since on the bits to the right and left of the bits of the frequency distribution, the frequency has a value of zero, therefore, continue to the horizontal axis in the middle of the interval below the lower estimate and above the highest estimate.

4. (****) a graph in which the results of observations are displayed in the form of columns.

5. (****) A strict mathematical rule, according to which one or another statistical hypothesis is accepted or rejected, is the choice of an appropriate function from the results of observations, which serves to identify the measure of discrepancy between empirical and hypothetical values.

6. (****) is an indicator of the nature of the mutual stochastic influence of a change in two random variables, denoted by the Latin letter R.

3. Establish a correspondence between the terms (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and their definitions (A, B, C, D, E) characterizing the measures of variability, measures of the central tendency

1.Mean deviation

is the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​in the group.

this is a set of deviations of each value from the mean, taken modulo.


a measure of dispersion (deviation from the mean). In statistics, the arithmetic mean of the squared deviations of the observed values ​​(x1, x2,...,xn) of a random variable from their arithmetic mean.

the most common indicator of the variation of a quantitative variable, measures the "average" spread of the values ​​of a variable relative to its arithmetic mean in the same units as the variable itself; is equal to the square root of the variance.



this is the value in the set of observations that occurs most often.

6. Arithmetic mean

is the sum of all values ​​divided by their number

Topic 1. Introduction to experimental psychology. Her story


    1B, 2A, 3E, 4C, 5D, 6D.

Topic 2. Science and scientific research.


    Theoretical hypothesis

    scientific hypothesis

    Fact hypothesis

    Hypothesis about the relationship between phenomena

    causal hypothesis

1. Applied

2. Monodisciplinary

3. Fundamental

4. Interdisciplinary

5. Complex

6. Analytical

Topic 3. Theory of psychological experiment

    wrong (S. Rosenzweig)

    wrong (R. Zayonts)

5. wrong (experiment)

6. False (Natural Experiment)

9. Wrong (Formative Experiment)

10. wrong (L.S. Vygotsky)

1. Create constant conditions

2. Elimination

3. Balancing

4. Counterbalancing

5. Randomization

6. Blind method

7. Double blind method

Topic 4. Non-experimental methods of psychological research.

    wrong (observation)

    wrong (observations)

    wrong (Galton.)

7. wrong (“archival method”)

Topic 5. Using the methods of mathematical statistics in psychological research.

1. Alternative hypothesis

2. Histogram

3. Distribution polygon

4. Bar chart

5. Statistical test

6. Correlation coefficient

Species, Varieties

research square. and their purpose

Research area and their purpose

Plan Variant Versions

1. Pre-experimental plans

These are studies carried out according to certain schemes, without taking into account the requirements for the plan of a classic experimental study. The reason is the impossibility of taking them into account when conducting a real study under specific conditions. Research according to the scheme of pre-experimental plans was carried out even before the emergence of the theory of experimental planning. These plans include:

1. any scientific work usually begins with it. This kind of research, as a rule, is carried out at the first stages of scientific activity in order to compare their results with ordinary ideas about reality. But they do not carry scientific information. (Control of EP and WIP is completely absent.)

2. often used in sociological, socio-psychological and pedagogical research, there is no control sample. therefore, changes in the RFP during testing are caused precisely by a change in the WIP. In addition, this plan does not allow you to control the effect of "natural development", other "background" events.

3. Plan for two non-equivalent groups with post-exposure testing. makes it possible to take into account the effect of testing due to the introduction of CG, as well as to partially control the influence of "history" - background influences on the subjects and a number of other external variables. it is impossible to take into account the effect of natural development.

This plan is applicable in a correlation study.

1.single case study plan

2. plan with preliminary and final testing of one group

3.comparison of statistical groups

2. True "experimental plan.


1. randomization

2. the presence of EG and min. 1 CG.

3.completion exp. testing and comparing the behavior of the EG and CG groups.

1. Popular with psychologists. The "history" ("background") factor is controlled, since in the interval between the first and second testing, both groups are exposed to the same ("background") influences.

2. The plan includes two EGs and two CGs. is a combination of two plans. Solomon, with his plan, reveals the effect of experimental exposure in four different ways: by comparison.

