The character of the suok of three fat men. Suok, which means "whole life

There were two of you: sister and brother - Suok and Tutti.
When you were four years old, you were kidnapped from your home by the guards of the Three Fat Men.
I am Toub, the scientist. They took me to the palace. They showed me little Suok and Tutti. Three Fat Men said: “You see the girl? Make a doll that is no different from this girl.” I didn't know what it was for.

I made this doll. I was a great scientist. The doll had to grow like a living girl. Suok will be five years old, and so will the doll. Suok will become an adult, pretty and sad girl, and the doll will become the same. I made this doll. Then you were separated. Tutti remained in the palace with the doll, and Suok was given to a traveling circus in exchange for a rare breed parrot with a long red beard.

The Three Fat Men ordered me, "Take out the boy's heart and make him an iron heart." I refused. I said that one should not deprive a man of his human heart. That no heart - neither iron, nor ice, nor gold - can be given to a person instead of a simple, real human heart.
I was put in a cage, and since then the boy was told that he had a heart of iron. He had to believe it and be cruel and harsh. I sat among the beasts for eight years. I have become overgrown with hair, and my teeth have become long and yellow, but I have not forgotten you. I ask your forgiveness. We have all been destitute by the Three Fat Men, oppressed by the rich and greedy gluttons. Forgive me, Tutti - which in the language of the destitute means: "Separated." Forgive me, Suok, - which means: "All life" ... "
"Three fat men", Yuri Olesha

Yu. Olesha, V. Meyerhold, 1930s.

A poignant tale by Yuri Olesha.
Once upon a time, in Soviet times, she was considered revolutionary, and the rebel Prospero was almost the main character.
In fact, this is a love story. Of course, unhappy. Here, speaking in the fabulous "language of the dispossessed", everyone was separated.

Olesha gave the little circus performer the name of his former lover - Sima Suok. Fate divorced them: Simochka left him for another writer, Vladimir Narbut. Then Olesha married her sister Olya, also with the surname Suok.

Suok sisters: Lydia, Serafima, Olga. 1920s

At the end of the tale, he made Tutti's Heir the brother of a sad girl.
But her heartfelt friend was the tightrope walker Tibul, in which Olesha encrypted himself.
The name of the circus performer should have simply been read backwards. And then it turned out "Loubit".
Love Suok.

Good day!
Many of us well remember the novel-fairy tale by Yuri Olesha “Three Fat Men” - a story about an imaginary country ruled by Three Fat Men - greedy, evil gluttons who in every possible way oppress ordinary people: artisans, small shopkeepers, poor merchants and craftsmen. The people, languishing under the yoke of greedy rulers, revolted, led by the gunsmith Prospero and the tightrope walker Tibul. But the tale is not only about this, but also about the fate of the Heir Tutti and the girl Suok - brother and sister, separated in childhood. The girl was an artist in a traveling circus, and the fat men took the boy to grow a cruel ruler out of him. Thanks to the kindness of the girl, her conversations, games and actions, the boy became kind and fair. An interesting and kind story, isn't it? But where did the story of the creation of the novel begin? Where did the idea for the story come from?

Yuri Karlovich Olesha left us a rather modest creative legacy - in fact, only two significant works of art - "Three Fat Men" and "Envy". But they were quite enough to firmly stake out a place for themselves in Russian literature.
The images of the acrobatic girl Suok and her mechanical counterpart were born not just by chance, but are a real quintessence of feelings, impressions and memories of the writer himself.

When Olesha was little, he fell in love with a circus girl with golden curls, but what a shock it was for him when that very girl actually turned out to be a boy in disguise, in life - a very unpleasant person. After Yuri lived in Moscow in an apartment owned by Valentin Kataev, in Mylnikovsky Lane. From time to time, the owner shared his square meters with many homeless writers. Olesha recalled that in that apartment there was a doll made of papier-mache, which was brought by the artist Maf (Ilf's brother), being one of the temporary residents. That same doll surprisingly looked like a real girl. Writers often amused themselves by putting her on the window, from where she periodically fell out, shocking passers-by.
It is worth noting the fact that Hoffmann had a great influence on Yuri's work, whose works the writer simply adored, and the terrible story "The Sandman" made a great impression. This work tells about a mechanical doll named Olympia, who replaced the hero of the story with his living lover.
It seems that everything is clear with the puppet and the circus. But what is the history of the appearance of the name Suok?
“Forgive me, Suok, - which means:“ All life ”..." (“Three Fat Men”). It turns out that three girls with the mysterious surname Suok actually lived in Odessa: Olga, Serafima and Lydia. Olesha was passionately in love with the youngest - Seraphim - Sima.

