Civil War May 1918. Chronicle of the White Terror in Russia

The question of the date of the beginning of the civil war remains debatable in Russian historical science. The first armed clashes between political opponents within the country took place as early as 1917 (the February coup, the suppression of the July uprising of the Bolsheviks, etc.). After the Bolsheviks came to power, such clashes became more frequent and more violent. The fighting in Moscow between the junkers and the Red Guards and the suppression of the advance of the Kerensky-Krasnov troops on Petrograd cost hundreds of lives and became harbingers of the future battles of the Civil War.

Following these events, the formation of the Volunteer Army began on the Don. The basis of this army was made up of officers of the former tsarist army, who disagreed with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks and their pro-German foreign policy. Generals headed the Dobrarmia M.V. Alekseev, L.G. Kornilov, A.P. Denikin. (The last two left the prison in Bykhov, where they were kept after the "Kornilov rebellion"). Pursued by superior forces of the Red Volunteers in February 1918 made a heroic ice hike from Don to Kuban. From the complete annihilation of the Volunteers was saved by the uprising of the rich Kuban and Don Cossacks, who saw the Bolsheviks as a threat to their primordial rights and privileges. This is how the first hearth was formed. white movement in Russia - Southern Front G.v.

The second focus of the struggle against Bolshevism arose in the Ukraine. There, with the support of the Germans, the power of the Central Rada was established, which consisted mainly of representatives of the nationalist and left-wing (cadets, socialist-revolutionaries, etc.) parties. On March 1, 1917, the troops of the Central Rada occupied Kyiv. The Red armies had to leave Ukraine. According to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Ukraine was occupied by German troops.

The third front of the Civil War arose in Siberia. Here, the uprising against the Bolsheviks was raised by the 30,000-strong Czechoslovak Corps. It was formed during the First World War from captured soldiers and officers of the Austro-Hungarian army. According to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the corps was to be disarmed and leave Russia. Trains with Czechs were sent to Vladivostok along the Trans-Siberian Railway. An attempt to disarm them May 1918 led to an uprising, tk. the Czechoslovaks were afraid of extradition to the Austrians, where they would be tried for desertion and treason. A small but well-trained and close-knit detachment of Czechs easily seized power in the Siberian cities. With the support of the Czechoslovaks, several White Guard governments were formed. The most famous - Komuch (Committee of members of the Constituent Assembly) - in Samara, the Ural Regional Government - in Yekaterinburg. The provisional Siberian government is in Omsk. These governments began to organize their white armies. Thus formed Eastern Front G.v.

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk became the pretext for the intervention of the Entente countries against Soviet Russia. Landing forces of the former allies landed in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok. Created with the support of the British, the “Supreme Administration of the Northern Region”, headed by the Socialist-Revolutionary Tchaikovsky N.V., began hostilities against the Soviets, forming Northern Front G.v.

Once in the ring of fronts, the Soviet government took vigorous measures to organize Red Army. The first parts were formed on a voluntary basis. But in the face of a real danger of losing power, the Bolsheviks returned to the practice of mobilization, which had been criticized before the revolution. In June 1918, several hundred thousand people, including former officers, were mobilized into the Red Army. This doubled the size of the army, but desertion and defection to the side of the enemy increased. Tough measures were used to restore order, up to and including execution. Headed the organization of the Red Army L.D. Trotsky .

Main fighting at the first stage, they took place on the southern and eastern fronts. (In the west and north, the Whites were directly supported by the troops of the interventionists, with whom the Reds did not want to enter into a direct confrontation. But the help of the allies to the Whites was not sufficient to organize the offensive).

The main danger to Soviet Russia in the summer of 1918 came from the east. After the capture by the Whites and Czechs Kazan in their hands was half the gold reserves of the Russian Empire. Red divisions organized during mobilization were transferred to the eastern front. Revolts broke out in the rear of the warring armies. In the rear of the whites, red partisan detachments operated, among which a detachment under the command of VC. Blucher. Behind Red lines Yaroslavl Rybinsk and Murom, the uprisings were organized by the Social Revolutionaries led by B.V. Savinkov. The uprisings were brutally suppressed.

