Logical and methodological requirements for educational publications. Requirements for a methodological manual, methodological development, methodological recommendations

Often, researchers engaged in scientific work and teachers have a need to publish an educational publication. This type of publication has a number of features, compared with the preparation of scientific publications. These features and requirements for educational publications by the leading Educational and Methodological Associations will be discussed below.

Let's start with the definition of the concept of "educational publication". According to GOST 7.60-2003 educational edition- this is "A publication containing systematized information of a scientific or applied nature, presented in a form convenient for studying and teaching, and designed for students of different ages and levels of education."

The same GOST distinguishes the following types of educational publications:

Educational publications:

  • textbook: An educational publication containing a systematic presentation of the academic discipline, its section, part, corresponding to the curriculum, and officially approved as this type of publication.
  • tutorial: An educational publication that supplements or replaces partially or completely a textbook officially approved as this type of publication.
  • teaching aid: An educational publication containing materials on the methodology of teaching, studying an academic discipline, its section, part or education.
  • educational visual aid: An educational art publication containing materials to help study, teach or educate.
  • workbook: A textbook that has a special didactic apparatus that promotes the student's independent work on mastering the subject.
  • tutorial: Educational publication for self-study of something without the help of a supervisor.
  • reader: An educational publication containing literary, artistic, historical and other works or excerpts from them that make up the object of study of the academic discipline.
  • workshop: An educational publication containing practical tasks and exercises that contribute to the assimilation of what has been covered.
  • problem book: Workshop containing learning tasks.
  • training program: An educational publication that determines the content, volume, as well as the procedure for studying and teaching an academic discipline, its section, part.
  • training kit: A set of educational publications designed for a certain level of education and including a textbook, study guide, workbook, reference book.

In the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002, we read “On the definition of the terms “textbook” and “textbook” it is noted that “A textbook is the main educational book in a particular discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge that is mandatory for learning by students. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the state educational standard and fully disclose the approximate program for a particular discipline. The title of the textbook must correspond to the name of the discipline of the federal component of the SES VPO.

The textbook is considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only a part (several sections) of an exemplary program. Unlike a textbook, a manual may include not only proven, generally recognized knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on a particular problem.

In this way, first feature of educational edition- these are the requirements for the correspondence of the title and content of the textbook to the name of the discipline of the federal component of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (the portal of the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education - http://fgosvo.ru and the portal "Russian Education" - http://www.edu.ru/)

The second feature of the educational edition, in comparison with the monograph, is availability of methodological apparatus which may include:

  • questions for each paragraph of the textbook, reflecting its structure and allowing you to consolidate the material read;
  • assignments for the seminar;
  • tasks for independent work at home;
  • analysis of specific situations on examples from practice;
  • various types of tests;
  • the task of searching (selecting) and reviewing literature and electronic sources of information on an individually given course problem;
  • a task for performing home tests, providing for solving problems, performing exercises and given out in practical classes;
  • task for preparing for tests and certifications;
  • topics of abstracts (essays, reports, scientific articles) on a given problem, etc.

The methodological apparatus can be designed both for students and for helping the teacher in conducting classes.

Also, the educational publication can be supplemented with various reference materials - a dictionary, glossary, regulations, samples and examples of documents, etc.

The next feature of the educational edition is the requirements for its content. If a monograph must necessarily contain a certain novelty and the results of author's research, then an educational publication can be a compilation of various sources. The textbook should contain basic information on the discipline. Also, the educational publication should have such a quality as visibility. The text should be accompanied by diagrams, drawings and photographs that facilitate the perception of the material, but do not repeat it.

The structure of the educational publication can be as follows:

Introduction or/and preface. An academic edition may include both an introduction and a preface, or just an introduction, as is most often the case. The introduction should include the goals of studying the discipline and educational information that, in terms of the content and volume of the discipline, is necessary and sufficient to implement the requirements of a specific state educational standard (hours and goals of studying the discipline are taken into account). It is also fashionable to indicate the competencies to be acquired, which the study of the discipline is aimed at, etc.

The preface (according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is an accompanying article placed at the beginning of the publication, which explains the goals and features of the content and construction of the work. It may contain a summary of each chapter.

Introduction (again according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is a structural part of the main text of the publication, which is its initial chapter and introduces the reader to the essence of the problematic of the work.

According to the same GOST, to which we have repeatedly referred, the largest part of the text is a section. It is divided into chapters, which in turn are subdivided into paragraphs (§).

A mandatory part of the educational publication is a list of references and other sources.

An author who has written a worthy textbook, as a rule, wants to receive a stamp from an educational and methodological association stating that this educational publication is approved (or Recommended) by the UMO as a textbook (electronic textbook) or teaching aid (electronic manual) for students of higher educational institutions, students in the direction (specialty) of HPE training. By following our recommended rules for the preparation of educational publications, you can easily cope with this task!

In conclusion, we will give some tips on what you should pay attention to in order to minimize the amendments made to the text by editors and proofreaders.

2. It is necessary to check the numbering of all figures, tables and formulas according to the text. Compare whether there is a link to EVERY figure or table in the text, and whether there are figures and tables in the manuscript that are referenced in the text.

3. References - if the list is voluminous and includes sources of different types, it is better to divide it into sections.

4. Decipher all abbreviations on first use. Do not overload the text with abbreviations, especially those consisting of two letters. This makes it difficult for readers to understand the text. Do not use abbreviations in titles.

5. Avoid too many repetitions in links "Ibid. S. 220". Such references are inconvenient for the reader to use. Especially if the full link to the source was many pages before “Ibid. P.220".

6. The manuscript must be well SUBTRACTED. Experienced editors do not proofread manuscripts from a computer screen, they print out the text and read it intermittently, several pages at a time. The computer may not always detect an error in the test. We noticed that when typing Word did not underline the word “ dough", although we are, of course, not talking about a flour product, but about text. Such errors can be noticed only with careful proofreading. If the author does not want to do this, it is necessary to pay for the work on the proofreader's manuscript accordingly.

Successful publications!

As well-defined in the general typological system of publications, the type of educational literature has its own clearly defined readership and purpose. The intended purpose of educational literature reflects the social function that this type of publications performs. So, in the system of teaching aids, the main function of educational publications is to ensure the independent work of students in mastering knowledge and consolidating it. Educational literature refers to textbooks, teaching aids, guidelines.

Tutorial - an educational publication containing educational tasks and theoretical information for their solution (for the entire discipline or individual sections) in accordance with the objectives of the academic discipline, including a variety of materials to support the student, as well as materials for self-control and control.

