Summary of the lesson on teaching literacy "sound and letter x". Summary of the lesson "sound x and letter x" Sounds x and xx tasks for preschoolers

Lesson summary

reading and speech development

in 1st grade

Theme "Sound and letter X, x"

Prepared by Klimova S.O.


Topic: Sound and letter X, x

Equipment: a series of illustrations on the topic "Where does bread come from", bread products, individual cards - recipes, textbooks, cards - signals

During the classes

    Organizational and preparatory stage

Teacher: The long-awaited call is given,

The lesson starts.

Sit up straight, don't bend

We'll get to work.

- Speech warm-up

Ha - ha - ha - caught a rooster

Ho-ho-ho-goes Pakhom

Hee - hee - hee - ate fish soup.

Wow, wow, wow - fluff flies.

    main stage

- Introduction to the topic of the lesson

There are such words:

"He is the head of everything"

Crisp dressed

Soft black, white ... (Bread.)

Teacher: Let's say the word bread in chorus.

Children: Bread

Kuzmin Mikhail:

Here it is - fragrant bread.

Here it is - warm, golden.

In it is our health, strength,

It has wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him

Protected, protected! (show bread)

Teacher: A folk proverb says: “Bread is the head of everything!” Do you know why? (according to the possible answers of children). Not a single meal is complete without it, because bread is satisfying and healthy. We all eat white and black bread every day, many people like dryers, cookies, and various cakes. To find out how bread gets on our table, we will go on an exciting journey.

- Analysis of illustrations "Where does the bread come from"

Teacher: In the spring, as soon as the earth thaws and dries out, a tractor enters the field (picture 1),

who plows deep into the earth. Let's say the word tractor in unison.

Children: tractor.

Teacher: I attach seeders to the tractor, and they put grain in the soil in even, neat rows. (picture 4) Let's say the word seeders in chorus

Children: seeders.

Time passes, seeds germinate, shoots appear. And now the whole field is in golden ears. (picture 6). The grains are ripe, the spikelets have turned yellow. It's time to mow them down. Harvesting begins. And other machines enter the field - combines (picture 7). Let's say the word harvester in unison.

Children: combine.

Teacher: To get bread and other bread products, grain is taken to flour mills or mills, where it is ground into flour. (Picture 9)

Then the flour (picture 13) is taken to the bakery. And then baked products are baked from flour (picture 10.12). Then these products are taken to stores where we buy them (picture 11). This is the difficult path our food product must go through to get to our table.

Teacher: What food were we talking about?

Children: about bread.

- Work on the topic of the lesson

    Highlighting the sound "x" in the word - bread.

Teacher: What is the first sound you hear in the word "Bread"?

Teacher: Do you think the X sound is a vowel or a consonant?

Children: Sound X consonant.

Teacher: The sound X is denoted by the letter Ha.

    Designation of sound with a letter. What does it look like?

X is a funny toy,

Wooden turntable -

Wind free girlfriend.

Teacher: What does the letter X remind you of?

Children: windmill

Teacher: What elements does the printed letter X consist of?

Children: Two straight lines that intersect

    Words that start with the letter "X"

Teacher: Think of words that start with the letter X.

Children: hamster, bathrobe, hockey player, etc.

- Physical education minute

Worked guys!

And now it's all about charging!

Turn left, turn right

Bend over, get up.

Hands up and hands to the side

And on the spot jump and jump!

And now we're running,

Well done you guys!

Slow down, children, step

And stay where you are! Like this!

And now we sit together

We still need to work!

- Finger gymnastics "Bread"

Rain, rain, water (Forefinger tap on the palm of the other)

There will be a loaf of bread, (form a circle in front of you with your hands)

There will be rolls, there will be drying, (pat alternately with one palm of the other)

There will be delicious cheesecakes. (connect the thumb and forefinger together, forming a large circle)

- Work in prescriptions

1. Coloring the letter X

Teacher: Open the recipe. What color do we need to paint the letter X?

Children: Blue

2. Letter letters X, x (Sonya Zakharova and Misha Kuzmin circle the letter)

Teacher: pick up pens and write the letter X. We start writing from the upper left corner, draw a straight line to the lower right corner. We start writing the second element from the upper right corner, draw a straight line to the lower left corner.

3. Definition of sound X in words

Teacher: look at the picture, what is shown?

Children: fly agaric, refrigerator

Teacher: Where is the X sound in the word fly agaric?

Children: the X sound is in the middle

Teacher: Color the square in blue.

