Which eclipse lasts longer solar or lunar. Why do solar eclipses happen? The eclipse factor: the location of the luminaries

Astronomical knowledge is an interesting part of the general knowledge that a person needs to understand what is happening in the environment. We direct our eyes to the sky whenever dreams take possession of the mind. Sometimes some phenomena strike a person to the core. We will talk about such in our article, namely, what a lunar and solar eclipse is.

Although today the disappearance or partial concealment of the luminaries from our eyes does not cause such superstitious fear as among our ancestors, a special halo of mystery of these processes remains. Nowadays, science has facts that can be used to explain this or that phenomenon simply and easily. We will try to do this in today's article.

and how does it happen?

A solar eclipse is one that occurs as a result of the fact that the Earth's satellite eclipses the entire solar surface or part of it facing observers located on the ground. At the same time, it is possible to see it only during the new moon period, when the part of the Moon turned to the planet is not completely illuminated, that is, it becomes invisible to the naked eye. We understood what an eclipse is, and now we will find out how it happens.

An eclipse occurs when the Moon is not illuminated by the Sun from the side visible on Earth. This is possible only in the growing phase, when it is near one of the two lunar nodes (by the way, the lunar node is the point of intersecting lines of two orbits, solar and lunar). At the same time, the lunar shadow on the planet has a diameter of no more than 270 kilometers. Therefore, the eclipse can be observed only in the place of the shadow band. In turn, the Moon, rotating in its orbit, maintains a certain distance between it and the Earth, which at the time of the eclipse can be completely different.

When do we observe a total solar eclipse?

You have probably heard about the concept of a total eclipse. Here we once again clearly define what a total solar eclipse is and what conditions are needed for it.

The shadow of the Moon falling on the Earth is a kind of spot of a certain diameter with a possible change in size. As we have already said, the diameter of the shadow does not exceed 270 kilometers, while the minimum figure approaches zero. If at this moment the observer of the eclipse finds himself in a dark band, he has a unique opportunity to become a witness to the complete disappearance of the Sun. At the same time, the sky becomes dark, with the outlines of stars and even planets. And around the previously hidden solar disk, the outline of the crown appears, which is impossible to see at normal times. A total eclipse lasts no more than a few minutes.

The photographs of this unique phenomenon presented in the article will help to see and realize what a solar eclipse is. If you decide to observe this phenomenon live, you must observe safety measures regarding vision.

With that, we finished the information block, in which we learned what a solar eclipse is and what conditions are necessary to see it. Next, we have to get acquainted with the lunar eclipse, or, as it sounds in English, lunar eclipse.

What is a lunar eclipse and how does it happen?

A lunar eclipse is a cosmic phenomenon that occurs when the Moon falls into the shadow of the Earth. In this case, as with the Sun, events can have several options for the development.

Depending on several factors, a lunar eclipse can be total or partial. Logically, we can well assume what this or that term characterizing a particular eclipse means. Let's find out what a total lunar eclipse is.

How and when does a planetary satellite become invisible?

Such an eclipse of the Moon is usually visible where at the appropriate moment it is located above the horizon. The satellite is in the shadow of the Earth, but the total eclipse is not able to completely hide the Moon. In this case, it is only slightly shaded, acquiring a dark, reddish tint. This is because, even being completely in the shade, the lunar disk does not cease to be illuminated by the sun's rays passing through the earth's atmosphere.

Our knowledge has expanded with facts about the eclipse of the moon. However, this is not all possible options for the eclipse of the satellite by the earth's shadow. The rest will be discussed later.

Partial lunar eclipse

As with the Sun, the obscuration of the visible surface of the Moon is often incomplete. We can observe a partial eclipse when some part of the Moon is in the Earth's shadow. This means that when part of the satellite is eclipsed, that is, it is obscured by our planet, then its second part continues to be illuminated by the Sun and remains well viewed by us.

A penumbral eclipse, which differs from other astronomical processes, will seem much more interesting and unusual. About what is a penumbral eclipse of the Moon, we will talk further.

Unique penumbral lunar eclipse

This type of eclipse of the Earth's satellite occurs a little differently than partial. From open sources or already from our own experience, it is easy to learn that there are areas on the surface of the Earth where the sun's rays are not completely obscured, which means they cannot be a shadow. But there is no direct sunlight here either. This is the penumbra area. And when the Moon, which has fallen into this very place, is in the penumbra of the Earth, we can observe a penumbral eclipse.

When entering the penumbral region, the lunar disk changes its brightness, becoming a little darker. True, such a phenomenon is almost impossible to notice and recognize with the naked eye. This will require special devices. It is also interesting that the dimming can be more noticeable from one edge of the Moon's disk.

So we have finished the second main block of our article. Now we can easily explain ourselves what a lunar eclipse is and how it happens. But the interesting facts about solar and lunar eclipses do not end there. Let's continue the topic by answering some questions related to these amazing phenomena.

What are the most common eclipses?

After all that we have learned from the previous parts of the article, the question naturally arises: which of the eclipses are we more likely to see in our lives? We will also say a few words about this.

Unbelievable, but true: the number of eclipses of the Sun is greater, even though the Moon is smaller in size than After all, knowing what an eclipse is and why it occurs, one might think that the shadow from a larger object is more likely to block a smaller one than vice versa. Based on this logic, the size of the Earth allows you to hide the lunar disk in no time.
Nevertheless, it is the eclipses of the Sun on the planet that happen more. According to the statistics of astronomers and observers, for seven eclipses there are only three lunar, solar, respectively, four.