General procedure for the development of an educational publication

l Determining the role and place of a given academic discipline in the training of a specialist, taking into account the qualification characteristics and the curriculum, and concretizing on this basis the tasks of training and education that are solved in the process of teaching the course;

l Determination of the nature and amount of knowledge that should be acquired by the student in the study of the entire course, its topics and each issue of the topic;

l Identification of the amount of knowledge gained as a result of studying previously completed disciplines, and the use of the results of this identification in determining the nature and amount of knowledge on each issue of the topic, on each topic and throughout the course;

l Determination of the logical and didactic sequence of the transfer of educational information for the acquisition of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities, the reproduction and use of previous knowledge in the study of each issue of the topic, each topic and the entire course;

l Development of the structure of the training manual, the division of the stated program material into methodologically justified structural elements: sections, subsections, paragraphs.

In achieving a high scientific and methodological level of presentation of the material, the main thing is its accessibility, consistency and consistency. There are two methods that are not mutually exclusive. According to the first, general concepts and definitions of a particular category are initially stated, and then their disclosure is given; according to the second, particular problems are first considered, leading the student to general conclusions and definitions.

Basic requirements for the content of the training manual

l Continuity in the presentation of the material of the methodological manual in the content of educational publications in previously studied disciplines;

l Close connection with the content of educational materials of other blocks of the curriculum, including social sciences;

l Implementation of the principles of ensuring intradisciplinary links between educational publications in one discipline;

l Interdisciplinary connections;

l Ensuring the continuity of certain types of training of specialists;

· Use of a common conceptual apparatus, unification in the use of terminology in designation.

The most important element of any educational literature, incl. teaching aid is main text. It presents verbal material, didactically and methodically processed and systematized by the author, corresponding to the curriculum and, if necessary, illustrated. In accordance with the foregoing, the main text should be designed in such a way as to instill in the student the skills to:

l conduct scientific analysis;

l draw conclusions and apply evidence-based decisions under conditions of uncertainty;

l see the prospects for the development of the relevant field of science;

l use modern scientific information, process and use it in solving practical problems.

Key requirements for the text of the training manual:

l the text provides full disclosure of the issues of the program of the academic discipline;

l the text is available for successful assimilation by students, contributes to the motivation of learning, the formation of skills and abilities, as well as the creative abilities of future specialists;

l ensures the continuity of knowledge gained in the study of previous disciplines, and also provides close intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections;

l creates the necessary conditions for the use of audiovisual means and computer technology;

l takes into account the psychological and pedagogical factors of students, their general educational level;

· uses the possibilities of explanatory and additional texts.

There are several types and methods of implementation of the methodological manual. Decide clearly what you set as the goal of the work: write an educational and methodological instruction, a methodological guide (instruction) or a guide to practical (laboratory) classes.

Depending on the type of training manual, the method of performing the methodological manual is selected.

Approximate structure of educational guidance

according to the COURSE OF DISCIPLINE:

1. Introduction.

· Plan of seminars (practical) classes.

· Themes of reports, abstracts.

4. List of recommended literature.

5. Questions to prepare for the exam (test).

Organizational and methodical instructions. This part of the manual consists of Requirements for the mandatory minimum content and level of training of the graduate”, imposed by the State Educational Standard of the NISPO for the discipline taught: the goal, tasks of the discipline, the student must know, be able to, have ideas, etc.

The distribution of hours by terms of training, types of training sessions and topics. An educational-thematic lesson plan is given.

The content of the topics of the program and recommendations for their study. This is the main part of the methodological manual and requires a deliberate approach. In this section, there is a layout of topics. Each theme includes:

· title;

· the content of the topic (issues under consideration);

Literature (mandatory (basic) and additional);

· goals (educational, methodical, educational);

· guidelines;

· form of current knowledge control (survey, discussion, testing);

· a form of control of knowledge of the SIW (abstracts, reports, testing).

Approximate structure of the methodological manual


1. Introduction.

2. Apparatus, equipment, materials, solutions (reagents).

3. Method of work.

4. Analysis, discussion of the result of the work. Conclusions.

5. Recommended literature.

6. Applications. The Appendix may include diagrams, maps, tables, schemes, dictionaries, lists of illustrations, etc. Usually, the information contained in the "Appendix" is an addition or explanation to a number of structural elements of the text.

Approximate structure of the methodological manual for TRAINING (PRODUCTION) PRACTICE:

1. The requirements of the standard of practice.

2. Principles and goals of practice (to have an idea, to know, to be able, to have skills).

3. The content of the practice and the structure of the student's activity.

4. Practice Control Materials(diary, reference from the place of practice, various documents confirming the completion of the practice, reporting product of the practice).

5. Conclusion.

6. Application. The Appendix may include an Instruction on HSE, job duties of a specialist (functions, duties, rights, responsibilities), a sample of the Title page of the practice diary, a practice report, the Structure of the practice diary (content of the practice).



Kineshma 2015

Ogoreltseva M.G.Guidelines for the compilation and design of educational and methodical publications. Methodical manual for teachers of FKPOU "KTTI" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

These guidelines have been compiled to help college teachers develop teaching and methodological materials for the disciplines they teach. The recommendations include uniform requirements for the structure, content and design of educational publications. - Kineshma, FKPOU "KTTI" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, 2015. - 46 p.


Explanatory note ................................................................ ...........................................four

Types and types of educational publications .............................................. .................................5

Requirements for educational and methodical publications .............................. 15

General requirements ......................................................................................15

Content Requirements ..........................................................................15

Structure Requirements .............................................................................16

Requirements for the text part ..................................................................20

Presentation of certain types of text material ......................22

Bibliographic list .................................................................. .................................35

Applications ................................................. ................................................. ........36

Explanatory note

The need to ensure the high-quality implementation of the state educational standard of secondary vocational education has intensified the search by pedagogical science and practice for ways to improve the efficiency of the educational process and the quality of training. The content of secondary vocational education, teaching technologies, forms of organization of the educational process are being intensively updated. The problem of educational and methodological support of the educational process has become important for the teachers of the technological boarding school. Pedagogical practice convincingly proves that the quality and effectiveness of the educational process is significantly increased if this process is provided in a comprehensive manner.

In the light of the requirements of the educational standard, teachers of a technical school should know the methodological foundations for designing complexes of didactic teaching aids, be able to develop these complexes and adapt them to the real conditions of the educational process.

The purpose of these guidelines is to assist teachers in the development of educational and methodological materials, which are a necessary condition for ensuring the educational process in a technical school. Give teachers some specific recommendations, advice that will be useful and to some extent facilitate his difficult searches, warn against many typical mistakes. Along with this, it is necessary to acquaint teachers with educational and methodological support as such: its composition (structural structure), content (documents, technical objects), requirements for their development.

