Inventory of plantings diagnostics of the state of trees. Methodology "Methodology for the inventory of urban green spaces

Landscaping involves a variety of activities. An integral part of this activity is accounting and inventory of green spaces. Let's consider these procedures in more detail.

Conducting an inventory of green spaces is necessary to obtain reliable information about the amount of work to care for crops, structures and buildings. The information obtained in the course of this procedure is used in the preparation of statements for the overhaul and current repairs of certain garden and park elements. An inventory of green spaces in Moscow is also carried out when determining mass and local measures aimed at combating pests and diseases of cultivated plants. In the course of activities, a person is approved who is responsible for the current state and safety of landscape gardening elements.


An inventory of plantings at a landscaping facility is necessary for:

  • Making decisions on the inclusion of landscape gardening elements in the list of public areas, adjusting the information in it in terms of areas or boundaries, excluding sites from it.
  • Compilation of statements and certification.
  • Accounting for green spaces is carried out for:

  • Ensuring the right of the population to receive reliable information about the state of the surrounding nature and the conditions, boundaries and locations of landscape gardening areas.
  • Efficient organization of site management.
  • Determining the conformity of the parameters of the quality of plantings and indicators of the provision of the area with them to the established standards.
  • Formation and provision of reliable and comparable information about the property owned by the municipality.
  • Collection of data necessary to calculate the replacement cost of plantings, the amount of compensatory landscaping.
  • Key figures

    Inventory of urban green spaces allows you to set parameters such as:

  • The total area, the balance of the areas on which the various elements are located. The latter, in particular, include trees, flower beds, shrubs, lawns, playgrounds and paths. Structures and buildings, pools, ponds, stationary equipment, and so on are also taken into account.
  • Species and species composition of shrubs and trees, their age, number, trunk diameter at a height of 1.3 meters, condition.
  • Preservation and ownership of stationary landscape gardening equipment, engineering and architectural structures, structures and buildings for household purposes, engineering communication networks (ground or underground), their number.
  • Description of the inventory of urban green spaces

    Activities are carried out in accordance with the instructions. Autumn and spring are considered the most suitable time for performing the necessary procedures. Analysis of territories using existing geodetic sub-bases and drawings is carried out in two stages. The first is the field. At the second stage, cameral processing of the material is performed. Depending on the size of the territory and the presence of cultivated plants, a methodology for inventorying green spaces is selected. It can be:

  • group way. Activities are carried out by a special detachment using landscape, forestry, taxation techniques.
  • Individual way. The inventory of green spaces is carried out by drawing a tree-by-tree survey on a plan in small areas.
  • In the latter case, the executor is BTI. At the same time, landscapers are involved. The latter are involved in determining the species, age, species of shrubs and trees, examining their condition.


    An inventory of green spaces in a rural settlement or in another territory involves the preparation of the necessary drawings and a passport of a landscape gardening element. In the latter, all changes that take place in it for certain time intervals are subsequently recorded. In addition, a table of summary information about plantings in the territory is being developed. For each landscape gardening element, the following must be drawn up:

  • Inventory plan. Its scale depends on the area of ​​the site.
  • Passport of a landscape gardening element.
  • Field work

    For their implementation, a copy of the plan is made from geodetic materials obtained during horizontal survey. It does not apply a coordinate grid, polygonometric signs, marks, leveling benchmarks. A copy is compared with nature, clarification of red lines (boundaries) and a situational plan. After that, the route of sight lines through the survey areas is outlined. It can go either independently, or coincide with roads, ditches, clearings. In any case, the route must be tied to the district boundary of the territory. Lines-sights the entire territory is divided into sections. In forestry, they are called sections.

    How to conduct an inventory of green spaces?