To avoid testing effect

*** design for 4 randomized groups with pre-testing in 2 groups and final testing in 4 groups.

Check for changes over time in the effect of the experiment

*** plan for 4 randomized groups with preliminary testing in all groups and final testing at different times.

3. It is recommended to use in the case when it is not possible or necessary to conduct preliminary testing of the subjects. With good randomization, this plan is the best, it allows you to control most of the sources of artifacts.

4. Sometimes a comparison of two groups is not enough to confirm or refute an experimental hypothesis. In implementing this plan, only one level of WIP is presented to each group. It is also possible that the number of EGs increased in accordance with the number of IWP levels.

*** plan for 3 groups and 3 levels of WIP.

1. plan with pre-test and post-test and control group

2.Solomon's plan for 4 groups

3. plan for two randomized groups with post-exposure testing

Plans for one independent variable and several groups.

factor plans. They are used if it is required to identify the impact of two or more WIPs on one WIP. At the same time, WIP can have several levels of intensity,

are to create conditions under which all levels would be combined with each other. The number of EGs in the factorial plan is taken equal to the number of combinations of levels of all WIPs.

1. to identify the effect of the impact of two WIPs on one ZP. To draw up this plan, the principle of balancing is applied.

2. is used in cases where it is necessary to establish the type of dependence of one RFP on one WIP, and one of the WIPs is represented by a dichotomous parameter.

3. is used if both WIPs have several levels and it is possible to identify the types of relationship between the dependent variable and the independent ones. This plan allows you to identify the impact of reinforcement on the success of completing tasks of varying difficulty.

4. a plan for organizing a multilevel experiment, in which the second experimental factor is the order of presenting different WIP conditions.

is used when it is necessary to investigate the simultaneous influence of three variables that have two or more levels. The principle of the "Latin square" is that two levels of different variables occur in the experimental plan only once. can significantly reduce the number of groups.

1.plans for two WIPs and two levels of 2x2 type

2. plan 3x2

3. Plan Zx3

4. 2x2x2 plans: "three independent variables - two levels. Simplified version - "Latin square"

3. Quasi-experimental plans

created specifically with a deviation from the "true experiment" scheme. The researcher is aware of those sources of artifacts - external variables that he cannot control.

is any study aimed at establishing a causal relationship between two variables (“if A, then B”), in which there is no preliminary group equalization procedure or “parallel control” involving the control group is replaced by comparing the results of repeated testing of the group (or groups) before and after exposure.

1. are aimed at establishing a causal relationship between two variables, in which there is no preliminary procedure for equalizing groups. The participation of the CG is replaced by a comparison of the results of repeated testing of the group (or groups) before and after exposure.

these are plans that take into account the limitations of the forms of control before the implementation of the experimental exposure. Testing is carried out by one group, and the final (after exposure) is the equivalent (after randomization) group that has been exposed. The disadvantage is the inability to control the "influence of the" history "factor

2. Plans built according to the time series scheme for one group are similar in structure to the experimental plans for one subject. Its essence lies in the fact that initially the initial level of RFP is determined for a group of subjects using a series of successive measurements. Then the researcher influences the subjects of the EG, varying the WIP, and conducts a series of similar measurements. Compared levels, RFP before and after exposure.

1-.plans with non-equivalent CG

Plan for non-equivalent groups

2. discrete time series plans

Correlation study plan.

all measured variables are dependent. The factor that determines this dependence can be one of the variables or a hidden, unmeasured variable.

1. The plan is used to establish the similarity or difference between two natural or randomized groups in terms of the severity of a particular psychological property or condition.

2. The plan is close to the experiment, since the conditions in which the group is located differ. In the case of a correlation study, we do not control the level of WIP, but only state a change in the individual's behavior in new conditions.

3. This plan is used in the study of twins by the method of intra-pair correlations. Dizygotic or monozygotic twins are divided into two groups: in each group - one twin from a pair. In twins of both groups, the mental parameters of interest to the researcher are measured. Then the correlation between the parameters is calculated ( ABOUT-correlation) or twins (P-correlation).

4. A group is selected, which is either the general population or the population of interest to us. Tests tested for reliability and internal validity are selected. Then the group is tested according to a specific program.

5. The researcher reveals not the absence or presence of significant correlations, but the difference in the level of significant correlations between the same indicators measured in representatives of different groups.