Any work done by a teacher acquires real value only when other people (teachers, students) have the opportunity to get acquainted with its results. Therefore, an important stage of activity is its design.

If a teacher wants his colleagues to know about his experience, he must keep in mind that in this case he acts in a new capacity - as an author. The author's development is a purely individual thing, a product of the teacher's creative activity, therefore his activity is subject to somewhat different patterns and requirements. It is necessary to clearly explain to colleagues what changes his experience in traditional practice, what is the effectiveness of his pedagogical activity. What are his ideas and approaches.

Requirements for the design of methodological materials increase if the teacher intends to submit them for examination. This is due to the fact that experts evaluate the work in absentia and, not being able to ask questions of personal interest to them, look for answers in the text itself. Therefore, it should be extremely clear and contain answers to all possible questions of experts. One of the tasks set in these methodological recommendations is to give teachers generalized and systematized ideas about the organization of the activity of creating methodological materials.

The condition for the successful use of the proposed recommendations is the desire of the individual for self-improvement: it is necessary to constantly report to yourself in order to determine your future prospects.

Types and types of educational publications determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

System of educational publications

Educational publications

Textbook - this is an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline or its section, part, corresponding to the state educational standard and standard curriculum and officially approved as this type of publication.

The only opportunity to become the author of a textbook is to receive the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and for this the textbook must be created at a high scientific and methodological level, fully comply with the federal component of the discipline of the state educational standard of the specialty, determined by the didactic units of the standard.

Tutorial - this is an educational publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements a textbook and is officially approved by a higher authority as this type of publication for a certain category of educational institutions.

To obtain the status of a teaching aid, the work must pass the appropriate examination and receive the stamp "Admitted" or "Recommended" for use in the GOU SPO.

The textbook should correspond to the course program (section), contain new material that expands the content of the main textbook, reflect new current problems and trends, and be designed to expand, deepen and improve the assimilation of knowledge.

Single lecture - educational publication containing the text of one lecture. It reflects the content, volume and form of presentation of a lecture given by a certain teacher.

Lecture texts - an educational and theoretical publication that fully or partially covers the content of the academic discipline or goes beyond the scope of the curriculum. Reflects material read by a particular teacher.

Lecture course - educational publication (a set of individual lectures), fully covering the content of the academic discipline. Reflects material read by a particular teacher.

Lecture notes - educational publication, in a compact form reflecting the material of the entire course, read by a particular teacher.

Educational and methodical publications

Teaching aid is an educational and methodical publication containing systematized information of a scientific, practical and applied nature, presented in a form that is accessible and convenient from a methodological point of view for independent study and assimilation of an academic discipline.

A distinctive feature of the teaching aid is the comprehensive nature of the presentation of the material, i.e. theory in logical combination with practice.

Teaching aidmay contain, in addition to theoretical material, guidelines, recommendations, tasks, tasks for self-examination and self-analysis of the student's work or samples of their solution, etc.

Thus, ifthe course of lectures has methodological support , i.e. answers the question:“How to use lectures in the educational process?” , then it can be attributed toteaching aids.

The same applies toworkshop . If in itincluded standards and algorithms for solving practical problems, exercises that contribute to the assimilation, consolidation, verification of knowledge, then the work isteaching aid .

Guidelines - an educational and methodical publication containing materials on the methodology of independent study or practical development by students of an academic discipline and preparation for testing knowledge. Guidelines may include requirements for the content, design and defense of term papers and theses.

Guidelines - an educational and methodical publication containing a general description of the discipline (goals, objectives of its study, a set of subjects on which it relies), as well as forms and methods and types of independent work of students (study of literary sources, lecture notes, preparation for practical exercises, compilation reports, etc.).

What is the difference between guidelines and guidelines?

The term "instructions" is used in cases where the content suggests a certain algorithm of actions, which must be strictly followed in order to obtain a result, i.e. this is an instruction explaining the nature and sequence of actions when students perform a specific educational task.

The recommendations often offer possible stages of the task, describe the features of the individual parts of the work. In this case, the student has the right to independently determine the algorithm for completing the task.

Types of guidelines

    methodical instructions for seminars;

    methodical instructions for practical exercises;

    guidelines for laboratory work;

    guidelines for the study of individual sections (topics) of the course, etc.

Methodical development - this is a set of educational and methodological materials that determine the content, order, methods and means of conducting classes on a topic or individual educational issues.

Methodological development can be both individual and collective work. It is aimed at the professional and pedagogical improvement of a teacher or a master of industrial training or the quality of training in educational specialties.

Methodological development can be

    development of a specific lesson;

    development of a series of lessons;

    development of the topic of the academic discipline;

    development of extracurricular activities;

    development of a common methodology for teaching subjects;

    Development of new forms, methods or means of training and education

Methodological developments of training sessions or course topics are clearly structured and reflect all components of the educational process.

Methodological development of lessons (classes) - a kind of educational and methodical publication to help the teacher, the master of p / o, in a systematic way reflecting the content and course of the lesson, classes. Among the methodological developments of lessons (classes), there are lesson plans (classes) and abstracts of lessons (classes).

Lesson plan (classes) - a logically ordered list of questions to be studied in the lesson, concisely reflecting the sequence of presentation of the material and the course of the lesson.The most important requirement for a lesson plan - accuracy, meaningful conciseness, i.e. the ability to reflect the content and course of the lesson as fully and accurately as possible in the minimum amount of text.

Lesson summary (classes) - a set of a plan and a brief written record of the content and sequence of the stages of the lesson, which has an author's, individualized character. Designed for the subsequent restoration of educational information with varying degrees of completeness during the lesson. It is characterized by multi-targeting: teachers, masters of p / o, administration and / or representatives of educational authorities. Unlike the lesson planthe plan-outline or summary of the lesson contains not only a list of issues and stages of the lesson considered in the lesson, but also fragments of the teacher's speech or the full text of the new material.

Methodological developments summarizing pedagogical experience.

This is the most complex type of methodological development, requiring experience in research activities, a creative approach to creation and design.

The main features of advanced pedagogical experience are:

    high quantitative and qualitative indicators of the results of the educational process according to the main criteria of secondary vocational education;

    teacher's professional and labor experience, i.e. the desire and availability of the necessary skills in various types of their professional activities;

    the ability to analyze the process and result of professional and pedagogical work;

    self-control, self-analysis of the work done, the connection between theory and practice;

    rationalization approach to business;

    correction in the organization of work of the teacher;

    optimality of pedagogical experience (achieving the best results in teaching and educational work with the least, economical expenditure of effort and time of teachers and students);

    sustainability, stability of experience, its long-term functioning;

    the possibility of repetition and creative use by other teachers;

    perspective experience;

    scientific validity of experience (scientific interpretation of pedagogical phenomena).