Sisters Suok, from left to right: Lilia, Serafima, Olga

The writer called her affectionately: "my friend." Almost also in the fairy tale "Three Fat Men" Tibul calls Suok. The first years they were happy, but Sima turned out to be, to put it mildly, a fickle person. One day, hungry writers decided as a joke to "untwist" the accountant Mack, the owner of food cards that were valuable in those years. Taking advantage of the fact that he was fascinated by Sima, they came to visit him, had a hearty meal and suddenly noticed that Mack and Sima were not there. After a while, the couple returned and announced that they were ... husband and wife. In those days, registering a marriage or divorce took several minutes (remember the movie "It Can't Be" based on Zoshchenko's stories?). The joke turned into a misfortune for Olesha. Unable to see the grief of his friend, Kataev went to Mack and simply took Sima away from there. She did not resist too much, but managed to take with her everything acquired in a short time of family life. Olesha's newfound happiness did not last long.

Sima unexpectedly remarries and again not to Olesha - but to the "demonic" revolutionary poet Vladimir Narbut, it was he who would later publish the fairy tale "Three Fat Men". Olesha was able to return her this time as well, but by the evening a gloomy Narbut appeared at Kataev’s house and said that if Sima did not return, he would put a bullet in his forehead. This was said so convincingly that Sima left Olesha - this time forever. Between love and comfort, the real Suok preferred the latter. After Narbut perishes in the camps, and Lida, the elder sister (and wife of E. Bagritsky), goes to fuss for him and will thunder herself for 17 years, Sima will marry the writer N. Khardzhiev. Then for another writer - V. Shklovsky.
And Olesha, left by Sima, will one day ask the middle of the Suok sisters - Olga - “Would you not leave me?” - and, having received an affirmative answer, marries her. Olga will remain a patient, caring and loving wife until the end of her life, although she will always know that the new dedication to the fairy tale "Three Fat Men" - "Olga Gustavna Suok" - applies not only to her. “You are the two halves of my soul,” Olesha himself honestly said.

Olga Suok

The author of "Three Fat Men" will heavily lean on alcohol, which greatly undermined his health, and more than once will come to talk to Sima, and when he leaves, he will squeeze money in his hand. May 10, 1960 Yuri Karlovich will leave this world.

Tamara Lisitsian was originally going to film the fairy tale, but in the end the production was made by Alexei Batalov. Batalov dreamed of staging "Three Fat Men" for a long time, however, at first he was going to give Olesha's heroes a second life on the stage - in the Moscow Art Theater, where he worked. But then he failed to carry out his plan, according to Alexei Vladimirovich, for ideological reasons, because, according to him, the novel is a “caricature of the revolution”, and the images of the three fat men were written off from the “bourgeois from the Kremlin.” Aleksey Batalov turned out to be a dynamic, full of humor, bright and emotional film that has been pleasing more than one generation of viewers. Alexey Batalov acted not only as a director of the film, but also took part in writing the script for the film, and played one of the main roles.

To play Tibula, the actor had to learn how to walk a tightrope. In addition to Batalov, a whole galaxy of brilliant actors is involved in the film: Valentin Nikulin, Rina Zelenaya, Roman Filippov, Evgeny Morgunov, Alexei Smirnov, Viktor Sergachev, Georgy Shtil and others.
The Lithuanian girl Lina Braknite was chosen for the role of Suok, and she also had to sweat a lot, mastering circus acrobatics and juggling.

Fortunately, there was always a mentor nearby - Batalov's wife and part-time circus actress - Gitana Leontenko. However, the difficulties did not end with circus training. Since the model of the doll came out not very similar to the actress, in most scenes Lina had to play for the doll. The most difficult thing was to keep an unblinking look, for which a special film was glued to the eyelids of the poor girl.

Here are some memories from an interview with Lina Braknite:
“- When I played a girl in the story, there were not so many cosmetics, but for the doll they did a special make-up. They even glued my eyes on a special film - after all, the doll could not blink, and Alexei Batalov thought that I could not hold out for a long time. There was a fake doll, of course, but my copy was used only for stunt scenes.

- So at first they glued my eyes, and then they began to get by with just false eyelashes. It was also hard to walk in a wig in the heat. Often it stuck to the hair, and in some places it was “removed” with a razor. But all the hard things are forgotten, and only the best remain in the memory.

The only thing the young actress did not fully cope with was the voice acting, so in some scenes Suok spoke in the voice of Alice Freindlich.

By the way, Lina Branknite has not acted in films for a long time, but leads a quiet life in Lithuania, raising her granddaughter and helping her beloved husband, the famous photographer and book publisher Raimondas Paknis.