The Reason for the Amazing Statistics

The disks of the celestial bodies closest to us, the Sun and the Moon, are practically the same in diameter in the sky. This is the reason why solar eclipses can occur.

Usually, eclipses of the Sun fall on the period of the new moon, that is, when the Moon approaches its orbital nodes. And since it is not perfectly round, and the nodes of the orbit move along the ecliptic, during favorable periods, the disk of the Moon on the celestial sphere can be either larger or smaller, or even equal to the solar disk.

In this case, the first case contributes to a total eclipse. The decisive factor is the angular. At the maximum size, the eclipse can last up to seven and a half minutes. The second case implies complete shading for only seconds. In the third case, when the disk of the Moon is smaller than the solar one, a very beautiful eclipse occurs - annular. Around the dark disk of the Moon we see a shining ring - the edges of the solar disk. This eclipse lasts 12 minutes.

Thus, we have supplemented our knowledge of what a solar eclipse is and how it occurs with new details worthy of amateur researchers.

The eclipse factor: the location of the luminaries

An equally important reason for an eclipse is the uniform arrangement of the heavenly bodies. The Moon's shadow may or may not hit the Earth. And sometimes it happens that only a penumbra from an eclipse falls on the Earth. In this case, one can observe a partial, that is, an incomplete eclipse of the Sun, which we have already talked about, even when we talked about what an eclipse of the Sun is.

If a lunar eclipse can be observed from the entire night surface of the planet, from which the circumference of the lunar disk is visible, then a solar eclipse can be observed only when you are in a narrow band 40-100 kilometers wide on average.

How often can you see eclipses?

Now that we know what an eclipse is and why there are more of them than others, one more exciting question remains: how often can these amazing phenomena be observed? After all, in our lives, each of us heard only one news about the eclipse, a maximum of two, someone - not a single one ...

Despite the fact that a solar eclipse occurs more often than a lunar eclipse, it can still be seen in the same area (remember the strip with an average width of 40-100 kilometers) only once every 300 years. But a total lunar eclipse, a person can observe several times in his life, but only if the observer has not changed his place of residence throughout his life. Although today, knowing about the blackout, you can get anywhere and by any means of transport. Those who know what a lunar eclipse is will certainly not stop in front of a hundred or two kilometers of travel for an incredible spectacle. Today there are no problems with this. And if suddenly you received information about the next eclipse in some place, do not be lazy and spare no expense to get to the place of maximum visibility at the moment when you can observe the ongoing eclipse. Believe me, no distance can compare with the impressions received.

Upcoming visible eclipses

You can learn about the frequency and schedule of the occurrence of eclipses from the astronomical calendar. In addition, significant events such as a total eclipse will certainly be talked about in the media. The calendar says that the next solar eclipse visible in the capital of Russia will take place on October 16, 2126. Recall also that the last eclipse in this area could be observed more than a hundred years ago - in 1887. So the inhabitants of Moscow will not have to observe a solar eclipse for many more years. The only opportunity to see an amazing phenomenon is to go to Siberia, to the Far East. There you can observe a change in the brightness of the Sun: it will only darken a little.


In our astronomical article, we tried to explain clearly and briefly what an eclipse of the Sun and Moon is, how these phenomena occur, how often they can be seen. The conclusion of our research in this area: the eclipse of different celestial bodies occur according to different principles and have their own characteristics. But understanding some of the details necessary for the average person's full knowledge of the environment is very important.

In our time, thanks to advanced science and technology, the luminary that went out for a while no longer frightens at all, but remains just as enticingly mysterious. Today we know what a lunar and solar eclipse is and what they bring us. Let now interest in them be purely cognitive as a rare outlandish phenomenon. Also, in the end, we wish you to see at least one eclipse with your own eyes!

The sun is shining, but not as bright as it used to be, the temperature is slowly dropping. The dimensions of the resulting crescent are reduced, and as a result, the black disk has ceased to let in the slightest rays of light. Instead of a bright and warm day, an unusual night surrounds you, and there is no Sun in the sky, only a large black circle shining with unusual silvery rays.

The noise of nature subsides almost immediately, and the plants begin to fold their leaves. After a few minutes, everything will return to its place and the streets of the city will come to life. Many years ago, such phenomena terrified people wildly, instilling panic and fear of the inevitable in their hearts.

What is a lunar eclipse?

This is the moment when the Moon enters the shadow area of ​​the Earth. During this period, all three components: the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are located on the same line in such a way that the Earth does not transmit sunlight to its satellite. Therefore, this phenomenon occurs only on the full moon.

During the period, when it happens, you will be able to see the moon in a completely darkened form or in partially darkened. Half the population of the Earth can observe the phenomenon, from which the moon is visible at the time of the eclipse.

Since the diameter of the shadow of the Moon is more than 2 times smaller than the diameter of the Earth, it can completely cover the disk of the Moon. That's what it is full eclipse. If the moon is partially immersed in the shadow of the Earth, then this phenomenon is called private.

In the presence of a curved line created by the arrangement of the three main objects, people may not see a total eclipse at all. If the earth's shadow covers only a small part of the lunar disk, then as a result of this, one can see the covering of the lunar disk with penumbra. Their location will affect the duration of the eclipse phases.