To design a methodological development on the generalization of pedagogical experience, it is necessary to study this experience.

There are several stages in the study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

First stage - detection of a contradiction between the established forms and methods of work of a teacher or teaching staff, on the one hand, and the need to increase its effectiveness, on the other. This contradiction is realized, comprehended, the problem is formulated in terms, concepts and categories of pedagogical science.

Second phase - identification of findings, novelties in the work of individual teachers or entire teams that have certain achievements in educational work. The object of research, study and generalization of experience is determined.

Third stage - drawing up a detailed program for the study and generalization of experience. To do this, the theme and goal are formulated, the object, the subject of study and generalization is specified. Research methods are outlined and concretized, i.e. determines what questions will be studied and by what methods. Stages of work and calendar terms for the study of specific objects are established. Diagnostic methods are being developed that allow the collection and analysis of information about pedagogical experience.

On thefourth stage work is underway to collect pedagogical facts and other empirical and informational material (based on the program). The received material is specified, its reliability is checked. For further study and generalization of pedagogical experience, it is necessary to describe (name the authors, define the problem, consistently retell the content of the experience, describe the specific conditions and time in which it is implemented, show the success of educational work related to the described experience.

On thefifth stage the described experience is comprehended: facts are compared, compared, analyzed, relationships are revealed, the nature of the dependence between them, the nature of the dependence of the pedagogical process on specific conditions is determined. From this follow concrete conclusions.

Sixth stage - design of methodological development. The structure of such a development cannot be strictly regulated. However, it is advisable to reflect the following components:

    1. Explanatory note (substantiates the reasons why the author proposes to organize the learning process in one way or another, characterizes the conditions for creating the development, determines the scope of its application).

      The main part (the content may include several sections and should answer the questions: What does the author propose? Why does he propose to do it this way? How to do it in order to get a guaranteed result? What are the conditions for applying the development?).



Ancillary publications

Workshops - publications designed to consolidate the material covered and test knowledge by various methods. They contain practical tasks and exercises that contribute to the assimilation of the material covered and the formation of the necessary competencies.

The workshops are aimed at:

    To consolidate knowledge and skills

    On the formation of skills of practical work

    To master the forms and methods of cognition

    Reflect the main aspects of the training course with a more detailed consideration and consolidation

    May consist of:

    Questions and tasks

    Additional guidelines for their implementation

    Clarification of the most difficult questions

The practicums include:

    collection of tasks (exercises);

    laboratory workshop;

    collection of plans for seminars;

    collection of control tasks (tests), etc.

Workbook - this is a methodological development for independent (classroom or extracurricular) work of students, which allows to generalize, consolidate and systematize knowledge in the discipline, develop the skills to apply the acquired knowledge, check the results of their work with the installation of a mandatory report.

The structure of the workbook may be different, which, in turn, is due to:

    the content of the studied discipline, the degree of its complexity;

    the nature (style) of managing the cognitive activity of students;

    the initial level of preparedness of the audience;

    age characteristics of listeners;

    learning conditions;

    creativity of the teacher.

Consider a workbook model, which includes 4 blocks: three main (mandatory) and one optional.

The first block ("Actualization of support activities") represents the so-called mobilizing principle. It contains questions and tasks that allow you to restore previously acquired knowledge in memory, which is required for understanding, understanding and better memorization of new material. This block of tasks allows you to focus the student's attention on the issue under study and increase interest in the topic under study. Reproduction of basic knowledge is proposed to be expressed in a verbal way.

Second block is a structured abstract reflecting the content of the studied material.

A structured abstract is a kind of lecture stencil containing silent drawings, diagrams, tables, empty frames, which are filled in during the lecture. All drawn objects either specify or supplement the text part, that is, they help to reveal the meaning of what is written. The use of such a model (structured abstract) not only saves study time, but also instills note-taking skills, allows you to focus attention on the main issues of the topic, cultivates accuracy and aesthetic qualities.

The third block ("Self-control") provides for a system of didactic tasks that activate and organize students' self-training. Performing training exercises contributes to:

    improving the skills of students to independently work on the content of the topic under study;

    development of mental activity and analytical abilities of students;

    fostering interest and responsibility in doing homework.

When selecting questions and tasks, a differentiated approach is implemented: the degree of complexity of tasks increases from control questions that require simple reproduction of a certain portion of known information to tasks that establish interdisciplinary connections, or tasks that require the ability to compare, classify, analyze and make generalizations. All tasks begin with motivating words:


    make appropriate labels...

    reproduce the diagrams...

    identify the main elements...

    Highlight the salient features...

Fourth block (optional) includes a list of abstract messages on the studied section of the discipline and recommended literature. This block is associated with the independent work of students, a specific work program of the discipline.

The information offered in this part of the workbook may be of interest to students and serve as an incentive for the further development of cognitive activity and creative activity.

The distribution of tasks in a notebook according to the principle “from simple to complex” allows the student to determine his level of mastering knowledge and skills.

If, after the first stage of independent work with a notebook, a student finds out that he belongs to the weak, medium or strong in this discipline, then after systematic, systematic work he will find with satisfaction that now he is definitely among the strong.

The workbook is the assistant that gives the student guidelines to move forward. The workbook disciplines the process of learning, thinking, helps to consistently assimilate the system of knowledge outlined by the curriculum.

Handout didactic material has methodological value if the teacher approaches its creation systematically, drawing up methodological recommendations for its use in the educational process.

Requirements for educational and methodical publications

General requirements

1. Educational and methodical publications should have an up-to-date focus:

    contain elements of analysis and comparison, generalization of pedagogical experience, taking into account the achievements of modern pedagogical science;

    ensure the connection of the studied material with modern pedagogical science;

    meet the requirements of educational standards.

2. The material must be systematized, presented as simply and clearly as possible.

3. The language of methodological development should be concise, competent, and convincing. The terminology used must comply with the pedagogical (industrial) thesaurus

4. Educational and methodological publications must be reviewed by the cyclic methodological commission and approved by the deputy director for educational work and recommended to teachers for use.

Content Requirements

    Contenteducational and methodical editionshould be clearly related to the theme and purpose.

    Contenteducational and methodical editionshould be such that teachers can obtain information about the most rational organization of the educational process, the effectiveness of methods and methodological techniques, the forms of presentation of educational material, the use of modern technical and information teaching aids.

    Author's (private) methods should not repeat the content of textbooks and curricula, describe the phenomena and technical objects being studied, or highlight issues set forth in general pedagogical literature.

    The material should be systematized, presented as simply and clearly as possible.

    Educational and methodical publicationshould take into account the specific material and technical conditions for the implementation of the educational process, orient the organization of the educational process in the direction of the widespread use of active forms and teaching methods.

