How to make a book out of paper? How to make a book yourself, detailed instructions How to make a book out of cardboard with your hands.

You can make a colorful book for kids yourself.

To do this, you will need the following improvised materials:

  • a photo;
  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • the cloth.

With the help of such homemade products, you can develop your children.

There are 3 types of homemade books:

  • paper version;
  • photobooks;
  • textile educational books.

Homemade book made of cardboard or paper

In the photo of a children's book intended for a baby who is not yet a year old, you can see large subject pictures. It is best to combine images by topic.

For a one-year-old baby, you can make various books. Each of them can be devoted to one of the topics: "Pets", "Food", "Toys".

Knowing how to make a children's book with your own hands, you will quickly make it. The little one will definitely be interested in an informative story about what his favorite bear does. A series of pictures shows the baby how the bear plays with a ball, eats delicious honey, walks in the forest, sleeps on the bed.

Where to get themed pictures?

The necessary images can be found in various sources:

Pictures from coloring books will also be able to interest a small child. The baby is attracted to colored images and uncolored ones.

Large pictures are on the pages of magazines. Suitable images can be found on the Internet. They are easy to print on a printer. If you use photo paper, you will get high-quality photos.

Pictures from wall calendars are also suitable for handmade homemade products. At the end of the year, you can ask a friend for a calendar.

Arm yourself with pencils and paints. Draw yourself! Your baby will appreciate every creation.

Take pictures of various objects or phenomena yourself to create a unique book.

Having shown your creativity, you will soon be able to create a homemade library.


Making a kind of encyclopedia of the world for the development of the baby

Option 1. Homemade book from a photo album

You need to purchase a 10X15 photo album with 36 pages, this is the best option. Choose small dimensions, do not take bulky photo albums. Take the cardboard and cut out strips of white cardboard with dimensions 10x15.

It remains only to paste the pictures on the cards and insert them into the album. If the cards are laminated, they will last longer.

Subject images with inscriptions in a photo album are not just a book for kindergarten.

If its design is complicated, then it is suitable for older children. In such a book, you can include children's children, riddles and fairy tales.

Option 2. Homemade book in a file folder

For the product you will need to purchase a file folder, cardboard with A4 size. Pictures are pasted on white or colored sheets. Ready cards are inserted into the folder.


The sheet can contain one image and a short story about the picture. Another design option - under the picture is a signature.

Option 3. Homemade book from drawing sheets

For a book, you need to take 8 or 10 sheets, they are folded in half, and then sewn together. You can also connect the sheets in another way - make holes with a hole punch, thread a satin ribbon and tie it.

Thematic pictures are pasted into the finished book. Such a product has the only drawback - insufficient strength.

Option 4. Book in the form of an album

Homemade can be made from a sketchbook. The thematic picture must be glued to the cover. In the book, you can enter the statements of the baby, his first stories or children's songs.

Children's educational photo books

A book for a child with photographs will help the baby move from everyday conversations with parents to the perception of literary works. Here the child already needs coherent speech. Simply naming the subject is no longer enough.

You can paste a photo of yourself and your child. The first page serves as a cover, the title and the name of the author are written on it. An image is also glued here, from which it is easy to guess what topic the book is devoted to.


The text is written in the book, it is placed in different ways. Photos can be pasted on top or on the left side of the spread, and information can be placed below the photo or on the right side.

Soft fabric children's book

The master class "How to make a children's book" will help you create a real masterpiece. Elements that attract the child's attention can be used here: squeakers, bells, applications, lace-up or Velcro fasteners.

Soft books help develop tactile sensations. They are made from materials of various textures: fleece, wool or velvet.

Additionally, a variety of fillers can be used. The most popular options include small pebbles, beads, peas or seeds.

Photo children's book do-it-yourself

Now you can download or buy almost every book in electronic format and read it on compact devices: mobile phones, tablets, e-books. In the conditions of the modern world, this is sometimes the only opportunity to read an interesting work. But sometimes you want to hold a finished book in your hands, but it is difficult to find it in printed form. There are those that you have to constantly contact, and it is not always convenient to search for the necessary information on an electronic device.