And what happened to the doll mannequin itself, created for filming in 1966 by artist Valentina Malahieva? The doll of Tutti's heir was made of latex, synthetics and papier-mâché and was supposed to be an exact copy of actress Lina Braknite.

After filming, the doll was kept for a long time in the museum of the Lenfilm Film Studio, but then it was sold to private hands. The collector, who bought the Suok doll in a damaged condition, disassembled it into separate parts, creating two "improved" copies of them. Yulia Vishnevskaya purchased the original parts of the doll, put them together and restored the author's Doll of Tutti's heir. It was this doll with a difficult fate that became the pearl of the collection and a permanent exhibit of the Museum of Unique Dolls in Moscow.

And in Moscow, at the Polytechnic Museum at VDNKh, you can see the Suok doll, created by the St. Petersburg mechanic and art designer Alexander Getsa.

The heroine of Yuri Olesha's novel is undoubtedly the master's favorite. Alexander Getsoy created a mechanical frame that hides the girl's mannequin. Suok dances, freezes, looks at the viewer, brings the key to her lips and whistles ... Her movements are regulated by a built-in timer. If the doll breaks, a special door is provided in the back to repair it.

The fashionista's outfit was designed by fashion designer Olga Denisova, the fabric, shoes and ribbons were picked by the art mechanic himself. The master went around dozens of stores and sales to find a la vintage shoes, combined with an amazing golden dress. Alexander Getsoy conceived his Suok in the style of 18th and 19th century mechanical puppets.

Thank you for attention!

Please tell us about the characteristics of Suok of three fat men! and got the best answer

Answer from Elena Pugacheva[guru]
The character of Suok - gaiety, courage, resourcefulness - was also imprinted in the features of her external appearance - a smile, a gait, a turn of her head, a gleam of gray attentive eyes. The artist made sure that Suok's pretty face became a reflection of her soul. It is no coincidence that Suok immediately liked Dr. Gaspard. And not only because she, like two drops of water, looked like a doll of Tutti's heir. No, she was charming with the charm of a living girl. Even the ferocious guardsmen, at the sight of Suok, for a moment forgot their ferocity.

Answer from Ksyunka Kiseleva[newbie]

Answer from Elizabeth Gnezdyukova[newbie]
Not true

Answer from satellite[active]
The character of Suok - gaiety, courage, resourcefulness - was also imprinted in the features of her external appearance - a smile, a gait, a turn of her head, a gleam of gray attentive eyes. The artist made sure that Suok's pretty face became a reflection of her soul. It is no coincidence that Suok immediately liked Dr. Gaspard. And not only because she, like two drops of water, looked like a doll of Tutti's heir. No, she was charming with the charm of a living girl. Even the ferocious guardsmen, at the sight of Suok, for a moment forgot their ferocity.

