Synopsis of the development of speech on the topic of leprosy of the old woman of winter Ushinsky. Summary of a reading lesson on the topic: K

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Tale of the Leprosy of the Old Woman-Winter


The old woman-winter got angry, she decided to kill every breath from the world. First of all, she began to get to the birds: they bothered her with their cry and squeak.

Winter blew cold, tore the leaves from the forests and oak forests and scattered them along the roads. There is nowhere for the birds to go; they began to gather in flocks, to think a thought. They gathered, shouted and flew over high mountains, over blue seas, into warm countries. There was a sparrow, and he huddled under the eaves.

Winter sees that she cannot catch up with the birds: she attacked the animals. She covered the fields with snow, covered the forests with snowdrifts, dressed the trees with ice crust and sends frost after frost. The frosts are angrier than one another, they jump from tree to tree, crackle and click, scare the animals. The animals were not afraid: some have warm fur coats, others hid in deep holes; a squirrel in a hollow gnaws nuts, a bear in a den sucks its paw; a hare, jumping, warms up, and horses, cows, lambs have long been chewing ready-made hay in warm barns, drinking warm swill.

The winter is more angry - it gets to the fish: it sends frost after frost, one more fiercely than the other. Frosts run briskly, they tap loudly with hammers: without wedges, without shackles on lakes, bridges are built along rivers. Rivers and lakes froze, but only from above, and the fish all went deeper: under the ice roof it is even warmer.

Well, wait, - thinks the winter, - I will catch people, and frost after frost will send, one more angrier than the other. The frosts have clouded the patterns of the windows in the windows; they knock on the walls and on the doors, so that the logs burst. And people flooded the stoves, baked hot pancakes for themselves, and laughed at the winter. It happens that someone goes to the forest for firewood - he will put on a sheepskin coat, felt boots, warm mittens, and how he starts waving an ax, even sweat will break through. On the roads, as if to laugh at winter, the carts stretched: steam pours from the horses, cabbies stamp their feet, pat their mittens, twitch their shoulders, praise the frost.

It seemed most offensive to winter that even small children - and they are not afraid of it! They go skating and sledding, play snowballs, make women, build mountains, pour water on them, and even frost, they call: “Come help!” Winter will pinch with the anger of one boy by the ear, another by the nose, they will even turn white, and the boy will grab the snow, let's rub it - and his face will flare up like fire.