I had to deal with similar situations more than once, so I became interested in how to make a book on my own. Therefore, I suggest that those who wish to familiarize themselves with the detailed instructions for creating a home-made book from paper in a hard (cardboard) cover.

DIY paper book: master class

Step 1. Printing a book from a word file

To print a book, it is better to use A3 sheets, which can then be folded in half to get a comfortable large book.

Set up page margins for printing. In the "File-Print" or "Page Layout" section, set the mirror margins:

  • Top - 1.5 cm
  • Internal - 2.5 cm
  • Bottom - 1 cm
  • External - 1.5 cm.

Book orientation of pages on two not one sheet.

Now you can start printing the book. Go to the "File-Print" section and set the page numbers. For example, if the book is assembled from brochures consisting of 10 sheets, then “40, 1” will be printed on the first sheet, “2.39” on the back, and so on.

We fold the printed sheets in half, fasten them with a stapler or sew them so that they do not fall apart.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Step 2: Pasting brochures

Carefully fold the brochures in order and glue them with PVA glue.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Step 3. We withstand the glued brochures under pressure

Ideally, it is better to use a special vise for this. If this is not possible, then we leave a small gap at the end for subsequent work and put something heavy on our almost book. A flat board with dumbbells will do.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Step 4. Thoroughly coat the end with PVA glue

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Step 5. Making cuts on the end of the book

We make an even number of cuts (cuts) at the end of the book by 3-4 millimeters, so that later it would be easier to stitch. In this case, the cuts must pass through all the sheets.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Step 6. Glue a piece of fabric

We take a piece of fabric of such a size that its edges look out 3-5 centimeters. We glue it to the end of the book smeared with glue and leave it to dry overnight.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Step 7 Firmware book

After our design has dried thoroughly under the press, we proceed to stitching the book. Through the fabric in places washed down, we sew each brochure separately.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Step 8. Fix the firmware with glue

Lubricate the end of the book well with glue. Clay is better not to feel sorry. The more, the more reliable.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Step 9: Making a Cardboard Book Cover

To make a book cover, you need good cardboard. A cover from an old book or from a good quality folder will do. Cut out two rectangles from good quality cardboard, the edges of which will protrude slightly.

You will also need a little ordinary thin cardboard, from which we cut out a rectangle, the length of which should be equal to large triangles, and the width should be equal to the thickness of the end.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Cut out two rectangles from the fabric:

  • The first in width of a narrow cardboard rectangle and in width - seven centimeters more;
  • The second width is equal to the first piece, and seven centimeters longer.

We begin to collect cardboard rectangles together: two large ones face down on the sides, and in the middle - a narrow rectangle. Between the rectangles you need to leave gaps of about half a centimeter.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

We take a small piece of fabric and stick it on a narrow cardboard, closing the gaps and grabbing large cardboard rectangles on the sides.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

We turn the design over to the other side and glue the second (long) piece of fabric so that the same ponytails remain at the bottom and top.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Turn the cover over again and glue the tails of the fabric to the wrong side.

Now let's get down to the creative part, namely, decorating the cover. Here you can show your imagination to the fullest. Any beautiful thick paper or self-adhesive film will do. Cut a piece of the desired size, taking into account the fact that you will need to make bends on the inside of the book on all sides for a couple of centimeters.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

We glue the cover to the almost finished book. Glue the protruding fabric to the large squares.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

We fold A5 sheets (or the one used to print the book) in half: glue one part to the flyleaf, and the other to the last page.

Homemade book or how to make a book yourself

Once dry, you can use the book for its intended purpose.

Magic shelf at the project participants "Weekend with your favorite book" is filled not only with saved books that the children read, played with and sketched in a diary, but also with books with their own hands. Participants share their ideas for creating books with their children of different ages. 6 master classes for every taste from a folding book to a printed book in several copies were prepared by enthusiastic mothers. I am sure you will like a few ideas and want to repeat with your kids.