Chapter 13

We have just described the morning with its extraordinary occurrences, and now we turn back and describe the night that preceded this morning and was, as you already know, full of no less amazing occurrences.
That night the gunsmith Prospero escaped from the Palace of the Three Fat Men, that night Suok was captured at the scene of the crime. In addition, on that night, three people with covered lanterns entered the bedroom of the Tutti heir. This happened about an hour after the armorer Prospero had destroyed the palace confectionery and the guards took Suok prisoner near the life pot. The bedroom was dark. The high windows were filled with stars. The boy was fast asleep, breathing very calmly and quietly. Three people did their best to hide the light of their lanterns.
What they did is unknown. Only a whisper was heard. The guard stationed outside the bedroom door continued to stand as if nothing had happened.
Obviously, the three who entered the heir had some kind of right to host in his bedroom.
You already know that Tutti's tutors were not distinguished by courage. You remember the case with the doll. You remember how frightened the teacher was at the terrible scene in the garden, when the guardsmen stabbed the doll with sabers. You
they saw how scared the teacher was when he told the Three Fat Men about this scene.
This time, the teacher on duty turned out to be the same coward.
Imagine he was in the bedroom when three strangers with flashlights entered. He sat at the window, protecting the heir's sleep, and in order not to fall asleep, he looked at the stars and tested his knowledge in astronomy.
But then the door creaked, a light flashed, and three mysterious figures flashed by. Then the teacher hid in a chair. His biggest fear was that his long nose would give him away. Indeed, this amazing
the nose was distinctly black against the background of the starry window and could be seen at once. But the coward reassured himself: “Perhaps they will think that this is such an ornament on the arm of a chair or a cornice of the opposite house.”
Three figures, slightly illuminated by the yellow light of lanterns, approached the bed of the heir.
“Yes,” came a whisper.
"Asleep," replied the other.
- Tes!
- Nothing. He sleeps soundly.
“So go ahead.
Something chimed.
A cold sweat broke out on the teacher's forehead. He felt his nose grow in fear.
"Done," a voice hissed.
- Let's.
Again something clinked, then gurgled and poured. And suddenly there was silence again.
- Where to inject?
- In ear.
He sleeps with his head resting on his cheek. It's just convenient. Pour into your ear...
- Just be careful. Drop by drop.
- Exactly ten drops. The first drop feels terribly cold, and the second does not cause any sensation, because the first acts immediately. After it, all sensitivity will disappear.
- Try to pour in the liquid so that there is no gap between the first and second drop.
“Otherwise the boy will wake up as if from the touch of ice.
- Tes! .. I’m pouring in ... One, two! ..
And then the teacher felt a strong smell of lily of the valley. It spilled all over the room.
“Three, four, five, six…” a voice counted out in a quick whisper. - Ready.
“Now he will sleep soundly for three days.
“And he won’t know what happened to his doll…”
He will wake up when it's all over.
“Otherwise, perhaps, he would start crying, stamping his feet, and in the end
The Three Fat Men would have forgiven the girl and given her life...
The three strangers have disappeared. The trembling teacher stood up. He lit a small lamp that burned with a flame in the shape of an orange flower and walked over to the bed.
Tutti's heir lay in lace, under silk covers, small and important.
On huge pillows rested his head with disheveled golden hair.
The teacher bent down and brought the bulb close to the boy's pale face. A drop sparkled in a small ear, like a pearl in a shell.
Golden-green light shimmered in it.
The teacher touched her little finger. There was nothing left on the small ear, and a sharp, unbearable cold pierced the whole hand of the teacher.
The boy slept soundly.
A few hours later came that delightful morning which we have already had the pleasure of describing to our readers.
We know what happened this morning to the dance teacher Razdvatris, but we are much more interested in knowing what happened to Suok this morning. After all, we left her in such a terrible position!
At first, it was decided to throw her into the dungeon.
"No, it's too complicated," said the State Chancellor. We will arrange a speedy and fair trial.
“Of course, there’s no need to mess with the girl,” the Three Fat Men agreed.
However, do not forget that the Three Fat Men experienced very unpleasant moments, running away from the panther. They needed to rest. They said this:
- We'll get some sleep. And in the morning we'll have a trial.
With these words, they went to their bedrooms.
The State Chancellor, who had no doubt that the court would sentence the doll, which turned out to be a girl, to death, gave the order to put Tutti's heir to sleep so that he would not mitigate the terrible sentence with his tears. Three people with lanterns, as you already know, did it.
Tutti's heir was asleep.
Suok was sitting in the guardroom. The guardroom is called the guardhouse. So, Suok was sitting in the guardhouse this morning. Guards surrounded her. An outsider, entering the guardhouse, would be surprised for a long time:
why is this pretty sad girl in an unusually elegant pink dress among the guards? Her appearance did not at all fit with the rough furnishings of the guardhouse, where saddles, weapons, and beer mugs were scattered.