A total lunar eclipse doesn't mean she's out of sight. It's just that the lunar disk takes on a different color - dark red. The scientific explanation for the change in color lies in the refraction of the sun's rays going to the moon. Passing along a tangent path to the globe, the rays are scattered and only red rays remain (blue and cyan color spectra are absorbed by our atmosphere).

Just these rays reach the surface during an eclipse. The nature of the "focus" is exactly the same as during sunset, when a delicate pink or orange color is observed far beyond the horizon.

How does solar happen?

Planets with their satellites, as everyone knows, are constantly moving: The moon is around the globe, and the earth is around the solar disk. In the process of constant movement, specific moments may arise when the Sun can be obscured by the lunar disk. This can happen in full or in part.

A solar eclipse is the shadow from the lunar disk that falls on the Earth. Its radius reaches the mark of 100 kilometers, which is several times less than the radius of the globe. Because of this, it is possible to observe a natural phenomenon only on a small strip of the Earth.

If you are in this band of shadow, you will be able to see a total eclipse, during which the solar orb will be completely covered by the Moon. At this point, the lighting disappears and people can observe the stars.

The inhabitants of the planet, who are near the strip, will be able to admire this phenomenon only in private. A partial eclipse is characterized by the passage of the Moon not in the central part of the Sun, covering only a small part of it.

At the same time, the onset of gloomy darkness around is not so strong, and you will not be able to see it during the day. About 2,000 kilometers is the distance from the site of the total eclipse at which you can observe a partial eclipse.

A solar eclipse is a truly unique phenomenon. which we can observe. This is possible only for the reason that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are almost the same when viewed from the Earth, despite the enormous difference in their sizes (the Sun is almost 400 times larger than the Moon). The difference in size is compensated by the location of the solar disk, which is located at a great distance.

A total solar eclipse is sometimes accompanied by such an effect as a solar corona - people can see layers of the atmosphere of the solar disk that cannot be seen at normal times. A very mesmerizing sight that everyone needs to see.

Which total eclipse is longer and why?

About 1.5 hours is the maximum duration of a total lunar eclipse.

The brightness of the moon can be of different levels (at the beginning of the eclipse). In some cases, the lunar disk is not visible at all, and sometimes, on the contrary, it may seem that there was no eclipse at all - the Moon can be so bright.

A solar eclipse can only be seen on a new moon., when the lunar disk cannot be seen from the Earth due to its location in the solar system. This creates the illusion that during an eclipse, the solar disk is covered by something else that cannot be connected with the Moon in any way.

The shadow cast by the moon on the surface of the globe is cone-shaped. Its tip is located a little further from the Earth, which leads to the formation of a black spot when a shadow hits the earth's surface.

The spot diameter is approximately 150-250 kilometers. The speed of its movement on the surface of the Earth is 1 km per second, which is why any one place on the planet cannot be closed for a long time.

The total phase of a solar eclipse lasts no more than 7.5 minutes, partial 1.5-2 hours.

What's the difference between them?

The main difference between a solar and a lunar eclipse is that the former is considered more external, affecting the events taking place around a person. Therefore, lunar eclipses are considered more internal, having a connection with the emotional side of a person (life problems, reflections, and so on).

In some cases, internal reflections lead to new events that have a direct connection with the external part. Arguing on a psychological level, one can come to a logical conclusion: events that are not consciously caused by a person will be brought along with the appearance of solar eclipses, and conscious events that have come into being due to our feelings and will be associated with lunar eclipses.

Moon and omens

If a solar eclipse, according to many superstitions, does not bring anything good, then the lunar eclipse carries another symbol - a new beginning.

During a lunar eclipse, it is recommended to get rid of your bad habits, since it will become much easier to do this during this period. It is believed that if you quit smoking during a lunar eclipse, you will not return to this harmful process.

Speaking of conception during a lunar eclipse, this is highly discouraged.. As the signs say, a child conceived at this time will receive all the bad qualities of his parents.

Our grandmothers also said that you can’t borrow money during a lunar eclipse. Now, of course, it is impossible to hear this without an ironic smile, but you should not be such a skeptic, because we all know how a lunar eclipse affects the human body. Some and beliefs have a certain meaning.

What to avoid during a lunar eclipse, according to ancient beliefs:

  • lend money and borrow yourself
  • get married and get married
  • dissolve the bonds of marriage
  • conduct operations
  • move to another habitat
  • buy expensive goods
  • make big deals.

Superstition and heavenly bodies

“In 15 minutes, residents of Yekaterinburg will also be able to watch the solar eclipse,” the phrase was said in the news release. But this is not only an excuse for local residents to run out into the street with tinted windows in the hope of seeing a unique process. Very often, this natural phenomenon causes anxiety or even panic in people.

Even despite the great progress in the field of astronomy, genetic memory sometimes loudly reminds of itself. Most residents experience extreme stress or fear during eclipses., therefore, it is undesirable for too impressionable citizens to start any business or make serious decisions.

Couples in love have one tradition - to offer their heart and hand during solar eclipses. Well, it's more romantic. At the time of the proposal, the closed Sun is shaped a bit like an engagement ring with a large diamond. It is believed that no girl is able to refuse such a romantic gesture.

If during this period you managed to twist your leg or break your heel, then this means that the path you have chosen is wrong.

A popular sign says that the year in which this phenomenon is observed will be unfavorable for the crop., and what you still manage to collect will not be stored for a long time.

But not all omens are bad. For example, if you spilled water during an eclipse or got caught in the rain, then this is considered a good sign and awaits you.