Teacher: where is the X sound in the word refrigerator?

Children: Sound X is at the beginning of a word

Teacher: Color the square in blue.

Teacher: cards - copybooks put aside, all attention to me.

- Visual gymnastics

Oh how long we wrote

The children's eyes are tired. (blink eyes)

Look out the window. (look left)

Ah, how high the sky is. (look up)

We'll close our eyes now, (close your eyes with your palms)

In the class, we will build a rainbow, (outline an arc with our eyes) left and right

Let's go up the rainbow

Turn right, turn left, (move right, left)

And then we roll down, (look down)

Squint hard, but hold on. (squint, open and blink)

- Work with the textbook

Reading syllables with the letter X

Teacher: Let's open the bookmark books. Let's read the syllables with the letter X.

(individual work Misha Kuzmin reads the text "Bread" from the cards)

    The final stage

- Summary of the lesson

Teacher: What sound did we meet today at the lesson?

Children: sound X

Teacher: Is the X sound a vowel or a consonant?

Children: Consent

Teacher: What did you like about the lesson? In what mood do you leave the lesson? Show signal card.

Lesson Objectives:

  • acquaintance of students with a new letter: printed, lowercase, capital;
  • teaching children to read and write words with the letter "X", the ability to listen intently and speak meaningfully;
  • development of phonemic hearing, thinking, language sense, attention, speech;
  • fostering a careful attitude to bread, to working people.

Equipment: models of wagons with cards of studied letters and the letter "X", proverbs, riddles.

During the classes

1. Repetition of the studied material

W.: Today we are going on a journey. Guess who will be the passengers of our train. For this …

*Complete the sentences

"We write and see ..." ( Letters)
"We hear and pronounce ..." ( Sounds)

W.: Passengers are letters of vowels and consonants.

*Semantic grouping

W.: In our train, the carriages are of different colors.

- The letters of what sounds will we put in a red car on two shelves? ( Vowel letters)

On the desk:

W.: The most "vociferous passengers" live in the next carriage. name them

W.: The letter of what sound will we take out separately? ( Y)

-Justify your answer. (The letter of a voiced unpaired soft sound, the rest are paired in hardness, softness).

W.: Distribute the remaining letters.

D.: These are letters of paired voiced and unvoiced sounds.

D.: The lower shelf of the car is the letters of deaf sounds [w], [u`], [h`], and the upper one is the letter of a voiced unpaired solid.

W.: The last car we have without a passenger. There goes a printed letter, which we will get acquainted with today.

2. Acquaintance with a new letter

*Letter modeling

W.: Assemble a letter from elements

The student is at the blackboard, the rest are on the desk.

W.: Look at the alphabet and what is the name of the letter? ("HA")

3. Writing a lowercase letter in a notebook for printing

4. Introduction to the written lowercase letter

W.: Look at the poster. What elements make up the written letter "HA"?

D.: Of two semi-ovals.

*Show the writing of the letter on the board.

*Letter in the air.

* Writing the letter "X" by students in a notebook.

W.: Select the most beautiful letter. Try to write beautifully, neatly and correctly and all other icons.

5. Acquaintance with the sounds [x] and [x`]

W.: Think about how many and what sounds the letter X can stand for? To do this, select words with this letter. ( Crunch, gunpowder, cunning, frail, etc.)

* Sound characteristic

D.:[x] - consonant, deaf, hard, [x`] - consonant, deaf, soft.

*Writing words in a notebook

* Physical education minute

W.: I will name the words. If you hear the sound [X] - squat, if you pronounce the sound [X`] - get up and stretch on your toes.

Words: artist, frail, choir, want, cunning, hop, hake, good.

6. Learning to read syllables

(A card with a printed letter "X" is applied to the upper vowels A, O, U, Y, E. It is appropriate to use "train car".)

D.: Firmly, next to vowels, commanders of solid teams.

(The card with the letter "X" is applied to the vowels of the bottom row.)

W.: How do we read the first consonant in these syllables? ( HY, HY, HY, HY, HY)

D.: We speak softly.

W.: We honor syllables.

7. Vocabulary work

W.: What groups can words be divided into?

D.: To words that name objects: crunch, gunpowder and words - signs of objects: frail, cunning.

* Work on the riddle

It's been placed on the table. ( Bread)

What sound do we hear at the end?

D.: We hear the sound [p].

W.: You are right, there is deafening of the sound.