After the murder August 30, 1918 socialist-revolutionaries of the head of the Moscow Cheka M. Uritsky assassination attempt on the same day V.I Lenin The Bolsheviks adopted a decree on the organization Red terror. Thousands of innocent representatives of the "bourgeoisie" suffered from it, which included both the intelligentsia and wealthy peasants, and even some of the skilled workers, as well as members of their families. On July 17, the family of the last tsar was shot in Yekaterinburg Nicholas II.

In September-October 1918, the Reds managed to go on the offensive on the eastern front. As a result, Soviet power was restored in the Middle Volga region, the front moved to the Urals. The army under the command of M.N. Tukhachevsky .

On southern front the main events unfolded in the North Caucasus and the Lower Volga. After the death of L.G. Kornilov led the Volunteer Army A.P. Denikin. She acted in alliance with the Ataman's Don Army P.N. Krasnova . Large forces of white and red converged at Tsaritsin, the defense of which was led by the commander K.E. Voroshilov and commissioner I.V. Stalin . At the cost of heavy losses, the Reds managed to defend the city, preventing the connection of the White armies on the Volga.

Civil War - armed confrontation between different groups of the population, as well as the war of different national, social and political forces for the right to dominate the country.

The main causes of the Civil War in Russia

  1. A nationwide crisis in the state, which sowed irreconcilable contradictions between the main social strata of society;
  2. Getting rid of the Provisional Government, as well as the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks;
  3. A special character in the anti-religious and socio-economic policy of the Bolsheviks, which consisted in inciting hostility between population groups;
  4. An attempt by the bourgeoisie and the nobility to recapture their lost position;
  5. Refusal to cooperate with the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and anarchists with the Soviet government;
  6. Signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany in 1918;
  7. Loss of the value of human life during the war.

Key dates and events of the Civil War

First stage lasted from October 1917 to the spring of 1918. During this period, armed clashes had a local character. The Central Rada of Ukraine opposed the new government. Türkiye launched an attack on Transcaucasia in February and was able to capture part of it. The Volunteer Army was created on the Don. During this period, the victory of the armed uprising in Petrograd, as well as the liberation from the Provisional Government, took place.

Second phase lasted from the spring to the winter of 1918. Anti-Bolshevik centers were formed.

Important dates:

March, April - the capture by Germany of Ukraine, the Baltic states and the Crimea. At this time, the Entente countries are thinking of setting foot with an army on the territory of Russia. England sends troops to Murmansk, and Japan - in Vladivostok.

May June - the battle takes on nationwide proportions. In Kazan, the Czechoslovaks took possession of the gold reserves of Russia (about 30,000 pounds of gold and silver, at that time their value was 650 million rubles). A number of Socialist-Revolutionary governments were created: the Provisional Siberian Government in Tomsk, the Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly in Samara, and the Ural Regional Government in Yekaterinburg.

August - the creation of an army of about 30,000 people due to the uprising of workers at the Izhevsk and Botkin factories. Then they were forced to retreat with their relatives to Kolchak's army.

September - was created in Ufa "all-Russian government" - the Ufa directory.

November - Admiral A. V. Kolchak dissolved the Ufa directory and presented himself as the "supreme ruler of Russia."

Third stage lasted from January to December 1919. There were large-scale operations on different fronts. By the beginning of 1919, 3 main centers of the White movement were formed in the state:

  1. Army of Admiral A. V. Kolchak (Urals, Siberia);
  2. Troops of the South of Russia, General A. I. Denikin (Don region, North Caucasus);
  3. Armed Forces of General N. N. Yudenich (Baltic).

Important dates:

March, April - Kolchak's army attacked Kazan and Moscow, attracting many resources by the Bolsheviks.

April-December - The Red Army makes counteroffensives at the head (S. S. Kamenev, M. V. Frunze, M. N. Tukhachevsky). The armed forces of Kolchak are forced to retreat beyond the Urals, and then they are completely destroyed by the end of 1919.

May June - General N. N. Yudenich makes the first attack on Petrograd. Barely fought back. General offensive of Denikin's army. Part of Ukraine, Donbass, Tsaritsyn and Belgorod were captured.

September October - Denikin makes an attack on Moscow and advances to Orel. The second offensive of the armed forces of General Yudenich on Petrograd. The Red Army (A.I. Egorov, SM. Budyonny) is making a counteroffensive against Denikin's army, and A.I. Kork against Yudenich's forces.

November - Yudenich's detachment was driven back to Estonia.

