The 77 Best NLP Techniques by Michael Hall. Hall Michael

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Michael Hall - entrepreneur living in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado (USA). After many years of private psychotherapeutic practice, he was engaged in teaching and training: first communication training (assertiveness, negotiation, relationships), then NLP.

In the late 80's he studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming with one of the founders, Richard Bandler, and became an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer. On behalf of Bandler, he wrote materials for trainings, which were subsequently published as a book, Time for Change.

A prolific writer, he has written and published over two dozen books, including such bestsellers as The Spirit of NLP, Taming Dragons, Meta States, Mind Lines, How to Calculate a Person, The Structure of Perfection, Frame games”, etc.

Books (8)

77 Best NLP Techniques

The book of one of the founders and modern masters of NLP, Michael Hall, offers 77 best Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques for achieving excellence, mastery, genius in all areas of human experience.

If you want to revolutionize the way you think, feel, behave and communicate, you will find in this book a wide variety of methods to create real magic.

Games played by business sharks. Game models of successful business

In the business world, unwillingness to learn is considered to be the mortal sin of a manager. And even the most labor-intensive training can be turned into an interesting and fruitful activity if you use role-playing techniques that have long been used by psychologists to unload consciousness, resolve conflict situations and improve the psychological climate in a team.

Business games for people doing business today have become a real necessity. They help to update the view of the situation, teach a systematic vision, increase motivation, and contribute to the search for an extraordinary solution to problems.

Games that skinny people play. Get slim and healthy

To become slim, fit and energetic, it turns out that it is enough to discard the old ones and set new frames (frames) for your consciousness.

The author of the book, the developer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a popular field of practical psychology in the West, describes the key frames and frame games associated with controlling our weight. Considering them, he reveals the causes of such a complex symptom as "overweight".

The magic of communication

The book is devoted to the most interesting and complex problems of the structure and meaning of the language in the Metamodel paradigm - the most valuable thing that the practice of neurolinguistic programming can be proud of.

Dr. Hall demonstrates how to drastically change and improve our lives through the conscious use of the magic of communication through NLP - how to learn how to influence the mind-body system and use the creative potential of the brain to obtain positive life results.

Modeling the perfect personality. Fate Editing

Dr. Hall continues to walk you through the secrets of the wonders that Neuro Linguistic Programming can do. You are holding in your hands the second, revised edition of a book devoted to a new section of NLP - neurosemantics. His description is clear and understandable, and will surely make you want to try out this advanced meta-state model and apply it to your daily life.

Are you interested in NLP? Do you want to learn how to control your brain? So you will love this book!

NLP training. Increasing the power of your abilities

The book by the leading contemporary NLP specialist Michael Hall will teach you to control your thinking and emotions, you will get access to higher-order control: control of your own consciousness at all its levels. This will enrich you by allowing you to achieve true excellence - to use your personal genius.

You will be able to apply the newly discovered abilities in your professional career and business, in relationships with people in any circumstances and situations, to maintain health and optimal physical and psychological shape.

At my command, at my will

Systemic NLP: psychotechnics of success.

Our consciousness has a unique ability to reason about itself, create higher logical levels and use them to structure life experience and attitude to the environment.

Dr. Hall will introduce you to the psychotechnology of drawing up correct, eco-friendly strategy models, and the most interesting thing is that everyone can join them, because in every person nature itself has that personal computer - which will calculate for you your special path to success, health and prosperity!

The NLP Path

The NLP way. Mode of action, meaning and criteria for mastering NLP.

This completely revised edition of The NLP Path lays out the very essence of Richard Bandler's brilliant NLP Master Training. In addition, it includes important additions from the work of other instructors such as Eric Robbie, Wyatt Woodsmol, Thad James, Christina Hall, and the late Will MacDonald. Offering an in-depth understanding of the true genius of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) co-developer, the book also includes examples of NLP neuroscience mastery and developmental work related to dexterity patterns (word manipulation).

Focusing methodically on areas such as programming, linguistics, and neuroscience, this book is ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of NLP and take it up to date, or who needs a fresh and engaging presentation of the subject.

