Summary of the lesson from the decoration of the Russian hut. Lesson in the museum "Decoration of the Russian hut"

An extra-curricular activity or class hour on the topic “Decoration of a Russian hut” is recommended for holding and includes, in addition to a detailed scenario, also a visual presentation.

A significant role is played by the educational moment of the extracurricular activity "Decoration of the Russian hut", during which a respectful attitude to traditions, antiquity, and interest in the national culture of the Russian people are brought up.

The decoration of the Russian hut - a description of the course of the event

Having greeted the students, the teacher, before saying the topic of the extra-curricular event “Decoration of the Russian hut”, asks the children a riddle, the answer to which is the word - the hut. It is in the Russian peasant hut that the schoolchildren and the teacher will have to plunge virtually, and in the course of the dialogue, together with the teacher.

Primary school students are invited to a kind of ordinary Russian house and get acquainted with its traditional decoration, as well as peasant household items.

Accompanied by presentation slides, the teacher tells that the threshold to the hut was usually made high and the door low. And it was built with the aim that there would be less wind from the street during the cold season. At the entrance it was not customary to knock, and, as a rule, the one who came said: "Peace to your home" or "Live well". And if the owners were busy with work, then the greeting saying was the words "God Help".

The stove as the most important attribute of the decoration of the Russian hut

In an ordinary Russian hut, often only one family lived, but in an amount of up to 10-12 people. Two more riddles are given to schoolchildren about one of the most important attributes of the hut - the stove. And, despite the fact that there was only one room in the Russian hut, almost half of it was occupied by the stove.

It was believed that without a stove, a hut is not a hut. Cook porridge, bake bread, heat for the whole hut and you can even sleep on the stove. And it was not without reason that on long winter evenings, both young and old, whiled away the time, telling each other fairy tales and jokes. And whoever was already overcome by the disease was considered the best way - to take a steam bath in a Russian stove.

At this stage, you can invite younger students to remember: - In which Russian folk tales is the stove one of the main characters? We remember the fairy tale "Swan geese", in which the girl asked for help at the oven - to cover her, for which she had to eat pies baked by the oven.

In another tale, a hut is described, the corners of which cracked, and the roof also shook. And the wall even flew out under the onslaught of the furnace, which went on its own along the road to the king. Of course, the guys will remember the fairy tale "By magic" about Emelya and the pike.

In addition, accompanied by presentation slides, we recall another fairy tale about the stove - "Zhiharka". In it, the cunning fox herself fell into the oven, yielding to the little boy in cunning, sitting on a shovel.

Brownie and Red corner - also elements of decoration of the Russian hut

Continuing the story about the stove, one cannot help but recall the brownie, who was considered the patron of the hearth, living behind the stove. Now you can play a little. The game physical minute is chosen by the teacher at his discretion, and the author of this scenario suggests using a counting rhyme about Brownie to select the driver in the game.

We continue the story about the attributes of the hut, informing those present about the most honorable place in it, which was called "red corner". Name "red" comes from the word "beautiful" or "main". This red corner was located opposite the stove on the sunny side, so that those who enter at the very entrance to the hut could see this place. For this reason, images of saints, icons, beautiful embroidered towels, candles or lamps, and a bouquet of willow were placed in the red corner. The most dear of the guests were seated in this place, and the head of the family usually sat at the dining table here.

In the old days, the windows of the hut were not curtained, and any passer-by could easily look inside with, which was not considered unacceptable. With the exception of only the stove, everything in the Russian hut was made of wood. Furniture, as an integral part of the "Decoration of the Russian hut", was represented by the following items: a table, benches, crockery shelves, benches, chests, cradles ( cradles) and other.

Lesson on fine arts on the theme "Decoration of the Russian hut."VIIClass.

The topic is designed for two lessons.

Usedtextbook"Decorative and applied art in human life". Goryaeva N.A., Ostrovskaya O.V.; Moscow "Enlightenment" 2003.

Class type: Binary lesson (double lesson).

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Model used: Model 1.

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the interior of the Russian hut.

Lesson objectives:

1. To form in students a figurative idea of ​​​​the organization and wise arrangement of the internal space of the hut.

2. Give an idea of ​​the life of Russian peasants in the 17th-18th centuries.

3. With the help of drawings, consolidate the knowledge gained.

4. Raise interest in the life of the peasants, the traditions of our people.

Lesson provision:

For the teacher . 1) Reproductions of samples of household items.