Folding book "Memo"

Our book - a folding bed is called "Memo".

Manufacturing process:

A long strip of paper was folded like an accordion. Attached the cover. On the cover of the ready-made stickers of letters, the name of the book "Memo" was laid out. The child glued the animals. The book has 2 spreads on one side and one spread on the other side. The size of the finished book turned out to be 105x150 mm. Materials used: paper, cardboard, stickers.

There were a lot of ideas for creating a book, but the child still doesn’t really like to invent fairy tales, so we decided to make a memo - a reminder. It described the actions of the child during the day, according to the time of day. There are three spreads in the book: morning, afternoon, evening.

The morning begins with making the bed, washing, brushing teeth, having breakfast, kissing family members.

During the day we walk, after the street I wash our hands, we have lunch, we do. In the evening, I wash my hands, have dinner, put away toys, read books (although we read books at any time when the desire appears), brush our teeth, swim and sleep sweetly.

The illustrations were selected in accordance with the text, as simple as possible, since my mother drew herself. Although the book turned out to be simple, my son really liked it. We are very inspired and collect material for the alphabet!

Starchevsky Svetlana and Andrey, 3 years old, Krasnoyarsk

Book with opening windows for the little ones

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take a sheet of A4;
  2. Bend it in half on both sides;
  3. We cut in the middle. The folded half is the page;
  4. We make the required number of pages in this way;
  5. We put all the pages together with a fold outward, and put the last one on the contrary - this will be the cover;
  6. We fasten with a stapler.

For us, these were opening windows where Dasha pasted a suitable animal (ready-made stickers) and read how he speaks. She also decorated the cover herself (magazine clippings). Later we will add pictures to the book, we will select a rhyme for each animal and color everything.

Vasilenko Evgenia and daughter Dasha, 4 years old, Kiev

Fairy tale "About a miracle"

The process of creating the book took several days. First, Sonya and I came up with and wrote down a fairy tale about the girl Asya.

There lived a girl. Her name was Asya, and she was four years old. For the New Year, Santa Claus brought Asya many gifts: a new doll, a plush dog, a beautiful dress with tights and a magic wand.

Asya decided to try the magic wand. At first she wanted a bag of chocolates, waved her magic wand, but nothing came of it. Then Asya cast a spell: “Kreks, fex, pex! I want a lot of beautiful bows and hairpins! ”, But again nothing came of it. “And it’s not magical at all,” Asya got upset and put the wand in a box with old toys.

Outside, meanwhile, the weather turned bad. In the middle of winter, everything began to melt, puddles and slush appeared. Returning home from work, Asya's mother got her feet wet and fell ill. She had a fever and a sore throat. Mom was lying in bed, and she was so ill that she could not even play with Asya.

Then Asya decided to bake a raspberry pie to cure her mother. She took a cookbook, found a recipe, but that's bad luck: Asya could not read and did not know how much flour, butter, sugar and eggs should be put in! Asya was about to cry when she suddenly remembered the magic wand. She ran to her room and found her wand among the old toys.

Then she took the wand and said, “Wand, please help me bake a cake for my mother. I really want my mother to get well!” And then the whole stick lit up, sparkled, and everything around - a cookbook, a bowl, a spoon, a whisk, a rolling pin - came to life! Together they helped Asya to knead and roll out the dough, lay out the filling and put the pie in the oven.

When the cake was baked, Asya took the most delicious piece to her mother with a cup of hot tea. Mom ate the pie and immediately felt better because it was baked with love!

Then I typed the text on the computer, and my husband printed it out at work. The fairy tale is printed on A4 sheets in landscape orientation, so the finished book turned out to be A5 in size. The circulation is small - only two pieces. One copy was illustrated by the grandfather, and the second by Sophia personally. The covers are made from scrapbooking paper. The books are sewn together with staples.