Results: towards the end of 1919 there was a clear preponderance of forces in favor of the Bolsheviks.

Fourth stage lasted from January to November 1920. During this period, the White movement was completely defeated in the European part of Russia.

Important dates:

April-October - Soviet-Polish war. Polish troops invaded Ukraine and captured Kyiv in May. The Red Army makes a counteroffensive.

October - Treaty of Riga signed with Poland. Under the terms of the treaty, Poland took Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. However, Soviet Russia was able to release troops for an attack in the Crimea.

November - the war of the Red Army (M. V. Frunze) in the Crimea with the army of Wrangel. The end of the Civil War in the European part of Russia.

Fifth stage lasted from 1920 to 1922. During this period, the White movement in the Far East was completely destroyed. In October 1922, Vladivostok was liberated from Japanese forces.

Reasons for the victory of the Reds in the Civil War:

  1. Broad support from various populace.
  2. Weakened by the First World War, the Entente states were unable to coordinate their actions and make a successful offensive on the territory of the former Russian Empire.
  3. It was possible to win over the peasantry by the obligation to return the seized lands to the landowners.
  4. Weighted ideological support for military companies.
  5. The Reds were able to mobilize all resources through the policy of "war communism", the Whites were unable to do this.
  6. More military specialists who have strengthened and made the army stronger.

The results of the civil war

  • The country was actually destroyed, a deep economic crisis, the loss of efficiency of many industrial production, the fall of agricultural work.
  • Estonia, Poland, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Western, Bessarabia, Ukraine and a small part of Armenia were no longer part of Russia.
  • Loss of population of about 25 million people (famine, war, epidemics).
  • The absolute formation of the Bolshevik dictatorship, strict methods of governing the country.

Causes of the Civil War.

A.A. Iskanderov identifies three main causes of the Civil War in Russia. The first is the conditions of the Brest Peace that were humiliating for Russia, which was regarded by people as a refusal of the authorities to defend the honor and dignity of the country. The second reason was the extremely harsh methods of the new government. Nationalization of all land and confiscation of the means of production and all property, not only from the big bourgeoisie, but also from medium and even small private owners. The bourgeoisie, frightened by the scale of the nationalization of industry, wanted to return factories and factories. The liquidation of commodity-money relations and the establishment of a state monopoly on the distribution of goods and products had a painful blow to the property position of the middle and petty bourgeoisie. Thus, the desire of the overthrown classes to preserve private property and their privileged position was also the cause of the outbreak of the Civil War. The third reason is the red terror, largely due to the white terror, but which has become widespread. In addition, an important reason for the Civil War was the internal policy of the Bolshevik leadership, which alienated the democratic intelligentsia and the Cossacks from the Bolsheviks. The creation of a one-party political system and the "dictatorship of the proletariat", in fact the dictatorship of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), alienated the socialist parties and democratic public associations from the Bolsheviks. By the Decrees “On the Arrest of the Leaders of the Civil War against the Revolution” (November 1917) and “On the Red Terror,” the Bolshevik leadership legally substantiated the “right” to violent reprisals against their political opponents. Therefore, the Mensheviks, right and left SRs, and anarchists refused to cooperate with the new government and took part in the Civil War.

stages of the civil war.

1) End of May - November 1918- The uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps and the decision by the Entente countries to launch a military intervention in Russia, the aggravation of the situation in the country in the summer of 1918 in connection with the rebellion of the Left SRs, the transformation of the Soviet Republic into a "single military camp" since September of this year, the formation of the main fronts.

2) November 1918 February 1919- Deployment after the end of the First World War of a large-scale armed intervention of the Entente powers, the consolidation of "general dictatorships" within the framework of the White movement.

3) March 1919 March 1920- The offensive of the armed forces of the white regimes on all fronts and the counteroffensive of the Red Army.

4) Spring autumn 1920 the final defeat of the White movement, under the command of Wrangel, in the South of Russia against the backdrop of an unsuccessful war with Poland for the RSFSR.

The war finally ended only in 1921-1922.