What letter shall we designate the sound with? To do this, pick up words with the same root for the word "bread".

*Hidden hint

W.: Let's affectionately call ... ( loaves)

- An object where bread is stored ... ( bread box)

- Enterprise for the manufacture of bread ... ( bakery, etc.)

Let's write this word in a notebook. We emphasize the place - a weak position for the consonant.

8. Correlation of the sound scheme with the word

On the desk:

W.: Think about which of the schemes fits the word "bread"?

D.: The word "bread" refers to 2 schemes, since [X] is a consonant, hard; [L`] - consonant, soft, as the letter "E" softens. The next sound [E] is a vowel. The last sound [P] is a consonant, hard.

9. Drawing up a proposal for the scheme

W.: Well done, and now select a proposal for the scheme:

D.: Fresh bread is on the table.

Mom put the bread in the breadbasket.

*Letter with comment

W.: Let's write 1 sentence in a notebook.

10. Compiling a story based on key words

W.: In the story that you will compose, there are the following words:


Make up your own stories, working in pairs.

* Selection of proverbs for the text

(listening to children's stories)

W.: Which proverb fits your story?

D.:"Bread is the head of everything."

11. Summing up

* Game "Do you believe"

W.: Do you believe that the letter "X" is the letter of a vowel sound?

D.: This is the letter of consonants.

W.: Prove it.

W.: Do you believe that the letter is a sign of deaf sounds?

D.: This is the letter of deaf sounds [x] and [x`].

W.: Why?

D.: When we pronounce, the neck does not tremble.


W.: What did you find interesting about the lesson? When was it difficult?

*Assessment of students' activities.

Piggy sat on a rooster,
We laughed: "Ha-ha-ha!"
He began to write poetry
We laughed: "Hee-hee-hee!"

Let's single out the first sound from the syllable HA and HI - that's right, X!

0a) Try to make the letter X with pencils!
0b) Can you show the letter X with your arms and legs?
0c) Blind from plasticine!

1a) Find words that start with the letter X

1b) The letter X is playing hide-and-seek. Where is the X sound hidden: in the middle, at the beginning or at the end? (from here)

The X sound is different:
1) hard (blue): HA, XO, XY ("a" indicates the hardness of the consonant and no smile)
2) soft (green): HI, HE ("and" indicates the softness of the consonant, there is a smile)

2) I will name the words and if the sound X is hard in the word, you will squat, and if soft, stand on your toes (peeped)
= cold, bread, cunning, halva, trunk, chemistry, artist, choir, want, frail, good, hut
= sugar, fly, flies, laughter

3a) Composing and reading syllables
\u003d X-a, o, y, s, e
\u003d HY, HYO, HYU, HI, HE

4) Classics with X (search)

5) Didactic game. Clap your hands if the word has an X sound.
= fluff, fly, fur, fly agaric, apple, cold, whale, chemistry

7) The letter is lost
= ..alva, ..leb, ..itretz, ..alat, ..obot

8a) Lesson about the letter X ("Games for the development of speech")

8b) "Learning letters by playing"

8c) Capital letter X (original)

8d) Worksheet (taken)

9) Find the hidden letters X (taken)

10) Circle and color only those balls on which the letter X is written. Connect them with strings with a hamster. (taken)
11) Add the missing element.

12) Color in the parts of the mosaic with the letter X. What did you get? ()

13) I will read you a riddle poem, and you guess the missing word.
"The ferret said to the hamster:
_______ yours is narrow, mine is wide."


What is this about? ABOUT THE TAIL!
Game "Tails"
a) Cards "Halfs of animals - tails": you need to correctly assemble the animal and determine the first letter, or pick up an inscription written in advance for this animal
b) Cards on which tails are drawn, and cards on which the names of animals are written. The task of the child is to correctly connect the tail and the animal to which it belongs.


Hamster, hamster, hamster.
Striped barrel.
Homka gets up early
Washes the neck, rubs the cheeks.
Homka sweeps the hut and goes out to exercise.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - the hamster wants to become strong!

14a) The game "The fourth is extra!" (taken about the difference between the sounds [X] and [K])
\u003d boots, slippers, dressing gown, shoes - dressing gown (begins with X - a voiceless consonant)
\u003d orange, apple, banana, cabbage - cabbage (begins with K - voiced consonant)

14b) The game "Catch the sound": when you hear the sound K, raise the card with the letter K, if X - then with X.
\u003d in the sound range: p, t, k, x, g, t, p, x, g, k
= in syllables: ok, op, oh, at, ak, ah, gu, ku, du, hu, it, ip, ik, ig, their
= in words: picture, compote, aspic, floor, horse, moss, bread, poppy

14c) The game "Lost sound"
= lu ... (k), air ... (x), noso ... (k), veni ... (k), burrow ... (x), ma ... (k), me ... (x), petu ... (x), pu ... (x), then ... (k), plateau ... (k), sti ... (x).