Olga Silina with her daughter Sofia Nefedova, 4.5 years old, Moscow

Book about the adventures of Ant and Grasshopper

We made a book to replenish our magical bookshelf.

Mikhail is 6 years old and he wrote his own adventures. After the experience with Khrustik, I decided not to interfere at all in the process of creating the author's book and only wrote down his thoughts, sometimes only helping with the active use of the dictionary, that is, in the selection of synonyms and adjectives. It turned out unusually for him and I patiently wrote it down.

Adventures of Ant and Grasshopper

Winter in the forest. Grasshopper and Ant sleep in their houses.

With the onset of spring, they wake up and go towards each other, as they are very bored after the winter. When they meet, they are very happy and go to play fun games in the forest, in the clearing.

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for the child?

And when summer came, an old friend Scientist Beetle came to the Ant for his birthday and told them that he knows the bird Lila, which flies high, above the clouds, and she knows that far beyond the forest there is a high mountain where the magic Dragon lives.

Two friends decide to go camping to get to know the Dragon. As it became known, he breathes magical fire and that fire fulfills as many as 18 wishes! Friends prepared gifts for him: a golden ring with a wolf's claw, a basket of wild berries and a fabulous flower in the form of a bell, the pollen of which uplifts the mood and tells fairy tales itself.

Grasshopper and Ant walked through the forest for a long time, spent the night in a cave, reached a waterfall, went down in a boat made of sticks, swam in the lake, went out to a clearing and noticed an unusual flower with purple leaves. They have never seen anything like it. Raising the petals, the friends noticed a magic wand and a boulder stone with a hole there. They "stuck" it there, the wand began to fall asleep and it turned into a lever.

The Grasshopper offered to press the wand, and immediately after this action, a mountain rose in front of them, on top of which the Dragon's castle appeared.

Ant and Grasshopper began to climb up to the castle, went into it and found a very sad Dragon sitting in a chair.

The dragon was surprised by the arrival of unusual and unexpected guests. He had never met such beings before. They got into a conversation and the Dragon said that he was very lonely, no one was friends with him. Everyone thinks he is evil and bad. But in fact, he loves to do good deeds and help.

Speaking about good deeds, the Ant and the Grasshopper remembered the gifts and handed them to the dragon. He liked them very much. The dragon invited his new acquaintances to drink tea with a cake made from milk clouds, and decorated it with donated berries. Together they had a lot of fun and interesting, but it was time to say goodbye and go back. Friends agreed that they would meet again and would now play together and come to visit each other.

Then we gave our elder sister (13 years old) our manuscript for illustration. Thus, she received the task, and dad was taken to correct stylistic errors. (But I asked him not to judge too much and not to change Misha's "style" in order to preserve his language). After all the events, I received everything prepared for layout. I printed it, added illustrations (my daughter sketched them from the Internet) and printed them out on a printer.

Next, Mikhail and I assembled the book, glued it, chose the cover and fastening details. We got a book half of A4 format (I printed in two columns). At first they wanted a hard cover, and then Misha saw felt and wanted a soft cover as well. As a result, a double cover, felt on the outside, thick cardboard inside. The pages themselves are glued together, the cover and the book are connected with a decorative cord.

We really liked the process, which we slowly stretched out for three days, we worked in the evenings. Now our book occupies a worthy place on the magic shelf and Misha treats it very reverently, and with pride.

Svetlana Radionova and son Mikhail, 7 years old, St. Petersburg.

Stitched book with poems

We did not make the book for the first time. We usually use different techniques. This time we decided to make a book. But first things first.

First of all, Jaromir wrote a story. It turned out this:

One Fox attempted on the Hedgehog.
He is lying in his grass,
Curled up like a ball.
And the Fox saw a fungus,
She went to him and stepped on the hedgehog.
Howled loudly.
Paw pinched.
Hedgehog quickly - to the river,
and to the far shore...
But Lisa could not catch up.
Sat down and cried...
And darkness fell into the copse ...