Bob G. Bodenhamer, L. Michael Hall

NLP. The Big Book of Effective Techniques

Translation rights obtained by agreement with Crown House Publishing Ltd. (Great Britain) with the assistance of the Alexander Korzhenevsky Agency (Russia). All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

The User's Manual for the Brain: Vol. II, Mastering Systemic NLP by L. Michael Hall, Bob G. Bodenhamer

© 2003 by Bob G. Bodenhamer, L. Michael Hall

© Mironov H., translation into Russian, 2004

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017


What does it mean to become a master

By becoming NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioners, we embark on a journey - a journey in which we learn to "control our own brains." Along the way, you will discover the structure of experience and improve your skills in using the different states of your mind-body. At the very beginning of our journey, you will be introduced to the basic NLP model, and then you will have many opportunities to practice using the model, which will allow you to gain experience and mastery.

We have covered all of this in the first volume of this guide. In it, we have prepared you for the journey by introducing you to the model and content of NLP. We then proceeded to study the components of NLP, the process of modeling the structure of subjective experience, the original linguistic model (meta-model of language), the original neurophysiological model (states and strategies), and then the basic representational model (sensory modalities and "sub-modalities"), also known as communication model. In addition to all this, we have included dozens of transformation patterns in the first volume. As a hands-on course, the guide introduces you to the language of hypnosis (the Milton Model), the use and play of "sub-modalities" and the nature of the meta-states that make the meta-levels of NLP so powerful.

In the first volume of the guide, we laid the groundwork for this work. We now present you with new aspects of the NLP model, knowledge of which is necessary for a complete understanding and mastery of the model. What are these additional aspects? What does this book offer you?


"Sub-modalities" as means of framing at the meta level.

Top-level distinctions in the meta-model.

Mind Lines as Reframing Speech Patterns (formerly known as "tongue tricks" patterns).

Linguistic distinctions of the highest level (presuppositions).

Trance as a meta-level phenomenon.

Top level timeline patterns.

Systems thinking in NLP.

System model of metaspheres.

Practical applications of NLP.

But the main goal that we seek to achieve in this second volume of the manual describing the level of the master is to put in your mind something even more important, namely the very installation that allows a person to effectively use the model.

Anyone who already has experience with NLP has no doubt that when it comes to the human factor, this approach can truly work wonders. NLP offers many models and patterns that can bring about miraculous transformations in the mind and soul of a person. But if we want to reach the level of real magic in the use of this transforming power, we ourselves must rise to the highest limits of our thinking and consciousness. And for good reason: NLP is not for the timid.

It takes a lot of courage, determination, and passion to master the mind-body system model. These patterns will never reveal their true potential to you if you approach their use with doubt, fear, or lack of enthusiasm. The strength of any wizard lies not only in the tools at his disposal, but also in the love, courage, and passion that drives him to use those tools. And here the art of the magician comes to the aid of the advanced achievements of science and technology.

The book of one of the founders and modern masters of NLP, Michael Hall, offers 77 best Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques for achieving excellence, mastery, genius in all areas of human experience.

If you want to achieve a revolutionary change in the way you think, feel, behave and communicate, you will find in this book a wide variety of methods that allow you to create real magic.

The 77 best NLP techniques will help you achieve excellence in areas such as business, management, education, psychotherapy, personal growth, development and performance improvement, interpersonal relationships, communication skills, negotiation, conflict resolution and many others.

Use the magic of NLP - become a perfect person!

Free Download The 77 Best NLP Techniques Book by Michael Hall


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“Damn, David Blaine! How did he do it?!" I thought about a simple street swindler who showed me real street magic. Although it was not magic at all, but just a manipulation with my mind, as a result of which I was left without the 1,000 rubles I earned an hour ago. Everything happened so quickly that I spent the whole day remembering and analyzing all his actions, which were based on the simplest NLP techniques. Of course, I knew about neurolinguistic programming of the brain, but in order to fall for the bait myself. It's even funny to think about it! Therefore, I would like to tell you more about NLP and give some cool techniques that will allow, so to speak, to influence people in the situation we need.

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a popular field of applied psychology that was founded in the 60s of the 20th century. The founders of NLP are professor of linguistics John Grinder and student Richard Bandler from the University of California. For a long time they studied many works of famous psychotherapists, held various seminars and communicated with their patients. As a result, they succeeded in separating neuro-linguistic programming from psychology and Gelstat therapy.

NLP it is a complex of psychotechnics, as well as verbal and non-verbal techniques that are capable of « bring in » certain information into the human brain in order to change his thinking and behavior. Neurolinguistic programming is based on working with the human mind.

