Individual tutor in physics or courses - what to choose? Should I Hire a Physics Tutor? Cheap lessons are not always good quality.

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Physics, a science, is quite complex and multifaceted, it covers a large number of various phenomena and processes, based on laws formed on the basis of regularities.

Physics is included in the general education program, so each student needs at least basic knowledge of the subject. Science is quite complex and multifaceted, it covers a large number of various phenomena and processes, relying on laws formed on the basis of regularities. Therefore, it is not surprising that even talented children have difficulties.

When is a physics teacher needed?

    problems with teaching the subject in the classroom - this is not about grades, but about the level of knowledge of the majority of students, when sufficient materials are not given in key sections;

    lagging behind the school curriculum - in this case, classes with the teacher are built in accordance with an individual plan, which is compiled by the tutor based on the characteristics of the student;

    the need for extended preparation for admission to a specialized higher educational institution, as well as for passing the exam.

A physics teacher is needed when a student cannot understand certain topics on their own. Gaps in knowledge hinder the formation of systematization, i.e. the student simply does not understand how the materials are related to each other.

How to choose the right physics teacher?

When choosing a teacher, first of all, it is worth deciding on the purpose of additional lessons. Most parents begin to think about the teacher when the child goes to high school. And that's right - it's easier prepare for the exam in physics with a tutor than on its own.

Self-training is suitable only for strong students who have perfectly mastered the program. For those who have missed topics or want to gain in-depth knowledge, individual lessons are suitable.

The right choice of a qualified tutor is the key to success in the exam.

To pass the GIA, focus on school teachers with experience working with schoolchildren. The advantage of such a teacher is that he knows how to teach material well to children of a certain age, and is well aware of the intricacies of the test.

If passing the Unified State Examination is required and the child is planning further specialized education related to physics, then it is better to pay attention to a university teacher.

Be sure to study the reviews of previous students, it is on them, and not on prices, that in the end it is better to rely on when choosing a tutor.

It is desirable to weed out "all-knowing" teachers who work with any age group. A narrow specialty or certain areas of physics are indicators of a qualitative and in-depth study of the subject by the tutor himself

Look at several questionnaires of teachers, highlighting the key parameters:



    professional achievements;

  • methods of work and specialization.

It is ideal to take a trial lesson, in which it will already become clear whether a particular tutor is suitable for a particular student. You should not decide for the child, the high school student is already able to determine for himself whether he likes the style of the lessons and whether he will work with the teacher. Parents can only help assess the competence of the teacher.

Many children have problems with the exact and natural sciences, and even the best tutor will not make a great physicist out of a child if he is not interested in the subject and he is simply not interested in it.

How long does it take to prepare for the exam?

It is recommended to start preparing even in the summer after the 10th grade or with the beginning of the school year. Good tutors have been conducting classes since September, so it may turn out that the teacher you like is already busy with another student. It is advisable to seek and negotiate with the teacher in advance. Otherwise, then you have to hurry and choose from the remaining options.

Do not believe if the teacher says that in a month or two, the student is guaranteed to pass the exam for 90-100 points. It all depends not only on the skill of the tutor, but also on the initial level of knowledge.

What is the best way to teach?

Today, tutors teach not only at home or at school, but also work with students remotely.

For the vast majority of parents, the usual method - homework - will seem preferable. But do not ignore remote lessons.

Skype lessons are a great option for busy students who just need to organize their knowledge a bit or absorb a few missed topics. Such lessons are usually cheaper, while the choice of a teacher expands significantly - you can negotiate with a tutor from another district or even a city.

If the selection of a tutor creates difficulties, contact the Association of Tutors . The project was created for those who are looking for a good teacher at an affordable price. Employees will offer a free teacher who will meet the specified parameters. It is enough to leave an online application on the site and in 15 minutes the administrator will contact you to clarify the details.

Why you need a tutor and how to choose a math tutor.

Parents who think about the quality of knowledge and the level of development of their child understand that the best option in choosing a form of education is a combination of school lessons with individual ones. Let's analyze all the advantages of such a solution and try to figure out how to choose a teacher.