6. The study is built according to the plan of time series with testing of the group at specified intervals. In addition to the effects of learning, consistency, etc., the effect of dropout should be taken into account: not all subjects who initially took part in the experiment can be examined after a certain period of time. time.

1. Comparison of two groups

2.One-dimensional study of one group under different conditions.

3. Correlation study of pairwise equivalent groups.

4. Multivariate correlation study.

5. Structural correlation study

6. Longitudinal correlation study

Moscow Regional Institute

Higher Socio-Economic Education

Test tasks

Subject: "Experimental psychology"

Lecturer: Arzhakaeva T.A.

Student: Brichkovskaya M.N.

group: 3PS-07/U

1. Correlate the levels of methodological analysis with their main features:

A) General methodology;

B) Special methodology

C) Private methodology.

1. empirical methods (observation, experiment, survey, etc.);

2.dialectical-materialistic approach and basic scientific ideas about the primacy of matter and the secondary nature of consciousness, about the driving forces of the development of objective reality and the psyche, etc.

3.methodological principles; determinism, unity of consciousness and activity, objectivity, etc.

2. Correlate the principles of domestic psychological science with their description:

A) the principle of objectivity;

B) The principle of determinism;

C) The principle of unity of consciousness and activity;

D) the principle of development;

D) The principle of personal approach;

E) System-structural principle.

1. The psyche can be correctly and adequately explained if it is considered as a product of development and in the process of this development.

2. Recognition of the fact of the existence of an external world independent of man and mankind, of his consciousness and intellect, and the possibility of its knowledge.

3. Any phenomenon must be considered as an element of a complex system.

4. Orientation to the individual and socio-psychological characteristics of a person.

5. Causation of mental phenomena.

6. Consciousness and activity are not opposite to each other and are not identical.

3. What type of psychological research is described below?

“A student is writing a thesis aimed at studying the characteristics of the relationship of patients with schizophrenia with relatives; as a result of the work, she is going to derive practical recommendations for the relatives of such patients.”

4. Give an example of a theoretical study.

5. Define the object, subject, goal, hypothesis and objectives of the topics presented:

"The relationship of character traits and adaptation of first-year students";

"Peculiarities of aggressive behavior among working youth";

"Psychological analysis of the intellectual giftedness of children from various social groups".

6. Determine the types of hypotheses in the following examples:

A) “In our work, we proceed from the assumption that the concept of emotional dependence exists”;

B) “In our work, we proceed from the assumption that if children of primary school age increase the level of creativity, then they develop general intellectual abilities”;

C) "We proceed from the assumption that there is a direct relationship between the level of dialogic speech and the level of development of creative play."

7. Match the Cattell data collection methods with their meanings:

A) L-data;

B) Q-data;

C) T-data.

1. Information obtained through objective tests;

2. Information obtained by registering the facts of real life;

3. Information obtained through questionnaires and self-reports.

8. Distribute the methods according to the main 4 groups proposed by B.G. Ananiev:

A) organizational methods;

B) empirical methods;

B) data processing;

D) interpretive methods.

1. Genetic method;

2. Observational methods;

3. Comparative method;

4. Longitudinal method;

5. Methods of qualitative analysis;

6. Complex method;

7. Structural method;

8. Methods of mathematical statistics;

9. Praximetric methods;

10. Modeling method.

9. Define the type of organizational methods in the following examples:

A) “In the study, we took a student group in which we studied the dynamics of the level of tolerance throughout the entire period of study”;

B) “In the study, we studied the behavior of people with epilepsy in situations of uncertainty. A clinical psychologist and a psychotherapist also joined our study”;

C) "In the study, we compared the level of general intelligence in children who attended preschool and did not attend (home education)."

10. Determine the main advantages and disadvantages of the observation method.

11. Continue the definition. The survey is…..

12. Define the type of observation in the following examples:

A) The psychologist observed Maria for a certain period. He recorded all her manifestations of mental activity.

B) Anatoly (psychologist) was engaged in introspection, to determine the gaps in memory.

C) Vitaly (he is one of the twins in a foster family) was observed for 10 years to determine his development in a strange family.

D) Karina got a job there to study the peculiarities of working in the team of the Rech publishing house.

E) Anatoly analyzed the behavior of the robbers by observing the events on the film.

13. With what words is it necessary to start a question so that a person starts talking about himself, and not about events?