    When using an individual method, for convenience, the survey area is divided into conditional areas. They are limited to a road-path grid or other permanent contours. Sections are numbered sequentially. The procedure for conducting an inventory of green spaces involves drawing all shrubs and trees on the plan using a grid. They are shown on a conditional site by breed.

    plant groups

    The inventory of green spaces in the city is carried out with making entries in the working diary:

  • First group. Recordings are made from trees located on driveways. The diary includes information about the type of planting (group / generic), number, breed, diameter, age, shape of crowns.
  • Second group. Information is recorded from trees located on boulevards, in squares and gardens. The same data is entered as above, except for numbers.
  • Third group. Information is summarized by trees located in the areas of forest parks and parks. The type of plantations, the number of plants per 1 ha, the condition, the predominant species composition, and the condition are recorded in the diary.
  • Fourth group. An inventory of shrub-type green spaces is being carried out. The type of planting (group / alley), breed, condition, length, number of bushes are recorded in the diary.
  • Accounting for flower beds and lawns is carried out by area, and perennial, in addition, by the number of bushes on the site.

    Three-point scoring system

    Inventory of green spaces includes an analysis of the condition of plants. The following indicators are used:

  • "Good" condition. Plants are healthy, have a well-developed and regular crown, there are no significant damages. There is no overgrowth among the shrubs. Grass stands are developed on the lawns, there are no withered plants or their parts in the flower beds.
  • Condition "satisfactory". The plants are healthy, but the crown is not developed correctly. There are no weeds in the shrubs, but there is a shoot. Significant, but not endangering, burns and injuries are noted on plants. The lawn is poorly groomed, the herbage is oppressed. In flower beds there are wilted plants and their parts.
  • Condition "unsatisfactory". The crown of the trees is irregular and poorly developed, there are significant wounds and damage. Plants are infected with diseases and pests that endanger their lives. In the shrubs there is a shoot, dead parts. In lawns, herbage is rare and endangered. There are a lot of wilted plants, fallen flowers in the flower beds.
  • Planning

    Tree-by-tree inventory of green spaces involves binding. It is carried out by the method of notches. Borders and sights are measured, an outline is drawn with digital and graphic marks. In the inventory plan, based on the materials received, indicate:

  • External red lines with linear dimensions.
  • situation outside the borders.
  • Lines and section numbers.
  • Especially valuable historical or unique tree species. They are designated by independent numbers in red throughout the territory.
  • All shrubs, trees, lawns and flower beds, group plantings.
  • Internal surveys

    An inventory of green spaces on lanes, streets, embankments, squares is carried out using graphic materials that summarize the information of road and bridge structures, indicating only the front lines and adjoining trees, buildings, sidewalk borders, shrubs, lawns, flower beds. Therefore, in the plant plan, they show the number of each site, designate each tree within it. After the computational (determining the area of ​​the territory) and graphic works are completed, the passport is filled out. All the obtained indicators for trees, shrubs and, finally, for lawns and flower beds are entered into it. Recording information on plants located on the odd and even sides of the streets is carried out separately. An inventory of green spaces is carried out every 5 years. Activities are carried out to identify changes in the internal situation, which are reflected in the plan and in the passport.


    The Technical Inventory Bureau compiles summary information on landscaping areas. They reflect the number of territories, their area. The documentation identifies areas for plants, as well as structures, stationary equipment, and reservoirs. Summary information allows you to assess the level of landscaping of the area for a specific (current) period, makes it possible to form the basis for the subsequent planning of operating costs for the maintenance of plantings, the cost of repairs and construction of landscape gardening elements.

    Plant health monitoring

    It is systematic. As part of the control, a partial, quarterly, general inspection is carried out. Emergency or unscheduled surveys may also be conducted. During the general inspection, all garden and park elements are studied. This study is carried out twice a year - in autumn and spring. During a quarterly or partial inspection, the state of the object (its part) is determined to assess the work of operational services. Based on the data obtained, tasks are set to improve their activities. The need for an extraordinary or emergency inspection is caused by sudden changes in operating conditions due to natural disasters or for technical reasons.

    plant classes

    They are installed depending on the purpose of plantings, location among buildings, intensity of care. The following classes exist:

  • The first. It includes plants of urban significance, which have historical and artistic value, located in the most important places. Frequently visited gardens, squares, parks, sites near historical structures and buildings have the first class. The same category includes key city highways: streets, boulevards, avenues.
  • Second. They belong to the territories of regional significance. These include driveways, boulevards, roads, streets, squares, gardens, parks.
  • The third. It is assigned to plantings of local importance. These include squares, boulevards, gardens, driveways and streets, intra-quarter sections and landscape gardening elements of microdistricts.
  • Fourth. It is assigned to plantings of historical landscape parks, departments, preschool and school institutions, hospitals.
  • Fifth. This class is assigned to forests and forest parks located within the boundaries of the city and suburban areas.
  • Responsible persons