State treasury special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities "Shadrinskaya special (correctional) general education school - boarding school No. 16 of the VIII type"
Open reading lesson
in 3rd grade
"The Leprosy of the Old Woman of Winter"
K. Ushinsky
Prepared and conducted by: Vasyukova A.L.
Primary school teacher
Shadrinsk, 2015
Reading lesson "The Leprosy of the Old Woman of Winter" K. Ushinsky
introduce students to a new work about winter;
identify and summarize children's knowledge about winter and its signs;
develop the skills of conscious, correct reading;
develop oral speech, attention, thinking;
develop respect for nature.
Equipment: a multimedia presentation on the topic of the lesson, a Christmas tree poster, paper Christmas toys, paper snowflakes.
During the classes
1. Organizational moment.
The bell rang, the lesson began. Everyone sat down at their desks, everyone looked at me.
- Guys! Today we have an unusual lesson.
- What holiday was recently? (New Year).
- What do they do before the New Year? (They decorate the Christmas tree).
- One very evil sorceress has bewitched the toys on the Christmas tree. And they became white. In order for us to disenchant these toys, we must complete all the tasks in the lesson. Then the toys will become colored. (Poster) To find out the name of this evil sorceress, you need to guess the riddle:
I swept everything around, Arriving from the kingdom of blizzards. Autumn, my best friend, I sent to the south. I am frosty and white And I came to you for a long time. (Winter) (Slide 1)
How did you guess it was winter? (Winter swept everything around, frost, autumn drove away)
What other signs of winter do we know?
2. "Warm-up for the tongue" (Slide 2)
In order to work well in the lesson, we need to start our cheerful tongue
1) Once upon a time there was a cheerful tongue in the world. He had his own home - his mouth. Walls - cheeks (children puff out their cheeks), windows - lips (children smile and show their teeth). The tongue was very neat. Every day he put things in order in his house: he cleaned the walls (children run their tongues along the inside of their cheeks), the ceiling (... across the sky), washed the floor (... along the inside of the lower jaw), wiped the windows (children open their mouths wide and run their tongues across upper and lower teeth).
Once a cheerful tongue became bored. He opened the window (they open their mouths wide), looked out into the street (stick their tongue out), looked around (moves the tongue in different directions), up, down. I saw a crow and got scared, hid in my house (the children put their tongues inside) and closed the windows (they close their mouths).
2) Breathing exercises "Blow on the snowflakes."
It's snowing frequently in the winter. And we also have snowflakes in the classroom. Now we will do the breathing exercise. Blow on the snowflakes to make them spin in the air.
- Inhale through the nose, at 1, 2, 3 - hold your breath, fold your lips into a tube, exhale vigorously through your mouth. (Cleansing breath).
- Inhale through the nose, on 1, 2, 3 - hold your breath, fold your lips into a tube,
make three short rare exhalations (“Fu - fu - fu”). (energized breath)
- We have completed this task. Disenchanted the first toy.
3. Checking homework (Slide 3)
- On what topic do we read stories and poems? (Here came the frosts - and winter has come ...)
What poem did you learn in the last lesson? ("Winter morning")
(Click 1)
- What is this poem about? (about winter) (Click 2)
- Who wrote it? (A. Pushkin) (Click 3)
Reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning" by heart.
- Do you think the author of the poem loves winter, Russian nature in winter?
- That's why Pushkin wrote such a beautiful poem about winter.
Well done, you told poems well, you disenchanted another toy.
4. Post the topic of the lesson.
We continue to get acquainted with works about winter.
- Today we will read the fairy tale "The Leprosy of the Old Woman of Winter" (Slide 4)
- This fairy tale was composed by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, a famous Russian teacher.
But he taught children not only at school. Kindness, justice and other good qualities were taught by his wonderful stories and fairy tales.
Vocabulary work (Slide 5)
- Before we start reading, let's look at some words, what they mean.
Leprosy - FUN, GAMES
- They explained all the words and disenchanted the toy on the Christmas tree.
5. Fizminutka to the music (Slide 6)
Now, guys, stand up!
Raised hands quickly
To the side, forward, back,
Turned right, left
Quietly sat down again.
6. We continue to work on the text (Slide 5)
Semantic question: I will now read to you, and you answer:
- Why did the winter become offensive?
Reading the text by the teacher. (pp. 141-143)
Meaningful question:
- Why did the winter become offensive? (No one is afraid of winter)
Work on understanding the genre features of the fairy tale.
1) Why can this work be called a fairy tale? (Winter is said to be alive)
2) What does the fairy tale teach? (Respect for nature, do not offend people and animals)
Work on characterization.
1) Who is the main character in the story? (Winter)
2) What is winter in a fairy tale? (Winter - evil, ruthless, cruel)
Reading session.
- Why do you think the author calls winter an old woman in this fairy tale?
- How did winter decide to deal with the birds?
- What did the birds do?
- How do animals save themselves from frost in winter?
What has winter done to rivers and lakes?
How did the fish hide?
How are people preparing for winter?
- Why are children not afraid of winter?
- Why did the winter become offensive?
- What drawings can be made for this fairy tale?
Well done boys. Answered all questions. Disenchanted the toy.
7. Physical exercise for the eyes. And now, and now all gymnastics for the eyes. (Slide 7)
Reading text by children (Slide 5)
- Buzzing reading. Individual work with children.
- In a chain (if we have time)
8. Consolidation (if we have time)
Work on the text.
How do birds survive the winter?
- What did the animals do to protect themselves from the cold?
How did the fish hide?
How are people prepared for winter?
- About the winter fun of children.
They read the text well, answered the questions, disenchanted the toy.
9. Summary of the lesson
What fairy tale did we read today? What, who is she talking about?
- What did you like the most? Do you remember?
- Let's pick up signs for winter. What is it, winter?
Children choose words related to winter. (WORDS: COLD, HARD, SNOW, BEAUTIFUL, FERIOUS, FROZY, WINDY, LONG-WAITED, LONG, WHITE, HOT, RAINY.) We disenchanted the last toy, we got a beautiful, bright Christmas tree. You and I are also not afraid of winter, like people and animals in the fairy tale that we read.
10. Homework (Slide 8)
Read a fairy tale pp. 141-143
11. Evaluation of children.


  1. To cultivate love and respect for nature and for all life on earth.
  2. Improve the ability to navigate in microspace.
  3. Continue to develop fine motor skills in children.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, observing weather phenomena, Maslenitsa holiday, etc.

Equipment: cards "The Fourth Extra", split pictures "Animals", counting sticks for drawing up a pattern, a plot picture "Winter Fun", a picture "Spring" for coloring.