2) Literature exhibition: “Russian hut” by N.I. Kravtsov; T.Ya. Shpikalov "Folk Art"; Textbook for grade 8; magazine "Folk Art" (1990, No. 2).

3) Demo PC.

For students. Albums. Pencils, eraser, paints (watercolor, gouache). Workbook on fine arts.

Lesson plan:

    Org. part - 1-2 minutes.

    Report the goals and objectives of the new material - 1-2 minutes.

    The story of the teacher "Life of the peasants."

    Practical work. Drawing the interior of the hut.

    Summary of lesson 1.

    Work in color.

    Summary of 2 lessons

I.Organizing time

Establish proper discipline in the classroom. Mark absent. Report the goals and objectives of the new material.

II. The story of the teacher "Life of the peasants"

Rice. 1. Interior view of the hut.

Since ancient times, we have read and watched Russian folk tales. And often the action in them took place inside a wooden hut. Now they are trying to revive the traditions of the past. After all, without studying the past, we will not be able to assess the present and future of our people.

Let's go up to the red carved porch. It seems to invite you to enter the house. Usually, on the porch, the owners of the house greet dear guests with bread and salt, thus expressing hospitality and a wish for well-being. Passing through the canopy, you find yourself in the world of home life.

The air in the hut is special, spicy, filled with aromas of dry herbs, smoke, and sour dough.

Everything in the hut, except for the stove, is wooden: the ceiling, smoothly hewn walls, benches attached to them, half-shelves stretching along the walls, below the ceiling, shelves, a dining table, stoltsy (stools for guests), simple household utensils. Be sure to hang a cradle for the child. Washed out of the tub.

The interior of the hut is divided into zones:

    At the entrance to the hut, on the left is Russian stove.

rice. 3. Russian stove

What role did the stove play in the life of a peasant hut?

The stove was the basis of life, the family hearth. The stove gave heat, cooked food and baked bread in it, washed children in the stove, the stove relieved ailments. And how many fairy tales are told to children on the stove. No wonder it says: "The oven is beautiful - there are miracles in the house."

Look how important the white bulk of the stove lay down in the hut. In front of the mouth of the furnace, a hearth is well arranged - a wide thick board on which pots and cast irons are placed.

Nearby in the corner are tongs and a wooden shovel for removing bread from the oven. Standing on the floor next to wooden tub with water. Next to the stove, between the wall and the stove, there was a golbets door. It was believed that behind the stove, above the golbets, a brownie lives - the patron of the family.

The space near the stove served as the female half.

fig.4. red corner

In the front right corner, the brightest, between the windows was located red corner, red bench, red windows. It was a landmark to the east, with which the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe peasants about paradise, blissful happiness, life-giving light and hope was connected; to the east they turned with prayers, conspiracies. It was the most honorable place - spiritual center of the house. In the corner, on a special shelf, stood icons in frames polished to a shine, decorated with embroidered towels and bunches of herbs. There was a table under the icons.

Important events in the life of a peasant family took place in this part of the hut. The dearest guests were seated in the red corner.

    From the door, along the stove, a wide bench was arranged. On which the neighbors who came in sat. On it, men usually did chores - weaving bast shoes, etc.. The old owner of the house slept on it.

    Above the entrance, in half a room under the ceiling, near the stove they strengthened wooden floors. The children were sleeping on the floors.

    Occupied a significant place in the hut wooden loom- Krosno, on it women wove woolen and linen fabrics, rugs (tracks).

    Near the door, opposite the stove, there was a wooden bed on which the owners of the house slept.


For a newborn, an elegant dress was hung from the ceiling of the hut. cradle. It was usually made of wood or woven from wicker. Swaying gently, she lulled the baby to the melodious song of a peasant woman. When dusk descended, they burned a torch. For this served forged svetets.

rice. 6.

In many northern villages of the Urals, houses with painted interiors have been preserved. See what outlandish bushes have blossomed.

III. Practical work.

Students are invited to sketch the interior of a Russian hut with a pencil.

    Various types of interior huts are considered:

An explanation of the construction of the interior of the hut on the example of different options.

VI. Repetition with students of the material covered.

Thus, we have come to the next section of our topic "Decoration of the Russian hut." Now everyone is trying to revive the traditions of the cultural and spiritual life of the Russian people, but for this you need to understand and study everything. And the first question to the class:

    What is the appearance of the hut?

    What was the main material used in the construction of the hut?

    What natural materials were used in the manufacture of dishes and household items?

    What zones was the interior of the hut divided into?

    What rules did you apply when building the interior of the hut?

    What riddles and sayings do you know on the topic “Russian hut?”