14d) What will we give to Khoma, and what to Kuza? Why?
= bread, horse, poppy, rooster, apple, shoe, spider, fly, halva, milk

15) Assemble the e-puzzle - the letter X (look)

16 Find and decorate the letter X

17) X - hockey (taken)

18) Help the hungry hamsters get to the bread and eat it. You can only go by the letters X. (took)
19) From all the letters, choose the letters "X" and "x" and circle them (taken)

20) Color only those parts of the picture in which you see the letters "X" and "x" (

Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Sounds X - X`. Letter X.

Target: To consolidate in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sounds [X] and [X`], introduce the letter "X".



Consolidation in children of the idea of ​​​​the articulation pattern of sounds [X] and [X`].

Practicing the skill of highlighting a given sound in a word, determining the place of a sound in a word (for example, the sounds [X] and [X`]).

Consolidation of the ability to differentiate sounds (on the material of words with sounds [Х] and [Х`])

Continuation of learning the phonetic analysis of two-syllable words (on the example of words with the sounds [Х] and [Х`]).

Acquaintance with the letter "X", assimilation of the visual image of the letter "X".


Development of phonemic hearing.

Expansion and refinement of children's vocabulary.

Development of HMF (attention, memory).

Correction of visual perception (taking into account visual load and diagnosis when selecting visual material for each child).

Development of fine motor skills and touch.


Raising a positive attitude towards speech therapy in children.

Education in children of a culture of behavior in subgroup-type frontal classes.

Equipment: subject pictures with sounds [X] and [X`] (X - hamster, persimmon, bread; X` - hake, surgeon, hut) for each child in individual envelopes (the size of the pictures meets the requirements of the recommended visual load); mirrors 9x12cm for each child; soft toy - hamster; blue and green plasticine, cards with an outline image of the letter "X" for each child; two baskets, items in the name of which there are sounds [Х] or [Х`]; felt-tip pens (blue, green, red).

Lesson Plan

Activities of a speech therapist

Children activities


Organizing time.

Guys, today our friend came to visit us, and here he is!

Who is it?

The cunning Homa did not come empty-handed, he brought you magic envelopes in which pictures-tips are hidden. With the help of them, we can learn the topic of our today's lesson.

See what is hidden in the envelopes?

Let's name the objects depicted on them.

What sounds do you think we will repeat today?

Sly hamster Homa


[X] and [X`]

The speech therapist puts a toy hamster on the table.

The speech therapist distributes envelopes.

Children name the words, the speech therapist explains the meaning of incomprehensible and unfamiliar words.

II. Lesson topic message.

So, Khoma helped us find out that today we will remember the sounds [X] and [X`], and also get acquainted with the letter “X”, which denotes these sounds in writing.

III. Characterization of sounds by articulatory features.

Let's remember what sounds are?

Correctly! Let's pronounce the sound [X], warm our hands.

So what is this sound?

Is it hard or soft?

And now let's pronounce the sound [X`]

What do you feel? How do we get air out of our mouths?

So what is this sound?

Is it hard or soft?

Let's check if the magic bell rings in our throat when pronouncing this sound, or not? Put your hand on your throat and check.

So, what kind of sound is it, voiced or deaf?

Guys, let's pronounce our sounds in turn: x-x-x-x, are they similar or not?

How are these sounds different?

Let's repeat: what is the sound [X]?

And the sound [Х`]?

This is what we hear and say

(the air is warm, meets obstacles, obstacles, the tip of the tongue is below, slightly moves away from the lower teeth, the back of the tongue forms a steep hill, prevents the air from passing freely



does not ring




Doesn't ring



[X`] is soft, and [X] is hard

consonant hard, voiceless

consonant, soft, voiceless

Children, each in front of a mirror, make a sound

IV. Distinguishing the sounds [X] and [X`] by ear, determining the place of these sounds in a word, inventing words with the sounds [X] and [X`] by children.

Homa wants to play a game with you: he will tell me the words, I will call them to you, and when I say the word with [X], clap your hands, and if I say the word with [X`], stomp, then tell me where this sound is in the word (beginning, middle, end).