If you listen to all folk signs, then for the period of a solar eclipse you cannot:

  • travel
  • drink alcoholic beverages
  • drive a car
  • make expensive purchases
  • to make friends or just get to know
  • to risk.

For especially superstitious people, there is one solution: during a solar eclipse, they simply close all the windows, thereby blocking themselves from the “light”.

The recommendations of most astrologers are that 2 weeks before the solar eclipse, it is necessary to solve all the problems that have accumulated before this time, and complete all the work that has been started. As the interpreters of the stars note, the period of a solar eclipse is very favorable so that you can successfully say goodbye to unnecessary connections, bad habits and pieces of furniture or clothing that you are tired of.

The period is not very long - only a week after the eclipse and 2 weeks before - try not to show weakness and not succumb to temptations, control yourself (do not show aggression, greed and ambition). During this period, only kindness, generosity and nobility should radiate from you. Only in this way can you find peace in this life.

In ancient times, solar and lunar eclipses caused superstitious horror in people. It was believed that eclipses portend wars, famine, ruin, mass diseases. The occultation of the Sun by the Moon is called a solar eclipse. This is a very beautiful and rare occurrence. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon crosses the plane of the ecliptic at the time of the new moon.

Solar eclipse.

An annular solar eclipse. If the disk of the Sun is completely covered by the disk of the Moon, then the eclipse is called total. At perigee, the Moon is closer to the Earth at 21,000 km from the average distance, at apogee - further at 21,000 km. This changes the angular dimensions of the moon. If the angular diameter of the Moon's disk (about 0.5°) turns out to be slightly less than the angular diameter of the Sun's disk (about 0.5°), then at the time of the maximum phase of the eclipse from the Sun, a bright narrow ring remains visible. Such an eclipse is called an annular eclipse. And, finally, the Sun may not be completely hidden behind the disk of the Moon due to the mismatch of their centers in the sky. Such an eclipse is called partial. Such a beautiful formation as the solar corona can only be observed during total eclipses. Such observations, even in our time, can give a lot to science, so astronomers from many countries come to observe the country where there will be a solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse begins at sunrise in the western regions of the earth's surface and ends in the eastern regions at sunset. Usually a total solar eclipse lasts a few minutes (the longest total solar eclipse of 7 minutes 29 seconds will be on July 16, 2186).

There are also solar eclipses on the Moon. Lunar eclipses occur on Earth at this time. The moon moves from west to east, so the solar eclipse starts from the western edge of the solar disk. The degree of coverage of the Sun by the Moon is called the phase of a solar eclipse. Total solar eclipses can be seen only in those areas of the Earth, which passes the band of the moon's shadow. The diameter of the shadow does not exceed 270 km, so the total eclipse of the Sun is visible only on a small area of ​​the earth's surface. Total solar eclipse March 7, 1970.

The lunar shadow is clearly visible on the surface of the Earth. Although solar eclipses occur more frequently than lunar eclipses, solar eclipses occur much less frequently than lunar ones at any given location on Earth.

Causes of solar eclipses.

The plane of the lunar orbit at the intersection with the sky forms a large circle - the lunar path. The plane of the earth's orbit intersects with the celestial sphere along the ecliptic. The plane of the lunar orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of 5°09?. The period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth (stellar or sidereal period) P = 27.32166 Earth days or 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes.

The plane of the ecliptic and the lunar path intersect each other in a straight line called the line of nodes. The points of intersection of the line of nodes with the ecliptic are called the ascending and descending nodes of the lunar orbit. The lunar nodes continuously move towards the movement of the Moon itself, that is, to the west, making a complete revolution in 18.6 years. The longitude of the ascending node decreases by about 20° each year. Since the plane of the lunar orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic at an angle of 5 ° 09?, the Moon during a new moon or full moon can be far from the ecliptic plane, and the disk of the Moon will pass above or below the disk of the Sun. In this case, the eclipse does not occur. For a solar or lunar eclipse to occur, it is necessary that the Moon during the new moon or full moon be near the ascending or descending node of its orbit, i.e. near the ecliptic. In astronomy, many signs introduced in ancient times have been preserved. The symbol of the ascending node means the head of the dragon Rahu, which pounces on the Sun and, according to Indian legends, causes its eclipse.

Lunar eclipses.

During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon completely disappears into the shadow of the Earth. The total phase of a lunar eclipse lasts much longer than the total phase of a solar eclipse. The shape of the edge of the earth's shadow during lunar eclipses served the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle as one of the strongest proofs of the sphericity of the Earth. Philosophers of ancient Greece calculated that the Earth is about three times the size of the Moon, simply based on the duration of eclipses (the exact value of this coefficient is 3.66).

The moon at the time of a total lunar eclipse is actually deprived of sunlight, so a total lunar eclipse is visible from anywhere in the hemisphere of the Earth. The eclipse starts and ends simultaneously for all geographic points. However, the local time of this phenomenon will be different. Since the Moon moves from west to east, the left edge of the Moon enters the Earth's shadow first. An eclipse can be total or partial, depending on whether the Moon enters the Earth's shadow completely or passes near its edge. The closer to the lunar node a lunar eclipse occurs, the greater its phase. Finally, when the disk of the Moon is covered not by a shadow, but by penumbra, penumbral eclipses occur. It is difficult to see them with the naked eye. During an eclipse, the Moon hides in the shadow of the Earth and, it would seem, should disappear from sight every time, because. The earth is not transparent. However, the Earth's atmosphere scatters the sun's rays that fall on the eclipsing surface of the Moon "bypassing" the Earth. The reddish color of the disk is due to the fact that red and orange rays pass through the atmosphere best.