(“Two brothers look, but they don’t come together” (floor and ceiling)

“One hundred parts, one hundred beds, each guest has his own bed” (logs in the wall of the hut)) etc..

VII. Continuation of the practical part - interior drawing in color.

When coloring, all shades of brown, ocher, not bright yellow are used. Stages of drawing in color:

    We paint the walls in different shades of brown.

    We paint the floor and ceiling with another shade of ocher.

    The glass in the window is grey.

    Furniture is the next shade of brown.

    The stove can be painted light gray, light light brown.

VIII. Exhibition of children's works. Analysis.

Students post their work in a designated area. Students are encouraged to review their own work. Using leading questions:

    What would you like to show in your work?

    What means of artistic expression did you use?

    How are these works similar and how are they different?

    Have you used the laws of perspective in your work?

    What are your impressions of this work?

Teacher evaluation. I liked the way you worked, I liked your work on the construction, on the color scheme, on the ability to correctly convey the life of Russian peasants.

IX. Completion of the lesson and homework.

At the end of the lesson, students are informed that we will continue the work of getting to know the traditions of the Russian people in the next lesson. From the plans. Communication constructive, ...

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  • Topic: "Decoration of the Russian hut"

    Lesson type: lesson learning new material

    Target :

    • Learn to understand and explain the integrity of the figurative structure of a traditional peasant dwelling, expressed in its tripartite structure and decor.


    • formation of general cultural, educational, cognitive, informational competencies of students;
    • learn to reveal the symbolic meaning, the meaningful meaning of signs-images in the decorative decoration of the hut;
    • get acquainted with the structure and decor of a peasant dwelling;
    • learn to identify and characterize the individual details of the decorative decoration of the hut as a manifestation of constructive, decorative and pictorial activity.

    Visual range:

    1. Slides with elements of a Russian hut
    2. multimedia presentation
    3. Textbook N.A. Goryaeva, O.V. Ostrovskaya “Fine art grade 5. DPI in human life”, M.: “Enlightenment, 2013

    Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation "Decoration of the Russian hut";

    Vocabulary : cage - a covered rectangular wooden frame with windows, a door, a floor.

    During the classes:

    I. Organization of the lesson. (3 min)

    1. Greeting.

    2. Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

    II. Introduction to the topic. (6 min.)

    Guys! Families in Rus' were large, fathers, grandfathers, and grandchildren gathered under one roof. Together it is easier to keep a house, to work in the field, to go to the fishery.

    The ancient Slavs invested the deepest meaning in the construction of a house, because a person is likened to the gods who created the Eternal Universe. Man, on the other hand, built his world, creating something new, which was not in nature and which should serve and protect the whole race.

    Izba is a Russian wooden log house (mainly rural, but up to the 17th-18th centuries it was also urban).

    What types of houses existed?

    1. House "beam" - a house covered with a gable symmetrical roof,
    2. The "purse" house - the hut and the yard stand side by side, covered with a common gable roof.
    3. House "verb" - a house in which the economic part is located on the side and behind the canopy. It resembles the letter "G" in plan.

    Now let's think about how the house was divided in folk ideas?

    What do you think the roof was associated with in folk representations? (with sky)

    And the crate? (with earth).

    Basement (underground)? (with the underworld).

    The peasant house became like a small Universe, symbolizing the connection of man with the cosmos.

    And now we will get acquainted with the decorative decoration of the hut.

    III. Learning new material. (8 min.)

    Theme of the lesson "Decoration of the Russian hut"

    Let's start with the roof. She is crowned cool horse - the personification of strength, goodness and beauty, symbolized the sun moving across the sky.

    board-towel - decorates the front of the upper part of the hut; pricheliny boards - go down the edge of the roof. They depicted symbols of the sun (round rosettes), symbols of the earth (a circle with a rhombus inside, rhombuses, rectangles).

    The solar signs on the towel symbolize the midday sun, at the end of the berth on the left side, the rising morning sun, and on the right, the evening setting sun.

    Look at the illustrations on pages 24-26. This is how the huts of the Volga region were decorated. Pay attention to how elegant the pediment and window frames are. Here we see both floral ornaments and images of fantastic creatures: half-humans, half-fish, magical birds, good-natured lions.

    IV. Summarizing. (2 minutes.)

    Today we got acquainted with Russian folk wooden architecture using the example of a peasant hut.

    And let's repeat, what symbolic images can be seen in the patterned decoration of the huts? (symbolic images of the sun, earth, birds, plants, animals, fantastic creatures)

    V Task (19 min)

    Make a graphic drawing of a fragment of a wooden house decoration.