  • In gardens, parks, forest parks, on boulevards and other public areas - the management of district or city enterprises of landscape gardening.
  • On the streets in front of houses to the roadways, in residential neighborhoods, in gardens - the administration of housing and communal services.
  • On the territories of industrial enterprises, in the sanitary protection zones and sites adjacent to them - the heads of these organizations.
  • On the sites allotted for the construction, from the date of its commencement - customers.
  • The landscaping and its services monitor the preservation of urban or village green spaces. Supervision over compliance with the rules for keeping plants is carried out by an inspector or an inspection department.


    Today it is impossible for any settlement to exist without green spaces. The main garden and park elements are squares, parks and others. They are planned immediately during the design of each territory. At the same time, the current landscaping regulations are taken into account. Each territory has its own. For example, for large cities, the norm is 10 square meters. m. per inhabitant. This area of ​​plants allows us to solve urgent problems of improving the environment. The most acute are, in particular, the problems of purifying the air from harmful impurities and emissions, reducing the noise effect on the nervous system of citizens. In this regard, the ecological significance of green spaces in settlements is constantly increasing. The role of plants in the field of human health is increasing. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure their safety, proper care for them, and timely conduct their accounting and inventory.

    In order to systematically maintain landscape gardening at existing landscaped facilities, to obtain reliable volumes of work to care for green spaces, buildings and structures, as well as to compile statements of the scope of work on capital and current repairs of individual garden and park elements, an inventory is carried out - documentary accounting of all garden and park elements located at this facility. It is also carried out to use accounting data in determining local and mass preventive measures to combat pests and diseases of green spaces, determining the person responsible for the safety and current state of all elements of the object, as well as for statistical reporting.

    With the help of inventory work, indicators of the object are established, such as:

    · the balance of areas, the total area under green spaces, including under trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns, under paths and playgrounds, under buildings and structures, stationary equipment, ponds, pools, etc.;

    species and species composition of trees and shrubs, their number, age, diameter at a height of 1.3 m (for trees), their condition;

    · the condition and ownership of stationary engineering and architectural structures and landscape gardening equipment, as well as buildings and structures for household purposes, underground or surface engineering networks and communications, their number.

    According to the inventory data, they draw up the necessary drawings and a passport of a landscape gardening object with the subsequent registration in it of all the changes that occur in the elements for certain periods of time, and also develop a table of summary data on the plantings of a settlement, urban area, city.

    All garden and park objects of public use and territories of departmental use, which have green spaces, are subject to inventory.

    For each garden and park object, the following must be drawn up:

    · inventory plan of the territory or inventory plan, the scale of which depends on the area of ​​the object;

    Passport of a gardening facility.

    The inventory is carried out in accordance with the "Instruction for the inventory of green spaces in cities, workers, summer cottages and resort villages". The best time to take inventory is spring and autumn.

    The analysis of the territories of the garden and park object using the existing geodetic sub-bases, drawings, is carried out in two stages: the first is field, the second is cameral processing of the material obtained.

    Depending on the size of the object and the presence of green spaces, an inventory can be carried out: in a group way- a special taxation detachment using silvicultural, taxation and landscape methods for the organization of large objects of a forest park nature; in an individual way- for objects of small areas by drawing a tree-by-tree survey on the plan. In the second case, the work is carried out by the technical inventory bureau, but with the obligatory involvement of landscape gardening specialists to determine the species, species, age of trees and shrubs and examine their condition.

    To carry out field work, a copy of the object plan is taken from geodetic materials of horizontal survey (without drawing a coordinate grid, polygonometric signs, marks, leveling benchmarks), which is verified with nature, with clarification of the boundaries (red lines) and the situation of the object being taken into account.