The reddish color of the disk during a total lunar eclipse is due to the scattering of sunlight in the Earth's atmosphere.

Each lunar eclipse is different in terms of the distribution of brightness and color in the earth's shadow. The color of an eclipsed moon is often estimated on a special scale proposed by the French astronomer André Danjon:

0 points - the eclipse is very dark, in the middle of the eclipse the Moon is almost or not visible at all.

1 point - the eclipse is dark, gray, the details of the Moon's surface are not visible at all.

2 points - the eclipse is dark red or reddish, a darker part is observed near the center of the shadow.

3 points - an eclipse of red-brick color, the shadow is surrounded by a grayish or yellowish border.

4 points - copper-red eclipse, very bright, the outer zone is light, bluish.

If the plane of the moon's orbit coincided with the plane of the ecliptic, then lunar eclipses would repeat every month. But the angle between these planes is 5°, and the Moon only crosses the ecliptic twice a month at two points, called the nodes of the lunar orbit. Ancient astronomers knew about these nodes, calling them the Head and Tail of the Dragon (Rahu and Ketu). In order for a lunar eclipse to occur, the full moon must be near the node of its orbit. There are usually 1-2 lunar eclipses per year. In some years they may not be at all, and sometimes a third occurs. In the rarest cases, there is also a fourth eclipse, but only a partial penumbra.

Eclipse prediction.

The period of time after which the Moon returns to its node is called the draconic month, which is 27.21 days. After such a time, the Moon crosses the ecliptic at a point offset from the previous crossing by 1.5 ° to the west. The phases of the moon repeat on average every 29.53 days (synodic month). The time interval of 346.62 days, during which the center of the Sun's disk passes through the same node of the lunar orbit, is called the draconian year. The recurrence period of eclipses - saros - will be equal to the time interval after which the beginnings of these three periods will coincide. Saros in ancient Egyptian means "repetition". Long before our era, even in antiquity, it was established that saros lasts 18 years 11 days 7 hours. Saros includes: 242 draconian months or 223 synodic months or 19 draconian years. During each saros there are 70 to 85 eclipses; of these, there are usually about 43 solar and 28 lunar. There can be at most seven eclipses in a year - either five solar and two lunar, or four solar and three lunar. The minimum number of eclipses in a year is two solar eclipses. Solar eclipses occur more often than lunar ones, but they are rarely observed in the same area, since these eclipses are visible only in a narrow band of the moon's shadow. At some particular point on the surface, a total solar eclipse is observed on average once every 200-300 years.

Everyone has seen such an astronomical phenomenon as a solar eclipse at least once in their life. Even in ancient sources, people mentioned it, and today, at least once or twice a year, partial or complete eclipses can be seen all over the Earth. Eclipses occur regularly, several times a year, and even the exact dates of the next ones are known.

What is a solar eclipse?

Objects in outer space are arranged in such a way that the shadow of one can overlap another. The moon provokes a solar eclipse when it covers the fiery disk. At this moment, the planet becomes a little colder and noticeably darker, as if it were evening. Animals and birds are frightened in this incomprehensible situation, plants fold their leaves. Even people used to treat such astronomical jokes with great excitement, but with the development of science, everything fell into place.

How does a solar eclipse happen?

The moon and the sun are at different distances from our planet, so they appear to people to be almost the same size. On the new moon, when the orbits of both cosmic bodies intersect at one point, the satellite closes the luminary for the earthly viewer. A solar eclipse is a bright and memorable astronomical event, but it is impossible to fully enjoy it for several reasons:

  1. The blackout band is not wide by earthly standards, no more than 200-270 km.
  2. Due to the fact that the diameter of the Moon is much smaller than the Earth's, you can see the eclipse only in certain places on the planet.
  3. The so-called "phase of darkness" lasts several minutes. After that, the satellite moves aside, continuing to rotate in its orbit, and the star again "works in the usual mode."

What does a solar eclipse look like?

When an earthly satellite obscures a heavenly body, the latter from the surface of the planet looks like a dark spot with a bright crown on the sides. The fireball is closed by another, but of a smaller diameter. A pearl-colored radiance appears around. These are the outer layers of the solar atmosphere, not visible at normal times. The "magic" lies in one moment, which can only be caught from a certain angle. And the essence of a solar eclipse is in the shadow falling from the satellite, which blocks the light. Those in the eclipse may see the full eclipse, others only partially or not at all.

How long does a solar eclipse last?

Depending on the latitude at which a potential terrestrial viewer is located, he can observe the eclipse from 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, there are three conditional stages of a solar eclipse:

  1. The Moon appears from the right side of the star.
  2. It passes along its orbit, gradually obscuring the fiery disk from the beholder.
  3. The darkest period begins - when the satellite completely obscures the luminary.

After that, the Moon departs, revealing the right edge of the Sun. The glowing ring disappears and becomes light again. The last period of a solar eclipse is short, lasting an average of 2-3 minutes. The longest recorded duration of the full phase in June 1973 was 7.5 minutes. And the shortest eclipse was visible in 1986 in the North Atlantic Ocean, when the shadow obscured the disk for only one second.