    Educational and methodical publicationshould reveal the question "How to teach".

    Educational and methodical publicationshould contain specific materials that a teacher can use in their work (task cards, lesson plans, instructions for laboratory work, chart cards, tests, multi-level tasks, etc.).

    Toeducational publicationa multimedia presentation may be attached.

The presentation should reflect:

    relevance of the chosen topic;

    compliance of the content of the presentation with the topic of the educational and methodical publication;

    compliance of the material with the modern level of development of science and technology;

    correct use of scientific, technical, methodological and other terminology;

    illustrative presentation material;

    readability and text design;

    color scheme of the presentation;

    optimal number of slides;

    effectiveness of animation.

The presentation is attached to the educational and methodical publication in electronic form or on paper. The presentation is printed in the form of handouts, 2 slides per A4 sheet. It should be borne in mind that a color image enhances the efficiency of perception. The presentation is carried out in the programs installed on the computers of the technical school.

Structure Requirements

General structure:

1. Cover

2. Title page

3. Reverse side of the title page

4. Content

5. List of symbols (if necessary);

6. Introduction

7. The main part, divided into chapters (if necessary - into paragraphs and


8. Conclusion

9. Dictionary /if required/

10. Bibliographic list

11. List of electronic resources

12. Application

The cover is optional.

Title page is the first page of the publication, is filled out according to strictly defined rules and includes:

    the full name of the educational institution - in the upper part;

    the title of the topic, the type of material (methodical development, description of experience, program, etc.) - in the middle part;

    place and year of job description - at the bottom

Title reflects the object of the educational and methodical publication (name). The name is printed in capital letters.

Subtitle is the type of document or type of publication. It is printed in lowercase letters, except for the first capital. It is allowed to first indicate the type of document (guidelines, teaching aids, methodological development or others), and then the academic discipline or course to which it belongs. Other necessary, in the opinion of the author, data can also be given.

Reverse side of title page contains in order: surname and initials of the author(s), title of the work, place of publication, year of publication, number of pages.

Below is a summary of the work (abstract), consisting of three to five sentences, which indicates what problem the educational and methodical publication is devoted to, what questions it reveals, to whom it may be useful. Further, the cyclic commission is indicated, at the meeting of which the work was considered, a recommendation is given for its application, the date of the commission meeting, the protocol number, and the signature of the chairman of the commission. Also below is the surname and initials of the reviewer(s) (if there is a review).

An example of the design of the title page and the reverse side of the title page are given inAppendix 1 .

The content is placed after the title page.


The concept of "CONTENT" is written as a heading symmetrically to the text in capital letters. Content headings should exactly match the headings in the text. It is impossible to reduce or give them in a different wording, sequence and subordination compared to the headings in the text. Headings of the same rubrication levels should be placed under each other. All headings start with a capital letter without a dot at the end. The last word of each heading is connected by a dot to the corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents. The content also includes a list of applications.

The table of contents can be placed at the beginning of the educational and methodical publication - after the title page, or at the end of the educational and methodical publication - after the list of references.( Annex 2 ).

Introduction (foreword, explanatory note - no more than 0.1% of the volume of development).

The function of this section is to substantiate the reasons why the author proposes to act in one way or another, to reveal the logic of presentation, to argue the approach to getting out of a problem situation in the pedagogical process, etc. In fact, this is an introduction to the main part, so here it is necessary to clearly state its key points, to state in more detail the argumentation of the main positions of the author. So, the task of the introduction is to explain and justify.

The introduction should show:

1) the relevance and significance of this educational and methodological publication;

2) the degree of development of this problem in the scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature;

3) educational and practical or scientific value;

4) an explanation of what place this publication occupies (proposed goal and objectives) in this course of study and system of professional training;

5) special attention in the introduction is paid to the educational purpose of the work, that is, an explanation of what knowledge, skills, abilities should be acquired by the user as a result of working with the proposed educational and methodological publication.

The introduction can also briefly present the logical structure of the educational publication or the general principle of working with it.

Main part.

The main part should be devoted to solving the tasks set in the introduction and fully reveal the essence of the educational and methodological publication.

Conclusion (1-2 pages) of the educational and methodical publication is not just a list of the results obtained, but their final synthesis, i.e. the formulation of the new that the author has introduced in solving the problem. The conclusion should not be replaced by a mechanical summation of conclusions.

Dictionary (if required) - special words (characteristic of any type of activity) and their meaning are indicated, which the author uses when writing an educational and methodical publication, in order to explain their meaning to readers.

Bibliographic list is one of the essential parts and reflects the independent creative work of the author. It indicates the entire list of literature (printed, periodicals) used by the author to write an educational and methodical publication.Citations and data should have links to sources.

The content of information about sources should correspond to the examples according toAnnex 3.

List of electronic resources - a list of electronic sources is indicated (Internet addresses, video, audio disks, electronic encyclopedias, etc.).

Application (technological documents, drawings, tables, etc.) - this is a part of the main text, which has an additional (usually reference) value, but is necessary for a more complete coverage of the material.Applicationsare drawn up on separate sheets.


Availability of an external review necessary for working curricula, which are approved by the deputy director for educational work of the technical school. External reviews are carried out by leading teachers of technical schools, colleges, specialists from universities, enterprises of the corresponding profile. The presence of internal reviews is necessary for all other types of educational and methodical publications in case of their submission to competitions, for publication in periodicals, i.e. for further widespread use. This type of review can be performed by experienced technical school teachers.

The review should contain: the name of the topic and the author of the educational and methodical publication; mention of the quantitative volume of the text part and the number of applications; a short list of the main issues outlined in the peer-reviewed work; obligatory characterization of the content in terms of its relevance; a list of positive aspects and main shortcomings, an assessment of the real significance of the educational and methodical publication; a conclusion about the innovation of the work performed and the possibility of using it in the educational process for teachers or students; position and place of work of the reviewer, his signature.

The review is attached to the educational and methodical edition.

Requirements for the text part

    The text of the work is carried out on a PC.

    All pages of the text must correspond to a single A4 or A5 format. The volume of the educational and methodical edition should exceed 15 sheets.

    The text should be placed on one side of a sheet of paper with the following margins: A4 format - left - 3.0 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top - 2.0 cm, bottom - 2.0 cm in a text editorWordfont number 12TimesNewRoman, line spacing 1.15 or 1.5, alignment to the page width.

    Page numbering: the pages of the text are numbered with Arabic numerals, following the continuous numbering throughout the text; the title page, as well as the table of contents, are included in the general numbering of the pages of the text. However, the page number does not appear on either the title page or the table of contents; page numbering is put down, starting with the "Introduction", which is located on the third (fourth) page.

    Chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs, subparagraphs of the text are numbered with Arabic numerals with a dot, for example: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1. etc.

    Introduction, main chapters, conclusion, bibliography, supporting indexes and appendices should start on a new page and have a heading printed in capital letters. Paragraphs, paragraphs and subparagraphs are arranged in order one after another.

    Headings of structural elements of the text should be placed in the middle of the line without a dot at the end, without underlining.Word wrapping is not allowed. The distance between headings and text should be at least 2-3 intervals. Heading fonts of structural elements of different levels (chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs, subparagraphs) must be of the same type.

The most common errors:

    dots are put after headings, names of tables and appendices;

    A3 format can only be used when designing applications.

Application design

In cases where graphs, tables and other material are too voluminous, also inappropriate in the text, but carry additional semantic information, they must be placed in applications.

Applications are intended to facilitate the perception of the content of the work and may include:

    materials that supplement the text; auxiliary illustrations;

    characteristics of materials and tools used in the performance of work;

    questionnaires and methods (including instructions; stimulus material, answer forms, keys and interpretive materials);

    test reports, response sheets and forms filled in by the test subjects, etc.;

    auxiliary data tables; intermediate formulas and calculations.

Application submission rules

    Applications are placed at the end of the methodological development.

    Each application should start on a new page and have a meaningful title.

    Applications are numbered in Arabic numerals by serial numbering.

    The application number is placed in the upper right corner above the heading after the word "Application" after this inscription, a dot is not put.

    Applications should have a common with the rest of the educational and methodical edition of continuous pagination.

    All applications in the main part of the methodological development should have the same type of references.

    Applications that are stimulus material allow the use of color printing and the use of various fonts.

Federal State Professional Educational Institution

"Kineshma technological boarding school"

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation


Methodical development of an open lesson by discipline: ______________________________________________________

code and name of discipline

Considered at the CMC meeting


commission name

CMC Chairman:

_______ / __________________ /

signature Full name

Developed by teacher:


Full name

Kineshma 20__ .



At the meeting of the CMC ___________________________

Protocol No. _____ dated "___" _______________ 20__

Chairman of the CMC ________ / full name /

Name of the author."Job title". Methodical development of an open lesson in the discipline ""

annotation (3-4 sentences)

Federal State Professional Educational Institution

"Kineshma technological boarding school"

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation


Methodical development of a class hour

Designed cool

team leader ____


Full name

Kineshma 20__ .



Deputy Director for BP

_______ / ________________ /

"____" _______________ 20__

annotation (3-4 sentences)

.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... - Kineshma, FKPOU "KTTI" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, 20__.

Annex 2


Application................................................. ................................................. .............

Annex 3

Source Design Examples

Ioffe, I.L. Design of processes and apparatuses of chemical technology: a textbook for secondary vocational schools / I.L. Ioffe. - L.: Chemistry, 1991. - 352 p.

Baranov, D.A. Processes and devices: a textbook for secondary schools / D.A. Baranov, A.M. Kutepov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. – M.ACADEMIA, 2005. - 304 p.

Scobli, A.I. Processes and devices of the oil refining and petrochemical industry: a textbook for universities / A.I. Skoblo, I.A. Tregubova, Yu.K. Molokanov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Chemistry, 1982. – 584 p.

Installation of technological equipment for oil refineries and petrochemical plants: account. manual for technical schools / I.S. Goldenberg, L.Ya. Byzer, V.M. Ashmyan and others - M .: Chemistry, 1967. - 380 p.

Edited by

Calculation and design of machines and apparatus for chemical production. Examples and tasks: account. allowance for higher educational institutions / Under the general. ed. M.F. Mikhalev. - L .: Mechanical engineering; Leningrad branch, 1984. -

302 p.

Multi-volume edition

Anuryev, V.I. Handbook of the designer-machine builder. In 3 volumes / V.I. Anuryev; ed. I.N. Rigid. - 8th ed., revised. and additional - M .: Mashinostroenie, 2001.

Single volume in a multi-volume edition

Oil equipment. In 6 volumes. V.4. Equipment and apparatus for oil refining: catalogue-reference book / Ed. by D.D. Abakumovsky, F.P. Smurov. - M .: State. scientific and technical publishing house of oil and mining literature, 1959. - 294 p.

Digest of articles

Improving the methods of hydraulic calculations of culverts and treatment facilities: interuniversity scientific collection / Ed. ed L.I. Vysotsky. - Saratov: SGTU, 2002. - 98 p.

Standard. under the heading

STB 5.3.-2003. National certification system of the Republic of Belarus. The procedure for certification of dry cleaning and dyeing services. - Input. 01.11.03. – Minsk: BelGISS; Gosstandart of Belarus, 2003 - 20 p.

Collection of standards

System of labor safety standards. - M.: Publishing house of standards, 2002. - 102 p. – (Interstate standards). – Contents: 16 docs.


Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels: approved. Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR 11/27/87: obligatory. for all mass-in, departments, enterprises and org. - M.: Metallurgy, 1989. - 154 p. - In the overhead: Mrs. USSR committee for supervision of safe work in the pr-ty and mining supervision (Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR).

Magazine article

Makarov, V.M. New machines and devices. Research. Calculations [Text] / V.M. Makarov // Chemical and oil engineering. - 1992. - No. 12. - S. 2 - 5.

Newspaper article

Belyi, S. Electric power industry of Belarus: present and future / S. Bely // Republicanlika. - 2005. - No. 126. - p.6.

Abstracts of reports and materials of conferences

Modern methods of machine design. Calculation, design and manufacturing technology: Proceedings of the First International Conference, Minsk, December 11-13, 2002 / Ed. ed. P.A. Vityaz. - Minsk: Technoprint, 2002. - 123 p.

Tutorial considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only a part (several sections) of an exemplary program. Unlike a textbook, a manual may include not only proven, generally accepted knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on a particular issue.

The manual may contain different types of educational and methodological materials: printed publications, digital educational tools, specialized Internet sites for learning, etc.

When developing a teaching aid, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the subject/discipline.

1. The manual, as a rule, is developed according to the subject / discipline of the curricula, including the regional component.

2. The title of the manual should contain the name of the subject / discipline.

3. Priority is given to benefits:

o using innovative teaching methods (modular teaching principle, use of a point-rating system, competency-based approach, etc.);

o included in the educational and methodological complex in the subject / discipline.

The required elements are:

1) title page;

3) introduction;

4) the main part of the document;

5) conclusion;

6) list of sources used;

7) lists of symbols, abbreviations and terms;

8) applications.