At the same time, they repeated what rhyme is and how to compose it.

Then the son, with some help from me, typed the text on the computer and printed it out.

Then the pictures were taken. We looked at Jaromir's works and chose the ones that were suitable: a fox, a hedgehog, fungi, a copse with a windbreak, there was even a picture of a hedgehog swimming. We scanned them, reduced them to the required size and printed them out on a color printer.

When the content was selected, the production of the book itself began. The book notebook was made from ordinary A4 sheets, folded in half - the A5 format was obtained.

We added a cardboard cover - cut out a little more in size than the sheets themselves. Then all this was stitched with threads. Thus, the book was almost ready. It remains to make a cover. We chose green fleece for the cover. They cut out a piece of fabric for the cover with an allowance of 1.5 cm. They cut off the corners, bent them and glued them to the cardboard cover with double-sided tape. Then they sewed a paper nameplate with the title of the book and the name of the author to the front of the cover. And glued to the back of the cover, specially left for this purpose free sheets of the book block. The cover turned out to be durable and at the same time soft and pleasant to the touch.

The book is ready. It remains to be filled. Jaromir cut out pictures and lines from a poem from printouts. I arranged them on the pages of the book and glued them with a glue stick.

The process turned out to be quite laborious, given that the child did everything either by himself or actively helped. But the result pleased the child. Jaromir was proud of his creation. I looked at her for a long time. And then with pleasure he ran to show the book to dad.

Anastasia Kalinkova and Yaromir 4 years old, St. Petersburg.

hedgehog book

We decided to make a book about a hedgehog picking apples. Since our guys are small, I used cardboard, it was glued with paper. She made holes with scissors and wove a braid of thread to fasten the pages of the book.

Then they pasted pictures that the guys painted, and mom wrote the text. The most difficult thing was to write with a pencil on cardboard, I had to press hard on the pencil. The book is not finished yet, in the evening the boys will help to finish and paste the pictures.

It took about 4 hours to make the book, but I first thought about what materials we would use and where to get the pictures. We used some of the pictures that the child made in the kindergarten. I found suitable pictures for coloring from the available ones. I usually print 9 pages per sheet, which is a convenient format. The text was already created for the pictures.

I liked the process of making the book, but the children like to read such a book. Why haven't we done books like this before? We will definitely repeat.

Oksana Demidova, Fedya 4 years old and Anya 1.3 years old, St. Petersburg.

Now for the little ones! Even kids can create a book with the fairy tale "Teremok". This is how the participants of the Fairytale Kaleidoscope did it in one of the creative tasks.

Book-tale "Teremok"

We decided to make a book based on the fairy tale "Teremok", because she is one of my favorites. The teremok itself is a house made of bricks (price tags), a roof (a triangle of colored paper) and a fence (made of matches).

The pages were designed in different ways - with pencil drawings (the forest where Masha got lost), appliqué (bear's house), clippings from magazines, the Internet (Masha and the Bear, stump) and even from a box of oatmeal (to show what kind of porridge Masha cooked for Bear). Words were written on some pages, because my daughter is already very interested in letters, we are looking for the letter A in words.

Most of all, my daughter likes the portraits of the grandfather and the woman at the beginning of the book, laughs, closes and opens the page many times.

Anna Popova and daughter Euphrosinia, 1 year, 7 months old, St. Petersburg.

Do you make handmade books for your children? Tell in the comments!

How to make a book out of paper? This question is of interest not only to parents of inquisitive children who try their hand at writing talent or want to make their own illustrations for their favorite fairy tales, but also to adults who prefer to read “from paper” rather than from a computer or smartphone screen. In this article, we will look at how to make a book out of paper: a clamshell or with a real binding.

DIY folding book

The manufacturing process is simple. How to make a folding book out of paper? You will need: thick sheets or cardboard for the base of the pages, adhesive tape, glue, scissors. On the pages of a folding book, you can stick drawn fairy-tale characters, multi-colored figures made of colored paper, printed and cut out lines of children's poems.