The guardsmen played cards, smoked blue stinking smoke from their pipes, cursed, started a fight every minute. These guards were still loyal to the Three Fat Men. They threatened Suok with huge fists, made terrible faces at her and stamped their feet on her.
Suok took it easy. To get rid of their attention and annoy them, she stuck out her tongue and, turning to everyone at once, sat with such a mug for an hour.
Sitting on the keg seemed comfortable enough for her. True, the dress from such a seat got dirty, but even without that it lost its former appearance: it was torn off by branches, burned by torches, crushed by guardsmen, sprinkled with syrups.
Suok did not think about her fate. Girls her age are not afraid of obvious danger. They will not be afraid of the muzzle of a pistol aimed at them, but they will be afraid to stay in a dark room.
She thought like this: “The gunsmith Prospero is free. Now he, together with Tibul, will lead the poor to the palace. They will release me."
While Suok was thinking in this way, three guardsmen, of whom we spoke in the previous chapter, rode up to the palace. One of them, blue-eyed, as you already know, was carrying some kind of mysterious bundle, from
whose legs dangled in pink shoes with golden roses instead of buckles. Approaching the bridge, where the guards, loyal to the Three Fat Men, stood guard, these three guards tore the red cockades from their hats.
This was necessary in order for the guard to let them through.
Otherwise, if the guard saw the red cockades, he would start shooting at these guardsmen, because they went over to the side of the people.
They rushed past the guard, almost knocking over the chief.
“It must be some important report,” said the chief, raising his hat and dusting his uniform.
At this moment, the last hour came for Suok. The State Chancellor entered the guardhouse.
The guards jumped up and stood still, stretching their huge gloves at the seams.
- Where is the girl? the Chancellor asked, raising his glasses.
- Come here! - the most important guardsman shouted to the girl.
Suok slid off the barrel.
The guardsman grabbed her roughly around the waist and lifted her up.
"The Three Fat Men are waiting in the Courtroom," said the Chancellor, lowering his glasses. - Bring the girl with me.
With these words, the chancellor left the guardhouse. The guardsman stepped after him, holding the Suok in one hand.
Oh golden roses! Oh pink silk! All this perished under a pitiless hand.
Suok, who was in pain and embarrassed to hang across the guardsman's terrible arm, pinched him above the elbow. She gathered her strength, and the pinch turned out to be solid, despite the tight sleeve of her uniform.
- Crap! the guardsman swore and dropped the girl.
- What? The Chancellor turned around.
And then the chancellor felt a completely unexpected blow to the ear. The chancellor fell.
And behind him immediately fell the guardsman, who had just dealt with Suok.
He was also hit on the ear. But how! You can imagine how strong a blow must be to knock down such a huge and evil guard without feeling.
Before Suok could look back, hands grabbed her again and dragged her.
These were also rough and strong hands, but they seemed kinder, and Suok felt more dexterous in them than in the hands of the guardsman, who was now lying on the shiny floor.
- Don't be afraid! whispered a voice to her.
The fat men waited impatiently in the Hall of Judgment. They themselves wanted to judge the cunning doll. There were officials, councillors, judges and secretaries all around. The multicolored wigs—crimson, lilac, bright green, red, white, and gold—blazed in the sunlight. But even the merry sunlight could not brighten the pouting faces beneath those wigs.
The Three Fat Men were still suffering from the heat. Sweat dripped from them like peas and ruined the sheets of paper in front of them. The secretaries changed the paper every minute.
“Our chancellor makes himself wait a long time,” said First Fat Man, wiggling his fingers like a strangled man.
Finally, the long-awaited appeared.
Three guards entered the hall. One was holding a girl. Oh, how sad she looked!
The pink dress, which struck yesterday with its radiance and expensive skillful decoration, has now turned into miserable rags. Golden roses withered, sparkles fell off, silk wrinkled and frayed. The girl's head drooped sadly.
to the guardsman's shoulder. The girl was deathly pale, and her sly gray eyes went out.
The motley assembly raised their heads.
The Three Fat Men rubbed their hands.
The secretaries took out long feathers from behind their no less long ears.
“So,” said the First Fat Man. “Where is the State Chancellor?”
The guardsman holding the girl stood before the assembly and reported. His blue eyes sparkled merrily.
“The Chancellor of State had an upset stomach on the way.
This explanation satisfied everyone. The trial has begun. The guardsman seated the poor girl on a rough bench in front of the judges' table. She sat with her head bowed.
The first Fat Man began the interrogation.
But here a very important obstacle was encountered: Suok did not want to answer a single question.
- Wonderful! Fatty got angry. - Wonderful! So much the worse for her.
She does not deign to answer us - well ... The more terrible we will invent a punishment for her!
Suok didn't move.
Three guardsmen, as if petrified, stood on the sides.
Call the witnesses! said the Fat Man.
There was only one witness. They brought him. He was a respected zoologist, a menagerie keeper. All night he hung on a bough. It has just now been taken down. And so he entered: in a colored dressing gown, in striped underwear, and in a night