Prologue of the war: the first pockets of anti-government protests. One of the first acts of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets was the Decree on Peace, adopted on October 26, 1917. All warring peoples of the world were asked to immediately begin negotiations on a just democratic peace. On December 2, Russia and the countries of the Quadruple Alliance signed an armistice agreement. The conclusion of the armistice allowed the government of the Russian Soviet Republic to concentrate all its forces on defeating the anti-Soviet forces. On the Don, the ataman of the Don Cossack army, General Kaledin, acted as the organizer of the fight against Bolshevism. On October 25, 1917, he signed an appeal in which the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks was declared a crime. The Soviets were dispersed. In the Southern Urals, such actions were taken by the chairman of the military government and the ataman of the Orenburg Cossack army, Colonel Dutov, a supporter of firm order and discipline, the continuation of the war with Germany and an implacable enemy of the Bolsheviks. With the consent of the Committee for the Salvation of the Motherland and the Revolution, on the night of November 15, Cossacks and cadets arrested some of the members of the Orenburg Soviet who were preparing an uprising. On November 25, 1917, the Council of People's Commissars declared all the regions in the Urals and the Don where "counter-revolutionary detachments are found" in a state of siege, and classified generals Kaledin, Kornilov, and Colonel Dutov as enemies of the people. The general management of operations against the Kalinin troops and their accomplices was entrusted to the People's Commissar for Military Affairs Antonov-Ovseenko. At the end of December, his troops went on the offensive and began to quickly move deep into the Don region. The front-line Cossacks, tired of the war, began to abandon the armed struggle. General Kaledin, in an effort to avoid unnecessary casualties, on January 29 resigned as a military chieftain and shot himself on the same day.

A flying combined detachment of revolutionary soldiers and Baltic sailors under the command of midshipman Pavlov was sent to fight the Orenburg Cossacks. On January 18, 1918, together with the workers, they occupied Orenburg. The remnants of Dutov's troops withdrew to Verkhneuralsk. In Belarus, the 1st Polish Corps of General Dovbor-Musnitsky opposed the Soviet government. In February 1918, detachments of Latvian riflemen, revolutionary sailors and the Red Guard under the command of Colonel Vatsetis and Lieutenant Pavlunovsky defeated the legionnaires, pushing them back to Bobruisk and Slutsk. Thus, the first open armed uprisings of opponents of Soviet power were successfully suppressed. Simultaneously with the offensive on the Don and the Urals, actions were intensified in Ukraine, where at the end of October 1917 power in Kyiv passed into the hands of the Central Rada. A Difficult Situation Arose in Transcaucasia In early January 1918, an armed clash took place between the troops of the Moldavian People's Republic and units of the Romanian Front. On the same day, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on breaking diplomatic relations with Romania. On February 19, 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed. However, the German offensive did not stop. Then the Soviet government on March 3, 1918 signed a peace treaty with the Quadruple Alliance. The heads of the governments of Great Britain, France and Italy, after discussing the situation in Russia in March 1918 in London, made a decision with the aim of "providing assistance to Eastern Russia to launch an allied intervention" with the involvement of Japan and the United States.

The first stage of the Civil War (end of May November 1918).

At the end of May 1918, the situation escalated in the east of the country, where echelons of units of a separate Czechoslovak corps stretched out at a great distance from the Volga region to Siberia and the Far East. By agreement with the government of the RSFSR, he was subject to evacuation. However, the violation of the agreement by the Czechoslovak command and the attempts of local Soviet authorities to forcibly disarm the corps led to clashes. On the night of May 25-26, 1918, a rebellion broke out in the Czechoslovak units, and soon they, together with the White Guards, captured almost the entire Trans-Siberian Railway. The Left SRs, considering the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk as a betrayal of the interests of the world revolution, decided to resume the tactics of individual terror, and then the central terror. They issued a directive on the universal assistance in the termination of the Brest Peace. One of the ways to achieve this goal was the assassination in Moscow on July 6, 1918 of the German ambassador to Russia, Count W. von Mirbach. But the Bolsheviks sought to prevent a break in the peace treaty and arrested the entire Left SR faction of the Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets. In July 1918, members of the "Union for the Defense of the Motherland and Freedom" rebelled in Yaroslavl. Uprisings (anti-Bolshevik) swept through the Southern Urals, the North Caucasus, Turkmenistan and other regions. In connection with the threat of the capture by parts of the Czechoslovak Corps of Yekaterinburg, on the night of July 17, Nicholas II and his family were shot. In connection with the assassination attempt on Lenin and the murder of Uritsky, on September 5, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on "On the Red Terror", which ordered to provide assistance to the rear through terror.