How to make a paper baby book with your own hands? First you need to prepare the pages. To do this, cut out squares or rectangles (depending on what kind of book you want to make) of the same size from thick paper or cardboard, for example, 30x30 centimeters or more / less. Next, prepare drawings, poems, cut out figures, stick in the right order on the base - sheets of thick paper. Even pieces of fabric or flat natural material (for example, dried tree leaves, flowers) can be glued onto the base.

When everything dries, you can begin to fasten the pages with adhesive tape. So they will bend and unfold well.

Book with real binding

You can also make a book with a real binding so as not to read a literary work or lectures from a computer screen. Of course, the process is more time-consuming than creating a baby book for a child. But it's worth it. How to make a book out of paper? First you need to print the necessary text on the printer so that later you can fold the notebooks for the book block. Then you should make a binding, glue the endpapers and the cover. Now about each step, how to make a book out of paper, in more detail.

Printing sheets of a future book

The main point is the correct printing of the pages of the book so that they then fold correctly in the notebook. Most do not have the ability to print sheets larger than standard A4, and special paper that is used in printing houses (with the direction of the fibers along the short side), so we will proceed from these input data. However, you should not worry about this, the book turns out to be no worse than usual.

How to make a paper book First, prepare the text and print it on the printer. But the pages on the book pages are not in order. Each notebook of a classic book has sixteen A5 pages, that is, four A4 sheets folded in half. To create a layout for printing, you can use OpenOffice Writer, Word, or any other text editor that allows you to choose the font style and size, set margins, and number pages. When you're done, save the book as a PDF.

But text editors or PDF readers usually can't print pages in random order like a book would, so you'll need another program like Foxit Reader. In the settings, you need to select landscape orientation, as well as printing two pages on one sheet. An enlarged font will also come in handy, because the actual page size will decrease when printed.

Page numbers (what to print for) can be calculated in the table editor. The following is an example of a page sequence for a book that will have 137 pages. Every two lines in this table indicate the printing order for one notebook (two gray lines - one notebook; the next two white lines - the second notebook). First you need to print one side (eight pages), then turn the papers over and print the second half of the notebook.

Don't print everything at once. Firstly, you can easily get confused (it is better to collect notebooks one by one), secondly, you must first understand the features of paper supply by a specific printer, thirdly, if something goes wrong, you will have to reprint everything from the beginning, and this is an extra ink consumption and paper, not to mention the extra work.

Preparing the book block

When all the notebooks are ready, you need to bend them in half in the correct sequence. You can bend each sheet separately and collect it in a notebook, or you can bend four sheets of one book notebook at once. The second option is preferable, since the notebook turns out to be more solid, and this significantly speeds up the work. It is better to press the fold line additionally, for example, with a dinner spoon. Further, it is advisable to put the bent edge of all notebooks under some kind of temporary load.

While the notebooks are under pressure, you need to prepare a template for piercing holes. You need to take a sheet of cardboard and mark the edges (according to the format of a sheet of a book notebook - 210 mm). Next, you need to make outlines after one centimeter from the beginning of the fold of the notebook, after five centimeters, after six centimeters, after ten, eleven, after fifteen and sixteen centimeters, after twenty. A picture with a ruler (for clarity) below.

You also need to prepare a ribbon for sewing a book block. In this case, a 5 mm wide fabric tape is used.

How to make a book with your own hands out of paper? First, each notebook must be marked along the fold and holes pierced with an awl from the inside out - this is preparation for binding. Next, pieces of fabric tape need to be glued with tape along the edge of the table at the right distance. The preparatory stages are over, the sewing (binding) of the book block remains - the most important part of the work.