14. Explain the essence of the "Silence" technique.

15. How will the interview method differ from the conversation method.

16. Select methods that belong to the group of praximetric:

A) Bibliographic method;

B) content analysis;

C) modeling method;

D) projective methods;

D) archival method.

17. The method of studying causal relationships between the studied variables is ....

18. Match the types of experiments with examples:

A) laboratory.

B) natural.

B) formative.

1. In the experiment, a six-day training on the development of empathic observation was conducted for psychology students.

2. Students in a specially designated room were asked to act out the exam situation in order to study the features of memory in stressful situations.

3. The experimenter measured the level of "forgetting" the material in students immediately after the exam.

19. Is it true that the general population and the sample are one and the same?

20. Define the dependent and independent variables in the following examples:

A) “We proceeded from the assumption that if children of primary school age reduce eye strain, then their academic performance will rise”;

B) "We proceeded from the assumption that if teenagers are placed in a special training environment, their level of aggressiveness will decrease."

21. Fill in the missing words. In the experiment, ...... variable always changes, but ... is observed. variable.

22. The property of truth, correctness, correspondence to reality is….

23. Determine which effects are described below and to what validity they are related:

A) “You are conducting a natural experiment, your subjects need to talk about their experiences right in front of the class, but for some reason the way the subjects answer does not correspond to your initial ideas”;

B) “You are conducting an experiment, the results of which will affect the employment of the subjects. One of the applicants seemed to you arrogant and overly arrogant, as a result, in all respects, he received a low score from you ”;

C) “You are conducting an experiment related to the intellectual level of gifted children, but for some reason gifted children write intelligence tests with the same results as ordinary children. But you need a higher level for work and you give these children extra points.

24. What validity is not met if your data does not match the theory in which you conducted the experiment?

25. Compare the types of control and their description.

A) elimination of external variables;

B) creation of constant conditions;

B) balancing

D) counterbalancing.

1. Inclusion in addition to the experimental group of the control group;

2. exclusion of the influence of external variables (rooms without sound, vibration, etc.);

3. creation of constant external and spatio-temporal conditions throughout the experiment;

4. the direct order of tasks in one group is compensated by a different order of tasks in another group.

26. Determine the modality of the interlocutor:

A) "He looks to the side when he remembers past events."

B) "He looks down, remembering past events."

C) "He looks up, remembering past events."

even in ancient times (6-5 centuries BC)

Alcmaeon, Hippocrates, Galen in the Arab East. Ibn al-Haytama, Ibn Rosh.

2The principle of determinism in psychology:

the principle of causality means that all psychological phenomena are determined, i.e. caused by some external or internal factors. Orients the researcher to the search for these connections.

3The idea of ​​determinism was first expressed by:

Democritus in the 6th century BC. It all started with physics (Galileo, Newton) of the 16th-18th centuries.

4. Supporters of the empirical trend in the philosophy and psychology of the New Age were:

Galileo, Newton, Descartes, Bacon, Hobbes, John Locke, Hartley, Hume.

    For the first time the idea of ​​a reflex mechanism was expressed by:

Prochazke, Magendie, Bell.

    Experimental psychology refers to:

a field of psychology that organizes knowledge about research problems common to most psychological areas and how to solve them. Experimental psychology is called a scientific discipline about the methods of psychological research.

    Theory means:

Scientific system of knowledge. The result of the process of awareness.

in a broad sense - a system of views, representations of ideas aimed at explaining the phenomena of any area of ​​the environment. Peace.

In a narrow sense, it is the highest form of organization of scientific knowledge, which gives a holistic view of the patterns and relationships of a certain area of ​​reality, the object of this theory.

    Methodology means:

The doctrine of the methods of scientific knowledge.

(path + word) a system of principles and methods of organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities, as well as the doctrine of this system.

methodology is understood as: a set of research methods used in a given science (narrow sense), the doctrine of the methods of scientific knowledge and how to build a system of this knowledge.

    The experiment is:

An empirical study is conducted to identify cause-and-effect relationships.

scientifically established experiment, observation of the phenomenon under study under precisely taken into account conditions that make it possible to follow the course of the phenomenon, measure and record changes and repeatedly reproduce it when these conditions are repeated.

    Observation is:

method, method, process of purposeful, organized perception of the registration of the behavior of an object. The oldest psychological method.