The title page serves as the cover of the document and should contain the following information:

1. Name of the parent organization.

2. Name of the organization where the work was performed.

3. Name of work: teaching aid.

4. Topic (by subject/discipline).

6. Settlement and year of work.

introduction, titles of all chapters of sections, subsections, paragraphs (if they have titles), conclusion, list of sources used, applications (if any).

Introduction should contain a brief assessment of the state of the issue under study, the problems and relevance of the chosen topic, the goals and objectives of the research, the object and subject of research, the methods, techniques and technologies used, and an assessment of practical significance. The volume of the introduction should be no more than 3-5 pages of printed text.

AT main part provide data reflecting the essence and basic material on the subject/discipline under consideration.

The main part should contain:

Substantiation of the chosen topic (direction of research), methods for solving the problem in the subject/discipline under study;

The process of theoretical or experimental research, including the principles of operation of the developed programs and their characteristics;

Generalization and evaluation of research results, including evaluation of the completeness of the solution of the problem.

Conclusion should contain brief conclusions on the results of the studies performed and an assessment of the completeness of the solution of the tasks set.

List of sources used (literatures, websites, etc.) must be compiled in accordance with the provision "General requirements and rules for compiling a bibliography" and contain bibliographic information about literary sources.

Applications may include

Ancillary illustrations;

Instructions and methods developed in the course of the work;

Tables of auxiliary digital data.

The work must be logically sustained, in compliance with a single style of presentation, as well as spelling, syntactic, stylistic literacy.

Compliance with general didactic principles

The educational and methodological manual should be created taking into account the following didactic principles: personality-oriented, activity-oriented, functional, scientific, systematic, accessible, developmental learning, continuity, as well as taking into account the communicative-cognitive and socio-cultural approaches to the study of the subject / discipline.

The developed content of training should be focused on education, upbringing and development personalities student.

personal the meaning of the content, in particular, can be expressed in:

Taking into account the age characteristics of students, their interests, opportunities, needs, in the selection of subject content that correlates with the real problems of students;

Opportunities to choose the level (basic or profile) at which the subject / discipline is studied;

Taking into account the professional aspirations of students, their needs for self-determination;

Formulation of requirements for the preparation of students.

Need continuity with the goals and content of training.

Compliance of the goals, objectives and content of the educational and methodological manual with regulatory documents

Teaching and methodological materials of the manual must comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education / the Federal State Standard for the professions of NGOs and SPO and ensure the achievement of the goals of education.

Development communicative competence in the aggregate of its components - socio-cultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive:

sociocultural competence - expanding the scope of knowledge about the socio-cultural specifics of the subject / discipline being studied, corresponding to the experience, interests, psychological characteristics of students;

compensatory competence improving the skills to get out of the situation in the face of a lack of knowledge in the subject / discipline, including in profile-oriented situations of communication;

educational and cognitive competence - further development of general and special educational skills that allow improving learning activities in mastering the subject / discipline being studied, increasing its productivity, and also using the subject / discipline being studied in order to continue education and self-education, including within the chosen profile. Acquaintance with the methods and techniques available to students for independent study of a subject/discipline, including the use of new information technologies.

Development and education ability to personal and professional self-determination of students, their social adaptation; formation of an active life position as a citizen and patriot, as well as a subject of intercultural interaction; the development of national self-consciousness, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different communities, a tolerant attitude towards manifestations of a different culture; development of such personal qualities as a culture of communication, the ability to work in cooperation; development of the ability and readiness for independent study of the subject / discipline; acquisition of experience in creative activity of design and research work using the subject/discipline being studied, including in line with the chosen profile.

Formation of general educational skills, skills and methods of activity

One of the main goals of the modern education system is the formation of skills to work with information, the formation of critical and creative thinking.

Thus, the most important direction in training is the orientation towards the formation of skills in working with information (search for additional information, its analysis, assessment of the significance for solving the problem, generalization, conclusions, forecasting further development, etc.). The manual may provide for special tasks designed for joint activities in small cooperation groups, search for additional information indicating the relevant Internet resources, tasks for organizing discussions, project activities, including telecommunications of various types, including international telecommunications projects, research activities , tasks designed to organize a situational analysis, as well as recommendations in order to form the ability to reflect.

Orientation to the formation of information culture of students

The created teaching aid should be focused on the formation and development of the information culture of students. This implies increased attention to the development of communicative-cognitive skills, such as:

Independently and motivated to organize cognitive activity (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result);

Participate in project activities and conduct educational and research work;

Search for the necessary information on a given topic in sources of various types, including the Internet;

Extract the necessary information from sources created in various sign systems (text, table, graph, audiovisual series, etc.);

Transfer information from one sign system to another (from text to table, from audiovisual series to text, etc.);

Separate essential information from non-essential information;

Critically evaluate the reliability of perceived information;

To convey the content of information adequately to the goal

(concise, complete, selective);

Expanded, argued to substantiate their judgments, give definitions, provide evidence, illustrate them with examples;

Create material for oral presentations using multimedia technologies.

Rational combination of traditional and digital learning tools

Brief description of the traditional teaching materials of the manual

Component of educational and methodological materials of the manual

Requirements for the component of educational and methodological materials of the manual

to the component of educational and methodological materials of the manual

Teaching materials for the manual:

1) allowance

To be a detailed program of work, built taking into account general didactic principles and requirements for the educational process in the subject;

Represent all components of the system (goals, content, teaching methods and techniques;

Combine information,

motivational, organizational-planning, communicative and controlling functions;

Organize and financially provide a lesson / lesson;

Visually present to students the material they are studying, activate the visual and motor channels of perception of students, have a positive emotional impact, taking into account the psychological characteristics of students;

Be appropriate to the age of students in form and content;

Create opportunities for level differentiation and individualization of education due to the variety of materials involved;

Select material for mandatory assimilation;

Manage the activities of the teacher and the student, while ensuring the flexibility of management, leaving room for their creativity;

Materials may contain additional tasks for all communication skills

The quality of the teaching aidevaluated by experts on the following indicators:

Name of evaluation criteria

Criteria scores

The relevance of the chosen topic, the originality of the work, the novelty of ideas and

ways, ways of their development. The value (practical value) of the work, taking into account the specifics of local conditions, the goals and objectives of the educational process, the contingent of students (pupils) and other factors.

The scientific nature and reliability of development methods, the argumentation of the main provisions, taking into account the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and periodicals on research problems both abroad and in Russia.

Leading theoretical, pedagogical ideas, interdisciplinary connections in content; the degree of scientific and practical significance; use of modern scientific and pedagogical approaches, information technologies, manufacturability of the manual (accessibility for use in pedagogical practice)

Perspective and practical significance of the work (level of completion of the work, target audience). The possibility of using the manual in other educational institutions (the presence of a signature stamp and “recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus”.