cap. The tassel of the cap dragged along the ground behind him like a gut. Seeing Suok, who was sitting on a bench, the zoologist staggered in fear.
He was supported.
- Tell me how it was.
The zoologist began to talk in detail. He reported how, having climbed a tree, he saw between the branches the doll of Tutti's heir. Since he had never seen living dolls and did not assume that dolls climb trees at night, he was very frightened and fainted.
“How did she free the gunsmith Prospero?”
- Don't know. I didn't see or hear. My fainting was very deep.
“Will you tell us, you nasty girl, how the gunsmith Prospero found himself free?”
Suok was silent.
- Shake her.
- Good! said the Fatties.
The blue-eyed guard shook the girl by the shoulders. In addition, he painfully flicked her forehead.
Suok was silent.
The fat men hissed in anger. The multicolored heads shook reproachfully.
“Obviously,” said the First Fat Man, “we won’t be able to find out any details.
At these words, the zoologist hit his forehead with his palm:
“I know what needs to be done!
The assembly was worried.
— There is a cage with parrots in the menagerie. There are collected parrots of the rarest breeds. Of course, you know that a parrot can remember and repeat human speech. Many parrots have wonderful hearing and excellent pa-
crush ... I think that they remembered everything that was said at night in the menagerie by this girl and the gunsmith Prospero ... Therefore, I propose to call one of my amazing parrots to the Court Hall as a witness.
A roar of approval passed through the meeting.
The zoologist went to the menagerie and soon returned. On his index finger sat a large, old parrot with a long red beard.
Remember: when Suok wandered around the menagerie at night, remember! one of the parrots seemed suspicious to her. Remember, she saw how he looked at her and how, pretending to be asleep, he smiled into his long
red beard.
And now on the zoologist's finger, just as comfortably as on his silver perch, sat this same red-bearded parrot.
Now he smiled quite unequivocally, glad that he would betray poor Suok.
The zoologist spoke to him in German. The parrot was shown a girl.
Then he flapped his wings and shouted:
— Suok! Suok!
His voice was like the crackling of an old gate being torn from its rusty hinges by the wind.
The assembly was silent.
The zoologist triumphed.
And the parrot continued to make his denunciation. He really transmitted what he heard at night. So if you are interested in the story of the release of the gunsmith Prospero, then listen to everything that the parrot will scream.
ABOUT! It was indeed a rare breed of parrot. Not to mention the beautiful red beard, which could do honor to any general, the parrot conveyed human speech in the most skillful way.
- Who are you? he crackled in a man's voice.
And then he answered very subtly, imitating the girl's voice:
- I'm Suok.
— Suok!
“Tibul sent me. I am not a doll. I am a living girl. I have come to set you free. Did you not see me when I entered the menagerie?
- No. I seem to be asleep. Today I fell asleep for the first time.
“I'm looking for you in the menagerie. I saw a monster here that spoke with a human voice. I thought it was you. The monster is dead.
- This is Tub. So he died?
- Died. I got scared and screamed. The guards came, and I hid in a tree. I'm so glad you're alive! I have come to set you free.
“My cage is tightly locked.
“I have the key to your cage.
When the parrot squeaked the last phrase, indignation swept over everyone.
“Ah, you mean girl! shouted the Fatties. “Now everything is clear. She stole the key from Tutti's heir and released the gunsmith. The gunsmith broke his chain, broke the panther's cage and grabbed the beast to go free
around the yard.
- Yes!
- Yes!
- Yes!
Suok was silent.
The parrot shook its head affirmatively and flapped its wings three times.
The trial is over. The verdict was as follows: “The imaginary doll deceived the heir Tutti. She released the most important rebel and enemy of the Three Fat Men - the gunsmith Prospero. Because of her, the best copy of the panther died. That's why
the liar is sentenced to death. Animals will devour her."
And imagine: even when the verdict was read, Suok did not move!
The whole assembly moved into the menagerie. Howling, squeaking and whistling of animals greeted the procession. The zoologist was the most worried: after all, he was the caretaker of the menagerie!
Three Fat Men, advisers, officials and other courtiers settled on the podium. She was protected by bars.
Oh, how gently the sun shone! Ah, how blue the sky! How the cloaks of the parrots sparkled, how the monkeys twirled, how the greenish elephant danced!
Poor Suok! She didn't enjoy it. She must have looked with horror-filled eyes at the dirty cage where the tigers were crouching. They looked like wasps - at least they had the same color: yellow with brown stripes.
They looked down at the people. Sometimes they silently opened their scarlet mouths, which stank of raw meat.
Poor Suok! Goodbye circus, squares. August, a fox in a cage, dear, big, brave Tibul!
The blue-eyed guard carried the girl to the middle of the menagerie and laid her on the hot, shiny graphite.
“Excuse me…” one of the advisers suddenly said. “But what about Tutti’s heir?” After all, if he finds out that his doll died in the paws of tigers, he will die of tears.
— Tes! his neighbor whispered. — Tes! Tutti's heir was put to sleep ... He will sleep soundly for three days, and maybe more ...
All eyes turned to the pitiful pink lump lying in a circle between the cages.
Then the tamer entered, slapping his whip and flashing his pistol. The musicians played a march. So Suok performed in front of the public for the last time.
- Alle! shouted the tamer.