Beginning of the second stage of G.v. connected with the change in the international situation in Europe. Germany and its allies were defeated in the First World War. The revolution began in Germany, the government Wilhelm II was overthrown. In this situation, German, Austrian and Turkish troops began to leave Russia. On the territory left by them, new states were formed - Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, as a rule, oriented towards the Entente countries in their policy. In particular, in Ukraine, having overthrown the pro-German hetman Skoropadsky , nationalists seized power, led by S. Pelyura.

November 13, 1918 Soviet Russia denounced the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and launched an offensive in the west. Under their control was a significant part of the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine. In order to prevent the further advance of the Reds, the Entente countries decided to send additional military contingents to Russia. The English and French fleet entered the Black Sea and landed troops in Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Batum and other cities.

The financial and military assistance of the allies contributed to the consolidation of the forces of the White movement. November 18, 1918. War Minister of the Siberian Government Admiral A.V. Kolchak carried out a military coup and declared himself supreme ruler Russia. He mobilized into his 400,000th army and began to prepare an offensive.

Significant success was achieved by the Reds in the south. Having broken through the front of the Don army, they rushed deep into the territory Don troops. Only the transfer of part of the Volunteer Army from the Caucasus stopped the advance of the Reds. After that, the Cossack troops obeyed Denikin, forming 100,000 Armed Forces of the South of Russia.

4. The third stage of the Civil War (March 1919 - spring 1920).

It was the most difficult and decisive period of the war. It started in March 1919 from the offensive of Kolchak's troops throughout eastern front. The Whites were able to take Ufa and reach the Volga.

The Soviet government announced a new mobilization for the eastern front ("Everyone to fight Kolchak!"). A talented commander stood at the head of the Red armies M.V. Frunze. Taking advantage of the numerical superiority of the Bolshevik troops at the end April 1919 went on the counteroffensive. In June 1919 red 25 rifle division IN AND. Chapaeva took Ufa. In the rear of the Kolchak troops, uprisings of peasants began, dissatisfied with the authorities' attempt to return the lands to the former owners. This led to the beginning of the retreat of the white troops.

IN May 1919. general's white army based in Estonia N.N. Yudenich launched an attack on Petrograd. The mobilization of the Petrograd workers doubled the Red Army troops in this direction. Yudenich's three attempts to take Petrograd failed. IN October 1919 the Reds went on the offensive and pushed the White troops back to Estonia.

After the failure of Kolchak, Denikin's army in the Don and Kuban became the main force of the white movement. IN June 1919 white managed to take Tsaritsyn, Kharkiv, Yekaterinoslav, Odessa . IN July 1919 Denikin issued a directive on the offensive against Moscow. Summer 1919 the Soviet leadership declared the southern front to be the main one (“Everything to fight against Denikin”). The transfer of troops from other fronts began here.

Nevertheless, in September 1919 White troops took Kursk, Orel, Voronezh, approached Tula. Here their progress was stopped. Ukrainian nationalists opposed Denikin, who fought under the slogan "one and indivisible Russia". Forces in the rear "fathers" Makhno , the workers of Donbass rebelled. Taking advantage of this, the Reds again managed to recapture Orel, Voronezh, Kharkov, Tsaritsyn. In these battles, the First Cavalry Army, led by CM. Budyonny .

Early 1920 was the time of the defeat of the white armies. January 6, 1920 was captured not far from Yekaterinburg and Admiral Kolchak was soon shot. Denikin's troops were defeated and retreated to the Crimea. There Denikin surrendered his powers to the general P.N. Wrangel and went into exile in France. IN February-March 1920 the Bolsheviks took control Arkhangelsk and Murmansk by defeating the general's army E.K. Miller.

3.2.1. Expansion of intervention.In May-June 1918, the armed struggle took on a national scale . At the end of May, an armed uprising of 45,000 Czechoslovak Corps in Siberia. In Kazan, the Czechoslovaks seized the gold reserves of Russia (over 30 thousand pounds of gold and silver with a total value of 650 million rubles).

In August, the British landed in Transcaucasia, driving out German troops from there, Anglo-French landing forces occupied Arkhangelsk and Odessa.

3.2.2. The transformation of the war into a national one. At the same time, in many central provinces of Russia, peasants, dissatisfied with the food policy of the Bolsheviks, joined the armed struggle. More than 200 peasant uprisings took place in the summer (108 in June alone). The uprisings of the peasants in the Volga region and the Urals became one of the reasons for the fall of Soviet power in these regions. Part of the peasants participated in the Komuch People's Army; the Ural peasantry served in Kolchak's army.