    After clarifying the boundaries and describing the areas adjacent to the object, the route of sight lines through the surveyed areas is outlined. It can pass either independently or coincide with roads, clearings, ditches, but it must be tied to the circumferential boundary of the object. Sight lines divide the entire object into sections, which are called sections in forestry.

    The individual method of inventory is that the accounting method differs from the landscape-taxation tree-by-tree survey of plantings. For the convenience of carrying out an inventory, the object is divided into conditional accounting areas, limited by a road and footpath network or other permanent contours of the internal situation. For accounting areas put down serial numbers in circles. All trees and shrubs are applied to the plan using a coordinate grid and shown in the accounting area by species. Then, according to this plan, the following data is recorded in the working diary for each group of plants:

    1 group(trees located on driveways) - type of planting (ordinary or group), tree numbers, species, age, diameter, crown shape;

    2 group(trees located in squares, gardens and boulevards) - the same data as on driveways, except for numbering;

    3 group(trees located in parks, forest parks) - type of plantations, the prevailing composition of species, the number of trees per 1 hectare, average age, condition;

    4 group(shrubs) - type of planting (avenue, group), breed, age, number of bushes, hedge length, condition.

    Lawns and flower beds are counted by area, and perennials, in addition, by the number of bushes in the accounting area.

    The condition of plantations is assessed according to a three-point system:

    "good"- plantings are healthy, with a regular, well-developed crown, without significant damage; with developed, without overgrowth and weeds, shrubs; with lawns with a well-developed herbage; with flower beds without withered plants and their parts;

    "satisfactory"- plantings are healthy, but the tree stand has an improperly developed crown; shrub without weeds, but with overgrowth; with significant, but not life-threatening, wounds and burns; the lawn is poorly maintained, with an oppressed herbage; flower beds with wilted parts of plants;

    "unsatisfactory"- a forest stand with an irregular and underdeveloped crown, with significant damage and wounds, with infestation by pests and diseases that threaten their lives; shrubs with overgrowth and dead parts; lawns with rare, endangered herbage; flower beds with large lunges of flowers, withered plants and their parts.

    With a tree-by-tree inventory, the binding is made by the serif method, the boundaries and sights are measured, and the outline is drawn with digital and graphic marks.

    On the basis of graphic material with a complete internal situation and the outline and working diary entries, an inventory plan of the object is compiled, which indicates:

    1) external borders with linear dimensions;

    2) the external situation abroad;

    3) boundaries and numbers of registration areas;

    4) especially valuable unique or historical tree species, which are numbered with independent numbers in red ink throughout the object;

    5) all trees, hedge shrubs, flower beds and lawns, group plantings of trees, shrubs, perennials.

    On the inventory plan of a large park or forest park, trees and shrubs are plotted in the landscape taxation symbols, clearings, clearings, reservoirs, clearings, etc.

    To account for plantings on streets, alleys, squares and embankments, graphic materials for accounting for road and bridge facilities are used as a basis, indicating only facade lines with adjoining buildings, trees, shrubs, sidewalk borders, flower beds and lawns. Therefore, on the inventory plan of plantings of streets, alleys, squares and embankments, the number of each accounting area, each tree and its number within this area are shown. The area of ​​the object is calculated according to the inventory plan by any known method. After performing graphic and computational work, the object passport is filled in for all indicators. They record information on trees, then on shrubs, and only after that on the areas of lawns and flower beds. Information about the plantations located on the even and odd sides of the streets are recorded separately in the passport.

    Objects are examined once every five years in order to identify changes in the internal situation and reflect them in the inventory materials: on the inventory plan and in the passport of the object.

    The Bureau of Technical Inventory compiles summary data on landscaping objects in a city or town, which reflects the number of objects, their total area, allocated areas for green spaces, as well as for structures, reservoirs and stationary equipment. Summary data make it possible to judge the landscaping of a city or village for a given period, and also provide a basis for long-term planning of both operating costs for the maintenance of plantings and the costs of new construction and repair of landscape gardening facilities. The state of plantings is systematically monitored: a general, partial or quarterly inspection, an extraordinary or emergency inspection is carried out.

    During a general inspection, all elements of landscape gardening objects are examined twice a year, in spring and autumn.

