Interesting facts for children. About everyone and everything Interesting facts for a lesson on the environment of the world

The world around us is wonderful and unpredictable. He is equally capable of delighting, inspiring and shocking. Life is not enough for us to know all its revealed secrets and eternity is not enough to unravel all its secrets. However, you can always start small. Here, for example, are very strange facts that you might not know.

Probability theory

The likelihood of sudden death on the way to buy a lottery ticket is higher than the likelihood of winning the jackpot.


We make more rational decisions when we think about a problem in a foreign language. Language helps you separate emotions from logic and analyze a situation more clearly.

Bonds of love

Otters hold each other's paws when sleeping, eating, or simply resting, not only so as not to be separated, but also so as not to miss each other.

150 km without engines

The plane can glide without working turbines and even with a hole in the fuel tank for a distance exceeding 150 kilometers. This incident actually happened once.

Taste sweet

Coffee radically changes the taste of food. This is especially true for sweets. Coffee dulls the taste of sweets, and tea preserves it.


When we are rejected or abandoned by a loved one, the same receptors in the brain that respond to physical pain are activated.

Faces where there are none

Monkeys see faces on inanimate objects. They experience optical illusions because they are constantly aware of the danger.


Elvis Presley was a natural blond. The King of Rock and Roll was sure that dark hair better emphasized the color of his eyes.

Sign language

Our brains react to communication in different ways. Verbal and non-verbal signals are perceived differently by the brain. It turns out that our subconscious perceives sign language better.


There are more life forms on human skin than there are people on our planet. Every day we “share” our own body with 90 trillion bacteria.

Additional weight

During the night, the intervertebral discs relax and expand. This is why we are 1% higher in the morning than in the evening.


The structure and color of a newborn baby's hair can completely change during the first year of his life. Don't be surprised if the blond baby suddenly turns brunette.


Polar bears try to hide in the snow, covering their black noses with their paws.


Pessimism is inherited genetically. People who are negative share a mutated ADRA2b gene.


Almost 15% of the air we breathe in the subway is dead human skin cells.


There are more people on Earth who are obese than those who are hungry. About 30% of the world's population is obese, and 5% of them die from this disease.

The Universe is in us

Our bodies are made of atoms, half of which came to Earth from other galaxies.

First photoshop

In the heyday of 19th-century photography, it was very popular to photograph dead people, sitting them in front of the camera as if they were still alive. In addition, the first Photoshop involved “finishing” photographs with watercolors.

Ten interesting facts from the life of animals

1. Why do crocodiles swallow stones?
Crocodiles fill their stomachs not only with caught unwary animals, but also with stones. Or rather, precisely because the diet of an ordinary crocodile includes turtles, fish, birds, giraffes, buffaloes and even lions, the crocodile needs stones in its stomach in order to grind all this food. In addition, the stones serve as ballast when submerged under water.

3. How can birds still navigate in flight?

It seems that many were interested in how birds manage to fly thousands of kilometers without maps and accurately arrive at their intended destination. It turns out that for orientation, birds use ferromagnets “built-in” by Mother Nature, with the help of which they orient themselves according to the magnetic fields of the planet. In addition, pigeons, for example, are able to remember noticeable features on the ground, which they use to navigate.

4. In winter, there are 29 hours in a day for beavers?

When winter comes, beavers become real “homebodies”, because they do not leave their dark burrows made of mud and wood. In the warm season, these nocturnal animals leave their homes at sunset and return at dawn. However, in dark burrows in winter, beavers’ daily routine is disrupted, and for them 29 hours “fit” in a day.

5. Are moles not blind at all?

Research in recent years has refuted the prevailing opinion that moles are blind because they live underground. In fact, moles have quite acute, albeit limited, vision. And the light seen by the mole serves as a sign of danger, because the penetration of light for him means nothing more than that a predator has entered the hole.

6. Altruism in nature?

Many people think that in the wild there is no place for altruism between animals, since in the conditions of natural selection the fittest survives. However, scientists give many examples proving the opposite. For example, it was recently possible to prove that the chicks of many bird species make special sounds notifying their relatives that food has been found. In the photo is a meerkat, the most altruistic comrade.

8. The unique circulatory system of the giraffe?

Since the giraffe's brain rises above its own body at a height of 5 meters, the problem of blood supply to the brain arises. It turns out that in order to supply blood to such a height, the giraffe has a heart twice as strong as, for example, cows; the specific structure of the veins prevents a sudden rush of blood when lowering the head down. And so that the blood does not stagnate in the legs, the skin on the giraffe’s legs is unusually stretched. Nature has done its best!

9. Do elephants have excellent memories?

Elephants have the largest brain among mammals, weighing about 5 kilograms. Although it is very difficult to measure intelligence in animals (it is also difficult to do in humans), the ratio of brain to body mass approaches that of chimpanzees, indicating high mental abilities. At least the latest research proves that these giants have excellent memory.

10. Do parrots not only imitate sounds?

There is an opinion that a “talking” parrot simply reproduces a set of sounds it hears. However, thirty years of study of this ability of our feathered friends shows the opposite. It turns out that parrots can solve simple linguistic problems at the level of 4-6 year old children, and even combine memorized words into new units.