Solar eclipse - types

The geometry of the phenomenon is amazing, and its beauty is due to the following coincidence: the diameter of the star is 400 times larger than the moon, and from it to the Earth is 400 times further. Under ideal conditions, you can see a very "accurate" eclipse. But when a person looking for a unique phenomenon is in the penumbra of the moon, he notices partial obscuration. In total there are three types of eclipses:

  1. Total solar eclipse - if the darkest phase is visible to earthlings, the fiery disk is completely closed and there is a golden crown effect.
  2. Private, when one edge of the Sun is obscured by a shadow.
  3. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the earth's satellite is too far away and a bright ring is formed when looking at the luminary.

How dangerous is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a phenomenon that has both attracted and terrified people since ancient times. Understanding its nature, there is no point in being afraid, however, eclipses really carry colossal energy, which sometimes poses a danger to people. Doctors and psychologists consider the impact of these phenomena on the human body, arguing that hypersensitive people, the elderly and pregnant women are especially vulnerable. Three days before the event and three days after the event, health problems such as:

  • headache;
  • pressure surges;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

What not to do during a solar eclipse?

From a medical point of view, looking at the sun during an eclipse is very dangerous, because the sun produces a large amount of ultraviolet radiation (and during an eclipse, the eyes are not protected and absorb dangerous doses of UV radiation), which is the cause of various eye diseases. Astrologers also talk about the impact of a solar eclipse on people's lives and their behavior. Experts in this field do not recommend starting new business during this period in order to avoid failures, taking on something spontaneously and making difficult decisions on which the future fate depends. From what you should not do during a solar eclipse, we can distinguish:

  • alcohol and drug abuse;
  • conflict resolution, as people become more irritable;
  • performing complex medical procedures;
  • participation in mass actions.

When will the next solar eclipse be?

In ancient times, the moment when the luminary would disappear behind the lunar disk could not be predicted. Nowadays, scientists name the exact dates and places where it is best to look beyond the eclipse and the moment of the maximum phase, when the Moon completely covers the fiery disk with its shadow. The calendar for 2018 is as follows:

  1. Partial dimming will be visible in Antarctica, southern Argentina and Chile on the night of February 15, 2018.
  2. On July 13, at southern latitudes (in Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica), one can observe a partial closure of the Sun. The maximum phase is 06:02 Moscow time.
  3. The nearest solar eclipse for residents of Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, China, Canada and Scandinavia will come on August 11, 2018 at 12:47.

Solar eclipse - interesting facts

Even people who do not understand astronomy are interested in: how often a solar eclipse happens, what causes it, how long this outlandish phenomenon lasts. Many facts about him are known to everyone and surprise no one. But there is also interesting information about the eclipse, known to few.

  1. It is possible to observe the situation when the fiery disk is completely hidden from view in the entire solar system only on Earth.
  2. At any point on the planet, eclipses can be seen on average once every 360 years.
  3. The maximum area of ​​overlapping of the Sun by the lunar shadow is 80%.
  4. In China, data were found on the first recorded eclipse, which happened in 1050 BC.
  5. The ancient Chinese believed that during an eclipse, the "solar dog" eats the Sun. They began to beat the drums to drive the celestial predator away from the luminary. He should have been frightened and returned the stolen to the sky.
  6. When a solar eclipse occurs, the lunar shadow moves across the surface of the Earth at a tremendous speed - up to 2 km per second.
  7. Scientists have calculated: after 600 million years, eclipses will stop completely, because. the satellite will move away from the planet at a great distance.

Solar eclipses are among such natural phenomena, the day of the onset of which is known in advance. Astronomers always carefully prepare for observing eclipses, and special expeditions are equipped to places where they are visible.

The day of the eclipse is coming.

Nature lives its normal life. The sun shines brightly in the blue sky. Nothing foretells what is to come. But here on the right edge of the Sun damage appears. It slowly increases, and the solar disk takes the form of a sickle, bulging to the left. Sunlight is gradually fading. It's getting colder. The crescent becomes quite thin, and suddenly this narrow arc splits into two, and finally the last bright points disappear behind the black disk. The entire surrounding area is in twilight. The sky takes on a night-like appearance, bright stars flash on it. An orange ring appears along the horizon.

It was a total solar eclipse. In place of the extinguished luminary, a black disk is visible, surrounded by a silver-pearl radiance.

Frightened by the sudden darkness, the animals and birds fall silent and rush to take refuge in the night's rest, many plants roll up their leaves; 2, 3, sometimes 5 minutes an unusual darkness lasts, And bright sunbeams flare up again. At the same moment, the silver-pearl radiance disappears, the stars go out. As if at dawn, the roosters sing, announcing the coming of the day. All nature comes alive again.

The sun again takes the form of a crescent, but now turned with a bulge in the other direction, like the crescent of the “young” Moon. The sickle increases, and after an hour everything is as usual in the sky.

A solar eclipse is a very majestic and beautiful natural phenomenon. Of course, it cannot cause any harm to plants, animals and humans.

But this is not how people thought in the distant past. A solar eclipse has been known to man since ancient times. But people didn't know why it happened. Panic fear was caused in people by the unexpected, mysterious disappearance of the radiant luminary. In the fading of the Sun in broad daylight, they saw the manifestation of unknown supernatural forces. There was a belief among the Eastern peoples that during an eclipse some evil monster devours the Sun.