    VI Checking the task (2 min)

    Publication date: 08/31/17

    Outline of a lesson in fine arts

    Lesson topic: "Decoration of the Russian hut"

    Class– 5 general education

    The purpose of the lesson- study of decorative art and its place in the life of society; acquaintance of students with the traditional dwelling of the northern peoples, the main fragments of the decoration of the Russian hut.

    Tasks: create conditions for:

    • students gaining knowledge about the ancient roots of folk art, familiarizing themselves with the traditional dwellings of the northern peoples; Development of creative and cognitive activity.
    • the formation of practical skills to work in a small team (group): the development of mental skills of students (the formation of various types of thinking, memory, attention and speech), cognitive interest, the ability to find the right information, the ability to perform a graphic drawing of a fragment of a wooden house decoration.
    • education of a culture of mental work, the development of communicative qualities, the formation of the ability to perceive emotionally, the ability to explain, express one's attitude and aesthetically evaluate the decorations of a traditional home.
    • Education of love for the Motherland and folk culture.

    Type of lesson: lesson of discovering new knowledge

    Type of lesson: creativity lesson

    Equipment and materials:

    For the teacher

    • Schemes - tables depicting elements of a Russian hut.
    • Illustrations for Russian folk tales, epics, riddles.
    • Examples of exteriors of a peasant dwelling
    • Artistic materials.
    • Multimedia projector
    • Schemes-cards for reflection
    • Magnetic board

    Visual range: examples of ancient images in a Russian hut. Elements of decorative decoration of a Russian hut.

    Literary series: poems, fairy tales.

    musical series: folk melodies - lyrical, Russian folk songs.

    For students:

    • A4 paper
    • colored paper
    • gouache paints
    • Watercolor paints
    • Brushes No. 2,4,6
    • Pastel
    • Gel pens
    • Pencil
    • Eraser
    • jar for water
    • Napkins
    • Scissors

    Lesson plan:

    1. Organizing time. Reflection of emotional mood (Scheme 1).
    2. Updating of basic knowledge.
    3. Formation of new knowledge.
    4. Statement of an artistic task for the implementation of the exterior of a Russian hut. Distribution of roles in groups.
    5. Fizminutka.
    6. Dive into the topic. Work in small groups on the details of the composition.
    7. Evaluation and defense of the work "Russian hut"
    8. Reflection of activity
    9. Mood reflection
    10. Reflection on the results of the lesson.
    11. Homework

    During the classes

    The class is divided into 4 groups in the previous lesson.

    I. Organizing time.(Motivation (self-determination) for learning activities) 1 minute.

    Hello guys, I suggest you smile at each other and sit down. Is everyone in class today? Let's check the readiness for the lesson. Is everyone ready?

    Let's take a look at your workplace. I want to pay attention to table number 1, lying on the table: there is an image of a window in front of you, please color in what kind of light you saw in your window (corresponding to your mood). Slide 2.

    II. Update of referenceknowledgeand motivation5 minutes.

    one). Checking homework.

    Guys, I invite you on a journey, but not a simple one, but a virtual one. And today's tickets will be your homework. Who prepared the drawings, illustrations, messages?

    The students show the drawing and make mini messages (according to the external details of the hut) in groups (platband, frontal board, prichelina, ridge). Guys! What geometric signs are shown on the slide. Let's remember what they are called and what they mean? - SOLAR SIGNS.

    Patterns can be different: floral, geometric, zoomorphic - they can depict fantastic creatures (mermaids, lions, fabulous birds, horses, etc.)

    Slide 3. That's right, you used these solar signs in your works. How cool you drew, what beautiful carved boards, architraves you got ...

    And where, guys, were patterned boards used? Where were they attached? right to the house...

    At this stage, the preparation of students for the discovery of new knowledge, the performance of a trial educational action and the fixation of individual difficulties are organized.

    Our first stop: The layout of the openwork decorative elements on the facade of the house. slide 4.

    Why, guys, did we fail to complete the scheme of decorative elements on the facade of the house? - we do not know;

    III. Statement of the educational task. (4-5 minutes) Identification of the location and cause of the difficulty. At this stage, students identify the place and cause of the difficulty.

    What should be done? - to know.

    • - Guys, let's remember what we studied in previous lessons?
    • Student. We got acquainted with the signs - symbols, motifs of the ornament; tried to use the acquired knowledge about the ornament in decorating the outer walls of the house;
    • ?? познакомиться with location and symbolic value jewelry.
    • Why did people decorate their homes? We will answer this question at the end of the lesson.