Indeed, our education system puts the child in conditions in which he is forced to study as intended by the authors of programs and textbooks, and not as his abilities allow. Tasks and methods on the topics of the program are given for a certain abstract student with a certain and sufficient level of development for the presentation of the material. Such a student has a basic set of knowledge, has the ability to understand a large flow of information, is able to highlight and remember the main thing, switch and hold attention at the right time, and perform a certain amount of work independently in the form of homework (often quite large). Most of the existing manuals allow just such a student, studying each item or paragraph, to rise exactly one step higher. One of the functions of a teacher in a school is to adapt textbook material for a particular class. Select tasks, form of work, methods of explaining the material according to the abilities of most of it. But even if students were selected in this class in one way or another, still someone is stronger, someone is weaker. Someone understands one language and methods, someone else. Someone is interested in one thing, and someone shows increased attention to a completely different one. And in the preparation of lessons, a certain constant (average) level is again laid with a low level of feedback from the student to the teacher. That is, the mistakes made at a certain moment by a particular student, as a rule, are not analyzed in any way and do not affect the overall strategy of the teacher in the classroom.

Why did he make these particular mistakes? When did they skip? How and with what did the student work at that moment? Why didn't he understand the material? Schools usually cannot answer these questions. And the unsolved problem is almost always only a method of selecting children for various educational institutions and classes. The reasons for the mistakes made by the student are not studied - both because of the lack of time, the necessary conditions, and because of the lack of sufficient knowledge to identify these reasons.

The school does not take into account the individual characteristics of a single student, his psychology, physiology (and this is where the roots of most of the student's problems lie). The method of work is influenced only by the average performance of the entire class. This is at best. And at worst, we are reaping the fruits of certain state policies and market laws, because of which people who were not taught to work with children get into school.

Graduates of technical universities (especially those with low professional suitability) often cannot find a suitable job in their specialty. But since most of them have a mathematical apparatus somehow formed, there is a feeling that this is enough for teaching. A lot of methodological errors and incorrect strategies that appear in students' notebooks only increase the child's misunderstanding and, as a result, the number of unsolved problems and errors.

A teacher who does not have sufficient experience in communicating with schoolchildren, who does not understand the methodological issues of constructing textbooks, usually explains the material as he understands it, as he was taught, using general concepts and terms, planning lessons, not paying attention to the physiology of the student, to the features work of his memory and attention.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to identify the strong and weak “points of the body” of the student and only then, in accordance with them, build an individual development plan (and the sooner the better). Partially, the problem of differentiation of education is solved by some schools already from the 6th or 7th grade, dividing them into specialized classes, classes of different levels, mathematical classes, etc. But different children also get into math classes. Many gifted children, in the absence of proper attention from the teacher, often cannot fully reveal their abilities.

As a result, the student may simply not be aware of the existence of some simpler and more effective approaches to problem solving. He does not know how and cannot learn to look for these solutions, to get out of non-standard situations. At best, he uses learned, more general and complex algorithms. It is very difficult for him to realistically assess his strengths and capabilities under insufficient load, and at the same exam he usually gets a result below his abilities. This is especially true for the tasks of group C. Have you ever heard this from a child: “Mom, it was always fine with mathematics, I seemed to know everything, I learned everything, but for some reason I couldn’t cope with the last tasks of group C ... »

The maximum development of a weak student, oddly enough, is constrained by essentially the same factors as a strong one. The difference in the lower performance of the body, the amount of memory, the speed of information exchange between brain cells, the time it is retained, the ability to concentrate and switch attention to a certain number of objects, performance, the possible presence of blocked channels for receiving information (for example, certain problems with auditory memory ). And even low motivation, which is often present in weak students, may be the result of a lack of some resources of this very organism, followed by its refusal to perform certain work. Tracking and diagnosing the problems of a weak or strong student as early as possible, adjusting the methodology depending on their influence, is simply impossible in the absence of an individual approach to each student.

It is this task that the tutor needs to solve. A competent tutor will be able to use and develop the student's abilities as efficiently as possible, and, as a result, better prepare the child for the upcoming exams. But how to distinguish him from the general mass?

Here are some tips for parents:

1. Look for a tutor with a pedagogical education and work experience.
A tutor with a pedagogical education is more highly trained in working with schoolchildren, knows a large number of ways to organize the educational process and knows how to choose the right form of work that corresponds to the level of development and growth opportunities of the student. Remember that the skills of individual work with different students and under different programs are acquired over the years.