The iron door of the cage rattled. The tigers ran heavily and silently out of the cage.
The fat men laughed. The councilors giggled and shook their wigs. The whip clapped. Three tigers ran up to Suok.
She lay motionless, staring at the sky with motionless gray eyes. Everyone got up. Everyone was ready to scream with pleasure when they saw the massacre of animals with a little friend of the people ...

But... the tigers approached, one bent his broad-fronted head, sniffed, another touched the girl with a cat's paw, the third, without even paying attention, ran past and, standing in front of the podium, began to growl at the Tolstoyakov.
Then everyone saw that it was not a living girl, but a doll - a torn, old, worthless doll.
The scandal was complete. The zoologist bit off half of his tongue out of embarrassment.
The tamer drove the animals back into the cage and, contemptuously tossing the dead doll with his foot, went off to take off his formal suit, blue with gold cords.
The community was silent for five minutes.

And the silence was broken in the most unexpected way: a bomb exploded over the menagerie in the blue sky.
All the spectators fell with their noses into the wooden floor of the podium. All animals stood on their hind legs. The second bomb immediately exploded. The sky was filled with white round smoke.
- What is this? What is this? What is this? screams flew.
The people are on the attack!
The people have guns!
- Guards changed!!!
- ABOUT! An O!!!
The park was filled with noise, screams, gunshots. The rebels broke into the park - it was clear! The whole company rushed to flee the menagerie. The ministers drew their swords. The fat men were yelling obscenities. In the park they saw the following.
People were advancing from all sides. There were many. Bare heads, bloody foreheads, torn jackets, happy faces... These were the people who won today. The guards mingled with him. Red cockades shone on their hats. The workers were also armed. The poor people in brown robes, in wooden shoes, advanced in a whole army. Trees bent under their pressure, bushes cracked.
- We won! the people shouted.
The Three Fat Men saw that there was no escape.
- No! howled one of them. - Not true! Guards, shoot them!
But the guards stood in the same ranks with the poor. And then a voice boomed, covering the noise of the entire crowd. This was said by the gunsmith Prospero:
- Give up! The people won! The kingdom of the rich and gluttons is over! The whole city is in the hands of the people. All the Fatties are in captivity.
A dense motley exciting wall surrounded Tolstyakov.
People waved scarlet banners, sticks, sabers, shook their fists. And then the song began. Tibulus, in his green cloak, with his head tied with a rag through which blood seeped, stood next to Pros-
- This is a dream! shouted one of the Fatties, covering his eyes with his hands.
Tibulus and Prospero sang. Thousands of people picked up the song. She flew all over the huge park, over canals and bridges. The people advancing from the city gates to the palace heard her and also began to sing. The song rolled like a sea wave along the road, through the gates, into the city, along all the streets,
where the working poor were advancing. And now the whole city sang this song. It was the song of a people who defeated their oppressors.
Not only the Three Fat Men and their ministers, caught in the palace, cowered and cowered and huddled together at the sound of this song—all the dandies in the city, fat shopkeepers, gluttons, merchants, noble ladies, bald generals fled in fear and confusion, as if these were not the words of a song, but shots and fire.
They looked for places to hide, plugged their ears, buried their heads in expensive embroidered pillows.
It ended up that a huge crowd of rich people fled to the harbor to board ships and sail away from the country where they had lost everything: their power, their money and the free life of lazy people. But then they were surrounded by sailors. The rich were arrested. They asked for forgiveness. They spoke:
- Don't touch us! We will no longer force you to work for us...
But the people did not believe them, because the rich had already deceived the poor and the workers more than once.
The sun was high above the city. Blue clear sky. One might have thought that they were celebrating a great, unprecedented holiday.
Everything was in the hands of the people: arsenals, barracks, palaces, grain warehouses, shops. Everywhere there were guardsmen with red cockades on their hats.
At the crossroads, scarlet flags fluttered with the inscriptions:
But what happened to the Three Fat Men?
They were taken to the main hall of the palace to show the people. Workers in gray jackets with green cuffs, holding guns at the ready, made up the convoy. The hall sparkled with thousands of sunspots. How many people were here! But
how different this meeting was from the one before which little Suok sang on the day she met Tutti, the heir!
Here were all those spectators who applauded her in the squares and markets. But now their faces seemed cheerful and happy. People crowded together, climbed on each other's backs, laughed, joked. Some cried from
Such guests have never been seen in the front halls of the palace. And never before had the sun shone so brightly on them.
— Tes!
- Quiet!
- Quiet!
A procession of prisoners appeared at the top of the stairs. The Three Fat Men looked at the ground. Prospero walked in front, Tibulus with him.
The columns staggered with enthusiastic shouts, and the Three Fat Men went deaf. They were brought down the stairs so that the people could see them closer and make sure that these terrible Fat Men were in their captivity.
“Here…” said Prospero, standing by the column. He was almost half the height of this huge column: his red head burned with an unbearable flame in the sunshine. “Here,” he said, “here are the Three Fat Men. They crushed the poor people. They forced us to work until bloody sweat and took everything from us. See how fat they are! We have defeated them. Now we will work for ourselves, we will all be equal. We won't have a god
whose, neither lazy nor gluttonous. Then we will be fine, we will all be full and rich. If we feel bad, then we will know that there is no one who is getting fat at a time when we are hungry ...
- Hooray! Hooray! — there were screams.
The Three Fat Men sniffled.
Today is the day of our victory. See how the sun shines! Hear the birds sing! Hear how the flowers smell. Remember this day, remember this hour!
And when the word "hour" sounded, all heads turned to where the clock was.
They hung between two columns, in a deep niche. It was a huge chest of oak, carved and enamelled. In the middle was a disc with numbers.
"What time is it now?" everyone thought. And suddenly (this is the last "suddenly" in our novel) ...
Suddenly the oak door of the box opened. There was no mechanism inside, the whole watch machine was broken. And instead of copper circles and springs in this locker sat a pink, sparkling and shining Suok.
— Suok! Hall sighed.
— Suok! the children yelled.
— Suok! Suok! Suok! applause thundered.
The blue-eyed guardsman took the girl out of the closet. It was the same blue-eyed guardsman who stole the heir Tutti doll from the cardboard box of the dance teacher Razdvatris. He brought her to the palace, he knocked down the state chancellor and the guardsman who was dragging the poor living Suok with a blow of his fist. He hid Suok in a watch cabinet and replaced her with a dead, tattered doll. Remember how in the Courtroom he shook this scarecrow by the shoulders
and how did he give him to be torn to pieces by wild beasts?
The girl was passed from hand to hand. People who called her the best dancer in the world, who threw the last coins on her mat, took her in their arms, whispered: "Suok!", Kissed, squeezed on their chests.
There, under the rough, torn jackets, covered with soot and tar, suffered, big hearts full of tenderness were beating.
She laughed, ruffled their matted hair, wiped the fresh blood from their faces with her small hands, shook the children and made faces at them, wept and babbled something unintelligible.
"Give her here," said the armourer to Prospero in a trembling voice; many thought he had tears in his eyes. This is my savior!
- Here! Here! shouted Tibul, waving his green cloak like a huge burdock leaf. This is my little friend. Go to court, Suok.
And from afar hurried, making his way through the crowd, the little smiling doctor Gaspard ...
Three Fat Men were driven into the same cage in which the gunsmith sat