Binding of notebooks

For sewing, you can use embroidery threads with at least two additions - they are quite dense and do not break during operation. These threads are easy to find, and you can also choose any color you like. It is also desirable to use the load. So everything will be smooth, notebooks will not go astray. Each two sewn notebooks must be secured with a knot, the tape is braided on the outside. The last notebook also needs to be fixed with a strong knot.

The book block is almost ready. Now all notebooks need to be put under the press, securing so that the block protrudes a little. Next, you need to glue the edges with ordinary PVA. But you need very little glue, just enough so that it only penetrates a little between the notebooks for fixing.

Gluing bookends

How to make a book out of paper? Gluing the bookends and making the cover are the final steps. Endpapers will unite the book block into a single whole. If ordinary office paper was used for printing, then thicker paper should be prepared for endpapers. But first you need to let everything dry well.

As soon as the book block is already with endpapers, you need to place it under the press and cut off the protruding edges with a very sharp (really, very, very sharp) utility knife. If it is possible to perform this stage on special equipment in a printing house, it is worth trimming the edges there, since the work is complex and requires extreme accuracy.

Completion of assembly

Approaching the completion of the assembly of the book block, you need to glue all the details again. You can do this like this - first stick a layer of gauze on the end, then - captals (pieces of fabric tape, in which one edge is thicker than the other) at the corners. The wide side of the tape should extend to the outer edge.

Cover making

For the cover, you will need two thick cardboard boxes, another oblong piece of cardboard on the end of the book (thin or thick - it all depends on the thickness of the book). The cover can be made of fabric, but it is better to take a dark fabric - minor design flaws, glue are not visible on it. Of course, the fabric must first be ironed. The fabric must be wrapped behind a cardboard cover, glued. You can also decorate the cover with various elements, pre-print the name on the fabric.

final collection

How to make a book out of paper? The final stage - collecting all the elements - is the easiest. It is necessary to lay sheets of paper between the sheets of the flyleaf and the book so that the glue with which we will glue the cover does not spread over the book itself. Next, you need to coat the flyleaf and cover with glue. There should be no empty spaces (especially along the edges), but the layer must be made very thin so that the endpaper sheets do not go in waves. When the cover is glued, you need to put the book under the press until it dries completely.

Another binding option

How to make a small paper book if the classic binding seems too complicated? Of course, there is an easier way. The entire stack of printed pages (even A4 is possible) must be placed under the press with the spine facing you. The edge should stick out a little. Next, you need to thickly coat the spine with PVA glue and let it dry for several minutes (do not remove the load). Then you should move the book completely onto the table and press it completely with a press so that the edges dry well.

When everything is dry, you need to again move the pack to the edge and make cuts of 2 mm at a distance of 2-3 cm. Next, you will need glue, a brush and a rope. The rope must be inserted into the cuts, covered with gauze on top and glued again. A strip of thin paper is glued over the gauze for reliability. When everything dries well, you can start working on endpapers and cover.

Now the question of how to make a mini-book, a folding bed or even a real book out of paper has been resolved. This activity is very creative and exciting.

Are you at home with a child and have nothing to do? All fairy tales are read, cartoons are tired. Something urgently needs to be done! This do-it-yourself folding book will be an exciting adventure for both of you.

Children's book about Puss in Boots

Books are useful not only to read, but also to do

If a child is not inclined to outdoor games and prefers quiet fuss with toys, then the opportunity to do something interesting together with adults will be good entertainment for him. Such tasks well develop in children not obvious, but important qualities:

Volume book with fairy tales
  • fine motor skills of fingers and manual dexterity;
  • the rapid formation of the speech apparatus - in the brain, the centers of motor skills and speech are nearby and stimulate each other;
  • acquisition of communication skills and joint activities;
  • the ability to focus on an interesting task.

Merry folding book

IMPORTANT! When the child grows up and goes to school, these skills will help him learn better. He will be less distracted in class, reason logically and make the right decisions, quickly learn to expressively read aloud and write in beautiful handwriting.