    Content analysis is:

    What is the difference between the term "psychology of experiment" and "experimental psychology"?

experimental psychology- area psychology ordering knowledge about common to most psychological directions of research problems and ways to solve them.

The psychology of experiment is the psychology of experience, observation, a specific object in this case - experiment. The difference in the object of science))

    The main methods of psychological research are:



Psychological dimension

Methods of mathematical-statistical processing and interpretation of data.

    The main principles of experimental psychology include:

the principle of determinism and the principle of causal relationships.

    The essence of the experimental method is:

differs from observation by active intervention on the part of the researcher, systematically manipulating one or more variables and recording concomitant changes in the behavior of the object.

    The main forms of experimental research include:









    The main structural elements of the experimental method include:

Studying the state of the problem, identifying the relevance of its research. Definition of goals and objectives, subject and object of research. Review of available publications on this issue.

Development and refinement of the original research concept. Building a model of the phenomenon. Putting forward hypotheses.

Plan. Definition of stages, sampling of subjects. Choice of methods and techniques. Organizational and methodological support for psychological examinations, experiments.

Conducting psychological examinations, experiments. Collection of empirical data and their systematization. Compilation of pivot tables, their verification, transformation of the form of information, if necessary - its coding.

Data processing, including using mathematical and statistical methods. Presentation of results.

Discussion and interpretation of the results within the framework of the original research concept. Evaluation of the results of testing hypotheses.

Correlation of results with existing concepts and theories. Formulation of general conclusions, which indicate: the theory was confirmed or refuted, whether the goal was achieved and how the tasks of the study (experiment) were solved, what results were achieved. Where necessary, practical recommendations are developed. The prospects for further development of the problem are assessed. (On their own and not only)

    What statement characterizes the concept of "causal" approach in research?


Cause-and-effect dependence.

The essence of causality is the production of the cause of the effect.

    Hypothesis in psychological research:

A hypothesis is a scientific representation in the form of a statement, the truth or falsity of which is unprovable deductively, is unknown, but can be verified empirically (empirically) in the course of an experiment.

Hypothesis - A system of inference, through which, on the basis of a number of facts, a conclusion is made about the existence of a connection phenomenon, a cause. Moreover, this conclusion cannot be considered absolutely reliable.

Psychological hypothesis - scientific assumptions formulated regarding psychological reality within the framework of certain psychological ideas. Concepts corresponding to theoretical ideas act as hypothetical constructs in a hypothesis.

    The essence of the experimental hypothesis is:

It serves to organize the experiment.

It is a hypothesis about causal relationships.

    The experiment allows you to test hypotheses:

1) connection hypotheses

2) causal hypotheses

    Which judgment relates to the definition of the concept of "independent variable"?

Experimental influence and experimental factor - controlled variable, actively changed by the researcher

    Which judgment relates to the definition of the term "dependent variable"?

A variable (any mental phenomenon, characteristic) of change, which is considered as a consequence of a change in the experimental impact. Simply put, this is the so-called reaction or response to experimental exposure.

24. What type of experimental variables are "additional" and "side" variables?

(managed - the existing system of education, aspects of the social environment. Physiological variables)

Minor, arising in addition to the will and desire of the experimenter and the subject.

But also requiring careful recording, measurement and processing.

    What type of sample of subjects does the following judgment refer to: "The sample of subjects on which the experimental influence is directed ..."?

It's called the experimental group.

    What type of sample of subjects does the following statement refer to: "A sample of subjects that is not affected by the independent variable ..."?

It is called the control group.

    What type of sample of subjects does the following judgment refer to: "A sample of subjects reflecting the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the general population is ..."

A group of objects limited in number, specially selected from the gene. Aggregates for studying its properties.

    Randomization is a sampling strategy that is defined as:

Simple random selection. Each member of the general population has equal rights with others to be included in the sample.

    Representative sampling modeling is a sampling strategy that is defined as:

The ability of the sample to represent the phenomena under study as fully as possible (in terms of their variability in the general population).

    The essence of the experiment is:

In identifying the cause-and-effect relationships of the phenomenon.

It is the most important component of psychological examination.

    First of all, the control group is used:

To check the results obtained on the experimental sample.

    How does a quasi-experiment differ from an experiment:

Quasi-experiment - with limited forms of control of the conditions of the independent variable.