    Can we solve our problem? - No.

    • Why can't I complete the task? What is the difficulty?
      • Mood Reflection (1 min.)
      • Reflection on the results of the lesson (1 min.)
      • Homework (1 min.): Find illustrations of the interior of the hut.

    What should be considered? - separate house. slide 6. (wrote down the word - hut)

    Slide 7. The slide shows two houses. Compare them: find what are the similarities and differences?

    That's right, guys, the house under construction, as if not dressed yet, and the second house is decorated with carved boards, as if it were dressed up. Our ancestors said: decoration or decoration… – (This word should also be added to the list of new words)

    If the first house looks boring, monotonous, then the carved house immediately becomes elegant and beautiful, emphasizing its individuality.

    To discover new knowledge. slide 8.

    slide 9. What do you think the lesson will be about, what is the topic of the lesson? - What knowledge do we lack to depict a Russian hut? What do you need to know? - right! Get acquainted with the traditional dwelling of the Russian hut. Get to know the origins of folk art; to reveal the traditions of construction and decoration of the Russian hut;

    The completion of the stage is connected with setting the goal and formulating the topic of the lesson. Determining the topic of the lesson.

    What will be the topic of the lesson? Right! "Decoration of the Russian hut" slide 10.

    By the end of the lesson, we will do a group work "Decoration of the Russian hut".

    IV. Discovery of new knowledge. (7-8 minutes)Introduction to the topic.(technology of emotional immersion)

    And where, guys, can we get the necessary knowledge? - of course, in history, literature, MHK ... At this stage, students in a communicative form consider the project of future educational activities:

    I suggest you continue our journey, where we will get acquainted with the traditional Russian dwelling, but first tell me: what is the hut (house) built of? They built (chopped) from logs of coniferous trees. Usually from pine, and in some areas we also have larch in Transbaikalia. Therefore, the house is also called a log house. Slide 11.

    log cabin - they start building a house with it. What tool was used to build the house? That's right, an ax! The saw appeared much later ... in

    From century to century, from morning to morning, it sounded without end and without beginning As a recitative, the song of the ax in all of Great Rus' grew stronger.

    Guys! Pay attention to what they put a log house on? On stands - logs. Thus, looking at the built house, the impression was that it was standing on chicken legs ... It looks like?

    Guys! Families in Rus' were large, fathers, grandfathers, and grandchildren gathered under one roof. Together it is easier to keep a house, to work in the field, to go to the fishery.

    The ancient Slavs invested the deepest meaning in the construction of a house, because a person is likened to God, who created the Universe. And Man built his world, creating something new, which was not in nature and which should serve and protect the whole race. They also said: My home is my castle. Home - the beginning of the beginning .slide 12.

    What types of houses existed?

    1. House "beam" - a house covered with a gable symmetrical roof,

    2. House "purse" - the hut and the yard stand side by side, covered with a common gable roof.

    3. House "verb" - a house in which the economic part is located on the side and behind the canopy. It resembles the letter "G" in plan. slide 13.

    Now let's think about how the house was divided in folk ideas? slide 14.

    What do you think the roof was associated with in folk representations? (with sky)

    And the crate? (with earth).

    Basement (underground)? (with the underworld).

    The peasant house became like a small universe, symbolizing the connection of man with the cosmos.

    Everything that the hand of a talented folk master touched acquired a festive splendor. slide 15.

    In conclusion, the general nature of the new knowledge is clarified and the overcoming of the difficulty that arose earlier is fixed. And now we will get acquainted with the decorative decoration of the hut. An excursion into literature will help us with this: a poem by Kapralov M.V. "Village": slide 16.

    Beyond the high mountains
    Beyond the endless forests
    In my native land
    People lived in the countryside.
    But the village is not simple:
    It stands on the mountain
    Near the golden field
    A river runs from below
    Outside the forest
    There live a bear, a fox,
    There are houses along the river
    They look at the road.
    Decorate them yourself
    Mother Nature.

    Gave for a hut
    Spruce and pine forest
    Oak, aspen: what she could - Nature gave everything.
    Look around you
    What will you see dear friend
    Five-wall in front of you
    Like a painted tower,
    You knock on the gate
    And enter the gate.

    Three boxes in a row
    They stare at you.

    Stump decorates the roof
    Called dumbass.
    He is like a horse or a bird
    Strives for the sun.

    Toli tower, roofing felts house
    And a light with him,
    Look at your house
    And find windows in it.
    Here is the red window
    it's slanted
    Ah yes master of the world!
    Everything is carved.