    A partial or quarterly inspection is aimed at determining the state of an object or part of it in order to assess the activities of operating services and set goals for improving their work.

    Extraordinary or extraordinary inspection is caused by a sharp change in operating conditions due to natural disasters or technical reasons.

    All green spaces of cities and towns, depending on their purpose, location among urban areas and the intensity of care, are divided into five classes:

    1st class- plantings of urban significance, the most responsible in terms of location, artistic and historical value; the most visited city parks, gardens, squares, places near public and historical buildings, structures, as well as the most important city street arteries - boulevards, avenues, streets;

    2nd grade- plantings of regional significance: parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, streets, roads and driveways;

    3rd grade- plantings of local importance: gardens, boulevards, squares, streets and passages, intra-quarter gardening and gardens of microdistricts;

    4th grade- planting of landscape historical parks, various departments, schools, hospitals and preschool institutions;

    5th grade- forest parks and forests located within the city limits and suburban forest park zone.

    Responsibility for the maintenance and preservation of green spaces is borne by their owners:

    In parks, gardens, boulevards, forest parks - public facilities - heads of city or district organizations of landscape gardening;

    In residential microdistricts, on the streets in front of residential buildings to the roadway, in microdistrict gardens - the heads of the housing system;

    On the territories of industrial enterprises and organizations, as well as in the areas adjacent to them and in sanitary protection zones - heads of enterprises;

    On the territories allotted for construction, from the day the work began, the customers of the construction.

    The landscaping service monitors the preservation of green spaces in cities or towns. The inspection department or the inspector of the green fund supervises the safety of the green fund and compliance with the rules for maintaining green spaces in the territory of any subordination.

    At present, the existence of any city or village is unthinkable without the presence of landscaping objects - parks, gardens, squares, boulevards. When planning each city or district, landscape gardening facilities are immediately planned in accordance with existing landscaping standards. For example, in large cities, the norm of landscaping per inhabitant is 10 m 2. Such an area of ​​green spaces allows us to solve the problems of improving the environment in cities - purifying the air from harmful emissions, reducing noise impact on the human nervous system. In this regard, the ecological significance of green spaces is constantly increasing, and they play an increasing role in protecting human health.

    All work on the inventory and accounting of green spaces must be carried out strictly in accordance with the decree of the Government of Moscow N 743-PP dated September 10, 2002 "On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces and natural communities in the city of Moscow". This document is constantly updated, so work should be done on the basis of the latest edition.

    Also, this type of activity is regulated by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 12, 2014 No. 757-PP “On Amendments to the Legal Acts of the City of Moscow and Recognizing the Legal Act (Separate Provision of a Legal Act) of the City of Moscow as Invalid” and Decree of the Government of Moscow dated August 12, 2014 No. 461-PP “On the automated information system “Register of green spaces”.

    The methodology of the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation, developed in 1997, has now lost its force and cannot be used as a guiding document.

    According to the current regulations, all green spaces located within Moscow are subject to inventory. Responsibility for carrying out these works is borne by the owner or tenant of the land plot on which part of the city's green fund is located.

    When conducting an inventory on the site, the following elements should be taken into account:

    • Green spaces (trees, bushes, lawns, flower beds, landscaping elements) and wild vegetation that is located along roads, curbs, and other artificial structures, as well as near water sources
    • Building structures, buildings and structures.
    • Paths, paths.
    • Elements of improvement and architectural forms.

    Upon completion of the inventory process, the customer receives an electronic document - a passport for landscaping. In some cases, special documents are issued, this applies to courtyard areas, as well as nature protection zones. The data from this passport is entered into the Register of Green Spaces, both during the initial inventory and when changes are made. After drawing up, the document must be agreed in the prescribed manner with the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

    To start the inventory, the user or owner of the land must receive either the general plan of the site or topographic survey drawings or other documents. In some cases, it will be necessary to conduct geodetic surveys and draw up the primary document again. The plan must be drawn up in electronic form and comply with the requirements of the technical regulations and be linked to the Unified City Cartographic Basis of Moscow.