Use as exp, and counter, non-equivalent groups.

Implementation of control after the study.

    How to interpret a negative test result:

As well as the positive ones.

This is an explanation of the psychological meaning of the obtained quantitative and qualitative results of the study, based on the put forward theoretical positions.

    What limits the transfer of the conclusions of the experiment to the general population:

The representativeness of the sample. From the point of view of the variability of the studied phenomena in the general population.

    "L" -, "O" -, "T" - data in the psychological study of personality differ:

Depending on their reliability and reliability.

    "L" - data:

Data obtained by recording a person's real life behavior. Progress, discipline, going to the doctor, etc.

external criterion.

    "O" - data:

Data of personality questionnaires, self-assessment methods.

Minnesota Multidisciplinary Personality List.

Catell's sixteen-factor personality questionnaire.

Gilford-Zimmerman test (temperament)

Eysenck's personality questionnaire.

    "T" - data:

Skill test data. Relate to the subjects in relation to something.

Physical tests.

Physiological tests.

    Parametric statistics methods are used in case of:

If the nature of the distribution of indicators of a psychological trait is normal or close to the normal form of the distribution of the trait described by the Gaussian curve.

Method examples:

Comparative analysis

Calculation of the reliability of the differences between the samples by Student's t-test, Fisher's t-test.

    Methods of non-parametric statistics are used in the case of:

If the distribution curve of indicators is far from normal.

Method examples:

Calculation of the reliability of differences according to the Q-Rosenbaum criterion

According to the UMann-Whitney test

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient

Factorial, multifactorial, cluster and other methods of analysis.

    Normal distribution curve (Gaussian curve)

Model of variation of some random variable, the value of which is determined by a set of simultaneously acting independent factors.

    Kurtosis and skewness of the distribution curve:

Secondary Characteristics of the distribution of trait indicators.

Kurtosis is an indicator of sharpness. Curves that are high in their middle part are excessive.

The coefficient of asymmetry is an indicator of the skewness of the distribution to the left or to the right along the x-axis.

    Assessment of the significance of differences according to the parametric 1-student criterion:

It is intended to find out how significantly the indicators of one sample differ from another. Has two forms: 1) unrelated t-test - to find out if there are differences between the scores obtained when using the same test to test two groups of different people.

2) associated t-test - for 2 groups between which there is a specific relationship.

    Assessment of the reliability of differences by non-parametric criterion. About Rosenbaum, Mann-Whitney 1L criterion:

When the data does not follow a normal distribution, non-parametric tests are used. You can compare the results of two groups obtained using the same test.

    Correlation analysis (correlation coefficient of Mr. Pearson, Mr. Spearman):

Revealing the relationship between two or more data sets. Provides an accurate quantitative assessment of the degree of consistency of changes in two or more features.

Pearson is a measure of the correlation between two variables distributed according to the normal law.

Spearman - the possibility of carrying out not very complex mathematical calculations with a calculator for small samples.

    The level of statistical significance shows:

The probability that a given result correctly represents the population from which the sample was studied.

    The procedure for standardizing the scales of methods is used:

To evaluate an individual test result by comparing it with test norms.

When it becomes necessary to compare the performance of the subject, obtained by different methods.

    Encoding and transformation of the form of information is used:

In studies conducted to compare the psychological characteristics, features of prof. activities of employees of state spheres and commercial organizations.

In order to simplify and correlate with different sectors.

    Rank operation:

grouping into different classes so that within the group they are identical in terms of the measured property, attribute, quality. Each class is given a name and designation.

Rank or ordinal scale is the result of ranking.

A priority,rank or operation precedence or operator- a formal property of an operator/operation that affects the order of its execution.

State educational institution of higher professional education

"Novosibirsk State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development" (GOU VPO NSMU Roszdrav)

Faculty of Clinical Psychology

Department of Clinical Psychology


Dean of the Faculty of Clinical Psychology

Lasovskaya T.Yu. _______________________


"___" ________________________ 2008




By specialty "CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY" 030302.65

Full-time form of education

Semester 5

Test Structure

The volume of the bank of test tasks

open form

closed form

for streamlining

for compliance

Control test (tasks)

Estimated testing time (min)

Novosibirsk - 2008

The test was developed on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation "On Education", "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements", "On the Standardization of Normative Documents of the State Standard of Russia and International Standards IMS, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2007 No. 116 "On Approval of the Rules for the Implementation control and supervision in the field of education. The basic requirements for the content of the tests are the requirements of the State Educational Standard of the Higher Professional Education in the specialty 030302.65 "Clinical Psychology", the work program of the discipline "Experimental Psychology" OPD.F.13, approved by ____ (date) by the Academic Council of the Faculty of "Social Psychology", recommendations to the developers of test tasks of the OKO NSMU.