Lesson progress:

The old woman winter got angry, she decided to kill all living things from the world. She began to get to the birds, they tired her with their cry and squeak. Winter blew cold, tore the leaves from the forests and scattered them along the roads.

There is nowhere for the birds to go, they began to gather in flocks. Dumushka to think. They gathered, shouted and flew over high mountains, over blue seas, to warm countries.

Task 1 "The fourth extra" (wintering and sedentary birds)

Children need to find the extra bird in the pictures and explain why.

Well done boys!!!

Listen to what happened next. There was a sparrow and he huddled under the eaves. Zima sees that she cannot catch up with the birds, she attacked the animals. She covered the fields with snow, covered the forests with snowdrifts, dressed the trees in ice clothes, and sends frost after frost. The frosts are getting worse one another, they step from tree to tree, and click, they scare the animals. The animals of the fierce Winter were not afraid, some of them had warm fur coats, others hid in deep holes. But we will find out which animals were not afraid of Winter by completing the following task.

Task 2. "Assemble the whole from parts"

Children need to collect a split picture and name the animals that they have turned out. Name which animals are domestic, which are wild and how they differ.

You and I need to play a little, we turn into hares.

Physical minute "Bunnies"

Hares jump: hop, hop, hop

Yes to white snow

Sit down, listen

Is the wolf coming?

paws stomped

Paws patted

Right, left leaning

And they turned into guys!

Winter is more angry when she gets to the fish, sends frost after frost. Rivers and lakes froze, but only from above, and the fish all went deep into the depths, it is even warmer under the ice roof.

“Well, wait,” Zima thinks, “I will freeze people.”

And again sends frost after frost. Frost clouded the pattern of glass in the windows. Knocks on the walls and doors so that the logs burst.

And again, the guys need to complete a new task.

Task 3 "Make a pattern according to the sample"

Assemble a pattern from counting sticks, as shown in the picture.

And again, you've done the job.

And now we need a little rest for our eyes. Visual gymnastics "Winter"

Trees in winter, eyes to the right

Trees in winter, eyes to the left

pierced by the wind squinting

And the cold itself

And the old pines are relaxing

And sharp firs

Stand up like soldiers

Towards a blizzard squinting-relaxation

Repeat 2-3 times.

And people flooded the stoves, bake pancakes for themselves. Winter seemed most offensive of all, that even small children are not afraid of her! Why are children not afraid of winter?

Task "Winter Fun" (story picture)

Children need to tell what is shown in the foreground, in the background and in the center of the picture.

Children ride on skates, on sleds, and they make snowmen.

Zima sees that she can’t do anything, she wept with anger.

Winter tears dripped. Looks like spring is near!

And our last task is "Color the picture - Spring"

So we won the furious Winter, and we meet the Spring - red!



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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of the lesson. Ecological fairy tale "Fire in the forest".

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Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory speech group "The pranks of the old woman of winter" retelling of the fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky with creative tasks

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Lesson summary Ecological fairy tale "About a small droplet" for children 2-3 years old

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Literary reading lesson in class 2 "B" (EMC "Primary school of the XXI century")

Topic: K. Ushinsky “The pranks of the old woman - winter. Story".

The purpose of the lesson: formation of positive motivation for the subject.

Subject UUD: reading the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky "The Leprosy of the Old Woman-Winter". Completion of tasks in the textbook and notebook. Working with a fairy tale, expressive reading, determining its meaning.

Cognitive UUD:improving the skill of expressive reading, be able to determine the topic, genre, correlate questions with the content of the work, complete tasks in the textbook and notebook.

Regulatory UUD:conscious reading of the text.

Communicative UUD:formation of methods of mental activity.

Personal UUD: awareness of the significance of K. Ushinsky's fairy tale "The Leprosy of the Old Woman - Winter", its instructive meaning, expressing one's point of view and respecting the opinion of the interlocutor.

Methodical methods:method of dynamic postures, methods of visual-coordination exercises; technique of sensory - coordinating exercises "Four corners", work with a sensory cross, ecological panel.

Material and technical equipment of the lesson:

General work:blackboard, multimedia projector,

To each: educational reader: Efrosinina, L.A. Literary reading: Grade 2. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2012. Worksheets: Efrosinia, L.A.: Literary reading: Grade 2: workbook for students of educational institutions / L.A. Efrosinina. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2012, pens, pencils and colored pencils, erasers, snowflakes for reflection.