    The passport is made once a year, but with certain manipulations with green spaces, it will have to be changed:

    • When making transactions with a land plot (sale, transfer for use, etc.);
    • Construction work and overhaul of existing artificial structures;
    • Installation of new landscaping, or making changes, restoration and other work with existing plantings;
    • Elimination of accidents, fires, deforestation (both authorized and unauthorized), transfer of ownership of the green fund of the site to another person or organization and other cases that lead to a change in the configuration of the green spaces of the site.

    In addition to the inventory, the user of the site must constantly monitor the state of the green fund located in his area of ​​​​responsibility. In the event of diseases or pests, contact the appropriate authorities. City authorities and authorized services also monitor the AIS "Register of green spaces".

    The inventory does not apply to licensed activities, that is, the user or owner of the site can theoretically perform the work on their own. But not all - planting surveys should be performed by a qualified dendrologist, and all cartographic work can be done by a certified surveyor.

    The concept that the company is guided by is the priority of quality in everything by meeting the requirements of the modern market, constantly improving the effectiveness of the management system, quality and monitoring of completed projects

    Inventory, accounting of green spaces, entering inventory data into the AIS "Register of green spaces" of Moscow, production of a "Passport for the Improvement of the Territory"

    Primary activity inventory of green spaces, accounting of green spaces, production of Landscaping Passports, entering data into the AIS Register of Green Spaces, approval of the Landscaping Passport in the JKHiB and the DPiOOS.

    We have been engaged in the inventory and certification of green spaces and road facilities in Moscow for 9 years.

    During this time, we have inventoried about 5,000 hectares:

    Landscaped areas 1,2,3 content categories,

    Forests, parks, squares, roads, yard areas, incl.

    Alexander Garden (garden near the Moscow Kremlin),

    Kremlin embankment, green areas on Red Square near GUM,

    Novy Arbat, Pokrovsky Cathedral, Manezh shopping mall,

    Solntsevo district, Vernadsky Prospekt district, Dorogomilovo district, Troparevo-Nikulino district,

    Area Vykhino-Zhulebino, Lefortovo, Maryino, Nekrasovka, Ryazan

    Southern Administrative District,

    South-Eastern Administrative District,

    Districts of New Moscow (TiNAO),

    Squares and parks of the Central Administrative District,

    Green areas along the Moscow Ring Road,

    Green areas along the Third Ring Road,

    Vnukovo airport,

    All-Russian dispatch center Vnukovo,

    All radial highways of Moscow (Schelkovskoe and Entuziastov highways, Altufevskoe and Yaroslavskoe highways, Kashirskoe and Varshavskoe highways, Mozhaiskoe and Rublevskoe highways, Volokolamskoe and Zvenigorodskoe highways, International highways, Kyiv highways, etc.)

    A large number of hospitals polyclinic (GBUZ), schools (GBOU), industrial and commercial territories, and this is not an exhaustive list of territories that we have stocked.

    The basis for the implementation of work on the inventory of green spaces in Moscow:

    Decree of the Government of Moscow dated August 12, 2014 No. 461-PP "On the automated information system "Register of green spaces" (as amended on October 4, 2017)";

    Decree of the Government of Moscow of September 10, 2002 N 743-PP (as amended on October 4, 2017) "On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces in the city of Moscow";

    Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 2, 2014 No. 501-PP “On the development of passports for the improvement of domestic territories, amendments to the legal acts of the city of Moscow and the recognition of the legal acts of the city of Moscow as invalid”;

    Law of the city of Moscow No. 17 dated 05.05.1999 "On the protection of green spaces" (as amended on May 7, 2014).

    An inventory of the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow is carried out in order to:

    Obtaining reliable data on the state of green spaces, species, age composition, quantitative and areal characteristics of natural communities, elements of integrated improvement for urban management at all levels of management, operation and financing;

    Obtaining information about the location of green spaces, elements of integrated landscaping on the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow, indicating the right holders of land plots of the territory responsible for its safety and condition;

    Determining the compliance of the activities carried out by the right holders of land plots of the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow at the landscaping facilities, the established purpose of the territories;

    Conducting an analysis of the state of the green fund of the city of Moscow;

    Definition of land plots occupied by various types of plantations, infrastructure or other elements in their composition;