And now I will tell you what NLP is capable of. Believe me, a lot, a lot!

NLP allows a person to completely control himself: his body, physical condition and health, his thoughts, emotions, feelings, fears and prejudices. A person is able to regulate his weight, pressure, body temperature, heartbeat, general well-being. With the help of NLP techniques, you can create a feeling of joy in yourself and easily get rid of any negative experiences.

NLP allows you to manipulate other people. Fall in love with yourself, fall in love. To win over anyone, to negotiate even with the most intractable person. Get the answer you need. Successfully negotiate, win the sympathy of the boss, and so on.

NLP gives a new perspective on problems, allowing not only to solve them in the easiest and fastest way, but also to get the maximum benefit from it.

NLP helps you achieve your goals in life faster, which is very important if you are developing yourself as a person. And it doesn't matter if you want to get rich, buy real estate abroad, get married or lose your excess weight. Any goal becomes closer and more accessible if NLP techniques are applied.

I think you already have an interest in Neuro Linguistic Programming! And even if you do not study psychology, you can still find a solution to its application to your personal issue that has been tormenting you for so long or a problem that you would like to solve once and for all.

Where Can NLP Techniques Be Used?

Initially, NLP was used to treat various phobias and mental disorders. The results of treatment of patients were positive in a large percentage of cases. When it became clear that NLP techniques are very effective, they began to apply them in a variety of areas.

Sales- almost all sales trainings have NLP techniques in their arsenal, when planning, when setting goals, when preparing psychologically for a visit and during a visit, NLP knowledge can be extremely useful.

Negotiation- knowledge of NLP is essential for negotiating, for understanding the client and better adjusting to him, for manipulation and counter-manipulation, for working with his condition, for identifying a strategy for making a decision by the client.

Communication, psychotherapy, goal setting, modeling- these are the constituent parts of NLP, part of this knowledge is concerned with communications and their effectiveness (rapport, adjustment, maintenance, calibration)

Psychotherapeutic part is a large arsenal of therapeutic techniques (“Swing”, “Anchor Collapse”, “Creation of a resource state”, “Quick treatment of phobias”, “Allergy treatment technique”, “Six-step reframing”, “Parts contract”, “Re-imprinting” and more many other)

In goal setting and working with them, we are helped by such sections of NLP as Well-Formed Result (HSR), TOTE, SCORE (in psychological counseling, understanding the client's goal and how to achieve it), neurological levels, time line, mission.

Modeling is the foundation of NLP. NLP grew out of modeling and all its knowledge came from modeling the behavioral strategies of brilliant people.

Public speaking- work with your condition. group calibration, controlled spontaneity, Chamomile technique, spatial anchoring, voice work, use of various predicates.

Acting- one of the basic presuppositions of NLP says: "mind and body are parts of one cybernetic system." And this means that when our thoughts change, our emotions change, and our body clearly reacts to these changes, and vice versa, changes in body position and posture change our emotions. Many acting schools are based on this.

Education Modeling is one way of learning. The use of successful strategies, beliefs, behavioral patterns, different approaches to achieving the goal, systems thinking, different perception filters, resource state increases the effectiveness of learning.

Sport- ideomotor skills widely used in sports, adopted from NLP, working with the state, coaching style training and much more.

coaching- almost all NLP tools are used in coaching (tuning, leading, calibrating, coaching position, goal setting, neurological levels, three positional perception, anchoring, timelines, all therapeutic techniques.)

Train your brain with pleasure

Develop memory, attention and thinking with the help of online simulators


Recruitment– knowledge of the candidate’s meta-program filters allows you to understand what type of activity he is more inclined to, what motivates him better, how he will endure stress, whether he is a team player or a loner, how he makes decisions and what his values ​​are, and much more.

Interpersonal relationships- understanding the basic presuppositions, they are the beliefs of brilliant people, gives us the opportunity to better understand other people, to understand that we are all different and each needs a special approach, that a person is a system and that two people, all the more so, a system, knowing the system laws it is easier to understand the system interaction.

seduction– all seduction trainers have completed NLP courses, all seduction techniques are based on NLP techniques. So why study the interpretation of the interpreted, when you can turn to the original source.

Army- collection of information, interrogations, work with one's condition, the "Drug of Choice" technique, used by the special forces of many countries of the world.