    Here pricheliny hang down,
    The logs are tightly closed.
    Closing, protect the miracle of the towel.
    Well decorated house
    And protected from evil.

    Come up on the porch
    Pull quietly on the ring.
    Look at the door - protection -
    There is a horseshoe nailed ...

    *** This is the end of the fairy tale,
    And who listened well done!

    Acquaintance with the house - shelter, house - nest - hut.

    Give the concept of horse - ohlupen, boards - towels, pediment of the hut, boards - prichelina, the presence of windows.

    physical minute 2 min

    V. Primary fastening. (4-5 minutes)slide 23.

    A conversation about the decoration of a peasant hut - a symbol of a small universe.

    Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

    VI. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.(4-5 minutes)slide 25.

    During this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently perform tasks of a new type, carry out their self-examination, comparing them step by step with the standard, identify and correct possible errors, determine the methods of action that cause them difficulties and they have to refine them.

    Fill in the chart:

    Checking the template.

    At the end, a performing reflection of the implementation of the constructed project of educational activities and control procedures is organized. The emotional orientation of the stage consists in organizing a situation of success for each student, motivating him to be included in further cognitive activity.

    7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition (7-8 minutes)

    Statement of an artistic task for the implementation of the exterior of a Russian hut. Distribution of roles in groups. 3 minutes

    Guys, let's try to recreate the model of the Russian hut in today's lesson. You are divided into groups consisting of 4 people, distribute duties according to the instructions in Appendix No. 2. In each group, you need to define the roles:

    • Reader (summary of information about homework, writes out terms)
    • Informatics (working with a workbook, preparing a reflection on the results of the lesson)
    • Artist (responsible distributor of roles for the artistically expressive design of the work)
    • Speaker (posts the work on the stand and sums up the artistic stage).

    To perform this work, you need to work in stages:

    Introductory (computer work)

    Creative work (work of all participants)

    Research (selection of appropriate terms)

    Final (protection of your work)

    Dive into the topic. Work in small groups on the details of the composition. 10 minutes

    The exterior of the hut includes the following elements - cool horse , board-towel , pricheliny boards, platbands. Each group chooses one of the parts of the exterior and performs it in any artistic technique. According to the stage of execution, the work is hung on the stand and one complete picture is assembled. The results are posted by the speaker, and the color and technical solution is commented.

    Evaluation and defense of the work "Russian hut"

    The results are posted by the speaker, and the color and technical solution is commented. There are three evaluation vases on the table of each group. After defending one team, the members of the other teams take a card one at a time (green - excellent, blue - four, red - three) and take it to the vase of the defender. This is how evaluation works.

    Well done guys, pay attention to what work we got. The conclusion is made by the teacher.

    8. Reflection of activity (the result of the lesson) (2 minutes)

    Reflection of learning activities in the classroom.

    At this stage, the new content studied in the lesson is fixed, and reflection and self-assessment by students of their own learning activities are organized.

    In conclusion, the purpose of the educational activity and its results are correlated, the degree of their compliance is fixed, and further goals of the activity are outlined.

    Guys, let's go back to our diagram #1, at the beginning of the lesson we filled in the upper squares, let's fill in the bottom ones and determine if your mood has changed by placing our diagram on the board.

    Well done guys, pay attention to what kind of creative work we got. Each group worked on its own task, and together they add each other and make up a picture of the world of the Russian hut.

    Let's summarize the lesson in each group there is a computer scientist who, during the lesson, analyzed, compared and outlined the main terms and concepts and is ready to share information with us (the students themselves draw a conclusion from the dictation and words of the terms of the lesson).

    Questions for computer scientists:

    • What household items did the exterior of the dwelling consist of?
    • How is each item decorated?
    • What sense of taste and proportion is present in the images?

    After all, it could not be otherwise.

    This is our culture, which reflects the character, mores,

    customs and traditions of our people.

    Reflection of mood at the end: guys, draw in the window smiley!(according to mood)

    So our lesson came to an end, let's write down our homework. Thank you for your fruitful work.

    Technological map of the lesson.