Pair work: cards.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

The bell rang loudly and class began.

Attention! Check, my friend, are you ready to start the lesson?

Wish each other good luck.

  1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Lesson goal setting.

Guys, tell me, what are we going to do at the lesson today?

As a result of the discussion, we formulate a lesson plan (work with ecological panel):

  1. Speech workout.
  2. Checking homework.
  3. Work in pairs.
  4. Acquaintance with the author.
  5. Vocabulary work.
  6. Reading a fairy tale.
  7. Fizminutka.
  8. Making a cover model.
  9. Work in a notebook.
  10. Homework.
  1. Speech workout.(Slide #2)

- Guys, now let's warm up our tongue and voice a little. Look at the screen. What do you see? (patter).

Near the stake - bells,

And on stakes - bells.

1. Read with your eyes.

2. Read in a whisper.

3. Read aloud.

4. Read slowly.

5. Read at a fast pace.

6. Read with an exclamatory intonation.

7. Read with an interrogative intonation.

Well done!

  1. Work in pairs.

Guys, what do you think, what are we going to do now? (Work in pairs).

Team up in pairs. You have cards in your workplaces. Read the assignment. Discuss the performance with your partner and proceed with the task.

Now let's check how you did. ( slide number 3)

Well done!

  1. Acquaintance with the author.(Slide number 4)

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky was born in the city of TulaFebruary 19, 1824 infamily of Dmitry Grigorievich Ushinsky - a retired officer, a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. The mother of Konstantin Dmitrievich - Lyubov Stepanovna died when he was 12 years old. Studied Konstantin Dmitrievich in Novgorod - Seversk gymnasium. Then he entered Moscow University. After graduation, he became a teacher. Ushinsky sought to ensure that there were as many schools as possible in Russia and that the children of ordinary Russian people would study in them. He wrote such books for children as: "Children's World", "Native Word", "Morning Rays", "Four Desires", "Bishka", etc. ( Slide №5,6)

The variety of works written by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky is great! I gave you a very small part.

Change of dynamic postures at the signal of the teacher: "The stream is flowing - he takes the textbook with him." Some of the students work at Bazarny's desks.

  1. Vocabulary work.(Slide number 7)

For each word, one student: reads the word and its explanation.

  6. Leprosy - FUN, GAMES
  1. Reading a fairy tale. (Slide number 8) Reader 1 part p.16-19

Reading the text by the teacher.

Students silently read the text after the teacher.

Reading text discussion.

Why do you think the author calls winter an old woman in this tale?

How did winter decide to deal with the birds?

What did the birds do?

How do animals save themselves from frost in winter?

What has winter done to rivers and lakes?

How did the fish hide?

How are people preparing for winter?

Why are children not afraid of winter?

Why did winter feel bad?

  1. Fizminutka. (Slide number 9)

In the morning the butterfly woke up.


She smiled.

Once - she washed herself with dew.

Two - gracefully circled.

Three - bent down and sat down.

At four, she flew away.

  1. Work on the text. (Technique of sensory - coordinating exercises "Four corners").

Guys, now we will work on the text. Look carefully at the visual points. What do you see? (Illustrations).(Slide №10,11,12,13)

Find passages in the text that fit each illustration and read:

How do birds survive the winter? (1 point)

What did the animals do to protect themselves from the cold? (2 dot)

How did the fish hide? (3 point)

About winter fun for children? (4 point)

Change of dynamic postures at the signal of the teacher: "The stream is flowing - he takes the textbook with him." Some of the students work at Bazarny's desks.

  1. Making a cover model.

Guys, you have sheets of paper on your tables. Why do you think we need them?

Well done! Now we will make a cover model.

Genre of our work? (Story).(Working with a sensory cross: determining the genre of a work).

Fairy tale theme? (About nature).

Title? (The pranks of the old woman are winters).

Now make your own cover model.

Let's check the correct execution. Look at the screen.(Slide number 14)

  1. Work in a notebook.(p.57)

- Let's open our workbook to page 57.

Read the title.

How many tasks are we asked to complete? (2).

Let's work on task 1.

A well-read student reads the task, there is a joint discussion and the task is completed.

And about the 2nd task, I will tell you a little later.

  1. Summary of the lesson. (Slide number 15,16)

What story are we reading today? What, who is she talking about?

What did you like the most? Do you remember?

Look at the screen. You see the words. Let's pick signs for winter. What is it, winter?