    Information support for the preparation of planning projects for natural, specially protected natural areas (hereinafter - SPNA) (for which there are no planning projects), specially protected green areas (hereinafter - SPNA), green areas and other areas occupied by green spaces, the city of Moscow;

    Development of measures for the conservation and restoration of natural communities and recommendations for managing the land plots; infrastructure and improvement elements in specially protected natural and other natural areas for the revision period for managing the economy of the GPBU "Moscow City Administration of Natural Territories";

    Determining the effectiveness of reforestation work, the quality of the created forest plantations, their compliance with current standards and specifications. These materials make it possible to determine measures to improve the condition of crops;

    Development of proposals for adjusting the draft planning of protected areas, natural, green areas and other areas occupied by green spaces, the city of Moscow, territorial schemes for the development of protected areas in the city of Moscow;

    Regulation of work and determination of costs for the preservation and maintenance of natural communities, green spaces, landscaping elements and integrated landscaping and overhaul on the territory of the green fund of the city of Moscow (based on the obtained characteristics of the state of landscaping elements and integrated landscaping);

    Drawing up a title list for green spaces, elements of gardening and integrated landscaping to calculate natural indicators for the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow;

    Preparation of data for filling in the State Cadastre of Protected Areas of the city of Moscow, the Automated Information System "Register of Green Spaces", the Automated Control System "Joint Dispatch Service of the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as ACS "ODS DZHKHiB"), other information systems of the city Moscow, if such is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    Types of work on the certification of green spaces:

    1.Conduct preparatory work

    Obtaining the boundaries of the inventoryed territory;

    Reconnaissance survey of the inventory area;

    Establishment of the area of ​​the inventoryed territory;

    Establishing the classification of the inventory object

    Determining the location of trees in nature in the inventory area;

    Determining the location of the bush in nature in the inventory area;

    Collection of general information about the inventory area (including administrative-territorial affiliation;

    Indication of the responsible land user;

    Establishing the status of the object, the functional purpose of the land;

    2.Conduct field work on the inventory of green areas:

    Geodetic survey of the inventory area using geodetic equipment and local soundings;

    Definition of woody vegetation in kind, numbering in kind, measurement of diameter, age, height, description of the condition;

    Definition of shrub vegetation in kind, numbering in kind, measurement of diameter, age, height, description of the condition;

    Determining the state of lawns, measuring the area, describing quality characteristics, determining the type of lawn;

    Description of flower beds, measuring the area, assigning a serial number, determining the type of flower bed, planted plant material;

    Description of the road and footpath network, determination of the state, type of coverage, purpose, measurement of the area;

    Determining the location of the MAF and landscaping elements, their number, numbering, characterization and description of the state;

    Identification of buildings and structures in the inventory area, their purpose and measurement of the area;

    Determination of planar structures, their type, area and coverage;

    Definition of relief organization elements, their type, area;

    Definition of functional support systems, their type and quantity;

    Collection of information about repair work;

    Collection of additional information (date of the last repair or reconstruction, mode of urban development);

    3.Holding office work on the inventory of green areas:

    Creation of an inventory plan of the M1:500 object, with registration in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 04.10.2005 No. 770-PP “On methodological recommendations for the preparation of dendrological plans and transfer statements”;

    Drawing on the plan of tree and shrub vegetation with the assignment of serial numbering in accordance with the list of green spaces;

    Calculation of the total area of ​​the object, and entering data into the statement;

    Drawing flower beds on the plan, calculating their areas and entering them into the statement;

    Drawing buildings and structures on the plan, calculating their areas and entering them into the statement;

    Calculation of the operational area of ​​the facility and entering data into the statement;

    Drawing planar structures on the plan, calculating their areas and entering them into the statement;

    Drawing a road-path network on the plan, calculating its areas and entering it into the statement;

    Drawing on the plan of the lawn, calculating the area and entering it into the statement;

    Drawing on the LFA plan, miscalculation by quantity and entering into the statement by type;

    Drawing on the plan of functional support systems, miscalculation by quantity and entering into the statement by type;

    Drawing on the plan elements of the organization of the relief, calculation of areas and entry into the statement;