In August 1918 there was Izhevsk-Votkinsk uprising of workers, who created an army of about 30 thousand people and held out until November, after which the rebels were forced to retreat and go with their families to Kolchak's army .

3.2.3. National Defense Organization. On September 2, 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to turn the Soviet Republic into a military camp. Created in September Revolutionary Military Council Republic under the presidency L.D. Trotsky- the body that was at the head of all fronts and military institutions. On November 30, the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on education was adopted Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense headed by V.I. Lenin. The head of the military department, L.D. Trotsky, took energetic measures to strengthen the Red Army: strict discipline was introduced, forced mobilization of former officers of the tsarist army was carried out, and an institution of military commissars was created to control the political line of commanders. By the end of 1918, the strength of the Red Army exceeded 1.5 million people.

3.2.3. Formation of democratic governments. The socialist parties, relying on peasant rebel groups, formed in the summer of 1918 a number of governments in Arkhangelsk, Samara, Tomsk, Ashgabat, etc. Their programs included demands for the convocation of the Constituent Assembly, the restoration of the political rights of citizens, the rejection of one-party dictatorship and strict state regulation of economic activity peasants, etc.

- Committee of members of the Constituent Assembly (Komuch). Komuch (predominantly a Socialist-Revolutionary organization, chairman - VC. Volsky) was created on June 8, 1918 in Samara and ruled the Samara, Saratov, Simbirsk, Kazan and Ufa provinces. In the territory under its control, the Committee proclaimed the restoration of democratic freedoms, an 8-hour working day, allowed the activities of workers' and peasants' congresses, conferences, trade unions, convened the Council of Workers' Deputies and created the People's Army. Here, the decrees of the Soviet government were canceled, industrial enterprises were returned to their former owners, banks were denationalized, and freedom of trade was allowed; previously confiscated lands were retained by the landowners.

- Provisional Government of Siberia was formed at the end of June in the city of Omsk (chairman of the Social Revolutionary P.V. Vologodsky). In July, it adopted a declaration on the independence of Siberia. In October Komuch dissolved itself, but the regional Provisional Siberian government did not cease operations.

Ufa Directory (All-Russian Provisional Government, chairman - N.D. Avksentiev) was formed on September 23, 1918. It included two Social Revolutionaries, a cadet, two non-party people, including the chairman of the Siberian government. Directory, having entered the struggle with the Bolsheviks, she advocated the continuation of the war and the restoration of treaty relations with the powers of the Entente . Members Directories achieved the abolition of all regional, national and Cossack governments.

The attitude of peasants towards democratic governments changed after they attempted to create their own armed forces by mobilizing the local population, including using repressive measures . In addition, the regional democratic governments were defeated by the Red Army detachments successfully advancing in the Volga region.

November 18, 1918 in Omsk, Admiral A.V. Kolchak made a coup, as a result of which the provisional governments (including the Directory) were dispersed and a military dictatorship was established. Admiral Kolchak was proclaimed the Supreme Ruler. Under him, the Omsk government was created, under whose authority all Siberia, the Urals, and the Orenburg province turned out to be.

3.3. Third stage (November 1918 - spring 1919). At this stage, the military-dictatorial regimes in the East (Admiral A.V. Kolchak), the South (General A.I. Denikin), the North-West (General N.N. Yudenich) and the North of the country (general E.K.Miller).

3.3.1. Mass intervention against Russia. The third stage of the civil war was associated with changes in the international situation. The end of the First World War made it possible to release the fighting forces of the Entente powers and direct them against Russia. At the end of November 1918, French and British troops landed in the Black Sea ports of Russia. By the beginning of 1919, the number of foreign armed forces had reached 130,000 soldiers in the south and up to 20,000 in the north. The Allies concentrated up to 150,000 troops in the Far East and Siberia.

Military intervention caused a patriotic upsurge in the country, and in the world - a movement of solidarity under the slogan Hands off Soviet Russia!.

In the autumn of 1918, the Eastern Front was the main one. A counter-offensive of the Red Army under the command of I.I. Vatsetis, during which the White Guard units were ousted from the Middle Volga and Kama regions.

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