20 interesting facts about everything.

  1. In 1890, figurines of the sage Fukuruma were brought from Japan to Russia. Nowadays they are better known as matryoshka dolls.
  1. The only number that is twice the sum of its constituent digits is 18.
  1. Before 1600, clocks had only one hand - the hour hand.
  1. In June 1963, British tennis player Michael Sangster served the ball at a speed of 247 km/h. This is the most powerful serve ever recorded.

I wouldn't want to be on the same court with him.)))

  1. Banana is a berry.
  1. When we look at the farthest visible star, we are looking 4 billion years into the past. The light from it, traveling at a speed of almost 300,000 km. Per second, reaches us only after this time. So much for the special theory of relativity.
  1. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. You can check it out!
  1. Flamingos become pink not from birth, but because of a special diet. They eat blue-green seaweed, which turns pink during digestion. Here is the bird of the “morning dawn”
  2. The speed of lightning is so fast that it can circle the globe eight times in a second.
  1. Humans and elephants are the only creatures that react emotionally to the remains of their own kind.
  1. If you fill a teaspoon with the substance that makes up neutron stars, its weight will be approximately 110 million tons.
  1. The thickest newspaper ever published - in America (New York Times) dated October 17, 1965, weighed almost 3.5 kilograms and had 945 pages.
  1. Apple seeds contain cyogenic glycosides. 50-60 grams of these seeds can lead to severe poisoning of an adult.
  1. Most tropical fish can survive if they are placed in an aquarium filled with blood instead of water, since blood in its composition is as close as possible to sea water.
  1. The human eye is so sensitive that if you sit on a mountain top on a moonless night, you can detect a burning match from a distance of 80 km.
  1. With a regular pencil you can draw a line of 55 km.
  1. Everyone knows the phrase of Julius Caesar: “I came, I saw, I conquered!”, but they do not know that this expression applied to Turkey.
  1. One good ballpoint pen can write approximately 50,000 words.
  2. Redwood bark is fire resistant. If there is a fire in a forest where redwood trees grow, the fire spreads inside the trunk.

(To be continued….)

Interesting facts about the world around us and current events cannot leave even children indifferent. Psychologists believe that around the 3rd grade, a child begins to consciously ask certain questions about the cause-and-effect relationships of everything he sees.

We have put together a small selection for you interesting facts for 3rd grade. Of course, it is quite possible that some data will be new for adults, so this heading can be considered conditional.

However, the various facts presented in the article are aimed primarily at the development of the young man. However, if it also benefits the older generation, the author will only be happy.

Did you know that throughout the history of human existence, about 107 billion people have lived on Earth? To understand, let us remember that one billion is a thousand million!

At this point in time (2017), about 7 billion people live on Earth. This is despite the fact that about 200 years ago the population of our planet was within just one billion.

By the way, in a separate article we have already described in more detail the most interesting facts about the Earth - you can read it.

In 3rd grade, children wonder: where is the deepest place in the world's oceans? This is the Mariana Trench. Its depth is about 11 km. Just think about how deep this “hole” is!

Well, you probably might be curious what the highest point on earth is. This is Mount Chomolungma or, as it is also called, Everest. Its height is 8848 meters. This is the highest mountain and is located in the Himalayas (the mountain system of the Earth), located in China.

There are 252 countries in the world, but there are more than 7 thousand different languages.

The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 million km, and to the Moon is only 384 thousand km.

The Sun is a star that is the main one in our cosmic system. But there are a huge number of such systems. If you like interesting 3rd grade facts, then remember: space is infinite.

The largest country in the world in terms of territory is Russia. And the largest number of people live in China (more than 1 billion).

The first person to fly into space was Yuri Gagarin. He is known all over the world.

Some interesting facts from the animal world

Did you know that some species of scorpions can live for a whole year without eating?

Cats are not ordinary pets. Scientists have proven that they can heal their owners. Of course, they do this not consciously, but the benefits are obvious.

Dogs wag their tails for a reason. When they are happy, they move in one way, when they are worried, they move in another way. So you can tell your friends in 3rd grade about this.

Beavers are amazing animals that build their homes right in the middle of a pond. Their dams reach one meter in height, imagine!

A cow has four stomachs. They are needed in order to eat according to a certain pattern. Seeing a lot of grass, they fill their bellies with it without chewing. And then, when there is time, they regurgitate this grass and begin to chew thoroughly. Such animals are called ruminants, that is, those that chew the cud.

Children who enjoy 3rd grade fun facts already know that moles live underground. It should be noted here that their burrows can have up to six floors with many “closets” where they hide food for a “rainy day.”

The fastest creature on the planet is the peregrine falcon. She belongs to the falcon family.

But the smartest bird, no matter how surprising this fact may seem to you, is the crow. Its intelligence is so great that scientists have long been conducting research on this mysterious bird.

An ostrich has bigger eyes than a brain. Therefore, they are often compared to a very stupid creature.

A snail can sleep for up to 3 years. Can you imagine what a sleepyhead!

Also in the 3rd grade they actively explore the world around them. Below we provide information on this topic.