Customs- Information Gathering, Calibration Yes/No, True/False, Eye Access Signals

Intelligence service— collection of information, recruitment patterns, calibration, work with your state

Cinema- in many films, the characters use the techniques and skills of NLP or Ericksonian hypnosis, there are films that are directly devoted to NLP, even if NLP is not called there (“Lie to me”, “Manipulator”, “Wild Orchid” and many others).

Self-development- the formation of the necessary attitudes to achieve success in any where you consider it necessary to "pump" yourself.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP in 10 minutes.

I will say this, NLP is not an easy "science" and requires a very serious approach. Even mastering the most basic techniques. But this still does not prevent Neuro Linguistic Programming from being one of the most exciting and interesting areas in psychology. Thanks to the Internet, today there are a large number of options for where you can get knowledge about NLP.

Firstly, these are various sites where a sufficiently large number of informative articles have already been written to begin to understand this topic. Secondly, various seminars, webinars, trainings and courses conducted by highly qualified specialists in this field. And thirdly, these are, of course, books that are the most convenient and popular way to start learning NLP.

There are a lot of books themselves. The eyes may diverge at first. There are both for beginners, where basic skills are considered, and for "advanced" ones, with consideration of the application of NLP in some already defined area. Of course, I have selected for you some of the best, most interesting and popular books on NLP that I have read myself. Even two are in my personal library.

I recommend the books that will be discussed now not only to those who are interested in NLP itself and its methods, but also to those who have decided to start their own path of self-development and are determined to improve their personal characteristics, improve understanding of themselves and those around them in life in general. So let's go.

Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall "NLP Practitioner"

This book must be read first. It is a collection of the most interesting materials on NLP. From this NLP book you will learn general information about Neuro Linguistic Programming with a description of the ways and methods used by this "science". I want to note a large number of examples and exercises that contribute to the effective assimilation of the material. Recommended if you don't know what NLP is.

Joseph O'Connor NLP. A Practical Guide to Achieving the Desired Results”

The author offers effective practical techniques for obtaining self-improvement and suggestion skills. You will gain knowledge that allows you to better understand people and delve into the laws of communication. The information contained in D. O'Connor's practical guide can be applied in education, law, management, business, sports, etc.

R. Bandler, D. Grinder "From frogs to princes"

Recording of an introductory lecture on NLP, finalized and adapted for reading. The materials of this three-day lecture, read by the authors in 1978, will help to form a general impression of the science of NLP, understand the basic mechanisms of influence, and teach you to gently and tactfully lead any person to the goal. NLP methods work even in cases where psychologists are powerless. The book is recommended to everyone who is interested in the issues of communication between people: psychologists, sociologists, psychotherapists, etc.

Manly Hall "The 77 Best NLP Techniques"

In the book of specialist Michael Hall, the most effective NLP techniques are collected. The application of the proposed methods will help in personal development, the ability to communicate, and the disclosure of one's own potential. Knowledge of NLP techniques is applicable to activities in the field of business, education, psychology, sociology, and management. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and will be useful to every person striving for self-development. I highly recommend this book! She is just the bomb!

Anvar Bakirov "How to manage yourself and others with the help of NLP"

This is my desk book! Written in an innovative spirit with lots of anecdotes. Therefore, this book is not to be taken seriously. From this book, you will learn how to inspire trust at a glance, manage your own and other people's emotions, benefit even from defeats, easily unravel the most neglected conflict situations, and lay all these “daily victories” into the foundation of one big building called LIFE SUCCESS. This book is well structured and easy to follow.

Sergey Gorin NLP. Bulk Techniques»

Collection of fragments of NLP seminars conducted by the author from 1993 to 1995. Examples of successful interaction between a psychotherapist and patients allow non-specialists to understand the subject of study. The only condition is the possession of the basic terms of NLP, without which the understanding of the text will be complicated. Many techniques from the arsenal of Valery Khmelevsky, one of the authorities of the Russian school of neurolinguistic programming, are described.

Harry Alder NLP: The Art of Getting What You Want

A topic worthy of attention is how the dream “works”. Someone calls it castles in the air, someone calls to dream as much as possible. One thing is clear - we love to do it. And the author of the book clearly shows the mechanism of the dream. We are all products of dreams. The quality of your dream determines the quality of your life.