Words: walk, fur, cunning, peas, walnut, sunrise mohair, poems, cracker, predatory, halva, + words invented by children.

Children repeat words with [X] / [X`] after the speech therapist, locate the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end), give it a description.

V. Acquaintance with the letter "X".

Guys, our guest hamster Homa brought something else with him.

What do you think it is?

This is the letter "X", which stands for what sounds?

What else does our letter look like?

So, let's repeat: The letter "X" stands for 2 sounds: [X] - consonant, hard deaf and [X`] - consonant, soft, deaf.

And now it's time for us to relax.

cross, paths, traces, unfinished bow

[X] and [X`]

The speech therapist displays an image of the letter "X".

Children repeat after the speech therapist, the speech therapist praises them on behalf of Khoma.

VI. Physical education minute

Guys, now we will divide into two teams, the first row is one team, she collects pictures with sound [X], the second row is the second team, she collects pictures with sound [X`]

Robe, hake, rooster, roosters, fly, flies…

Objects are laid out on the floor, in the name of which there is [X] or [X`], the children are divided into two teams

VII. Consolidation of the visual image of the letter, prevention of violations of written speech (tasks from Khoma):

Now let's imagine that we are artists and draw a portrait of our letter: draw our letter with our finger in the air.

Well done!

Look what else Homa has prepared for us.

What do you think can be done about this?

We will create a portrait of our letter.

Why did Khoma prepare blue and green plasticine?

Choose a color, and cover the letter with plasticine, try not to go beyond the contour. If you decorate your letter with green plasticine, you will have to come up with a word for the sound [X`], if blue - [X].

sculpt letters

the letter "X" denotes two sounds [X] and [X`], for hard - blue, for soft - green

The speech therapist gives the children cards with a contour image of the letter "X" and green and blue plasticine.

Children do the task

IX. Strengthening the skill of sound analysis and reading

Look, guys, what else the hamster Homa has prepared for us!

Pictures are shown at the bottom of the sheet. What do they show? (fly and flies)

How many parts are there in the word "fly"? Name them.

And in the word "flies"? Name the parts.


What is shown on our sheets under the pictures?

We need to complete these charts. Let's start with the word "fly". You will draw up a diagram on your sheets, and then characterize the sounds in turn: whoever completes the task will be the first to tell about the first sound, who will be the second about the second, etc.

Let's remember what color vowels are denoted by?

Are consonants hard?

Soft consonants?

Okay, now straighten your backs. Let's start the task.

Guys, we got two schemes, are they the same or different?

What is the difference?


But we still have cells under the schemes, what are they for?

Yes, let's write in there the letters that "dress" our sounds. Just be careful, the letters must be the same color as the sounds they dress.

Now let's read what we got

Well done!

children with the help of claps determine that the two parts, "mu" and "ha"

also two parts, "mu" and "hee"


Target: To consolidate the pupils' idea of ​​the sounds [X] and [X`], to introduce the letter "X".


  • To consolidate the ability of pupils to give a comparative description of the sounds X, Xh.


  • To consolidate the ability of children to differentiate the sounds X, Xh in words and sentences;
  • Develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills;
  • Develop mental activity;
  • Develop phonemic hearing;
  • Develop the ability to perform phonetic analysis of two-syllable words (using the example of words with the sounds [Х] and [Х`]).


  • To educate children in a positive attitude towards classes;
  • To educate children in a culture of behavior in frontal classes.

Equipment: computer, projector, large-sized notebooks, simple and colored (blue, red, green) pencils for each child.

Lesson Plan

1. Organizational moment. (2 slide)

Guys, every morning when you enter the group you greet the children and adults present in it. And I suggest you say hello to your body.

Conducting a communicative game "Hello"

Hello palms! (Extend arms, turn palms up and down.)

Clap-clap-clap! (3 hand claps.)

Hello legs! ("Spring".)

Top-top-top! (Stomp their feet.)

Hello cheeks! (Stroking cheeks with palms.)

Plop-plop-plop! (Three times lightly pat on the cheeks.)

Chubby cheeks! (Circular movements with fists on the cheeks.)

Plop-plop-plop! (Three times lightly hit fists on the cheeks.)

Hello sponges! (Shake head left and right.)

Smack-smack-smack! (Three times they smack their lips.)

Hello teeth! (Shake head left and right.)

Click-click-click! (Click teeth 3 times.)