Echoes of these ancient ideas of man were also encountered in relatively recent times. So, in Turkey during the eclipse of 1877. frightened inhabitants fired their guns at the sun, wanting to drive away the shatan (evil spirit), who, in their opinion, was devouring the sun.

In Russian chronicles we find numerous references to eclipses. The Ipatiev Chronicle, for example, speaks of an eclipse mentioned in the Tale of Igor's Campaign.

This solar eclipse took place in 1185. It was total in Novgorod and Yaroslavl. Prince Igor with his retinue was at that time on the river. The bottom, where the eclipse was incomplete (only part of the solar disk was covered). The chronicler expresses the conviction that this eclipse was the cause of Igor's defeat in the battle with the Polovtsy.

And even when the real cause of solar eclipses was already known to scientists, the eclipse still often caused fear among the population. People believed that the eclipse was sent by God and portends the end of the world, hunger, misfortune. These superstitious ideas were sown among the people by the ministers of religious cults in order to keep the masses in obedience.

Advanced people of different times tried to dispel the people's fear caused by eclipses. For example, Peter I turned to scientists and officials with a request to take part in the dissemination of the correct explanation of the solar eclipse expected on May 1, 1706. His letter to Admiral Golovin is known, in which he wrote: “Mr. Admiral. There will be a great solar eclipse on the first day of next month. For the sake of it, please let this go out among our people, that when it will be, so that they don’t put it for a miracle. After all, when people know about it before, it is no longer a miracle.”

In our Soviet country, the correct scientific explanation of various natural phenomena has reached the most remote corners. And now we can hardly find such a person in whom solar and lunar eclipses would cause fear. What is a solar eclipse? We often have to watch how on a clear, sunny day the shadow of a cloud, driven by the wind, runs across the earth and reaches the place where we are. The cloud hides the sun from us. Meanwhile, other places outside this shadow remain illuminated by the Sun.

During a solar eclipse, the Moon passes between us and the Sun and hides it from us. Let us consider in more detail the conditions under which an eclipse of the Sun can occur.

Our planet Earth, rotating during the day around its axis, simultaneously moves around the Sun and makes a complete revolution in a year. The Earth has a satellite, the Moon. The moon revolves around the earth and makes a complete revolution in 29 1 / 2 days.

The relative position of these three celestial bodies is changing all the time. During its movement around the Earth, the Moon at certain periods of time is between the Earth and the Sun. But the Moon is a dark, opaque solid ball. Caught between the Earth and the Sun, it, like a huge damper, closes the Sun. At this time, the side of the Moon that faces the Earth turns out to be dark, unlit. Therefore, a solar eclipse can only occur during a new moon. On a full moon, the Moon passes away from the Earth on the opposite side of the Sun, and can fall into the shadow cast by the globe. Then we will observe a lunar eclipse.

The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 149.5 million km, and the average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384 thousand km.

The closer an object is, the larger it appears to us. The Moon is closer to us than the Sun almost: 400 times, and at the same time, its diameter is also less than the diameter of the Sun by about 400 times. Therefore, the apparent sizes of the Moon and the Sun are almost the same. The moon, therefore, can block the sun from us.

However, the distances of the Sun and Moon from the Earth do not remain constant, but vary slightly. This happens because the path of the Earth around the Sun and the path of the Moon around the Earth are not circles, but ellipses. With a change in the distances between these bodies, their apparent sizes also change.

If at the moment of a solar eclipse the Moon is at the smallest distance from the Earth, then the lunar disk will be somewhat larger than the solar one. The moon will completely cover the sun, and the eclipse will be total. If, during the eclipse, the Moon is at the greatest distance from the Earth, then it will have a slightly smaller apparent size and will not be able to cover the entire Sun. The bright rim of the Sun will remain uncovered, which during the eclipse will be visible as a bright thin ring around the black disk of the Moon. Such an eclipse is called an annular eclipse.

It would seem that solar eclipses should occur monthly, every new moon. However, this does not happen. If the Earth and Moon were moving in a prominent plane, then at each new moon the Moon would indeed be exactly on a straight line connecting the Earth and the Sun, and an eclipse would occur. In fact, the Earth moves around the Sun in one plane, and the Moon around the Earth in another. These planes do not match. Therefore, often during new moons, the Moon comes either above the Sun or below.

The apparent path of the Moon in the sky does not coincide with the path along which the Sun moves. These paths intersect at two opposite points, which are called the nodes of the lunar orbit and ty. Near these points, the paths of the Sun and Moon come close to each other. And only in the case when the new moon occurs near the node, it is accompanied by an eclipse.

The eclipse will be total or annular if the Sun and Moon are almost at a node on the new moon. If the Sun at the time of the new moon is at some distance from the node, then the centers of the lunar and solar disks will not coincide and the Moon will cover the Sun only partially. Such an eclipse is called partial.

The moon moves among the stars from west to east. Therefore, the closing of the Sun by the Moon begins from its western, i.e., right, edge. The degree of closure is called by astronomers the phase of the eclipse.

There are at least two solar eclipses every year. So it was, for example, in 1952:

February 25 - complete (observed in Africa, Iran, USSR) and August 20 - ring-shaped (observed in South America). But in 1935. There were five solar eclipses. This is the largest number of eclipses that can occur in one year.

It is hard to imagine that solar eclipses occur so often: after all, each of us has to observe eclipses extremely rarely. This is explained by the fact that during a solar eclipse, the shadow from the moon does not fall on the entire Earth. The fallen shadow has the shape of an almost circular spot, the diameter of which can reach at most 270 km. This spot will cover only a negligible fraction of the earth's surface. At the moment, only this part of the Earth will see a total solar eclipse.