Look also:

7 NLP Techniques for Manipulation and More

Most of us do not even realize that on a daily basis their consciousness is controlled by other stronger personalities, who are subject to many NLP techniques for manipulating people. Interestingly, each method of such hypnotic control is effective in itself, and it is difficult to imagine the power that arises when several techniques are combined at the same time. By the way, you need to know them not necessarily in order to control others, but in order to possibly counteract many criminal hypnotists, government officials, scammers, etc.

NLP Technique 1. JOIN
This is the first technique that any NLP practitioner starts with. When a stranger approaches, the human brain signals danger and tries to intuitively defend itself. It is unrealistic to suggest something to a wary person. To establish contact, you need to start copying your interlocutor in some way. Adjustment methods: postures, gestures, gait and breathing, voice, etc. The scammer who scammed my friend and I started by adjusting our walk on the street and followed us to the beat for several minutes.

NLP technique 2.RAPPORT

Behind the adjustment comes the building of trusting relationships. This is the rapport. If the adjustment went well, then the NLP-er with another person creates a certain system, a common trusting space. Do you remember the trouble-free phrase from Kipling's "Mowgli": "We are of the same blood: you and me!". It is this formula that operates in rapport. In this state, the threshold of criticality towards a person decreases, sympathy, unconscious trust arises. “It seems that we will find headphones there,” I said to Kostya, pointing to the store sign. “Guys, I am a salesman in this store, I can sell you headphones. What do you want? the swindler said.

NLP technique 3.3 YES

After the rapport is established, you can already begin to manipulate and first you need to send the person into a light trance. This is done with 3 questions, to which the person must answer a positive YES. This technique is based on the law of inertia, i.e. the movement of thought accelerates in a certain direction. After a series of questions from the scammer on the 4th time he said: “Guys, do you have a thousand rubles. Do I urgently need to exchange money and give it to a person? "Oh sure!" - I said and took out a bill.


A pattern break is an unexpected phrase or non-standard action performed in a normal situation. Breaking the pattern is easy. You choose the behavior you are going to change and act in the opposite or in some other unexpected way. As an example, I can cite a very real life situation. On one date, I told a girl that we would eat cake together at my place, but only without sex. For her, it was still that pattern break. I knew that she already wanted me. There was sex, of course. The fraudster also made a template break about his work. I don't remember literally.


The essence of this technique is simple. You transfer the person's attention to another topic with the help of a question or to another object of attention. Our brain or our vision can focus on one thing. With the rest of the area, you can do whatever you want. This technique is often used by illusionists, and con artists too! “Guys, be careful with your money, there are drug addicts over there on the corner, stay away from them,” he told us, pointing at the men 50 meters away from us, meanwhile changing banknotes.


When the basic NLP techniques have been worked out, then you can do whatever you want with a person. This is called "leading". Leading is impossible without trust. Guys, go get warm while in the store and look at the headphones. And while I'm going to give the money. And we went! Entering the store, we quickly came out of the trance. They looked at each other, realizing what had happened, and immediately rushed to the street. He disappeared, as did our newly earned money. I will remember this story all my life. And I know for sure that NLP techniques work quickly and effectively. How many such approaches do you need to do everything so masterfully. Probably a lot. That's why they are scammers.

NLP Technique 7. Reframing

One of my favorite techniques. It is very simple and gives a very cool result. This is not about manipulation, but about attitude to life. I use it when I realize that a negative situation is starting to "suck the energy out of me." Reframing is a technique that allows you to change the point of view, and therefore the perception of an event or object. When a bad situation happens, I say: "My world takes care of me." And I understand that this is the best option that can happen at the moment in my life. I took this technique from W. Zeeland's Reality Transurfing.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP: the psychology of wealth. Money raising techniques.

So you got acquainted with 7 effective NLP techniques that can be applied every day. It will be better if you apply the techniques for yourself, to develop your effectiveness in life. Good luck to you!

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Everything you need to know about radiation Radiation sources and units
Everything you need to know about radiation Radiation sources and units

5. Radiation doses and units of measurement The effect of ionizing radiation is a complex process. The effect of irradiation depends on the magnitude ...

Misanthropy, or What if I hate people?
Misanthropy, or What if I hate people?

Bad advice: How to become a misanthrope and joyfully hate everyone Those who assure that people should be loved regardless of the circumstances or ...