Hello, hello tongue! (Tilt head forward 3 times.)

Chok-chok-chok! (Clicking tongue 3 times.)

2. Post subject. (3 slide)

- The cunning hamster Homa came to visit us today. If you name the sounds with which the words cunning and hamster begin, you will find out what sounds our guest invites you to remember.

- Correctly! Well done! Today we will remember the sounds [X] and [X`], and also get acquainted with the letter “X”, which denotes these sounds in writing.

3. Acoustic-articulatory image of sounds. (4 slide.)

What sound is heard X or Xh when we laugh: Ha-ha-ha? (X.) Hee hee hee? (Hh.).

Pupils in chorus and individually pronounce the sounds and give their characteristics.

The sound X is a consonant, solid (denoted by a blue chip), deaf.

The sound Xh is a consonant, soft (denoted by a green chip), deaf.

Both of these sounds are denoted by the same letter. Look at how it looks and tell me what this letter looks like?

- And now let's open the recipes and complete all the tasks on a new page. (Work in copybooks: hatching, writing the letter X in the cells.)

4. Game exercise "Lay out the pictures." (5 slide)(Development of phonemic hearing.) - Khoma attends a forest school, where he has to perform many tasks.

Some of them he can't handle. Homa asks you to help him. Well, can we help? Homa brought pictures with him and asks to sort them into folders. In the blue folder you need to put pictures, in the names of which there is a hard consonant X, and in the green folder you need to put pictures, in the names of which there is a soft sound Xh. (Pictures - hut, nuts, ferret, roosters, fly.)

- Well done, helped Khoma cope with the task.

5. Physical education "Hamster". (6 slide)

Our friend invites us to get up and stretch a little.

Homa, homa, hamster, striped barrel (rub sides with hands)

homa gets up early, (stretch)

washes cheeks (rubs cheeks with hands)

paws rubs (hand washing movements)

Sweeps Khoma's hut (sweeps with imaginary brooms)

and goes out to charge (marching)

One (hands forward)

two (hands up)

three (hands to the sides)

four, five (shake hands)

the hamster wants to become strong (the arms are bent to the shoulders, the hands are clenched into fists, the muscles of the arms are tense, like those of strong men).

6. Word game "Find an extra word." (7 slide)

- Homa wants to check how your ears hear and offers to play the game of the 4th extra.

(4 words are reproduced by the teacher, and the children determine the excess.)

Hut, walk, ottoman, artist;

Sly, heck tail, chemistry;

kitchen clapperboard, poetry, cold.

- Well done! Your ears can hear everything just fine!

7. Sound analysis of the words Hek and Khoma. (8-9 slides)

- Guess the riddle.

Lives without air

Cold as ice

He does not want to drink, but he drinks.

Armor shines, but does not ring

And everything is silent, silent.

That's right, it's a fish. Our friend Homa is friends with a fish named Hake. He asks you to help him write a sound chart for his friend's name. Can we help? Then open notebooks in a cage.

(Pupils determine the number of sounds in a word and draw a strip 3 cells long. Then they name each sound, give it a description and designate it in a notebook with the corresponding colored circle.)

Well done guys, you helped our guest. But why is he sad? He probably wants to write his name, but he can't. Can we help Homka?

(Students determine the number of sounds in a word and draw a strip 4 cells long. Divide Khoma’s words into syllables and divide the strip into two parts. Then they call each sound, give it a description and mark it in a notebook with the corresponding colored circle. Under the diagram, children write the word with a simple pencil Homa The teacher explains to the pupils that the names are capitalized.)

I suggest you call our guest and show how beautifully we wrote his name. Let's pronounce his name by highlighting the vowel sound in the second syllable, i.e. let's put emphasis. - Homa. Something he does not go, so we put the emphasis wrong. Let's try to voice the vowel in the first syllable. - Homa. And here is our friend. So we've got it right. Well done!

8. Summary of the lesson. (10 slides)

Tell me, what sounds did we remember today? (Repetition of characteristics of sounds). Remember the words with the sounds X and Xh that sounded in the lesson.

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Everything you need to know about radiation Radiation sources and units

5. Radiation doses and units of measurement The effect of ionizing radiation is a complex process. The effect of irradiation depends on the magnitude ...

Misanthropy, or What if I hate people?
Misanthropy, or What if I hate people?

Bad advice: How to become a misanthrope and joyfully hate everyone Those who assure that people should be loved regardless of the circumstances or ...