Style, literacy of presentation and quality of work design.

Validity and evidence of conclusions in the defense of the teaching aid and answers to questions.


Evaluation when defending a teaching aid assumes a maximum score (10) for each of the evaluation points; when attesting for the first qualification category, the sum of points should not be less than 42 (at least 7 points for each item). The score when defending a teaching aid during certification for the highest qualification category should not be less than 48 (at least 8 points for each item).

Cheboksary 2013

Compiled by:

Head of the Department of Documentation Support for Management and Methodological Work of the State Archive of the Modern History of the Chuvash Republic of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia

1. Introduction

2. The structure of the methodological manual………………………………

3. Registration of a methodological manual …………………………..

2.2.10. The text of the methodological manual is divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs.

Sections, subsections and paragraphs should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Sections should be numbered sequentially within the entire text of the methodological manual, with the exception of applications.

Subsections are numbered with Arabic numerals within each section. The subsection number consists of the section number and subsection separated by a dot.

Items are numbered with Arabic numerals within each subsection. The number of the item consists of the number of the section, subsection, item, separated by a dot.

The subparagraph number includes the number of the section, subsection of the paragraph and the serial number of the subparagraph, separated by a dot.

After the number of the section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph in the text of the document, a dot is not put.

If a section or subsection consists of one paragraph, it is also numbered.

Each paragraph or subparagraph is printed from a paragraph.

2.2.11. Sections and subsections should have headings. Items usually do not have headings.

Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections, subsections. Headings are printed in capital letters without a dot at the end. Headings are centered in the text.

Word hyphenation in headings is not allowed.


3.1. A bibliographic link is part of the reference apparatus and serves as a source of bibliographic information about documents. It contains bibliographic information about another document cited, considered or mentioned in the text of the document, necessary and sufficient for its identification, search and general characteristics. The objects of compiling a bibliographic reference are all types of published and unpublished documents on any media, as well as component parts of documents.

3.2. By location in the document, the following types of bibliographic references are distinguished:

3.2.1. Inline, placed in the text of the document.

3.2.2. Interlinear, removed from the text to the bottom of the document strip (in a footnote).

3.2.3. Beyond the text, taken out of the text of the document or part of it (into a callout).

3.3. When repeating references to the same object, the following types of bibliographic references are distinguished:

3.3.1. Primary, in which bibliographic information is given for the first time in this document.

3.3.2. Repeated, in which the previously indicated bibliographic information is repeated in an abbreviated form.

3.3. The rules for the presentation of elements of a bibliographic description, the use of prescribed punctuation marks, regardless of the purpose of the reference, are carried out in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 SIBID Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling and GOST 7.82-2001 SIBID. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compilation.

3.4. An intra-text bibliographic reference contains information about the reference object that is not included in the text of the document. An in-text bibliographic reference is enclosed in parentheses, for example,

(Methodological recommendations for funding documents in the state and municipal archives of the Russian Federation. M. VNIIDAD, 2006. P. 12 - 20).

3.5. A subscript bibliographic reference is drawn up as a note taken out of the text of the document to the bottom of the page, for example:

, Ryskov documents in management. M., 2008.

When numbering subscript bibliographic references, a uniform order is used for the entire document - continuous numbering throughout the text, within each chapter, section, part, etc., or for a given page of the document.

The set of off-text bibliographic references is drawn up as a list of bibliographic records placed after the text of the document or its component part. The set of out-of-text bibliographic references is not a bibliographic list or index, which, as a rule, is placed after the text of the document and has independent value as a bibliographic aid. When numbering off-text bibliographic references, continuous numbering is used for the entire text of the document as a whole or for individual chapters, sections, parts, etc.

To link with the text of the document, the serial number of the bibliographic entry in the post-text reference is indicated in the callout sign, which is typed on the top line of the font, or in the reference, which is given in square brackets in the line with the text of the document.

3.7. When compiling a bibliographic description, the norms of modern spelling should be observed. The first word of each description element begins with an uppercase letter. The use of capital letters in other cases is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Russian literary language. The names of scientific works, books, collections, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses are not enclosed in quotation marks. Abbreviations of individual words and phrases are carried out in accordance with the current rules.

3.8. Registration of separate elements of the bibliographic reference.

Unambiguous qualitative numerals, if they do not have units of measurement, they are written in words, for example:

ten units of storage, etc.

Ordinal numbers that make up a word written in numbers, for example:

30 year period etc.

Conditional graphic abbreviations are written with dots at the place of the abbreviation, for example:

i.e., etc., etc., etc.

Quote text is enclosed in quotation marks and begins with an uppercase letter. If the quote reproduces only part of the sentence of the quoted text, then an ellipsis is placed after the opening quotes.


The methodological manual reveals uniform requirements for the design of methodological manuals, compliance with which allows compilers to prepare high-quality documents.


Ministry of Culture, Nationalities and

archives of the Chuvash Republic

Budget institution of the Chuvash Republic

"State archive of modern history of the Chuvash Republic"


Cheboksary 2013

Compiled by:

Leading Methodologist of the Department of Documentation Support for Management and Methodological Work of the State Archive of the Modern History of the Chuvash Republic of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia

Registration of teaching aids

Methodological recommendations "Designing methodological aids (recommendations, manuals, developments, etc.)" are intended for employees and specialists of state and municipal archives involved in compiling methodological aids in order to determine uniform requirements for the design of methodological aids. The Methodological Recommendations describe the requirements for the design of various parts of the methodological manual.


1. General Provisions…………………………………………………………………

2. Documentation of organizations……………………………………………………….

3. Rules for the preparation and execution of documents………………………………………

4. Documentation of management activities……………………………..

5. Forms of documents…………………………………………………………………

6. Registration of details of documents………………………………………………….

7. Features of the preparation and execution of certain types of service

documents. Drafting and execution of personal documents…………………………

8. Making documents using computer technology. Replication of documents………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Registration and accounting of documents, building search engines……………………

10 Registration of documents……………………………………………………………….

11. Building search engines……………………………………………………………

12. Organization of document flow………………………………………………………..

13. Registration and accounting of incoming documents……………………………………

14. The order of passage and execution of documents……………………………………

15. Registration and accounting of sent documents………………………………………

16. Registration and organization of the movement of internal documents……………………

17. Accounting for the volume of document flow………………………………………………………

18. Work with citizens' appeals………………………………………………………

19. Control of execution of documents……………………………………………………

Electronic resources:

3. http:// rudocs. /docs/index-59225.html / Guidelines "Rules for the design of methodological developments of teachers" / FGOU VPO "Southern Federal University" - Rostov-on-Don. 2011.

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