Surname I.O.

developer(s) of test


Job title

Academic degree,

academic title

Mark of training in the OKO

(protocol number, date)

Sycheva T.Yu.

Clinical Psychology

Protocol No. 4 dated 08.10.08.

The test was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department ___ Clinical Psychology________________

(name of the department)

Minutes No. 66 dated October 23, 2008 department Lasovskaya T.Yu. cand. honey. Sciences Associate Professor



Surname I.O.

OKO expert

Job title


(No. of certificate, diploma)

academic degree

academic title

The test passed the technical examination for compliance with the established requirements in the OKO

Protocol No. ______ dated "___" _________________ 200__ Head of the OKO _____________________

(Surname I.O.)

Surname I.O.


Job title

Academic degree,

academic title

SP NSMU / other educational institution

The test was reviewed, agreed upon and approved at a meeting of the CMC __________________________________________________________________ (CMC name)

Minutes No. ______ dated "___" ________ 200__ Chairman of the CMC ___________________________

(Surname I.O., academic degree, title)



V1: Methodology, theory and methodology of experimental research

V2: Subject and tasks of experimental psychology

S: The first information about psychological experiments appeared

+: in the 16th century

- in the 17th century

- in the 14th century

- in the 18th century

S:Experimental psychology is understood as

-: a branch of psychology that has its own special subject of study, which is the study of mental phenomena

+: a system of scientific methods and techniques by which mental phenomena are studied

-: a set of psychological knowledge that is revealed through experiment

psychological theory of W. Wundt

S: The field of psychology that develops a system of principles, methods and procedures for planning, conducting, processing and interpreting the results of a psychological examination is

-: social Psychology

+: experimental psychology

-: general psychology

-: mathematical methods in psychology

S: The founder of the first psychological laboratory is

-: G. Ebbinghaus

+: W. Wundt

-: F. Galton

-: N. Lange

S: Genetic and biological approaches were first introduced into experimental psychology

+: N. Lange

-: W. Wundt

-: W. James

S: The path to the experimental study of skills was first opened.


State educational institution

"Far Eastern State University for the Humanities"

Test tasks

in "Experimental Psychology"

specialty 020400 - "Psychology"

Khabarovsk 2008


Job title: Art. Teacher

Chair: Psychology signature ____________

Test tasks are reviewed and approved at the meeting of the department _______________________

Protocol No. _______

Test tasks

020400 "Psychology"

"OPD. F.3 "" Experimental psychology ", 180 hours

federal component,


1. Compliant with GOS

2. Purpose to acquaint the student with the norms of scientific thinking, which involves knowledge of the methods of reasoning of a psychologist when testing hypotheses, changes in the criteria of scientific thinking and modern approaches to the organization of empirical research.

Discipline tasks:

· Consider the principles and structure of scientific research;

Empirical methods in psychology psychology

psychological experiment;

The procedure and main characteristics of the experiment, its types and

psychological measurements;

· Presentation of results.

3. These test materials are intended for 3rd year students of the specialty "Psychology"

4. 44 test tasks, 60 - 90 minutes

5. The following types of test tasks are presented: closed, open, for compliance

6. Tasks of all degrees of difficulty are presented

7. up to 50% of completed tasks - unsatisfactory, 50% - 60% - satisfactory, 61% - 80% - good, 81% - 100% - excellent.

8. Compliance of test tasks with didactic units

Name of didactic units of SES

test item number

Task topic

Theoretical and empirical knowledge in psychology.

Basic concepts of experimental psychology. Scientific research, principles and structure.

Methodology of experimental psychological research.

Theory and its structure. Types of theories. Construction methods. scientific problem. Dependent and independent variables.

Classification of research methods in psychology.

Classification of research methods.

Theory of psychological experiment.

Experiment as a method of psychological research

Design of the experiment and control of variables.