A year later there was a noisy and cheerful holiday. The people celebrated the first anniversary of the liberation from the rule of the Three Fat Men.
A performance for children was staged at the Star Square. On the posters were the inscriptions: SUOK! SUOK! SUOK!
Thousands of children were waiting for the appearance of their favorite actress.

And on this festive day, she was not alone: ​​a little boy, slightly resembling her, only with golden hair, went out with her to the stage.
It was her brother. And before that he was Tutti's heir.
The city was noisy, flags were crackling, wet roses were falling from the bowls of flower girls, horses decorated with multi-colored feathers were jumping, carousels were spinning, and on Star Square, small spectators, frozen, followed the performance.
Then Suok and Tutti were covered with flowers. The children surrounded them. Suok took out a small tablet from the pocket of her new dress and read something to the children.
Our readers remember this board. One terrible night, a dying mysterious man resembling a wolf handed her a tablet from a sad cage in a menagerie.
Here is what was written on it:

« There were two of you: sister and brother - Suok and Tutti.
When you were four years old, you were kidnapped from your home
Guards of the Three Fat Men. I am Tub, the scientist. They took me to the palace. To me
showed little Suok and Tutti. Three Fat Men said this: "You see
girl? Make a doll that is no different from this girl.” I don't
knew what it was for. I made this doll. I was a great student
nym. The doll had to grow like a living girl. Suok turns five
years, and the doll too. Suok will become an adult, pretty and sad girl.
coy, and the doll will be the same. I made this doll. Then you were separated.
Tutti stayed in the palace with the doll, and Suok was given to a traveling circus in exchange
on a parrot of a rare breed, with a long red beard. Three Fat Men
sang to me: "Take out the boy's heart and make an iron heart for him." I
refused. I said that one should not deprive a man of his human heart
ca. That no heart - neither iron, nor ice, nor gold - can
be given to a person instead of a simple, real human heart. Me-
they put me in a cage, and since then they began to inspire the boy that the heart of
him iron. He had to believe it and be cruel and harsh. I
sat among the beasts for eight years. I have become overgrown with hair, and my teeth have become
long and yellow, but I have not forgotten you. I ask your forgiveness. We all
were destitute by the Three Fat Men, oppressed by the rich and greedy gluttons.
Forgive me, Tutti - which in the language of the destitute means: "Separated."
Forgive me, Suok - which means: "All life" ... ".


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