  1. Homework.(Slide number 17)

X. 1 part p.16-19 exp. Thu. T1 s. 57 task 2.

  1. Reflection. (Slide number 18)

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Correctional and educational goals:

  • Create conditions for generalizing and clarifying children's knowledge about winter and winter fun, for activating and expanding the vocabulary through words - actions, words - signs, for the development of linguistic instinct through the formation of related words. The development of coherent speech (composing proposals on the topic “Winter”, “Winter fun”).
  • To form the ability to understand the meaning of words and expressions.
  • To consolidate and improve the skill of sound-syllabic analysis of words and reading words, sentences.

Correction-developing goals:

  • Develop optical-spatial representations based on the game “What the artist did not draw”.
  • Develop dialogic speech.
  • To develop personal qualities: activity, curiosity, independence, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities, develop the ability for self-esteem and introspection.
  • Develop universal skills: the ability to listen to the teacher and follow his instructions

Educational goals:

To cultivate a steady interest in lessons, initiative, the desire for vigorous activity, independence in decision-making.

To cultivate love and respect for the Russian language and attention to one's own speech.


  • Magnetic board, computer, TRACEBOARD R board, pictures of the nature of winter, the picture “What did the artist not draw?”, A picture of the evil old woman of Winter, plates.

During the classes

I Class Organization

We have guests. Say hello. (Hello.)

Sit down.

II Psychological and pedagogical attitude “Connecting thread”

Here is the ball. We will pass it on to each other and say wishes.

(Ranit, listen carefully.

Naila, think.

Igor, speak well.)

III Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Would you like to know what we are going to talk about in class today? To do this, you need to solve a crossword puzzle.

  1. White in winter
    And gray in summer.
    Doesn't offend anyone
    And he is afraid of everyone.
  2. We are nimble sisters
    Run fast masters
    In the rain - we lie down,
    In the snow we run
    This is our regime.
  3. Invisible, carefully
    He comes to me
    And draws like an artist
    He patterns on the window.
  4. We recognize the animal with you
    According to two such signs:
    He is in a gray fur coat in winter,
    And in a red coat - in the summer.

The students solve the riddles and write the answers on the TRACEBOARD R board with a felt-tip pen.

What we will talk about? (Let's talk about winter.)

Today in the lesson we will learn to retell the fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky “The Leprosy of the Old Woman of Winter”.

IV Preparatory work.

1. Development of auditory perception. (screen work)

Think about what you know about winter.

Name the signs of winter (along the chain), adding a picture to your words.


Cold wind is blowing.

Large snowdrifts all around.

Ice on the river.

The weather is cold, frosty.

There are frosty patterns on the windows.

There are snow caps on the trees.

Icicles on the roofs.


You know a lot of signs of winter, well done.

2. Selection of single-root words (working with an interactive whiteboard - moving objects)

Can you tell me what the weather is like in winter?

If the street goes snow, then the weather snowy.

Find the same words:

  • Freezing
  • Wind
  • Cold
  • cold

The weather is cold, windy,...

(children bring the corresponding single-root words to each other):

  • Frost - frosty
  • wind - windy
  • Cold-cold
  • Cold is cold.

You worked well and quickly found the right words.

3. The development of linguistic flair, by designating the semantic meaning of words in other words.

I will read the sentences to you, and you think about how you can say differently:

Winter has come, white flies have flown.

Cold, hungry birds in winter, they sounded the alarm, what to do next, what to do.

Children are not afraid of frost. There is nowhere for an apple to fall on a hill.

Winter won’t take it for granted, why is no one afraid of it?

The old woman hung her head - winter and grieved.

V Learning new things.

1. Initial perception. (film-strip) Presentation 1.

What is this tale about? (A fairy tale about winter, how she wanted to destroy everyone, freeze.)

Who is the main character of the fairy tale? (The main character is an old woman - winter.)

The game "What has winter done?" - depict actions: (Children remember actions and depict them.)

pissed off

I blew out the cold

Went to the animals

Scattered the leaves

I cried.

2. Independent acquaintance with a fairy tale.

Read the first part for yourself. (Read the 1st part of the tale on their own.)

Dictionary for students on the board.

What did the old woman winter do? (Angry....)

What did you think? (I decided to kill everyone from the world.)

Who did you get to first? (Began .... to get.)

Why couldn't she freeze the birds? (...... became ....... and flew to ...... Remained ......)

Presentation 2.

Read the second part of the chain, according to the sentence. (Reading in sequence.)

Then who was attacked by the old woman winter? (Pounces on the animals.)

What did she do? (She covered the fields with snow.)