2. Cheap classes are not always of high quality.
A good lesson requires not only knowledge of the subject, but also knowledge of various teaching methods. And plus to this - also significant time costs for the preparation of the lesson itself, for the analysis of all the mistakes made by the student. Textbooks usually do not give the number of exercises that a given student needs. You have to either compose tasks yourself, or choose them from different sources. All tasks proposed by the tutor must be pre-selected and solved by the tutor himself, checked for the absence of any typos and errors, and then arranged in the desired sequence (by increasing difficulty) depending on the student's abilities. It is necessary to think over what and how will be recorded in the lesson, what will be decided orally and what in writing, to what extent tasks will be given to memorize the material, and to think over the content of homework. The low cost of classes is often due to the fact that such work, most likely, will not be carried out.

3. Collect feedback on the work of the tutor.
How to do it? Unfortunately, reviews on the Internet are not always objective, they can be left by parents of capable students, at the urgent request of the tutor himself. They can be entered randomly into the questionnaires. Not all parents leave these reviews, but even if they are satisfied with the work of the tutor, they often cannot assess how optimal the result is. Brief reviews rarely indicate what level of the student's abilities the tutor had to work with, during what period the parents were able to see positive results, with what intensity the classes were conducted with the student.

The best way is to ask a tutor who can recommend their services. Over the years of real work, a tutor has accumulated several dozen contact numbers of parents in his notebook. A professional tutor can provide a complete list of these contacts for positive referrals. If the tutor cannot provide a list of contacts of the students with whom he worked, then this indicates either a lack of experience of the tutor, or his disinterest in his portfolio. By talking with those who recently studied with this tutor, you can get more reliable and complete information about the course of the classes and the effectiveness of their results.

4. A school teacher as a tutor is not the best choice.
Do not rely on a school teacher. His qualifications and experience in the classroom may not be enough for individual lessons with a difficult student. Working in the classroom has slightly different features. Usually it is always possible to single out capable students who make it possible to realize what the teacher has in mind. It is easier to explain new material, it is easier to diversify the lesson with different activities. The school teacher is accustomed to supervise the work of students in a different way. When there is only one student in the class, the entire load falls on him alone. In addition, the school teacher is usually weighed down with the burden of responsibilities for checking notebooks, class management, extracurricular activities and community assignments. Student problems, results, mistakes should be constantly in the head of a good tutor.

5. Remember that the knowledge of one person in several subjects can be superficial.
Be careful when choosing a tutor for several subjects at once. A generalist is usually less competent in most matters than a specialist in a narrow field. Even the combination of physics and mathematics carries some danger. In the best pedagogical universities, these subjects are divided into different faculties. These are DIFFERENT SPECIALTIES, with different training and teaching methodology. There is only one exact science - mathematics. There is simply no axiomatic approach and theorems in physics. The mathematical apparatus of most physicists is, of course, in a good condition, but the ability to solve problems and the ability to teach without falling into the methodological traps of textbooks and one's own notes are two different things. There are competent teachers of physics and mathematics, but there are not many of them.

6. Get to know a professional on the first phone call.
When talking to a tutor, be suspicious if he tells you in advance what kind of training regimen is needed, what result and in what time frame will be obtained .. In some cases, once a week is enough, and sometimes two times is not enough. Also, if the teacher declares that he will ask a lot or, on the contrary, little, or does not ask at all, then it is hardly worth expecting that your choice will be optimal. It is necessary to observe the student for some time, evaluate the methodology of a school teacher working in parallel (so as not to be very dissonant with him, if possible), conduct the necessary tests, and only then decide with what intensity and what methods to go forward. Ask your tutor about ways you can achieve your learning goals. An experienced teacher will tell you in general terms about some methods of work, but he will be able to talk about forecasts and make specific plans only after a detailed acquaintance with the student.

7. Study the tutor's profile.
A good tutor usually indicates in his profile not only information about education and work experience, but also about the type of assistance he provides, with what contingent of students he works with, what methods can be used in this case.