Making a book together

The easiest option is a do-it-yourself folding book, which folds like an accordion. It consists of pages successively fastened with flexible corner joints. To make a flip book you will need:

Multicolored shiny cardboard
  • thick sheets of cardboard;
  • adhesive tape;
  • scissors, glue;
  • ruler;
  • cloth for smoothing pictures;
  • text and pictures printed on a color printer.

Self-adhesive film

Consider the content of the book. It may consist of color pictures, a small and simple text that conveys the content of your favorite fairy tale. Images should be bright, large and understandable for the child. Type the text on the computer in large letters. Make it with a one-and-a-half line spacing and a font size of at least 14. It’s still too early to learn to read at 4 years old, but in the future your child will begin to distinguish letters faster than others and associate with certain sounds.

Picture Turtle
Color animation

NOTE! The content of the pictures can play on the letters of the alphabet and the sounds and words associated with them. This book would be an excellent study guide.

It is not at all necessary that the contents of a folding book be a fairy tale. Invite your child to draw pictures with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens. Or look for them along with him in children's books and magazines that have fallen into disrepair.

Book with handmade illustrations
felt book
Folding book making

Prepare several identical sheets of thick white cardboard - their number should be equal to the number of planned pages, to which add two more cardboard boxes for the cover. On the first half of the cover, stick a self-adhesive film and a large picture with an inscription explaining the contents of the book.

white cardboard

On each side of the cardboard, using a ruler and pencil, draw thin lines from the left and right edges, at a distance of up to 15 mm from them. Cut the self-adhesive into strips 16-17 mm wide. Their number should be less than the number of cartons by one unit. Carefully connect the edges of the cardboard with self-adhesive tape on both sides.

NOTE! Instead of self-adhesive tape, you can use regular or foil tape to connect the pages of a folding book.

To ensure that the edges of the pages do not tear the film when folded, provide a gap of up to 2 mm between them. To do this, press the edge of the ruler on the front side in the middle of the strip attached to the right edge of the first sheet of cardboard. Firmly attach the second cardboard and fasten its right edge to it. Glue for reliability in the same way the second strip on the back of the fold.

Making a book (part 1)

The edges of the cardboard can be pasted over with narrow strips of the same film, which form a neat frame around the contents of the pages.

Making a book (part 2)

If you do not want to make wide strips for fastening pages, cut out round pieces of adhesive paper and glue the cardboard top and bottom with them, bending in half.

Book design (part 3)

To store the book folded, attach two wide silk ribbons to the center of the back of the cover. They can be tied into a beautiful bow on the front of the cover.

Finished version of the book

You've made a great base for a flip book. Now you can involve the child in the process of creating a book. Cut the text and pictures into fragments corresponding to the pages. Stick them in order, smooth with a cloth. Show your imagination and place the second fairy tale on the other side, then the back of the cover will become the beginning of a new book.

volume book

ATTENTION! When gluing, do not mix up the pages and teach your child how to use glue and scissors correctly. Make backup copies of pictures and text to replace damaged ones when cut out.

Baby's first book

How else can you make a book?

If you don't like boring self-adhesive paper, use paper, border tape, or ready-made scrapbooking kits. They include ready-made pictures, beautiful frames and adhesive tapes. Stickers, paper, labels, rubber and silicone stamps, special markers will allow you to expand your arsenal of expressive means.

Scrapbooking set

There are also a large number of electronic scrapbooking sites on the Internet offering interesting backgrounds and patterns to be printed. Go to any of them, download and print the image you like. Stick it on the cardboard before you start binding the pages together.

Scrapbooking sheets

NOTE! Choose sets with a children's theme. Set simple tasks for your child and ask him to help you.

Little artist

A folding book made by a child with his own hands or with your help will be his first work experience and will make his hands more dexterous. In the process of communication, he will acquire useful skills and learn many new words. You will learn to understand children and find a common language with them.

Book of the Seasons
winter fairy tale book

Video: Do-it-yourself homemade educational folding book

Review of 50 original flip books for children:

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