In Russia there is a unique Lake Baikal. It is the world's deepest and largest natural reservoir of fresh water. As you know, all water is divided into salty and fresh. You can’t drink salty water, so fresh water is of great value to all living people.

The largest desert on the planet is the Sahara. It is located in Africa. By the way, read interesting facts about Africa in a separate post.

As you know, our planet has the shape of a ball. The conventional line that we draw around it is called the equator. The length of the equator is approximately 40 thousand km.

And this fact from the natural world may surprise you. Watermelon is a berry, not a vegetable or fruit.

Plain apricots contain a lot of potassium, which is extremely beneficial for the heart. If a person has problems with heart disease, he is recommended to eat these fruits and dried apricots (dried apricots).

Interestingly, 85% of all vegetation known to scientists is found in the world's oceans, and not somewhere on land.

Small yellow lemons contain more sugar than strawberries. So unexpectedly - such acid and so much sugar!

But this information is not known to all children in grade 3. There lives a creature in the sea that can generate electric current. It “beats with electricity” when you need to defend yourself from an enemy or get food for yourself. These are, as you probably guessed, electric eels.

Let's add some information about animals. Goats can see everything around them (even what's behind them) without turning their head at all. This is possible due to the unique structure of their eyes.

Mice can jump to a height of almost half a meter and also swim excellently. Their teeth grow at a high rate and if they are not regularly filed, they will reach 12 centimeters in just one year. However, they simply would not be able to live with such long teeth. It is for this reason that mice constantly chew on something. By the way, they are capable of chewing through concrete and even lead.

It is human nature to think about our existence. Who are we? What are we? What are we here for? It is impossible to answer all questions. But we do know something for sure.

This is our Earth. Looks good, right?

Throughout the history of the Earth, about 108 billion people have lived on it. Seven billion live here now. And you are one of them.

This is how we decided to settle down.

Every day people make many flights from one part of the Earth to another. It looks like this:

And this is one part of the Earth, Antarctica, in comparison with another - the USA.

This is the size of Africa in reality.

But this is the size of the Pacific Ocean.

And it's so deep

But the Earth is simply nothing compared to what is beyond it. Here are all the satellites that orbit our planet every day.

But to get to the Moon, you need to travel thousands of kilometers. All the planets of the Solar System can be placed between the Earth and the Moon.

One of the peaks on Mars is Mount Olympus. Everest is like a small child compared to her.

And this is what Jupiter would look like to us if it were at the same distance as the Moon.

This is the amount of water on Jupiter's moon Europa compared to the amount of water on Earth.

This is how Jupiter protects the Earth every day from space debris and asteroids, “taking them aside.”

It is very easy to forget that we are in constant motion - every day, every second...

But our solar system is also moving all the time. We are now in the same position as 225 million years ago, when dinosaurs inhabited the Earth.

In fact, everything we can see is in this yellow circle.

And all the radio signals that humanity sends into space are here. No wonder we still haven't encountered intelligent life

But this is how many new planets we have discovered in recent years.

However, our galaxy is short compared to some others. Here's the Milky Way compared to IC 1011.

And they consist of such molecules. This is what we are.

But that's nothing.
Just imagine, in your body there are approximately 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms, each of which is billions of years old.
This is truly what we all are and all we know yet.

Interesting facts about the world around us, grade 3

Assignment on the surrounding world (grade 3): Interesting facts about conifers.

Coniferous healers. The coniferous forest is a doctor by nature.
The air in a coniferous forest is cleaner than in an operating room.

The needles contain vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, as well as cobalt,
iron, manganese, carotene.
If you freeze the plucked pine needles and store them in the freezer,
Once thawed, it will not lose its properties.
Eating pine needles is the secret of the strength of Siberians.

Preparations based on coniferous plants are used in the treatment of diseases such as:
neuralgia, pyelonephritis, diabetes, insomnia, bronchial diseases.
A substance is isolated from Yew that effectively fights certain types of cancer.

Conifers are long-lived.

If you pay attention to the lists of the oldest living trees, conifers are impeccable leaders. There are 21 trees over 1,500 years old, of which 20 are conifers.

Long-living trees are given names.

Pine Methuselah. Age - 4846 years.

Spruce Old Tikko. Age - 9550 years.

Projectiles made from cones.

During forest fires, conifer cones, lighting up,
turn into incendiary projectiles,
which “shoot” at a distance of up to 50 meters.

Amber is a frozen resin.

Resin is released as a result of normal processes or damage to the plant.
Inclusions are often found in amber - arthropod insects stuck to a drop of resin,
did not drown in it, but were covered with new portions of resin,
as a result of which the animal died in a quickly solidified mass,
which ensured good preservation of the smallest details.

Amber Room (Hermitage. St. Petersburg)

Nenets superstition.

According to ancient Nenets belief, pine trees with a certain (spherical) arrangement of branches
you cannot hit with a stick - it is believed that the spirit of the wind lives there,
which can take anyone who dares to disturb him to “nowhere.”

Coniferous forests are spread over a huge part of the land.
Thanks to the wide distribution
they, along with tropical forests, are the lungs of our planet.

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