8. Pay close attention to the results of the first session.
After the first lesson, pay attention to whether the tutor asks you about the physiological and psychological characteristics of the child (this is especially important for younger students). Is he interested in his daily routine, workload in other subjects, sleep time, perseverance, physical activity, vision, performance, habits, interests, etc. Your answers will help a competent tutor quickly form an idea about the student, about his likely growth opportunities, about inclinations to certain sciences and activities.

9. University teachers often do not work correctly with schoolchildren.
There is an opinion that a university teacher will be better than others to prepare a child for the exam, for an exam at his university. This opinion is erroneous. The head of a university teacher is usually crammed with a huge amount of knowledge that is superfluous for a given stage of a student's development, general terms and concepts that are not accessible to him for understanding. The systematic or accidental use of this knowledge can only confuse the applicant. The university teacher is more familiar with the various theories that are offered to the student than with the methodology of school textbooks. The reassessment of the level of a student's abilities, characteristic of tutors from universities, gives rise to a huge number of methodological errors in the formation of his mathematical apparatus.

10. Be guided by reason, not emotions.
Give the tutor time to develop a lesson strategy. In no case do not make hasty conclusions about whether a good tutor works with you or not only on the basis of your emotions. Questions of an individual approach are very complex. The tutor must study the student and analyze the first results before finally deciding on the methods. This may take several sessions. Tests in the first lesson will only help to reveal obvious deviations in the development of the student, “distortions” in the work of various types of memory (a child may, for example, not perceive information by ear), obvious gaps and gaps in knowledge. The tutor needs to get a complete picture of how the student does homework, why errors occur, what the nature of these errors is, how quickly the information received is erased from the head, what forms of presentation of the material hold attention longer, how quickly new material is absorbed.

When is the right time to start looking for and choosing a math and physics tutor?

Physics and mathematics are traditionally considered the most difficult disciplines of the school course. Today, a good math tutor is worth its weight in gold, but we all remember the times when only some students took extra lessons, and the rest managed on their own. What has changed? Do you really need private teachers or can you do without them? How to choose the right math tutor in St. Petersburg?

Who needs individual lessons in physics and mathematics

Tutors are most often hired before final exams. The best option is one or two years before the student graduates from school. During this period, the problem of how to choose a tutor in physics to prepare for the GIA or the Unified State Examination for their child is especially relevant for parents.
Test results play a decisive role in admission to a university. Since these changes in the education system, the work of private teachers has become much more in demand, because a child may have no other opportunity to enter an educational institution, except for successfully passing the final test.
Some parents strive to achieve not only high GIA or USE scores, but also to give the child the most solid basic knowledge in the desired subject. In this case, they begin to wonder how to choose the right physics tutor in St. Petersburg when the child is still in middle school. This approach guarantees that by the time of graduation, the student will already know everything, even the most complex, topics well.
Another reason why parents are looking for information on how to choose a math tutor to prepare for the GIA is the low current grades of the child at school. It happens that a student perfectly masters all subjects, except for the most difficult one - mathematics. To "level" it in all disciplines, you have to seek help from experienced teachers.

How to choose the right math tutor to prepare for the exam

If your child is moving into senior year, start looking for a teacher before the start of the school year. Ideally, during the summer holidays or at least in September. You should not expect that the teacher will prepare the student for the test in a week or two. This is impossible.
Even six months of preparation can already be considered urgent, and two or three months before the exam, many teachers simply do not take students. If it is not possible to look for a teacher on the recommendations of friends, only advertisements in newspapers and the Internet remain.
You can try both options, but it is better to turn to special resources where the profiles of city teachers are collected:
Firstly, it makes it possible to get acquainted with the qualifications and experience of the teacher in advance, to find out additional information by reading the questionnaire.
Secondly, such sites employ employees who know perfectly well how to choose the right physics tutor to prepare for the exam according to individual requests.
Having chosen two or three teachers of suitable qualification, talk to them, set the time for the first diagnostic lesson. By the results of the trial lesson, much is already becoming clear. You will understand how the teacher treats children, whether your child is comfortable with him, whether he explains the material clearly. The first conclusions can be drawn after 3-4 lessons. If something does not suit you, do not hesitate to look for other options. This is your child, and only you can help him get the best education. Do it!