    Lesson topic: The decoration of the Russian hut.
    Subject: art.
    Class: Grade 5

    Basic textbook: Visual arts. Decorative and applied art in human life. Grade 5 / N.A. Goryaeva, O.V. Ostrovskaya; ed. B.M. Nemensky. - M .: Education, 2013. - 20 p.
    Lesson Objectives: Continue the study of decorative art and its place in society; to introduce children to the traditional dwelling of the northern peoples, the main fragments of decorating a wooden house
    To help students gain knowledge about the ancient roots of folk art, to get acquainted with the traditional dwellings of the northern peoples; create a piece of decoration of a wooden house in the process of performing creative work
    To promote the development of students' mental skills, cognitive interest, the ability to find the right information, the ability to perform a graphic drawing of a fragment of a wooden house decoration, the formation of various types of thinking, memory, attention and speech.
    Contribute to the education of a tolerant attitude towards each other, a culture of mental work, develop communicative qualities, form the ability to perceive emotionally, the ability to explain, express one's attitude and aesthetically evaluate the decorations of a traditional home.
    Lesson type A lesson in discovering new knowledge.
    Basic concepts Izba, crate, basement, hoof-horse, prichelin boards, pediment, platbands, ornament
    Intersubject communications Art, history
    Resources Multimedia projector; multimedia presentation; tables depicting elements of a traditional hut; table depicting the traditional dwellings of the northern peoples.
    Methods of problem-based learning, partially exploratory, verbal, visual, explanatory and illustrative.
    Planned results
    navigate the traditional peasant household art, in matters of a multicultural nature, reflecting the unity and diversity of cultures of the peoples of Russia;
    Objective: the ability to identify in the works of peasant applied art a close connection between utilitarian-functional and artistic-figurative principles, constructive, decorative and pictorial elements, form and decor.
    Personal: the development of an aesthetic need for communication with folk arts and crafts, creativity, observation, visual memory, imagination and fantasy, emotional and value attitude to folk craftsmen and their creations, communication skills in the process of joint practical creative activity.

    During the classes

    1. Self-determination to activity.
    Org. mom.(1-2 min) Organizes a situation of self-assessment by students of readiness for the upcoming activity. Performs assessment / self-assessment of readiness according to the criteria:
    -correct choice of training supplies,
    - the correctness and accuracy of the arrangement of objects on the desk,
    - self-preparation
    - Get ready for the lesson. Communicative: justify your position.
    Regulatory: be able to organize the place of employment.

    2. Actualization of knowledge.(5 min) Talk about the ancient roots of folk art.
    - What did we talk about in the last lesson?
    - "Where did the people also use these symbols?"
    - "What did the Russian people call their home?"
    A conversation about the traditions of Russian architecture, the concept of "traditional hut". - "On the ancient symbols of folk art"
    - “On objects an clothes, in decorating a house”

    Explain the meaning of the term "hut".
    Cognitive: determine belonging based on the selection of essential features.
    Personal: respect the culture of folk art; understand the role of culture and art in human life;
    Communicative: cooperation with the teacher and students, express their thoughts, argue, engage in conversation, listen and understand others, participate in dialogue.

    3. Statement of the problem and educational task.
    (5 min) --What do you think the lesson will be about, what is the topic of the lesson?
    - What knowledge do we lack to depict a Russian hut? - "Decoration of the Russian hut" -
    Speak the topic, separating knowledge from ignorance.
    - "To get acquainted with the traditional dwelling of the Russian hut, its details"
    They formulate the goal, fix the learning task, suggest their actions. Regulatory: together with the teacher, determine the goal of the action, pronounce the plan, offer versions, learn to evaluate the success of your task, admit mistakes.

    4. Discovery of new knowledge.
    (7-8 min.) Acquaintance with the main elements of the Russian dwelling, their symbolic meaning. (Presentation. “Decoration of a Russian hut.”) A story about a traditional hut.
    Accept the presentation. Analyze new information about the elements of the Russian dwelling. Discuss the importance of a peasant's home.
    Regulatory: to be able to plan and competently carry out educational activities in accordance with the task.
    Cognitive: the development of value orientations for joint cognitive activity to discover new knowledge.
    Communicative: planning educational cooperation (building speech statements: the ability to listen and hear, answer questions, the ability to accept another, listen, control one's behavior.