    Data collection and printing of field sheets on a computer;

    Calculation of the total number of trees on the object;

    Calculation of the total number of shrubs at the facility;

    Calculation of replanted trees at the facility;

    Calculation of replanted shrubs at the facility;

    Calculation of cut down trees at the facility;

    Calculation of cut bushes at the facility;

    Calculation of saved trees on the object;

    Calculation of preserved shrubs at the facility;

    Drawing up the balance of the territory;

    4.Holding cartographic works:

    Ensuring electronic accounting of landscaping and green spaces in the maintenance of the AIS "Register of green spaces" and monitoring of green spaces;

    Drawing up a topographic plan in electronic form with reference to the Unified State Cartographic Base of the City of Moscow in formats that provide free import of data into geographic information systems;

    Drawing up an inventory plan in accordance with the existing requirements of M1:500;

    Coordination of the Passport for the improvement of the territory in electronic form in the Department of Housing and Communal Services and the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection.

    We are proud of the work done, because our main principle in any work is honesty, integrity, and love for the business you are doing.

    Completed projects

    News: 2 April 2015 New requirements for approvals of the Landscaping Passport Instructions on how to approve the passport to the Customer in the Register. 30 March 2015 Clarifications on changes in the requirements for passports for the improvement of the territory (registration site) In the passport of the accounting area, the name (Passport for the improvement of the territory) and the procedure for approval have changed. 29 March 2015 For a green space passport. From Decree N 743-PP dated 12.12.2014. Methodology for conducting an inventory on the territories of the green fund of the city of Moscow Published information from the resolution on the methodology of inventory of green spaces in Moscow 29 March 2015 Changes in the passport of green spaces. On December 12, 2014, a new resolution was issued, which made changes to the green space inventory passport, now it is called the Territory Improvement Passport. Decree of the Government of Moscow of September 10, 2002 N 743-PP "On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces in the city of Moscow" as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 12, 2014 No. 757-PP August 21, 2014

    Landscaping involves a variety of activities. An integral part of this activity is accounting and inventory of green spaces.

    Conducting an inventory of green spaces is necessary to obtain reliable information about the amount of work to care for crops, structures and buildings. The information obtained in the course of this procedure is used in the preparation of statements for the overhaul and current repairs of certain garden and park elements. An inventory of green spaces in Moscow is also carried out when determining mass and local measures aimed at combating pests and diseases of cultivated plants. In the course of activities, a person is approved who is responsible for the current state and safety of landscape gardening elements.

    needed for:

    • Making decisions on the inclusion of landscape gardening elements in the list of public areas, adjusting the information in it in terms of areas or boundaries, excluding sites from it.
    • Compilation of statements and certification.

    Accounting for green spaces is carried out for:

    • Ensuring the right of the population to receive reliable information about the state of the surrounding nature and the conditions, boundaries and locations of landscape gardening areas.
    • Efficient organization of site management. Determining the conformity of the parameters of the quality of plantings and indicators of the provision of the area with them to the established standards.
    • Formation and provision of reliable and comparable information about the property owned by the municipality.
    • Collection of data necessary to calculate the replacement cost of plantings, the amount of compensatory landscaping.
    • Key indicators Inventory of urban green spaces allows you to set parameters such as:
    • The total area, the balance of areas on which various elements are located. The latter, in particular, include trees, flower beds, shrubs, lawns, playgrounds and paths.
    • Structures and buildings, pools, ponds, stationary equipment, and so on are also taken into account. Species and species composition of shrubs and trees, their age, number, trunk diameter at a height of 1.3 meters, condition. Preservation and ownership of stationary landscape gardening equipment, engineering and architectural structures, structures and buildings for household purposes, engineering communication networks (ground or underground), their number.


    An inventory of green spaces in a rural settlement or in another territory involves the preparation of the necessary drawings and a passport of a landscape gardening element. In the latter, all changes that take place in it for certain time intervals are subsequently recorded. In addition, a table of summary information about plantings in the territory is being developed. For each landscape gardening element, the following must be drawn up: Inventory plan. Its scale depends on the area of ​​the site. Passport of a landscape gardening element.

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