Choosing the right tutor in mathematics or physics is the key to success

Most parents of schoolchildren think about tutors when the child goes to high school. This is natural, because the child has to take the GIA or the Unified State Examination. Further education is largely dependent on test scores, so preparation is essential. The form of work is chosen individually. It can be self-education, courses or a private teacher.
Self-training is suitable only for strong students who have mastered the program well. But for those who missed any topics or want to study the subject in depth, teachers are needed. How to choose the right tutor in mathematics and physics? What criteria to focus on?

Who is more effective - university or school teachers?

There are many qualified teachers working in schools and universities among the tutors. They teach lessons differently, and the cost of classes can vary significantly. It is traditionally believed that studying with a university teacher is more prestigious, but in reality everything is not so simple.
How to choose the right math tutor to prepare for the exam? It depends on the goals, abilities and initial level of preparation of the student himself. If we are talking about a student who knows the material of the program perfectly, a tutor from a higher educational institution will suit him. It will help you prepare for college and even build a solid knowledge base that will make your first years of study easier for the prospective student.
If the problem is how to choose a math tutor to prepare for the GIA, or if a child needs classes with gaps in knowledge, then no one can do it better than a school teacher. The advantage of such a teacher lies precisely in the fact that he is very good at explaining the material to children of a certain age category. He has to work with students with a wide variety of backgrounds and abilities. Therefore, such a teacher can better cope with the task of preparing a student with an average or poor academic performance.

How to choose the right tutor in physics or mathematics?

With the exact and natural sciences, the greatest number of problems arise, and academic performance in these disciplines depends on many factors. Even the best math tutors in Moscow will not be able to make a great physicist or mathematician out of a child if he simply does not like the subject or really has no abilities. Whatever the parents themselves think about their child, innate talents and inclinations also play a significant role.
And yet, how to choose a physics tutor to prepare for the GIA? Target school teachers and private teachers with school experience. For the GIA, you do not need to know the subject at the level of a strong university applicant. It is enough to systematize, summarize the material, repeat the missed and traditionally complex topics. If you are considering how to choose the right physics tutor to prepare for the exam, then focus on a university teacher with extensive work experience. Be sure to ask for feedback from his former students and the results of classes. Good luck, friends.

Physics tutor - the answer to all children's "why"

Does my child need a physics tutor? Is this subject important enough to be spent on studying it? For parents whose children have firmly decided to enroll in humanitarian faculties, the issue is not relevant. But if a child wants to connect his future profession with the natural or exact sciences, additional classes in physics are necessary.
And this is necessary not only for “weak” students, but also for those who show a keen interest in science. An in-depth study of physics is the key to many competencies that will be needed in further education, professional and even everyday activities.
As a school discipline, physics is studied in middle and high school. "Children's" issues remain relevant for adolescents. Understanding cause-and-effect relationships gives the child a complete picture of the world. He is aware of how, what and why is happening around him, and this awareness largely forms the desire for knowledge as such. So is it worth hiring a physics tutor if with his help the child becomes more inquisitive, learns to explain phenomena and predict the consequences of each of them? The answer is obvious.

Is it worth it to hire a physics tutor for a child to prepare for the exam?

This largely depends on the goals that the child sets for himself. The decision to find a physics teacher should be made jointly, because a high school student is already quite capable of forming his own goals and determining needs. If a child does not understand the subject well or cannot structure his knowledge, he will need additional classes with a tutor in physics to prepare for the exam. A successful student is enough independent work.

Is it worth hiring a physics tutor for a child to prepare for the GIA?

GIA grades are of fundamental importance, because the child must receive not only a certificate with good grades, but also an incentive for further study. The child perceives low scores as confirmation of his "failure", and this is at the age when he is most vulnerable. With the help of a good teacher, a teenager will not only learn the subject, but also gain self-confidence, which is much more valuable than any school grades.
Do you need a physics tutor to prepare for the exam for your child, you decide for yourself. Chat with him and with the school teacher, deal with goals and plans. Perhaps physics will be the only subject that makes the child feel psychological discomfort and insecurity in his abilities. Is it worth saving in this case? If physics is needed for admission to a university, and there are gaps in the child's knowledge, then there should be no doubt about the need for private classes.

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