    5. Primary fastening
    (4 min) Work with the textbook p.29.
    Why did people decorate and continue to decorate their homes?
    - “What can the three-part structure of the northern peasant hut tell about, its decor?
    Quickly got up, smiled,
    Pulled up higher.
    Well, straighten your shoulders
    Raise, lower.
    Turn right, turn left
    Touch your hands with your knees.
    Sit down, get up, sit down, get up
    And they ran on the spot. Participate in dialogue.
    - "This was done in order to attract the forces of light, goodness to the house, and to protect oneself from evil forces."
    - "The roof and the upper part of the house were associated in folk representations with the sky, the cage - with the earth, and the basement - with the underworld." Cognitive: find information in a textbook; analyze and generalize, draw conclusions, operating with objects and their images.
    Regulatory: manage your activities
    6. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.
    (15 minutes)
    - “With the help of watercolor or gouache, depict a fragment of the decoration of a wooden house - a platband. Make the trim decorations intricate, elegant, weaving familiar images into the pattern. Try to keep the symmetry." Casing drawing. The use of pictorial and graphic materials, expressive means of ornamental compositions (conciseness, generalization, expressiveness of a pictorial motif; rhythm, symmetry) in creative work.
    Regulatory: to be able to rationally build independent creative activity.
    Cognitive: independent creation of activity algorithms during creative work.
    Personal: be able to observe and fantasize when creating figurative forms.
    7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.
    (7 min) - "Evaluate the results of your work, ways to achieve them" (with commentary).
    - What new did you learn in the lesson?
    - What was the topic of the lesson?
    - "What was the purpose of your activity?"
    - "Have you reached your goal?"
    - “What new concept did you meet in the lesson?” Exhibition of drawings.
    Review and discussion of completed works.
    Students' answers Communicative: control, correction, evaluation of classmates' actions, ability to argue one's point of view.
    Personal: to be able to discuss and analyze their own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the standpoint of the creative tasks of this topic, in terms of content and means of its expression.
    Cognitive: to master the skill of creative vision from the standpoint of an artist, i.e. the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize.
    8. Reflection of educational activity.
    (2 min) To assess your achievements for the lesson, the following questions are asked:
    Today in class I...
    I succeeded…
    I can praise...
    I'm not enough...
    I did my best…
    - Analyze each of your activities in the lesson.
    (smiley cards) Students' answers Regulatory: learn to evaluate the success of your assignment, admit mistakes.
    Cognitive: strive to master new knowledge and skills, to achieve higher and original creative results.
    Personal: goodwill, emotional and moral responsiveness.
    9. Homework. Pick up illustrations for fairy tales depicting the interior of the hut. Recording d / z in the diary. Personal: value-semantic guidelines.


    This lesson is the second one in the "Ancient Roots of Folk Art" section of the Visual Arts curriculum. When planning the lesson, the following factors were taken into account: the age of the children, the educational and psychological characteristics of the students.
    This lesson is connected with the previous one and works on subsequent classes on the topic: “The inner world of the Russian hut”, “Design and decor of folk household items”, “Russian folk embroidery” and “Folk festive costume”.
    The following teaching methods were used in the lesson: problem-based learning, partially exploratory, verbal, visual, explanatory and illustrative, practical, the method of frontal organization of students, motivation of educational activity, cognitive-reflexive.
    The lesson used various forms of work: frontal, work in pairs, individual work.
    In order to improve the quality of education of students, computer technologies were used in the lesson.
    Type of activity- the discovery of new knowledge, so it has the following structure:
    1. Self-determination to activity. Org. moment.
    2. Actualization of knowledge.
    3. Statement of the problem and learning task.
    4. Discovery of new knowledge.
    5. Primary fastening.
    6. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.
    7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.
    8. Reflection of educational activity.
    9. Homework.
    At the stage of self-determination for the activity of the lesson, the method of the emotional attitude of students to work was used.
    At the stage of updating knowledge, a problematic dialogue on the questions of the previous lesson was used to update knowledge, which helped to move on to new material. Thus, the conditions for the active activity of students were created at the lesson.
    At the stage of setting the problem and the educational task, the children talked about the history of the origin of words, read the textbook, identified the topic, work was carried out in pairs.
    The types of speech activity of students in the classroom are diverse: listening, reading, dialogue. Consolidation of new material was given in the form of practical independent work. The alternation and change of activities ensured the maintenance of the working capacity and activity of students in the lesson. Conducting a physical minute contributed to the removal of fatigue among students.
    Throughout the lesson, dialogic communication with students was organized. Students freely expressed their opinions without fear of criticism from the teacher. All this helped to create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.
    At the end of the lesson, the work on the topic was summed up, reflection was carried out, thereby directing students to feedback.
    The structure of the lesson chosen by me and its content are rational for solving the tasks and studying the stated topic.
    The meta-subject approach in the lesson was carried out by attracting students' knowledge from the lessons of history and art.
    The tasks of the lesson are implemented, the program requirements are taken into account.
    It can be concluded that this form of employment allows organizing equal communication, creating a favorable psychological climate and an atmosphere of cooperation.

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