What sends to earth? (Sends frost after frost.)

Gymnastics for the eyes. Winds and blizzards blew. (They follow with their eyes the movement of winter on the pointer.)

Who was not afraid of frost? (The animals were not afraid.)

What does a squirrel do? (Squirrel gnaws nuts.)

What is the bear doing?


Make a sentence from these words. (work with interactive whiteboard)

squirrel gnaws nuts in a hollow

lair bear sucks paw in

jumping hare warming up

What do pets do? (They chew hay in the stalls.)

Who will be able to tell this part of the text using the pictures of the presentation and key words?

Children tell part of the text according to the key words, at this time a presentation with pictures showing the content of the text is shown on the board. ( Vocabulary on the board: I pounced ..... I messed up ......

Filled up ..... Sending ..... Not scared .....)

Read the next part word by word, be careful. (reading one word at a time, in a chain).

What happened to the rivers, lakes? (Rivers and lakes froze.)

What did all the fish do? (The fish went deep.)

Tell this part of the text using pictures from the presentation and key words? (Dictionary: Angry....

Get Frozen ...... ....... went deep into)

Children tell part of the text according to the key words, at this time a presentation with pictures showing the content of the text is shown on the board.

Listen to the last part of the tale and say what was the most offensive for Winter.

Audio recording and slide show.

What was winter thinking? (I wanted to freeze people.)

What does she send to people? (He sends severe frosts.)

And what do people do? (People flooded the stove, bake pancakes, laugh at winter.)

What do children do in winter? (One child makes a sentence, then they all together depict children playing in winter) (The guys play snowballs. Children sled and ski. Children make a snowman. The guys skate.)

I have a picture. Look carefully and tell me what the artist forgot to draw? (They look at the picture, show where there is no object, name which one. (For example: children are skating, there is not one skate, etc.).

Tell the last part using the presentation pictures. (Stories based on pictures and supporting words.)

What does winter cry mean? (Drips from the roofs. (Picture)

3. The game "Snowball" (remember - repeat).

I have a winter ball, do you want to play with it? Look how long his tail is. I say a sentence, and you memorize it and repeat it.

Winter is angry.

The old woman got angry - winter.

The old woman got angry - winter on birds.

The old woman was terribly angry - winter on birds.

The old woman was terribly angry - winter on birds and animals.

The old woman was terribly angry - winter on birds, animals, people.

The old woman was terribly angry - winter on birds, fish, animals, people.

The old woman was terribly angry - winter on birds, fish, animals, people and children.

(First they listen, then they repeat the sentence after the teacher in unison.)

VI Consolidation

1. Retelling on leading questions, using a presentation.

The old woman got angry - winter, she decided to kill everyone from the world. Who did she get to first? (- Before the birds.)

Why couldn't she freeze the birds? (Birds began to gather in flocks and flew to warm countries.)

Winter covered the field with snow, covered the forests with snow. Sends frost. Why are the animals not afraid of winter? (The animals were not afraid of winter: a squirrel gnaws nuts in a hollow, a bear sucks its paw in a den, domestic animals chew hay in warm sheds.)

Why couldn't winter freeze people? (People flooded the stoves, bake pancakes, laugh.)

What was the worst thing about winter? (It was more offensive that even the children were not afraid of her. The children sled, skate, make a snowman, play snowballs.)

Why did winter cry? (Out of anger.)

How do we know that spring is near? (Winter tears dripped.)

2. The game “What has Winter done?” Formation of perfect past tense verbs with the prefix “for”.

Go to the window, look out the window. (They go to the window.)

I woke up early in the morning, looked out the window and was surprised: “Zimushka - Winter, what have you done?”

(The teacher says the beginning of the sentence, the children form verbs from these words)

Winter came with frosts and that's it ..... (Answer in chorus: FROZEN)

A blizzard of chalk and all the paths ..... (ZAMELA)

The river was covered with ice and all ...... (ICED)

Winter called a blizzard and that's it ..... (ZAVUZHILA )

The snow powder of the path is all ..... (POWDERED )

3. Independent creative retelling.

Now let's tell our story. Tell, on behalf of the birds. (Students speak in 1 person.)

Who wants to tell a story on behalf of the fish?

From people?

From children?

VII Outcome. Reflection

What story are we telling today? (The tale "The Leprosy of the Old Woman - Winter".)

How do you think we got it? Why? (Yes. We told ourselves, you helped us a little.

We didn’t forget anything, we told in order.)

Psychological mood “Spring sun. The snowman has melted."

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