The moon moves in its orbit at a speed of about 1 km / s, i.e. faster than a gun bullet. Consequently, its shadow moves with great speed along the earth's surface and cannot cover any one place on the globe for a long time. Therefore, a total solar eclipse can never last more than 8 minutes.

In the current century, the longest duration of the eclipse was in 1955 and will be in 1973 (no more than 7 minutes).

Thus, the lunar shadow, moving along the Earth, describes a narrow but long strip, on which a total solar eclipse is successively observed. The length of the band of a total solar eclipse reaches several thousand kilometers. And yet the area covered by the shadow is insignificant compared to the entire surface of the Earth. In addition, the oceans, deserts and sparsely populated regions of the Earth often appear in the band of total eclipse.

Around the spot of the lunar shadow is the area of ​​penumbra, here the eclipse is partial. The diameter of the penumbra area is about 6-7 thousand km. For an observer who will be located near the edge of this region, only an insignificant fraction of the solar disk will be covered by the Moon. Such an eclipse may go unnoticed altogether.

Is it possible to accurately predict the onset of an eclipse? Scientists in ancient times found that after 6585 days and 8 hours, which is 18 years 11 days 8 hours, eclipses are repeated. This happens because it is through such a period of time that the location in space of the Moon, Earth and Sun is repeated. This interval was called saros, which means repetition.

During one saros, on average, there are 43 solar eclipses, of which 15 are partial, 15 are annular and 13 are total. By adding 18 years 11 days and 8 hours to the dates of eclipses observed during one saros, we will be able to predict the onset of eclipses in the future. For example, on February 25, 1952, a solar eclipse occurred. It will repeat on March 7, 1970, then on March 18, 1988, and so on.

However, the saros contains not an integer number of days, but 6585 days and 8 hours. During these 8 hours, the Earth will turn a third of a turn and will face the Sun with another part of its surface. Therefore, the next eclipse will be observed in another region of the Earth. Thus, the 1952 eclipse band passed through Central Africa, Arabia, Iran, and the USSR. The eclipse of 1970 will be observed as total only by residents of Mexico and Florida.

In the same place on Earth, a total solar eclipse occurs once every 250 - 300 years.

As you can see, predicting the day of an eclipse is very easy. Predicting the exact time of its onset and the conditions for its visibility is a labor-share task; to solve it, astronomers have been studying the motion of the Earth and the Moon for several centuries. Currently, eclipses are predicted very accurately. The error in predicting the moment of the eclipse does not exceed 2-4 seconds.

The world's largest specialist in the theory of eclipses is the director of the Pulkovo Observatory, acad. A. A. Mikhailov.

An exact calculation can restore the time and conditions of visibility of some eclipse observed in one area or another in ancient times. If this eclipse is compared in the annals with some historical event, then we can accurately determine the date of this event. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus pointed out that during the battle between the Lydians and the Medes, an (incomplete) solar eclipse occurred. It struck the fighters so much that it put an end to the war. Historians have hesitated as to the time of this event, they have attributed it to a time between 626 and 583 BC. BC e.; astronomical calculation shows exactly that the eclipse, and therefore the battle, took place on May 28, 585 BC. e. The establishment of the exact date of this battle shed light on the chronology of some other historical events. So astronomers have been of great help to historians.

Astronomers have calculated the conditions for the visibility of solar eclipses for many years to come.

The last eclipse available for observation in the European part of the USSR was February 15, 1961. The next eclipse will be observed here only in 2126. Before that, however, there will be 4 total solar eclipses, but their visibility band will pass within the USSR only through hard-to-reach areas Siberia and the Arctic.

Lunar eclipses are also among the "extraordinary" celestial phenomena. They happen like this. The full light circle of the Moon begins to darken at its left edge, a round brown shadow appears on the lunar disk, it moves further and further and covers the entire Moon in about an hour. The moon fades and turns red-brown.

The diameter of the Earth is more than the diameter of the Moon by almost 4 times. and the shadow from the Earth, even at a distance of the Moon from the Earth, is more than 2 1 / 2 times the size of the moon. Therefore, the moon can be completely immersed in the earth's shadow. A total lunar eclipse is much longer than a solar eclipse: it can last 1 hour and 40 minutes.

For the same reason that solar eclipses don't happen every new moon, lunar eclipses don't happen every full moon. The largest number of lunar eclipses in a year is 3, but there are years without eclipses at all; such was, for example, 1951.

Lunar eclipses repeat at the same time interval as solar eclipses. During this period, at 18 years 11 days 8 hours (saros), there are 28 lunar eclipses, of which 15 are partial and 13 are total. As you can see, the number of lunar eclipses in a saros is much less than solar ones, and yet lunar eclipses can be observed more often than solar ones. This is explained by the fact that the Moon, plunging into the shadow of the Earth, ceases to be visible on the entire half of the Earth not illuminated by the Sun. This means that each lunar eclipse is visible over a much larger area than any solar eclipse.

The eclipsed Moon does not disappear completely, like the Sun during a solar eclipse, but is faintly visible. This happens because part of the sun's rays come through the earth's atmosphere, refract in it, enter the earth's shadow and hit the moon. Since the red rays of the spectrum are the least scattered and attenuated in the atmosphere. The moon during an eclipse acquires a copper-red or brown hue.

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