18 – 21

Organizing and conducting a pilot study


22 – 25


Correlation studies.

26 – 29

Correlation studies.

Measurement in psychology.

30 – 33

Specificity of measurements in psychology.

Systematization and specifics of experimental research in various areas of psychology (sensory, perceptual, mnemonic processes, attention).

34 – 38

Procedure and main characteristics of types of psychological experiments

Analysis and presentation of the results of psychological research.

1 option

1. An independent scientific discipline that develops the theory and practice of psychological research and has as its main subject the study of a system of psychological methods, among which the main attention is paid to the empirical method - this is ………

2. Establish a correspondence between the types of research by nature and their definition:

P/ P

Type of study

P/ P



Conducted in order to obtain knowledge that should be used to solve a specific practical problem


Conducted using a system of methods and techniques by which scientists seek to cover the maximum possible number of significant parameters of the studied reality


Aimed at identifying one, the most significant aspect of reality according to the researcher


Aimed at the knowledge of reality without taking into account the practical effect of the application of knowledge

Single factor

Conducted within the framework of a separate science

3. This study is carried out in order to refute the existing theory, model, hypothesis, law, or to check which of the two hypotheses more accurately predicts reality - this is ...

4. The classification of studies by purpose includes:

A. Search engine

B. Critical

C. Interdisciplinary

D. Clarifying

E. Multifactorial

F. Reproducing

G. Applied

5. The highest form of scientific knowledge is ……………………

6. The structure of the theory includes:

B. Patterns

C. Initial empirical basis

H. Hypotheses

J. Postulates

K. The logic of the theory

L. Approvals

M. Axioms

7. Highlight ways to build theories:

A. Axiomatic

B. Hypothetico-deductive

C. Hypothetical

D. Deductive

E. Inductive

8. Establish a correspondence between the types of theories and their definition:

P/ P

Type of study

P/ P



D. Reliability of results

E. Structural failure

26. Specify the main characteristics of a real experiment:

A. Control of the independent variable, the dependent variable remains unchanged

B. Control dependent variable independent remains unchanged

C. Internal validity

D. Reliability of results

E. External validity

F. Generalization of the obtained results

G. Representativeness of results

H. Reliability of findings

27. What elements does Campbell refer to the group of sampling factors:

A. Breeding

C. Experimental screening

D. Natural development

E. Group equivalence

F. Subject's condition

G. External validity

H. Internal validity

28. What elements does Campbell refer to the group of factors side elements:

A. Story effect

B. Testing effect

C. Instrumental error

D. Interaction of factors

E. Properties of the individual

F. Test Reliability

29. Establish a correspondence between the concept and its definition:

P/ P

Type of study

P/ P



This is part of the general population


A set of units that have some common properties that are essential for their characterization

The set of units about which it is necessary to draw a conclusion based on the sample

30. Indicate what types of samples are distinguished:

A. With one subject

B. With two subjects

C. With two groups

D. With one group

E. With groups of - pair design

F. As many groups as you want

31. What types of sampling criteria are distinguished:

B. Equivalence test

C. Randomization

D. Stratometric selection

E. Pair selection

F. Operational Validity Criteria

32. The object of study is ………………

A. Fragment of the real world

B. The form of the given objective reality to the subject

C. Actual issue to be resolved

33. The subject of the study is …………….

A. Aspect of the study of the selected object

B. Study Specifics

C. The form of the cognizable object being given to the cognizing subject

34. P. Fress highlights such a concept as a “good” hypothesis and highlights its features. Specify these signs.

A. Relevance to the problem

B. Presence of elements of new knowledge

C. Credibility

D. Consistency with scientific evidence

E. Verifiability

35. The image of the future result to which the research should lead is……….

36. Establish a correspondence between the concept of types of goals and their definitions:

P/ P

Type of study

P/ P


Description of the new fact


Ordering knowledge

Revealing the relationship

The study of development in ontogenetic (age-related changes) and phylogenetic (evolutionary) plans

Study of genetic dynamics

Isolation of the most significant in the totality of phenomena


Detection of a correlation between mental phenomena


Description or discovery of properties, characteristics of mental phenomena

Development and improvement

methods and techniques

A fact is discovered unexpectedly when solving problems or testing a hypothesis

37. Highlight the grounds for classifying data:

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